/** * WinPR: Windows Portable Runtime * WinPR Logger * * Copyright 2013 Marc-Andre Moreau * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "wlog/PacketMessage.h" #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #else #include #include #include static int gettimeofday(struct timeval* tp, void* tz) { struct _timeb timebuffer; _ftime(&timebuffer); tp->tv_sec = (long) timebuffer.time; tp->tv_usec = timebuffer.millitm * 1000; return 0; } #endif void Pcap_Read_Header(wPcap* pcap, wPcapHeader* header) { fread((void*) header, sizeof(wPcapHeader), 1, pcap->fp); } void Pcap_Write_Header(wPcap* pcap, wPcapHeader* header) { fwrite((void*) header, sizeof(wPcapHeader), 1, pcap->fp); } void Pcap_Read_RecordHeader(wPcap* pcap, wPcapRecordHeader* record) { fread((void*) record, sizeof(wPcapRecordHeader), 1, pcap->fp); } void Pcap_Write_RecordHeader(wPcap* pcap, wPcapRecordHeader* record) { fwrite((void*) record, sizeof(wPcapRecordHeader), 1, pcap->fp); } void Pcap_Write_RecordContent(wPcap* pcap, wPcapRecord* record) { fwrite(record->data, record->length, 1, pcap->fp); } void Pcap_Read_Record(wPcap* pcap, wPcapRecord* record) { Pcap_Read_RecordHeader(pcap, &record->header); record->length = record->header.incl_len; record->data = malloc(record->length); fread(record->data, record->length, 1, pcap->fp); } void Pcap_Write_Record(wPcap* pcap, wPcapRecord* record) { Pcap_Write_RecordHeader(pcap, &record->header); Pcap_Write_RecordContent(pcap, record); } void Pcap_Add_Record(wPcap* pcap, void* data, UINT32 length) { wPcapRecord* record; struct timeval tp; if (!pcap->tail) { pcap->tail = (wPcapRecord*) malloc(sizeof(wPcapRecord)); ZeroMemory(pcap->tail, sizeof(wPcapRecord)); pcap->head = pcap->tail; pcap->record = pcap->head; record = pcap->tail; } else { record = (wPcapRecord*) malloc(sizeof(wPcapRecord)); ZeroMemory(record, sizeof(wPcapRecord)); pcap->tail->next = record; pcap->tail = record; } if (!pcap->record) pcap->record = record; record->data = data; record->length = length; record->header.incl_len = length; record->header.orig_len = length; gettimeofday(&tp, 0); record->header.ts_sec = tp.tv_sec; record->header.ts_usec = tp.tv_usec; } BOOL Pcap_HasNext_Record(wPcap* pcap) { if (pcap->file_size - (ftell(pcap->fp)) <= 16) return FALSE; return TRUE; } BOOL Pcap_GetNext_RecordHeader(wPcap* pcap, wPcapRecord* record) { if (Pcap_HasNext_Record(pcap) != TRUE) return FALSE; Pcap_Read_RecordHeader(pcap, &record->header); record->length = record->header.incl_len; return TRUE; } BOOL Pcap_GetNext_RecordContent(wPcap* pcap, wPcapRecord* record) { fread(record->data, record->length, 1, pcap->fp); return TRUE; } BOOL Pcap_GetNext_Record(wPcap* pcap, wPcapRecord* record) { if (Pcap_HasNext_Record(pcap) != TRUE) return FALSE; Pcap_Read_Record(pcap, record); return TRUE; } wPcap* Pcap_Open(char* name, BOOL write) { wPcap* pcap; FILE* pcap_fp = fopen(name, write ? "w+b" : "rb"); if (!pcap_fp) { perror("opening pcap