/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * RDP Settings * * Copyright 2009-2011 Jay Sorg * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __RDP_SETTINGS_H #define __RDP_SETTINGS_H #include /* Performance Flags */ #define PERF_FLAG_NONE 0x00000000 #define PERF_DISABLE_WALLPAPER 0x00000001 #define PERF_DISABLE_FULLWINDOWDRAG 0x00000002 #define PERF_DISABLE_MENUANIMATIONS 0x00000004 #define PERF_DISABLE_THEMING 0x00000008 #define PERF_DISABLE_CURSOR_SHADOW 0x00000020 #define PERF_DISABLE_CURSORSETTINGS 0x00000040 #define PERF_ENABLE_FONT_SMOOTHING 0x00000080 #define PERF_ENABLE_DESKTOP_COMPOSITION 0x00000100 /* Connection Types */ #define CONNECTION_TYPE_MODEM 0x01 #define CONNECTION_TYPE_BROADBAND_LOW 0x02 #define CONNECTION_TYPE_SATELLITE 0x03 #define CONNECTION_TYPE_BROADBAND_HIGH 0x04 #define CONNECTION_TYPE_WAN 0x05 #define CONNECTION_TYPE_LAN 0x06 /* Encryption Methods */ #define ENCRYPTION_METHOD_NONE 0x00000000 #define ENCRYPTION_METHOD_40BIT 0x00000001 #define ENCRYPTION_METHOD_128BIT 0x00000002 #define ENCRYPTION_METHOD_56BIT 0x00000008 #define ENCRYPTION_METHOD_FIPS 0x00000010 /* Encryption Levels */ #define ENCRYPTION_LEVEL_NONE 0x00000000 #define ENCRYPTION_LEVEL_LOW 0x00000001 #define ENCRYPTION_LEVEL_CLIENT_COMPATIBLE 0x00000002 #define ENCRYPTION_LEVEL_HIGH 0x00000003 #define ENCRYPTION_LEVEL_FIPS 0x00000004 /* Auto Reconnect Version */ #define AUTO_RECONNECT_VERSION_1 0x00000001 /* Order Support */ #define NEG_DSTBLT_INDEX 0x00 #define NEG_PATBLT_INDEX 0x01 #define NEG_SCRBLT_INDEX 0x02 #define NEG_MEMBLT_INDEX 0x03 #define NEG_MEM3BLT_INDEX 0x04 #define NEG_ATEXTOUT_INDEX 0x05 #define NEG_AEXTTEXTOUT_INDEX 0x06 #define NEG_DRAWNINEGRID_INDEX 0x07 #define NEG_LINETO_INDEX 0x08 #define NEG_MULTI_DRAWNINEGRID_INDEX 0x09 #define NEG_OPAQUE_RECT_INDEX 0x0A #define NEG_SAVEBITMAP_INDEX 0x0B #define NEG_WTEXTOUT_INDEX 0x0C #define NEG_MEMBLT_V2_INDEX 0x0D #define NEG_MEM3BLT_V2_INDEX 0x0E #define NEG_MULTIDSTBLT_INDEX 0x0F #define NEG_MULTIPATBLT_INDEX 0x10 #define NEG_MULTISCRBLT_INDEX 0x11 #define NEG_MULTIOPAQUERECT_INDEX 0x12 #define NEG_FAST_INDEX_INDEX 0x13 #define NEG_POLYGON_SC_INDEX 0x14 #define NEG_POLYGON_CB_INDEX 0x15 #define NEG_POLYLINE_INDEX 0x16 #define NEG_FAST_GLYPH_INDEX 0x18 #define NEG_ELLIPSE_SC_INDEX 0x19 #define NEG_ELLIPSE_CB_INDEX 0x1A #define NEG_GLYPH_INDEX_INDEX 0x1B #define NEG_GLYPH_WEXTTEXTOUT_INDEX 0x1C #define NEG_GLYPH_WLONGTEXTOUT_INDEX 0x1D #define NEG_GLYPH_WLONGEXTTEXTOUT_INDEX 0x1E /* Glyph Support Level */ #define GLYPH_SUPPORT_NONE 0x0000 #define GLYPH_SUPPORT_PARTIAL 0x0001 #define GLYPH_SUPPORT_FULL 0x0002 #define GLYPH_SUPPORT_ENCODE 0x0003 /* SYSTEM_TIME */ typedef struct { UINT16 wYear; UINT16 wMonth; UINT16 wDayOfWeek; UINT16 wDay; UINT16 wHour; UINT16 wMinute; UINT16 wSecond; UINT16 wMilliseconds; } SYSTEM_TIME; /* TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION */ struct _TIME_ZONE_INFO { UINT32 bias; char standardName[32]; SYSTEM_TIME standardDate; UINT32 standardBias; char daylightName[32]; SYSTEM_TIME daylightDate; UINT32 daylightBias; }; typedef struct _TIME_ZONE_INFO TIME_ZONE_INFO; /* ARC_CS_PRIVATE_PACKET */ typedef struct { UINT32 cbLen; UINT32 version; UINT32 logonId; BYTE securityVerifier[16]; } ARC_CS_PRIVATE_PACKET; /* ARC_SC_PRIVATE_PACKET */ typedef struct { UINT32 cbLen; UINT32 version; UINT32 logonId; BYTE arcRandomBits[16]; } ARC_SC_PRIVATE_PACKET; /* Certificates */ struct rdp_CertBlob { UINT32 length; BYTE* data; }; typedef struct rdp_CertBlob rdpCertBlob; struct rdp_X509CertChain { UINT32 