/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * GDI Graphics Pipeline * * Copyright 2014 Marc-Andre Moreau * Copyright 2016 Armin Novak * Copyright 2016 Thincast Technologies GmbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "../core/update.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TAG FREERDP_TAG("gdi") static BOOL is_rect_valid(const RECTANGLE_16* rect, size_t width, size_t height) { if (!rect) return FALSE; if ((rect->left > rect->right) || (rect->right > width)) return FALSE; if ((rect->top > rect->bottom) || (rect->bottom > height)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static BOOL is_within_surface(const gdiGfxSurface* surface, const RDPGFX_SURFACE_COMMAND* cmd) { RECTANGLE_16 rect; if (!surface || !cmd) return FALSE; rect.left = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->left); rect.top = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->top); rect.right = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->right); rect.bottom = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->bottom); if (!is_rect_valid(&rect, surface->width, surface->height)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Command rect %" PRIu32 "x%" PRIu32 "-%" PRIu32 "x%" PRIu32 " not within bounds of %" PRIu32 "x%" PRIu32, rect.left, rect.top, cmd->width, cmd->height, surface->width, surface->height); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static DWORD gfx_align_scanline(DWORD widthInBytes, DWORD alignment) { const UINT32 align = alignment; const UINT32 pad = align - (widthInBytes % alignment); UINT32 scanline = widthInBytes; if (align != pad) scanline += pad; return scanline; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_ResetGraphics(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_RESET_GRAPHICS_PDU* resetGraphics) { UINT rc = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; UINT16 count = 0; UINT32 DesktopWidth = 0; UINT32 DesktopHeight = 0; UINT16* pSurfaceIds = NULL; rdpGdi* gdi = NULL; rdpUpdate* update = NULL; rdpSettings* settings = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(resetGraphics); gdi = (rdpGdi*)context->custom; WINPR_ASSERT(gdi); update = gdi->context->update; WINPR_ASSERT(update); settings = gdi->context->settings; WINPR_ASSERT(settings); EnterCriticalSection(&context->mux); DesktopWidth = resetGraphics->width; DesktopHeight = resetGraphics->height; if (!freerdp_settings_set_uint32(settings, FreeRDP_DesktopWidth, DesktopWidth)) goto fail; if (!freerdp_settings_set_uint32(settings, FreeRDP_DesktopHeight, DesktopHeight)) goto fail; if (update) { WINPR_ASSERT(update->DesktopResize); update->DesktopResize(gdi->context); } WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceIds); context->GetSurfaceIds(context, &pSurfaceIds, &count); for (UINT32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); gdiGfxSurface* surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, pSurfaceIds[index]); if (!surface) continue; memset(surface->data, 0xFF, (size_t)surface->scanline * surface->height); region16_clear(&surface->invalidRegion); } free(pSurfaceIds); if (!freerdp_settings_get_bool(gdi->context->settings, FreeRDP_DeactivateClientDecoding)) { const UINT32 width = (UINT32)MAX(0, gdi->width); const UINT32 height = (UINT32)MAX(0, gdi->height); if (!freerdp_client_codecs_reset( context->codecs, freerdp_settings_get_codecs_flags(settings), width, height)) { goto fail; } if (!freerdp_client_codecs_reset( gdi->context->codecs, freerdp_settings_get_codecs_flags(settings), width, height)) { goto fail; } } rc = CHANNEL_RC_OK; fail: LeaveCriticalSection(&context->mux); return rc; } static UINT gdi_OutputUpdate(rdpGdi* gdi, gdiGfxSurface* surface) { UINT rc = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; UINT32 surfaceX = 0; UINT32 surfaceY = 0; RECTANGLE_16 surfaceRect; const RECTANGLE_16* rects = NULL; UINT32 nbRects = 0; rdpUpdate* update = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(gdi); WINPR_ASSERT(gdi->context); WINPR_ASSERT(surface); update = gdi->context->update; WINPR_ASSERT(update); if (gdi->suppressOutput) return CHANNEL_RC_OK; surfaceX = surface->outputOriginX; surfaceY = surface->outputOriginY; surfaceRect.left = 0; surfaceRect.top = 0; surfaceRect.right = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, surface->mappedWidth); surfaceRect.bottom = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, surface->mappedHeight); region16_intersect_rect(&(surface->invalidRegion), &(surface->invalidRegion), &surfaceRect); const double sx = surface->outputTargetWidth / (double)surface->mappedWidth; const double sy = surface->outputTargetHeight / (double)surface->mappedHeight; if (!(rects = region16_rects(&surface->invalidRegion, &nbRects)) || !nbRects) return CHANNEL_RC_OK; if (!update_begin_paint(update)) goto fail; for (UINT32 i = 0; i < nbRects; i++) { const UINT32 nXSrc = rects[i].left; const UINT32 nYSrc = rects[i].top; const UINT32 nXDst = (UINT32)MIN(surfaceX + nXSrc * sx, gdi->width - 1); const UINT32 nYDst = (UINT32)MIN(surfaceY + nYSrc * sy, gdi->height - 1); const UINT32 swidth = rects[i].right - rects[i].left; const UINT32 sheight = rects[i].bottom - rects[i].top; const UINT32 dwidth = MIN((UINT32)(swidth * sx), (UINT32)gdi->width - nXDst); const UINT32 dheight = MIN((UINT32)(sheight * sy), (UINT32)gdi->height - nYDst); if (!freerdp_image_scale(gdi->primary_buffer, gdi->dstFormat, gdi->stride, nXDst, nYDst, dwidth, dheight, surface->data, surface->format, surface->scanline, nXSrc, nYSrc, swidth, sheight)) { rc = CHANNEL_RC_NULL_DATA; goto fail; } gdi_InvalidateRegion(gdi->primary->hdc, (INT32)nXDst, (INT32)nYDst, (INT32)dwidth, (INT32)dheight); } rc = CHANNEL_RC_OK; fail: if (!update_end_paint(update)) rc = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; region16_clear(&(surface->invalidRegion)); return rc; } static UINT gdi_WindowUpdate(RdpgfxClientContext* context, gdiGfxSurface* surface) { WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(surface); return IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->UpdateWindowFromSurface, context, surface); } static UINT gdi_UpdateSurfaces(RdpgfxClientContext* context) { UINT16 count = 0; UINT status = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; UINT16* pSurfaceIds = NULL; rdpGdi* gdi = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(context); gdi = (rdpGdi*)context->custom; WINPR_ASSERT(gdi); EnterCriticalSection(&context->mux); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceIds); context->GetSurfaceIds(context, &pSurfaceIds, &count); status = CHANNEL_RC_OK; for (UINT32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); gdiGfxSurface* surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, pSurfaceIds[index]); if (!surface) continue; /* Already handled in UpdateSurfaceArea callbacks */ if (context->UpdateSurfaceArea) { if (surface->handleInUpdateSurfaceArea) continue; } if (surface->outputMapped) status = gdi_OutputUpdate(gdi, surface); else if (surface->windowMapped) status = gdi_WindowUpdate(context, surface); if (status != CHANNEL_RC_OK) break; } free(pSurfaceIds); LeaveCriticalSection(&context->mux); return status; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_StartFrame(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_START_FRAME_PDU* startFrame) { rdpGdi* gdi = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(startFrame); gdi = (rdpGdi*)context->custom; WINPR_ASSERT(gdi); gdi->inGfxFrame = TRUE; gdi->frameId = startFrame->frameId; return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } static UINT gdi_call_update_surfaces(RdpgfxClientContext* context) { WINPR_ASSERT(context); return IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->UpdateSurfaces, context); } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_EndFrame(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_END_FRAME_PDU* endFrame) { WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(endFrame); rdpGdi* gdi = (rdpGdi*)context->custom; WINPR_ASSERT(gdi); const UINT status = gdi_call_update_surfaces(context); gdi->inGfxFrame = FALSE; return status; } static UINT gdi_interFrameUpdate(rdpGdi* gdi, RdpgfxClientContext* context) { WINPR_ASSERT(gdi); UINT status = CHANNEL_RC_OK; if (!gdi->inGfxFrame) status = gdi_call_update_surfaces(context); return status; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_SurfaceCommand_Uncompressed(rdpGdi* gdi, RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_SURFACE_COMMAND* cmd) { UINT status = CHANNEL_RC_OK; gdiGfxSurface* surface = NULL; RECTANGLE_16 invalidRect; DWORD bpp = 0; size_t size = 0; WINPR_ASSERT(gdi); WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(cmd); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->surfaceId)); if (!surface) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to retrieve surfaceData for surfaceId=%" PRIu32 "", cmd->surfaceId); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } if (!is_within_surface(surface, cmd)) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; bpp = FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(cmd->format); size = 1ull * bpp * cmd->width * cmd->height; if (cmd->length < size) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Not enough data, got %" PRIu32 ", expected %" PRIuz, cmd->length, size); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } if (!freerdp_image_copy_no_overlap(surface->data, surface->format, surface->scanline, cmd->left, cmd->top, cmd->width, cmd->height, cmd->data, cmd->format, 0, 0, 0, NULL, FREERDP_FLIP_NONE)) return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; invalidRect.left = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->left); invalidRect.top = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->top); invalidRect.right = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->right); invalidRect.bottom = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->bottom); region16_union_rect(&(surface->invalidRegion), &(surface->invalidRegion), &invalidRect); status = IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->UpdateSurfaceArea, context, surface->surfaceId, 1, &invalidRect); if (status != CHANNEL_RC_OK) goto fail; status = gdi_interFrameUpdate(gdi, context); fail: return status; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_SurfaceCommand_RemoteFX(rdpGdi* gdi, RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_SURFACE_COMMAND* cmd) { UINT status = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; gdiGfxSurface* surface = NULL; REGION16 invalidRegion; const RECTANGLE_16* rects = NULL; UINT32 nrRects = 0; WINPR_ASSERT(gdi); WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(cmd); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->surfaceId)); if (!surface) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to retrieve surfaceData for surfaceId=%" PRIu32 "", cmd->surfaceId); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } WINPR_ASSERT(surface->codecs); rfx_context_set_pixel_format(surface->codecs->rfx, cmd->format); region16_init(&invalidRegion); if (!rfx_process_message(surface->codecs->rfx, cmd->data, cmd->length, cmd->left, cmd->top, surface->data, surface->format, surface->scanline, surface->height, &invalidRegion)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to process RemoteFX message"); goto fail; } rects = region16_rects(&invalidRegion, &nrRects); status = IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->UpdateSurfaceArea, context, surface->surfaceId, nrRects, rects); if (status != CHANNEL_RC_OK) goto fail; for (UINT32 x = 0; x < nrRects; x++) region16_union_rect(&surface->invalidRegion, &surface->invalidRegion, &rects[x]); status = gdi_interFrameUpdate(gdi, context); fail: region16_uninit(&invalidRegion); return status; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_SurfaceCommand_ClearCodec(rdpGdi* gdi, RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_SURFACE_COMMAND* cmd) { INT32 rc = 0; UINT status = CHANNEL_RC_OK; gdiGfxSurface* surface = NULL; RECTANGLE_16 invalidRect; WINPR_ASSERT(gdi); WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(cmd); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->surfaceId)); if (!surface) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to retrieve surfaceData for surfaceId=%" PRIu32 "", cmd->surfaceId); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } WINPR_ASSERT(surface->codecs); rc = clear_decompress(surface->codecs->clear, cmd->data, cmd->length, cmd->width, cmd->height, surface->data, surface->format, surface->scanline, cmd->left, cmd->top, surface->width, surface->height, &gdi->palette); if (rc < 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "clear_decompress failure: %" PRId32 "", rc); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } invalidRect.left = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->left); invalidRect.top = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->top); invalidRect.right = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->right); invalidRect.bottom = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->bottom); region16_union_rect(&(surface->invalidRegion), &(surface->invalidRegion), &invalidRect); status = IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->UpdateSurfaceArea, context, surface->surfaceId, 1, &invalidRect); if (status != CHANNEL_RC_OK) goto fail; status = gdi_interFrameUpdate(gdi, context); fail: return status; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_SurfaceCommand_Planar(rdpGdi* gdi, RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_SURFACE_COMMAND* cmd) { UINT status = CHANNEL_RC_OK; BYTE* DstData = NULL; gdiGfxSurface* surface = NULL; RECTANGLE_16 