/** * WinPR: Windows Portable Runtime * Synchronization Functions * * Copyright 2012 Marc-Andre Moreau * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #include #include #endif #include "synch.h" #ifndef _WIN32 #include "../handle/handle.h" #include "../log.h" #define TAG WINPR_TAG("synch.timer") static BOOL TimerCloseHandle(HANDLE handle); static BOOL TimerIsHandled(HANDLE handle) { WINPR_TIMER* pTimer = (WINPR_TIMER*)handle; if (!pTimer || (pTimer->Type != HANDLE_TYPE_TIMER)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static int TimerGetFd(HANDLE handle) { WINPR_TIMER* timer = (WINPR_TIMER*)handle; if (!TimerIsHandled(handle)) return -1; return timer->fd; } static DWORD TimerCleanupHandle(HANDLE handle) { int length; UINT64 expirations; WINPR_TIMER* timer = (WINPR_TIMER*)handle; if (!TimerIsHandled(handle)) return WAIT_FAILED; if (timer->bManualReset) return WAIT_OBJECT_0; length = read(timer->fd, (void*)&expirations, sizeof(UINT64)); if (length != 8) { if (length == -1) { switch (errno) { case ETIMEDOUT: case EAGAIN: return WAIT_TIMEOUT; default: break; } WLog_ERR(TAG, "timer read() failure [%d] %s", errno, strerror(errno)); } else { WLog_ERR(TAG, "timer read() failure - incorrect number of bytes read"); } return WAIT_FAILED; } return WAIT_OBJECT_0; } BOOL TimerCloseHandle(HANDLE handle) { WINPR_TIMER* timer; timer = (WINPR_TIMER*)handle; if (!TimerIsHandled(handle)) return FALSE; if (!timer->lpArgToCompletionRoutine) { #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIMERFD_H if (timer->fd != -1) close(timer->fd); #endif } else { #ifdef WITH_POSIX_TIMER timer_delete(timer->tid); #endif } #if defined(__APPLE__) dispatch_release(timer->queue); dispatch_release(timer->source); if (timer->pipe[0] != -1) close(timer->pipe[0]); if (timer->pipe[1] != -1) close(timer->pipe[1]); #endif free(timer->name); free(timer); return TRUE; } #ifdef WITH_POSIX_TIMER static BOOL g_WaitableTimerSignalHandlerInstalled = FALSE; static void WaitableTimerHandler(void* arg) { WINPR_TIMER* timer = (WINPR_TIMER*)arg; if (!timer) return; if (timer->pfnCompletionRoutine) { timer->pfnCompletionRoutine(timer->lpArgToCompletionRoutine, 0, 0); if (timer->lPeriod) { timer->timeout.it_interval.tv_sec = (timer->lPeriod / 1000); /* seconds */ timer->timeout.it_interval.tv_nsec = ((timer->lPeriod % 1000) * 1000000); /* nanoseconds */ if ((timer_settime(timer->tid, 0, &(timer->timeout), NULL)) != 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "timer_settime"); } } } } static void WaitableTimerSignalHandler(int signum, siginfo_t* siginfo, void* arg) { WINPR_TIMER* timer = siginfo->si_value.sival_ptr; WINPR_UNUSED(arg); if (!timer || (signum != SIGALRM)) return; WaitableTimerHandler(timer); } static int InstallWaitableTimerSignalHandler(void) { if (!g_WaitableTimerSignalHandlerInstalled) { struct sigaction action; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGALRM); action.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_SIGINFO; action.sa_sigaction = WaitableTimerSignalHandler; sigaction(SIGALRM, &action, NULL); g_WaitableTimerSignalHandlerInstalled = TRUE; } return 0; } #endif #if defined(__APPLE__) static void WaitableTimerHandler(void* arg) { UINT64 data = 1; WINPR_TIMER* timer = (WINPR_TIMER*)arg; if (!timer) return; if (timer->pfnCompletionRoutine) timer->pfnCompletionRoutine(timer->lpArgToCompletionRoutine, 0, 0); if (write(timer->pipe[1], &data, sizeof(data)) != sizeof(data)) WLog_ERR(TAG, "failed to write to pipe"); if (timer->lPeriod == 0) { if (timer->running) dispatch_suspend(timer->source); timer->running = FALSE; } } #endif static int InitializeWaitableTimer(WINPR_TIMER* timer) { int result = 0; if (!timer->lpArgToCompletionRoutine) { #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIMERFD_H timer->fd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TFD_NONBLOCK); if (timer->fd <= 0) return -1; #elif defined(__APPLE__) #else WLog_ERR(TAG, "%s: os specific implementation is missing", __FUNCTION__); result = -1; #endif } else { #ifdef WITH_POSIX_TIMER struct sigevent sigev; InstallWaitableTimerSignalHandler(); ZeroMemory(&sigev, sizeof(struct sigevent)); sigev.