/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * Remote Desktop Gateway (RDG) * * Copyright 2015 Denis Vincent * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rdg.h" #include "../credssp_auth.h" #include "../proxy.h" #include "../rdp.h" #include "../../crypto/opensslcompat.h" #include "rpc_fault.h" #include "../utils.h" #define TAG FREERDP_TAG("core.gateway.rdg") #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WITH_SPNEGO) #define AUTH_PKG NEGO_SSP_NAME #else #define AUTH_PKG NTLM_SSP_NAME #endif /* HTTP channel response fields present flags. */ #define HTTP_CHANNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_CHANNELID 0x1 #define HTTP_CHANNEL_RESPONSE_OPTIONAL 0x2 #define HTTP_CHANNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_UDPPORT 0x4 /* HTTP extended auth. */ #define HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_NONE 0x0 #define HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_SC 0x1 /* Smart card authentication. */ #define HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_PAA 0x02 /* Pluggable authentication. */ #define HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_SSPI_NTLM 0x04 /* NTLM extended authentication. */ /* HTTP packet types. */ #define PKT_TYPE_HANDSHAKE_REQUEST 0x1 #define PKT_TYPE_HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE 0x2 #define PKT_TYPE_EXTENDED_AUTH_MSG 0x3 #define PKT_TYPE_TUNNEL_CREATE 0x4 #define PKT_TYPE_TUNNEL_RESPONSE 0x5 #define PKT_TYPE_TUNNEL_AUTH 0x6 #define PKT_TYPE_TUNNEL_AUTH_RESPONSE 0x7 #define PKT_TYPE_CHANNEL_CREATE 0x8 #define PKT_TYPE_CHANNEL_RESPONSE 0x9 #define PKT_TYPE_DATA 0xA #define PKT_TYPE_SERVICE_MESSAGE 0xB #define PKT_TYPE_REAUTH_MESSAGE 0xC #define PKT_TYPE_KEEPALIVE 0xD #define PKT_TYPE_CLOSE_CHANNEL 0x10 #define PKT_TYPE_CLOSE_CHANNEL_RESPONSE 0x11 /* HTTP tunnel auth fields present flags. */ #define HTTP_TUNNEL_AUTH_FIELD_SOH 0x1 /* HTTP tunnel auth response fields present flags. */ #define HTTP_TUNNEL_AUTH_RESPONSE_FIELD_REDIR_FLAGS 0x1 #define HTTP_TUNNEL_AUTH_RESPONSE_FIELD_IDLE_TIMEOUT 0x2 #define HTTP_TUNNEL_AUTH_RESPONSE_FIELD_SOH_RESPONSE 0x4 /* HTTP tunnel packet fields present flags. */ #define HTTP_TUNNEL_PACKET_FIELD_PAA_COOKIE 0x1 #define HTTP_TUNNEL_PACKET_FIELD_REAUTH 0x2 /* HTTP tunnel redir flags. */ #define HTTP_TUNNEL_REDIR_ENABLE_ALL 0x80000000 #define HTTP_TUNNEL_REDIR_DISABLE_ALL 0x40000000 #define HTTP_TUNNEL_REDIR_DISABLE_DRIVE 0x1 #define HTTP_TUNNEL_REDIR_DISABLE_PRINTER 0x2 #define HTTP_TUNNEL_REDIR_DISABLE_PORT 0x4 #define HTTP_TUNNEL_REDIR_DISABLE_CLIPBOARD 0x8 #define HTTP_TUNNEL_REDIR_DISABLE_PNP 0x10 /* HTTP tunnel response fields present flags. */ #define HTTP_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_TUNNEL_ID 0x1 #define HTTP_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_CAPS 0x2 #define HTTP_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_SOH_REQ 0x4 #define HTTP_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_CONSENT_MSG 0x10 /* HTTP capability type enumeration. */ #define HTTP_CAPABILITY_TYPE_QUAR_SOH 0x1 #define HTTP_CAPABILITY_IDLE_TIMEOUT 0x2 #define HTTP_CAPABILITY_MESSAGING_CONSENT_SIGN 0x4 #define HTTP_CAPABILITY_MESSAGING_SERVICE_MSG 0x8 #define HTTP_CAPABILITY_REAUTH 0x10 #define HTTP_CAPABILITY_UDP_TRANSPORT 0x20 #define WEBSOCKET_MASK_BIT 0x80 #define WEBSOCKET_FIN_BIT 0x80 typedef enum { WebsocketContinuationOpcode = 0x0, WebsocketTextOpcode = 0x1, WebsocketBinaryOpcode = 0x2, WebsocketCloseOpcode = 0x8, WebsocketPingOpcode = 0x9, WebsocketPongOpcode = 0xa, } WEBSOCKET_OPCODE; typedef enum { WebsocketStateOpcodeAndFin, WebsocketStateLengthAndMasking, WebsocketStateShortLength, WebsocketStateLongLength, WebSocketStateMaskingKey, WebSocketStatePayload, } WEBSOCKET_STATE; typedef struct { size_t payloadLength; uint32_t maskingKey; BOOL masking; BOOL closeSent; BYTE opcode; BYTE fragmentOriginalOpcode; BYTE lengthAndMaskPosition; WEBSOCKET_STATE state; wStream* responseStreamBuffer; } rdg_http_websocket_context; typedef enum { ChunkStateLenghHeader, ChunkStateData, ChunkStateFooter } CHUNK_STATE; typedef struct { size_t nextOffset; size_t headerFooterPos; CHUNK_STATE state; char lenBuffer[11]; } rdg_http_encoding_chunked_context; typedef struct { TRANSFER_ENCODING httpTransferEncoding; BOOL isWebsocketTransport; union _context { rdg_http_encoding_chunked_context chunked; rdg_http_websocket_context websocket; } context; } rdg_http_encoding_context; struct rdp_rdg { rdpContext* context; rdpSettings* settings; BOOL attached; BIO* frontBio; rdpTls* tlsIn; rdpTls* tlsOut; rdpCredsspAuth* auth; HttpContext* http; CRITICAL_SECTION writeSection; UUID guid; int state; UINT16 packetRemainingCount; UINT16 reserved1; int timeout; UINT16 extAuth; UINT16 reserved2; rdg_http_encoding_context transferEncoding; SmartcardCertInfo* smartcard; }; enum { RDG_CLIENT_STATE_INITIAL, RDG_CLIENT_STATE_HANDSHAKE, RDG_CLIENT_STATE_TUNNEL_CREATE, RDG_CLIENT_STATE_TUNNEL_AUTHORIZE, RDG_CLIENT_STATE_CHANNEL_CREATE, RDG_CLIENT_STATE_OPENED, }; #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct rdg_packet_header { UINT16 type; UINT16 reserved; UINT32 packetLength; } RdgPacketHeader; #pragma pack(pop) typedef struct { UINT32 code; const char* name; } t_flag_mapping; static const t_flag_mapping tunnel_response_fields_present[] = { { HTTP_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_TUNNEL_ID, "HTTP_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_TUNNEL_ID" }, { HTTP_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_CAPS, "HTTP_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_CAPS" }, { HTTP_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_SOH_REQ, "HTTP_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_SOH_REQ" }, { HTTP_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_CONSENT_MSG, "HTTP_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_CONSENT_MSG" } }; static const t_flag_mapping channel_response_fields_present[] = { { HTTP_CHANNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_CHANNELID, "HTTP_CHANNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_CHANNELID" }, { HTTP_CHANNEL_RESPONSE_OPTIONAL, "HTTP_CHANNEL_RESPONSE_OPTIONAL" }, { HTTP_CHANNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_UDPPORT, "HTTP_CHANNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_UDPPORT" } }; static const t_flag_mapping tunnel_authorization_response_fields_present[] = { { HTTP_TUNNEL_AUTH_RESPONSE_FIELD_REDIR_FLAGS, "HTTP_TUNNEL_AUTH_RESPONSE_FIELD_REDIR_FLAGS" }, { HTTP_TUNNEL_AUTH_RESPONSE_FIELD_IDLE_TIMEOUT, "HTTP_TUNNEL_AUTH_RESPONSE_FIELD_IDLE_TIMEOUT" }, { HTTP_TUNNEL_AUTH_RESPONSE_FIELD_SOH_RESPONSE, "HTTP_TUNNEL_AUTH_RESPONSE_FIELD_SOH_RESPONSE" } }; static const t_flag_mapping extended_auth[] = { { HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_NONE, "HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_NONE" }, { HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_SC, "HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_SC" }, { HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_PAA, "HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_PAA" }, { HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_SSPI_NTLM, "HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_SSPI_NTLM" } }; static const t_flag_mapping capabilities_enum[] = { { HTTP_CAPABILITY_TYPE_QUAR_SOH, "HTTP_CAPABILITY_TYPE_QUAR_SOH" }, { HTTP_CAPABILITY_IDLE_TIMEOUT, "HTTP_CAPABILITY_IDLE_TIMEOUT" }, { HTTP_CAPABILITY_MESSAGING_CONSENT_SIGN, "HTTP_CAPABILITY_MESSAGING_CONSENT_SIGN" }, { HTTP_CAPABILITY_MESSAGING_SERVICE_MSG, "HTTP_CAPABILITY_MESSAGING_SERVICE_MSG" }, { HTTP_CAPABILITY_REAUTH, "HTTP_CAPABILITY_REAUTH" }, { HTTP_CAPABILITY_UDP_TRANSPORT, "HTTP_CAPABILITY_UDP_TRANSPORT" } }; static const char* flags_to_string(UINT32 flags, const t_flag_mapping* map, size_t elements) { size_t x = 0; static char buffer[1024] = { 0 }; char fields[12] = { 0 }; for (x = 0; x < elements; x++) { const t_flag_mapping* cur = &map[x]; if ((cur->code & flags) != 0) winpr_str_append(cur->name, buffer, sizeof(buffer), "|"); } sprintf_s(fields, ARRAYSIZE(fields), " [%04" PRIx32 "]", flags); winpr_str_append(fields, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL); return buffer; } static const char* channel_response_fields_present_to_string(UINT16 fieldsPresent) { return