/** * WinPR: Windows Portable Runtime * Serial Communication API * * Copyright 2011 O.S. Systems Software Ltda. * Copyright 2011 Eduardo Fiss Beloni * Copyright 2014 Marc-Andre Moreau * Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #if defined __linux__ && !defined ANDROID #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "comm_serial_sys.h" #ifdef __UCLIBC__ #include "comm.h" #endif #include #include /* Undocumented flag, not supported everywhere. * Provide a sensible fallback to avoid compilation problems. */ #ifndef CMSPAR #define CMSPAR 010000000000 #endif /* hard-coded in N_TTY */ #define TTY_THRESHOLD_THROTTLE 128 /* now based on remaining room */ #define TTY_THRESHOLD_UNTHROTTLE 128 #define N_TTY_BUF_SIZE 4096 #define _BAUD_TABLE_END 0010020 /* __MAX_BAUD + 1 */ /* 0: B* (Linux termios) * 1: CBR_* or actual baud rate * 2: BAUD_* (identical to SERIAL_BAUD_*) */ static const speed_t _BAUD_TABLE[][3] = { #ifdef B0 {B0, 0, 0}, /* hang up */ #endif #ifdef B50 {B50, 50, 0}, #endif #ifdef B75 {B75, 75, BAUD_075}, #endif #ifdef B110 {B110, CBR_110, BAUD_110}, #endif #ifdef B134 {B134, 134, 0 /*BAUD_134_5*/}, #endif #ifdef B150 {B150, 150, BAUD_150}, #endif #ifdef B200 {B200, 200, 0}, #endif #ifdef B300 {B300, CBR_300, BAUD_300}, #endif #ifdef B600 {B600, CBR_600, BAUD_600}, #endif #ifdef B1200 {B1200, CBR_1200, BAUD_1200}, #endif #ifdef B1800 {B1800, 1800, BAUD_1800}, #endif #ifdef B2400 {B2400, CBR_2400, BAUD_2400}, #endif #ifdef B4800 {B4800, CBR_4800, BAUD_4800}, #endif /* {, ,BAUD_7200} */ #ifdef B9600 {B9600, CBR_9600, BAUD_9600}, #endif /* {, CBR_14400, BAUD_14400}, /\* unsupported on Linux *\/ */ #ifdef B19200 {B19200, CBR_19200, BAUD_19200}, #endif #ifdef B38400 {B38400, CBR_38400, BAUD_38400}, #endif /* {, CBR_56000, BAUD_56K}, /\* unsupported on Linux *\/ */ #ifdef B57600 {B57600, CBR_57600, BAUD_57600}, #endif #ifdef B115200 {B115200, CBR_115200, BAUD_115200}, #endif /* {, CBR_128000, BAUD_128K}, /\* unsupported on Linux *\/ */ /* {, CBR_256000, BAUD_USER}, /\* unsupported on Linux *\/ */ #ifdef B230400 {B230400, 230400, BAUD_USER}, #endif #ifdef B460800 {B460800, 460800, BAUD_USER}, #endif #ifdef B500000 {B500000, 500000, BAUD_USER}, #endif #ifdef B576000 {B576000, 576000, BAUD_USER}, #endif #ifdef B921600 {B921600, 921600, BAUD_USER}, #endif #ifdef B1000000 {B1000000, 1000000, BAUD_USER}, #endif #ifdef B1152000 {B1152000, 1152000, BAUD_USER}, #endif #ifdef B1500000 {B1500000, 1500000, BAUD_USER}, #endif #ifdef B2000000 {B2000000, 2000000, BAUD_USER}, #endif #ifdef B2500000 {B2500000, 2500000, BAUD_USER}, #endif #ifdef B3000000 {B3000000, 3000000, BAUD_USER}, #endif #ifdef B3500000 {B3500000, 3500000, BAUD_USER}, #endif #ifdef B4000000 {B4000000, 4000000, BAUD_USER}, /* __MAX_BAUD */ #endif {_BAUD_TABLE_END, 0, 0} }; static BOOL _get_properties(WINPR_COMM *pComm, COMMPROP *pProperties) { int i; /* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/jj680684%28v=vs.85%29.aspx * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363189%28v=vs.85%29.aspx */ /* FIXME: properties should be better probed. The current * implementation just relies on the Linux' implementation. */ if (pProperties->dwProvSpec1 != COMMPROP_INITIALIZED) { ZeroMemory(pProperties, sizeof(COMMPROP)); pProperties->wPacketLength = sizeof(COMMPROP); } pProperties->wPacketVersion = 2; pProperties->dwServiceMask = SERIAL_SP_SERIALCOMM; /* pProperties->Reserved1; not used */ /* FIXME: could be implemented on top of N_TTY */ pProperties->dwMaxTxQueue = N_TTY_BUF_SIZE; pProperties->dwMaxRxQueue = N_TTY_BUF_SIZE; /* FIXME: to be probe on the device? */ pProperties->dwMaxBaud = BAUD_USER; /* FIXME: what about PST_RS232? see also: serial_struct */ pProperties->dwProvSubType = PST_UNSPECIFIED; /* TODO: to be finalized */ pProperties->dwProvCapabilities = /*PCF_16BITMODE |*/ PCF_DTRDSR | PCF_INTTIMEOUTS | PCF_PARITY_CHECK | /*PCF_RLSD |*/ PCF_RTSCTS | PCF_SETXCHAR | /*PCF_SPECIALCHARS |*/ PCF_TOTALTIMEOUTS | PCF_XONXOFF; /* TODO: double check SP_RLSD */ pProperties->dwSettableParams = SP_BAUD | SP_DATABITS | SP_HANDSHAKING | SP_PARITY | SP_PARITY_CHECK | /*SP_RLSD |*/ SP_STOPBITS; pProperties->dwSettableBaud = 0; for (i=0; _BAUD_TABLE[i][0]<_BAUD_TABLE_END; i++) { pProperties->dwSettableBaud |= _BAUD_TABLE[i][2]; } pProperties->wSettableData = DATABITS_5 | DATABITS_6 | DATABITS_7 | DATABITS_8 /*| DATABITS_16 | DATABITS_16X*/; pProperties->wSettableStopParity = STOPBITS_10 | /*STOPBITS_15 |*/ STOPBITS_20 | PARITY_NONE | PARITY_ODD | PARITY_EVEN | PARITY_MARK | PARITY_SPACE; /* FIXME: additional input and output buffers could be implemented on top of N_TTY */ pProperties->dwCurrentTxQueue = N_TTY_BUF_SIZE; pProperties->dwCurrentRxQueue = N_TTY_BUF_SIZE; /* pProperties->ProvSpec1; see above */ /* pProperties->ProvSpec2; ignored */ /* pProperties->ProvChar[1]; ignored */ return TRUE; } static BOOL _set_baud_rate(WINPR_COMM *pComm, const SERIAL_BAUD_RATE *pBaudRate) { int i; speed_t newSpeed; struct termios futureState; ZeroMemory(&futureState, sizeof(struct termios)); if (tcgetattr(pComm->fd, &futureState) < 0) /* NB: preserves current settings not directly handled by the Communication Functions */ { SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); return FALSE; } for (i=0; _BAUD_TABLE[i][0]<_BAUD_TABLE_END; i++) { if (_BAUD_TABLE[i][1] == pBaudRate->BaudRate) { newSpeed = _BAUD_TABLE[i][0]; if (cfsetspeed(&futureState, newSpeed) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "failed to set speed 0x%x (%"PRIu32")", newSpeed, pBaudRate->BaudRate); return FALSE; } assert(cfgetispeed(&futureState) == newSpeed); if (_comm_ioctl_tcsetattr(pComm->fd, TCSANOW, &futureState) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "_comm_ioctl_tcsetattr failure: last-error: 0x%"PRIX32"", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } } CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "could not find a matching speed for the baud rate %"PRIu32"", pBaudRate->BaudRate); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return FALSE; } static BOOL _get_baud_rate(WINPR_COMM *pComm, SERIAL_BAUD_RATE *pBaudRate) { int i; speed_t currentSpeed; struct termios currentState; ZeroMemory(¤tState, sizeof(struct termios)); if (tcgetattr(pComm->fd, ¤tState) < 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); return FALSE; } currentSpeed = cfgetispeed(¤tState); for (i=0; _BAUD_TABLE[i][0]<_BAUD_TABLE_END; i++) { if (_BAUD_TABLE[i][0] == currentSpeed) { pBaudRate->BaudRate = _BAUD_TABLE[i][1]; return TRUE; } } CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "could not find a matching baud rate for the speed 0x%x", currentSpeed); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return FALSE; } /** * NOTE: Only XonChar and XoffChar are plenty supported with the Linux * N_TTY line discipline. * * ERRORS: * ERROR_IO_DEVICE * ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER when Xon and Xoff chars are the same; * ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED */ static BOOL _set_serial_chars(WINPR_COMM *pComm, const SERIAL_CHARS *pSerialChars) { BOOL result = TRUE; struct termios upcomingTermios; ZeroMemory(&upcomingTermios, sizeof(struct termios)); if (tcgetattr(pComm->fd, &upcomingTermios) < 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); return FALSE; } if (pSerialChars->XonChar == pSerialChars->XoffChar) { /* https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff546688?v=vs.85.aspx */ SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } /* termios(3): (..) above symbolic subscript values are all * different, except that VTIME, VMIN may have the same value * as VEOL, VEOF, respectively. In noncanonical mode the * special character meaning is replaced by the timeout * meaning. * * EofChar and c_cc[VEOF] are not quite the same, prefer to * don't use c_cc[VEOF] at all. * * FIXME: might be implemented during read/write I/O */ if (pSerialChars->EofChar != '\0') { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "EofChar %02"PRIX8" cannot be set\n", pSerialChars->EofChar); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); result = FALSE; /* but keep on */ } /* According the Linux's n_tty discipline, charaters with a * parity error can only be let unchanged, replaced by \0 or * get the prefix the prefix \377 \0 */ /* FIXME: see also: _set_handflow() */ if (pSerialChars->ErrorChar != '\0') { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "ErrorChar 0x%02"PRIX8" ('%c') cannot be set (unsupported).\n", pSerialChars->ErrorChar, (char) pSerialChars->ErrorChar); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); result = FALSE; /* but keep on */ } /* FIXME: see also: _set_handflow() */ if (pSerialChars->BreakChar != '\0') { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "BreakChar 0x%02"PRIX8" ('%c') cannot be set (unsupported).\n", pSerialChars->BreakChar, (char) pSerialChars->BreakChar); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); result = FALSE; /* but keep on */ } if (pSerialChars->EventChar != '\0') { pComm->eventChar = pSerialChars->EventChar; } upcomingTermios.c_cc[VSTART] = pSerialChars->XonChar; upcomingTermios.c_cc[VSTOP] = pSerialChars->XoffChar; if (_comm_ioctl_tcsetattr(pComm->fd, TCSANOW, &upcomingTermios) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "_comm_ioctl_tcsetattr failure: last-error: 0x%08"PRIX32"", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } return result; } static BOOL _get_serial_chars(WINPR_COMM *pComm, SERIAL_CHARS *pSerialChars) { struct termios currentTermios; ZeroMemory(¤tTermios, sizeof(struct termios)); if (tcgetattr(pComm->fd, ¤tTermios) < 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); return FALSE; } ZeroMemory(pSerialChars, sizeof(SERIAL_CHARS)); /* EofChar unsupported */ /* ErrorChar unsupported */ /* BreakChar unsupported */ /* FIXME: see also: _set_serial_chars() */ /* EventChar */ pSerialChars->XonChar = currentTermios.c_cc[VSTART]; pSerialChars->XoffChar = currentTermios.c_cc[VSTOP]; return TRUE; } static BOOL _set_line_control(WINPR_COMM *pComm, const SERIAL_LINE_CONTROL *pLineControl) { BOOL result = TRUE; struct termios upcomingTermios; /* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363214%28v=vs.85%29.aspx * * The use of 5 data bits with 2 stop bits is an invalid * combination, as is 6, 7, or 8 data bits with 1.5 stop bits. * * FIXME: prefered to let the underlying driver to deal with * this issue. At least produce a warning message? */ ZeroMemory(&upcomingTermios, sizeof(struct termios)); if (tcgetattr(pComm->fd, &upcomingTermios) < 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); return FALSE; } /* FIXME: use of a COMMPROP to validate new settings? */ switch (pLineControl->StopBits) { case STOP_BIT_1: upcomingTermios.