/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * * Copyright 2014 Marc-Andre Moreau * Copyright 2015 Thincast Technologies GmbH * Copyright 2015 DI (FH) Martin Haimberger * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import "Clipboard.h" #import "MRDPView.h" int mac_cliprdr_send_client_format_list(CliprdrClientContext *cliprdr) { UINT32 index; UINT32 formatId; UINT32 numFormats; UINT32 *pFormatIds; const char *formatName; CLIPRDR_FORMAT *formats; CLIPRDR_FORMAT_LIST formatList = { 0 }; WINPR_ASSERT(cliprdr); mfContext *mfc = (mfContext *)cliprdr->custom; WINPR_ASSERT(mfc); pFormatIds = NULL; numFormats = ClipboardGetFormatIds(mfc->clipboard, &pFormatIds); formats = (CLIPRDR_FORMAT *)calloc(numFormats, sizeof(CLIPRDR_FORMAT)); if (!formats) return -1; for (index = 0; index < numFormats; index++) { formatId = pFormatIds[index]; formatName = ClipboardGetFormatName(mfc->clipboard, formatId); formats[index].formatId = formatId; formats[index].formatName = NULL; if ((formatId > CF_MAX) && formatName) formats[index].formatName = _strdup(formatName); } formatList.common.msgFlags = CB_RESPONSE_OK; formatList.numFormats = numFormats; formatList.formats = formats; formatList.common.msgType = CB_FORMAT_LIST; mfc->cliprdr->ClientFormatList(mfc->cliprdr, &formatList); for (index = 0; index < numFormats; index++) { free(formats[index].formatName); } free(pFormatIds); free(formats); return 1; } static int mac_cliprdr_send_client_format_list_response(CliprdrClientContext *cliprdr, BOOL status) { CLIPRDR_FORMAT_LIST_RESPONSE formatListResponse; formatListResponse.common.msgType = CB_FORMAT_LIST_RESPONSE; formatListResponse.common.msgFlags = status ? CB_RESPONSE_OK : CB_RESPONSE_FAIL; formatListResponse.common.dataLen = 0; cliprdr->ClientFormatListResponse(cliprdr, &formatListResponse); return 1; } static int mac_cliprdr_send_client_format_data_request(CliprdrClientContext *cliprdr, UINT32 formatId) { CLIPRDR_FORMAT_DATA_REQUEST formatDataRequest = { 0 }; WINPR_ASSERT(cliprdr); mfContext *mfc = (mfContext *)cliprdr->custom; WINPR_ASSERT(mfc); formatDataRequest.common.msgType = CB_FORMAT_DATA_REQUEST; formatDataRequest.common.msgFlags = 0; formatDataRequest.requestedFormatId = formatId; mfc->requestedFormatId = formatId; ResetEvent(mfc->clipboardRequestEvent); cliprdr->ClientFormatDataRequest(cliprdr, &formatDataRequest); return 1; } static int mac_cliprdr_send_client_capabilities(CliprdrClientContext *cliprdr) { CLIPRDR_CAPABILITIES capabilities; CLIPRDR_GENERAL_CAPABILITY_SET generalCapabilitySet; capabilities.cCapabilitiesSets = 1; capabilities.capabilitySets = (CLIPRDR_CAPABILITY_SET *)&(generalCapabilitySet); generalCapabilitySet.capabilitySetType = CB_CAPSTYPE_GENERAL; generalCapabilitySet.capabilitySetLength = 12; generalCapabilitySet.version = CB_CAPS_VERSION_2; generalCapabilitySet.generalFlags = CB_USE_LONG_FORMAT_NAMES; cliprdr->ClientCapabilities(cliprdr, &capabilities); return 1; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT mac_cliprdr_monitor_ready(CliprdrClientContext *cliprdr, const CLIPRDR_MONITOR_READY *monitorReady) { mfContext *mfc = (mfContext *)cliprdr->custom; mfc->clipboardSync = TRUE; mac_cliprdr_send_client_capabilities(cliprdr); mac_cliprdr_send_client_format_list(cliprdr); return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT mac_cliprdr_server_capabilities(CliprdrClientContext *cliprdr, const CLIPRDR_CAPABILITIES *capabilities) { UINT32 index; CLIPRDR_CAPABILITY_SET *capabilitySet; mfContext *mfc = (mfContext *)cliprdr->custom; for (index = 0; index < capabilities->cCapabilitiesSets; index++) { capabilitySet = &(capabilities->capabilitySets[index]); if ((capabilitySet->capabilitySetType == CB_CAPSTYPE_GENERAL) && (capabilitySet->capabilitySetLength >= CB_CAPSTYPE_GENERAL_LEN)) { CLIPRDR_GENERAL_CAPABILITY_SET *generalCapabilitySet = (CLIPRDR_GENERAL_CAPABILITY_SET *)capabilitySet; mfc->clipboardCapabilities = generalCapabilitySet->generalFlags; break; } } return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT mac_cliprdr_server_format_list(CliprdrClientContext *cliprdr, const CLIPRDR_FORMAT_LIST *formatList) { UINT32 index; CLIPRDR_FORMAT *format; mfContext *mfc = (mfContext *)cliprdr->custom; if (mfc->serverFormats) { for (index = 0; index < mfc->numServerFormats; index++) { free(mfc->serverFormats[index].formatName); } free(mfc->serverFormats); mfc->serverFormats = NULL; mfc->numServerFormats = 0; } if (formatList->numFormats < 1) return CHANNEL_RC_OK; mfc->numServerFormats = formatList->numFormats; mfc->serverFormats = (CLIPRDR_FORMAT *)calloc(mfc->numServerFormats, sizeof(CLIPRDR_FORMAT)); if (!mfc->serverFormats) return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; for (index = 0; index < mfc->numServerFormats; index++) { mfc->serverFormats[index].formatId = formatList->formats[index].formatId; mfc->serverFormats[index].formatName = NULL; if (formatList->formats[index].formatName) mfc->serverFormats[index].formatName = _strdup(formatList->formats[index].formatName); } mac_cliprdr_send_client_format_list_response(cliprdr, TRUE); for (index = 0; index < mfc->numServerFormats; index++) { format = &(mfc->serverFormats[index]); if (format->formatId == CF_UNICODETEXT) { mac_cliprdr_send_client_format_data_request(cliprdr, CF_UNICODETEXT); break; } else if (format->formatId == CF_OEMTEXT) { mac_cliprdr_send_client_format_data_request(cliprdr, CF_OEMTEXT); break; } else if (format->formatId == CF_TEXT) { mac_cliprdr_send_client_format_data_request(cliprdr, CF_TEXT); break; } } return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT mac_cliprdr_server_format_list_response(CliprdrClientContext *cliprdr, const CLIPRDR_FORMAT_LIST_RESPONSE *formatListResponse) { return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT mac_cliprdr_server_lock_clipboard_data(CliprdrClientContext *cliprdr, const CLIPRDR_LOCK_CLIPBOARD_DATA *lockClipboardData) { return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT mac_cliprdr_server_unlock_clipboard_data(CliprdrClientContext *cliprdr, const CLIPRDR_UNLOCK_CLIPBOARD_DATA *unlockClipboardData) { return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT mac_cliprdr_server_format_data_request(CliprdrClientContext *cliprdr, const CLIPRDR_FORMAT_DATA_REQUEST *formatDataRequest) { BYTE *data; UINT32 size; UINT32 formatId; CLIPRDR_FORMAT_DATA_RESPONSE response = { 0 }; WINPR_ASSERT(cliprdr); mfContext *mfc = (mfContext *)cliprdr->custom; WINPR_ASSERT(mfc); formatId = formatDataRequest->requestedFormatId; data = (BYTE *)ClipboardGetData(mfc->clipboard, formatId, &size); response.common.msgFlags = CB_RESPONSE_OK; response.common.dataLen = size; response.requestedFormatData = data; if (!data) { response.common.msgFlags = CB_RESPONSE_FAIL; response.common.dataLen = 0; response.requestedFormatData = NULL; } cliprdr->ClientFormatDataResponse(cliprdr, &response); free(data); return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT mac_cliprdr_server_format_data_response(CliprdrClientContext *cliprdr, const CLIPRDR_FORMAT_DATA_RESPONSE *formatDataResponse) { BYTE *data; UINT32 size; UINT32 index; UINT32 formatId; CLIPRDR_FORMAT *format = NULL; mfContext *mfc = (mfContext *)cliprdr->custom; MRDPView *view = (MRDPView *)mfc->view; if (formatDataResponse->common.msgFlags & CB_RESPONSE_FAIL) { SetEvent(mfc->clipboardRequestEvent); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } for (index = 0; index < mfc->numServerFormats; index++) { if (mfc->requestedFormatId == mfc->serverFormats[index].formatId) format = &(mfc->serverFormats[index]); } if (!format) { SetEvent(mfc->clipboardRequestEvent); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (format->formatName) formatId = ClipboardRegisterFormat(mfc->clipboard, format->formatName); else formatId = format->formatId; size = formatDataResponse->common.dataLen; ClipboardSetData(mfc->clipboard, formatId, formatDataResponse->requestedFormatData, size); SetEvent(mfc->clipboardRequestEvent); if ((formatId == CF_TEXT) || (formatId == CF_OEMTEXT) || (formatId == CF_UNICODETEXT)) { formatId = ClipboardRegisterFormat(mfc->clipboard, "UTF8_STRING"); data = (void *)ClipboardGetData(mfc->clipboard, formatId, &size); if (size > 1) size--; /* we need the size without the null terminator */ NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:(void *)data length:size encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; free(data); NSArray *types = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:NSPasteboardTypeString, nil]; [view->pasteboard_wr declareTypes:types owner:view]; [view->pasteboard_wr setString:str forType:NSPasteboardTypeString]; } return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT mac_cliprdr_server_file_contents_request(CliprdrClientContext *cliprdr, const CLIPRDR_FILE_CONTENTS_REQUEST *fileContentsRequest) { return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT mac_cliprdr_server_file_contents_response( CliprdrClientContext *cliprdr, const CLIPRDR_FILE_CONTENTS_RESPONSE *fileContentsResponse) { return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } void mac_cliprdr_init(mfContext *mfc, CliprdrClientContext *cliprdr) { cliprdr->custom = (void *)mfc; mfc->cliprdr = cliprdr; mfc->clipboard = ClipboardCreate(); mfc->clipboardRequestEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); cliprdr->MonitorReady = mac_cliprdr_monitor_ready; cliprdr->ServerCapabilities = mac_cliprdr_server_capabilities; cliprdr->ServerFormatList = mac_cliprdr_server_format_list; cliprdr->ServerFormatListResponse = mac_cliprdr_server_format_list_response; cliprdr->ServerLockClipboardData = mac_cliprdr_server_lock_clipboard_data; cliprdr->ServerUnlockClipboardData = mac_cliprdr_server_unlock_clipboard_data; cliprdr->ServerFormatDataRequest = mac_cliprdr_server_format_data_request; cliprdr->ServerFormatDataResponse = mac_cliprdr_server_format_data_response; cliprdr->ServerFileContentsRequest = mac_cliprdr_server_file_contents_request; cliprdr->ServerFileContentsResponse = mac_cliprdr_server_file_contents_response; } void mac_cliprdr_uninit(mfContext *mfc, CliprdrClientContext *cliprdr) { cliprdr->custom = NULL; mfc->cliprdr = NULL; ClipboardDestroy(mfc->clipboard); CloseHandle(mfc->clipboardRequestEvent); }