/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * * Copyright 2011-2014 Marc-Andre Moreau * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../shadow_screen.h" #include "../shadow_surface.h" #include "../shadow_capture.h" #include "../shadow_subsystem.h" #include "../shadow_mcevent.h" #include "win_shadow.h" #define TAG SERVER_TAG("shadow.win") void win_shadow_input_synchronize_event(winShadowSubsystem* subsystem, UINT32 flags) { } void win_shadow_input_keyboard_event(winShadowSubsystem* subsystem, UINT16 flags, UINT16 code) { INPUT event; event.type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; event.ki.wVk = 0; event.ki.wScan = code; event.ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE; event.ki.dwExtraInfo = 0; event.ki.time = 0; if (flags & KBD_FLAGS_RELEASE) event.ki.dwFlags |= KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; if (flags & KBD_FLAGS_EXTENDED) event.ki.dwFlags |= KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY; SendInput(1, &event, sizeof(INPUT)); } void win_shadow_input_unicode_keyboard_event(winShadowSubsystem* subsystem, UINT16 flags, UINT16 code) { INPUT event; event.type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; event.ki.wVk = 0; event.ki.wScan = code; event.ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_UNICODE; event.ki.dwExtraInfo = 0; event.ki.time = 0; if (flags & KBD_FLAGS_RELEASE) event.ki.dwFlags |= KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; SendInput(1, &event, sizeof(INPUT)); } void win_shadow_input_mouse_event(winShadowSubsystem* subsystem, UINT16 flags, UINT16 x, UINT16 y) { INPUT event; float width; float height; ZeroMemory(&event, sizeof(INPUT)); event.type = INPUT_MOUSE; if (flags & PTR_FLAGS_WHEEL) { event.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL; event.mi.mouseData = flags & WheelRotationMask; if (flags & PTR_FLAGS_WHEEL_NEGATIVE) event.mi.mouseData *= -1; SendInput(1, &event, sizeof(INPUT)); } else { width = (float) GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); height = (float) GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); event.mi.dx = (LONG) ((float) x * (65535.0f / width)); event.mi.dy = (LONG) ((float) y * (65535.0f / height)); event.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE; if (flags & PTR_FLAGS_MOVE) { event.mi.dwFlags |= MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE; SendInput(1, &event, sizeof(INPUT)); } event.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE; if (flags & PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON1) { if (flags & PTR_FLAGS_DOWN) event.mi.dwFlags |= MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN; else event.mi.dwFlags |= MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP; SendInput(1, &event, sizeof(INPUT)); } else if (flags & PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON2) { if (flags & PTR_FLAGS_DOWN) event.mi.dwFlags |= MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN; else event.mi.dwFlags |= MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP; SendInput(1, &event, sizeof(INPUT)); } else if (flags & PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON3) { if (flags & PTR_FLAGS_DOWN) event.mi.dwFlags |= MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN; else event.mi.dwFlags |= MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP; SendInput(1, &event, sizeof(INPUT)); } } } void win_shadow_input_extended_mouse_event(winShadowSubsystem* subsystem, UINT16 flags, UINT16 x, UINT16 y) { INPUT event; float width; float height; ZeroMemory(&event, sizeof(INPUT)); if ((flags & PTR_XFLAGS_BUTTON1) || (flags & PTR_XFLAGS_BUTTON2)) { event.type = INPUT_MOUSE; if (flags & PTR_FLAGS_MOVE) { width = (float) GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); height = (float) GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); event.mi.dx = (LONG)((float) x * (65535.0f / width)); event.mi.dy = (LONG)((float) y * (65535.0f / height)); event.