#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "line.h" #include "brush.h" #include "drawing.h" static int test_gdi_GetDC(void) { HGDI_DC hdc; if (!(hdc = gdi_GetDC())) { printf("failed to get gdi device context\n"); return -1; } if (hdc->format != PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB32) return -1; if (hdc->drawMode != GDI_R2_BLACK) return -1; return 0; } static int test_gdi_CreateCompatibleDC(void) { HGDI_DC hdc; HGDI_DC chdc; if (!(hdc = gdi_GetDC())) { printf("failed to get gdi device context\n"); return -1; } hdc->format = PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB16; hdc->drawMode = GDI_R2_XORPEN; if (!(chdc = gdi_CreateCompatibleDC(hdc))) { printf("gdi_CreateCompatibleDC failed\n"); return -1; } if (chdc->format != hdc->format) return -1; if (chdc->drawMode != hdc->drawMode) return -1; return 0; } static int test_gdi_CreateBitmap(void) { UINT32 format = PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB32; UINT32 width; UINT32 height; BYTE* data; HGDI_BITMAP hBitmap; width = 32; height = 16; if (!(data = (BYTE*) _aligned_malloc(width * height * 4, 16))) { printf("failed to allocate aligned bitmap data memory\n"); return -1; } if (!(hBitmap = gdi_CreateBitmap(width, height, format, data))) { printf("gdi_CreateBitmap failed\n"); return -1; } if (hBitmap->objectType != GDIOBJECT_BITMAP) return -1; if (hBitmap->format != format) return -1; if (hBitmap->width != width) return -1; if (hBitmap->height != height) return -1; if (hBitmap->data != data) return -1; gdi_DeleteObject((HGDIOBJECT) hBitmap); return 0; } static int test_gdi_CreateCompatibleBitmap(void) { HGDI_DC hdc; UINT32 width; UINT32 height; HGDI_BITMAP hBitmap; if (!(hdc = gdi_GetDC())) { printf("failed to get gdi device context\n"); return -1; } hdc->format = PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB32; width = 32; height = 16; hBitmap = gdi_CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, width, height); if (hBitmap->objectType != GDIOBJECT_BITMAP) return -1; if (hBitmap->format != hdc->format) return -1; if (hBitmap->width != width) return -1; if (hBitmap->height != height) return -1; if (!hBitmap->data) return -1; gdi_DeleteObject((HGDIOBJECT) hBitmap); return 0; } static int test_gdi_CreatePen(void) { const UINT32 format = PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA32; HGDI_PEN hPen = gdi_CreatePen(GDI_PS_SOLID, 8, 0xAABBCCDD, format, NULL); if (!hPen) { printf("gdi_CreatePen failed\n"); return -1; } if (hPen->style != GDI_PS_SOLID) return -1; if (hPen->width != 8) return -1; if (hPen->color != 0xAABBCCDD) return -1; gdi_DeleteObject((HGDIOBJECT) hPen); return 0; } static int test_gdi_CreateSolidBrush(void) { HGDI_BRUSH hBrush = gdi_CreateSolidBrush(0xAABBCCDD); if (hBrush->objectType != GDIOBJECT_BRUSH) return -1; if (hBrush->style != GDI_BS_SOLID) return -1; if (hBrush->color != 0xAABBCCDD) return -1; gdi_DeleteObject((HGDIOBJECT) hBrush); return 0; } static int test_gdi_CreatePatternBrush(void) { HGDI_BRUSH hBrush; HGDI_BITMAP hBitmap; hBitmap = gdi_CreateBitmap(64, 64, 32, NULL); hBrush = gdi_CreatePatternBrush(hBitmap); if (hBrush->objectType != GDIOBJECT_BRUSH) return -1; if (hBrush->style != GDI_BS_PATTERN) return -1; if (hBrush->pattern != hBitmap) return -1; gdi_DeleteObject((HGDIOBJECT) hBitmap); return 0; } static int test_gdi_CreateRectRgn(void) { int x1 = 32; int y1 = 64; int x2 = 128; int y2 = 256; HGDI_RGN hRegion = gdi_CreateRectRgn(x1, y1, x2, y2); if (hRegion->objectType != GDIOBJECT_REGION) return -1; if (hRegion->x != x1) return -1; if (hRegion->y != y1) return -1; if (hRegion->w != x2 - x1 + 1) return -1; if (hRegion->h != y2 - y1 + 1) return -1; if (hRegion->null) return -1; gdi_DeleteObject((HGDIOBJECT) hRegion); return 0; } static int test_gdi_CreateRect(void) { HGDI_RECT hRect; int x1 = 32; int y1 = 64; int x2 = 128; int y2 = 256; if (!