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; break; case STOP_BITS_1_5: CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "Unsupported one and a half stop bits."); break; case STOP_BITS_2: upcomingTermios.c_cflag |= CSTOPB; break; default: CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "unexpected number of stop bits: %"PRIu8"\n", pLineControl->StopBits); result = FALSE; /* but keep on */ break; } switch (pLineControl->Parity) { case NO_PARITY: upcomingTermios.c_cflag &= ~(PARENB | PARODD | CMSPAR); break; case ODD_PARITY: upcomingTermios.c_cflag &= ~CMSPAR; upcomingTermios.c_cflag |= PARENB | PARODD; break; case EVEN_PARITY: upcomingTermios.c_cflag &= ~(PARODD | CMSPAR); upcomingTermios.c_cflag |= PARENB; break; case MARK_PARITY: upcomingTermios.c_cflag |= PARENB | PARODD | CMSPAR; break; case SPACE_PARITY: upcomingTermios.c_cflag &= ~PARODD; upcomingTermios.c_cflag |= PARENB | CMSPAR; break; default: CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "unexpected type of parity: %"PRIu8"\n", pLineControl->Parity); result = FALSE; /* but keep on */ break; } switch (pLineControl->WordLength) { case 5: upcomingTermios.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; upcomingTermios.c_cflag |= CS5; break; case 6: upcomingTermios.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; upcomingTermios.c_cflag |= CS6; break; case 7: upcomingTermios.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; upcomingTermios.c_cflag |= CS7; break; case 8: upcomingTermios.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; upcomingTermios.c_cflag |= CS8; break; default: CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "unexpected number od data bits per character: %"PRIu8"\n", pLineControl->WordLength); result = FALSE; /* but keep on */ break; } if (_comm_ioctl_tcsetattr(pComm->fd, TCSANOW, &upcomingTermios) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "_comm_ioctl_tcsetattr failure: last-error: 0x%08"PRIX32"", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } return result; } static BOOL _get_line_control(WINPR_COMM *pComm, SERIAL_LINE_CONTROL *pLineControl) { struct termios currentTermios; ZeroMemory(¤tTermios, sizeof(struct termios)); if (tcgetattr(pComm->fd, ¤tTermios) < 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); return FALSE; } pLineControl->StopBits = (currentTermios.c_cflag & CSTOPB) ? STOP_BITS_2 : STOP_BIT_1; if (!(currentTermios.c_cflag & PARENB)) { pLineControl->Parity = NO_PARITY; } else if (currentTermios.c_cflag & CMSPAR) { pLineControl->Parity = (currentTermios.c_cflag & PARODD) ? MARK_PARITY : SPACE_PARITY; } else { /* PARENB is set */ pLineControl->Parity = (currentTermios.c_cflag & PARODD) ? ODD_PARITY : EVEN_PARITY; } switch (currentTermios.c_cflag & CSIZE) { case CS5: pLineControl->WordLength = 5; break; case CS6: pLineControl->WordLength = 6; break; case CS7: pLineControl->WordLength = 7; break; default: pLineControl->WordLength = 8; break; } return TRUE; } static BOOL _set_handflow(WINPR_COMM *pComm, const SERIAL_HANDFLOW *pHandflow) { BOOL result = TRUE; struct termios upcomingTermios; ZeroMemory(&upcomingTermios, sizeof(struct termios)); if (tcgetattr(pComm->fd, &upcomingTermios) < 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); return FALSE; } /* HUPCL */ /* logical XOR */ if ((!(pHandflow->ControlHandShake & SERIAL_DTR_CONTROL) && (pHandflow->FlowReplace & SERIAL_RTS_CONTROL)) || ((pHandflow->ControlHandShake & SERIAL_DTR_CONTROL) && !(pHandflow->FlowReplace & SERIAL_RTS_CONTROL))) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "SERIAL_DTR_CONTROL:%s and SERIAL_RTS_CONTROL:%s cannot be different, HUPCL will be set since it is claimed for one of the both lines.", (pHandflow->ControlHandShake & SERIAL_DTR_CONTROL) ? "ON" : "OFF", (pHandflow->FlowReplace & SERIAL_RTS_CONTROL) ? "ON" : "OFF"); } if ((pHandflow->ControlHandShake & SERIAL_DTR_CONTROL) || (pHandflow->FlowReplace & SERIAL_RTS_CONTROL)) { upcomingTermios.c_cflag |= HUPCL; } else { upcomingTermios.c_cflag &= ~HUPCL; /* FIXME: is the DTR line also needs to be forced to a disable state according SERIAL_DTR_CONTROL? */ /* FIXME: is the RTS line also needs to be forced to a disable state according SERIAL_RTS_CONTROL? */ } /* CRTSCTS */ /* logical XOR */ if ((!(pHandflow->ControlHandShake & SERIAL_CTS_HANDSHAKE) && (pHandflow->FlowReplace & SERIAL_RTS_HANDSHAKE)) || ((pHandflow->ControlHandShake & SERIAL_CTS_HANDSHAKE) && !(pHandflow->FlowReplace & SERIAL_RTS_HANDSHAKE))) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "SERIAL_CTS_HANDSHAKE:%s and SERIAL_RTS_HANDSHAKE:%s cannot be different, CRTSCTS will be set since it is claimed for one of the both lines.", (pHandflow->ControlHandShake & SERIAL_CTS_HANDSHAKE) ? "ON" : "OFF", (pHandflow->FlowReplace & SERIAL_RTS_HANDSHAKE) ? "ON" : "OFF"); } if ((pHandflow->ControlHandShake & SERIAL_CTS_HANDSHAKE) || (pHandflow->FlowReplace & SERIAL_RTS_HANDSHAKE)) { upcomingTermios.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS; } else { upcomingTermios.