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE | MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE; SendInput(1, &event, sizeof(INPUT)); } event.mi.dx = event.mi.dy = event.mi.dwFlags = 0; if (flags & PTR_XFLAGS_DOWN) event.mi.dwFlags |= MOUSEEVENTF_XDOWN; else event.mi.dwFlags |= MOUSEEVENTF_XUP; if (flags & PTR_XFLAGS_BUTTON1) event.mi.mouseData = XBUTTON1; else if (flags & PTR_XFLAGS_BUTTON2) event.mi.mouseData = XBUTTON2; SendInput(1, &event, sizeof(INPUT)); } } int win_shadow_invalidate_region(winShadowSubsystem* subsystem, int x, int y, int width, int height) { rdpShadowServer* server; rdpShadowScreen* screen; RECTANGLE_16 invalidRect; server = subsystem->server; screen = server->screen; invalidRect.left = x; invalidRect.top = y; invalidRect.right = x + width; invalidRect.bottom = y + height; EnterCriticalSection(&(screen->lock)); region16_union_rect(&(screen->invalidRegion), &(screen->invalidRegion), &invalidRect); LeaveCriticalSection(&(screen->lock)); return 1; } int win_shadow_surface_copy(winShadowSubsystem* subsystem) { int x, y; int width; int height; int count; int status = 1; int nDstStep = 0; BYTE* pDstData = NULL; rdpShadowServer* server; rdpShadowSurface* surface; RECTANGLE_16 surfaceRect; RECTANGLE_16 invalidRect; const RECTANGLE_16* extents; server = subsystem->server; surface = server->surface; if (ArrayList_Count(server->clients) < 1) { region16_clear(&(subsystem->invalidRegion)); return 1; } surfaceRect.left = surface->x; surfaceRect.top = surface->y; surfaceRect.right = surface->x + surface->width; surfaceRect.bottom = surface->y + surface->height; region16_intersect_rect(&(subsystem->invalidRegion), &(subsystem->invalidRegion), &surfaceRect); if (region16_is_empty(&(subsystem->invalidRegion))) return 1; extents = region16_extents(&(subsystem->invalidRegion)); CopyMemory(&invalidRect, extents, sizeof(RECTANGLE_16)); shadow_capture_align_clip_rect(&invalidRect, &surfaceRect); x = invalidRect.left; y = invalidRect.top; width = invalidRect.right - invalidRect.left; height = invalidRect.bottom - invalidRect.top; if (0) { x = 0; y = 0; width = surface->width; height = surface->height; } WLog_INFO(TAG, "SurfaceCopy x: %d y: %d width: %d height: %d right: %d bottom: %d", x, y, width, height, x + width, y + height); #if defined(WITH_WDS_API) { rdpGdi* gdi; shwContext* shw; rdpContext* context; shw = subsystem->shw; context = (rdpContext*) shw; gdi = context->gdi; pDstData = gdi->primary_buffer; nDstStep = gdi->width * 4; } #elif defined(WITH_DXGI_1_2) status = win_shadow_dxgi_fetch_frame_data(subsystem, &pDstData, &nDstStep, x, y, width, height); #endif if (status <= 0) return status; freerdp_image_copy(surface->data, PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB32, surface->scanline, x - surface->x, y - surface->y, width, height, pDstData, PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB32, nDstStep, 0, 0, NULL); ArrayList_Lock(server->clients); count = ArrayList_Count(server->clients); shadow_multiclient_publish_and_wait(subsystem->updateEvent); ArrayList_Unlock(server->clients); region16_clear(&(subsystem->invalidRegion)); return 1; } #if defined(WITH_WDS_API) void* win_shadow_subsystem_thread(winShadowSubsystem* subsystem) { DWORD status; DWORD nCount; HANDLE events[32]; HANDLE StopEvent; StopEvent = subsystem->server->StopEvent; nCount = 0; events[nCount++] = StopEvent; events[nCount++] = subsystem->RdpUpdateEnterEvent; while (1) { status = WaitForMultipleObjects(nCount, events, FALSE, INFINITE); if (WaitForSingleObject(StopEvent, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { break; } if (WaitForSingleObject(subsystem->RdpUpdateEnterEvent, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { win_shadow_surface_copy(subsystem); ResetEvent(subsystem->RdpUpdateEnterEvent); SetEvent(subsystem->RdpUpdateLeaveEvent); } } ExitThread(0); return NULL; } #elif defined(WITH_DXGI_1_2) void* win_shadow_subsystem_thread(winShadowSubsystem* subsystem) { int fps; DWORD status; DWORD nCount; UINT64 cTime; DWORD dwTimeout; DWORD dwInterval; UINT64 frameTime; HANDLE events[32]; HANDLE StopEvent; StopEvent = subsystem->server->StopEvent; nCount = 0; events[nCount++] = StopEvent; fps = 16; dwInterval = 1000 / fps; frameTime = GetTickCount64() + dwInterval; while (1) { dwTimeout = INFINITE; cTime = GetTickCount64(); dwTimeout = (DWORD) ((cTime > frameTime) ? 