#!/bin/sh # # This script checks out or updates and builds third party libraries # required for the android build. # # Specifically these are: # - OpenSSL # - Android NDK Profiler # - Jpeg library # # Usage: # android_setup_build_env.sh OPENSSL_SCM=https://github.com/akallabeth/openssl-android.git OPENSSL_TAG=1.0.1h-fips-2.0.7 NDK_PROFILER_SCM=https://github.com/richq/android-ndk-profiler.git JPEG_LIBRARY_SCM=https://github.com/akallabeth/jpeg8d.git SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0) if [ -x $ANDROID_NDK/ndk-build ]; then NDK_BUILD=$ANDROID_NDK/ndk-build else echo "ndk-build not found in NDK directory $ANDROID_NDK" echo "assuming ndk-build is in path..." NDK_BUILD=ndk-build fi if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "Missing command line argument, current directory as root." ROOT=`pwd` ROOT=$ROOT/external else ROOT=`readlink -f $1` fi if [ ! -d $ROOT ]; then echo "Argument '$ROOT' is not a directory." exit -2 fi echo "Using '$ROOT' as root." echo "Preparing OpenSSL..." OPENSSL_SRC=$ROOT/openssl-build if [ -d $OPENSSL_SRC ]; then cd $OPENSSL_SRC git fetch RETVAL=$? else git clone $OPENSSL_SCM $OPENSSL_SRC RETVAL=$? fi if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to execute git command [$RETVAL]" exit -3 fi cd $OPENSSL_SRC # We want to build a specific TAG git checkout $OPENSSL_TAG make clean # The makefile has a bug, which aborts during # first compilation. Rerun make to build the whole lib. make RETVAL=$? if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to execute make command [$RETVAL]" exit -4 fi # Copy the created library to the default openssl directory, # so that CMake will detect it automatically. SSL_ROOT=`find $OPENSSL_SRC -type d -name "openssl-?.?.*"` if [ -z "$SSL_ROOT" ]; then echo "OpenSSL was not build successfully, aborting." exit -42 fi mkdir -p $SSL_ROOT/lib cp $SSL_ROOT/*.a $SSL_ROOT/lib/ rm -f $ROOT/openssl ln -s $SSL_ROOT $ROOT/openssl echo "Preparing NDK profiler..." NDK_PROFILER_SRC=$ROOT/android-ndk-profiler if [ -d $NDK_PROFILER_SRC ]; then cd $NDK_PROFILER_SRC git pull RETVAL=$? else git clone $NDK_PROFILER_SCM $NDK_PROFILER_SRC RETVAL=$? fi if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to execute git command [$RETVAL]" exit -5 fi cd $NDK_PROFILER_SRC $NDK_BUILD V=1 APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a clean $NDK_BUILD V=1 APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a RETVAL=$? if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to execute $NDK_BUILD command [$RETVAL]" exit -6 fi echo "Preparing JPEG library..." JPEG_LIBRARY_SRC=$ROOT/jpeg8d if [ -d $JPEG_LIBRARY_SRC ]; then cd $JPEG_LIBRARY_SRC git pull RETVAL=$? else git clone $JPEG_LIBRARY_SCM $JPEG_LIBRARY_SRC RETVAL=$? fi if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to execute git command [$RETVAL]" exit -6 fi cd $JPEG_LIBRARY_SRC $NDK_BUILD V=1 APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a clean $NDK_BUILD V=1 APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a RETVAL=$? if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to execute $NDK_BUILD command [$RETVAL]" exit -7 fi mkdir -p $JPEG_LIBRARY_SRC/lib cp $JPEG_LIBRARY_SRC/obj/local/armeabi-v7a/*.a $JPEG_LIBRARY_SRC/lib/ echo "Prepared external libraries, you can now build the application." exit 0