flags_to_string(fieldsPresent, channel_response_fields_present, ARRAYSIZE(channel_response_fields_present)); } static const char* tunnel_response_fields_present_to_string(UINT16 fieldsPresent) { return flags_to_string(fieldsPresent, tunnel_response_fields_present, ARRAYSIZE(tunnel_response_fields_present)); } static const char* tunnel_authorization_response_fields_present_to_string(UINT16 fieldsPresent) { return flags_to_string(fieldsPresent, tunnel_authorization_response_fields_present, ARRAYSIZE(tunnel_authorization_response_fields_present)); } static const char* extended_auth_to_string(UINT16 auth) { if (auth == HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_NONE) return "HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_NONE [0x0000]"; return flags_to_string(auth, extended_auth, ARRAYSIZE(extended_auth)); } static const char* capabilities_enum_to_string(UINT32 capabilities) { return flags_to_string(capabilities, capabilities_enum, ARRAYSIZE(capabilities_enum)); } static BOOL rdg_read_http_unicode_string(wStream* s, const WCHAR** string, UINT16* lengthInBytes) { WCHAR* str; UINT16 strLenBytes; size_t rem = Stream_GetRemainingLength(s); /* Read length of the string */ if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLength(TAG, s, 4)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "[%s]: Could not read stream length, only have % " PRIuz " bytes", __FUNCTION__, rem); return FALSE; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, strLenBytes); /* Remember position of our string */ str = (WCHAR*)Stream_Pointer(s); /* seek past the string - if this fails something is wrong */ if (!Stream_SafeSeek(s, strLenBytes)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "[%s]: Could not read stream data, only have % " PRIuz " bytes, expected %" PRIu16, __FUNCTION__, rem - 4, strLenBytes); return FALSE; } /* return the string data (if wanted) */ if (string) *string = str; if (lengthInBytes) *lengthInBytes = strLenBytes; return TRUE; } static BOOL rdg_write_chunked(BIO* bio, wStream* sPacket) { size_t len; int status; wStream* sChunk; char chunkSize[11]; sprintf_s(chunkSize, sizeof(chunkSize), "%" PRIXz "\r\n", Stream_Length(sPacket)); sChunk = Stream_New(NULL, strnlen(chunkSize, sizeof(chunkSize)) + Stream_Length(sPacket) + 2); if (!sChunk) return FALSE; Stream_Write(sChunk, chunkSize, strnlen(chunkSize, sizeof(chunkSize))); Stream_Write(sChunk, Stream_Buffer(sPacket), Stream_Length(sPacket)); Stream_Write(sChunk, "\r\n", 2); Stream_SealLength(sChunk); len = Stream_Length(sChunk); if (len > INT_MAX) { Stream_Free(sChunk, TRUE); return FALSE; } ERR_clear_error(); status = BIO_write(bio, Stream_Buffer(sChunk), (int)len); Stream_Free(sChunk, TRUE); if (status != (SSIZE_T)len) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static BOOL rdg_write_websocket(BIO* bio, wStream* sPacket, WEBSOCKET_OPCODE opcode) { size_t len; size_t fullLen; int status; wStream* sWS; uint32_t maskingKey; size_t streamPos; len = Stream_Length(sPacket); Stream_SetPosition(sPacket, 0); if (len > INT_MAX) return FALSE; if (len < 126) fullLen = len + 6; /* 2 byte "mini header" + 4 byte masking key */ else if (len < 0x10000) fullLen = len + 8; /* 2 byte "mini header" + 2 byte length + 4 byte masking key */ else fullLen = len + 14; /* 2 byte "mini header" + 8 byte length + 4 byte masking key */ sWS = Stream_New(NULL, fullLen); if (!sWS) return FALSE; winpr_RAND((BYTE*)&maskingKey, 4); Stream_Write_UINT8(sWS, WEBSOCKET_FIN_BIT | opcode); if (len < 126) Stream_Write_UINT8(sWS, len | WEBSOCKET_MASK_BIT); else if (len < 0x10000) { Stream_Write_UINT8(sWS, 126 | WEBSOCKET_MASK_BIT); Stream_Write_UINT16_BE(sWS, len); } else { Stream_Write_UINT8(sWS, 127 | WEBSOCKET_MASK_BIT); Stream_Write_UINT32_BE(sWS, 0); /* payload is limited to INT_MAX */ Stream_Write_UINT32_BE(sWS, len); } Stream_Write_UINT32(sWS, maskingKey); /* mask as much as possible with 32bit access */ for (streamPos = 0; streamPos + 4 <= len; streamPos += 4) { uint32_t data; Stream_Read_UINT32(sPacket, data); Stream_Write_UINT32(sWS, data ^ maskingKey); } /* mask the rest byte by byte */ for (; streamPos < len; streamPos++) { BYTE data; BYTE* partialMask = ((BYTE*)&maskingKey) + (streamPos % 4); Stream_Read_UINT8(sPacket, data); Stream_Write_UINT8(sWS, data ^ *partialMask); } Stream_SealLength(sWS); ERR_clear_error(); status = BIO_write(bio, Stream_Buffer(sWS), Stream_Length(sWS)); Stream_Free(sWS, TRUE); if (status != (SSIZE_T)fullLen) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static BOOL rdg_write_packet(rdpRdg* rdg, wStream* sPacket) { if (rdg->transferEncoding.isWebsocketTransport) { if (rdg->transferEncoding.context.websocket.closeSent) return FALSE; return rdg_write_websocket(rdg->tlsOut->bio, sPacket, WebsocketBinaryOpcode); } return rdg_write_chunked(rdg->tlsIn->bio, sPacket); } static int rdg_websocket_read_data(BIO* bio, BYTE* pBuffer, size_t size, rdg_http_websocket_context* encodingContext) { int status; if (encodingContext->payloadLength == 0) { encodingContext->state = WebsocketStateOpcodeAndFin; return 0; } ERR_clear_error(); status = BIO_read(bio, pBuffer, (encodingContext->payloadLength < size ? encodingContext->payloadLength : size)); if (status <= 0) return status; encodingContext->payloadLength -= status; if (encodingContext->payloadLength == 0) encodingContext->state = WebsocketStateOpcodeAndFin; return status; } static int rdg_websocket_read_discard(BIO* bio, rdg_http_websocket_context* encodingContext) { char _dummy[256]; int status; if (encodingContext->payloadLength == 0) { encodingContext->state = WebsocketStateOpcodeAndFin; return 0; } ERR_clear_error(); status = BIO_read(bio, _dummy, sizeof(_dummy)); if (status <= 0) return status; encodingContext->payloadLength -= status; if (encodingContext->payloadLength == 0) encodingContext->state = WebsocketStateOpcodeAndFin; return status; } static int rdg_websocket_read_wstream(BIO* bio, wStream* s, rdg_http_websocket_context* encodingContext) { int status; if (encodingContext->payloadLength == 0) { encodingContext->state = WebsocketStateOpcodeAndFin; return 0; } if (s == NULL || Stream_GetRemainingCapacity(s) != encodingContext->payloadLength) return -1; ERR_clear_error(); status = BIO_read(bio, Stream_Pointer(s), encodingContext->payloadLength); if (status <= 0) return status; Stream_Seek(s, status); encodingContext->payloadLength -= status; if (encodingContext->payloadLength == 0) { encodingContext->state = WebsocketStateOpcodeAndFin; Stream_SealLength(s); Stream_SetPosition(s, 0); } return status; } static BOOL rdg_websocket_reply_close(BIO* bio, wStream* s) { /* write back close */ wStream* closeFrame; uint16_t maskingKey1; uint16_t maskingKey2; int status; size_t closeDataLen; closeDataLen = 0; if (s != NULL && Stream_Length(s) >= 2) closeDataLen = 2; closeFrame = Stream_New(NULL, 6 + closeDataLen); Stream_Write_UINT8(closeFrame, WEBSOCKET_FIN_BIT | WebsocketPongOpcode); Stream_Write_UINT8(closeFrame, closeDataLen | WEBSOCKET_MASK_BIT); /* no payload */ winpr_RAND((BYTE*)&maskingKey1, 2); winpr_RAND((BYTE*)&maskingKey2, 2); Stream_Write_UINT16(closeFrame, maskingKey1); Stream_Write_UINT16(closeFrame, maskingKey2); /* unused half, max 2 bytes of data */ if (closeDataLen == 2) { uint16_t data; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, data); Stream_Write_UINT16(closeFrame, data ^ maskingKey1); } Stream_SealLength(closeFrame); ERR_clear_error(); status = BIO_write(bio, Stream_Buffer(closeFrame), Stream_Length(closeFrame)); Stream_Free(closeFrame, TRUE); /* server MUST close socket now. The server is not allowed anymore to * send frames but if he does, nothing bad would happen */ if (status < 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static BOOL rdg_websocket_reply_pong(BIO* bio, wStream* s) { wStream* closeFrame; uint32_t maskingKey; int status; if (s != NULL) return rdg_write_websocket(bio, s, WebsocketPongOpcode); closeFrame = Stream_New(NULL, 6); Stream_Write_UINT8(closeFrame, WEBSOCKET_FIN_BIT | WebsocketPongOpcode); Stream_Write_UINT8(closeFrame, 0 | WEBSOCKET_MASK_BIT); /* no payload */ winpr_RAND((BYTE*)&maskingKey, 4); Stream_Write_UINT32(closeFrame, maskingKey); /* dummy masking key. */ Stream_SealLength(closeFrame); ERR_clear_error(); status = BIO_write(bio, Stream_Buffer(closeFrame), Stream_Length(closeFrame)); if (status < 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static int rdg_websocket_handle_payload(BIO* bio, BYTE* pBuffer, size_t size, rdg_http_websocket_context* encodingContext) { int status; BYTE effectiveOpcode = ((encodingContext->opcode & 0xf) == WebsocketContinuationOpcode ? encodingContext->fragmentOriginalOpcode & 0xf : encodingContext->opcode & 0xf); switch (effectiveOpcode) { case WebsocketBinaryOpcode: { status = rdg_websocket_read_data(bio, pBuffer, size, encodingContext); if (status < 0) return status; return status; } case WebsocketPingOpcode: { if (encodingContext->responseStreamBuffer == NULL) encodingContext->responseStreamBuffer = Stream_New(NULL, encodingContext->payloadLength); status = rdg_websocket_read_wstream(bio, encodingContext->responseStreamBuffer, encodingContext); if (status < 0) return status; if (encodingContext->payloadLength == 0) { if (!encodingContext->closeSent) rdg_websocket_reply_pong(bio, encodingContext->responseStreamBuffer); if (encodingContext->responseStreamBuffer) Stream_Free(encodingContext->responseStreamBuffer, TRUE); encodingContext->responseStreamBuffer = NULL; } } break; case WebsocketCloseOpcode: { if (encodingContext->responseStreamBuffer == NULL) encodingContext->responseStreamBuffer = Stream_New(NULL, encodingContext->payloadLength); status = rdg_websocket_read_wstream(bio, encodingContext->responseStreamBuffer, encodingContext); if (status < 0) return status; if (encodingContext->payloadLength == 0) { rdg_websocket_reply_close(bio, encodingContext->responseStreamBuffer); encodingContext->closeSent = TRUE; if (encodingContext->responseStreamBuffer) Stream_Free(encodingContext->responseStreamBuffer, TRUE); encodingContext->responseStreamBuffer = NULL; } } break; default: WLog_WARN(TAG, "Unimplemented websocket opcode %x. Dropping", effectiveOpcode & 0xf); status = rdg_websocket_read_discard(bio, encodingContext); if (status < 0) return status; } /* return how many bytes have been written to pBuffer. * Only WebsocketBinaryOpcode writes into it and it returns directly */ return 0; } static int rdg_websocket_read(BIO* bio, BYTE* pBuffer, size_t size, rdg_http_websocket_context* encodingContext) { int status; int effectiveDataLen = 0; WINPR_ASSERT(encodingContext != NULL); while (TRUE) { switch (encodingContext->state) { case WebsocketStateOpcodeAndFin: { BYTE buffer[1]; ERR_clear_error(); status = BIO_read(bio, (char*)buffer, 1); if (status <= 0) return (effectiveDataLen > 0 ? effectiveDataLen : status); encodingContext->opcode = buffer[0]; if (((encodingContext->opcode & 0xf) != WebsocketContinuationOpcode) && (encodingContext->opcode & 0xf) < 0x08) encodingContext->fragmentOriginalOpcode = encodingContext->opcode; encodingContext->state = WebsocketStateLengthAndMasking; } break; case WebsocketStateLengthAndMasking: { BYTE buffer[1]; BYTE len; ERR_clear_error(); status = BIO_read(bio, (char*)buffer, 1); if (status <= 0) return (effectiveDataLen > 0 ? effectiveDataLen : status); encodingContext->masking = ((buffer[0] & WEBSOCKET_MASK_BIT) == WEBSOCKET_MASK_BIT); encodingContext->lengthAndMaskPosition = 0; encodingContext->payloadLength = 0; len = buffer[0] & 0x7f; if (len < 126) { encodingContext->payloadLength = len; encodingContext->state = (encodingContext->masking ? WebSocketStateMaskingKey : WebSocketStatePayload); } else if (len == 126) encodingContext->state = WebsocketStateShortLength; else encodingContext->state = WebsocketStateLongLength; } break; case WebsocketStateShortLength: case WebsocketStateLongLength: { BYTE buffer[1]; BYTE lenLength = (encodingContext->state == WebsocketStateShortLength ? 2 : 8); while (encodingContext->lengthAndMaskPosition < lenLength) { ERR_clear_error(); status = BIO_read(bio, (char*)buffer, 1); if (status <= 0) return (effectiveDataLen > 0 ? effectiveDataLen : status); encodingContext->payloadLength = (encodingContext->payloadLength) << 8 | buffer[0]; encodingContext->lengthAndMaskPosition += status; } encodingContext->state = (encodingContext->masking ? WebSocketStateMaskingKey : WebSocketStatePayload); } break; case WebSocketStateMaskingKey: { WLog_WARN( TAG, "Websocket Server sends data with masking key. This is against RFC 6455."); return -1; } case WebSocketStatePayload: { status = rdg_websocket_handle_payload(bio, pBuffer, size, encodingContext); if (status < 0) return (effectiveDataLen > 0 ? effectiveDataLen : status); effectiveDataLen += status; if ((size_t)status == size) return effectiveDataLen; pBuffer += status; size -= status; } } } /* should be unreachable */ } static int rdg_chuncked_read(BIO* bio, BYTE* pBuffer, size_t size, rdg_http_encoding_chunked_context* encodingContext) { int status; int effectiveDataLen = 0; WINPR_ASSERT(encodingContext != NULL); while (TRUE) { switch (encodingContext->state) { case ChunkStateData: { ERR_clear_error(); status = BIO_read( bio, pBuffer, (size > encodingContext->nextOffset ? encodingContext->nextOffset : size)); if (status <= 0) return (effectiveDataLen > 0 ? effectiveDataLen : status); encodingContext->nextOffset -= status; if (encodingContext->nextOffset == 0) { encodingContext->state = ChunkStateFooter; encodingContext->headerFooterPos = 0; } effectiveDataLen += status; if ((size_t)status == size) return effectiveDataLen; pBuffer += status; size -= status; } break; case ChunkStateFooter: { char _dummy[2]; WINPR_ASSERT(encodingContext->nextOffset == 0); WINPR_ASSERT(encodingContext->headerFooterPos < 2); ERR_clear_error(); status = BIO_read(bio, _dummy, 2 - encodingContext->headerFooterPos); if (status >= 0) { encodingContext->headerFooterPos += status; if (encodingContext->headerFooterPos == 2) { encodingContext->state = ChunkStateLenghHeader; encodingContext->headerFooterPos = 0; } } else return (effectiveDataLen > 0 ? effectiveDataLen : status); } break; case ChunkStateLenghHeader: { BOOL _haveNewLine = FALSE; size_t tmp; char* dst = &encodingContext->lenBuffer[encodingContext->headerFooterPos]; WINPR_ASSERT(encodingContext->nextOffset == 0); while (encodingContext->headerFooterPos < 10 && !_haveNewLine) { ERR_clear_error(); status = BIO_read(bio, dst, 1); if (status >= 0) { if (*dst == '\n') _haveNewLine = TRUE; encodingContext->headerFooterPos += status; dst += status; } else return (effectiveDataLen > 0 ? effectiveDataLen : status); } *dst = '\0'; /* strtoul is tricky, error are reported via errno, we also need * to ensure the result does not overflow */ errno = 0; tmp = strtoul(encodingContext->lenBuffer, NULL, 16); if ((errno != 0) || (tmp > SIZE_MAX)) return -1; encodingContext->nextOffset = tmp; encodingContext->state = ChunkStateData; if (encodingContext->nextOffset == 0) { /* end of stream */ int fd = BIO_get_fd(bio, NULL); if (fd >= 0) closesocket((SOCKET)fd); WLog_WARN(TAG, "cunked encoding end of stream received"); encodingContext->headerFooterPos = 0; encodingContext->state = ChunkStateFooter; } } break; default: /* invalid state */ return -1; } } } static int rdg_socket_read(BIO* bio, BYTE* pBuffer, size_t size, rdg_http_encoding_context* encodingContext) { WINPR_ASSERT(encodingContext != NULL); if (encodingContext->isWebsocketTransport) { return rdg_websocket_read(bio, pBuffer, size, &encodingContext->context.websocket); } switch (encodingContext->httpTransferEncoding) { case TransferEncodingIdentity: ERR_clear_error(); return BIO_read(bio, pBuffer, size); case TransferEncodingChunked: return rdg_chuncked_read(bio, pBuffer, size, &encodingContext->context.chunked); default: return -1; } } static BOOL rdg_read_all(rdpTls* tls, BYTE* buffer, size_t size, rdg_http_encoding_context* transferEncoding) { size_t readCount = 0; BYTE* pBuffer = buffer; while (readCount < size) { int status = rdg_socket_read(tls->bio, pBuffer, size - readCount, transferEncoding); if (status <= 0) { if (!BIO_should_retry(tls->bio)) return FALSE; Sleep(10); continue; } readCount += status; pBuffer += status; } return TRUE; } static wStream* rdg_receive_packet(rdpRdg* rdg) { wStream* s; const size_t header = sizeof(RdgPacketHeader); size_t packetLength; WINPR_ASSERT(header <= INT_MAX); s = Stream_New(NULL, 1024); if (!s) return NULL; if (!rdg_read_all(rdg->tlsOut, Stream_Buffer(s), header, &rdg->transferEncoding)) { Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return NULL; } Stream_Seek(s, 