invalidRect; WINPR_ASSERT(gdi); WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(cmd); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->surfaceId)); if (!surface) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to retrieve surfaceData for surfaceId=%" PRIu32 "", cmd->surfaceId); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } DstData = surface->data; if (!is_within_surface(surface, cmd)) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; if (!planar_decompress(surface->codecs->planar, cmd->data, cmd->length, cmd->width, cmd->height, DstData, surface->format, surface->scanline, cmd->left, cmd->top, cmd->width, cmd->height, FALSE)) return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; invalidRect.left = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->left); invalidRect.top = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->top); invalidRect.right = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->right); invalidRect.bottom = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->bottom); region16_union_rect(&(surface->invalidRegion), &(surface->invalidRegion), &invalidRect); status = IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->UpdateSurfaceArea, context, surface->surfaceId, 1, &invalidRect); if (status != CHANNEL_RC_OK) goto fail; status = gdi_interFrameUpdate(gdi, context); fail: return status; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_SurfaceCommand_AVC420(rdpGdi* gdi, RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_SURFACE_COMMAND* cmd) { #ifdef WITH_GFX_H264 INT32 rc = 0; UINT status = CHANNEL_RC_OK; gdiGfxSurface* surface = NULL; RDPGFX_H264_METABLOCK* meta = NULL; RDPGFX_AVC420_BITMAP_STREAM* bs = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(gdi); WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(cmd); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->surfaceId)); if (!surface) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to retrieve surfaceData for surfaceId=%" PRIu32 "", cmd->surfaceId); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } if (!surface->h264) { surface->h264 = h264_context_new(FALSE); if (!surface->h264) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to create h264 context"); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } if (!h264_context_reset(surface->h264, surface->width, surface->height)) return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (!surface->h264) return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; bs = (RDPGFX_AVC420_BITMAP_STREAM*)cmd->extra; if (!bs) return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; meta = &(bs->meta); rc = avc420_decompress(surface->h264, bs->data, bs->length, surface->data, surface->format, surface->scanline, surface->width, surface->height, meta->regionRects, meta->numRegionRects); if (rc < 0) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "avc420_decompress failure: %" PRId32 ", ignoring update.", rc); return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } for (UINT32 i = 0; i < meta->numRegionRects; i++) { region16_union_rect(&(surface->invalidRegion), &(surface->invalidRegion), &(meta->regionRects[i])); } status = IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->UpdateSurfaceArea, context, surface->surfaceId, meta->numRegionRects, meta->regionRects); if (status != CHANNEL_RC_OK) goto fail; status = gdi_interFrameUpdate(gdi, context); fail: return status; #else return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_SurfaceCommand_AVC444(rdpGdi* gdi, RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_SURFACE_COMMAND* cmd) { #ifdef WITH_GFX_H264 INT32 rc = 0; UINT status = CHANNEL_RC_OK; gdiGfxSurface* surface = NULL; RDPGFX_AVC444_BITMAP_STREAM* bs = NULL; RDPGFX_AVC420_BITMAP_STREAM* avc1 = NULL; RDPGFX_H264_METABLOCK* meta1 = NULL; RDPGFX_AVC420_BITMAP_STREAM* avc2 = NULL; RDPGFX_H264_METABLOCK* meta2 = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(gdi); WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(cmd); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->surfaceId)); if (!surface) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to retrieve surfaceData for surfaceId=%" PRIu32 "", cmd->surfaceId); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } if (!surface->h264) { surface->h264 = h264_context_new(FALSE); if (!surface->h264) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to create h264 context"); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } if (!h264_context_reset(surface->h264, surface->width, surface->height)) return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (!surface->h264) return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; bs = (RDPGFX_AVC444_BITMAP_STREAM*)cmd->extra; if (!bs) return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; avc1 = &bs->bitstream[0]; avc2 = &bs->bitstream[1]; meta1 = &avc1->meta; meta2 = &avc2->meta; rc = avc444_decompress(surface->h264, bs->LC, meta1->regionRects, meta1->numRegionRects, avc1->data, avc1->length, meta2->regionRects, meta2->numRegionRects, avc2->data, avc2->length, surface->data, surface->format, surface->scanline, surface->width, surface->height, cmd->codecId); if (rc < 0) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "avc444_decompress failure: %" PRIu32 ", ignoring update.", status); return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } for (UINT32 i = 0; i < meta1->numRegionRects; i++) { region16_union_rect(&(surface->invalidRegion), &(surface->invalidRegion), &(meta1->regionRects[i])); } status = IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->UpdateSurfaceArea, context, surface->surfaceId, meta1->numRegionRects, meta1->regionRects); if (status != CHANNEL_RC_OK) goto fail; for (UINT32 i = 0; i < meta2->numRegionRects; i++) { region16_union_rect(&(surface->invalidRegion), &(surface->invalidRegion), &(meta2->regionRects[i])); } status = IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->UpdateSurfaceArea, context, surface->surfaceId, meta2->numRegionRects, meta2->regionRects); if (status != CHANNEL_RC_OK) goto fail; status = gdi_interFrameUpdate(gdi, context); fail: return status; #else return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } static BOOL gdi_apply_alpha(BYTE* data, UINT32 format, UINT32 stride, RECTANGLE_16* rect, UINT32 startOffsetX, UINT32 count, BYTE a) { UINT32 written = 0; BOOL first = TRUE; const UINT32 bpp = FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(format); WINPR_ASSERT(rect); for (size_t y = rect->top; y < rect->bottom; y++) { BYTE* line = &data[y * stride]; for (size_t x = first ? rect->left + startOffsetX : rect->left; x < rect->right; x++) { BYTE r = 0; BYTE g = 0; BYTE b = 0; if (written == count) return TRUE; BYTE* src = &line[x * bpp]; UINT32 color = FreeRDPReadColor(src, format); FreeRDPSplitColor(color, format, &r, &g, &b, NULL, NULL); color = FreeRDPGetColor(format, r, g, b, a); FreeRDPWriteColor(src, format, color); written++; } first = FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_SurfaceCommand_Alpha(rdpGdi* gdi, RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_SURFACE_COMMAND* cmd) { UINT status = CHANNEL_RC_OK; UINT16 alphaSig = 0; UINT16 compressed = 0; gdiGfxSurface* surface = NULL; RECTANGLE_16 invalidRect; wStream buffer; wStream* s = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(gdi); WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(cmd); s = Stream_StaticConstInit(&buffer, cmd->data, cmd->length); if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLength(TAG, s, 4)) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->surfaceId)); if (!surface) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to retrieve surfaceData for surfaceId=%" PRIu32 "", cmd->surfaceId); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } if (!is_within_surface(surface, cmd)) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, alphaSig); Stream_Read_UINT16(s, compressed); if (alphaSig != 0x414C) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; if (compressed == 0) { if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLengthOfSize(TAG, s, cmd->height, cmd->width)) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; for (size_t y = cmd->top; y < cmd->top + cmd->height; y++) { BYTE* line = &surface->data[y * surface->scanline]; for (size_t x = cmd->left; x < cmd->left + cmd->width; x++) { UINT32 color = 0; BYTE r = 0; BYTE g = 0; BYTE b = 0; BYTE a = 0; BYTE* src = &line[x * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(surface->format)]; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, a); color = FreeRDPReadColor(src, surface->format); FreeRDPSplitColor(color, surface->format, &r, &g, &b, NULL, NULL); color = FreeRDPGetColor(surface->format, r, g, b, a); FreeRDPWriteColor(src, surface->format, color); } } } else { UINT32 startOffsetX = 0; RECTANGLE_16 rect = { 0 }; rect.left = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->left); rect.top = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->top); rect.right = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->left + cmd->width); rect.bottom = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->top + cmd->height); while (rect.top < rect.bottom) { UINT32 count = 0; BYTE a = 0; if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLength(TAG, s, 2)) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, a); Stream_Read_UINT8(s, count); if (count >= 0xFF) { if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLength(TAG, s, 2)) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, count); if (count >= 0xFFFF) { if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLength(TAG, s, 4)) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, count); } } if (!gdi_apply_alpha(surface->data, surface->format, surface->scanline, &rect, startOffsetX, count, a)) return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; startOffsetX += count; while (startOffsetX >= cmd->width) { startOffsetX -= cmd->width; rect.top++; } } } invalidRect.left = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->left); invalidRect.top = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->top); invalidRect.right = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->right); invalidRect.bottom = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->bottom); region16_union_rect(&(surface->invalidRegion), &(surface->invalidRegion), &invalidRect); status = IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->UpdateSurfaceArea, context, surface->surfaceId, 1, &invalidRect); if (status != CHANNEL_RC_OK) goto fail; status = gdi_interFrameUpdate(gdi, context); fail: return status; } #if defined(WITH_GFX_FRAME_DUMP) static void dump_cmd(const RDPGFX_SURFACE_COMMAND* cmd, UINT32 frameId) { static UINT64 xxx = 0; const char* path = "/tmp/dump/"; WINPR_ASSERT(cmd); char fname[1024] = { 0 }; snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/%08" PRIx64 ".raw", path, xxx++); FILE* fp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (!fp) return; (void)fprintf(fp, "frameid: %" PRIu32 "\n", frameId); (void)fprintf(fp, "surfaceId: %" PRIu32 "\n", cmd->surfaceId); (void)fprintf(fp, "codecId: %" PRIu32 "\n", cmd->codecId); (void)fprintf(fp, "contextId: %" PRIu32 "\n", cmd->contextId); (void)fprintf(fp, "format: %" PRIu32 "\n", cmd->format); (void)fprintf(fp, "left: %" PRIu32 "\n", cmd->left); (void)fprintf(fp, "top: %" PRIu32 "\n", cmd->top); (void)fprintf(fp, "right: %" PRIu32 "\n", cmd->right); (void)fprintf(fp, "bottom: %" PRIu32 "\n", cmd->bottom); (void)fprintf(fp, "width: %" PRIu32 "\n", cmd->width); (void)fprintf(fp, "height: %" PRIu32 "\n", cmd->height); (void)fprintf(fp, "length: %" PRIu32 "\n", cmd->length); char* bdata = crypto_base64_encode_ex(cmd->data, cmd->length, FALSE); (void)fprintf(fp, "data: %s\n", bdata); free(bdata); fclose(fp); } #endif /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_SurfaceCommand_Progressive(rdpGdi* gdi, RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_SURFACE_COMMAND* cmd) { INT32 rc = 0; UINT status = CHANNEL_RC_OK; gdiGfxSurface* surface = NULL; REGION16 invalidRegion; const RECTANGLE_16* rects = NULL; UINT32 nrRects = 0; /** * Note: Since this comes via a Wire-To-Surface-2 PDU the * cmd's top/left/right/bottom/width/height members are always zero! * The update region is determined during decompression. */ WINPR_ASSERT(gdi); WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(cmd); const UINT16 surfaceId = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cmd->surfaceId); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, surfaceId); if (!surface) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to retrieve surfaceData for surfaceId=%" PRIu32 "", cmd->surfaceId); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } if (!is_within_surface(surface, cmd)) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; WINPR_ASSERT(surface->codecs); rc = progressive_create_surface_context(surface->codecs->progressive, surfaceId, surface->width, surface->height); if (rc < 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "progressive_create_surface_context failure: %" PRId32 "", rc); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } region16_init(&invalidRegion); rc = progressive_decompress(surface->codecs->progressive, cmd->data, cmd->length, surface->data, surface->format, surface->scanline, cmd->left, cmd->top, &invalidRegion, surfaceId, gdi->frameId); if (rc < 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "progressive_decompress failure: %" PRId32 "", rc); region16_uninit(&invalidRegion); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } rects = region16_rects(&invalidRegion, &nrRects); status = IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->UpdateSurfaceArea, context, surface->surfaceId, nrRects, rects); if (status != CHANNEL_RC_OK) goto fail; for (UINT32 x = 0; x < nrRects; x++) region16_union_rect(&surface->invalidRegion, &surface->invalidRegion, &rects[x]); region16_uninit(&invalidRegion); status = gdi_interFrameUpdate(gdi, context); fail: return status; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_SurfaceCommand(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_SURFACE_COMMAND* cmd) { UINT status = CHANNEL_RC_OK; rdpGdi* gdi = NULL; if (!context || !cmd) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; gdi = (rdpGdi*)context->custom; EnterCriticalSection(&context->mux); WLog_Print(gdi->log, WLOG_TRACE, "surfaceId=%" PRIu32 ", codec=%s [%" PRIu32 "], contextId=%" PRIu32 ", format=%s, " "left=%" PRIu32 ", top=%" PRIu32 ", right=%" PRIu32 ", bottom=%" PRIu32 ", width=%" PRIu32 ", height=%" PRIu32 " " "length=%" PRIu32 ", data=%p, extra=%p", cmd->surfaceId, rdpgfx_get_codec_id_string(cmd->codecId), cmd->codecId, cmd->contextId, FreeRDPGetColorFormatName(cmd->format), cmd->left, cmd->top, cmd->right, cmd->bottom, cmd->width, cmd->height, cmd->length, (void*)cmd->data, (void*)cmd->extra); #if defined(WITH_GFX_FRAME_DUMP) dump_cmd(cmd, gdi->frameId); #endif switch (cmd->codecId) { case RDPGFX_CODECID_UNCOMPRESSED: status = gdi_SurfaceCommand_Uncompressed(gdi, context, cmd); break; case RDPGFX_CODECID_CAVIDEO: status = gdi_SurfaceCommand_RemoteFX(gdi, context, cmd); break; case RDPGFX_CODECID_CLEARCODEC: status = gdi_SurfaceCommand_ClearCodec(gdi, context, cmd); break; case RDPGFX_CODECID_PLANAR: status = gdi_SurfaceCommand_Planar(gdi, context, cmd); break; case RDPGFX_CODECID_AVC420: status = gdi_SurfaceCommand_AVC420(gdi, context, cmd); break; case RDPGFX_CODECID_AVC444v2: case RDPGFX_CODECID_AVC444: status = gdi_SurfaceCommand_AVC444(gdi, context, cmd); break; case RDPGFX_CODECID_ALPHA: status = gdi_SurfaceCommand_Alpha(gdi, context, cmd); break; case RDPGFX_CODECID_CAPROGRESSIVE: status = gdi_SurfaceCommand_Progressive(gdi, context, cmd); break; case RDPGFX_CODECID_CAPROGRESSIVE_V2: WLog_WARN(TAG, "SurfaceCommand %s [0x%08" PRIX32 "] not implemented", rdpgfx_get_codec_id_string(cmd->codecId), cmd->codecId); break; default: WLog_WARN(TAG, "Invalid SurfaceCommand %s [0x%08" PRIX32 "]", rdpgfx_get_codec_id_string(cmd->codecId), cmd->codecId); break; } LeaveCriticalSection(&context->mux); return status; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_DeleteEncodingContext(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_DELETE_ENCODING_CONTEXT_PDU* deleteEncodingContext) { WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(deleteEncodingContext); WINPR_UNUSED(context); WINPR_UNUSED(deleteEncodingContext); return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_CreateSurface(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_CREATE_SURFACE_PDU* createSurface) { UINT rc = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; gdiGfxSurface* surface = NULL; rdpGdi* gdi = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(createSurface); gdi = (rdpGdi*)context->custom; WINPR_ASSERT(gdi); WINPR_ASSERT(gdi->context); EnterCriticalSection(&context->mux); surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)calloc(1, sizeof(gdiGfxSurface)); if (!surface) goto fail; if (!freerdp_settings_get_bool(gdi->context->settings, FreeRDP_DeactivateClientDecoding)) { WINPR_ASSERT(context->codecs); surface->codecs = context->codecs; if (!surface->codecs) { free(surface); goto fail; } } surface->surfaceId = createSurface->surfaceId; surface->width = gfx_align_scanline(createSurface->width, 16); surface->height = gfx_align_scanline(createSurface->height, 16); surface->mappedWidth = createSurface->width; surface->mappedHeight = createSurface->height; surface->outputTargetWidth = createSurface->width; surface->outputTargetHeight = createSurface->height; switch (createSurface->pixelFormat) { case GFX_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB_8888: surface->format = PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA32; break; case GFX_PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB_8888: surface->format = PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRX32; break; default: free(surface); goto fail; } surface->scanline = gfx_align_scanline(surface->width * 4UL, 16); surface->data = (BYTE*)winpr_aligned_malloc(1ull * surface->scanline * surface->height, 16); if (!surface->data) { free(surface); goto fail; } memset(surface->data, 0xFF, (size_t)surface->scanline * surface->height); region16_init(&surface->invalidRegion); WINPR_ASSERT(context->SetSurfaceData); rc = context->SetSurfaceData(context, surface->surfaceId, (void*)surface); fail: LeaveCriticalSection(&context->mux); return rc; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_DeleteSurface(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_DELETE_SURFACE_PDU* deleteSurface) { UINT rc = CHANNEL_RC_OK; UINT res = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; rdpCodecs* codecs = NULL; gdiGfxSurface* surface = NULL; EnterCriticalSection(&context->mux); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, deleteSurface->surfaceId); if (surface) { if (surface->windowMapped) rc = IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->UnmapWindowForSurface, context, surface->windowId); #ifdef WITH_GFX_H264 h264_context_free(surface->h264); #endif region16_uninit(&surface->invalidRegion); codecs = surface->codecs; winpr_aligned_free(surface->data); free(surface); } WINPR_ASSERT(context->SetSurfaceData); res = context->SetSurfaceData(context, deleteSurface->surfaceId, NULL); if (res) rc = res; if (codecs && codecs->progressive) progressive_delete_surface_context(codecs->progressive, deleteSurface->surfaceId); LeaveCriticalSection(&context->mux); return rc; } static BOOL intersect_rect(const RECTANGLE_16* rect, const gdiGfxSurface* surface, RECTANGLE_16* prect) { WINPR_ASSERT(rect); WINPR_ASSERT(surface); WINPR_ASSERT(prect); if (rect->left > rect->right) return FALSE; if (rect->left > surface->width) return FALSE; if (rect->top > rect->bottom) return FALSE; if (rect->top > surface->height) return FALSE; prect->left = rect->left; prect->top = rect->top; prect->right = MIN(rect->right, surface->width); prect->bottom = MIN(rect->bottom, surface->height); return TRUE; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_SolidFill(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_SOLID_FILL_PDU* solidFill) { UINT status = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; BYTE a = 0xff; RECTANGLE_16 invalidRect = { 0 }; rdpGdi* gdi = (rdpGdi*)context->custom; EnterCriticalSection(&context->mux); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); gdiGfxSurface* surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, solidFill->surfaceId); if (!surface) goto fail; const BYTE b = solidFill->fillPixel.B; const BYTE g = solidFill->fillPixel.G; const BYTE r = solidFill->fillPixel.R; #if 0 /* [MS-RDPEGFX] Processing an RDPGFX_SOLIDFILL_PDU message * https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/gdi/binary-raster-operations * * this sounds like the alpha value is always ignored. */ if (FreeRDPColorHasAlpha(surface->format)) a = solidFill->fillPixel.XA; #endif const UINT32 color = FreeRDPGetColor(surface->format, r, g, b, a); for (UINT16 index = 0; index < solidFill->fillRectCount; index++) { const RECTANGLE_16* rect = &(solidFill->fillRects[index]); if (!intersect_rect(rect, surface, &invalidRect)) goto fail; const UINT32 nWidth = invalidRect.right - invalidRect.left; const UINT32 nHeight = invalidRect.bottom - invalidRect.top; if (!freerdp_image_fill(surface->data, surface->format, surface->scanline, invalidRect.left, invalidRect.top, nWidth, nHeight, color)) goto fail; region16_union_rect(&(surface->invalidRegion), &(surface->invalidRegion), &invalidRect); } status = IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->UpdateSurfaceArea, context, surface->surfaceId, solidFill->fillRectCount, solidFill->fillRects); if (status != CHANNEL_RC_OK) goto fail; LeaveCriticalSection(&context->mux); return gdi_interFrameUpdate(gdi, context); fail: LeaveCriticalSection(&context->mux); return status; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_SurfaceToSurface(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE_PDU* surfaceToSurface) { UINT status = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; BOOL sameSurface = 0; UINT32 nWidth = 0; UINT32 nHeight = 0; const RECTANGLE_16* rectSrc = NULL; RECTANGLE_16 invalidRect; gdiGfxSurface* surfaceSrc = NULL; gdiGfxSurface* surfaceDst = NULL; rdpGdi* gdi = (rdpGdi*)context->custom; EnterCriticalSection(&context->mux); rectSrc = &(surfaceToSurface->rectSrc); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); surfaceSrc = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, surfaceToSurface->surfaceIdSrc); sameSurface = (surfaceToSurface->surfaceIdSrc == surfaceToSurface->surfaceIdDest) ? TRUE : FALSE; if (!sameSurface) surfaceDst = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, surfaceToSurface->surfaceIdDest); else surfaceDst = surfaceSrc; if (!surfaceSrc || !surfaceDst) goto fail; if (!is_rect_valid(rectSrc, surfaceSrc->width, surfaceSrc->height)) goto fail; nWidth = rectSrc->right - rectSrc->left; nHeight = rectSrc->bottom - rectSrc->top; for (UINT16 index = 0; index < surfaceToSurface->destPtsCount; index++) { const RDPGFX_POINT16* destPt = &surfaceToSurface->destPts[index]; const RECTANGLE_16 rect = { destPt->x, destPt->y, (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, destPt->x + nWidth), (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, destPt->y + nHeight) }; if (!is_rect_valid(&rect, surfaceDst->width, surfaceDst->height)) goto fail; if (!freerdp_image_copy(surfaceDst->data, surfaceDst->format, surfaceDst->scanline, destPt->x, destPt->y, nWidth, nHeight, surfaceSrc->data, surfaceSrc->format, surfaceSrc->scanline, rectSrc->left, rectSrc->top, NULL, FREERDP_FLIP_NONE)) goto fail; invalidRect = rect; region16_union_rect(&surfaceDst->invalidRegion, &surfaceDst->invalidRegion, &invalidRect); status = IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->UpdateSurfaceArea, context, surfaceDst->surfaceId, 1, &invalidRect); if (status != CHANNEL_RC_OK) goto fail; } LeaveCriticalSection(&context->mux); return gdi_interFrameUpdate(gdi, context); fail: LeaveCriticalSection(&context->mux); return status; } static void gdi_GfxCacheEntryFree(gdiGfxCacheEntry* entry) { if (!entry) return; free(entry->data); free(entry); } static gdiGfxCacheEntry* gdi_GfxCacheEntryNew(UINT64 cacheKey, UINT32 width, UINT32 height, UINT32 format) { gdiGfxCacheEntry* cacheEntry = (gdiGfxCacheEntry*)calloc(1, sizeof(gdiGfxCacheEntry)); if (!cacheEntry) goto fail; cacheEntry->cacheKey = cacheKey; cacheEntry->width = width; cacheEntry->height = height; cacheEntry->format = format; cacheEntry->scanline = gfx_align_scanline(cacheEntry->width * 4, 16); if ((cacheEntry->width > 0) && (cacheEntry->height > 0)) { cacheEntry->data = (BYTE*)calloc(cacheEntry->height, cacheEntry->scanline); if (!cacheEntry->data) goto fail; } return cacheEntry; fail: gdi_GfxCacheEntryFree(cacheEntry); return NULL; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_SurfaceToCache(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_SURFACE_TO_CACHE_PDU* surfaceToCache) { const RECTANGLE_16* rect = NULL; gdiGfxSurface* surface = NULL; gdiGfxCacheEntry* cacheEntry = NULL; UINT rc = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; EnterCriticalSection(&context->mux); rect = &(surfaceToCache->rectSrc); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, surfaceToCache->surfaceId); if (!surface) goto fail; if (!is_rect_valid(rect, surface->width, surface->height)) goto fail; cacheEntry = gdi_GfxCacheEntryNew(surfaceToCache->cacheKey, (UINT32)(rect->right - rect->left), (UINT32)(rect->bottom - rect->top), surface->format); if (!cacheEntry) goto fail; if (!cacheEntry->data) goto fail; if (!freerdp_image_copy_no_overlap(cacheEntry->data, cacheEntry->format, cacheEntry->scanline, 0, 0, cacheEntry->width, cacheEntry->height, surface->data, surface->format, surface->scanline, rect->left, rect->top, NULL, FREERDP_FLIP_NONE)) goto fail; RDPGFX_EVICT_CACHE_ENTRY_PDU evict = { surfaceToCache->cacheSlot }; WINPR_ASSERT(context->EvictCacheEntry); context->EvictCacheEntry(context, &evict); WINPR_ASSERT(context->SetCacheSlotData); rc = context->SetCacheSlotData(context, surfaceToCache->cacheSlot, (void*)cacheEntry); fail: if (rc != CHANNEL_RC_OK) gdi_GfxCacheEntryFree(cacheEntry); LeaveCriticalSection(&context->mux); return rc; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_CacheToSurface(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_CACHE_TO_SURFACE_PDU* cacheToSurface) { UINT status = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; gdiGfxSurface* surface = NULL; gdiGfxCacheEntry* cacheEntry = NULL; RECTANGLE_16 invalidRect; rdpGdi* gdi = (rdpGdi*)context->custom; EnterCriticalSection(&context->mux); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, cacheToSurface->surfaceId); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetCacheSlotData); cacheEntry = (gdiGfxCacheEntry*)context->GetCacheSlotData(context, cacheToSurface->cacheSlot); if (!surface || !cacheEntry) goto fail; for (UINT16 index = 0; index < cacheToSurface->destPtsCount; index++) { const RDPGFX_POINT16* destPt = &cacheToSurface->destPts[index]; const RECTANGLE_16 rect = { destPt->x, destPt->y, (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, destPt->x + cacheEntry->width), (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, destPt->y + cacheEntry->height) }; if (rectangle_is_empty(&rect)) continue; if (!is_rect_valid(&rect, surface->width, surface->height)) goto fail; if (!freerdp_image_copy_no_overlap(surface->data, surface->format, surface->scanline, destPt->x, destPt->y, cacheEntry->width, cacheEntry->height, cacheEntry->data, cacheEntry->format, cacheEntry->scanline, 0, 0, NULL, FREERDP_FLIP_NONE)) goto fail; invalidRect = rect; region16_union_rect(&surface->invalidRegion, &surface->invalidRegion, &invalidRect); status = IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->UpdateSurfaceArea, context, surface->surfaceId, 1, &invalidRect); if (status != CHANNEL_RC_OK) goto fail; } LeaveCriticalSection(&context->mux); return gdi_interFrameUpdate(gdi, context); fail: LeaveCriticalSection(&context->mux); return status; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_CacheImportReply(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_CACHE_IMPORT_REPLY_PDU* cacheImportReply) { UINT16 count = 0; const UINT16* slots = NULL; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; slots = cacheImportReply->cacheSlots; count = cacheImportReply->importedEntriesCount; for (UINT16 index = 0; index < count; index++) { UINT16 cacheSlot = slots[index]; if (cacheSlot == 0) continue; WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetCacheSlotData); gdiGfxCacheEntry* cacheEntry = (gdiGfxCacheEntry*)context->GetCacheSlotData(context, cacheSlot); if (cacheEntry) continue; cacheEntry = gdi_GfxCacheEntryNew(cacheSlot, 0, 0, PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRX32); if (!cacheEntry) return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; WINPR_ASSERT(context->SetCacheSlotData); error = context->SetCacheSlotData(context, cacheSlot, (void*)cacheEntry); if (error) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "CacheImportReply: SetCacheSlotData failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); gdi_GfxCacheEntryFree(cacheEntry); break; } } return error; } static UINT gdi_ImportCacheEntry(RdpgfxClientContext* context, UINT16 cacheSlot, const PERSISTENT_CACHE_ENTRY* importCacheEntry) { UINT error = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; gdiGfxCacheEntry* cacheEntry = NULL; if (cacheSlot == 0) return CHANNEL_RC_OK; cacheEntry = gdi_GfxCacheEntryNew(importCacheEntry->key64, importCacheEntry->width, importCacheEntry->height, PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRX32); if (!cacheEntry) goto fail; if (!freerdp_image_copy_no_overlap(cacheEntry->data, cacheEntry->format, cacheEntry->scanline, 0, 0, cacheEntry->width, cacheEntry->height, importCacheEntry->data, PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRX32, 0, 0, 0, NULL, FREERDP_FLIP_NONE)) goto fail; RDPGFX_EVICT_CACHE_ENTRY_PDU evict = { cacheSlot }; WINPR_ASSERT(context->EvictCacheEntry); error = context->EvictCacheEntry(context, &evict); if (error != CHANNEL_RC_OK) goto fail; WINPR_ASSERT(context->SetCacheSlotData); error = context->SetCacheSlotData(context, cacheSlot, (void*)cacheEntry); fail: if (error) { gdi_GfxCacheEntryFree(cacheEntry); WLog_ERR(TAG, "ImportCacheEntry: SetCacheSlotData failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } return error; } static UINT gdi_ExportCacheEntry(RdpgfxClientContext* context, UINT16 cacheSlot, PERSISTENT_CACHE_ENTRY* exportCacheEntry) { gdiGfxCacheEntry* cacheEntry = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetCacheSlotData); cacheEntry = (gdiGfxCacheEntry*)context->GetCacheSlotData(context, cacheSlot); if (cacheEntry) { exportCacheEntry->key64 = cacheEntry->cacheKey; exportCacheEntry->width = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cacheEntry->width); exportCacheEntry->height = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, cacheEntry->height); exportCacheEntry->size = cacheEntry->width * cacheEntry->height * 4; exportCacheEntry->flags = 0; exportCacheEntry->data = cacheEntry->data; return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_EvictCacheEntry(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_EVICT_CACHE_ENTRY_PDU* evictCacheEntry) { gdiGfxCacheEntry* cacheEntry = NULL; UINT rc = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(evictCacheEntry); EnterCriticalSection(&context->mux); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetCacheSlotData); cacheEntry = (gdiGfxCacheEntry*)context->GetCacheSlotData(context, evictCacheEntry->cacheSlot); gdi_GfxCacheEntryFree(cacheEntry); WINPR_ASSERT(context->SetCacheSlotData); rc = context->SetCacheSlotData(context, evictCacheEntry->cacheSlot, NULL); LeaveCriticalSection(&context->mux); return rc; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_MapSurfaceToOutput(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_MAP_SURFACE_TO_OUTPUT_PDU* surfaceToOutput) { UINT rc = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; gdiGfxSurface* surface = NULL; EnterCriticalSection(&context->mux); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, surfaceToOutput->surfaceId); if (!surface) goto fail; if (surface->windowMapped) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "surface already windowMapped when trying to set outputMapped"); goto fail; } surface->outputMapped = TRUE; surface->outputOriginX = surfaceToOutput->outputOriginX; surface->outputOriginY = surfaceToOutput->outputOriginY; surface->outputTargetWidth = surface->mappedWidth; surface->outputTargetHeight = surface->mappedHeight; region16_clear(&surface->invalidRegion); rc = CHANNEL_RC_OK; fail: LeaveCriticalSection(&context->mux); return rc; } static UINT gdi_MapSurfaceToScaledOutput(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_MAP_SURFACE_TO_SCALED_OUTPUT_PDU* surfaceToOutput) { UINT rc = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; gdiGfxSurface* surface = NULL; EnterCriticalSection(&context->mux); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, surfaceToOutput->surfaceId); if (!surface) goto fail; if (surface->windowMapped) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "surface already windowMapped when trying to set outputMapped"); goto fail; } surface->outputMapped = TRUE; surface->outputOriginX = surfaceToOutput->outputOriginX; surface->outputOriginY = surfaceToOutput->outputOriginY; surface->outputTargetWidth = surfaceToOutput->targetWidth; surface->outputTargetHeight = surfaceToOutput->targetHeight; region16_clear(&surface->invalidRegion); rc = CHANNEL_RC_OK; fail: LeaveCriticalSection(&context->mux); return rc; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT gdi_MapSurfaceToWindow(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_MAP_SURFACE_TO_WINDOW_PDU* surfaceToWindow) { UINT rc = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; gdiGfxSurface* surface = NULL; EnterCriticalSection(&context->mux); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, surfaceToWindow->surfaceId); if (!surface) goto fail; if (surface->outputMapped) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "surface already outputMapped when trying to set windowMapped"); goto fail; } if (surface->windowMapped) { if (surface->windowId != surfaceToWindow->windowId) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "surface windowId mismatch, has %" PRIu64 ", expected %" PRIu64, surface->windowId, surfaceToWindow->windowId); goto fail; } } surface->windowMapped = TRUE; surface->windowId = surfaceToWindow->windowId; surface->mappedWidth = surfaceToWindow->mappedWidth; surface->mappedHeight = surfaceToWindow->mappedHeight; surface->outputTargetWidth = surfaceToWindow->mappedWidth; surface->outputTargetHeight = surfaceToWindow->mappedHeight; rc = IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->MapWindowForSurface, context, surfaceToWindow->surfaceId, surfaceToWindow->windowId); fail: LeaveCriticalSection(&context->mux); return rc; } static UINT gdi_MapSurfaceToScaledWindow(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_MAP_SURFACE_TO_SCALED_WINDOW_PDU* surfaceToWindow) { UINT rc = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; gdiGfxSurface* surface = NULL; EnterCriticalSection(&context->mux); WINPR_ASSERT(context->GetSurfaceData); surface = (gdiGfxSurface*)context->GetSurfaceData(context, surfaceToWindow->surfaceId); if (!surface) goto fail; if (surface->outputMapped) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "surface already outputMapped when trying to set windowMapped"); goto fail; } if (surface->windowMapped) { if (surface->windowId != surfaceToWindow->windowId) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "surface windowId mismatch, has %" PRIu64 ", expected %" PRIu64, surface->windowId, surfaceToWindow->windowId); goto fail; } } surface->windowMapped = TRUE; surface->windowId = surfaceToWindow->windowId; surface->mappedWidth = surfaceToWindow->mappedWidth; surface->mappedHeight = surfaceToWindow->mappedHeight; surface->outputTargetWidth = surfaceToWindow->targetWidth; surface->outputTargetHeight = surfaceToWindow->targetHeight; rc = IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->MapWindowForSurface, context, surfaceToWindow->surfaceId, surfaceToWindow->windowId); fail: LeaveCriticalSection(&context->mux); return rc; } BOOL gdi_graphics_pipeline_init(rdpGdi* gdi, RdpgfxClientContext* gfx) { return gdi_graphics_pipeline_init_ex(gdi, gfx, NULL, NULL, NULL); } BOOL gdi_graphics_pipeline_init_ex(rdpGdi* gdi, RdpgfxClientContext* gfx, pcRdpgfxMapWindowForSurface map, pcRdpgfxUnmapWindowForSurface unmap, pcRdpgfxUpdateSurfaceArea update) { if (!gdi || !gfx || !gdi->context || !gdi->context->settings) return FALSE; rdpContext* context = gdi->context; rdpSettings* settings = context->settings; gdi->gfx = gfx; gfx->custom = (void*)gdi; gfx->ResetGraphics = gdi_ResetGraphics; gfx->StartFrame = gdi_StartFrame; gfx->EndFrame = gdi_EndFrame; gfx->SurfaceCommand = gdi_SurfaceCommand; gfx->DeleteEncodingContext = gdi_DeleteEncodingContext; gfx->CreateSurface = gdi_CreateSurface; gfx->DeleteSurface = gdi_DeleteSurface; gfx->SolidFill = gdi_SolidFill; gfx->SurfaceToSurface = gdi_SurfaceToSurface; gfx->SurfaceToCache = gdi_SurfaceToCache; gfx->CacheToSurface = gdi_CacheToSurface; gfx->CacheImportReply = gdi_CacheImportReply; gfx->ImportCacheEntry = gdi_ImportCacheEntry; gfx->ExportCacheEntry = gdi_ExportCacheEntry; gfx->EvictCacheEntry = gdi_EvictCacheEntry; gfx->MapSurfaceToOutput = gdi_MapSurfaceToOutput; gfx->MapSurfaceToWindow = gdi_MapSurfaceToWindow; gfx->MapSurfaceToScaledOutput = gdi_MapSurfaceToScaledOutput; gfx->MapSurfaceToScaledWindow = gdi_MapSurfaceToScaledWindow; gfx->UpdateSurfaces = gdi_UpdateSurfaces; gfx->MapWindowForSurface = map; gfx->UnmapWindowForSurface = unmap; gfx->UpdateSurfaceArea = update; if (!freerdp_settings_get_bool(settings, FreeRDP_DeactivateClientDecoding)) { const UINT32 w = freerdp_settings_get_uint32(settings, FreeRDP_DesktopWidth); const UINT32 h = freerdp_settings_get_uint32(settings, FreeRDP_DesktopHeight); const UINT32 flags = freerdp_settings_get_uint32(settings, FreeRDP_ThreadingFlags); gfx->codecs = freerdp_client_codecs_new(flags); if (!gfx->codecs) return FALSE; if (!freerdp_client_codecs_prepare(gfx->codecs, FREERDP_CODEC_ALL, w, h)) return FALSE; } InitializeCriticalSection(&gfx->mux); PROFILER_CREATE(gfx->SurfaceProfiler, "GFX-PROFILER") /** * gdi->graphicsReset will be removed in FreeRDP v3 from public headers, * since the EGFX Reset Graphics PDU seems to be optional. * There are still some clients that expect and check it and therefore * we simply initialize it with TRUE here for now. */ gdi->graphicsReset = TRUE; if (freerdp_settings_get_bool(settings, FreeRDP_DeactivateClientDecoding)) { gfx->UpdateSurfaceArea = NULL; gfx->UpdateSurfaces = NULL; gfx->SurfaceCommand = NULL; } return TRUE; } void gdi_graphics_pipeline_uninit(rdpGdi* gdi, RdpgfxClientContext* gfx) { if (gdi) gdi->gfx = NULL; if (!gfx) return; gfx->custom = NULL; freerdp_client_codecs_free(gfx->codecs); gfx->codecs = NULL; DeleteCriticalSection(&gfx->mux); PROFILER_PRINT_HEADER PROFILER_PRINT(gfx->SurfaceProfiler) PROFILER_PRINT_FOOTER PROFILER_FREE(gfx->SurfaceProfiler) } const char* rdpgfx_caps_version_str(UINT32 capsVersion) { switch (capsVersion) { case RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_8: return "RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_8"; case RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_81: return "RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_81"; case RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_10: return "RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_10"; case RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_101: return "RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_101"; case RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_102: return "RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_102"; case RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_103: return "RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_103"; case RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_104: return "RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_104"; case RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_105: return "RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_105"; case RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_106: return "RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_106"; case RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_106_ERR: return "RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_106_ERR"; case RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_107: return "RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_107"; default: return "RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_UNKNOWN"; } }