count; rdpCertBlob* array; }; typedef struct rdp_X509CertChain rdpX509CertChain; struct rdp_CertInfo { BYTE* Modulus; DWORD ModulusLength; BYTE exponent[4]; }; typedef struct rdp_CertInfo rdpCertInfo; struct rdp_certificate { rdpCertInfo cert_info; rdpX509CertChain* x509_cert_chain; }; typedef struct rdp_certificate rdpCertificate; struct rdp_key { BYTE* Modulus; DWORD ModulusLength; BYTE* PrivateExponent; DWORD PrivateExponentLength; BYTE exponent[4]; }; typedef struct rdp_key rdpKey; /* Channels */ struct rdp_channel { char name[8]; /* ui sets */ int options; /* ui sets */ int channel_id; /* core sets */ BOOL joined; /* client has joined the channel */ void* handle; /* just for ui */ }; typedef struct rdp_channel rdpChannel; /* Extensions */ struct rdp_ext_set { char name[256]; /* plugin name or path */ void* data; /* plugin data */ }; /* Bitmap Cache */ struct _BITMAP_CACHE_CELL_INFO { UINT16 numEntries; UINT16 maxSize; }; typedef struct _BITMAP_CACHE_CELL_INFO BITMAP_CACHE_CELL_INFO; struct _BITMAP_CACHE_V2_CELL_INFO { UINT32 numEntries; BOOL persistent; }; typedef struct _BITMAP_CACHE_V2_CELL_INFO BITMAP_CACHE_V2_CELL_INFO; /* Glyph Cache */ struct _GLYPH_CACHE_DEFINITION { UINT16 cacheEntries; UINT16 cacheMaximumCellSize; }; typedef struct _GLYPH_CACHE_DEFINITION GLYPH_CACHE_DEFINITION; /* Monitors */ struct rdp_monitor { int x; int y; int width; int height; int is_primary; }; /* Settings */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #define ALIGN64 __attribute__((aligned(8))) #else #ifdef _WIN32 #define ALIGN64 __declspec(align(8)) #else #define ALIGN64 #endif #endif struct rdp_settings { ALIGN64 void* instance; /* 0 */ UINT64 paddingA[16 - 1]; /* 1 */ /* Core Protocol Parameters */ ALIGN64 UINT32 width; /* 16 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 height; /* 17 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 rdp_version; /* 18 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 color_depth; /* 19 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 kbd_layout; /* 20 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 kbd_type; /* 21 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 kbd_subtype; /* 22 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 kbd_fn_keys; /* 23 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 client_build; /* 24 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 requested_protocols; /* 25 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 selected_protocol; /* 26 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 encryption_method; /* 27 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 encryption_level; /* 28 */ ALIGN64 BOOL authentication; /* 29 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 negotiationFlags; /* 30 */ ALIGN64 BOOL security_layer_negotiation; /* 31 */ UINT64 paddingB[48 - 32]; /* 32 */ /* Connection Settings */ ALIGN64 UINT32 port; /* 48 */ ALIGN64 BOOL ipv6; /* 49 */ ALIGN64 char* hostname; /* 50 */ ALIGN64 char* username; /* 51 */ ALIGN64 char* password; /* 52 */ ALIGN64 char* domain; /* 53 */ ALIGN64 char* shell; /* 54 */ ALIGN64 char* directory; /* 55 */ ALIGN64 char* ip_address; /* 56 */ ALIGN64 char* client_dir; /* 57 */ ALIGN64 BOOL autologon; /* 58 */ ALIGN64 BOOL compression; /* 59 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 performance_flags; /* 60 */ ALIGN64 BYTE* password_cookie; /* 61 */ ALIGN64 DWORD password_cookie_length; /* 62 */ ALIGN64 char* kerberos_kdc; /* 63 */ ALIGN64 char* kerberos_realm; /* 64 */ ALIGN64 BOOL ts_gateway; /* 65 */ ALIGN64 char* tsg_hostname; /* 66 */ ALIGN64 