4); Stream_Read_UINT32(s, packetLength); if ((packetLength > INT_MAX) || !Stream_EnsureCapacity(s, packetLength) || (packetLength < header)) { Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return NULL; } if (!rdg_read_all(rdg->tlsOut, Stream_Buffer(s) + header, (int)packetLength - (int)header, &rdg->transferEncoding)) { Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return NULL; } Stream_SetLength(s, packetLength); return s; } static BOOL rdg_send_handshake(rdpRdg* rdg) { wStream* s; BOOL status; s = Stream_New(NULL, 14); if (!s) return FALSE; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, PKT_TYPE_HANDSHAKE_REQUEST); /* Type (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, 0); /* Reserved (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, 14); /* PacketLength (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, 1); /* VersionMajor (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, 0); /* VersionMinor (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, 0); /* ClientVersion (2 bytes), must be 0 */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, rdg->extAuth); /* ExtendedAuthentication (2 bytes) */ Stream_SealLength(s); status = rdg_write_packet(rdg, s); Stream_Free(s, TRUE); if (status) { rdg->state = RDG_CLIENT_STATE_HANDSHAKE; } return status; } static BOOL rdg_send_tunnel_request(rdpRdg* rdg) { wStream* s; BOOL status; UINT32 packetSize = 16; UINT16 fieldsPresent = 0; WCHAR* PAACookie = NULL; int PAACookieLen = 0; const UINT32 capabilities = HTTP_CAPABILITY_TYPE_QUAR_SOH | HTTP_CAPABILITY_MESSAGING_CONSENT_SIGN | HTTP_CAPABILITY_MESSAGING_SERVICE_MSG; if (rdg->extAuth == HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_PAA) { PAACookieLen = ConvertToUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, rdg->settings->GatewayAccessToken, -1, &PAACookie, 0); if (!PAACookie || (PAACookieLen < 0) || (PAACookieLen > UINT16_MAX / 2)) { free(PAACookie); return FALSE; } packetSize += 2 + (UINT32)PAACookieLen * sizeof(WCHAR); fieldsPresent = HTTP_TUNNEL_PACKET_FIELD_PAA_COOKIE; } s = Stream_New(NULL, packetSize); if (!s) { free(PAACookie); return FALSE; } Stream_Write_UINT16(s, PKT_TYPE_TUNNEL_CREATE); /* Type (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, 0); /* Reserved (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, packetSize); /* PacketLength (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, capabilities); /* CapabilityFlags (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, fieldsPresent); /* FieldsPresent (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, 0); /* Reserved (2 bytes), must be 0 */ if (PAACookie) { Stream_Write_UINT16(s, (UINT16)PAACookieLen * 2); /* PAA cookie string length */ Stream_Write_UTF16_String(s, PAACookie, (size_t)PAACookieLen); } Stream_SealLength(s); status = rdg_write_packet(rdg, s); Stream_Free(s, TRUE); free(PAACookie); if (status) { rdg->state = RDG_CLIENT_STATE_TUNNEL_CREATE; } return status; } static BOOL rdg_send_tunnel_authorization(rdpRdg* rdg) { wStream* s; BOOL status; WCHAR* clientName = NULL; UINT32 packetSize; int clientNameLen = ConvertToUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, rdg->settings->ClientHostname, -1, &clientName, 0); if (!clientName || (clientNameLen < 0) || (clientNameLen > UINT16_MAX / 2)) { free(clientName); return FALSE; } packetSize = 12 + (UINT32)clientNameLen * sizeof(WCHAR); s = Stream_New(NULL, packetSize); if (!s) { free(clientName); return FALSE; } Stream_Write_UINT16(s, PKT_TYPE_TUNNEL_AUTH); /* Type (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, 0); /* Reserved (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, packetSize); /* PacketLength (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, 0); /* FieldsPresent (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, (UINT16)clientNameLen * 2); /* Client name string length */ Stream_Write_UTF16_String(s, clientName, (size_t)clientNameLen); Stream_SealLength(s); status = rdg_write_packet(rdg, s); Stream_Free(s, TRUE); free(clientName); if (status) { rdg->state = RDG_CLIENT_STATE_TUNNEL_AUTHORIZE; } return status; } static BOOL rdg_send_channel_create(rdpRdg* rdg) { wStream* s = NULL; BOOL status = FALSE; WCHAR* serverName = NULL; int serverNameLen = ConvertToUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, rdg->settings->ServerHostname, -1, &serverName, 0); UINT32 packetSize = 16 + ((UINT32)serverNameLen) * 2; if ((serverNameLen < 0) || (serverNameLen > UINT16_MAX / 2)) goto fail; s = Stream_New(NULL, packetSize); if (!s) goto fail; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, PKT_TYPE_CHANNEL_CREATE); /* Type (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, 0); /* Reserved (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, packetSize); /* PacketLength (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, 1); /* Number of resources. (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, 0); /* Number of alternative resources (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, (UINT16)rdg->settings->ServerPort); /* Resource port (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, 3); /* Protocol number (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, (UINT16)serverNameLen * 2); Stream_Write_UTF16_String(s, serverName, (size_t)serverNameLen); Stream_SealLength(s); status = rdg_write_packet(rdg, s); fail: free(serverName); Stream_Free(s, TRUE); if (status) rdg->state = RDG_CLIENT_STATE_CHANNEL_CREATE; return status; } static BOOL rdg_set_auth_header(rdpCredsspAuth* auth, HttpRequest* request) { const SecBuffer* authToken = credssp_auth_get_output_buffer(auth); char* base64AuthToken = NULL; if (authToken) { if (authToken->cbBuffer > INT_MAX) return FALSE; base64AuthToken = crypto_base64_encode(authToken->pvBuffer, (int)authToken->cbBuffer); } if (base64AuthToken) { BOOL rc = http_request_set_auth_scheme(request, credssp_auth_pkg_name(auth)) && http_request_set_auth_param(request, base64AuthToken); free(base64AuthToken); if (!rc) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static wStream* rdg_build_http_request(rdpRdg* rdg, const char* method, TRANSFER_ENCODING transferEncoding) { wStream* s = NULL; HttpRequest* request = NULL; const char* uri; if (!rdg || !method) return NULL; uri = http_context_get_uri(rdg->http); request = http_request_new(); if (!request) return NULL; if (!http_request_set_method(request, method) || !http_request_set_uri(request, uri)) goto out; if (rdg->auth) { if (!rdg_set_auth_header(rdg->auth, request)) goto out; } http_request_set_transfer_encoding(request, transferEncoding); s = http_request_write(rdg->http, request); out: http_request_free(request); if (s) Stream_SealLength(s); return s; } static BOOL rdg_recv_auth_token(rdpCredsspAuth* auth, HttpResponse* response) { size_t len; const char* token64 = NULL; size_t authTokenLength = 0; BYTE* authTokenData = NULL; SecBuffer authToken = { 0 }; long StatusCode; int rc; if (!auth || !response) return FALSE; StatusCode = http_response_get_status_code(response); switch (StatusCode) { case HTTP_STATUS_DENIED: case HTTP_STATUS_OK: break; default: WLog_DBG(TAG, "Unexpected HTTP status: %ld", StatusCode); return FALSE; } token64 = http_response_get_auth_token(response, credssp_auth_pkg_name(auth)); if (!token64) return FALSE; len = strlen(token64); crypto_base64_decode(token64, len, &authTokenData, &authTokenLength); if (authTokenLength && authTokenData) { authToken.pvBuffer = authTokenData; authToken.cbBuffer = authTokenLength; credssp_auth_take_input_buffer(auth, &authToken); } rc = credssp_auth_authenticate(auth); if (rc < 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static BOOL rdg_skip_seed_payload(rdpTls* tls, SSIZE_T lastResponseLength, rdg_http_encoding_context* transferEncoding) { BYTE seed_payload[10]; const size_t size = sizeof(seed_payload); WINPR_ASSERT(size < SSIZE_MAX); /* Per [MS-TSGU] step 4, after final OK response RDG server sends * random "seed" payload of limited size. In practice it's 10 bytes. */ if (lastResponseLength < (SSIZE_T)size) { if (!rdg_read_all(tls, seed_payload, size - lastResponseLength, transferEncoding)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } static BOOL rdg_process_handshake_response(rdpRdg* rdg, wStream* s) { UINT32 errorCode; UINT16 serverVersion, extendedAuth; BYTE