/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * Graphics Pipeline Extension * * Copyright 2013-2014 Marc-Andre Moreau * Copyright 2015 Thincast Technologies GmbH * Copyright 2015 DI (FH) Martin Haimberger * Copyright 2016 Thincast Technologies GmbH * Copyright 2016 Armin Novak * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rdpgfx_common.h" #include "rdpgfx_codec.h" #include "rdpgfx_main.h" #define TAG CHANNELS_TAG("rdpgfx.client") static void free_surfaces(RdpgfxClientContext* context, wHashTable* SurfaceTable) { UINT error = 0; ULONG_PTR* pKeys = NULL; int count; int index; count = HashTable_GetKeys(SurfaceTable, &pKeys); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { RDPGFX_DELETE_SURFACE_PDU pdu; pdu.surfaceId = ((UINT16)pKeys[index]) - 1; if (context) { IFCALLRET(context->DeleteSurface, error, context, &pdu); if (error) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "context->DeleteSurface failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } } } free(pKeys); } static void evict_cache_slots(RdpgfxClientContext* context, UINT16 MaxCacheSlots, void** CacheSlots) { UINT16 index; for (index = 0; index < MaxCacheSlots; index++) { if (CacheSlots[index]) { RDPGFX_EVICT_CACHE_ENTRY_PDU pdu; pdu.cacheSlot = (UINT16)index + 1; if (context && context->EvictCacheEntry) { context->EvictCacheEntry(context, &pdu); } CacheSlots[index] = NULL; } } } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_send_caps_advertise_pdu(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_CAPS_ADVERTISE_PDU* pdu) { UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; UINT16 index; RDPGFX_HEADER header; RDPGFX_CAPSET* capsSet; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx; RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback; wStream* s; gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)context->handle; if (!gfx || !gfx->listener_callback) return ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; callback = gfx->listener_callback->channel_callback; header.flags = 0; header.cmdId = RDPGFX_CMDID_CAPSADVERTISE; header.pduLength = RDPGFX_HEADER_SIZE + 2; for (index = 0; index < pdu->capsSetCount; index++) { capsSet = &(pdu->capsSets[index]); header.pduLength += RDPGFX_CAPSET_BASE_SIZE + capsSet->length; } DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "SendCapsAdvertisePdu %" PRIu16 "", pdu->capsSetCount); s = Stream_New(NULL, header.pduLength); if (!s) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Stream_New failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } if ((error = rdpgfx_write_header(s, &header))) goto fail; /* RDPGFX_CAPS_ADVERTISE_PDU */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, pdu->capsSetCount); /* capsSetCount (2 bytes) */ for (index = 0; index < pdu->capsSetCount; index++) { capsSet = &(pdu->capsSets[index]); Stream_Write_UINT32(s, capsSet->version); /* version (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, capsSet->length); /* capsDataLength (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, capsSet->flags); /* capsData (4 bytes) */ Stream_Zero(s, capsSet->length - 4); } Stream_SealLength(s); error = callback->channel->Write(callback->channel, (UINT32)Stream_Length(s), Stream_Buffer(s), NULL); fail: Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return error; } static BOOL rdpgfx_is_capability_filtered(RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx, UINT32 caps) { const UINT32 filter = gfx->capsFilter; const UINT32 capList[] = { RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_8, RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_81, RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_10, RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_101, RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_102, RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_103, RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_104, RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_105, RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_106 }; UINT32 x; for (x = 0; x < ARRAYSIZE(capList); x++) { if (caps == capList[x]) return (filter & (1 << x)) != 0; } return TRUE; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_send_supported_caps(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback) { RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx; RdpgfxClientContext* context; RDPGFX_CAPSET* capsSet; RDPGFX_CAPSET capsSets[RDPGFX_NUMBER_CAPSETS] = { 0 }; RDPGFX_CAPS_ADVERTISE_PDU pdu; if (!callback) return ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; if (!gfx) return ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION; context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; if (!context) return ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION; pdu.capsSetCount = 0; pdu.capsSets = (RDPGFX_CAPSET*)capsSets; if (!rdpgfx_is_capability_filtered(gfx, RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_8)) { capsSet = &capsSets[pdu.capsSetCount++]; capsSet->version = RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_8; capsSet->length = 4; capsSet->flags = 0; if (gfx->ThinClient) capsSet->flags |= RDPGFX_CAPS_FLAG_THINCLIENT; /* in CAPVERSION_8 the spec says that we should not have both * thinclient and smallcache (and thinclient implies a small cache) */ if (gfx->SmallCache && !gfx->ThinClient) capsSet->flags |= RDPGFX_CAPS_FLAG_SMALL_CACHE; } if (!rdpgfx_is_capability_filtered(gfx, RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_81)) { capsSet = &capsSets[pdu.capsSetCount++]; capsSet->version = RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_81; capsSet->length = 4; capsSet->flags = 0; if (gfx->ThinClient) capsSet->flags |= RDPGFX_CAPS_FLAG_THINCLIENT; if (gfx->SmallCache) capsSet->flags |= RDPGFX_CAPS_FLAG_SMALL_CACHE; #ifdef WITH_GFX_H264 if (gfx->H264) capsSet->flags |= RDPGFX_CAPS_FLAG_AVC420_ENABLED; #endif } if (!gfx->H264 || gfx->AVC444) { UINT32 caps10Flags = 0; if (gfx->SmallCache) caps10Flags |= RDPGFX_CAPS_FLAG_SMALL_CACHE; #ifdef WITH_GFX_H264 if (!gfx->AVC444) caps10Flags |= RDPGFX_CAPS_FLAG_AVC_DISABLED; #else caps10Flags |= RDPGFX_CAPS_FLAG_AVC_DISABLED; #endif if (!rdpgfx_is_capability_filtered(gfx, RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_10)) { capsSet = &capsSets[pdu.capsSetCount++]; capsSet->version = RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_10; capsSet->length = 4; capsSet->flags = caps10Flags; } if (!rdpgfx_is_capability_filtered(gfx, RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_101)) { capsSet = &capsSets[pdu.capsSetCount++]; capsSet->version = RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_101; capsSet->length = 0x10; capsSet->flags = 0; } if (!rdpgfx_is_capability_filtered(gfx, RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_102)) { capsSet = &capsSets[pdu.capsSetCount++]; capsSet->version = RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_102; capsSet->length = 0x4; capsSet->flags = caps10Flags; } if (gfx->ThinClient) { if ((caps10Flags & RDPGFX_CAPS_FLAG_AVC_DISABLED) == 0) caps10Flags |= RDPGFX_CAPS_FLAG_AVC_THINCLIENT; } if (!rdpgfx_is_capability_filtered(gfx, RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_103)) { capsSet = &capsSets[pdu.capsSetCount++]; capsSet->version = RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_103; capsSet->length = 0x4; capsSet->flags = caps10Flags & ~RDPGFX_CAPS_FLAG_SMALL_CACHE; } if (!rdpgfx_is_capability_filtered(gfx, RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_104)) { capsSet = &capsSets[pdu.capsSetCount++]; capsSet->version = RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_104; capsSet->length = 0x4; capsSet->flags = caps10Flags; } if (!rdpgfx_is_capability_filtered(gfx, RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_105)) { capsSet = &capsSets[pdu.capsSetCount++]; capsSet->version = RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_105; capsSet->length = 0x4; capsSet->flags = caps10Flags; } if (!rdpgfx_is_capability_filtered(gfx, RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_106)) { capsSet = &capsSets[pdu.capsSetCount++]; capsSet->version = RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_106; capsSet->length = 0x4; capsSet->flags = caps10Flags; } } return IFCALLRESULT(ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION, context->CapsAdvertise, context, &pdu); } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_caps_confirm_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { RDPGFX_CAPSET capsSet; RDPGFX_CAPS_CONFIRM_PDU pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; pdu.capsSet = &capsSet; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 12) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT32(s, capsSet.version); /* version (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, capsSet.length); /* capsDataLength (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, capsSet.flags); /* capsData (4 bytes) */ gfx->ConnectionCaps = capsSet; DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvCapsConfirmPdu: version: 0x%08" PRIX32 " flags: 0x%08" PRIX32 "", capsSet.version, capsSet.flags); if (!context) return ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION; return IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, context->CapsConfirm, context, &pdu); } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_send_frame_acknowledge_pdu(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_FRAME_ACKNOWLEDGE_PDU* pdu) { UINT error; wStream* s; RDPGFX_HEADER header; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx; RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback; if (!context || !pdu) return ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)context->handle; if (!gfx || !gfx->listener_callback) return ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION; callback = gfx->listener_callback->channel_callback; if (!callback) return ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION; header.flags = 0; header.cmdId = RDPGFX_CMDID_FRAMEACKNOWLEDGE; header.pduLength = RDPGFX_HEADER_SIZE + 12; DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "SendFrameAcknowledgePdu: %" PRIu32 "", pdu->frameId); s = Stream_New(NULL, header.pduLength); if (!s) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Stream_New failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } if ((error = rdpgfx_write_header(s, &header))) goto fail; /* RDPGFX_FRAME_ACKNOWLEDGE_PDU */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, pdu->queueDepth); /* queueDepth (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, pdu->frameId); /* frameId (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, pdu->totalFramesDecoded); /* totalFramesDecoded (4 bytes) */ error = callback->channel->Write(callback->channel, (UINT32)Stream_Length(s), Stream_Buffer(s), NULL); if (error == CHANNEL_RC_OK) /* frame successfully acked */ gfx->UnacknowledgedFrames--; fail: Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return error; } static UINT rdpgfx_send_qoe_frame_acknowledge_pdu(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_QOE_FRAME_ACKNOWLEDGE_PDU* pdu) { UINT error; wStream* s; RDPGFX_HEADER header; RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx; header.flags = 0; header.cmdId = RDPGFX_CMDID_QOEFRAMEACKNOWLEDGE; header.pduLength = RDPGFX_HEADER_SIZE + 12; if (!context || !pdu) return ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)context->handle; if (!gfx || !gfx->listener_callback) return ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION; callback = gfx->listener_callback->channel_callback; if (!callback) return ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION; DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "SendQoeFrameAcknowledgePdu: %" PRIu32 "", pdu->frameId); s = Stream_New(NULL, header.pduLength); if (!s) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Stream_New failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } if ((error = rdpgfx_write_header(s, &header))) goto fail; /* RDPGFX_FRAME_ACKNOWLEDGE_PDU */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, pdu->frameId); Stream_Write_UINT32(s, pdu->timestamp); Stream_Write_UINT16(s, pdu->timeDiffSE); Stream_Write_UINT16(s, pdu->timeDiffEDR); error = callback->channel->Write(callback->channel, (UINT32)Stream_Length(s), Stream_Buffer(s), NULL); fail: Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_send_cache_import_offer_pdu(RdpgfxClientContext* context, const RDPGFX_CACHE_IMPORT_OFFER_PDU* pdu) { UINT16 index; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; wStream* s; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx; RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback; RDPGFX_HEADER header; RDPGFX_CACHE_ENTRY_METADATA* cacheEntries; if (!context || !pdu) return ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)context->handle; if (!gfx || !gfx->listener_callback) return ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION; callback = gfx->listener_callback->channel_callback; if (!callback) return ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION; header.flags = 0; header.cmdId = RDPGFX_CMDID_CACHEIMPORTOFFER; header.pduLength = RDPGFX_HEADER_SIZE + 2 + pdu->cacheEntriesCount * 12; DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "SendCacheImportOfferPdu: cacheEntriesCount: %" PRIu16 "", pdu->cacheEntriesCount); s = Stream_New(NULL, header.pduLength); if (!s) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Stream_New failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } if ((error = rdpgfx_write_header(s, &header))) goto fail; if (pdu->cacheEntriesCount <= 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Invalid cacheEntriesCount: %" PRIu16 "", pdu->cacheEntriesCount); error = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; goto fail; } /* cacheEntriesCount (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, pdu->cacheEntriesCount); for (index = 0; index < pdu->cacheEntriesCount; index++) { cacheEntries = &(pdu->cacheEntries[index]); Stream_Write_UINT64(s, cacheEntries->cacheKey); /* cacheKey (8 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, cacheEntries->bitmapLength); /* bitmapLength (4 bytes) */ } error = callback->channel->Write(callback->channel, (UINT32)Stream_Length(s), Stream_Buffer(s), NULL); fail: Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_reset_graphics_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { int pad; UINT32 index; MONITOR_DEF* monitor; RDPGFX_RESET_GRAPHICS_PDU pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; GraphicsResetEventArgs graphicsReset; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 12) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.width); /* width (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.height); /* height (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.monitorCount); /* monitorCount (4 bytes) */ if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < (pdu.monitorCount * 20)) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } pdu.monitorDefArray = (MONITOR_DEF*)calloc(pdu.monitorCount, sizeof(MONITOR_DEF)); if (!pdu.monitorDefArray) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "calloc failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } for (index = 0; index < pdu.monitorCount; index++) { monitor = &(pdu.monitorDefArray[index]); Stream_Read_UINT32(s, monitor->left); /* left (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, monitor->top); /* top (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, monitor->right); /* right (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, monitor->bottom); /* bottom (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, monitor->flags); /* flags (4 bytes) */ } pad = 340 - (RDPGFX_HEADER_SIZE + 12 + (pdu.monitorCount * 20)); if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < (size_t)pad) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "Stream_GetRemainingLength failed!"); free(pdu.monitorDefArray); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } Stream_Seek(s, pad); /* pad (total size is 340 bytes) */ DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvResetGraphicsPdu: width: %" PRIu32 " height: %" PRIu32 " count: %" PRIu32 "", pdu.width, pdu.height, pdu.monitorCount); for (index = 0; index < pdu.monitorCount; index++) { monitor = &(pdu.monitorDefArray[index]); DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvResetGraphicsPdu: monitor left:%" PRIi32 " top:%" PRIi32 " right:%" PRIi32 " left:%" PRIi32 " flags:0x%" PRIx32 "", monitor->left, monitor->top, monitor->right, monitor->bottom, monitor->flags); } if (context) { IFCALLRET(context->ResetGraphics, error, context, &pdu); if (error) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->ResetGraphics failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } /* some listeners may be interested (namely the display channel) */ EventArgsInit(&graphicsReset, "libfreerdp"); graphicsReset.width = pdu.width; graphicsReset.height = pdu.height; PubSub_OnGraphicsReset(gfx->rdpcontext->pubSub, gfx->rdpcontext, &graphicsReset); free(pdu.monitorDefArray); return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_evict_cache_entry_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { RDPGFX_EVICT_CACHE_ENTRY_PDU pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 2) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.cacheSlot); /* cacheSlot (2 bytes) */ WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "RecvEvictCacheEntryPdu: cacheSlot: %" PRIu16 "", pdu.cacheSlot); if (context) { IFCALLRET(context->EvictCacheEntry, error, context, &pdu); if (error) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->EvictCacheEntry failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_cache_import_reply_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { UINT16 index; RDPGFX_CACHE_IMPORT_REPLY_PDU pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 2) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.importedEntriesCount); /* cacheSlot (2 bytes) */ if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < (size_t)(pdu.importedEntriesCount * 2)) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } pdu.cacheSlots = (UINT16*)calloc(pdu.importedEntriesCount, sizeof(UINT16)); if (!pdu.cacheSlots) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "calloc failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } for (index = 0; index < pdu.importedEntriesCount; index++) { Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.cacheSlots[index]); /* cacheSlot (2 bytes) */ } DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvCacheImportReplyPdu: importedEntriesCount: %" PRIu16 "", pdu.importedEntriesCount); if (context) { IFCALLRET(context->CacheImportReply, error, context, &pdu); if (error) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->CacheImportReply failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } free(pdu.cacheSlots); return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_create_surface_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { RDPGFX_CREATE_SURFACE_PDU pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 7) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.surfaceId); /* surfaceId (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.width); /* width (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.height); /* height (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, pdu.pixelFormat); /* RDPGFX_PIXELFORMAT (1 byte) */ DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvCreateSurfacePdu: surfaceId: %" PRIu16 " width: %" PRIu16 " height: %" PRIu16 " pixelFormat: 0x%02" PRIX8 "", pdu.surfaceId, pdu.width, pdu.height, pdu.pixelFormat); if (context) { IFCALLRET(context->CreateSurface, error, context, &pdu); if (error) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->CreateSurface failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_delete_surface_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { RDPGFX_DELETE_SURFACE_PDU pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 2) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.surfaceId); /* surfaceId (2 bytes) */ DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvDeleteSurfacePdu: surfaceId: %" PRIu16 "", pdu.surfaceId); if (context) { IFCALLRET(context->DeleteSurface, error, context, &pdu); if (error) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->DeleteSurface failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_start_frame_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { RDPGFX_START_FRAME_PDU pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < RDPGFX_START_FRAME_PDU_SIZE) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.timestamp); /* timestamp (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.frameId); /* frameId (4 bytes) */ DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvStartFramePdu: frameId: %" PRIu32 " timestamp: 0x%08" PRIX32 "", pdu.frameId, pdu.timestamp); gfx->StartDecodingTime = GetTickCount64(); if (context) { IFCALLRET(context->StartFrame, error, context, &pdu); if (error) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->StartFrame failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } gfx->UnacknowledgedFrames++; return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_end_frame_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { RDPGFX_END_FRAME_PDU pdu; RDPGFX_FRAME_ACKNOWLEDGE_PDU ack; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < RDPGFX_END_FRAME_PDU_SIZE) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.frameId); /* frameId (4 bytes) */ DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvEndFramePdu: frameId: %" PRIu32 "", pdu.frameId); if (context) { IFCALLRET(context->EndFrame, error, context, &pdu); if (error) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->EndFrame failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); return error; } } gfx->TotalDecodedFrames++; if (!gfx->sendFrameAcks) return error; ack.frameId = pdu.frameId; ack.totalFramesDecoded = gfx->TotalDecodedFrames; if (gfx->suspendFrameAcks) { ack.queueDepth = SUSPEND_FRAME_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT; if (gfx->TotalDecodedFrames == 1) if ((error = rdpgfx_send_frame_acknowledge_pdu(context, &ack))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_send_frame_acknowledge_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } else { ack.queueDepth = QUEUE_DEPTH_UNAVAILABLE; if ((error = rdpgfx_send_frame_acknowledge_pdu(context, &ack))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_send_frame_acknowledge_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } switch (gfx->ConnectionCaps.version) { case RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_10: case RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_102: case RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_103: case RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_104: case RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_105: case RDPGFX_CAPVERSION_106: if (gfx->SendQoeAck) { RDPGFX_QOE_FRAME_ACKNOWLEDGE_PDU qoe; UINT64 diff = (GetTickCount64() - gfx->StartDecodingTime); if (diff > 65000) diff = 0; qoe.frameId = pdu.frameId; qoe.timestamp = gfx->StartDecodingTime; qoe.timeDiffSE = diff; qoe.timeDiffEDR = 1; if ((error = rdpgfx_send_qoe_frame_acknowledge_pdu(context, &qoe))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_send_qoe_frame_acknowledge_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } break; default: break; } return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_wire_to_surface_1_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { RDPGFX_SURFACE_COMMAND cmd; RDPGFX_WIRE_TO_SURFACE_PDU_1 pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; UINT error; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < RDPGFX_WIRE_TO_SURFACE_PDU_1_SIZE) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.surfaceId); /* surfaceId (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.codecId); /* codecId (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, pdu.pixelFormat); /* pixelFormat (1 byte) */ if ((error = rdpgfx_read_rect16(s, &(pdu.destRect)))) /* destRect (8 bytes) */ { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_read_rect16 failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); return error; } Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.bitmapDataLength); /* bitmapDataLength (4 bytes) */ if (pdu.bitmapDataLength > Stream_GetRemainingLength(s)) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } pdu.bitmapData = Stream_Pointer(s); Stream_Seek(s, pdu.bitmapDataLength); DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvWireToSurface1Pdu: surfaceId: %" PRIu16 " codecId: %s (0x%04" PRIX16 ") pixelFormat: 0x%02" PRIX8 " " "destRect: left: %" PRIu16 " top: %" PRIu16 " right: %" PRIu16 " bottom: %" PRIu16 " bitmapDataLength: %" PRIu32 "", pdu.surfaceId, rdpgfx_get_codec_id_string(pdu.codecId), pdu.codecId, pdu.pixelFormat, pdu.destRect.left, pdu.destRect.top, pdu.destRect.right, pdu.destRect.bottom, pdu.bitmapDataLength); cmd.surfaceId = pdu.surfaceId; cmd.codecId = pdu.codecId; cmd.contextId = 0; switch (pdu.pixelFormat) { case GFX_PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB_8888: cmd.format = PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRX32; break; case GFX_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB_8888: cmd.format = PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA32; break; default: return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } cmd.left = pdu.destRect.left; cmd.top = pdu.destRect.top; cmd.right = pdu.destRect.right; cmd.bottom = pdu.destRect.bottom; cmd.width = cmd.right - cmd.left; cmd.height = cmd.bottom - cmd.top; cmd.length = pdu.bitmapDataLength; cmd.data = pdu.bitmapData; cmd.extra = NULL; if ((error = rdpgfx_decode(gfx, &cmd))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_decode failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_wire_to_surface_2_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { RDPGFX_SURFACE_COMMAND cmd; RDPGFX_WIRE_TO_SURFACE_PDU_2 pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < RDPGFX_WIRE_TO_SURFACE_PDU_2_SIZE) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.surfaceId); /* surfaceId (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.codecId); /* codecId (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.codecContextId); /* codecContextId (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, pdu.pixelFormat); /* pixelFormat (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.bitmapDataLength); /* bitmapDataLength (4 bytes) */ pdu.bitmapData = Stream_Pointer(s); Stream_Seek(s, pdu.bitmapDataLength); DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvWireToSurface2Pdu: surfaceId: %" PRIu16 " codecId: %s (0x%04" PRIX16 ") " "codecContextId: %" PRIu32 " pixelFormat: 0x%02" PRIX8 " bitmapDataLength: %" PRIu32 "", pdu.surfaceId, rdpgfx_get_codec_id_string(pdu.codecId), pdu.codecId, pdu.codecContextId, pdu.pixelFormat, pdu.bitmapDataLength); cmd.surfaceId = pdu.surfaceId; cmd.codecId = pdu.codecId; cmd.contextId = pdu.codecContextId; switch (pdu.pixelFormat) { case GFX_PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB_8888: cmd.format = PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRX32; break; case GFX_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB_8888: cmd.format = PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA32; break; default: return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } cmd.left = 0; cmd.top = 0; cmd.right = 0; cmd.bottom = 0; cmd.width = 0; cmd.height = 0; cmd.length = pdu.bitmapDataLength; cmd.data = pdu.bitmapData; cmd.extra = NULL; if (context) { IFCALLRET(context->SurfaceCommand, error, context, &cmd); if (error) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->SurfaceCommand failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_delete_encoding_context_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { RDPGFX_DELETE_ENCODING_CONTEXT_PDU pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 6) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.surfaceId); /* surfaceId (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.codecContextId); /* codecContextId (4 bytes) */ DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvDeleteEncodingContextPdu: surfaceId: %" PRIu16 " codecContextId: %" PRIu32 "", pdu.surfaceId, pdu.codecContextId); if (context) { IFCALLRET(context->DeleteEncodingContext, error, context, &pdu); if (error) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->DeleteEncodingContext failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_solid_fill_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { UINT16 index; RECTANGLE_16* fillRect; RDPGFX_SOLID_FILL_PDU pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 8) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.surfaceId); /* surfaceId (2 bytes) */ if ((error = rdpgfx_read_color32(s, &(pdu.fillPixel)))) /* fillPixel (4 bytes) */ { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_read_color32 failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); return error; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.fillRectCount); /* fillRectCount (2 bytes) */ if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < (size_t)(pdu.fillRectCount * 8)) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } pdu.fillRects = (RECTANGLE_16*)calloc(pdu.fillRectCount, sizeof(RECTANGLE_16)); if (!pdu.fillRects) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "calloc failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } for (index = 0; index < pdu.fillRectCount; index++) { fillRect = &(pdu.fillRects[index]); if ((error = rdpgfx_read_rect16(s, fillRect))) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_read_rect16 failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); free(pdu.fillRects); return error; } } DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvSolidFillPdu: surfaceId: %" PRIu16 " fillRectCount: %" PRIu16 "", pdu.surfaceId, pdu.fillRectCount); if (context) { IFCALLRET(context->SolidFill, error, context, &pdu); if (error) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->SolidFill failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } free(pdu.fillRects); return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_surface_to_surface_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { UINT16 index; RDPGFX_POINT16* destPt; RDPGFX_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE_PDU pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 14) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.surfaceIdSrc); /* surfaceIdSrc (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.surfaceIdDest); /* surfaceIdDest (2 bytes) */ if ((error = rdpgfx_read_rect16(s, &(pdu.rectSrc)))) /* rectSrc (8 bytes ) */ { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_read_rect16 failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); return error; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.destPtsCount); /* destPtsCount (2 bytes) */ if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < (size_t)(pdu.destPtsCount * 4)) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } pdu.destPts = (RDPGFX_POINT16*)calloc(pdu.destPtsCount, sizeof(RDPGFX_POINT16)); if (!pdu.destPts) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "calloc failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } for (index = 0; index < pdu.destPtsCount; index++) { destPt = &(pdu.destPts[index]); if ((error = rdpgfx_read_point16(s, destPt))) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_read_point16 failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); free(pdu.destPts); return error; } } DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvSurfaceToSurfacePdu: surfaceIdSrc: %" PRIu16 " surfaceIdDest: %" PRIu16 " " "left: %" PRIu16 " top: %" PRIu16 " right: %" PRIu16 " bottom: %" PRIu16 " destPtsCount: %" PRIu16 "", pdu.surfaceIdSrc, pdu.surfaceIdDest, pdu.rectSrc.left, pdu.rectSrc.top, pdu.rectSrc.right, pdu.rectSrc.bottom, pdu.destPtsCount); if (context) { IFCALLRET(context->SurfaceToSurface, error, context, &pdu); if (error) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->SurfaceToSurface failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } free(pdu.destPts); return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_surface_to_cache_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { RDPGFX_SURFACE_TO_CACHE_PDU pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 20) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.surfaceId); /* surfaceId (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT64(s, pdu.cacheKey); /* cacheKey (8 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.cacheSlot); /* cacheSlot (2 bytes) */ if ((error = rdpgfx_read_rect16(s, &(pdu.rectSrc)))) /* rectSrc (8 bytes ) */ { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_read_rect16 failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); return error; } DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvSurfaceToCachePdu: surfaceId: %" PRIu16 " cacheKey: 0x%016" PRIX64 " cacheSlot: %" PRIu16 " " "left: %" PRIu16 " top: %" PRIu16 " right: %" PRIu16 " bottom: %" PRIu16 "", pdu.surfaceId, pdu.cacheKey, pdu.cacheSlot, pdu.rectSrc.left, pdu.rectSrc.top, pdu.rectSrc.right, pdu.rectSrc.bottom); if (context) { IFCALLRET(context->SurfaceToCache, error, context, &pdu); if (error) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->SurfaceToCache failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_cache_to_surface_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { UINT16 index; RDPGFX_POINT16* destPt; RDPGFX_CACHE_TO_SURFACE_PDU pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 6) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.cacheSlot); /* cacheSlot (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.surfaceId); /* surfaceId (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.destPtsCount); /* destPtsCount (2 bytes) */ if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < (size_t)(pdu.destPtsCount * 4)) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } pdu.destPts = (RDPGFX_POINT16*)calloc(pdu.destPtsCount, sizeof(RDPGFX_POINT16)); if (!pdu.destPts) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "calloc failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } for (index = 0; index < pdu.destPtsCount; index++) { destPt = &(pdu.destPts[index]); if ((error = rdpgfx_read_point16(s, destPt))) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_read_point16 failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); free(pdu.destPts); return error; } } DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RdpGfxRecvCacheToSurfacePdu: cacheSlot: %" PRIu16 " surfaceId: %" PRIu16 " destPtsCount: %" PRIu16 "", pdu.cacheSlot, pdu.surfaceId, pdu.destPtsCount); if (context) { IFCALLRET(context->CacheToSurface, error, context, &pdu); if (error) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->CacheToSurface failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } free(pdu.destPts); return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_map_surface_to_output_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { RDPGFX_MAP_SURFACE_TO_OUTPUT_PDU pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 12) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.surfaceId); /* surfaceId (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.reserved); /* reserved (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.outputOriginX); /* outputOriginX (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.outputOriginY); /* outputOriginY (4 bytes) */ DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvMapSurfaceToOutputPdu: surfaceId: %" PRIu16 " outputOriginX: %" PRIu32 " outputOriginY: %" PRIu32 "", pdu.surfaceId, pdu.outputOriginX, pdu.outputOriginY); if (context) { IFCALLRET(context->MapSurfaceToOutput, error, context, &pdu); if (error) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->MapSurfaceToOutput failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } return error; } static UINT rdpgfx_recv_map_surface_to_scaled_output_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { RDPGFX_MAP_SURFACE_TO_SCALED_OUTPUT_PDU pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 20) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.surfaceId); /* surfaceId (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.reserved); /* reserved (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.outputOriginX); /* outputOriginX (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.outputOriginY); /* outputOriginY (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.targetWidth); /* targetWidth (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.targetHeight); /* targetHeight (4 bytes) */ DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvMapSurfaceToScaledOutputPdu: surfaceId: %" PRIu16 " outputOriginX: %" PRIu32 " outputOriginY: %" PRIu32 " targetWidth: %" PRIu32 " targetHeight: %" PRIu32, pdu.surfaceId, pdu.outputOriginX, pdu.outputOriginY, pdu.targetWidth, pdu.targetHeight); if (context) { IFCALLRET(context->MapSurfaceToScaledOutput, error, context, &pdu); if (error) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->MapSurfaceToScaledOutput failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_map_surface_to_window_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { RDPGFX_MAP_SURFACE_TO_WINDOW_PDU pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 18) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.surfaceId); /* surfaceId (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT64(s, pdu.windowId); /* windowId (8 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.mappedWidth); /* mappedWidth (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.mappedHeight); /* mappedHeight (4 bytes) */ DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvMapSurfaceToWindowPdu: surfaceId: %" PRIu16 " windowId: 0x%016" PRIX64 " mappedWidth: %" PRIu32 " mappedHeight: %" PRIu32 "", pdu.surfaceId, pdu.windowId, pdu.mappedWidth, pdu.mappedHeight); if (context && context->MapSurfaceToWindow) { IFCALLRET(context->MapSurfaceToWindow, error, context, &pdu); if (error) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->MapSurfaceToWindow failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } return error; } static UINT rdpgfx_recv_map_surface_to_scaled_window_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { RDPGFX_MAP_SURFACE_TO_SCALED_WINDOW_PDU pdu; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 26) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "not enough data!"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, pdu.surfaceId); /* surfaceId (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT64(s, pdu.windowId); /* windowId (8 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.mappedWidth); /* mappedWidth (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.mappedHeight); /* mappedHeight (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.targetWidth); /* targetWidth (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, pdu.targetHeight); /* targetHeight (4 bytes) */ DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "RecvMapSurfaceToScaledWindowPdu: surfaceId: %" PRIu16 " windowId: 0x%016" PRIX64 " mappedWidth: %" PRIu32 " mappedHeight: %" PRIu32 " targetWidth: %" PRIu32 " targetHeight: %" PRIu32 "", pdu.surfaceId, pdu.windowId, pdu.mappedWidth, pdu.mappedHeight, pdu.targetWidth, pdu.targetHeight); if (context && context->MapSurfaceToScaledWindow) { IFCALLRET(context->MapSurfaceToScaledWindow, error, context, &pdu); if (error) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->MapSurfaceToScaledWindow failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_recv_pdu(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s) { size_t beg, end; RDPGFX_HEADER header; UINT error; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; beg = Stream_GetPosition(s); if ((error = rdpgfx_read_header(s, &header))) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_read_header failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); return error; } DEBUG_RDPGFX( gfx->log, "cmdId: %s (0x%04" PRIX16 ") flags: 0x%04" PRIX16 " pduLength: %" PRIu32 "", rdpgfx_get_cmd_id_string(header.cmdId), header.cmdId, header.flags, header.pduLength); switch (header.cmdId) { case RDPGFX_CMDID_WIRETOSURFACE_1: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_wire_to_surface_1_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_wire_to_surface_1_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_WIRETOSURFACE_2: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_wire_to_surface_2_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_wire_to_surface_2_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_DELETEENCODINGCONTEXT: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_delete_encoding_context_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_delete_encoding_context_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_SOLIDFILL: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_solid_fill_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_solid_fill_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_SURFACETOSURFACE: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_surface_to_surface_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_surface_to_surface_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_SURFACETOCACHE: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_surface_to_cache_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_surface_to_cache_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_CACHETOSURFACE: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_cache_to_surface_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_cache_to_surface_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