char* tsg_username; /* 67 */ ALIGN64 char* tsg_password; /* 68 */ ALIGN64 BOOL local; /* 69 */ ALIGN64 BOOL authentication_only; /* 70 */ ALIGN64 BOOL from_stdin; /* 71 */ ALIGN64 BOOL send_preconnection_pdu; /* 72 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 preconnection_id; /* 73 */ ALIGN64 char* preconnection_blob; /* 74 */ UINT64 paddingC[80 - 75]; /* 75 */ /* User Interface Parameters */ ALIGN64 BOOL sw_gdi; /* 80 */ ALIGN64 BOOL workarea; /* 81 */ ALIGN64 BOOL fullscreen; /* 82 */ ALIGN64 BOOL grab_keyboard; /* 83 */ ALIGN64 BOOL decorations; /* 84 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 percent_screen; /* 85 */ ALIGN64 BOOL mouse_motion; /* 86 */ ALIGN64 char* window_title; /* 87 */ ALIGN64 UINT64 parent_window_xid; /* 88 */ UINT64 paddingD[112 - 89]; /* 89 */ /* Internal Parameters */ ALIGN64 char* home_path; /* 112 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 share_id; /* 113 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 pdu_source; /* 114 */ ALIGN64 void* unused115; /* 115 */ ALIGN64 BOOL server_mode; /* 116 */ ALIGN64 char* config_path; /* 117 */ ALIGN64 char* current_path; /* 118 */ ALIGN64 char* development_path; /* 119 */ ALIGN64 BOOL development_mode; /* 120 */ UINT64 paddingE[144 - 121]; /* 121 */ /* Security */ ALIGN64 BOOL encryption; /* 144 */ ALIGN64 BOOL tls_security; /* 145 */ ALIGN64 BOOL nla_security; /* 146 */ ALIGN64 BOOL rdp_security; /* 147 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 ntlm_version; /* 148 */ ALIGN64 BOOL salted_checksum; /* 149 */ UINT64 paddingF[160 - 150]; /* 150 */ /* Session */ ALIGN64 BOOL console_audio; /* 160 */ ALIGN64 BOOL console_session; /* 161 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 redirected_session_id; /* 162 */ ALIGN64 BOOL audio_playback; /* 163 */ ALIGN64 BOOL audio_capture; /* 164 */ UINT64 paddingG[176 - 165]; /* 165 */ /* Output Control */ ALIGN64 BOOL refresh_rect; /* 176 */ ALIGN64 BOOL suppress_output; /* 177 */ ALIGN64 BOOL desktop_resize; /* 178 */ UINT64 paddingH[192 - 179]; /* 179 */ /* Reconnection */ ALIGN64 BOOL auto_reconnection; /* 192 */ ALIGN64 ARC_CS_PRIVATE_PACKET* client_auto_reconnect_cookie; /* 193 */ ALIGN64 ARC_SC_PRIVATE_PACKET* server_auto_reconnect_cookie; /* 194 */ UINT64 paddingI[208 - 195]; /* 195 */ /* Time Zone */ ALIGN64 TIME_ZONE_INFO* client_time_zone; /* 208 */ UINT64 paddingJ[216 - 209]; /* 209 */ /* Capabilities */ ALIGN64 UINT32 os_major_type; /* 216 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 os_minor_type; /* 217 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 vc_chunk_size; /* 218 */ ALIGN64 BOOL sound_beeps; /* 219 */ ALIGN64 BOOL smooth_fonts; /* 220 */ ALIGN64 BOOL frame_marker; /* 221 */ ALIGN64 BOOL fastpath_input; /* 222 */ ALIGN64 BOOL fastpath_output; /* 223 */ ALIGN64 BYTE* received_caps; /* 224 */ ALIGN64 BYTE* order_support; /* 225 */ ALIGN64 BOOL surface_commands; /* 226 */ ALIGN64 BOOL disable_wallpaper; /* 227 */ ALIGN64 BOOL disable_full_window_drag; /* 228 */ ALIGN64 BOOL disable_menu_animations; /* 229 */ ALIGN64 BOOL disable_theming; /* 230 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 connection_type; /* 231 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 multifrag_max_request_size; /* 232 */ UINT64 paddingK[248 - 233]; /* 233 */ /* Certificate */ ALIGN64 char* cert_file; /* 248 */ ALIGN64 char* privatekey_file; /* 249 */ ALIGN64 char* client_hostname; /* 250 */ ALIGN64 char* client_product_id; /* 251 */ ALIGN64 BYTE* server_random; /* 252 */ ALIGN64 DWORD server_random_length; /* 253 */ ALIGN64 