file"); return NULL; } pcap = (wPcap*) malloc(sizeof(wPcap)); if (pcap) { ZeroMemory(pcap, sizeof(wPcap)); pcap->name = name; pcap->write = write; pcap->record_count = 0; pcap->fp = pcap_fp; if (write) { pcap->header.magic_number = PCAP_MAGIC_NUMBER; pcap->header.version_major = 2; pcap->header.version_minor = 4; pcap->header.thiszone = 0; pcap->header.sigfigs = 0; pcap->header.snaplen = 0xFFFFFFFF; pcap->header.network = 1; /* ethernet */ Pcap_Write_Header(pcap, &pcap->header); } else { fseek(pcap->fp, 0, SEEK_END); pcap->file_size = (int) ftell(pcap->fp); fseek(pcap->fp, 0, SEEK_SET); Pcap_Read_Header(pcap, &pcap->header); } } return pcap; } void Pcap_Flush(wPcap* pcap) { while (pcap->record) { Pcap_Write_Record(pcap, pcap->record); pcap->record = pcap->record->next; } if (pcap->fp) fflush(pcap->fp); } void Pcap_Close(wPcap* pcap) { Pcap_Flush(pcap); if (pcap->fp) fclose(pcap->fp); free(pcap); } int WLog_PacketMessage_Write_EthernetHeader(wPcap* pcap, wEthernetHeader* ethernet) { wStream* s; BYTE buffer[14]; s = Stream_New(buffer, 14); Stream_Write(s, ethernet->Destination, 6); Stream_Write(s, ethernet->Source, 6); Stream_Write_UINT16_BE(s, ethernet->Type); fwrite(buffer, 14, 1, pcap->fp); Stream_Free(s, FALSE); return 0; } UINT16 IPv4Checksum(BYTE* ipv4, int length) { UINT16 tmp16; long checksum = 0; while (length > 1) { tmp16 = *((UINT16*) ipv4); checksum += tmp16; length -= 2; ipv4 += 2; } if (length > 0) checksum += *ipv4; while (checksum >> 16) checksum = (checksum & 0xFFFF) + (checksum >> 16); return (UINT16) (~checksum); } int WLog_PacketMessage_Write_IPv4Header(wPcap* pcap, wIPv4Header* ipv4) { wStream* s; BYTE buffer[20]; s = Stream_New(buffer, 20); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, (ipv4->Version << 4) | ipv4->InternetHeaderLength); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, ipv4->TypeOfService); Stream_Write_UINT16_BE(s, ipv4->TotalLength); Stream_Write_UINT16_BE(s, ipv4->Identification); Stream_Write_UINT16_BE(s, (ipv4->InternetProtocolFlags << 13) | ipv4->FragmentOffset); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, ipv4->TimeToLive); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, ipv4->Protocol); Stream_Write_UINT16(s, ipv4->HeaderChecksum); Stream_Write_UINT32_BE(s, ipv4->SourceAddress); Stream_Write_UINT32_BE(s, ipv4->DestinationAddress); ipv4->HeaderChecksum = IPv4Checksum((BYTE*) buffer, 20); Stream_Rewind(s, 10); Stream_Write_UINT16(s, ipv4->HeaderChecksum); Stream_Seek(s, 8); fwrite(buffer, 20, 1, pcap->fp); Stream_Free(s, FALSE); return 0; } int WLog_PacketMessage_Write_TcpHeader(wPcap* pcap, wTcpHeader* tcp) { wStream* s; BYTE buffer[20]; s = Stream_New(buffer, 20); Stream_Write_UINT16_BE(s, tcp->SourcePort); Stream_Write_UINT16_BE(s, tcp->DestinationPort); Stream_Write_UINT32_BE(s, tcp->SequenceNumber); Stream_Write_UINT32_BE(s, tcp->AcknowledgementNumber); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, (tcp->Offset << 