_EVICTCACHEENTRY: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_evict_cache_entry_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_evict_cache_entry_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_CREATESURFACE: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_create_surface_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_create_surface_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_DELETESURFACE: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_delete_surface_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_delete_surface_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_STARTFRAME: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_start_frame_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_start_frame_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_ENDFRAME: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_end_frame_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_end_frame_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_RESETGRAPHICS: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_reset_graphics_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_reset_graphics_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_MAPSURFACETOOUTPUT: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_map_surface_to_output_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_map_surface_to_output_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_CACHEIMPORTREPLY: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_cache_import_reply_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_cache_import_reply_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_CAPSCONFIRM: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_caps_confirm_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_caps_confirm_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_MAPSURFACETOWINDOW: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_map_surface_to_window_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_map_surface_to_window_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_MAPSURFACETOSCALEDWINDOW: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_map_surface_to_scaled_window_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_map_surface_to_scaled_window_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; case RDPGFX_CMDID_MAPSURFACETOSCALEDOUTPUT: if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_map_surface_to_scaled_output_pdu(callback, s))) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_map_surface_to_scaled_output_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; default: error = CHANNEL_RC_BAD_PROC; break; } if (error) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "Error while processing GFX cmdId: %s (0x%04" PRIX16 ")", rdpgfx_get_cmd_id_string(header.cmdId), header.cmdId); return error; } end = Stream_GetPosition(s); if (end != (beg + header.pduLength)) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "Unexpected gfx pdu end: Actual: %d, Expected: %" PRIu32 "", end, (beg + header.pduLength)); Stream_SetPosition(s, (beg + header.pduLength)); } return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_on_data_received(IWTSVirtualChannelCallback* pChannelCallback, wStream* data) { wStream* s; int status = 0; UINT32 DstSize = 0; BYTE* pDstData = NULL; RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback = (RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK*)pChannelCallback; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; status = zgfx_decompress(gfx->zgfx, Stream_Pointer(data), Stream_GetRemainingLength(data), &pDstData, &DstSize, 0); if (status < 0) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "zgfx_decompress failure! status: %d", status); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } s = Stream_New(pDstData, DstSize); if (!s) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "calloc failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } while (Stream_GetPosition(s) < Stream_Length(s)) { if ((error = rdpgfx_recv_pdu(callback, s))) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "rdpgfx_recv_pdu failed with error %" PRIu32 "!", error); break; } } Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_on_open(IWTSVirtualChannelCallback* pChannelCallback) { RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback = (RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK*)pChannelCallback; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; BOOL do_caps_advertise = TRUE; gfx->sendFrameAcks = TRUE; if (context) { IFCALLRET(context->OnOpen, error, context, &do_caps_advertise, &gfx->sendFrameAcks); if (error) WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "context->OnOpen failed with error %" PRIu32 "", error); } if (do_caps_advertise) error = rdpgfx_send_supported_caps(callback); return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_on_close(IWTSVirtualChannelCallback* pChannelCallback) { RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback = (RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK*)pChannelCallback; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "OnClose"); free_surfaces(context, gfx->SurfaceTable); evict_cache_slots(context, gfx->MaxCacheSlots, gfx->CacheSlots); if (gfx->listener_callback) { free(gfx->listener_callback); gfx->listener_callback = NULL; } free(callback); gfx->UnacknowledgedFrames = 0; gfx->TotalDecodedFrames = 0; if (context) { IFCALL(context->OnClose, context); } return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_on_new_channel_connection(IWTSListenerCallback* pListenerCallback, IWTSVirtualChannel* pChannel, BYTE* Data, BOOL* pbAccept, IWTSVirtualChannelCallback** ppCallback) { RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback; RDPGFX_LISTENER_CALLBACK* listener_callback = (RDPGFX_LISTENER_CALLBACK*)pListenerCallback; callback = (RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK*)calloc(1, sizeof(RDPGFX_CHANNEL_CALLBACK)); if (!callback) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "calloc failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } callback->iface.OnDataReceived = rdpgfx_on_data_received; callback->iface.OnOpen = rdpgfx_on_open; callback->iface.OnClose = rdpgfx_on_close; callback->plugin = listener_callback->plugin; callback->channel_mgr = listener_callback->channel_mgr; callback->channel = pChannel; listener_callback->channel_callback = callback; *ppCallback = (IWTSVirtualChannelCallback*)callback; return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_plugin_initialize(IWTSPlugin* pPlugin, IWTSVirtualChannelManager* pChannelMgr) { UINT error; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)pPlugin; gfx->listener_callback = (RDPGFX_LISTENER_CALLBACK*)calloc(1, sizeof(RDPGFX_LISTENER_CALLBACK)); if (!gfx->listener_callback) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "calloc failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } gfx->listener_callback->iface.OnNewChannelConnection = rdpgfx_on_new_channel_connection; gfx->listener_callback->plugin = pPlugin; gfx->listener_callback->channel_mgr = pChannelMgr; error = pChannelMgr->CreateListener(pChannelMgr, RDPGFX_DVC_CHANNEL_NAME, 0, (IWTSListenerCallback*)gfx->listener_callback, &(gfx->listener)); gfx->listener->pInterface = gfx->iface.pInterface; DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "Initialize"); return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_plugin_terminated(IWTSPlugin* pPlugin) { RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)pPlugin; RdpgfxClientContext* context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)gfx->iface.pInterface; DEBUG_RDPGFX(gfx->log, "Terminated"); rdpgfx_client_context_free(context); return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_set_surface_data(RdpgfxClientContext* context, UINT16 surfaceId, void* pData) { ULONG_PTR key; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)context->handle; key = ((ULONG_PTR)surfaceId) + 1; if (pData) HashTable_Add(gfx->SurfaceTable, (void*)key, pData); else HashTable_Remove(gfx->SurfaceTable, (void*)key); return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_get_surface_ids(RdpgfxClientContext* context, UINT16** ppSurfaceIds, UINT16* count_out) { int count; int index; UINT16* pSurfaceIds; ULONG_PTR* pKeys = NULL; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)context->handle; count = HashTable_GetKeys(gfx->SurfaceTable, &pKeys); if (count < 1) { *count_out = 0; return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } pSurfaceIds = (UINT16*)calloc(count, sizeof(UINT16)); if (!pSurfaceIds) { WLog_Print(gfx->log, WLOG_ERROR, "calloc failed!"); free(pKeys); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { pSurfaceIds[index] = pKeys[index] - 1; } free(pKeys); *ppSurfaceIds = pSurfaceIds; *count_out = (UINT16)count; return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } static void* rdpgfx_get_surface_data(RdpgfxClientContext* context, UINT16 surfaceId) { ULONG_PTR key; void* pData = NULL; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)context->handle; key = ((ULONG_PTR)surfaceId) + 1; pData = HashTable_GetItemValue(gfx->SurfaceTable, (void*)key); return pData; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpgfx_set_cache_slot_data(RdpgfxClientContext* context, UINT16 cacheSlot, void* pData) { RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)context->handle; /* Microsoft uses 1-based indexing for the egfx bitmap cache ! */ if (cacheSlot == 0 || cacheSlot > gfx->MaxCacheSlots) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "%s: invalid cache slot %" PRIu16 ", must be between 1 and %" PRIu16 "", __FUNCTION__, cacheSlot, gfx->MaxCacheSlots); return ERROR_INVALID_INDEX; } gfx->CacheSlots[cacheSlot - 1] = pData; return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } static void* rdpgfx_get_cache_slot_data(RdpgfxClientContext* context, UINT16 cacheSlot) { void* pData = NULL; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)context->handle; /* Microsoft uses 1-based indexing for the egfx bitmap cache ! */ if (cacheSlot == 0 || cacheSlot > gfx->MaxCacheSlots) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "%s: invalid cache slot %" PRIu16 ", must be between 1 and %" PRIu16 "", __FUNCTION__, cacheSlot, gfx->MaxCacheSlots); return NULL; } pData = gfx->CacheSlots[cacheSlot - 1]; return pData; } #ifdef BUILTIN_CHANNELS #define DVCPluginEntry rdpgfx_DVCPluginEntry #else #define DVCPluginEntry FREERDP_API DVCPluginEntry #endif RdpgfxClientContext* rdpgfx_client_context_new(rdpSettings* settings) { RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx; RdpgfxClientContext* context; gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)calloc(1, sizeof(RDPGFX_PLUGIN)); if (!gfx) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "calloc failed!"); return NULL; } gfx->log = WLog_Get(TAG); if (!gfx->log) { free(gfx); WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to acquire reference to WLog %s", TAG); return NULL; } gfx->settings = settings; gfx->rdpcontext = ((freerdp*)gfx->settings->instance)->context; gfx->SurfaceTable = HashTable_New(TRUE); if (!gfx->SurfaceTable) { free(gfx); WLog_ERR(TAG, "HashTable_New failed!"); return NULL; } gfx->ThinClient = gfx->settings->GfxThinClient; gfx->SmallCache = gfx->settings->GfxSmallCache; gfx->Progressive = gfx->settings->GfxProgressive; gfx->ProgressiveV2 = gfx->settings->GfxProgressiveV2; gfx->H264 = gfx->settings->GfxH264; gfx->AVC444 = gfx->settings->GfxAVC444; gfx->SendQoeAck = gfx->settings->GfxSendQoeAck; gfx->capsFilter = gfx->settings->GfxCapsFilter; if (gfx->H264) gfx->SmallCache = TRUE; gfx->MaxCacheSlots = gfx->SmallCache ? 4096 : 25600; context = (RdpgfxClientContext*)calloc(1, sizeof(RdpgfxClientContext)); if (!context) { free(gfx); WLog_ERR(TAG, "calloc failed!"); return NULL; } context->handle = (void*)gfx; context->GetSurfaceIds = rdpgfx_get_surface_ids; context->SetSurfaceData = rdpgfx_set_surface_data; context->GetSurfaceData = rdpgfx_get_surface_data; context->SetCacheSlotData = rdpgfx_set_cache_slot_data; context->GetCacheSlotData = rdpgfx_get_cache_slot_data; context->CapsAdvertise = rdpgfx_send_caps_advertise_pdu; context->FrameAcknowledge = rdpgfx_send_frame_acknowledge_pdu; context->CacheImportOffer = rdpgfx_send_cache_import_offer_pdu; context->QoeFrameAcknowledge = rdpgfx_send_qoe_frame_acknowledge_pdu; gfx->iface.pInterface = (void*)context; gfx->zgfx = zgfx_context_new(FALSE); if (!gfx->zgfx) { free(gfx); free(context); WLog_ERR(TAG, "zgfx_context_new failed!"); return NULL; } return context; } void rdpgfx_client_context_free(RdpgfxClientContext* context) { RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx; if (!context) return; gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)context->handle; free_surfaces(context, gfx->SurfaceTable); evict_cache_slots(context, gfx->MaxCacheSlots, gfx->CacheSlots); if (gfx->listener_callback) { free(gfx->listener_callback); gfx->listener_callback = NULL; } if (gfx->zgfx) { zgfx_context_free(gfx->zgfx); gfx->zgfx = NULL; } HashTable_Free(gfx->SurfaceTable); free(context); free(gfx); } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ UINT DVCPluginEntry(IDRDYNVC_ENTRY_POINTS* pEntryPoints) { UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; RDPGFX_PLUGIN* gfx; RdpgfxClientContext* context; gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)pEntryPoints->GetPlugin(pEntryPoints, "rdpgfx"); if (!gfx) { context = rdpgfx_client_context_new((rdpSettings*)pEntryPoints->GetRdpSettings(pEntryPoints)); if (!context) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpgfx_client_context_new failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } gfx = (RDPGFX_PLUGIN*)context->handle; gfx->iface.Initialize = rdpgfx_plugin_initialize; gfx->iface.Connected = NULL; gfx->iface.Disconnected = NULL; gfx->iface.Terminated = rdpgfx_plugin_terminated; error = pEntryPoints->RegisterPlugin(pEntryPoints, "rdpgfx", (IWTSPlugin*)gfx); } return error; }