/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * Certificate Handling * * Copyright 2011 Jiten Pathy * Copyright 2011-2012 Marc-Andre Moreau * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const char certificate_store_dir[] = "certs"; static const char certificate_server_dir[] = "server"; static const char certificate_known_hosts_file[] = "known_hosts2"; static const char certificate_legacy_hosts_file[] = "known_hosts"; #include #include #define TAG FREERDP_TAG("crypto") static BOOL certificate_split_line(char* line, char** host, UINT16* port, char**subject, char**issuer, char** fingerprint); BOOL certificate_store_init(rdpCertificateStore* certificate_store) { char* server_path = NULL; rdpSettings* settings; settings = certificate_store->settings; if (!PathFileExistsA(settings->ConfigPath)) { if (!PathMakePathA(settings->ConfigPath, 0)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error creating directory '%s'", settings->ConfigPath); goto fail; } WLog_INFO(TAG, "creating directory %s", settings->ConfigPath); } if (!(certificate_store->path = GetCombinedPath(settings->ConfigPath, (char*) certificate_store_dir))) goto fail; if (!PathFileExistsA(certificate_store->path)) { if (!PathMakePathA(certificate_store->path, 0)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error creating directory [%s]", certificate_store->path); goto fail; } WLog_INFO(TAG, "creating directory [%s]", certificate_store->path); } if (!(server_path = GetCombinedPath(settings->ConfigPath, (char*) certificate_server_dir))) goto fail; if (!PathFileExistsA(server_path)) { if (!PathMakePathA(server_path, 0)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error creating directory [%s]", server_path); goto fail; } WLog_INFO(TAG, "created directory [%s]", server_path); } if (!(certificate_store->file = GetCombinedPath(settings->ConfigPath, (char*) certificate_known_hosts_file))) goto fail; if (!(certificate_store->legacy_file = GetCombinedPath(settings->ConfigPath, (char*) certificate_legacy_hosts_file))) goto fail; free(server_path); return TRUE; fail: WLog_ERR(TAG, "certificate store initialization failed"); free(server_path); free(certificate_store->path); free(certificate_store->file); certificate_store->path = NULL; certificate_store->file = NULL; return FALSE; } static int certificate_data_match_legacy(rdpCertificateStore* certificate_store, rdpCertificateData* certificate_data) { HANDLE fp; int match = 1; char* data; char* mdata; char* pline; char* hostname = NULL; DWORD lowSize, highSize; UINT64 size; size_t length; DWORD read; /* Assure POSIX style paths, CreateFile expects either '/' or '\\' */ PathCchConvertStyleA(certificate_store->legacy_file, strlen(certificate_store->legacy_file), PATH_STYLE_UNIX); fp = CreateFileA(certificate_store->legacy_file, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (fp == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return match; if ((lowSize = GetFileSize(fp, &highSize)) == INVALID_FILE_SIZE) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "GetFileSize(%s) returned %s [0x%08"PRIX32"]", certificate_store->legacy_file, strerror(errno), GetLastError()); CloseHandle(fp); return match; } size = (UINT64)lowSize | ((UINT64)highSize << 32); if (size < 1) { CloseHandle(fp); return match; } mdata = (char*) malloc(size + 2); if (!mdata) { CloseHandle(fp); return match; } data = mdata; if (!ReadFile(fp, data, size, &read, NULL) || (read != size)) { free(data); CloseHandle(fp); return match; } CloseHandle(fp); data[size] = '\n'; data[size + 1] = '\0'; pline = StrSep(&data, "\r\n"); while (pline != NULL) { length = strlen(pline); if (length > 0) { hostname = StrSep(&pline, " \t"); if (!hostname || !pline) WLog_WARN(TAG, "Invalid %s entry %s %s!", certificate_legacy_hosts_file, hostname, pline); else