verMajor, verMinor; const char* error; WLog_DBG(TAG, "Handshake response received"); if (rdg->state != RDG_CLIENT_STATE_HANDSHAKE) { return FALSE; } if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLength(TAG, s, 10)) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, errorCode); Stream_Read_UINT8(s, verMajor); Stream_Read_UINT8(s, verMinor); Stream_Read_UINT16(s, serverVersion); Stream_Read_UINT16(s, extendedAuth); error = rpc_error_to_string(errorCode); WLog_DBG(TAG, "errorCode=%s, verMajor=%" PRId8 ", verMinor=%" PRId8 ", serverVersion=%" PRId16 ", extendedAuth=%s", error, verMajor, verMinor, serverVersion, extended_auth_to_string(extendedAuth)); if (FAILED(errorCode)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Handshake error %s", error); freerdp_set_last_error_log(rdg->context, errorCode); return FALSE; } return rdg_send_tunnel_request(rdg); } static BOOL rdg_process_tunnel_response_optional(rdpRdg* rdg, wStream* s, UINT16 fieldsPresent) { if (fieldsPresent & HTTP_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_TUNNEL_ID) { /* Seek over tunnelId (4 bytes) */ if (!Stream_SafeSeek(s, 4)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "[%s] Short tunnelId, got %" PRIuz ", expected 4", __FUNCTION__, Stream_GetRemainingLength(s)); return FALSE; } } if (fieldsPresent & HTTP_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_CAPS) { UINT32 caps; if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLength(TAG, s, 4)) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, caps); WLog_DBG(TAG, "capabilities=%s", capabilities_enum_to_string(caps)); } if (fieldsPresent & HTTP_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_SOH_REQ) { /* Seek over nonce (20 bytes) */ if (!Stream_SafeSeek(s, 20)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "[%s] Short nonce, got %" PRIuz ", expected 20", __FUNCTION__, Stream_GetRemainingLength(s)); return FALSE; } /* Read serverCert */ if (!rdg_read_http_unicode_string(s, NULL, NULL)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "[%s] Failed to read server certificate", __FUNCTION__); return FALSE; } } if (fieldsPresent & HTTP_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_FIELD_CONSENT_MSG) { const WCHAR* msg; UINT16 msgLenBytes; rdpContext* context = rdg->context; WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(context->instance); /* Read message string and invoke callback */ if (!rdg_read_http_unicode_string(s, &msg, &msgLenBytes)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "[%s] Failed to read consent message", __FUNCTION__); return FALSE; } return IFCALLRESULT(TRUE, context->instance->PresentGatewayMessage, context->instance, GATEWAY_MESSAGE_CONSENT, TRUE, TRUE, msgLenBytes, msg); } return TRUE; } static BOOL rdg_process_tunnel_response(rdpRdg* rdg, wStream* s) { UINT16 serverVersion, fieldsPresent; UINT32 errorCode; const char* error; WLog_DBG(TAG, "Tunnel response received"); if (rdg->state != RDG_CLIENT_STATE_TUNNEL_CREATE) { return FALSE; } if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLength(TAG, s, 10)) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, serverVersion); Stream_Read_UINT32(s, errorCode); Stream_Read_UINT16(s, fieldsPresent); Stream_Seek_UINT16(s); /* reserved */ error = rpc_error_to_string(errorCode); WLog_DBG(TAG, "serverVersion=%" PRId16 ", errorCode=%s, fieldsPresent=%s", serverVersion, error, tunnel_response_fields_present_to_string(fieldsPresent)); if (FAILED(errorCode)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Tunnel creation error %s", error); freerdp_set_last_error_log(rdg->context, errorCode); return FALSE; } if (!rdg_process_tunnel_response_optional(rdg, s, fieldsPresent)) return FALSE; return rdg_send_tunnel_authorization(rdg); } static BOOL rdg_process_tunnel_authorization_response(rdpRdg* rdg, wStream* s) { UINT32 errorCode; UINT16 fieldsPresent; const char* error; WLog_DBG(TAG, "Tunnel authorization received"); if (rdg->state != RDG_CLIENT_STATE_TUNNEL_AUTHORIZE) { return FALSE; } if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLength(TAG, s, 8)) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, errorCode); Stream_Read_UINT16(s, fieldsPresent); Stream_Seek_UINT16(s); /* reserved */ error = rpc_error_to_string(errorCode); WLog_DBG(TAG, "errorCode=%s, fieldsPresent=%s", error, tunnel_authorization_response_fields_present_to_string(fieldsPresent)); if (FAILED(errorCode)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Tunnel authorization error %s", error); freerdp_set_last_error_log(rdg->context, errorCode); return FALSE; } return rdg_send_channel_create(rdg); } static BOOL rdg_process_channel_response(rdpRdg* rdg, wStream* s) { UINT16 fieldsPresent; UINT32 errorCode; const char* error; WLog_DBG(TAG, "Channel response received"); if (rdg->state != RDG_CLIENT_STATE_CHANNEL_CREATE) { return FALSE; } if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLength(TAG, s, 8)) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, errorCode); Stream_Read_UINT16(s, fieldsPresent); Stream_Seek_UINT16(s); /* reserved */ error = rpc_error_to_string(errorCode); WLog_DBG(TAG, "channel response errorCode=%s, fieldsPresent=%s", error, channel_response_fields_present_to_string(fieldsPresent)); if (FAILED(errorCode)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "channel response errorCode=%s, fieldsPresent=%s", error, channel_response_fields_present_to_string(fieldsPresent)); freerdp_set_last_error_log(rdg->context, errorCode); return FALSE; } rdg->state = RDG_CLIENT_STATE_OPENED; return TRUE; } static BOOL rdg_process_packet(rdpRdg* rdg, wStream* s) { BOOL status = TRUE; UINT16 type; UINT32 packetLength; Stream_SetPosition(s, 0); if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLength(TAG, s, 8)) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, type); Stream_Seek_UINT16(s); /* reserved */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, packetLength); if (Stream_Length(s) < packetLength) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "[%s] Short packet %" PRIuz ", expected %" PRIuz, __FUNCTION__, Stream_Length(s), packetLength); return FALSE; } switch (type) { case PKT_TYPE_HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE: status = rdg_process_handshake_response(rdg, s); break; case PKT_TYPE_TUNNEL_RESPONSE: status = rdg_process_tunnel_response(rdg, s); break; case PKT_TYPE_TUNNEL_AUTH_RESPONSE: status = rdg_process_tunnel_authorization_response(rdg, s); break; case PKT_TYPE_CHANNEL_RESPONSE: status = rdg_process_channel_response(rdg, s); break; case PKT_TYPE_DATA: WLog_ERR(TAG, "[%s] Unexpected packet type DATA", __FUNCTION__); return FALSE; } return status; } DWORD rdg_get_event_handles(rdpRdg* rdg, HANDLE* events, DWORD count) { DWORD nCount = 0; WINPR_ASSERT(rdg != NULL); if (rdg->tlsOut && rdg->tlsOut->bio) { if (events && (nCount < count)) { BIO_get_event(rdg->tlsOut->bio, &events[nCount]); nCount++; } else return 0; } if (!rdg->transferEncoding.isWebsocketTransport && rdg->tlsIn && rdg->tlsIn->bio) { if (events && (nCount < count)) { BIO_get_event(rdg->tlsIn->bio, &events[nCount]); nCount++; } else return 0; } return nCount; } static BOOL rdg_get_gateway_credentials(rdpContext* context, rdp_auth_reason reason) { freerdp* instance = context->instance; auth_status rc = utils_authenticate_gateway(instance, reason); switch (rc) { case AUTH_SUCCESS: case AUTH_SKIP: return TRUE; case AUTH_NO_CREDENTIALS: freerdp_set_last_error_log(instance->context, FREERDP_ERROR_CONNECT_NO_OR_MISSING_CREDENTIALS); return FALSE; case AUTH_FAILED: default: return FALSE; } } static BOOL rdg_auth_init(rdpRdg* rdg, rdpTls* tls) { rdpContext* context = rdg->context; rdpSettings* settings = context->settings; SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY identity = { 0 }; int rc; rdg->auth = credssp_auth_new(context); if (!rdg->auth) return FALSE; if (!credssp_auth_init(rdg->auth, AUTH_PKG, tls->Bindings)) return FALSE; if (freerdp_settings_get_bool(settings, FreeRDP_SmartcardLogon)) { if (!smartcard_getCert(context, &rdg->smartcard, TRUE)) return FALSE; if (!rdg_get_gateway_credentials(context, AUTH_SMARTCARD_PIN)) return FALSE; #ifdef _WIN32 { CERT_CREDENTIAL_INFO certInfo = { sizeof(CERT_CREDENTIAL_INFO), { 0 } }; LPSTR marshalledCredentials; memcpy(certInfo.rgbHashOfCert, rdg->smartcard->sha1Hash, sizeof(certInfo.rgbHashOfCert)); if (!CredMarshalCredentialA(CertCredential, &certInfo, &marshalledCredentials)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error marshalling cert credentials"); return FALSE; } if (sspi_SetAuthIdentityA(&identity, marshalledCredentials, NULL, settings->GatewayPassword) < 0) return FALSE; CredFree(marshalledCredentials); } #else if (sspi_SetAuthIdentityA(&identity, settings->GatewayUsername, settings->GatewayDomain, settings->GatewayPassword) < 0) return FALSE; #endif } else { if (!rdg_get_gateway_credentials(context, GW_AUTH_RDG)) return FALSE; if (sspi_SetAuthIdentityA(&identity, settings->GatewayUsername, settings->GatewayDomain, settings->GatewayPassword) < 0) return FALSE; } if (!credssp_auth_setup_client(rdg->auth, "HTTP", settings->GatewayHostname, &identity, rdg->smartcard ? rdg->smartcard->pkinitArgs : NULL)) { sspi_FreeAuthIdentity(&identity); return FALSE; } sspi_FreeAuthIdentity(&identity); credssp_auth_set_flags(rdg->auth, ISC_REQ_CONFIDENTIALITY | ISC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH); rc = credssp_auth_authenticate(rdg->auth); if (rc < 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static BOOL rdg_send_http_request(rdpRdg* rdg, rdpTls* tls, const char* method, TRANSFER_ENCODING transferEncoding) { size_t sz; wStream* s = NULL; int status = -1; s = rdg_build_http_request(rdg, method, transferEncoding); if (!s) return FALSE; sz = Stream_Length(s); if (sz <= INT_MAX) status = tls_write_all(tls, Stream_Buffer(s), (int)sz); Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return (status >= 0); } static BOOL rdg_tls_connect(rdpRdg* rdg, rdpTls* tls, const char* peerAddress, int timeout) { int sockfd = 0; long status = 0; BIO* socketBio = NULL; BIO* bufferedBio = NULL; rdpSettings* settings = rdg->settings; const char* peerHostname = settings->GatewayHostname; UINT16 peerPort = (UINT16)settings->GatewayPort; const char *proxyUsername, *proxyPassword; BOOL isProxyConnection = proxy_prepare(settings, &peerHostname, &peerPort, &proxyUsername, &proxyPassword); if (settings->GatewayPort > UINT16_MAX) return FALSE; sockfd = freerdp_tcp_connect(rdg->context, peerAddress ? peerAddress : peerHostname, peerPort, timeout); if (sockfd < 0) { return FALSE; } socketBio = BIO_new(BIO_s_simple_socket()); if (!socketBio) { closesocket((SOCKET)sockfd); return FALSE; } BIO_set_fd(socketBio, sockfd, BIO_CLOSE); bufferedBio = BIO_new(BIO_s_buffered_socket()); if (!bufferedBio) { BIO_free_all(socketBio); return FALSE; } bufferedBio = BIO_push(bufferedBio, socketBio); status = BIO_set_nonblock(bufferedBio, TRUE); if (isProxyConnection) { if (!proxy_connect(settings, bufferedBio, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, settings->GatewayHostname, (UINT16)settings->GatewayPort)) { BIO_free_all(bufferedBio); return FALSE; } } if (!status) { BIO_free_all(bufferedBio); return FALSE; } tls->hostname = settings->GatewayHostname; tls->port = (int)settings->GatewayPort; tls->isGatewayTransport = TRUE; status = tls_connect(tls, bufferedBio); if (status < 1) { rdpContext* context = rdg->context; if (status < 0) { freerdp_set_last_error_if_not(context, FREERDP_ERROR_TLS_CONNECT_FAILED); } else { freerdp_set_last_error_if_not(context, FREERDP_ERROR_CONNECT_CANCELLED); } return FALSE; } return (status >= 1); } static BOOL rdg_establish_data_connection(rdpRdg* rdg, rdpTls* tls, const char* method, const char* peerAddress, int timeout, BOOL* rpcFallback) { HttpResponse* response = NULL; long statusCode; SSIZE_T bodyLength; long StatusCode; TRANSFER_ENCODING encoding; BOOL isWebsocket; if (!rdg_tls_connect(rdg, tls, peerAddress, timeout)) return FALSE; WINPR_ASSERT(rpcFallback); if (rdg->extAuth == HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_NONE) { if (!rdg_auth_init(rdg, tls)) return FALSE; if (!rdg_send_http_request(rdg, tls, method, TransferEncodingIdentity)) return FALSE; response = http_response_recv(tls, TRUE); /* MS RD Gateway seems to just terminate the tls connection without * sending an answer if it is not happy with the http request */ if (!response) { WLog_INFO(TAG, "RD Gateway HTTP transport broken."); *rpcFallback = TRUE; return FALSE; } StatusCode = http_response_get_status_code(response); switch (StatusCode) { case HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND: { WLog_INFO(TAG, "RD Gateway does not support HTTP transport."); *rpcFallback = TRUE; http_response_free(response); return FALSE; } default: break; } while (!credssp_auth_is_complete(rdg->auth)) { if (!rdg_recv_auth_token(rdg->auth, response)) { http_response_free(response); return FALSE; } if (credssp_auth_have_output_token(rdg->auth)) { http_response_free(response); if (!rdg_send_http_request(rdg, tls, method, TransferEncodingIdentity)) return FALSE; response = http_response_recv(tls, TRUE); if (!response) { WLog_INFO(TAG, "RD Gateway HTTP transport broken."); *rpcFallback = TRUE; return FALSE; } } } credssp_auth_free(rdg->auth); rdg->auth = NULL; } else { credssp_auth_free(rdg->auth); rdg->auth = NULL; if (!rdg_send_http_request(rdg, tls, method, TransferEncodingIdentity)) return FALSE; response = http_response_recv(tls, TRUE); if (!response) { WLog_INFO(TAG, "RD Gateway HTTP transport broken."); *rpcFallback = TRUE; return FALSE; } } statusCode = http_response_get_status_code(response); bodyLength = http_response_get_body_length(response); encoding = http_response_get_transfer_encoding(response); isWebsocket = http_response_is_websocket(rdg->http, response); http_response_free(response); WLog_DBG(TAG, "%s authorization result: %ld", method, statusCode); switch (statusCode) { case HTTP_STATUS_OK: /* old rdg endpoint without websocket support, don't request websocket for RDG_IN_DATA */ http_context_enable_websocket_upgrade(rdg->http, FALSE); break; case HTTP_STATUS_DENIED: freerdp_set_last_error_log(rdg->context, FREERDP_ERROR_CONNECT_ACCESS_DENIED); return FALSE; case HTTP_STATUS_SWITCH_PROTOCOLS: if (!isWebsocket) { /* * webserver is broken, a fallback may be possible here * but only if already tested with oppurtonistic upgrade */ if (http_context_is_websocket_upgrade_enabled(rdg->http)) { int fd = BIO_get_fd(tls->bio, NULL); if (fd >= 0) closesocket((SOCKET)fd); http_context_enable_websocket_upgrade(rdg->http, FALSE); return rdg_establish_data_connection(rdg, tls, method, peerAddress, timeout, rpcFallback); } return FALSE; } rdg->transferEncoding.isWebsocketTransport = TRUE; rdg->transferEncoding.context.websocket.state = WebsocketStateOpcodeAndFin; rdg->transferEncoding.context.websocket.responseStreamBuffer = NULL; return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } if (strcmp(method, "RDG_OUT_DATA") == 0) { if (encoding == TransferEncodingChunked) { rdg->transferEncoding.httpTransferEncoding = TransferEncodingChunked; rdg->transferEncoding.context.chunked.nextOffset = 0; rdg->transferEncoding.context.chunked.headerFooterPos = 0; rdg->transferEncoding.context.chunked.state = ChunkStateLenghHeader; } if (!rdg_skip_seed_payload(tls, bodyLength, &rdg->transferEncoding)) { return FALSE; } } else { if (!rdg_send_http_request(rdg, tls, method, TransferEncodingChunked)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL rdg_tunnel_connect(rdpRdg* rdg) { BOOL status; wStream* s; rdg_send_handshake(rdg); while (rdg->state < RDG_CLIENT_STATE_OPENED) { status = FALSE; s = rdg_receive_packet(rdg); if (s) { status = rdg_process_packet(rdg, s); Stream_Free(s, TRUE); } if (!status) { WINPR_ASSERT(rdg); WINPR_ASSERT(rdg->context); WINPR_ASSERT(rdg->context->rdp); transport_set_layer(rdg->context->rdp->transport, TRANSPORT_LAYER_CLOSED); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } BOOL rdg_connect(rdpRdg* rdg, DWORD timeout, BOOL* rpcFallback) { BOOL status; SOCKET outConnSocket = 0; char* peerAddress = NULL; BOOL rpcFallbackLocal = FALSE; WINPR_ASSERT(rdg != NULL); status = rdg_establish_data_connection(rdg, rdg->tlsOut, "RDG_OUT_DATA", NULL, timeout, &rpcFallbackLocal); if (status) { if (rdg->transferEncoding.isWebsocketTransport) { WLog_DBG(TAG, "Upgraded to websocket. RDG_IN_DATA not required"); } else { /* Establish IN connection with the same peer/server as OUT connection, * even when server hostname resolves to different IP addresses. */ BIO_get_socket(rdg->tlsOut->underlying, &outConnSocket); peerAddress = freerdp_tcp_get_peer_address(outConnSocket); status = rdg_establish_data_connection(rdg, rdg->tlsIn, "RDG_IN_DATA", peerAddress, timeout, &rpcFallbackLocal); free(peerAddress); } } if (rpcFallback) *rpcFallback = rpcFallbackLocal; if (!status) { WINPR_ASSERT(rdg); WINPR_ASSERT(rdg->context); WINPR_ASSERT(rdg->context->rdp); if (rpcFallbackLocal) { http_context_enable_websocket_upgrade(rdg->http, FALSE); credssp_auth_free(rdg->auth); rdg->auth = NULL; } transport_set_layer(rdg->context->rdp->transport, TRANSPORT_LAYER_CLOSED); return FALSE; } status = rdg_tunnel_connect(rdg); if (!status) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static int rdg_write_websocket_data_packet(rdpRdg* rdg, const BYTE* buf, int isize) { size_t payloadSize; size_t fullLen; int status; wStream* sWS; uint32_t maskingKey; BYTE* maskingKeyByte1 = (BYTE*)&maskingKey; BYTE* maskingKeyByte2 = maskingKeyByte1 + 1; BYTE* maskingKeyByte3 = maskingKeyByte1 + 2; BYTE* maskingKeyByte4 = maskingKeyByte1 + 3; int streamPos; winpr_RAND((BYTE*)&maskingKey, 4); payloadSize = isize + 10; if ((isize < 0) || (isize > UINT16_MAX)) return -1; if (payloadSize < 1) return 0; if (payloadSize < 126) fullLen = payloadSize + 6; /* 2 byte "mini header" + 4 byte masking key */ else if (payloadSize < 0x10000) fullLen = payloadSize + 8; /* 2 byte "mini header" + 2 byte length + 4 byte masking key */ else fullLen = payloadSize + 14; /* 2 byte "mini header" + 8 byte length + 4 byte masking key */ sWS = Stream_New(NULL, fullLen); if (!sWS) return FALSE; Stream_Write_UINT8(sWS, WEBSOCKET_FIN_BIT | WebsocketBinaryOpcode); if (payloadSize < 126) Stream_Write_UINT8(sWS, payloadSize | WEBSOCKET_MASK_BIT); else if (payloadSize < 0x10000) { Stream_Write_UINT8(sWS, 126 | WEBSOCKET_MASK_BIT); Stream_Write_UINT16_BE(sWS, payloadSize); } else { Stream_Write_UINT8(sWS, 127 | WEBSOCKET_MASK_BIT); /* biggest packet possible is 0xffff + 0xa, so 32bit is always enough */ Stream_Write_UINT32_BE(sWS, 0); Stream_Write_UINT32_BE(sWS, payloadSize); } Stream_Write_UINT32(sWS, maskingKey); Stream_Write_UINT16(sWS, PKT_TYPE_DATA ^ (*maskingKeyByte1 | *maskingKeyByte2 << 8)); /* Type */ Stream_Write_UINT16(sWS, 0 ^ (*maskingKeyByte3 | *maskingKeyByte4 << 8)); /* Reserved */ Stream_Write_UINT32(sWS, (UINT32)payloadSize ^ maskingKey); /* Packet length */ Stream_Write_UINT16(sWS, (UINT16)isize ^ (*maskingKeyByte1 | *maskingKeyByte2 << 8)); /* Data size */ /* masking key is now off by 2 bytes. fix that */ maskingKey = (maskingKey & 0xffff) << 16 | (maskingKey >> 16); /* mask as much as possible with 32bit access */ for (streamPos = 0; streamPos + 4 <= isize; streamPos += 4) { uint32_t masked = *((const uint32_t*)((const BYTE*)buf + streamPos)) ^ maskingKey; Stream_Write_UINT32(sWS, masked); } /* mask the rest byte by byte */ for (; streamPos < isize; streamPos++) { BYTE* partialMask = (BYTE*)(&maskingKey) + streamPos % 4; BYTE masked = *((const BYTE*)((const BYTE*)buf + streamPos)) ^ *partialMask; Stream_Write_UINT8(sWS, masked); } Stream_SealLength(sWS); status = tls_write_all(rdg->tlsOut, Stream_Buffer(sWS), Stream_Length(sWS)); Stream_Free(sWS, TRUE); if (status < 0) return status; return isize; } static int rdg_write_chunked_data_packet(rdpRdg* rdg, const BYTE* buf, int isize) { int status; size_t len; wStream* sChunk; size_t size = (size_t)isize; size_t packetSize = size + 10; char chunkSize[11]; if ((isize < 0) || (isize > UINT16_MAX)) return -1; if (size < 1) return 0; sprintf_s(chunkSize, sizeof(chunkSize), "%" PRIxz "\r\n", packetSize); sChunk = Stream_New(NULL, strnlen(chunkSize, sizeof(chunkSize)) + packetSize + 2); if (!sChunk) return -1; Stream_Write(sChunk, chunkSize, strnlen(chunkSize, sizeof(chunkSize))); Stream_Write_UINT16(sChunk, PKT_TYPE_DATA); /* Type */ Stream_Write_UINT16(sChunk, 0); /* Reserved */ Stream_Write_UINT32(sChunk, (UINT32)packetSize); /* Packet length */ Stream_Write_UINT16(sChunk, (UINT16)size); /* Data size */ Stream_Write(sChunk, buf, size); /* Data */ Stream_Write(sChunk, "\r\n", 2); Stream_SealLength(sChunk); len = Stream_Length(sChunk); if (len > INT_MAX) { Stream_Free(sChunk, TRUE); return -1; } status = tls_write_all(rdg->tlsIn, Stream_Buffer(sChunk), (int)len); Stream_Free(sChunk, TRUE); if (status < 0) return -1; return (int)size; } static int rdg_write_data_packet(rdpRdg* rdg, const BYTE* buf, int isize) { if (rdg->transferEncoding.isWebsocketTransport) { if (rdg->transferEncoding.context.websocket.closeSent == TRUE) return -1; return rdg_write_websocket_data_packet(rdg, buf, isize); } else return rdg_write_chunked_data_packet(rdg, buf, isize); } static BOOL rdg_process_close_packet(rdpRdg* rdg, wStream* s) { int status = -1; wStream* sClose; UINT32 errorCode; UINT32 packetSize = 12; /* Read error code */ if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLength(TAG, s, 4)) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, errorCode); if (errorCode != 0) freerdp_set_last_error_log(rdg->context, errorCode); sClose = Stream_New(NULL, packetSize); if (!sClose) return FALSE; Stream_Write_UINT16(sClose, PKT_TYPE_CLOSE_CHANNEL_RESPONSE); /* Type */ Stream_Write_UINT16(sClose, 0); /* Reserved */ Stream_Write_UINT32(sClose, packetSize); /* Packet length */ Stream_Write_UINT32(sClose, 0); /* Status code */ Stream_SealLength(sClose); status = rdg_write_packet(rdg, sClose); Stream_Free(sClose, TRUE); return (status < 0 ? FALSE : TRUE); } static BOOL rdg_process_keep_alive_packet(rdpRdg* rdg) { int status = -1; wStream* sKeepAlive; size_t packetSize = 8; sKeepAlive = Stream_New(NULL, packetSize); if (!sKeepAlive) return FALSE; Stream_Write_UINT16(sKeepAlive, PKT_TYPE_KEEPALIVE); /* Type */ Stream_Write_UINT16(sKeepAlive, 0); /* Reserved */ Stream_Write_UINT32(sKeepAlive, (UINT32)packetSize); /* Packet length */ Stream_SealLength(sKeepAlive); status = rdg_write_packet(rdg, sKeepAlive); Stream_Free(sKeepAlive, TRUE); return (status < 0 ? FALSE : TRUE); } static BOOL rdg_process_service_message(rdpRdg* rdg, wStream* s) { const WCHAR* msg; UINT16 msgLenBytes; rdpContext* context = rdg->context; WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(context->instance); /* Read message string */ if (!rdg_read_http_unicode_string(s, &msg, &msgLenBytes)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "[%s] Failed to read string", __FUNCTION__); return FALSE; } return IFCALLRESULT(TRUE, context->instance->PresentGatewayMessage, context->instance, GATEWAY_MESSAGE_SERVICE, TRUE, FALSE, msgLenBytes, msg); } static BOOL rdg_process_unknown_packet(rdpRdg* rdg, int type) { WINPR_UNUSED(rdg); WINPR_UNUSED(type); WLog_WARN(TAG, "Unknown Control Packet received: %X", type); return TRUE; } static BOOL rdg_process_control_packet(rdpRdg* rdg, int type, size_t packetLength) { wStream* s = NULL; size_t readCount = 0; int status; size_t payloadSize = packetLength - sizeof(RdgPacketHeader); if (packetLength < sizeof(RdgPacketHeader)) return FALSE; WINPR_ASSERT(sizeof(RdgPacketHeader) < INT_MAX); if (payloadSize) { s = Stream_New(NULL, payloadSize); if (!s) return FALSE; while (readCount < payloadSize) { status = rdg_socket_read(rdg->tlsOut->bio, Stream_Pointer(s), payloadSize - readCount, &rdg->transferEncoding); if (status <= 0) { if (!BIO_should_retry(rdg->tlsOut->bio)) { Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return FALSE; } continue; } Stream_Seek(s, (size_t)status); readCount += (size_t)status; if (readCount > INT_MAX) { Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return FALSE; } } Stream_SetPosition(s, 0); } switch (type) { case PKT_TYPE_CLOSE_CHANNEL: EnterCriticalSection(&rdg->writeSection); status = rdg_process_close_packet(rdg, s); LeaveCriticalSection(&rdg->writeSection); break; case PKT_TYPE_KEEPALIVE: EnterCriticalSection(&rdg->writeSection); status = rdg_process_keep_alive_packet(rdg); LeaveCriticalSection(&rdg->writeSection); break; case PKT_TYPE_SERVICE_MESSAGE: if (!s) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "[%s] PKT_TYPE_SERVICE_MESSAGE requires payload but none was sent", __FUNCTION__); return FALSE; } status = rdg_process_service_message(rdg, s); break; default: status = rdg_process_unknown_packet(rdg, type); break; } Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return status; } static int rdg_read_data_packet(rdpRdg* rdg, BYTE* buffer, int size) { RdgPacketHeader