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; } /* ControlHandShake */ if (pHandflow->ControlHandShake & SERIAL_DTR_HANDSHAKE) { /* DTR/DSR flow control not supported on Linux */ CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "Attempt to use the unsupported SERIAL_DTR_HANDSHAKE feature."); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); result = FALSE; /* but keep on */ } if (pHandflow->ControlHandShake & SERIAL_DSR_HANDSHAKE) { /* DTR/DSR flow control not supported on Linux */ CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "Attempt to use the unsupported SERIAL_DSR_HANDSHAKE feature."); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); result = FALSE; /* but keep on */ } if (pHandflow->ControlHandShake & SERIAL_DCD_HANDSHAKE) { /* DCD flow control not supported on Linux */ CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "Attempt to use the unsupported SERIAL_DCD_HANDSHAKE feature."); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); result = FALSE; /* but keep on */ } // FIXME: could be implemented during read/write I/O if (pHandflow->ControlHandShake & SERIAL_DSR_SENSITIVITY) { /* DSR line control not supported on Linux */ CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "Attempt to use the unsupported SERIAL_DSR_SENSITIVITY feature."); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); result = FALSE; /* but keep on */ } // FIXME: could be implemented during read/write I/O if (pHandflow->ControlHandShake & SERIAL_ERROR_ABORT) { /* Aborting operations on error not supported on Linux */ CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "Attempt to use the unsupported SERIAL_ERROR_ABORT feature."); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); result = FALSE; /* but keep on */ } /* FlowReplace */ if (pHandflow->FlowReplace & SERIAL_AUTO_TRANSMIT) { upcomingTermios.c_iflag |= IXON; } else { upcomingTermios.c_iflag &= ~IXON; } if (pHandflow->FlowReplace & SERIAL_AUTO_RECEIVE) { upcomingTermios.c_iflag |= IXOFF; } else { upcomingTermios.c_iflag &= ~IXOFF; } // FIXME: could be implemented during read/write I/O, as of today ErrorChar is necessary '\0' if (pHandflow->FlowReplace & SERIAL_ERROR_CHAR) { /* errors will be replaced by the character '\0'. */ upcomingTermios.c_iflag &= ~IGNPAR; } else { upcomingTermios.c_iflag |= IGNPAR; } if (pHandflow->FlowReplace & SERIAL_NULL_STRIPPING) { upcomingTermios.c_iflag |= IGNBRK; } else { upcomingTermios.c_iflag &= ~IGNBRK; } // FIXME: could be implemented during read/write I/O if (pHandflow->FlowReplace & SERIAL_BREAK_CHAR) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "Attempt to use the unsupported SERIAL_BREAK_CHAR feature."); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); result = FALSE; /* but keep on */ } // FIXME: could be implemented during read/write I/O if (pHandflow->FlowReplace & SERIAL_XOFF_CONTINUE) { /* not supported on Linux */ CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "Attempt to use the unsupported SERIAL_XOFF_CONTINUE feature."); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); result = FALSE; /* but keep on */ } /* XonLimit */ // FIXME: could be implemented during read/write I/O if (pHandflow->XonLimit != TTY_THRESHOLD_UNTHROTTLE) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "Attempt to set XonLimit with an unsupported value: %"PRId32"", pHandflow->XonLimit); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); result = FALSE; /* but keep on */ } /* XoffChar */ // FIXME: could be implemented during read/write I/O if (pHandflow->XoffLimit != TTY_THRESHOLD_THROTTLE) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "Attempt to set XoffLimit with an unsupported value: %"PRId32"", pHandflow->XoffLimit); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); result = FALSE; /* but keep on */ } if (_comm_ioctl_tcsetattr(pComm->fd, TCSANOW, &upcomingTermios) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "_comm_ioctl_tcsetattr failure: last-error: 0x%"PRIX32"", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } return result; } static BOOL _get_handflow(WINPR_COMM *pComm, SERIAL_HANDFLOW *pHandflow) { struct termios currentTermios; ZeroMemory(¤tTermios, sizeof(struct termios)); if (tcgetattr(pComm->fd, ¤tTermios) < 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); return FALSE; } /* ControlHandShake */ pHandflow->ControlHandShake = 0; if (currentTermios.c_cflag & HUPCL) pHandflow->ControlHandShake |= SERIAL_DTR_CONTROL; /* SERIAL_DTR_HANDSHAKE unsupported */ if (currentTermios.c_cflag & CRTSCTS) pHandflow->ControlHandShake |= SERIAL_CTS_HANDSHAKE; /* SERIAL_DSR_HANDSHAKE unsupported */ /* SERIAL_DCD_HANDSHAKE unsupported */ /* SERIAL_DSR_SENSITIVITY unsupported */ /* SERIAL_ERROR_ABORT unsupported */ /* FlowReplace */ pHandflow->FlowReplace = 0; if (currentTermios.c_iflag & IXON) pHandflow->FlowReplace |= SERIAL_AUTO_TRANSMIT; if (currentTermios.c_iflag & IXOFF) pHandflow->FlowReplace |= SERIAL_AUTO_RECEIVE; if (!