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-- Part 1: Fundamental MCS types
H221NonStandardIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (4..255))
-- First four octets shall be country
-- code and Manufacturer code, assigned
-- as specified in Annex A/H.221 for
-- NS-cap and NS-comm
Key ::= CHOICE -- Identifier of a standard or non-standard object
h221NonStandard H221NonStandardIdentifier
NonStandardParameter ::= SEQUENCE
key Key,
ChannelId ::= INTEGER (0..65535) -- range is 16 bits
StaticChannelId ::= ChannelId (1..1000) -- those known permanently
DynamicChannelId ::= ChannelId (1001..65535) -- those created and deleted
UserId ::= DynamicChannelId -- created by Attach-User
-- deleted by Detach-User
PrivateChannelId ::= DynamicChannelId -- created by Channel-Convene
-- deleted by Channel-Disband
AssignedChannelId ::= DynamicChannelId -- created by Channel-Join zero
-- deleted by last Channel-Leave
TokenId ::= INTEGER (1..65535) -- all are known permanently
TokenStatus ::= CHOICE
notInUse NULL,
selfGrabbed NULL,
otherGrabbed NULL,
selfInhibited NULL,
otherInhibited NULL,
selfRecipient NULL,
selfGiving NULL,
otherGiving NULL,
DataPriority ::= CHOICE
top NULL,
high NULL,
medium NULL,
low NULL,
Segmentation ::= BIT STRING
begin (0),
end (1)
} (SIZE (2))
-- Part 2: Extended parameter
ExtendedParameters ::= SEQUENCE
unreliableDataSupported BOOLEAN,
domainReferenceID INTEGER (0 .. 65535),
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
ExtendedParameterPropose ::= SEQUENCE
targetExtendedParameters ExtendedParameters,
minimumExtendedParameters ExtendedParameters,
maximumExtendedParameters ExtendedParameters,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
ExtendedParameterAccept ::= SEQUENCE
extendedParameters ExtendedParameters,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
-- Part 3: Merge domain
PlumbDomainIndication ::= SEQUENCE
heightLimit INTEGER (0..MAX),
-- a restriction on the MCSPDU receiver
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
ErectDomainRequest ::= SEQUENCE
subHeight INTEGER (0..MAX),
-- height in domain of the MCSPDU transmitter
subInterval INTEGER (0..MAX),
-- its throughput enforcement interval in milliseconds
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
ChannelAttributes ::= CHOICE
channelId StaticChannelId,
-- joined is implicitely TRUE
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
joined BOOLEAN,
-- TRUE if user is joined to its user id
userId UserId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
private SEQUENCE
joined BOOLEAN,
-- TRUE if channel id is joined below
channelId PrivateChannelId,
manager UserId,
admitted SET OF UserId,
-- may span multiple MergeChannelsRequest
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
assigned SEQUENCE
channelId AssignedChannelId,
-- joined is implicitely TRUE
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
MergeChannelsRequest ::= SEQUENCE
mergeChannels SET OF ChannelAttributes,
purgeChannelIds SET OF ChannelId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
MergeChannelsConfirm ::= SEQUENCE
mergeChannels SET OF ChannelAttributes,
purgeChannelIds SET OF ChannelId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
PurgeChannelsIndication ::= SEQUENCE
detachUserIds SET OF UserId,
-- purge user id channels
purgeChannelIds SET OF ChannelId,
-- purge other channels
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
TokenAttributes ::= CHOICE
grabbed SEQUENCE
tokenId TokenId,
grabber UserId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
inhibited SEQUENCE
tokenId TokenId,
inhibitors SET OF UserId,
-- may span multiple MergeTokensRequest
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
tokenId TokenId,
grabber UserId,
recipient UserId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
ungivable SEQUENCE
tokenId TokenId,
grabber UserId,
-- recipient has since detached
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
tokenId TokenId,
recipient UserId,
-- grabber released or detached
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
MergeTokensRequest ::= SEQUENCE
mergeTokens SET OF TokenAttributes,
purgeTokenIds SET OF TokenId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
MergeTokensConfirm ::= SEQUENCE
mergeTokens SET OF TokenAttributes,
purgeTokenIds SET OF TokenId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
PurgeTokensIndication ::= SEQUENCE
purgeTokenIds SET OF TokenId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
-- Part 4: Disconnect provider
DisconnectProviderUltimatum ::= SEQUENCE
reason Reason,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
RejectMCSPDUUltimatum ::= SEQUENCE
diagnostic Diagnostic,
initialOctets OCTET STRING,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
-- Part 5: Attach/Detach user
AttachUserRequest ::= SEQUENCE
