/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * Update Interface API * * Copyright 2011 Marc-Andre Moreau * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __UPDATE_API_H #define __UPDATE_API_H typedef struct rdp_update rdpUpdate; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Bitmap Updates */ struct _BITMAP_DATA { UINT32 destLeft; UINT32 destTop; UINT32 destRight; UINT32 destBottom; UINT32 width; UINT32 height; UINT32 bitsPerPixel; UINT32 flags; UINT32 bitmapLength; UINT32 cbCompFirstRowSize; UINT32 cbCompMainBodySize; UINT32 cbScanWidth; UINT32 cbUncompressedSize; BYTE* bitmapDataStream; BOOL compressed; }; typedef struct _BITMAP_DATA BITMAP_DATA; struct _BITMAP_UPDATE { UINT32 count; UINT32 number; BITMAP_DATA* rectangles; }; typedef struct _BITMAP_UPDATE BITMAP_UPDATE; /* Palette Updates */ struct _PALETTE_ENTRY { BYTE red; BYTE green; BYTE blue; }; typedef struct _PALETTE_ENTRY PALETTE_ENTRY; struct _PALETTE_UPDATE { UINT32 number; PALETTE_ENTRY entries[256]; }; typedef struct _PALETTE_UPDATE PALETTE_UPDATE; struct rdp_palette { UINT32 count; PALETTE_ENTRY* entries; }; typedef struct rdp_palette rdpPalette; /* Play Sound (System Beep) Updates */ struct _PLAY_SOUND_UPDATE { UINT32 duration; UINT32 frequency; }; typedef struct _PLAY_SOUND_UPDATE PLAY_SOUND_UPDATE; /* Surface Command Updates */ struct _SURFACE_BITS_COMMAND { UINT32 cmdType; UINT32 destLeft; UINT32 destTop; UINT32 destRight; UINT32 destBottom; UINT32 bpp; UINT32 codecID; UINT32 width; UINT32 height; UINT32 bitmapDataLength; BYTE* bitmapData; }; typedef struct _SURFACE_BITS_COMMAND SURFACE_BITS_COMMAND; struct _SURFACE_FRAME_MARKER { UINT32 frameAction; UINT32 frameId; }; typedef struct _SURFACE_FRAME_MARKER SURFACE_FRAME_MARKER; enum SURFCMD_FRAMEACTION { SURFACECMD_FRAMEACTION_BEGIN = 0x0000, SURFACECMD_FRAMEACTION_END = 0x0001 }; /* Update Interface */ typedef void (*pBeginPaint)(rdpContext* context); typedef void (*pEndPaint)(rdpContext* context); typedef void (*pSetBounds)(rdpContext* context, rdpBounds* bounds); typedef void (*pSynchronize)(rdpContext* context); typedef void (*pDesktopResize)(rdpContext* context); typedef void (*pBitmapUpdate)(rdpContext* context, BITMAP_UPDATE* bitmap); typedef void (*pPalette)(rdpContext* context, PALETTE_UPDATE* palette); typedef void (*pPlaySound)(rdpContext* context, PLAY_SOUND_UPDATE* play_sound); typedef void (*pRefreshRect)(rdpContext* context, BYTE count, RECTANGLE_16* areas); typedef void (*pSuppressOutput)(rdpContext* context, BYTE allow, RECTANGLE_16* area); typedef void (*pSurfaceCommand)(rdpContext* context, STREAM* s); typedef void (*pSurfaceBits)(rdpContext* context, SURFACE_BITS_COMMAND* surface_bits_command); typedef void (*pSurfaceFrameMarker)(rdpContext* context, SURFACE_FRAME_MARKER* surface_frame_marker); struct rdp_update { rdpContext* context; /* 0 */ UINT32 paddingA[16 - 1]; /* 1 */ pBeginPaint BeginPaint; /* 16 */ pEndPaint EndPaint; /* 17 */ pSetBounds SetBounds; /* 18 */ pSynchronize Synchronize; /* 19 */ pDesktopResize DesktopResize; /* 20 */ pBitmapUpdate BitmapUpdate; /* 21 */ pPalette Palette; /* 22 */ pPlaySound PlaySound; /* 23 */ UINT32 paddingB[32 - 24]; /* 24 */ rdpPointerUpdate* pointer; /* 32 */ rdpPrimaryUpdate* primary; /* 33 */ rdpSecondaryUpdate* secondary; /* 34 */ rdpAltSecUpdate* altsec; /* 35 */ rdpWindowUpdate* window; /* 36 */ UINT32 paddingC[48 - 37]; /* 37 */ pRefreshRect RefreshRect; /* 48 */ pSuppressOutput SuppressOutput; /* 49 */ UINT32 paddingD[64 - 50]; /* 50 */ pSurfaceCommand SurfaceCommand; /* 64 */ pSurfaceBits SurfaceBits; /* 65 */ pSurfaceFrameMarker SurfaceFrameMarker; /* 66 */ UINT32 paddingE[80 - 67]; /* 67 */ /* internal */ BOOL dump_rfx; BOOL play_rfx; rdpPcap* pcap_rfx; BITMAP_UPDATE bitmap_update; PALETTE_UPDATE palette_update; PLAY_SOUND_UPDATE play_sound; SURFACE_BITS_COMMAND surface_bits_command; SURFACE_FRAME_MARKER surface_frame_marker; }; #endif /* __UPDATE_API_H */