- CMake should be used from Android SDK. Personally I had issues using CMake from my OS (Ubuntu) - minimum version of Android NDK must be 15c, as build target API level 26 is not supported on earlier releases - removed ABIs that are unsupported in recent NDK and also not build by default @akallabeth thank you for pointing out that I was using the wrong CMake version.
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The FreeRDP Android port consists of three parts:
* Android Java GUI (client/Android/Studio)
* FreeRDP library and its dependencies
* JNI bindings (client/Android/android_freerdp.c
and client/Android/Studio/freeRDPCore/src/main/java/com/freerdp/freerdpcore/services/LibFreeRDP.java)
Build requirements
For the Android port some additional dependencies need to be fulfilled:
* for JNI
- CMake >= 3.0 (install CMake from Android SDK. It is part of the SDK Tools)
- Android NDK (>= r15c)
* for the Java GUI
- Android SDK
FreeRDP requires openssl libraries for building but they are not part of the
Android NDK and therefore they need to be prebuild manually.
For jpeg support https://github.com/akallabeth/jpeg8d has been tested and used.
However, any other static builds should work as well.
Build native libraries:
From the project root run the build script
./scripts/android-build-freerdp.sh --ndk <ANDROID_NDK> --sdk <ANDROID_SDK>
Set ANDROID_NDK and ANDROID_SDK to the absolute paths on your machine.
This will fetch sources from git and build OpenSSL, OpenH264, libJPEG.
The native FreeRDP libraries will also be build.
Currently the default script builds for:
* armeabi-v7a
* x86
* arm64-v8a
* x86_64
When the script is finished the libraries are ready for android studio to
be picked up in client/Android/Studio/freeRDPCore/src/main/jniLibs
The default configuration build configuration can be found in
./scripts/android-build.conf and is configured to provide debug builds.
They are limited to API level 21 and above.
If release binaries (and old android API support) are required, build 32 bit architectures with
./scripts/android-build-freerdp.sh --ndk <ANDROID_NDK> --sdk <ANDROID_SDK> --conf ./scripts/android-build-32.conf
and 64 bit architectures with
./scripts/android-build-freerdp.sh --ndk <ANDROID_NDK> --sdk <ANDROID_SDK> --conf ./scripts/android-build-64.conf
Building the APK (Android Studio)
* Import the folder client/Android/Studio in Android Studio
* You are ready to go
Building the APK (gradle)
* change to directory client/Android/Studio
* run ./gradlew build to build
* run ./gradlew tasks for other gradle options
Updating JNI
Whenever the FreeRDP API changes or you need some extra functionality in your Java
GUI the JNI needs to be updated.
The JNI functions are defined in client/Android/android_freerdp.c
Add the new functions to the methods struct.
* edit client/Android/src/com/freerdp/afreerdp/services/LibFreeRDP.Java to
reflect your changes
* edit client/Android/android_freerdp.c and adjust the methods struct to reflect
the changes made.