BYTE* server_certificate; /* 254 */ ALIGN64 DWORD server_certificate_length; /* 255 */ ALIGN64 BOOL ignore_certificate; /* 256 */ ALIGN64 rdpCertificate* server_cert; /* 257 */ ALIGN64 char* rdp_key_file; /* 258 */ ALIGN64 rdpKey* server_key; /* 259 */ ALIGN64 char* certificate_name; /* 260 */ UINT64 paddingL[280 - 261]; /* 261 */ /* Codecs */ ALIGN64 BOOL rfx_codec; /* 280 */ ALIGN64 BOOL ns_codec; /* 281 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 rfx_codec_id; /* 282 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 ns_codec_id; /* 283 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 rfx_codec_mode; /* 284 */ ALIGN64 BOOL frame_acknowledge; /* 285 */ ALIGN64 BOOL jpeg_codec; /* 286 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 jpeg_codec_id; /* 287 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 jpeg_quality; /* 288 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 v3_codec_id; /* 289 */ ALIGN64 BOOL rfx_codec_only; /* 290 */ UINT64 paddingM[296 - 291]; /* 291 */ /* Recording */ ALIGN64 BOOL dump_rfx; /* 296 */ ALIGN64 BOOL play_rfx; /* 297 */ ALIGN64 char* dump_rfx_file; /* 298 */ ALIGN64 char* play_rfx_file; /* 299 */ UINT64 paddingN[312 - 300]; /* 300 */ /* RemoteApp */ ALIGN64 BOOL remote_app; /* 312 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 num_icon_caches; /* 313 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 num_icon_cache_entries; /* 314 */ ALIGN64 BOOL rail_langbar_supported; /* 315 */ UINT64 paddingO[320 - 316]; /* 316 */ /* Pointer */ ALIGN64 BOOL large_pointer; /* 320 */ ALIGN64 BOOL color_pointer; /* 321 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 pointer_cache_size; /* 322 */ UINT64 paddingP[328 - 323]; /* 323 */ /* Bitmap Cache */ ALIGN64 BOOL bitmap_cache; /* 328 */ ALIGN64 BOOL bitmap_cache_v3; /* 329 */ ALIGN64 BOOL persistent_bitmap_cache; /* 330 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 bitmapCacheV2NumCells; /* 331 */ ALIGN64 BITMAP_CACHE_V2_CELL_INFO* bitmapCacheV2CellInfo; /* 332 */ ALIGN64 BOOL allow_cache_waiting_list; /* 333 */ UINT64 paddingQ[344 - 334]; /* 334 */ /* Offscreen Bitmap Cache */ ALIGN64 BOOL offscreen_bitmap_cache; /* 344 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 offscreen_bitmap_cache_size; /* 345 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 offscreen_bitmap_cache_entries; /* 346 */ UINT64 paddingR[352 - 347]; /* 347 */ /* Glyph Cache */ ALIGN64 void* unused352; /* 352 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 glyphSupportLevel; /* 353 */ ALIGN64 GLYPH_CACHE_DEFINITION* glyphCache; /* 354 */ ALIGN64 GLYPH_CACHE_DEFINITION* fragCache; /* 355 */ UINT64 paddingS[360 - 356]; /* 356 */ /* Draw Nine Grid */ ALIGN64 BOOL draw_nine_grid; /* 360 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 draw_nine_grid_cache_size; /* 361 */ ALIGN64 UINT32 draw_nine_grid_cache_entries; /* 362 */ UINT64 paddingT[368 - 363]; /* 363 */ /* Draw GDI+ */ ALIGN64 BOOL draw_gdi_plus; /* 368 */ ALIGN64 BOOL draw_gdi_plus_cache; /* 369 */ UINT64 paddingU[376 - 370]; /* 370 */ /* Desktop Composition */ ALIGN64 BOOL desktop_composition; /* 376 */ UINT64 paddingV[384 - 377]; /* 377 */ /* Channels */ ALIGN64 int num_channels; ALIGN64 rdpChannel channels[16]; /* Monitors */ ALIGN64 int num_monitors; ALIGN64 struct rdp_monitor monitors[16]; /* Extensions */ ALIGN64 int num_extensions; ALIGN64 struct rdp_ext_set extensions[16]; }; typedef struct rdp_settings rdpSettings; rdpSettings* settings_new(void* instance); void settings_free(rdpSettings* settings); #endif /* __RDP_SETTINGS_H */