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
AttachUserConfirm ::= SEQUENCE
result Result,
initiator UserId OPTIONAL,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
DetachUserRequest ::= SEQUENCE
reason Reason,
userIds SET OF UserId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
DetachUserIndication ::= SEQUENCE
reason Reason,
userIds SET OF UserId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
-- Part 6: Channel management
ChannelJoinRequest ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
channelId ChannelId, -- may be zero
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
ChannelJoinConfirm ::= SEQUENCE
result Result,
initiator UserId,
requested ChannelId, -- may be zero
channelId ChannelId OPTIONAL,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
ChannelLeaveRequest ::= SEQUENCE
channelIds SET OF ChannelId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
ChannelConveneRequest ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
ChannelConveneConfirm ::= SEQUENCE
result Result,
initiator UserId,
channelId PrivateChannelId OPTIONAL,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
ChannelDisbandRequest ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
channelId PrivateChannelId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
ChannelDisbandIndication ::= SEQUENCE
channelId PrivateChannelId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
ChannelAdmitRequest ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
channelId PrivateChannelId,
userIds SET OF UserId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
ChannelAdmitIndication ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
channelId PrivateChannelId,
userIds SET OF UserId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
ChannelExpelRequest ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
channelId PrivateChannelId,
userIds SET OF UserId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
ChannelExpelIndication ::= SEQUENCE
channelId PrivateChannelId,
userIds SET OF UserId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
-- Part 7: Data transfer
SendDataRequest ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
channelId ChannelId,
reliability BOOLEAN,
domainReferenceID INTEGER (0 .. 65535) OPTIONAL,
dataPriority DataPriority,
segmentation Segmentation,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
SendDataIndication ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
channelId ChannelId,
reliability BOOLEAN,
domainReferenceID INTEGER (0 .. 65535) OPTIONAL,
dataPriority DataPriority,
segmentation Segmentation,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
UniformSendDataRequest ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
channelId ChannelId,
reliability BOOLEAN,
domainReferenceID INTEGER (0 .. 65535) OPTIONAL,
dataPriority DataPriority,
segmentation Segmentation,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
UniformSendDataIndication ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
channelId ChannelId,
reliability BOOLEAN,
domainReferenceID INTEGER (0 .. 65535) OPTIONAL,
dataPriority DataPriority,
segmentation Segmentation,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
-- Part 8: Token management
TokenGrabRequest ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
tokenId TokenId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
TokenGrabConfirm ::= SEQUENCE
result Result,
initiator UserId,
tokenId TokenId,
tokenStatus TokenStatus,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
TokenInhibitRequest ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
tokenId TokenId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
TokenInhibitConfirm ::= SEQUENCE
result Result,
initiator UserId,
tokenId TokenId,
tokenStatus TokenStatus,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
TokenGiveRequest ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
tokenId TokenId,
recipient UserId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
TokenGiveIndication ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
tokenId TokenId,
recipient UserId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
TokenGiveResponse ::= SEQUENCE
result Result,
recipient UserId,
tokenId TokenId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
TokenGiveConfirm ::= SEQUENCE
result Result,
initiator UserId,
tokenId TokenId,
tokenStatus TokenStatus,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
TokenPleaseRequest ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
tokenId TokenId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
TokenPleaseIndication ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
tokenId TokenId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
TokenReleaseRequest ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
