/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * Channel Addins * * Copyright 2012 Marc-Andre Moreau * Copyright 2015 Thincast Technologies GmbH * Copyright 2015 DI (FH) Martin Haimberger * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tables.h" #include "addin.h" #include #define TAG CHANNELS_TAG("addin") extern const STATIC_ENTRY_TABLE CLIENT_STATIC_ENTRY_TABLES[]; void* freerdp_channels_find_static_entry_in_table(const STATIC_ENTRY_TABLE* table, const char* identifier) { int index = 0; STATIC_ENTRY* pEntry; pEntry = (STATIC_ENTRY*) &table->table[index++]; while (pEntry->entry != NULL) { if (strcmp(pEntry->name, identifier) == 0) { return (void*) pEntry->entry; } pEntry = (STATIC_ENTRY*) &table->table[index++]; } return NULL; } void* freerdp_channels_client_find_static_entry(const char* name, const char* identifier) { int index = 0; STATIC_ENTRY_TABLE* pEntry; pEntry = (STATIC_ENTRY_TABLE*) &CLIENT_STATIC_ENTRY_TABLES[index++]; while (pEntry->table != NULL) { if (strcmp(pEntry->name, name) == 0) { return freerdp_channels_find_static_entry_in_table(pEntry, identifier); } pEntry = (STATIC_ENTRY_TABLE*) &CLIENT_STATIC_ENTRY_TABLES[index++]; } return NULL; } extern const STATIC_ADDIN_TABLE CLIENT_STATIC_ADDIN_TABLE[]; FREERDP_ADDIN** freerdp_channels_list_client_static_addins(LPSTR pszName, LPSTR pszSubsystem, LPSTR pszType, DWORD dwFlags) { int i, j; DWORD nAddins; FREERDP_ADDIN* pAddin = NULL; FREERDP_ADDIN** ppAddins = NULL; STATIC_SUBSYSTEM_ENTRY* subsystems; nAddins = 0; ppAddins = (FREERDP_ADDIN**) calloc(1, sizeof(FREERDP_ADDIN*) * 128); if (!ppAddins) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "calloc failed!"); return NULL; } ppAddins[nAddins] = NULL; for (i = 0; CLIENT_STATIC_ADDIN_TABLE[i].name != NULL; i++) { pAddin = (FREERDP_ADDIN*) calloc(1, sizeof(FREERDP_ADDIN)); if (!pAddin) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "calloc failed!"); goto error_out; } strcpy(pAddin->cName, CLIENT_STATIC_ADDIN_TABLE[i].name); pAddin->dwFlags = FREERDP_ADDIN_CLIENT; pAddin->dwFlags |= FREERDP_ADDIN_STATIC; pAddin->dwFlags |= FREERDP_ADDIN_NAME; ppAddins[nAddins++] = pAddin; subsystems = (STATIC_SUBSYSTEM_ENTRY*) CLIENT_STATIC_ADDIN_TABLE[i].table; for (j = 0; subsystems[j].name != NULL; j++) { pAddin = (FREERDP_ADDIN*) calloc(1, sizeof(FREERDP_ADDIN)); if (!pAddin) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "calloc failed!"); goto error_out; } strcpy(pAddin->cName, CLIENT_STATIC_ADDIN_TABLE[i].name); strcpy(pAddin->cSubsystem, subsystems[j].name); pAddin->dwFlags = FREERDP_ADDIN_CLIENT; pAddin->dwFlags |= FREERDP_ADDIN_STATIC; pAddin->dwFlags |= FREERDP_ADDIN_NAME; pAddin->dwFlags |= FREERDP_ADDIN_SUBSYSTEM; ppAddins[nAddins++] = pAddin; } } return ppAddins; error_out: freerdp_channels_addin_list_free(ppAddins); return NULL; } FREERDP_ADDIN** freerdp_channels_list_dynamic_addins(LPSTR pszName, LPSTR pszSubsystem, LPSTR pszType, DWORD dwFlags) { int