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL; sigev.sigev_signo = SIGALRM; sigev.sigev_value.sival_ptr = (void*)timer; if ((timer_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &sigev, &(timer->tid))) != 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "timer_create"); return -1; } #elif defined(__APPLE__) #else WLog_ERR(TAG, "%s: os specific implementation is missing", __FUNCTION__); result = -1; #endif } timer->bInit = TRUE; return result; } static HANDLE_OPS ops = { TimerIsHandled, TimerCloseHandle, TimerGetFd, TimerCleanupHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; /** * Waitable Timer */ HANDLE CreateWaitableTimerA(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpTimerAttributes, BOOL bManualReset, LPCSTR lpTimerName) { HANDLE handle = NULL; WINPR_TIMER* timer; if (lpTimerAttributes) WLog_WARN(TAG, "%s [%s] does not support lpTimerAttributes", __FUNCTION__, lpTimerName); timer = (WINPR_TIMER*)calloc(1, sizeof(WINPR_TIMER)); if (timer) { WINPR_HANDLE_SET_TYPE_AND_MODE(timer, HANDLE_TYPE_TIMER, WINPR_FD_READ); handle = (HANDLE)timer; timer->fd = -1; timer->lPeriod = 0; timer->bManualReset = bManualReset; timer->pfnCompletionRoutine = NULL; timer->lpArgToCompletionRoutine = NULL; timer->bInit = FALSE; if (lpTimerName) timer->name = strdup(lpTimerName); timer->ops = &ops; #if defined(__APPLE__) if (pipe(timer->pipe) != 0) goto fail; timer->queue = dispatch_queue_create(TAG, DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL); if (!timer->queue) goto fail; timer->source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, timer->queue); if (!timer->source) goto fail; dispatch_set_context(timer->source, timer); dispatch_source_set_event_handler_f(timer->source, WaitableTimerHandler); timer->fd = timer->pipe[0]; if (fcntl(timer->fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) goto fail; #endif } return handle; #if defined(__APPLE__) fail: TimerCloseHandle(handle); return NULL; #endif } HANDLE CreateWaitableTimerW(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpTimerAttributes, BOOL bManualReset, LPCWSTR lpTimerName) { int rc; HANDLE handle; LPSTR name = NULL; rc = ConvertFromUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, lpTimerName, -1, &name, 0, NULL, NULL); if (rc < 0) return NULL; handle = CreateWaitableTimerA(lpTimerAttributes, bManualReset, name); free(name); return handle; } HANDLE CreateWaitableTimerExA(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpTimerAttributes, LPCSTR lpTimerName, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwDesiredAccess) { BOOL bManualReset = (dwFlags & CREATE_WAITABLE_TIMER_MANUAL_RESET) ? TRUE : FALSE; if (dwDesiredAccess != 0) WLog_WARN(TAG, "%s [%s] does not support dwDesiredAccess 0x%08" PRIx32, __FUNCTION__, lpTimerName, dwDesiredAccess); return CreateWaitableTimerA(lpTimerAttributes, bManualReset, lpTimerName); } HANDLE CreateWaitableTimerExW(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpTimerAttributes, LPCWSTR lpTimerName, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwDesiredAccess) { int rc; HANDLE handle; LPSTR name = NULL; rc = ConvertFromUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, lpTimerName, -1, &name, 0, NULL, NULL); if (rc < 0) return NULL; handle = CreateWaitableTimerExA(lpTimerAttributes, name, dwFlags, dwDesiredAccess); free(name); return handle; } BOOL SetWaitableTimer(HANDLE hTimer, const