tokenId TokenId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
TokenReleaseConfirm ::= SEQUENCE
result Result,
initiator UserId,
tokenId TokenId,
tokenStatus TokenStatus,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
TokenTestRequest ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
tokenId TokenId,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
TokenTestConfirm ::= SEQUENCE
initiator UserId,
tokenId TokenId,
tokenStatus TokenStatus,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
-- Part 9: Capabilities notification
CapabilityID ::= CHOICE
standardID INTEGER (0 .. 65535),
nonstandardID Key
CapabilityClass ::= CHOICE
null NULL,
unsignedMin INTEGER (0 .. MAX),
unsignedMax INTEGER (0 .. MAX)
ParticipationIndicator ::= CHOICE
global NULL,
partial INTEGER (1 .. 2)
RequestCapability ::= SEQUENCE
capabilityID CapabilityID,
capabilityClass CapabilityClass,
participationIndicator ParticipationIndicator,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
SeqOfRequestCapabilities ::= SEQUENCE OF RequestCapability
IndicationCapability ::= SEQUENCE
capabilityID CapabilityID,
capabilityClass CapabilityClass,
summitProviderSupported BOOLEAN,
intermediateNodeSupported BOOLEAN,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
SeqOfIndicationCapabilities ::= SEQUENCE OF IndicationCapability
CapabilitiesNotificationRequest ::= SEQUENCE
v2NodePresent BOOLEAN,
addList SeqOfRequestCapabilities OPTIONAL,
removeList SeqOfRequestCapabilities OPTIONAL,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
CapabilitiesNotificationIndication ::= SEQUENCE
v2NodePresent BOOLEAN,
addList SeqOfIndicationCapabilities OPTIONAL,
removeList SeqOfIndicationCapabilities OPTIONAL,
nonStandard SEQUENCE OF NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL,
-- Part 10: Status codes
Reason ::= CHOICE
rn-domain-disconnected NULL,
rn-provider-initiated NULL,
rn-token-purged NULL,
rn-user-requested NULL,
rn-channel-purged NULL,
Result ::= CHOICE
rt-successful NULL,
rt-domain-merging NULL,
rt-domain-not-hierarchical NULL,
rt-no-such-channel NULL,
rt-no-such-domain NULL,
rt-no-such-user NULL,
rt-not-admitted NULL,
rt-other-user-id NULL,
rt-parameters-unacceptable NULL,
rt-token-not-available NULL,
rt-token-not-possessed NULL,
rt-too-many-channels NULL,
rt-too-many-tokens NULL,
rt-too-many-users NULL,
rt-unspecified-failure NULL,
rt-user-rejected NULL,
Diagnostic ::= CHOICE
dc-inconsistent-merge NULL,
dc-forbidden-PDU-downward NULL,
dc-forbidden-PDU-upward NULL,
dc-invalid-BER-encoding NULL,
dc-invalid-PER-encoding NULL,
dc-misrouted-user NULL,
dc-unrequested-confirm NULL,
dc-wrong-transport-priority NULL,
dc-channel-id-conflict NULL,
dc-token-id-conflict NULL,
dc-not-user-id-channel NULL,
dc-too-many-channels NULL,
dc-too-many-tokens NULL,
dc-too-many-users NULL,
-- Part 11: MCSPDU repertoire
NonStandardPDU ::= SEQUENCE
data NonStandardParameter,
ExtendedParameterMCSPDU ::= CHOICE
extendedParameterPropose ExtendedParameterPropose,
extendedParameterAccept ExtendedParameterAccept,
nonStandard NonStandardPDU,
plumbDomainIndication PlumbDomainIndication,
erectDomainRequest ErectDomainRequest,
mergeChannelsRequest MergeChannelsRequest,
mergeChannelsConfirm MergeChannelsConfirm,
purgeChannelsIndication PurgeChannelsIndication,
mergeTokensRequest MergeTokensRequest,
mergeTokensConfirm MergeTokensConfirm,
purgeTokensIndication PurgeTokensIndication,
disconnectProviderUltimatum DisconnectProviderUltimatum,
rejectMCSPDUUltimatum RejectMCSPDUUltimatum,
attachUserRequest AttachUserRequest,
attachUserConfirm AttachUserConfirm,
detachUserRequest DetachUserRequest,
detachUserIndication DetachUserIndication,
channelJoinRequest ChannelJoinRequest,
channelJoinConfirm ChannelJoinConfirm,
channelLeaveRequest ChannelLeaveRequest,
channelConveneRequest ChannelConveneRequest,
channelConveneConfirm ChannelConveneConfirm,
channelDisbandRequest ChannelDisbandRequest,
channelDisbandIndication ChannelDisbandIndication,
channelAdmitRequest ChannelAdmitRequest,
channelAdmitIndication ChannelAdmitIndication,
channelExpelRequest ChannelExpelRequest,
channelExpelIndication ChannelExpelIndication,
sendDataRequest SendDataRequest,
sendDataIndication SendDataIndication,
uniformSendDataRequest UniformSendDataRequest,
uniformSendDataIndication UniformSendDataIndication,
tokenGrabRequest TokenGrabRequest,
tokenGrabConfirm TokenGrabConfirm,
tokenInhibitRequest TokenInhibitRequest,
tokenInhibitConfirm TokenInhibitConfirm,
tokenGiveRequest TokenGiveRequest,
tokenGiveIndication TokenGiveIndication,
tokenGiveResponse TokenGiveResponse,
tokenGiveConfirm TokenGiveConfirm,
tokenPleaseRequest TokenPleaseRequest,
tokenPleaseIndication TokenPleaseIndication,
tokenReleaseRequest TokenReleaseRequest,
tokenReleaseConfirm TokenReleaseConfirm,
tokenTestRequest TokenTestRequest,
tokenTestConfirm TokenTestConfirm,
nonStandard NonStandardPDU,