#include "wf_directsound.h" #include "wf_interface.h" #include "wf_info.h" #include "wf_rdpsnd.h" #include #define INITGUID #include #include #define CINTERFACE 1 #include #include IDirectSoundCapture8* cap; IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8* capBuf; DSCBUFFERDESC dscbd; DWORD lastPos; wfPeerContext* latestPeer; int wf_rdpsnd_set_latest_peer(wfPeerContext* peer) { latestPeer = peer; return 0; } int wf_directsound_activate(RdpsndServerContext* context) { HRESULT hr; wfInfo* wfi; LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREBUFFER pDSCB; wfi = wf_info_get_instance(); printf("RDPSND (direct sound) Activated\n"); hr = DirectSoundCaptureCreate8(NULL, &cap, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { _tprintf(_T("Failed to create sound capture device\n")); return 1; } _tprintf(_T("Created sound capture device\n")); dscbd.dwSize = sizeof(DSCBUFFERDESC); dscbd.dwFlags = 0; dscbd.dwBufferBytes = wfi->agreed_format->nAvgBytesPerSec; dscbd.dwReserved = 0; dscbd.lpwfxFormat = wfi->agreed_format; dscbd.dwFXCount = 0; dscbd.lpDSCFXDesc = NULL; hr = cap->lpVtbl->CreateCaptureBuffer(cap, &dscbd, &pDSCB, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { _tprintf(_T("Failed to create capture buffer\n")); } _tprintf(_T("Created capture buffer")); hr = pDSCB->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(pDSCB, &IID_IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8, (LPVOID*)&capBuf); if (FAILED(hr)) { _tprintf(_T("Failed to QI capture buffer\n")); } _tprintf(_T("Created IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8\n")); pDSCB->lpVtbl->Release(pDSCB); lastPos = 0; CreateThread(NULL, 0, wf_rdpsnd_directsound_thread, latestPeer, 0, NULL); return 0; } DWORD WINAPI wf_rdpsnd_directsound_thread(LPVOID lpParam) { HRESULT hr; DWORD beg = 0; DWORD end = 0; DWORD diff, rate; wfPeerContext* context; wfInfo* wfi; VOID* pbCaptureData = NULL; DWORD dwCaptureLength = 0; VOID* pbCaptureData2 = NULL; DWORD dwCaptureLength2 = 0; VOID* pbPlayData = NULL; DWORD dwReadPos = 0; LONG lLockSize = 0; wfi = wf_info_get_instance(); context = (wfPeerContext*)lpParam; rate = 1000 / 24; _tprintf(_T("Trying to start capture\n")); hr = capBuf->lpVtbl->Start(capBuf, DSCBSTART_LOOPING); if (FAILED(hr)) { _tprintf(_T("Failed to start capture\n")); } _tprintf(_T("Capture started\n")); while (1) { end = GetTickCount(); diff = end - beg; if (diff < rate) { Sleep(rate - diff); } beg = GetTickCount(); if (wf_rdpsnd_lock() > 0) { //check for main exit condition if (wfi->snd_stop == TRUE) { wf_rdpsnd_unlock(); break; } hr = capBuf->lpVtbl->GetCurrentPosition(capBuf, NULL, &dwReadPos); if (FAILED(hr)) { _tprintf(_T("Failed to get read pos\n")); wf_rdpsnd_unlock(); break; } lLockSize = dwReadPos - lastPos;//dscbd.dwBufferBytes; if (lLockSize < 0) lLockSize += dscbd.dwBufferBytes; //printf("Last, read, lock = [%d, %d, %d]\n", lastPos, dwReadPos, lLockSize); if (lLockSize == 0) { wf_rdpsnd_unlock(); continue; } hr = capBuf->lpVtbl->Lock(capBuf, lastPos, lLockSize, &pbCaptureData, &dwCaptureLength, &pbCaptureData2, &dwCaptureLength2, 0L); if (FAILED(hr)) { _tprintf(_T("Failed to lock sound capture buffer\n")); wf_rdpsnd_unlock(); break; } //fwrite(pbCaptureData, 1, dwCaptureLength, pFile); //fwrite(pbCaptureData2, 1, dwCaptureLength2, pFile); //FIXME: frames = bytes/(bytespersample * channels) context->rdpsnd->SendSamples(context->rdpsnd, pbCaptureData, dwCaptureLength/4); context->rdpsnd->SendSamples(context->rdpsnd, pbCaptureData2, dwCaptureLength2/4); hr = capBuf->lpVtbl->Unlock(capBuf, pbCaptureData, dwCaptureLength, pbCaptureData2, dwCaptureLength2); if (FAILED(hr)) { _tprintf(_T("Failed to unlock sound capture buffer\n")); wf_rdpsnd_unlock(); return 0; } //TODO keep track of location in buffer lastPos += dwCaptureLength; lastPos %= dscbd.dwBufferBytes; lastPos += dwCaptureLength2; lastPos %= dscbd.dwBufferBytes; wf_rdpsnd_unlock(); } } _tprintf(_T("Trying to stop sound capture\n")); hr = capBuf->lpVtbl->Stop(capBuf); if (FAILED(hr)) { _tprintf(_T("Failed to stop capture\n")); } _tprintf(_T("Capture stopped\n")); capBuf->lpVtbl->Release(capBuf); cap->lpVtbl->Release(cap); lastPos = 0; return 0; }