include(CMakeDependentOption) option(WITH_JSON_DISABLED "Build without any JSON support" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_CJSON_REQUIRED "Build with cJSON (fail if not found)" OFF "NOT WITH_JSON_DISABLED" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_JSONC_REQUIRED "Build with JSON-C (fail if not found)" OFF "NOT WITH_JSON_DISABLED" OFF) if (NOT WITH_JSON_DISABLED) find_package(cJSON) # Fallback detection: # older ubuntu releases did not ship CMake or pkg-config files # for cJSON. Be optimistic and try pkg-config and as last resort # try manual detection if (NOT CJSON_FOUND) find_package(PkgConfig) if (PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) pkg_check_modules(CJSON libcjson) endif() if (NOT CJSON_FOUND) find_path(CJSON_INCLUDE_DIRS NAMES cjson/cJSON.h ) find_library(CJSON_LIBRARIES NAMES cjson ) if (NOT "${CJSON_LIBRARIES}" EQUAL "CJSON_LIBRARIES-NOTFOUND" AND NOT "${CJSON_INCLUDE_DIRS}" EQUAL "CJSON_INCLUDE_DIRS-NOTFOUND") set(CJSON_FOUND ON) endif() endif() endif() if (WITH_CJSON_REQUIRED) if (NOT CJSON_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "cJSON was requested but not found") endif() endif() if (WITH_JSONC_REQUIRED) find_package(JSONC REQUIRED) else() find_package(JSONC) endif() if (NOT JSONC_FOUND AND NOT CJSON_FOUND) set(WITH_WINPR_JSON OFF CACHE INTERNAL "internal") message("compiling without JSON support. Install cJSON or json-c to enable") endif() else() set(WITH_WINPR_JSON OFF CACHE INTERNAL "internal") message("forced compile without JSON support. Set -DWITH_JSON_DISABLED=OFF to enable compile time detection") endif()