(hRect = gdi_CreateRect(x1, y1, x2, y2))) { printf("gdi_CreateRect failed\n"); return -1; } if (hRect->objectType != GDIOBJECT_RECT) return -1; if (hRect->left != x1) return -1; if (hRect->top != y1) return -1; if (hRect->right != x2) return -1; if (hRect->bottom != y2) return -1; gdi_DeleteObject((HGDIOBJECT) hRect); return 0; } static int test_gdi_GetPixel(void) { HGDI_DC hdc; int width = 128; int height = 64; HGDI_BITMAP hBitmap; if (!(hdc = gdi_GetDC())) { printf("failed to get gdi device context\n"); return -1; } hdc->format = PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB32; hBitmap = gdi_CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, width, height); gdi_SelectObject(hdc, (HGDIOBJECT) hBitmap); hBitmap->data[(64 * width * 4) + 32 * 4 + 0] = 0xDD; hBitmap->data[(64 * width * 4) + 32 * 4 + 1] = 0xCC; hBitmap->data[(64 * width * 4) + 32 * 4 + 2] = 0xBB; hBitmap->data[(64 * width * 4) + 32 * 4 + 3] = 0xAA; if (gdi_GetPixel(hdc, 32, 64) != 0xAABBCCDD) return -1; gdi_DeleteObject((HGDIOBJECT) hBitmap); return 0; } static int test_gdi_SetPixel(void) { HGDI_DC hdc; UINT32 width = 128; UINT32 height = 64; HGDI_BITMAP hBitmap; if (!(hdc = gdi_GetDC())) { printf("failed to get gdi device context\n"); return -1; } hdc->format = PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB32; hBitmap = gdi_CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, width, height); gdi_SelectObject(hdc, (HGDIOBJECT) hBitmap); gdi_SetPixel(hdc, 32, 64, 0xAABBCCDD); if (gdi_GetPixel(hdc, 32, 64) != 0xAABBCCDD) return -1; gdi_SetPixel(hdc, width - 1, height - 1, 0xAABBCCDD); if (gdi_GetPixel(hdc, width - 1, height - 1) != 0xAABBCCDD) return -1; gdi_DeleteObject((HGDIOBJECT) hBitmap); return 0; } static int test_gdi_SetROP2(void) { HGDI_DC hdc; if (!(hdc = gdi_GetDC())) { printf("failed to get gdi device context\n"); return -1; } gdi_SetROP2(hdc, GDI_R2_BLACK); if (hdc->drawMode != GDI_R2_BLACK) return -1; return 0; } static int test_gdi_MoveToEx(void) { HGDI_DC hdc; HGDI_PEN hPen; HGDI_POINT prevPoint; const UINT32 format = PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA32; gdiPalette* palette = NULL; if (!(hdc = gdi_GetDC())) { printf("failed to get gdi device context\n"); return -1; } if (!(hPen = gdi_CreatePen(GDI_PS_SOLID, 8, 0xAABBCCDD, format, palette))) { printf("gdi_CreatePen failed\n"); return -1; } gdi_SelectObject(hdc, (HGDIOBJECT) hPen); gdi_MoveToEx(hdc, 128, 256, NULL); if (hdc->pen->posX != 128) return -1; if (hdc->pen->posY != 256) return -1; prevPoint = (HGDI_POINT) malloc(sizeof(GDI_POINT)); ZeroMemory(prevPoint, sizeof(GDI_POINT)); gdi_MoveToEx(hdc, 64, 128, prevPoint); if (prevPoint->x != 128) return -1; if (prevPoint->y != 256) return -1; if (hdc->pen->posX != 64) return -1; if (hdc->pen->posY != 128) return -1; return 0; } int TestGdiCreate(int argc, char* argv[]) { fprintf(stderr, "test_gdi_GetDC()\n"); if (test_gdi_GetDC() < 0) return -1; fprintf(stderr, "test_gdi_CreateCompatibleDC()\n"); if (test_gdi_CreateCompatibleDC() < 0) return -1; fprintf(stderr, "test_gdi_CreateBitmap()\n"); if (test_gdi_CreateBitmap() < 0) return -1; fprintf(stderr, "test_gdi_CreateCompatibleBitmap()\n"); if (test_gdi_CreateCompatibleBitmap() < 0) return -1; fprintf(stderr, "test_gdi_CreatePen()\n"); if (test_gdi_CreatePen() < 0) return -1; fprintf(stderr, "test_gdi_CreateSolidBrush()\n"); if (test_gdi_CreateSolidBrush() < 0) return -1; fprintf(stderr, "test_gdi_CreatePatternBrush()\n"); if (test_gdi_CreatePatternBrush() < 0) return -1; fprintf(stderr, "test_gdi_CreateRectRgn()\n"); if (test_gdi_CreateRectRgn() < 0) return -1; fprintf(stderr, "test_gdi_CreateRect()\n"); if (test_gdi_CreateRect() < 0) return -1; fprintf(stderr, "test_gdi_GetPixel()\n"); if (test_gdi_GetPixel() < 0) return -1; fprintf(stderr, "test_gdi_SetPixel()\n"); if (test_gdi_SetPixel() < 0) return -1; fprintf(stderr, "test_gdi_SetROP2()\n"); if (test_gdi_SetROP2() < 0) return -1; fprintf(stderr, "test_gdi_MoveToEx()\n"); if (test_gdi_MoveToEx() < 0) return -1; return 0; }