if (strcmp(hostname, certificate_data->hostname) == 0) { match = strcmp(pline, certificate_data->fingerprint); break; } } pline = StrSep(&data, "\r\n"); } /* Found a valid fingerprint in legacy file, * copy to new file in new format. */ if (0 == match) { rdpCertificateData* data = certificate_data_new( hostname, certificate_data->port, NULL, NULL, certificate_data->fingerprint); if (data) { free (data->subject); free (data->issuer); data->subject = NULL; data->issuer = NULL; if (certificate_data->subject) { data->subject = _strdup(certificate_data->subject); if (!data->subject) goto out; } if (certificate_data->issuer) { data->issuer = _strdup(certificate_data->issuer); if (!data->issuer) goto out; } match = certificate_data_print(certificate_store, data) ? 0 : 1; } out: certificate_data_free(data); } free(mdata); return match; } static int certificate_data_match_raw(rdpCertificateStore* certificate_store, rdpCertificateData* certificate_data, char** psubject, char** pissuer, char** fprint) { BOOL found = FALSE; HANDLE fp; size_t length; char* data; char* mdata; char* pline; int match = 1; DWORD lowSize, highSize; UINT64 size; char* hostname = NULL; char* subject = NULL; char* issuer = NULL; char* fingerprint = NULL; unsigned short port = 0; DWORD read; /* Assure POSIX style paths, CreateFile expects either '/' or '\\' */ PathCchConvertStyleA(certificate_store->file, strlen(certificate_store->file), PATH_STYLE_UNIX); fp = CreateFileA(certificate_store->file, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (fp == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return match; if ((lowSize = GetFileSize(fp, &highSize)) == INVALID_FILE_SIZE) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "GetFileSize(%s) returned %s [0x%08"PRIX32"]", certificate_store->legacy_file, strerror(errno), GetLastError()); CloseHandle(fp); return match; } size = (UINT64)lowSize | ((UINT64)highSize << 32); if (size < 1) { CloseHandle(fp); return match; } mdata = (char*) malloc(size + 2); if (!mdata) { CloseHandle(fp); return match; } data = mdata; if (!ReadFile(fp, data, size, &read, NULL) || (read != size)) { free(data); CloseHandle(fp); return match; } CloseHandle(fp); data[size] = '\n'; data[size + 1] = '\0'; pline = StrSep(&data, "\r\n"); while (pline != NULL) { length = strlen(pline); if (length > 0) { if (!certificate_split_line(pline, &hostname, &port, &subject, &issuer, &fingerprint)) WLog_WARN(TAG, "Invalid %s entry %s!", certificate_known_hosts_file, pline); else if (strcmp(pline, certificate_data->hostname) == 0) { int outLen; if (port == certificate_data->port) { found = TRUE; match = (strcmp(certificate_data->fingerprint, fingerprint) == 0) ? 0 : -1; if (fingerprint && fprint) *fprint = _strdup(fingerprint); if (subject && psubject) crypto_base64_decode(subject, strlen(subject), (BYTE**)psubject, &outLen); if (issuer && pissuer) crypto_base64_decode(issuer, strlen(issuer), (BYTE**)pissuer, &outLen); break; } } } pline = StrSep(&data, "\r\n"); } free(mdata); if ((match != 0) && !found) match = certificate_data_match_legacy(certificate_store, certificate_data); return match; } BOOL certificate_get_stored_data(rdpCertificateStore* certificate_store, rdpCertificateData* certificate_data, char** subject, char** issuer, char** fingerprint) { int rc = certificate_data_match_raw(certificate_store, certificate_data, subject, issuer, fingerprint); if ((rc == 0) || (rc == -1)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } int certificate_data_match(rdpCertificateStore* certificate_store, rdpCertificateData* certificate_data) { return certificate_data_match_raw(certificate_store, certificate_data, NULL, NULL, NULL); } BOOL certificate_data_replace(rdpCertificateStore* certificate_store, rdpCertificateData* certificate_data) { HANDLE