#include #include #include #include static HANDLE s_sync = NULL; static int runInstance(int argc, char* argv[], freerdp** inst) { int rc = -1; freerdp* instance = freerdp_new(); if (!instance) goto finish; if (inst) *inst = instance; if (!freerdp_context_new(instance)) goto finish; if (freerdp_client_settings_parse_command_line(instance->settings, argc, argv, FALSE) < 0) goto finish; if (!freerdp_client_load_addins(instance->context->channels, instance->settings)) goto finish; if (s_sync) { if (!SetEvent(s_sync)) goto finish; } rc = 1; if (!freerdp_connect(instance)) goto finish; rc = 2; if (!freerdp_disconnect(instance)) goto finish; rc = 0; finish: freerdp_context_free(instance); freerdp_free(instance); return rc; } static int testTimeout(void) { DWORD start, end, diff; char* argv[] = { "test", "/v:", NULL }; int rc; start = GetTickCount(); rc = runInstance(2, argv, NULL); end = GetTickCount(); if (rc != 1) return -1; diff = end - start; if (diff > 16000) return -1; if (diff < 14000) return -1; printf("%s: Success!\n", __FUNCTION__); return 0; } static void* testThread(void* arg) { char* argv[] = { "test", "/v:", NULL }; int rc; rc = runInstance(2, argv, arg); if (rc != 1) ExitThread(-1); ExitThread(0); return NULL; } static int testAbort(void) { DWORD status; DWORD start, end, diff; HANDLE thread; freerdp* instance = NULL; s_sync = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (!s_sync) return -1; start = GetTickCount(); thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)testThread, &instance, 0, NULL); if (!thread) { CloseHandle(s_sync); s_sync = NULL; return -1; } WaitForSingleObject(s_sync, INFINITE); freerdp_abort_connect(instance); status = WaitForSingleObject(instance->context->abortEvent, 0); if (status != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { CloseHandle(s_sync); CloseHandle(thread); s_sync = NULL; return -1; } status = WaitForSingleObject(thread, 20000); end = GetTickCount(); CloseHandle(s_sync); CloseHandle(thread); s_sync = NULL; diff = end - start; if (diff > 1000) return -1; if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != status) return -1; printf("%s: Success!\n", __FUNCTION__); return 0; } static int testSuccess(void) { int rc; STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION process; char* argv[] = { "test", "/v:", "/cert-ignore", "/rfx", NULL }; int argc = 4; char* path = TESTING_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY; char* wpath = TESTING_SRC_DIRECTORY; char* exe = GetCombinedPath(path, "server"); char* wexe = GetCombinedPath(wpath, "server"); if (!exe || !wexe) { free(exe); free(wexe); return -2; } path = GetCombinedPath(exe, "Sample"); wpath = GetCombinedPath(wexe, "Sample"); free(exe); free(wexe); if (!path || !wpath) { free(path); free(wpath); return -2; } exe = GetCombinedPath(path, "sfreerdp-server"); if (!exe) { free(path); free(wpath); return -2; } printf("Sample Server: %s\n", exe); printf("Workspace: %s\n", wpath); if (!PathFileExistsA(exe)) { free(path); free(wpath); free(exe); return -2; } // Start sample server locally. memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); if (!CreateProcessA(exe, exe, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, wpath, &si, &process)) { free(exe); free(path); free(wpath); return -2; } free(exe); free(path); free(wpath); Sleep(1000); rc = runInstance(argc, argv, NULL); if (!TerminateProcess(process.hProcess, 0)) return -2; WaitForSingleObject(process.hProcess, INFINITE); CloseHandle(process.hProcess); CloseHandle(process.hThread); printf("%s: returned %d!\n", __FUNCTION__, rc); if (rc) return -1; printf("%s: Success!\n", __FUNCTION__); return 0; } int TestConnect(int argc, char* argv[]) { /* Test connect to not existing server, * check if timeout is honored. */ if (testTimeout()) return -1; /* Test connect to not existing server, * check if connection abort is working. */ if (testAbort()) return -1; /* Test connect to existing server, * check if connection is working. */ if (testSuccess()) return -1; return 0; }