header; size_t readCount = 0; size_t readSize; int status; if (!rdg->packetRemainingCount) { WINPR_ASSERT(sizeof(RdgPacketHeader) < INT_MAX); while (readCount < sizeof(RdgPacketHeader)) { status = rdg_socket_read(rdg->tlsOut->bio, (BYTE*)(&header) + readCount, (int)sizeof(RdgPacketHeader) - (int)readCount, &rdg->transferEncoding); if (status <= 0) { if (!BIO_should_retry(rdg->tlsOut->bio)) return -1; if (!readCount) return 0; BIO_wait_read(rdg->tlsOut->bio, 50); continue; } readCount += (size_t)status; if (readCount > INT_MAX) return -1; } if (header.type != PKT_TYPE_DATA) { status = rdg_process_control_packet(rdg, header.type, header.packetLength); if (!status) return -1; return 0; } readCount = 0; while (readCount < 2) { status = rdg_socket_read(rdg->tlsOut->bio, (BYTE*)(&rdg->packetRemainingCount) + readCount, 2 - (int)readCount, &rdg->transferEncoding); if (status < 0) { if (!BIO_should_retry(rdg->tlsOut->bio)) return -1; BIO_wait_read(rdg->tlsOut->bio, 50); continue; } readCount += (size_t)status; } } readSize = (rdg->packetRemainingCount < size) ? rdg->packetRemainingCount : size; status = rdg_socket_read(rdg->tlsOut->bio, buffer, readSize, &rdg->transferEncoding); if (status <= 0) { if (!BIO_should_retry(rdg->tlsOut->bio)) { return -1; } return 0; } rdg->packetRemainingCount -= status; return status; } static int rdg_bio_write(BIO* bio, const char* buf, int num) { int status; rdpRdg* rdg = (rdpRdg*)BIO_get_data(bio); BIO_clear_flags(bio, BIO_FLAGS_WRITE); EnterCriticalSection(&rdg->writeSection); status = rdg_write_data_packet(rdg, (const BYTE*)buf, num); LeaveCriticalSection(&rdg->writeSection); if (status < 0) { BIO_clear_flags(bio, BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY); return -1; } else if (status < num) { BIO_set_flags(bio, BIO_FLAGS_WRITE); WSASetLastError(WSAEWOULDBLOCK); } else { BIO_set_flags(bio, BIO_FLAGS_WRITE); } return status; } static int rdg_bio_read(BIO* bio, char* buf, int size) { int status; rdpRdg* rdg = (rdpRdg*)BIO_get_data(bio); status = rdg_read_data_packet(rdg, (BYTE*)buf, size); if (status < 0) { BIO_clear_retry_flags(bio); return -1; } else if (status == 0) { BIO_set_retry_read(bio); WSASetLastError(WSAEWOULDBLOCK); return -1; } else { BIO_set_flags(bio, BIO_FLAGS_READ); } return status; } static int rdg_bio_puts(BIO* bio, const char* str) { WINPR_UNUSED(bio); WINPR_UNUSED(str); return -2; } static int rdg_bio_gets(BIO* bio, char* str, int size) { WINPR_UNUSED(bio); WINPR_UNUSED(str); WINPR_UNUSED(size); return -2; } static long rdg_bio_ctrl(BIO* in_bio, int cmd, long arg1, void* arg2) { long status = -1; rdpRdg* rdg = (rdpRdg*)BIO_get_data(in_bio); rdpTls* tlsOut = rdg->tlsOut; rdpTls* tlsIn = rdg->tlsIn; if (cmd == BIO_CTRL_FLUSH) { (void)BIO_flush(tlsOut->bio); if (!rdg->transferEncoding.isWebsocketTransport) (void)BIO_flush(tlsIn->bio); status = 1; } else if (cmd == BIO_C_SET_NONBLOCK) { status = 1; } else if (cmd == BIO_C_READ_BLOCKED) { BIO* cbio = tlsOut->bio; status = BIO_read_blocked(cbio); } else if (cmd == BIO_C_WRITE_BLOCKED) { BIO* cbio = tlsIn->bio; if (rdg->transferEncoding.isWebsocketTransport) cbio = tlsOut->bio; status = BIO_write_blocked(cbio); } else if (cmd == BIO_C_WAIT_READ) { int timeout = (int)arg1; BIO* cbio = tlsOut->bio; if (BIO_read_blocked(cbio)) return BIO_wait_read(cbio, timeout); else if (BIO_write_blocked(cbio)) return BIO_wait_write(cbio, timeout); else status = 1; } else if (cmd == BIO_C_WAIT_WRITE) { int timeout = (int)arg1; BIO* cbio = tlsIn->bio; if (rdg->transferEncoding.isWebsocketTransport) cbio = tlsOut->bio; if (BIO_write_blocked(cbio)) status = BIO_wait_write(cbio, timeout); else if (BIO_read_blocked(cbio)) status = BIO_wait_read(cbio, timeout); else status = 1; } else if (cmd == BIO_C_GET_EVENT || cmd == BIO_C_GET_FD) { /* * A note about BIO_C_GET_FD: * Even if two FDs are part of RDG, only one FD can be returned here. * * In FreeRDP, BIO FDs are only used for polling, so it is safe to use the outgoing FD only * * See issue #3602 */ status = BIO_ctrl(tlsOut->bio, cmd, arg1, arg2); } #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x30000000L else if (cmd == BIO_CTRL_GET_KTLS_SEND) { /* Even though BIO_get_ktls_send says that returning negative values is valid * openssl internal sources are full of if(!BIO_get_ktls_send && ) stuff. This has some * nasty sideeffects. return 0 as proper no KTLS offloading flag */ status = 0; } else if (cmd == BIO_CTRL_GET_KTLS_RECV) { /* Even though BIO_get_ktls_recv says that returning negative values is valid * there is no reason to trust trust negative values are implemented right everywhere */ status = 0; } #endif return status; } static int rdg_bio_new(BIO* bio) { BIO_set_init(bio, 1); BIO_set_flags(bio, BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY); return 1; } static int rdg_bio_free(BIO* bio) { WINPR_UNUSED(bio); return 1; } static BIO_METHOD* BIO_s_rdg(void) { static BIO_METHOD* bio_methods = NULL; if (bio_methods == NULL) { if (!(bio_methods = BIO_meth_new(BIO_TYPE_TSG, "RDGateway"))) return NULL; BIO_meth_set_write(bio_methods, rdg_bio_write); BIO_meth_set_read(bio_methods, rdg_bio_read); BIO_meth_set_puts(bio_methods, rdg_bio_puts); BIO_meth_set_gets(bio_methods, rdg_bio_gets); BIO_meth_set_ctrl(bio_methods, rdg_bio_ctrl); BIO_meth_set_create(bio_methods, rdg_bio_new); BIO_meth_set_destroy(bio_methods, rdg_bio_free); } return bio_methods; } rdpRdg* rdg_new(rdpContext* context) { rdpRdg* rdg; RPC_CSTR stringUuid; char bracedUuid[40]; RPC_STATUS rpcStatus; if (!context) return NULL; rdg = (rdpRdg*)calloc(1, sizeof(rdpRdg)); if (rdg) { rdg->state = RDG_CLIENT_STATE_INITIAL; rdg->context = context; rdg->settings = rdg->context->settings; rdg->extAuth = HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_NONE; if (rdg->settings->GatewayAccessToken) rdg->extAuth = HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_PAA; UuidCreate(&rdg->guid); rpcStatus = UuidToStringA(&rdg->guid, &stringUuid); if (rpcStatus == RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY) goto rdg_alloc_error; sprintf_s(bracedUuid, sizeof(bracedUuid), "{%s}", stringUuid); RpcStringFreeA(&stringUuid); rdg->tlsOut = tls_new(rdg->settings); if (!rdg->tlsOut) goto rdg_alloc_error; rdg->tlsIn = tls_new(rdg->settings); if (!rdg->tlsIn) goto rdg_alloc_error; rdg->http = http_context_new(); if (!rdg->http) goto rdg_alloc_error; if (!http_context_set_uri(rdg->http, "/remoteDesktopGateway/") || !http_context_set_accept(rdg->http, "*/*") || !http_context_set_cache_control(rdg->http, "no-cache") || !http_context_set_pragma(rdg->http, "no-cache") || !http_context_set_connection(rdg->http, "Keep-Alive") || !http_context_set_user_agent(rdg->http, "MS-RDGateway/1.0") || !http_context_set_host(rdg->http, rdg->settings->GatewayHostname) || !http_context_set_rdg_connection_id(rdg->http, bracedUuid) || !http_context_enable_websocket_upgrade( rdg->http, freerdp_settings_get_bool(rdg->settings, FreeRDP_GatewayHttpUseWebsockets))) { goto rdg_alloc_error; } if (rdg->extAuth != HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_NONE) { switch (rdg->extAuth) { case HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_PAA: if (!http_context_set_rdg_auth_scheme(rdg->http, "PAA")) goto rdg_alloc_error; break; default: WLog_DBG(TAG, "RDG extended authentication method %d not supported", rdg->extAuth); } } rdg->frontBio = BIO_new(BIO_s_rdg()); if (!rdg->frontBio) goto rdg_alloc_error; BIO_set_data(rdg->frontBio, rdg); InitializeCriticalSection(&rdg->writeSection); rdg->transferEncoding.httpTransferEncoding = TransferEncodingIdentity; rdg->transferEncoding.isWebsocketTransport = FALSE; } return rdg; rdg_alloc_error: rdg_free(rdg); return NULL; } void rdg_free(rdpRdg* rdg) { if (!rdg) return; tls_free(rdg->tlsOut); tls_free(rdg->tlsIn); http_context_free(rdg->http); credssp_auth_free(rdg->auth); if (!rdg->attached) BIO_free_all(rdg->frontBio); DeleteCriticalSection(&rdg->writeSection); if (rdg->transferEncoding.isWebsocketTransport) { if (rdg->transferEncoding.context.websocket.responseStreamBuffer != NULL) Stream_Free(rdg->transferEncoding.context.websocket.responseStreamBuffer, TRUE); } smartcardCertInfo_Free(rdg->smartcard); free(rdg); } BIO* rdg_get_front_bio_and_take_ownership(rdpRdg* rdg) { if (!rdg) return NULL; rdg->attached = TRUE; return rdg->frontBio; }