2013-12-04 11:44:22 +01:00

81 lines
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Utility functions
Copyright 2013 Thincast Technologies GmbH, Authors: Martin Fleisz, Dorian Johnson
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
#import "TSXTypes.h"
// helper macro to encode a table path into a tag value (used to identify controls in their delegate handlers)
#define GET_TAG(section, row) ((((int)section) << 16) | ((int)(row)))
#define GET_TAG_FROM_PATH(path) ((((int)path.section) << 16) | ((int)(path.row)))
BOOL ScanHostNameAndPort(NSString* address, NSString** host, unsigned short* port);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Screen Resolutions
NSString* ScreenResolutionDescription(TSXScreenOptions type, int width, int height);
BOOL ScanScreenResolution(NSString* description, int* width, int* height, TSXScreenOptions* type);
NSDictionary* SelectionForColorSetting(void);
NSArray* ResolutionModes(void);
#pragma mark Security Protocol
NSString* ProtocolSecurityDescription(TSXProtocolSecurityOptions type);
BOOL ScanProtocolSecurity(NSString* description, TSXProtocolSecurityOptions* type);
NSDictionary* SelectionForSecuritySetting(void);
#pragma mark Bookmarks
@class BookmarkBase;
NSMutableArray* FilterBookmarks(NSArray* bookmarks, NSArray* filter_words);
NSMutableArray* FilterHistory(NSArray* history, NSString* filterStr);
#pragma mark iPad/iPhone detection
BOOL IsPad(void);
BOOL IsPhone(void);
#pragma mark Version Info
NSString* TSXAppFullVersion(void);
#pragma mark Touch/Mouse handling
// set mouse buttons swapped flag
void SetSwapMouseButtonsFlag(BOOL swapped);
// set invert scrolling flag
void SetInvertScrollingFlag(BOOL invert);
// return event value for left mouse button
int GetLeftMouseButtonClickEvent(BOOL down);
// return event value for right mouse button
int GetRightMouseButtonClickEvent(BOOL down);
// return event value for mouse move event
int GetMouseMoveEvent(void);
// return mouse wheel event
int GetMouseWheelEvent(BOOL down);
// scrolling gesture detection delta
CGFloat GetScrollGestureDelta(void);
#pragma mark Connectivity tools
// activates the iphone's WWAN interface in case it is offline
void WakeUpWWAN(void);
#pragma mark System Info functions
NSString* TSXGetPlatform(void);
BOOL TSXDeviceHasJailBreak(void);
NSString* TSXGetPrimaryMACAddress(NSString *sep);