(currentTermios.c_iflag & IGNPAR)) pHandflow->FlowReplace |= SERIAL_ERROR_CHAR; if (currentTermios.c_iflag & IGNBRK) pHandflow->FlowReplace |= SERIAL_NULL_STRIPPING; /* SERIAL_BREAK_CHAR unsupported */ if (currentTermios.c_cflag & HUPCL) pHandflow->FlowReplace |= SERIAL_RTS_CONTROL; if (currentTermios.c_cflag & CRTSCTS) pHandflow->FlowReplace |= SERIAL_RTS_HANDSHAKE; /* SERIAL_XOFF_CONTINUE unsupported */ /* XonLimit */ pHandflow->XonLimit = TTY_THRESHOLD_UNTHROTTLE; /* XoffLimit */ pHandflow->XoffLimit = TTY_THRESHOLD_THROTTLE; return TRUE; } static BOOL _set_timeouts(WINPR_COMM *pComm, const SERIAL_TIMEOUTS *pTimeouts) { /* NB: timeouts are applied on system during read/write I/O */ /* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/hh439614%28v=vs.85%29.aspx */ if ((pTimeouts->ReadIntervalTimeout == MAXULONG) && (pTimeouts->ReadTotalTimeoutConstant == MAXULONG)) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "ReadIntervalTimeout and ReadTotalTimeoutConstant cannot be both set to MAXULONG"); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } pComm->timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = pTimeouts->ReadIntervalTimeout; pComm->timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = pTimeouts->ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier; pComm->timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = pTimeouts->ReadTotalTimeoutConstant; pComm->timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = pTimeouts->WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier; pComm->timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = pTimeouts->WriteTotalTimeoutConstant; CommLog_Print(WLOG_DEBUG, "ReadIntervalTimeout %"PRIu32"", pComm->timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout); CommLog_Print(WLOG_DEBUG, "ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier %"PRIu32"", pComm->timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier); CommLog_Print(WLOG_DEBUG, "ReadTotalTimeoutConstant %"PRIu32"", pComm->timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant); CommLog_Print(WLOG_DEBUG, "WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier %"PRIu32"", pComm->timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier); CommLog_Print(WLOG_DEBUG, "WriteTotalTimeoutConstant %"PRIu32"", pComm->timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant); return TRUE; } static BOOL _get_timeouts(WINPR_COMM *pComm, SERIAL_TIMEOUTS *pTimeouts) { pTimeouts->ReadIntervalTimeout = pComm->timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout; pTimeouts->ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = pComm->timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier; pTimeouts->ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = pComm->timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant; pTimeouts->WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = pComm->timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier; pTimeouts->WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = pComm->timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant; return TRUE; } static BOOL _set_lines(WINPR_COMM *pComm, UINT32 lines) { if (ioctl(pComm->fd, TIOCMBIS, &lines) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "TIOCMBIS ioctl failed, lines=0x%"PRIX32", errno=[%d] %s", lines, errno, strerror(errno)); SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL _clear_lines(WINPR_COMM *pComm, UINT32 lines) { if (ioctl(pComm->fd, TIOCMBIC, &lines) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "TIOCMBIC ioctl failed, lines=0x%"PRIX32", errno=[%d] %s", lines, errno, strerror(errno)); SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL _set_dtr(WINPR_COMM *pComm) { SERIAL_HANDFLOW handflow; if (!_get_handflow(pComm, &handflow)) return FALSE; /* SERIAL_DTR_HANDSHAKE not supported as of today */ assert((handflow.ControlHandShake & SERIAL_DTR_HANDSHAKE) == 0); if (handflow.ControlHandShake & SERIAL_DTR_HANDSHAKE) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } return _set_lines(pComm, TIOCM_DTR); } static BOOL _clear_dtr(WINPR_COMM *pComm) { SERIAL_HANDFLOW handflow; if (!_get_handflow(pComm, &handflow)) return FALSE; /* SERIAL_DTR_HANDSHAKE not supported as of today */ assert((handflow.ControlHandShake & SERIAL_DTR_HANDSHAKE) == 0); if (handflow.ControlHandShake & SERIAL_DTR_HANDSHAKE) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } return _clear_lines(pComm, TIOCM_DTR); } static BOOL _set_rts(WINPR_COMM *pComm) { SERIAL_HANDFLOW handflow; if (!_get_handflow(pComm, &handflow)) return FALSE; if (handflow.FlowReplace & SERIAL_RTS_HANDSHAKE) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } return _set_lines(pComm, TIOCM_RTS); } static BOOL _clear_rts(WINPR_COMM *pComm) { SERIAL_HANDFLOW handflow; if (!_get_handflow(pComm, &handflow)) return FALSE; if (handflow.FlowReplace & SERIAL_RTS_HANDSHAKE) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } return _clear_lines(pComm, TIOCM_RTS); } static BOOL _get_modemstatus(WINPR_COMM *pComm, ULONG *pRegister) { UINT32 lines=0; if (ioctl(pComm->fd, TIOCMGET, &lines) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "TIOCMGET ioctl failed, errno=[%d] %s", errno, strerror(errno)); SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); return FALSE; } ZeroMemory(pRegister, sizeof(ULONG)); /* FIXME: Is the last read of the MSR register available or * cached somewhere? Not quite sure we need to return the 4 * LSBits anyway. A direct access to the register -- which * would reset the register -- is likely not expected from * this function. */ /* #define SERIAL_MSR_DCTS 0x01 */ /* #define SERIAL_MSR_DDSR 0x02 */ /* #define SERIAL_MSR_TERI 0x04 */ /* #define