/* Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Alexander Borisov This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Author: lex.borisov@gmail.com (Alexander Borisov) */ #include "mycss/an_plus_b.h" #include "mycore/utils/resources.h" mycss_an_plus_b_t * mycss_an_plus_b_create(void) { return (mycss_an_plus_b_t*)mycore_calloc(1, sizeof(mycss_an_plus_b_t)); } mystatus_t mycss_an_plus_b_init(mycss_entry_t* entry, mycss_an_plus_b_t* anb) { return MyCSS_STATUS_OK; } mystatus_t mycss_an_plus_b_clean_all(mycss_an_plus_b_t* anb) { return MyCSS_STATUS_OK; } mycss_an_plus_b_t * mycss_an_plus_b_destroy(mycss_an_plus_b_t* anb, bool self_destroy) { if(anb == NULL) return NULL; if(self_destroy) { mycore_free(anb); return NULL; } return anb; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// An+B Entry //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mycss_an_plus_b_entry_t * mycss_an_plus_b_entry_create(mycss_entry_t* entry) { return (mycss_an_plus_b_entry_t*)mchar_async_malloc(entry->mchar, entry->mchar_value_node_id, sizeof(mycss_an_plus_b_entry_t)); } void mycss_an_plus_b_entry_clean_all(mycss_an_plus_b_entry_t* anb_entry) { memset(anb_entry, 0, sizeof(mycss_an_plus_b_entry_t)); } mycss_an_plus_b_entry_t * mycss_an_plus_b_entry_destroy(mycss_entry_t* entry, mycss_an_plus_b_entry_t* anb_entry, bool self_destroy) { if(anb_entry == NULL) return NULL; if(self_destroy) { mchar_async_free(entry->mchar, entry->mchar_value_node_id, (char*)anb_entry); return NULL; } return anb_entry; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// An+B Parser //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void mycss_an_plus_b_parser_expectations_error(mycss_entry_t* entry) { mycss_an_plus_b_current_entry(entry)->is_broken = true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// An+B Serialization //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void mycss_an_plus_b_serialization(mycss_an_plus_b_entry_t* anb_entry, mycore_callback_serialize_f callback, void* context) { char data[512]; if(anb_entry->a != 0) { int len = snprintf(data, 512, "%ld", anb_entry->a); if(len > 0) callback(data, (size_t)len, context); } callback("n", 1, context); if(anb_entry->b != 0) { if(anb_entry->b >= 0) callback("+", 1, context); int len = snprintf(data, 512, "%ld", anb_entry->b); if(len > 0) callback(data, (size_t)len, context); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// An+B State //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_begin(mycss_entry_t* entry, mycss_token_t* token, bool last_response) { mycss_an_plus_b_entry_t *anb_entry = mycss_an_plus_b_entry_create(entry); mycss_an_plus_b_entry_clean_all(anb_entry); *entry->anb->entry = anb_entry; return mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb(entry, token, true); } bool mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb(mycss_entry_t* entry, mycss_token_t* token, bool last_response) { mycss_an_plus_b_entry_t *anb_entry = mycss_an_plus_b_current_entry(entry); switch (token->type) { case MyCSS_TOKEN_TYPE_WHITESPACE: break; case MyCSS_TOKEN_TYPE_IDENT: { mycore_string_t str; mycss_token_data_to_string(entry, token, &str, true, false); if(mycore_strncasecmp(str.data, "-n-", 3) == 0) { anb_entry->a = -1; if(str.length == 3) { anb_entry->b = -1; entry->parser = mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n_hyphen; mycore_string_destroy(&str, false); return true; } /* -n-* */ size_t len = str.length - 2; if(mycss_convert_data_to_integer(&str.data[2], len, &anb_entry->b) != len) { /* parse error */ anb_entry->is_broken = true; } MyCORE_DEBUG("mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_hyphen_n_hyphen_asterisk_end"); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; } else if(mycore_strncasecmp(str.data, "-n", 2) == 0) { MyCORE_DEBUG("mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_hyphen_n_end"); anb_entry->a = -1; if(str.length == 2) { entry->parser = mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n; mycore_string_destroy(&str, false); return true; } size_t len = str.length - 2; if(mycss_convert_data_to_integer(&str.data[2], len, &anb_entry->b) != len) { /* parse error */ anb_entry->is_broken = true; } entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; } else if(mycore_strncasecmp(str.data, "n-", 2) == 0) { anb_entry->a = 1; if(str.length == 2) { entry->parser = mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n_hyphen; mycore_string_destroy(&str, false); return true; } size_t len = str.length - 1; if(mycss_convert_data_to_integer(&str.data[1], len, &anb_entry->b) != len) { /* parse error */ anb_entry->is_broken = true; } MyCORE_DEBUG("mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_n"); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; } else if(mycore_strncasecmp(str.data, "n", 1) == 0) { anb_entry->a = 1; if(str.length == 1) { entry->parser = mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n; mycore_string_destroy(&str, false); return true; } size_t len = str.length - 1; if(mycss_convert_data_to_integer(&str.data[1], len, &anb_entry->b) != len) { /* parse error */ anb_entry->is_broken = true; } MyCORE_DEBUG("mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_n"); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; } else if(mycore_strcasecmp(str.data, "even") == 0) { anb_entry->a = 2; anb_entry->b = 0; MyCORE_DEBUG("mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_e_v_e_n"); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; } else if(mycore_strcasecmp(str.data, "odd") == 0) { anb_entry->a = 2; anb_entry->b = 1; MyCORE_DEBUG("mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_o_d_d"); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; } else { mycore_string_destroy(&str, false); mycss_an_plus_b_parser_expectations_error(entry); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; return false; } mycore_string_destroy(&str, false); break; } case MyCSS_TOKEN_TYPE_DELIM: { if(*token->data == '+') { anb_entry->a = 1; entry->parser = mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus; } else { mycss_an_plus_b_parser_expectations_error(entry); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; return false; } break; } case MyCSS_TOKEN_TYPE_NUMBER: { mycore_string_t str; mycss_token_data_to_string(entry, token, &str, true, false); mycss_convert_data_to_integer(str.data, str.length, &anb_entry->b); mycore_string_destroy(&str, false); MyCORE_DEBUG("mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_number"); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; break; } case MyCSS_TOKEN_TYPE_DIMENSION: { mycore_string_t str; mycss_token_data_to_string(entry, token, &str, true, false); size_t consumed_len = mycss_convert_data_to_integer(str.data, str.length, &anb_entry->a); if(mycore_strncasecmp(&str.data[consumed_len], "n-", 2) == 0) { size_t rem = str.length - consumed_len; if(rem == 2) { entry->parser = mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n_hyphen; mycore_string_destroy(&str, false); return true; } rem -= 1; if(mycss_convert_data_to_integer(&str.data[(consumed_len + 1)], rem, &anb_entry->b) != rem) { /* parse error */ anb_entry->is_broken = true; } MyCORE_DEBUG("mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_n_hyphen_asterisk_end"); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; } else if(mycore_strncasecmp(&str.data[consumed_len], "n", 1) == 0) { size_t rem = (str.length - consumed_len) - 1; if(rem == 0) { entry->parser = mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n; mycore_string_destroy(&str, false); return true; } if(mycss_convert_data_to_integer(&str.data[(consumed_len + 1)], rem, &anb_entry->b) != rem) { /* parse error */ anb_entry->is_broken = true; } MyCORE_DEBUG("mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_n_end"); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; } else { mycore_string_destroy(&str, false); mycss_an_plus_b_parser_expectations_error(entry); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; return false; } mycore_string_destroy(&str, false); break; } default: { mycss_an_plus_b_parser_expectations_error(entry); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; return false; } } return true; } bool mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus(mycss_entry_t* entry, mycss_token_t* token, bool last_response) { mycss_an_plus_b_entry_t *anb_entry = mycss_an_plus_b_current_entry(entry); switch (token->type) { case MyCSS_TOKEN_TYPE_IDENT: { mycore_string_t str; mycss_token_data_to_string(entry, token, &str, true, false); if(mycore_strncasecmp(str.data, "n-", 2) == 0) { if(str.length == 2) { entry->parser = mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n_hyphen; mycore_string_destroy(&str, false); return true; } size_t len = str.length - 1; if(mycss_convert_data_to_integer(&str.data[1], len, &anb_entry->b) != len) { /* parse error */ anb_entry->is_broken = true; } MyCORE_DEBUG("mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n_hyphen_asterisk_end"); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; } else if(mycore_strncasecmp(str.data, "n", 1) == 0) { MyCORE_DEBUG("mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n"); entry->parser = mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n; } else { mycore_string_destroy(&str, false); mycss_an_plus_b_parser_expectations_error(entry); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; return false; } mycore_string_destroy(&str, false); break; } default: { mycss_an_plus_b_parser_expectations_error(entry); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; return false; } } return true; } bool mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n_hyphen(mycss_entry_t* entry, mycss_token_t* token, bool last_response) { if(token->type == MyCSS_TOKEN_TYPE_WHITESPACE) return true; mycss_an_plus_b_entry_t *anb_entry = mycss_an_plus_b_current_entry(entry); if(token->type == MyCSS_TOKEN_TYPE_NUMBER) { /* begin from 0-9 */ if(mycore_string_chars_num_map[ (const unsigned char)(*token->data) ] != 0xff) { mycore_string_t str; mycss_token_data_to_string(entry, token, &str, true, false); long res; mycss_convert_data_to_integer(str.data, str.length, &res); anb_entry->b = -res; MyCORE_DEBUG("mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n_hyphen_zero_hyphen_nine_end"); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; mycore_string_destroy(&str, false); } else { mycss_an_plus_b_parser_expectations_error(entry); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; return false; } } else { mycss_an_plus_b_parser_expectations_error(entry); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; return false; } return true; } bool mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n(mycss_entry_t* entry, mycss_token_t* token, bool last_response) { if(token->type == MyCSS_TOKEN_TYPE_WHITESPACE) return true; mycss_an_plus_b_entry_t *anb_entry = mycss_an_plus_b_current_entry(entry); switch (token->type) { case MyCSS_TOKEN_TYPE_DELIM: { if(*token->data == '+') { entry->parser = mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n_plus; } else if(*token->data == '-') { entry->parser = mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n_hyphen; } else { mycss_an_plus_b_parser_expectations_error(entry); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; return false; } break; } case MyCSS_TOKEN_TYPE_NUMBER: { if(*token->data == '+' || *token->data == '-') { mycore_string_t str; mycss_token_data_to_string(entry, token, &str, true, false); mycss_convert_data_to_integer(str.data, str.length, &anb_entry->b); MyCORE_DEBUG("mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n_begin_plus_vertical_bar_hyphen"); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; mycore_string_destroy(&str, false); } else { mycss_an_plus_b_parser_expectations_error(entry); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; return false; } break; } default: { entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; return false; } } return true; } bool mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n_plus(mycss_entry_t* entry, mycss_token_t* token, bool last_response) { if(token->type == MyCSS_TOKEN_TYPE_WHITESPACE) return true; mycss_an_plus_b_entry_t *anb_entry = mycss_an_plus_b_current_entry(entry); if(token->type == MyCSS_TOKEN_TYPE_NUMBER) { /* begin from 0-9 */ if(mycore_string_chars_num_map[ (const unsigned char)(*token->data) ] != 0xff) { mycore_string_t str; mycss_token_data_to_string(entry, token, &str, true, false); mycss_convert_data_to_integer(str.data, str.length, &anb_entry->b); MyCORE_DEBUG("mycss_an_plus_b_state_anb_plus_n_plus_zero_hyphen_nine_end"); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; mycore_string_destroy(&str, false); } else { mycss_an_plus_b_parser_expectations_error(entry); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; return false; } } else { mycss_an_plus_b_parser_expectations_error(entry); entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; return false; } return true; }