index; int nDashes; HANDLE hFind; DWORD nAddins; LPSTR pszPattern; size_t cchPattern; LPCSTR pszAddinPath = FREERDP_ADDIN_PATH; LPCSTR pszInstallPrefix = FREERDP_INSTALL_PREFIX; LPCSTR pszExtension; LPSTR pszSearchPath; size_t cchSearchPath; size_t cchAddinPath; size_t cchInstallPrefix; FREERDP_ADDIN** ppAddins; WIN32_FIND_DATAA FindData; cchAddinPath = strlen(pszAddinPath); cchInstallPrefix = strlen(pszInstallPrefix); pszExtension = PathGetSharedLibraryExtensionA(0); cchPattern = 128 + strlen(pszExtension) + 2; pszPattern = (LPSTR) malloc(cchPattern + 1); if (!pszPattern) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "malloc failed!"); return NULL; } if (pszName && pszSubsystem && pszType) { sprintf_s(pszPattern, cchPattern, FREERDP_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX"%s-client-%s-%s.%s", pszName, pszSubsystem, pszType, pszExtension); } else if (pszName && pszType) { sprintf_s(pszPattern, cchPattern, FREERDP_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX"%s-client-?-%s.%s", pszName, pszType, pszExtension); } else if (pszName) { sprintf_s(pszPattern, cchPattern, FREERDP_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX"%s-client*.%s", pszName, pszExtension); } else { sprintf_s(pszPattern, cchPattern, FREERDP_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX"?-client*.%s", pszExtension); } cchPattern = strlen(pszPattern); cchSearchPath = cchInstallPrefix + cchAddinPath + cchPattern + 3; pszSearchPath = (LPSTR) malloc(cchSearchPath + 1); if (!pszSearchPath) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "malloc failed!"); free(pszPattern); return NULL; } CopyMemory(pszSearchPath, pszInstallPrefix, cchInstallPrefix); pszSearchPath[cchInstallPrefix] = '\0'; NativePathCchAppendA(pszSearchPath, cchSearchPath + 1, pszAddinPath); NativePathCchAppendA(pszSearchPath, cchSearchPath + 1, pszPattern); free(pszPattern); cchSearchPath = strlen(pszSearchPath); hFind = FindFirstFileA(pszSearchPath, &FindData); free(pszSearchPath); nAddins = 0; ppAddins = (FREERDP_ADDIN**) calloc(1, sizeof(FREERDP_ADDIN*) * 128); if (!ppAddins) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "calloc failed!"); return NULL; } if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return ppAddins; do { char* p[5]; FREERDP_ADDIN* pAddin; nDashes = 0; pAddin = (FREERDP_ADDIN*) calloc(1, sizeof(FREERDP_ADDIN)); if (!pAddin) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "calloc failed!"); goto error_out; } for (index = 0; FindData.cFileName[index]; index++) nDashes += (FindData.cFileName[index] == '-') ? 