SERIAL_MSR_DDCD 0x08 */ if (lines & TIOCM_CTS) *pRegister |= SERIAL_MSR_CTS; if (lines & TIOCM_DSR) *pRegister |= SERIAL_MSR_DSR; if (lines & TIOCM_RI) *pRegister |= SERIAL_MSR_RI; if (lines & TIOCM_CD) *pRegister |= SERIAL_MSR_DCD; return TRUE; } /* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/hh439605%28v=vs.85%29.aspx */ static const ULONG _SERIAL_SYS_SUPPORTED_EV_MASK = SERIAL_EV_RXCHAR | SERIAL_EV_RXFLAG | SERIAL_EV_TXEMPTY | SERIAL_EV_CTS | SERIAL_EV_DSR | SERIAL_EV_RLSD | SERIAL_EV_BREAK | SERIAL_EV_ERR | SERIAL_EV_RING | /* SERIAL_EV_PERR | */ SERIAL_EV_RX80FULL /*| SERIAL_EV_EVENT1 | SERIAL_EV_EVENT2*/; static BOOL _set_wait_mask(WINPR_COMM *pComm, const ULONG *pWaitMask) { ULONG possibleMask; /* Stops pending IOCTL_SERIAL_WAIT_ON_MASK * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff546805%28v=vs.85%29.aspx */ if (pComm->PendingEvents & SERIAL_EV_FREERDP_WAITING) { /* FIXME: any doubt on reading PendingEvents out of a critical section? */ EnterCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); pComm->PendingEvents |= SERIAL_EV_FREERDP_STOP; LeaveCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); /* waiting the end of the pending _wait_on_mask() */ while (pComm->PendingEvents & SERIAL_EV_FREERDP_WAITING) Sleep(10); /* 10ms */ } /* NB: ensure to leave the critical section before to return */ EnterCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); if (*pWaitMask == 0) { /* clearing pending events */ if (ioctl(pComm->fd, TIOCGICOUNT, &(pComm->counters)) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "TIOCGICOUNT ioctl failed, errno=[%d] %s.", errno, strerror(errno)); if (pComm->permissive) { /* counters could not be reset but keep on */ ZeroMemory(&(pComm->counters), sizeof(struct serial_icounter_struct)); } else { SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); LeaveCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); return FALSE; } } pComm->PendingEvents = 0; } possibleMask = *pWaitMask & _SERIAL_SYS_SUPPORTED_EV_MASK; if (possibleMask != *pWaitMask) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "Not all wait events supported (Serial.sys), requested events= 0x%08"PRIX32", possible events= 0x%08"PRIX32"", *pWaitMask, possibleMask); /* FIXME: shall we really set the possibleMask and return FALSE? */ pComm->WaitEventMask = possibleMask; LeaveCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); return FALSE; } pComm->WaitEventMask = possibleMask; LeaveCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); return TRUE; } static BOOL _get_wait_mask(WINPR_COMM *pComm, ULONG *pWaitMask) { *pWaitMask = pComm->WaitEventMask; return TRUE; } static BOOL _set_queue_size(WINPR_COMM *pComm, const SERIAL_QUEUE_SIZE *pQueueSize) { if ((pQueueSize->InSize <= N_TTY_BUF_SIZE) && (pQueueSize->OutSize <= N_TTY_BUF_SIZE)) return TRUE; /* nothing to do */ /* FIXME: could be implemented on top of N_TTY */ if (pQueueSize->InSize > N_TTY_BUF_SIZE) CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "Requested an incompatible input buffer size: %"PRIu32", keeping on with a %"PRIu32" bytes buffer.", pQueueSize->InSize, N_TTY_BUF_SIZE); if (pQueueSize->OutSize > N_TTY_BUF_SIZE) CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "Requested an incompatible output buffer size: %"PRIu32", keeping on with a %"PRIu32" bytes buffer.", pQueueSize->OutSize, N_TTY_BUF_SIZE); SetLastError(ERROR_CANCELLED); return FALSE; } static BOOL _purge(WINPR_COMM *pComm, const ULONG *pPurgeMask) { if ((*pPurgeMask & ~(SERIAL_PURGE_TXABORT | SERIAL_PURGE_RXABORT | SERIAL_PURGE_TXCLEAR | SERIAL_PURGE_RXCLEAR)) > 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "Invalid purge mask: 0x%"PRIX32"\n", *pPurgeMask); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } /* FIXME: currently relying too much on the fact the server * sends a single IRP_MJ_WRITE or IRP_MJ_READ at a time * (taking care though that one IRP_MJ_WRITE and one * IRP_MJ_READ can be sent simultaneously) */ if (*pPurgeMask & SERIAL_PURGE_TXABORT) { /* Purges all write (IRP_MJ_WRITE) requests. */ if (eventfd_write(pComm->fd_write_event, FREERDP_PURGE_TXABORT) < 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "eventfd_write failed, errno=[%d] %s", errno, strerror(errno)); } assert(errno == EAGAIN); /* no reader <=> no pending IRP_MJ_WRITE */ } } if (*pPurgeMask & SERIAL_PURGE_RXABORT) { /* Purges all read (IRP_MJ_READ) requests. */ if (eventfd_write(pComm->fd_read_event, FREERDP_PURGE_RXABORT) < 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "eventfd_write failed, errno=[%d] %s", errno, strerror(errno)); } assert(errno == EAGAIN); /* no reader <=> no pending IRP_MJ_READ */ } } if (*pPurgeMask & SERIAL_PURGE_TXCLEAR) { /* Purges the transmit buffer, if one exists. */ if (tcflush(pComm->fd, TCOFLUSH) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "tcflush(TCOFLUSH) failure, errno=[%d] %s", errno, strerror(errno)); SetLastError(ERROR_CANCELLED); return FALSE; } } if (*pPurgeMask & SERIAL_PURGE_RXCLEAR) { /* Purges the receive buffer, if one exists. */ if (tcflush(pComm->fd, TCIFLUSH) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "tcflush(TCIFLUSH) failure, errno=[%d] %s", errno, strerror(errno)); SetLastError(ERROR_CANCELLED); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /* NB: _get_commstatus also produces most of the events consumed by _wait_on_mask(). Exceptions: * - SERIAL_EV_RXFLAG: FIXME: once EventChar supported * */ static BOOL _get_commstatus(WINPR_COMM *pComm, SERIAL_STATUS *pCommstatus) { /* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj673022%28v=vs.85%29.aspx */ struct serial_icounter_struct currentCounters; /* NB: ensure to leave the critical section before to return */ EnterCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); ZeroMemory(pCommstatus, sizeof(SERIAL_STATUS)); ZeroMemory(¤tCounters, sizeof(struct serial_icounter_struct)); if (ioctl(pComm->fd, TIOCGICOUNT, ¤tCounters) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "TIOCGICOUNT ioctl failed, errno=[%d] %s.", errno, strerror(errno)); CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, " could not read counters."); if (pComm->permissive) { /* Errors and events based on counters could not be * detected but keep on. */ ZeroMemory(¤tCounters, sizeof(struct serial_icounter_struct)); } else { SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); LeaveCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); return FALSE; } } /* NB: preferred below (currentCounters.* != pComm->counters.*) over (currentCounters.* > pComm->counters.*) thinking the counters can loop */ /* Errors */ if (currentCounters.buf_overrun != pComm->counters.buf_overrun) { pCommstatus->Errors |= SERIAL_ERROR_QUEUEOVERRUN; } if (currentCounters.overrun != pComm->counters.overrun) { pCommstatus->Errors |= SERIAL_ERROR_OVERRUN; pComm->PendingEvents |= SERIAL_EV_ERR; } if (currentCounters.brk != pComm->counters.brk) { pCommstatus->Errors |= SERIAL_ERROR_BREAK; pComm->PendingEvents |= SERIAL_EV_BREAK; } if (currentCounters.parity != pComm->counters.parity) { pCommstatus->Errors |= SERIAL_ERROR_PARITY; pComm->PendingEvents |= SERIAL_EV_ERR; } if (currentCounters.frame != pComm->counters.frame) { pCommstatus->Errors |= SERIAL_ERROR_FRAMING; pComm->PendingEvents |= SERIAL_EV_ERR; } /* HoldReasons */ /* TODO: SERIAL_TX_WAITING_FOR_CTS */ /* TODO: SERIAL_TX_WAITING_FOR_DSR */ /* TODO: SERIAL_TX_WAITING_FOR_DCD */ /* TODO: SERIAL_TX_WAITING_FOR_XON */ /* TODO: SERIAL_TX_WAITING_ON_BREAK, see LCR's bit 6 */ /* TODO: SERIAL_TX_WAITING_XOFF_SENT */ /* AmountInInQueue */ if (ioctl(pComm->fd, TIOCINQ, &(pCommstatus->AmountInInQueue)) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "TIOCINQ ioctl failed, errno=[%d] %s", errno, strerror(errno)); SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); LeaveCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); return FALSE; } /* AmountInOutQueue */ if (ioctl(pComm->fd, TIOCOUTQ, &(pCommstatus->AmountInOutQueue)) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "TIOCOUTQ ioctl failed, errno=[%d] %s", errno, strerror(errno)); SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); LeaveCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); return FALSE; } /* BOOLEAN EofReceived; FIXME: once EofChar supported */ /* BOOLEAN WaitForImmediate; TODO: once IOCTL_SERIAL_IMMEDIATE_CHAR fully supported */ /* other events based on counters */ if (currentCounters.rx != pComm->counters.rx) { pComm->PendingEvents |= SERIAL_EV_RXFLAG; } if ((currentCounters.tx != pComm->counters.tx) && /* at least a transmission occurred AND ...*/ (pCommstatus->AmountInOutQueue == 0)) /* output bufer is now empty */ { pComm->PendingEvents |= SERIAL_EV_TXEMPTY; } else { /* FIXME: "now empty" from the specs is ambiguous, need to track previous completed transmission? */ pComm->PendingEvents &= ~SERIAL_EV_TXEMPTY; } if (currentCounters.cts != pComm->counters.cts) { pComm->PendingEvents |= SERIAL_EV_CTS; } if (currentCounters.dsr != pComm->counters.dsr) { pComm->PendingEvents |= SERIAL_EV_DSR; } if (currentCounters.dcd != pComm->counters.dcd) { pComm->PendingEvents |= SERIAL_EV_RLSD; } if (currentCounters.rng != pComm->counters.rng) { pComm->PendingEvents |= SERIAL_EV_RING; } if (pCommstatus->AmountInInQueue > (0.8 * N_TTY_BUF_SIZE)) { pComm->PendingEvents |= SERIAL_EV_RX80FULL; } else { /* FIXME: "is 80 percent full" from the specs is ambiguous, need to track when it previously * occurred? */ pComm->PendingEvents &= ~SERIAL_EV_RX80FULL; } pComm->counters = currentCounters; LeaveCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); return TRUE; } static BOOL _refresh_PendingEvents(WINPR_COMM *pComm) { SERIAL_STATUS serialStatus; /* NB: also ensures PendingEvents to be up to date */ ZeroMemory(&serialStatus, sizeof(SERIAL_STATUS)); if (!_get_commstatus(pComm, &serialStatus)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void _consume_event(WINPR_COMM *pComm, ULONG *pOutputMask, ULONG event) { if ((pComm->WaitEventMask & event) && (pComm->PendingEvents & event)) { pComm->PendingEvents &= ~event; /* consumed */ *pOutputMask |= event; } } /* * NB: see also: _set_wait_mask() */ static BOOL _wait_on_mask(WINPR_COMM *pComm, ULONG *pOutputMask) { assert(*pOutputMask == 0); EnterCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); pComm->PendingEvents |= SERIAL_EV_FREERDP_WAITING; LeaveCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); while (TRUE) { /* NB: EventsLock also used by _refresh_PendingEvents() */ if (!