LARGE_INTEGER* lpDueTime, LONG lPeriod, PTIMERAPCROUTINE pfnCompletionRoutine, LPVOID lpArgToCompletionRoutine, BOOL fResume) { ULONG Type; WINPR_HANDLE* Object; WINPR_TIMER* timer; #if defined(WITH_POSIX_TIMER) || defined(__APPLE__) LONGLONG seconds = 0; LONGLONG nanoseconds = 0; #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIMERFD_H int status = 0; #endif /* HAVE_SYS_TIMERFD_H */ #endif /* WITH_POSIX_TIMER */ if (!winpr_Handle_GetInfo(hTimer, &Type, &Object)) return FALSE; if (Type != HANDLE_TYPE_TIMER) return FALSE; if (!lpDueTime) return FALSE; if (lPeriod < 0) return FALSE; if (fResume) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "%s does not support fResume", __FUNCTION__); return FALSE; } timer = (WINPR_TIMER*)Object; timer->lPeriod = lPeriod; /* milliseconds */ timer->pfnCompletionRoutine = pfnCompletionRoutine; timer->lpArgToCompletionRoutine = lpArgToCompletionRoutine; if (!timer->bInit) { if (InitializeWaitableTimer(timer) < 0) return FALSE; } #ifdef WITH_POSIX_TIMER ZeroMemory(&(timer->timeout), sizeof(struct itimerspec)); if (lpDueTime->QuadPart < 0) { LONGLONG due = lpDueTime->QuadPart * (-1); /* due time is in 100 nanosecond intervals */ seconds = (due / 10000000); nanoseconds = ((due % 10000000) * 100); } else if (lpDueTime->QuadPart == 0) { seconds = nanoseconds = 0; } else { WLog_ERR(TAG, "absolute time not implemented"); return FALSE; } if (lPeriod > 0) { timer->timeout.it_interval.tv_sec = (lPeriod / 1000); /* seconds */ timer->timeout.it_interval.tv_nsec = ((lPeriod % 1000) * 1000000); /* nanoseconds */ } if (lpDueTime->QuadPart != 0) { timer->timeout.it_value.tv_sec = seconds; /* seconds */ timer->timeout.it_value.tv_nsec = nanoseconds; /* nanoseconds */ } else { timer->timeout.it_value.tv_sec = timer->timeout.it_interval.tv_sec; /* seconds */ timer->timeout.it_value.tv_nsec = timer->timeout.it_interval.tv_nsec; /* nanoseconds */ } if (!timer->pfnCompletionRoutine) { #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIMERFD_H status = timerfd_settime(timer->fd, 0, &(timer->timeout), NULL); if (status) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "timerfd_settime failure: %d", status); return FALSE; } #endif } else { if ((timer_settime(timer->tid, 0, &(timer->timeout), NULL)) != 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "timer_settime"); return FALSE; } } #elif defined(__APPLE__) if (lpDueTime->QuadPart < 0) { LONGLONG due = lpDueTime->QuadPart * (-1); /* due time is in 100 nanosecond intervals */ seconds = (due / 10000000); nanoseconds = due * 100; } else if (lpDueTime->QuadPart == 0) { seconds = nanoseconds = 0; } else { WLog_ERR(TAG, "absolute time not implemented"); return FALSE; } { /* Clean out old data from FD */ BYTE buffer[32]; while (read(timer->fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) > 0) ; } { if (timer->running) dispatch_suspend(timer->source); dispatch_time_t start = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, nanoseconds); uint64_t interval = DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER; if (lPeriod > 0) interval = lPeriod * 1000000; dispatch_source_set_timer(timer->source, start, interval, 0); dispatch_resume(timer->source); timer->running = TRUE; } #endif return TRUE; } BOOL SetWaitableTimerEx(HANDLE hTimer, const LARGE_INTEGER* lpDueTime, LONG lPeriod, PTIMERAPCROUTINE pfnCompletionRoutine, LPVOID lpArgToCompletionRoutine, PREASON_CONTEXT WakeContext, ULONG TolerableDelay) { return SetWaitableTimer(hTimer, lpDueTime, lPeriod, pfnCompletionRoutine, lpArgToCompletionRoutine, FALSE); } HANDLE OpenWaitableTimerA(DWORD dwDesiredAccess, BOOL bInheritHandle, LPCSTR lpTimerName) { /* TODO: Implement */ WLog_ERR(TAG, "%s not implemented", __FUNCTION__); return NULL; } HANDLE OpenWaitableTimerW(DWORD