1 : 0; if (nDashes == 1) { /* -client. */ p[0] = FindData.cFileName; p[1] = strchr(p[0], '-') + 1; strncpy(pAddin->cName, p[0], (p[1] - p[0]) - 1); pAddin->dwFlags = FREERDP_ADDIN_CLIENT; pAddin->dwFlags |= FREERDP_ADDIN_DYNAMIC; pAddin->dwFlags |= FREERDP_ADDIN_NAME; ppAddins[nAddins++] = pAddin; } else if (nDashes == 2) { /* -client-. */ p[0] = FindData.cFileName; p[1] = strchr(p[0], '-') + 1; p[2] = strchr(p[1], '-') + 1; p[3] = strchr(p[2], '.') + 1; strncpy(pAddin->cName, p[0], (p[1] - p[0]) - 1); strncpy(pAddin->cSubsystem, p[2], (p[3] - p[2]) - 1); pAddin->dwFlags = FREERDP_ADDIN_CLIENT; pAddin->dwFlags |= FREERDP_ADDIN_DYNAMIC; pAddin->dwFlags |= FREERDP_ADDIN_NAME; pAddin->dwFlags |= FREERDP_ADDIN_SUBSYSTEM; ppAddins[nAddins++] = pAddin; } else if (nDashes == 3) { /* -client--. */ p[0] = FindData.cFileName; p[1] = strchr(p[0], '-') + 1; p[2] = strchr(p[1], '-') + 1; p[3] = strchr(p[2], '-') + 1; p[4] = strchr(p[3], '.') + 1; strncpy(pAddin->cName, p[0], (p[1] - p[0]) - 1); strncpy(pAddin->cSubsystem, p[2], (p[3] - p[2]) - 1); strncpy(pAddin->cType, p[3], (p[4] - p[3]) - 1); pAddin->dwFlags = FREERDP_ADDIN_CLIENT; pAddin->dwFlags |= FREERDP_ADDIN_DYNAMIC; pAddin->dwFlags |= FREERDP_ADDIN_NAME; pAddin->dwFlags |= FREERDP_ADDIN_SUBSYSTEM; pAddin->dwFlags |= FREERDP_ADDIN_TYPE; ppAddins[nAddins++] = pAddin; } else { free(pAddin); } } while (FindNextFileA(hFind, &FindData)); FindClose(hFind); ppAddins[nAddins] = NULL; return ppAddins; error_out: freerdp_channels_addin_list_free(ppAddins); return NULL; } FREERDP_ADDIN** freerdp_channels_list_addins(LPSTR pszName, LPSTR pszSubsystem, LPSTR pszType, DWORD dwFlags) { if (dwFlags & FREERDP_ADDIN_STATIC) return freerdp_channels_list_client_static_addins(pszName, pszSubsystem, pszType, dwFlags); else if (dwFlags & FREERDP_ADDIN_DYNAMIC) return freerdp_channels_list_dynamic_addins(pszName, pszSubsystem, pszType, dwFlags); return NULL; } void freerdp_channels_addin_list_free(FREERDP_ADDIN** ppAddins) { int index; if (!ppAddins) return; for (index = 0; ppAddins[index] != NULL; index++) free(ppAddins[index]); free(ppAddins); } extern const STATIC_ENTRY CLIENT_VirtualChannelEntryEx_TABLE[]; BOOL freerdp_channels_is_virtual_channel_entry_ex(LPCSTR pszName) { int i; STATIC_ENTRY* entry; for (i = 0; CLIENT_VirtualChannelEntryEx_TABLE[i].name != NULL; i++) { entry = (STATIC_ENTRY*) &CLIENT_VirtualChannelEntryEx_TABLE[i]; if (!strcmp(entry->name, pszName)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } PVIRTUALCHANNELENTRY freerdp_channels_load_static_addin_entry(LPCSTR pszName, LPSTR pszSubsystem, LPSTR pszType, DWORD dwFlags) { int i, j; STATIC_SUBSYSTEM_ENTRY* subsystems; for (i = 0; CLIENT_STATIC_ADDIN_TABLE[i].name != NULL; i++) { if (strcmp(CLIENT_STATIC_ADDIN_TABLE[i].name, pszName) == 0) { if (pszSubsystem != NULL) { subsystems = (STATIC_SUBSYSTEM_ENTRY*) CLIENT_STATIC_ADDIN_TABLE[i].table; for (j = 0; subsystems[j].name != NULL; j++) { if (strcmp(subsystems[j].name, pszSubsystem) == 0) { if (pszType) { if (strcmp(subsystems[j].type, pszType) == 0) return subsystems[j].entry; } else { return subsystems[j].entry; } } } } else { if (dwFlags & FREERDP_ADDIN_CHANNEL_ENTRYEX) { if (!freerdp_channels_is_virtual_channel_entry_ex(pszName)) return NULL; } return CLIENT_STATIC_ADDIN_TABLE[i].entry; } } } return NULL; }