fp; BOOL rc = FALSE; size_t length; char* data; char* sdata; char* pline; UINT64 size; DWORD read, written; DWORD lowSize, highSize; /* Assure POSIX style paths, CreateFile expects either '/' or '\\' */ PathCchConvertStyleA(certificate_store->file, strlen(certificate_store->file), PATH_STYLE_UNIX); fp = CreateFileA(certificate_store->file, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (fp == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return FALSE; if ((lowSize = GetFileSize(fp, &highSize)) == INVALID_FILE_SIZE) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "GetFileSize(%s) returned %s [0x%08"PRIX32"]", certificate_store->legacy_file, strerror(errno), GetLastError()); CloseHandle(fp); return FALSE; } size = (UINT64)lowSize | ((UINT64)highSize << 32); if (size < 1) { CloseHandle(fp); return FALSE; } data = (char*) malloc(size + 2); if (!data) { fclose(fp); return FALSE; } if (!ReadFile(fp, data, size, &read, NULL) || (read != size)) { free(data); CloseHandle(fp); return FALSE; } if (SetFilePointer(fp, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "SetFilePointer(%s) returned %s [0x%08"PRIX32"]", certificate_store->file, strerror(errno), GetLastError()); free(data); CloseHandle(fp); return FALSE; } if (!SetEndOfFile(fp)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "SetEndOfFile(%s) returned %s [0x%08"PRIX32"]", certificate_store->file, strerror(errno), GetLastError()); free(data); CloseHandle(fp); return FALSE; } /* Write the file back out, with appropriate fingerprint substitutions */ data[size] = '\n'; data[size + 1] = '\0'; sdata = data; pline = StrSep(&sdata, "\r\n"); while (pline != NULL) { length = strlen(pline); if (length > 0) { UINT16 port = 0; char* hostname = NULL; char* fingerprint = NULL; char* subject = NULL; char* issuer = NULL; char* tdata; if (!certificate_split_line(pline, &hostname, &port, &subject, &issuer, &fingerprint)) WLog_WARN(TAG, "Skipping invalid %s entry %s!", certificate_known_hosts_file, pline); else { /* If this is the replaced hostname, use the updated fingerprint. */ if ((strcmp(hostname, certificate_data->hostname) == 0) && (port == certificate_data->port)) { fingerprint = certificate_data->fingerprint; rc = TRUE; } size = _snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s %"PRIu16" %s %s %s\n", hostname, port, fingerprint, subject, issuer); tdata = malloc(size + 1); if (!tdata) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "malloc(%s) returned %s [0x%08X]", certificate_store->file, strerror(errno), errno); free(data); CloseHandle(fp); return FALSE; } if (_snprintf(tdata, size + 1, "%s %"PRIu16" %s %s %s\n", hostname, port, fingerprint, subject, issuer) != size) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "_snprintf(%s) returned %s [0x%08X]", certificate_store->file, strerror(errno), errno); free(tdata); free(data); CloseHandle(fp); return FALSE; } if (!WriteFile(fp, tdata, size, &written, NULL) || (written != size)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "WriteFile(%s) returned %s [0x%08X]", certificate_store->file, strerror(errno), errno); free(tdata); free(data); CloseHandle(fp); return FALSE; } free(tdata); } } pline = StrSep(&sdata, "\r\n"); } CloseHandle(fp); free(data); return rc; } BOOL certificate_split_line(char* line, char** host, UINT16* port, char** subject, char** issuer, char** fingerprint) { char* cur; size_t length = strlen(line); if (length <= 0) return FALSE; cur = StrSep(&line, " \t"); if (!cur) return FALSE; *host = cur; cur = StrSep(&line, " \t"); if (!cur) return FALSE; if(sscanf(cur, "%hu", port) != 1) return FALSE; cur = StrSep(&line, " \t"); if (!cur) return FALSE; *fingerprint = cur; cur = StrSep(&line, " \t"); if (!cur) return FALSE; *subject = cur; cur = StrSep(&line, " \t"); if (!cur) return