dwDesiredAccess, BOOL bInheritHandle, LPCWSTR lpTimerName) { /* TODO: Implement */ WLog_ERR(TAG, "%s not implemented", __FUNCTION__); return NULL; } BOOL CancelWaitableTimer(HANDLE hTimer) { ULONG Type; WINPR_HANDLE* Object; WINPR_TIMER* timer; if (!winpr_Handle_GetInfo(hTimer, &Type, &Object)) return FALSE; if (Type != HANDLE_TYPE_TIMER) return FALSE; timer = (WINPR_TIMER*)Object; #if defined(__APPLE__) if (timer->running) dispatch_suspend(timer->source); timer->running = FALSE; #endif return TRUE; } /** * Timer-Queue Timer */ /** * Design, Performance, and Optimization of Timer Strategies for Real-time ORBs: * http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/Timer_Queue.html */ static void timespec_add_ms(struct timespec* tspec, UINT32 ms) { UINT64 ns = tspec->tv_nsec + (ms * 1000000); tspec->tv_sec += (ns / 1000000000); tspec->tv_nsec = (ns % 1000000000); } static UINT64 timespec_to_ms(struct timespec* tspec) { UINT64 ms; ms = tspec->tv_sec * 1000; ms += tspec->tv_nsec / 1000000; return ms; } static void timespec_gettimeofday(struct timespec* tspec) { struct timeval tval; gettimeofday(&tval, NULL); tspec->tv_sec = tval.tv_sec; tspec->tv_nsec = tval.tv_usec * 1000; } static int timespec_compare(const struct timespec* tspec1, const struct timespec* tspec2) { if (tspec1->tv_sec == tspec2->tv_sec) return (tspec1->tv_nsec - tspec2->tv_nsec); else return (tspec1->tv_sec - tspec2->tv_sec); } static void timespec_copy(struct timespec* dst, struct timespec* src) { dst->tv_sec = src->tv_sec; dst->tv_nsec = src->tv_nsec; } static void InsertTimerQueueTimer(WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER** pHead, WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER* timer) { WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER* node; if (!(*pHead)) { *pHead = timer; timer->next = NULL; return; } node = *pHead; while (node->next) { if (timespec_compare(&(timer->ExpirationTime), &(node->ExpirationTime)) > 0) { if (timespec_compare(&(timer->ExpirationTime), &(node->next->ExpirationTime)) < 0) break; } node = node->next; } if (node->next) { timer->next = node->next->next; node->next = timer; } else { node->next = timer; timer->next = NULL; } } static void RemoveTimerQueueTimer(WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER** pHead, WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER* timer) { BOOL found = FALSE; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER* node; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER* prevNode; if (timer == *pHead) { *pHead = timer->next; timer->next = NULL; return; } node = *pHead; prevNode = NULL; while (node) { if (node == timer) { found = TRUE; break; } prevNode = node; node = node->next; } if (found) { if (prevNode) { prevNode->next = timer->next; } timer->next = NULL; } } static int FireExpiredTimerQueueTimers(WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE* timerQueue) { struct timespec CurrentTime; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER* node; if (!timerQueue->activeHead) return 0; timespec_gettimeofday(&CurrentTime); node = timerQueue->activeHead; while (node) { if (timespec_compare(&CurrentTime, &(node->ExpirationTime)) >= 0) { node->Callback(node->Parameter, TRUE); node->FireCount++; timerQueue->activeHead = node->next; node->next = NULL; if (node->Period) { timespec_add_ms(&(node->ExpirationTime), node->Period); InsertTimerQueueTimer(&(timerQueue->activeHead), node); } else { InsertTimerQueueTimer(&(timerQueue->inactiveHead), node); } node = timerQueue->activeHead; } else { break; } } return 0; } static void* TimerQueueThread(void* arg) { int status; struct timespec timeout; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE* timerQueue = (WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE*)arg; while (1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex)); timespec_gettimeofday(&timeout); if (!timerQueue->activeHead) { timespec_add_ms(&timeout, 50); } else { if (timespec_compare(&timeout, &(timerQueue->activeHead->ExpirationTime)) < 0) { timespec_copy(&timeout, &(timerQueue->activeHead->ExpirationTime)); } } status = pthread_cond_timedwait(&(timerQueue->cond), &(timerQueue->cond_mutex), &timeout); FireExpiredTimerQueueTimers(timerQueue); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex)); if ((status != ETIMEDOUT) && (status != 0)) break; if (timerQueue->bCancelled) break; } return NULL; } static int StartTimerQueueThread(WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE* timerQueue) { pthread_cond_init(&(timerQueue->cond), NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex), NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&(timerQueue->mutex), NULL); pthread_attr_init(&(timerQueue->attr)); timerQueue->param.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO); pthread_attr_setschedparam(&(timerQueue->attr), &(timerQueue->param)); pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&(timerQueue->attr), SCHED_FIFO); pthread_create(&(timerQueue->thread), &(timerQueue->attr), TimerQueueThread, timerQueue); return 0; } HANDLE CreateTimerQueue(void) { HANDLE handle = NULL; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE* timerQueue; timerQueue = (WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE*)calloc(1, sizeof(WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE)); if (timerQueue) { WINPR_HANDLE_SET_TYPE_AND_MODE(timerQueue, HANDLE_TYPE_TIMER_QUEUE, WINPR_FD_READ); handle = (HANDLE)timerQueue; timerQueue->activeHead = NULL; timerQueue->inactiveHead = NULL; timerQueue->bCancelled = FALSE; StartTimerQueueThread(timerQueue); } return handle; } BOOL DeleteTimerQueueEx(HANDLE TimerQueue, HANDLE CompletionEvent) { void* rvalue; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE* timerQueue; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER* node; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER* nextNode; if (!TimerQueue) return FALSE; timerQueue = (WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE*)TimerQueue; /* Cancel and delete timer queue timers */ pthread_mutex_lock(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex)); timerQueue->bCancelled = TRUE; pthread_cond_signal(&(timerQueue->cond)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex)); pthread_join(timerQueue->thread, &rvalue); /** * Quote from MSDN regarding CompletionEvent: * If this parameter is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, the function waits for * all callback functions to complete before returning. * If this parameter is NULL, the function marks the timer for * deletion and returns immediately. * * Note: The current WinPR implementation implicitly waits for any * callback functions to complete (see pthread_join above) */ { /* Move all active timers to the inactive timer list */ node = timerQueue->activeHead; while (node) { InsertTimerQueueTimer(&(timerQueue->inactiveHead), node); node = node->next; } timerQueue->activeHead = NULL; /* Once all timers are inactive, free them */ node = timerQueue->inactiveHead; while (node) { nextNode = node->next; free(node); node = nextNode; } timerQueue->inactiveHead = NULL; } /* Delete timer queue */ pthread_cond_destroy(&(timerQueue->cond)); pthread_mutex_destroy(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex)); pthread_mutex_destroy(&(timerQueue->mutex)); pthread_attr_destroy(&(timerQueue->attr)); free(timerQueue); if (CompletionEvent && (CompletionEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) SetEvent(CompletionEvent); return TRUE; } BOOL DeleteTimerQueue(HANDLE TimerQueue) { return