/* Copyright (C) 2016 Alexander Borisov This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Author: lex.borisov@gmail.com (Alexander Borisov) */ #include "mycss/mycss.h" #include "mycss/tokenizer_resource.h" mycss_t * mycss_create(void) { return (mycss_t*)mycore_calloc(1, sizeof(mycss_t)); } mystatus_t mycss_init(mycss_t* mycss) { mystatus_t status = mycss_tokenizer_state_init(mycss); if(status != MyCSS_STATUS_OK) return status; return MyCSS_STATUS_OK; } mycss_t * mycss_destroy(mycss_t* mycss, bool self_destroy) { if(mycss == NULL) return NULL; mycss_tokenizer_state_destroy(mycss); if(self_destroy) { mycore_free(mycss); return NULL; } return mycss; } mystatus_t mycss_parse(mycss_entry_t* entry, myencoding_t encoding, const char* css, size_t css_size) { mycss_entry_clean(entry); /* set parser */ entry->parser = mycss_parser_token; /* stylesheet */ entry->stylesheet = mycss_stylesheet_create(); mycss_stylesheet_init(entry->stylesheet, entry); /* and parse css */ mycss_encoding_set(entry, encoding); mystatus_t status = mycss_tokenizer_chunk(entry, css, css_size); if(status != MyCSS_STATUS_OK) return status; status = mycss_tokenizer_end(entry); return status; } mystatus_t mycss_parse_chunk(mycss_entry_t* entry, const char* css, size_t css_size) { if(entry->type & MyCSS_ENTRY_TYPE_END) { mycss_entry_clean_all(entry); } /* create and init new Result */ if(entry->stylesheet == NULL) { entry->stylesheet = mycss_stylesheet_create(); mycss_stylesheet_init(entry->stylesheet, entry); } return mycss_tokenizer_chunk(entry, css, css_size); } mystatus_t mycss_parse_chunk_end(mycss_entry_t* entry) { mystatus_t status = mycss_tokenizer_end(entry); mycss_entry_end(entry); return status; } // token size_t mycss_token_position(mycss_token_t* token, size_t *return_length) { if(return_length) *return_length = token->length; return token->begin; } size_t mycss_token_begin(mycss_token_t* token) { return token->begin; } size_t mycss_token_length(mycss_token_t* token) { return token->length; } mycss_token_type_t mycss_token_type(mycss_token_t* token) { return token->type; } const char * mycss_token_name_by_type(mycss_token_type_t type) { if(type >= MyCSS_TOKEN_TYPE_LAST_ENTRY) return mycss_token_type_description[MyCSS_TOKEN_TYPE_LAST_ENTRY]; return mycss_token_type_description[type]; } size_t mycss_token_data_to_string(mycss_entry_t* entry, mycss_token_t* token, mycore_string_t* str, bool init_string, bool case_insensitive) { if(init_string) mycore_string_init(entry->mchar, entry->mchar_node_id, str, (token->length + 4)); mycss_string_res_t out_res; mycss_string_res_clean(&out_res); out_res.encoding = entry->encoding; out_res.case_insensitive = case_insensitive; mycore_incoming_buffer_t *buffer = mycore_incoming_buffer_find_by_position(entry->current_buffer, token->begin); size_t relative_begin = token->begin - buffer->offset; // if token data length in one buffer then print them all at once if((relative_begin + token->length) <= buffer->size) { mycss_string_data_process(str, &buffer->data[relative_begin], 0, token->length, &out_res); mycss_string_data_process_end(str, &out_res); return token->length; } // if the data are spread across multiple buffers that join them size_t length = token->length; while(buffer) { if((relative_begin + length) > buffer->size) { size_t relative_end = (buffer->size - relative_begin); length -= relative_end; mycss_string_data_process(str, buffer->data, relative_begin, relative_end, &out_res); relative_begin = 0; buffer = buffer->next; } else { mycss_string_data_process(str, &buffer->data[relative_begin], 0, length, &out_res); break; } } mycss_string_data_process_end(str, &out_res); return token->length; } mycore_incoming_buffer_t * mycss_token_buffer_first(mycss_entry_t* entry, mycss_token_t* token) { return mycore_incoming_buffer_find_by_position(entry->current_buffer, token->begin); } // encoding void mycss_encoding_set(mycss_entry_t* entry, myencoding_t encoding) { entry->encoding = encoding; } myencoding_t mycss_encoding_get(mycss_entry_t* entry) { return entry->encoding; } myencoding_t mycss_encoding_check_charset_rule(const char* css, size_t size) { if(size < 15) return MyENCODING_UTF_8; if(strncmp("@charset \"", css, 10)) return MyENCODING_UTF_8; size_t begin = 10; size_t length = begin; while(length < size) { if(css[length] == '"') { ++length; if(length >= size || css[length] != ';') return MyENCODING_UTF_8; size_t name_len = (length - begin) - 1; myencoding_t encoding; if(myencoding_by_name(&css[begin], name_len, &encoding)) return encoding; break; } ++length; } return MyENCODING_UTF_8; }