_refresh_PendingEvents(pComm)) { EnterCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); pComm->PendingEvents &= ~SERIAL_EV_FREERDP_WAITING; LeaveCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); return FALSE; } /* NB: ensure to leave the critical section before to return */ EnterCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); if (pComm->PendingEvents & SERIAL_EV_FREERDP_STOP) { pComm->PendingEvents &= ~SERIAL_EV_FREERDP_STOP; /* pOutputMask must remain empty but should * not have been modified. * * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff546805%28v=vs.85%29.aspx */ assert(*pOutputMask == 0); pComm->PendingEvents &= ~SERIAL_EV_FREERDP_WAITING; LeaveCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); return TRUE; } _consume_event(pComm, pOutputMask, SERIAL_EV_RXCHAR); _consume_event(pComm, pOutputMask, SERIAL_EV_RXFLAG); _consume_event(pComm, pOutputMask, SERIAL_EV_TXEMPTY); _consume_event(pComm, pOutputMask, SERIAL_EV_CTS); _consume_event(pComm, pOutputMask, SERIAL_EV_DSR); _consume_event(pComm, pOutputMask, SERIAL_EV_RLSD); _consume_event(pComm, pOutputMask, SERIAL_EV_BREAK); _consume_event(pComm, pOutputMask, SERIAL_EV_ERR); _consume_event(pComm, pOutputMask, SERIAL_EV_RING ); _consume_event(pComm, pOutputMask, SERIAL_EV_RX80FULL); LeaveCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); /* NOTE: PendingEvents can be modified from now on but * not pOutputMask */ if (*pOutputMask != 0) { /* at least an event occurred */ EnterCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); pComm->PendingEvents &= ~SERIAL_EV_FREERDP_WAITING; LeaveCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); return TRUE; } /* waiting for a modification of PendingEvents. * * NOTE: previously used a semaphore but used * sem_timedwait() anyway. Finally preferred a simpler * solution with Sleep() without the burden of the * semaphore initialization and destroying. */ Sleep(100); /* 100 ms */ } CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "_wait_on_mask, unexpected return, WaitEventMask=0x%08"PRIX32"", pComm->WaitEventMask); EnterCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); pComm->PendingEvents &= ~SERIAL_EV_FREERDP_WAITING; LeaveCriticalSection(&pComm->EventsLock); assert(FALSE); return FALSE; } static BOOL _set_break_on(WINPR_COMM *pComm) { if (ioctl(pComm->fd, TIOCSBRK, NULL) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "TIOCSBRK ioctl failed, errno=[%d] %s", errno, strerror(errno)); SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL _set_break_off(WINPR_COMM *pComm) { if (ioctl(pComm->fd, TIOCCBRK, NULL) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "TIOCSBRK ioctl failed, errno=[%d] %s", errno, strerror(errno)); SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL _set_xoff(WINPR_COMM *pComm) { if (tcflow(pComm->fd, TCIOFF) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "TCIOFF failure, errno=[%d] %s", errno, strerror(errno)); SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL _set_xon(WINPR_COMM *pComm) { if (tcflow(pComm->fd, TCION) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "TCION failure, errno=[%d] %s", errno, strerror(errno)); SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL _get_dtrrts(WINPR_COMM *pComm, ULONG *pMask) { UINT32 lines=0; if (ioctl(pComm->fd, TIOCMGET, &lines) < 0) { CommLog_Print(WLOG_WARN, "TIOCMGET ioctl failed, errno=[%d] %s", errno, strerror(errno)); SetLastError(ERROR_IO_DEVICE); return FALSE; } *pMask = 0; if (!(lines & TIOCM_DTR)) *pMask |= SERIAL_DTR_STATE; if (!(lines & TIOCM_RTS)) *pMask |= SERIAL_RTS_STATE; return TRUE; } BOOL _config_size(WINPR_COMM *pComm, ULONG *pSize) { /* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff546548%28v=vs.85%29.aspx */ pSize = 0; return TRUE; } BOOL _immediate_char(WINPR_COMM *pComm, const UCHAR *pChar) { BOOL result; DWORD nbBytesWritten = -1; /* FIXME: CommWriteFile uses a critical section, shall it be * interrupted? * * FIXME: see also _get_commstatus()'s WaitForImmediate boolean */ result = CommWriteFile(pComm, pChar, 1, &nbBytesWritten, NULL); assert(nbBytesWritten == 1); return result; } BOOL _reset_device(WINPR_COMM *pComm) { /* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn265347%28v=vs.85%29.aspx */ return TRUE; } static SERIAL_DRIVER _SerialSys = { .id = SerialDriverSerialSys, .name = _T("Serial.sys"), .set_baud_rate = _set_baud_rate, .get_baud_rate = _get_baud_rate, .get_properties = _get_properties, .set_serial_chars = _set_serial_chars, .get_serial_chars = _get_serial_chars, .set_line_control = _set_line_control, .get_line_control = _get_line_control, .set_handflow = _set_handflow, .get_handflow = _get_handflow, .set_timeouts = _set_timeouts, .get_timeouts = _get_timeouts, .set_dtr = _set_dtr, .clear_dtr = _clear_dtr, .set_rts = _set_rts, .clear_rts = _clear_rts, .get_modemstatus = _get_modemstatus, .set_wait_mask = _set_wait_mask, .get_wait_mask = _get_wait_mask, .wait_on_mask = _wait_on_mask, .set_queue_size = _set_queue_size, .purge = _purge, .get_commstatus = _get_commstatus, .set_break_on = _set_break_on, .set_break_off = _set_break_off, .set_xoff = _set_xoff, .set_xon = _set_xon, .get_dtrrts = _get_dtrrts, .config_size = _config_size, .immediate_char = _immediate_char, .reset_device = _reset_device, }; SERIAL_DRIVER* SerialSys_s() { return &_SerialSys; } #endif /* __linux__ */