DeleteTimerQueueEx(TimerQueue, NULL); } BOOL CreateTimerQueueTimer(PHANDLE phNewTimer, HANDLE TimerQueue, WAITORTIMERCALLBACK Callback, PVOID Parameter, DWORD DueTime, DWORD Period, ULONG Flags) { struct timespec CurrentTime; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE* timerQueue; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER* timer; if (!TimerQueue) return FALSE; timespec_gettimeofday(&CurrentTime); timerQueue = (WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE*)TimerQueue; timer = (WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER*)malloc(sizeof(WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER)); if (!timer) return FALSE; WINPR_HANDLE_SET_TYPE_AND_MODE(timer, HANDLE_TYPE_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER, WINPR_FD_READ); *((UINT_PTR*)phNewTimer) = (UINT_PTR)(HANDLE)timer; timespec_copy(&(timer->StartTime), &CurrentTime); timespec_add_ms(&(timer->StartTime), DueTime); timespec_copy(&(timer->ExpirationTime), &(timer->StartTime)); timer->Flags = Flags; timer->DueTime = DueTime; timer->Period = Period; timer->Callback = Callback; timer->Parameter = Parameter; timer->timerQueue = (WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE*)TimerQueue; timer->FireCount = 0; timer->next = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex)); InsertTimerQueueTimer(&(timerQueue->activeHead), timer); pthread_cond_signal(&(timerQueue->cond)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex)); return TRUE; } BOOL ChangeTimerQueueTimer(HANDLE TimerQueue, HANDLE Timer, ULONG DueTime, ULONG Period) { struct timespec CurrentTime; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE* timerQueue; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER* timer; if (!TimerQueue || !Timer) return FALSE; timespec_gettimeofday(&CurrentTime); timerQueue = (WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE*)TimerQueue; timer = (WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER*)Timer; pthread_mutex_lock(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex)); RemoveTimerQueueTimer(&(timerQueue->activeHead), timer); RemoveTimerQueueTimer(&(timerQueue->inactiveHead), timer); timer->DueTime = DueTime; timer->Period = Period; timer->next = NULL; timespec_copy(&(timer->StartTime), &CurrentTime); timespec_add_ms(&(timer->StartTime), DueTime); timespec_copy(&(timer->ExpirationTime), &(timer->StartTime)); InsertTimerQueueTimer(&(timerQueue->activeHead), timer); pthread_cond_signal(&(timerQueue->cond)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex)); return TRUE; } BOOL DeleteTimerQueueTimer(HANDLE TimerQueue, HANDLE Timer, HANDLE CompletionEvent) { WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE* timerQueue; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER* timer; if (!TimerQueue || !Timer) return FALSE; timerQueue = (WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE*)TimerQueue; timer = (WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER*)Timer; pthread_mutex_lock(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex)); /** * Quote from MSDN regarding CompletionEvent: * If this parameter is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, the function waits for * all callback functions to complete before returning. * If this parameter is NULL, the function marks the timer for * deletion and returns immediately. * * Note: The current WinPR implementation implicitly waits for any * callback functions to complete (see cond_mutex usage) */ RemoveTimerQueueTimer(&(timerQueue->activeHead), timer); pthread_cond_signal(&(timerQueue->cond)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex)); free(timer); if (CompletionEvent && (CompletionEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) SetEvent(CompletionEvent); return TRUE; } #endif