4) | tcp->Reserved); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, tcp->TcpFlags); Stream_Write_UINT16_BE(s, tcp->Window); Stream_Write_UINT16_BE(s, tcp->Checksum); Stream_Write_UINT16_BE(s, tcp->UrgentPointer); fwrite(buffer, 20, 1, pcap->fp); Stream_Free(s, FALSE); return 0; } static UINT32 g_InboundSequenceNumber = 0; static UINT32 g_OutboundSequenceNumber = 0; int WLog_PacketMessage_Write(wPcap* pcap, void* data, DWORD length, DWORD flags) { wTcpHeader tcp; wIPv4Header ipv4; struct timeval tp; wPcapRecord record; wEthernetHeader ethernet; ethernet.Type = 0x0800; if (flags & WLOG_PACKET_OUTBOUND) { /* 00:15:5D:01:64:04 */ ethernet.Source[0] = 0x00; ethernet.Source[1] = 0x15; ethernet.Source[2] = 0x5D; ethernet.Source[3] = 0x01; ethernet.Source[4] = 0x64; ethernet.Source[5] = 0x04; /* 00:15:5D:01:64:01 */ ethernet.Destination[0] = 0x00; ethernet.Destination[1] = 0x15; ethernet.Destination[2] = 0x5D; ethernet.Destination[3] = 0x01; ethernet.Destination[4] = 0x64; ethernet.Destination[5] = 0x01; } else { /* 00:15:5D:01:64:01 */ ethernet.Source[0] = 0x00; ethernet.Source[1] = 0x15; ethernet.Source[2] = 0x5D; ethernet.Source[3] = 0x01; ethernet.Source[4] = 0x64; ethernet.Source[5] = 0x01; /* 00:15:5D:01:64:04 */ ethernet.Destination[0] = 0x00; ethernet.Destination[1] = 0x15; ethernet.Destination[2] = 0x5D; ethernet.Destination[3] = 0x01; ethernet.Destination[4] = 0x64; ethernet.Destination[5] = 0x04; } ipv4.Version = 4; ipv4.InternetHeaderLength = 5; ipv4.TypeOfService = 0; ipv4.TotalLength = (UINT16) (length + 20 + 20); ipv4.Identification = 0; ipv4.InternetProtocolFlags = 0x02; ipv4.FragmentOffset = 0; ipv4.TimeToLive = 128; ipv4.Protocol = 6; /* TCP */ ipv4.HeaderChecksum = 0; if (flags & WLOG_PACKET_OUTBOUND) { ipv4.SourceAddress = 0xC0A80196; /* */ ipv4.DestinationAddress = 0x4A7D64C8; /* */ } else { ipv4.SourceAddress = 0x4A7D64C8; /* */ ipv4.DestinationAddress = 0xC0A80196; /* */ } tcp.SourcePort = 3389; tcp.DestinationPort = 3389; if (flags & WLOG_PACKET_OUTBOUND) { tcp.SequenceNumber = g_OutboundSequenceNumber; tcp.AcknowledgementNumber = g_InboundSequenceNumber; g_OutboundSequenceNumber += length; } else { tcp.SequenceNumber = g_InboundSequenceNumber; tcp.AcknowledgementNumber = g_OutboundSequenceNumber; g_InboundSequenceNumber += length; } tcp.Offset = 5; tcp.Reserved = 0; tcp.TcpFlags = 0x0018; tcp.Window = 0x7FFF; tcp.Checksum = 0; tcp.UrgentPointer = 0; record.data = data; record.length = length; record.header.incl_len = record.length + 14 + 20 + 20; record.header.orig_len = record.length + 14 + 20 + 20; record.next = NULL; gettimeofday(&tp, 0); record.header.ts_sec = tp.tv_sec; record.header.ts_usec = tp.tv_usec; Pcap_Write_RecordHeader(pcap, &record.header); WLog_PacketMessage_Write_EthernetHeader(pcap, ðernet); WLog_PacketMessage_Write_IPv4Header(pcap, &ipv4); WLog_PacketMessage_Write_TcpHeader(pcap, &tcp); Pcap_Write_RecordContent(pcap, &record); fflush(pcap->fp); return 0; }