0 : frameTime - cTime); status = WaitForMultipleObjects(nCount, events, FALSE, dwTimeout); if (WaitForSingleObject(StopEvent, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { break; } if ((status == WAIT_TIMEOUT) || (GetTickCount64() > frameTime)) { int dxgi_status; dxgi_status = win_shadow_dxgi_get_next_frame(subsystem); if (dxgi_status > 0) dxgi_status = win_shadow_dxgi_get_invalid_region(subsystem); if (dxgi_status > 0) win_shadow_surface_copy(subsystem); dwInterval = 1000 / fps; frameTime += dwInterval; } } ExitThread(0); return NULL; } #endif int win_shadow_enum_monitors(MONITOR_DEF* monitors, int maxMonitors) { HDC hdc; int index; int desktopWidth; int desktopHeight; DWORD iDevNum = 0; int numMonitors = 0; MONITOR_DEF* monitor; DISPLAY_DEVICE displayDevice; ZeroMemory(&displayDevice, sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE)); displayDevice.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE); if (EnumDisplayDevices(NULL, iDevNum, &displayDevice, 0)) { hdc = CreateDC(displayDevice.DeviceName, NULL, NULL, NULL); desktopWidth = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES); desktopHeight = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES); index = 0; numMonitors = 1; monitor = &monitors[index]; monitor->left = 0; monitor->top = 0; monitor->right = desktopWidth; monitor->bottom = desktopHeight; monitor->flags = 1; DeleteDC(hdc); } return numMonitors; } int win_shadow_subsystem_init(winShadowSubsystem* subsystem) { int status; MONITOR_DEF* virtualScreen; subsystem->numMonitors = win_shadow_enum_monitors(subsystem->monitors, 16); #if defined(WITH_WDS_API) status = win_shadow_wds_init(subsystem); #elif defined(WITH_DXGI_1_2) status = win_shadow_dxgi_init(subsystem); #endif virtualScreen = &(subsystem->virtualScreen); virtualScreen->left = 0; virtualScreen->top = 0; virtualScreen->right = subsystem->width; virtualScreen->bottom = subsystem->height; virtualScreen->flags = 1; WLog_INFO(TAG, "width: %d height: %d", subsystem->width, subsystem->height); return 1; } int win_shadow_subsystem_uninit(winShadowSubsystem* subsystem) { if (!subsystem) return -1; #if defined(WITH_WDS_API) win_shadow_wds_uninit(subsystem); #elif defined(WITH_DXGI_1_2) win_shadow_dxgi_uninit(subsystem); #endif return 1; } int win_shadow_subsystem_start(winShadowSubsystem* subsystem) { HANDLE thread; if (!subsystem) return -1; if (!(thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) win_shadow_subsystem_thread, (void*) subsystem, 0, NULL))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to create thread"); return -1; } return 1; } int win_shadow_subsystem_stop(winShadowSubsystem* subsystem) { if (!subsystem) return -1; return 1; } void win_shadow_subsystem_free(winShadowSubsystem* subsystem) { if (!subsystem) return; win_shadow_subsystem_uninit(subsystem); free(subsystem); } winShadowSubsystem* win_shadow_subsystem_new() { winShadowSubsystem* subsystem; subsystem = (winShadowSubsystem*) calloc(1, sizeof(winShadowSubsystem)); if (!subsystem) return NULL; subsystem->SynchronizeEvent = (pfnShadowSynchronizeEvent) win_shadow_input_synchronize_event; subsystem->KeyboardEvent = (pfnShadowKeyboardEvent) win_shadow_input_keyboard_event; subsystem->UnicodeKeyboardEvent = (pfnShadowUnicodeKeyboardEvent) win_shadow_input_unicode_keyboard_event; subsystem->MouseEvent = (pfnShadowMouseEvent) win_shadow_input_mouse_event; subsystem->ExtendedMouseEvent = (pfnShadowExtendedMouseEvent) win_shadow_input_extended_mouse_event; return subsystem; } FREERDP_API int Win_ShadowSubsystemEntry(RDP_SHADOW_ENTRY_POINTS* pEntryPoints) { pEntryPoints->New = (pfnShadowSubsystemNew) win_shadow_subsystem_new; pEntryPoints->Free = (pfnShadowSubsystemFree) win_shadow_subsystem_free; pEntryPoints->Init = (pfnShadowSubsystemInit) win_shadow_subsystem_init; pEntryPoints->Uninit = (pfnShadowSubsystemInit) win_shadow_subsystem_uninit; pEntryPoints->Start = (pfnShadowSubsystemStart) win_shadow_subsystem_start; pEntryPoints->Stop = (pfnShadowSubsystemStop) win_shadow_subsystem_stop; pEntryPoints->EnumMonitors = (pfnShadowEnumMonitors) win_shadow_enum_monitors; return 1; }