# - Try to find Pkcs11-helper # Using Pkg-config if available for path # # PKCS11_FOUND - all required ffmpeg components found on system # PKCS11_INCLUDE_DIRS - combined include directories # PKCS11_LIBRARIES - combined libraries to link include(FindPkgConfig) if (PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) pkg_check_modules(PKCS11 libpkcs11-helper-1) endif() find_path(PKCS11_INCLUDE_DIR pkcs11-helper-1.0/pkcs11.h PATHS ${PKCS11_INCLUDE_DIRS}) find_library(PKCS11_LIBRARY pkcs11-helper PATHS ${PKCS11_LIBRARY_DIRS}) if (PKCS11_INCLUDE_DIR AND PKCS11_LIBRARY) set(PKCS11_FOUND TRUE) endif() # include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) # FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(FFmpeg DEFAULT_MSG AVUTIL_FOUND AVCODEC_FOUND SWRESAMPLE_FOUND)