#!/bin/bash SCRIPT_PATH=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") SCRIPT_PATH=$(realpath "$SCRIPT_PATH") FIND_ARGS="-type f -print -quit" case "$(uname -s)" in Darwin) FIND_ARGS="-perm +111 $FIND_ARGS" ;; *) FIND_ARGS="-executable $FIND_ARGS" ;; esac if [ -z $BUILD_ARCH ]; then BUILD_ARCH="armeabi-v7a x86 x86_64 arm64-v8a" fi if [ -z $NDK_TARGET ]; then NDK_TARGET=21 fi if [ -z $CMAKE_PROGRAM ]; then CMAKE_PROGRAM=$(find $ANDROID_SDK/cmake -name cmake $FIND_ARGS) fi if [ -z $CCACHE ]; then CCACHE=$(which ccache) fi if [ -z $ANDROID_NDK ]; then ANDROID_NDK="missing" fi if [ -z $ANDROID_SDK ]; then ANDROID_SDK="missing" fi if [ -z $BUILD_DST ]; then BUILD_DST=$(pwd)/libs fi if [ -z $BUILD_SRC ]; then BUILD_SRC=$(pwd)/src fi if [ -z $SCM_URL ]; then SCM_URL="missing" fi if [ -z $SCM_TAG ]; then SCM_TAG=master fi CLEAN_BUILD_DIR=0 function common_help { echo "$(BASHSOURCE[0]) supports the following arguments:" echo " --ndk The base directory of your android NDK defa" echo " ANDROID_NDK=$ANDROID_NDK" echo " --sdk The base directory of your android SDK defa" echo " ANDROID_SDK=$ANDROID_SDK" echo " --arch A list of architectures to build" echo " BUILD_ARCH=$BUILD_ARCH" echo " --dst The destination directory for include and library files" echo " BUILD_DST=$BUILD_DST" echo " --src The source directory for SCM checkout" echo " BUILD_SRC=$BUILD_SRC" echo " --url The SCM source url" echo " SCM_URL=$SCM_URL" echo " --tag The SCM branch or tag to check out" echo " SCM_TAG=$SCM_TAG" echo " --clean Clean the destination before build" echo " --help Display this help" exit 0 } function common_run { echo "[RUN] $@" "$@" RES=$? if [[ $RES -ne 0 ]]; then echo "[ERROR] $@ retured $RES" exit 1 fi } function common_parse_arguments { while [[ $# > 0 ]] do key="$1" case $key in --conf) source "$2" || exit 1 shift ;; --target) NDK_TARGET="$2" shift ;; --ndk) ANDROID_NDK="$2" shift ;; --sdk) ANDROID_SDK="$2" CMAKE_PROGRAM=$(find $ANDROID_SDK/cmake -name cmake $FIND_ARGS) shift ;; --arch) BUILD_ARCH="$2" shift ;; --dst) BUILD_DST="$2" shift ;; --src) BUILD_SRC="$2" shift ;; --url) SCM_URL="$2" shift ;; --tag) SCM_TAG="$2" shift ;; --clean) CLEAN_BUILD_DIR=1 shift ;; --help) common_help shift ;; *) # Unknown ;; esac shift done } function common_check_requirements { if [[ ! -d $ANDROID_NDK ]]; then echo "export ANDROID_NDK to point to your NDK location." exit 1 fi if [[ ! -d $ANDROID_SDK ]]; then echo "export ANDROID_SDK to point to your SDK location." exit 1 fi if [[ -z $BUILD_DST ]]; then echo "Destination directory not valid" exit 1 fi if [[ -z $BUILD_SRC ]]; then echo "Source directory not valid" exit 1 fi if [[ -z $SCM_URL ]]; then echo "Source URL not defined! Define SCM_URL" exit 1 fi if [[ -z $SCM_TAG ]]; then echo "SCM TAG / BRANCH not defined! Define SCM_TAG" exit 1 fi if [[ -z $NDK_TARGET ]]; then echo "Android platform NDK_TARGET not defined" exit 1 fi if [ -x $ANDROID_NDK/ndk-build ]; then NDK_BUILD=$ANDROID_NDK/ndk-build else echo "ndk-build not found in NDK directory $ANDROID_NDK" echo "assuming ndk-build is in path..." NDK_BUILD=ndk-build fi if [ -z $CMAKE_PROGRAM ]; then CMAKE_PROGRAM=$(find $ANDROID_SDK/cmake -name cmake $FIND_ARGS) fi for CMD in make git $CMAKE_PROGRAM $NDK_BUILD do if ! type $CMD >/dev/null; then echo "Command $CMD not found. Install and add it to the PATH." exit 1 fi done if [ "${BUILD_SRC:0:1}" != "/" ]; then BUILD_SRC=$(pwd)/$BUILD_SRC fi if [ "${BUILD_DST:0:1}" != "/" ]; then BUILD_DST=$(pwd)/$BUILD_DST fi } function common_update { if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then echo "Invalid arguments to update function $@" exit 1 fi SCM_URL=$1 SCM_TAG=$2 BUILD_SRC=$3 echo "Preparing checkout..." BASE=$(pwd) CACHE=$SCRIPT_PATH/../cache common_run mkdir -p $CACHE TARFILE="$CACHE/$SCM_TAG.tar.gz" if [[ ! -f "$TARFILE" ]]; then common_run wget -O "$TARFILE" "$SCM_URL/$SCM_TAG.tar.gz" fi if [[ -d $BUILD_SRC ]]; then common_run rm -rf $BUILD_SRC fi common_run mkdir -p $BUILD_SRC common_run cd $BUILD_SRC common_run tar zxf "$TARFILE" --strip 1 common_run cd $BASE } function common_clean { if [ $CLEAN_BUILD_DIR -ne 1 ]; then return fi if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "Invalid arguments to clean function $@" exit 1 fi echo "Cleaning up $1..." common_run rm -rf $1 } function common_copy { if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "Invalid arguments to copy function $@" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d $1 ] || [ ! -d $1/include ] || [ ! -d $1/libs ]; then echo "Invalid source $1" exit 1 fi if [ -z $2 ]; then echo "Invalid destination $2" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d $2 ]; then common_run mkdir -p $2 fi common_run cp -L -r $1/include $2 common_run cp -L -r $1/libs/* $2 }