include(CMakeDependentOption) if((CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "i386|i686|x86|AMD64") AND (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4)) set(TARGET_ARCH "x86") elseif((CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "x86_64|AMD64") AND (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8)) set(TARGET_ARCH "x64") elseif((CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "i386") AND (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) AND (APPLE)) # Mac is weird like that. set(TARGET_ARCH "x64") elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "^arm*") set(TARGET_ARCH "ARM") elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "sparc") set(TARGET_ARCH "sparc") endif() option(WITH_MANPAGES "Generate manpages." ON) option(WITH_PROFILER "Compile profiler." OFF) option(WITH_GPROF "Compile with GProf profiler." OFF) if((TARGET_ARCH MATCHES "x86|x64") AND (NOT DEFINED WITH_SSE2)) option(WITH_SSE2 "Enable SSE2 optimization." ON) else() option(WITH_SSE2 "Enable SSE2 optimization." OFF) endif() if(TARGET_ARCH MATCHES "ARM") if (NOT DEFINED WITH_NEON) option(WITH_NEON "Enable NEON optimization." ON) else() option(WITH_NEON "Enable NEON optimization." OFF) endif() else() if(NOT APPLE) option(WITH_IPP "Use Intel Performance Primitives." OFF) endif() endif() option(WITH_JPEG "Use JPEG decoding." OFF) if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang" OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") set(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_CLANG 1) endif() if(NOT WIN32) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_VALGRIND_MEMCHECK "Compile with valgrind helpers." OFF "NOT WITH_SANITIZE_ADDRESS; NOT WITH_SANITIZE_MEMORY; NOT WITH_SANITIZE_THREAD" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_SANITIZE_ADDRESS "Compile with gcc/clang address sanitizer." OFF "NOT WITH_VALGRIND_MEMCHECK; NOT WITH_SANITIZE_MEMORY; NOT WITH_SANITIZE_THREAD" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_SANITIZE_MEMORY "Compile with gcc/clang memory sanitizer." OFF "NOT WITH_VALGRIND_MEMCHECK; NOT WITH_SANITIZE_ADDRESS; NOT WITH_SANITIZE_THREAD" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_SANITIZE_THREAD "Compile with gcc/clang thread sanitizer." OFF "NOT WITH_VALGRIND_MEMCHECK; NOT WITH_SANITIZE_ADDRESS; NOT WITH_SANITIZE_MEMORY" OFF) else() if(NOT UWP) option(WITH_MEDIA_FOUNDATION "Enable H264 media foundation decoder." OFF) endif() endif() if(WIN32 AND NOT UWP) option(WITH_WINMM "Use Windows Multimedia" ON) option(WITH_WIN8 "Use Windows 8 libraries" OFF) endif() option(BUILD_TESTING "Build unit tests" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(TESTS_WTSAPI_EXTRA "Build extra WTSAPI tests (interactive)" OFF "BUILD_TESTING" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(BUILD_COMM_TESTS "Build comm related tests (require comm port)" OFF "BUILD_TESTING" OFF) option(WITH_SAMPLE "Build sample code" OFF) option(WITH_CLIENT_COMMON "Build client common library" ON) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_CLIENT "Build client binaries" ON "WITH_CLIENT_COMMON" OFF) option(WITH_SERVER "Build server binaries" OFF) option(WITH_CHANNELS "Build virtual channel plugins" ON) option(FREERDP_UNIFIED_BUILD "Build WinPR, uwac, RdTk and FreeRDP in one go" ON) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_CLIENT_CHANNELS "Build virtual channel plugins" ON "WITH_CLIENT_COMMON;WITH_CHANNELS" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_MACAUDIO "Enable OSX sound backend" ON "APPLE;NOT IOS" OFF) if(WITH_SERVER AND WITH_CHANNELS) option(WITH_SERVER_CHANNELS "Build virtual channel plugins" ON) endif() option(WITH_THIRD_PARTY "Build third-party components" OFF) option(WITH_CLIENT_INTERFACE "Build clients as a library with an interface" OFF) option(WITH_SERVER_INTERFACE "Build servers as a library with an interface" ON) option(WITH_DEBUG_ALL "Print all debug messages." OFF) if(WITH_DEBUG_ALL) message(WARNING "WITH_DEBUG_ALL=ON, the build will be slow and might leak sensitive information, do not use with release builds!") set(DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION "ON") else() set(DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION "OFF") endif() option(WITH_DEBUG_CERTIFICATE "Print certificate related debug messages." ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) if(WITH_DEBUG_CERTIFICATE) message(WARNING "WITH_DEBUG_CERTIFICATE=ON, the build might leak sensitive information, do not use with release builds!") endif() option(WITH_DEBUG_CAPABILITIES "Print capability negotiation debug messages." ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_CHANNELS "Print channel manager debug messages." ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_CLIPRDR "Print clipboard redirection debug messages" ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_RDPGFX "Print RDPGFX debug messages" ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_DVC "Print dynamic virtual channel debug messages." ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_DEBUG_TSMF "Print TSMF virtual channel debug messages." ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION} "CHANNEL_TSMF" OFF) option(WITH_DEBUG_KBD "Print keyboard related debug messages." ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) if(WITH_DEBUG_KBD) message(WARNING "WITH_DEBUG_KBD=ON, the build might leak sensitive information, do not use with release builds!") endif() option(WITH_DEBUG_LICENSE "Print license debug messages." ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) if(WITH_DEBUG_LICENSE) message(WARNING "WITH_DEBUG_LICENSE=ON, the build might leak sensitive information, do not use with release builds!") endif() option(WITH_DEBUG_NEGO "Print negotiation related debug messages." ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) if(WITH_DEBUG_NEGO) message(WARNING "WITH_DEBUG_NEGO=ON, the build might leak sensitive information, do not use with release builds!") endif() option(WITH_DEBUG_NLA "Print authentication related debug messages." ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) if(WITH_DEBUG_NLA) message(WARNING "WITH_DEBUG_NLA=ON, the build might leak sensitive information, do not use with release builds!") endif() option(WITH_DEBUG_TSG "Print Terminal Server Gateway debug messages" ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_RAIL "Print RemoteApp debug messages" ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_RDP "Print RDP debug messages" ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_RDPEI "Print input virtual channel debug messages" ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_REDIR "Redirection debug messages" ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_RDPDR "Rdpdr debug messages" ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_RFX "Print RemoteFX debug messages." ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_SCARD "Print smartcard debug messages" ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_SND "Print rdpsnd debug messages" ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_SVC "Print static virtual channel debug messages." ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_TRANSPORT "Print transport debug messages." ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_TIMEZONE "Print timezone debug messages." ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_WND "Print window order debug messages" ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_X11_CLIPRDR "Print X11 clipboard redirection debug messages" ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_X11_LOCAL_MOVESIZE "Print X11 Client local movesize debug messages" ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_X11 "Print X11 Client debug messages" ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_XV "Print XVideo debug messages" ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_RINGBUFFER "Enable Ringbuffer debug messages" ${DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTION}) option(WITH_DEBUG_SYMBOLS "Pack debug symbols to installer" OFF) option(WITH_CCACHE "Use ccache support if available" ON) option(WITH_CLANG_FORMAT "Detect clang-format. run 'cmake --build . --target clangformat' to format." ON) option(WITH_DSP_EXPERIMENTAL "Enable experimental sound encoder/decoder formats" OFF) option(WITH_FFMPEG "Enable FFMPEG for audio/video encoding/decoding" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_DSP_FFMPEG "Use FFMPEG for audio encoding/decoding" OFF "WITH_FFMPEG" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_VIDEO_FFMPEG "Use FFMPEG for video encoding/decoding" ON "WITH_FFMPEG" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_VAAPI "Use FFMPEG VAAPI" OFF "WITH_VIDEO_FFMPEG" OFF) option(USE_VERSION_FROM_GIT_TAG "Extract FreeRDP version from git tag." ON) option(WITH_CAIRO "Use CAIRO image library for screen resizing" OFF) option(WITH_SWSCALE "Use SWScale image library for screen resizing" OFF) if (ANDROID) include(ConfigOptionsAndroid) endif(ANDROID) if (IOS) include(ConfigOptionsiOS) endif(IOS) option(BUILD_FUZZERS "Use BUILD_FUZZERS to build fuzzing tests" OFF) if (BUILD_FUZZERS) if (NOT OSS_FUZZ) add_compile_options(-fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link) endif () if (OSS_FUZZ AND NOT DEFINED ENV{LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE}) message(SEND_ERROR "OSS-Fuzz builds require the environment variable " "LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE to be set. If you are seeing this " "warning, it points to a deeper problem in the ossfuzz " "build setup.") endif () if (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC) message(FATAL_ERROR "\n" "Fuzzing is unsupported with GCC compiler. Use Clang:\n" " $ CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake . <...> -DBUILD_FUZZERS=ON && make -j\n" "\n") endif () set(BUILD_TESTING ON) # A special target with fuzzer and sanitizer flags. add_library(fuzzer_config INTERFACE) target_compile_options( fuzzer_config INTERFACE $<$>: -fsanitize=fuzzer > $<$: ${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} > ) target_link_libraries( fuzzer_config INTERFACE $<$>: -fsanitize=fuzzer > $<$: $ENV{LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE} > ) endif()