FALSE; *issuer = cur; return TRUE; } BOOL certificate_data_print(rdpCertificateStore* certificate_store, rdpCertificateData* certificate_data) { HANDLE fp; char* tdata; UINT64 size; DWORD written; /* reopen in append mode */ /* Assure POSIX style paths, CreateFile expects either '/' or '\\' */ PathCchConvertStyleA(certificate_store->file, strlen(certificate_store->file), PATH_STYLE_UNIX); fp = CreateFileA(certificate_store->file, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (fp == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return FALSE; if (SetFilePointer(fp, 0, NULL, FILE_END) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "SetFilePointer(%s) returned %s [0x%08"PRIX32"]", certificate_store->file, strerror(errno), GetLastError()); CloseHandle(fp); return FALSE; } size = _snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s %"PRIu16" %s %s %s\n", certificate_data->hostname, certificate_data->port, certificate_data->fingerprint, certificate_data->subject, certificate_data->issuer); tdata = malloc(size + 1); if (!tdata) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "malloc(%s) returned %s [0x%08X]", certificate_store->file, strerror(errno), errno); CloseHandle(fp); return FALSE; } if (_snprintf(tdata, size + 1, "%s %"PRIu16" %s %s %s\n", certificate_data->hostname, certificate_data->port, certificate_data->fingerprint, certificate_data->subject, certificate_data->issuer) != size) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "_snprintf(%s) returned %s [0x%08X]", certificate_store->file, strerror(errno), errno); free(tdata); CloseHandle(fp); return FALSE; } if (!WriteFile(fp, tdata, size, &written, NULL) || (written != size)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "WriteFile(%s) returned %s [0x%08X]", certificate_store->file, strerror(errno), errno); free(tdata); CloseHandle(fp); return FALSE; } free(tdata); CloseHandle(fp); return TRUE; } rdpCertificateData* certificate_data_new(char* hostname, UINT16 port, char* subject, char* issuer, char* fingerprint) { size_t i; rdpCertificateData* certdata; if (!hostname) return NULL; if (!fingerprint) return NULL; certdata = (rdpCertificateData *)calloc(1, sizeof(rdpCertificateData)); if (!certdata) return NULL; certdata->port = port; certdata->hostname = _strdup(hostname); if (subject) certdata->subject = crypto_base64_encode((BYTE*)subject, strlen(subject)); else certdata->subject = crypto_base64_encode((BYTE*)"", 0); if (issuer) certdata->issuer = crypto_base64_encode((BYTE*)issuer, strlen(issuer)); else certdata->issuer = crypto_base64_encode((BYTE*)"", 0); certdata->fingerprint = _strdup(fingerprint); if (!certdata->hostname || !certdata->subject || !certdata->issuer || !certdata->fingerprint) goto fail; for (i=0; ihostname[i] = tolower(certdata->hostname[i]); return certdata; fail: free(certdata->hostname); free(certdata->subject); free(certdata->issuer); free(certdata->fingerprint); free(certdata); return NULL; } void certificate_data_free(rdpCertificateData* certificate_data) { if (certificate_data != NULL) { free(certificate_data->hostname); free(certificate_data->subject); free(certificate_data->issuer); free(certificate_data->fingerprint); free(certificate_data); } } rdpCertificateStore* certificate_store_new(rdpSettings* settings) { rdpCertificateStore* certificate_store; certificate_store = (rdpCertificateStore*) calloc(1, sizeof(rdpCertificateStore)); if (!certificate_store) return NULL; certificate_store->settings = settings; if (!certificate_store_init(certificate_store)) { free(certificate_store); return NULL; } return certificate_store; } void certificate_store_free(rdpCertificateStore* certstore) { if (certstore != NULL) { free(certstore->path); free(certstore->file); free(certstore->legacy_file); free(certstore); } }