/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * X11 Clipboard Redirection * * Copyright 2010-2011 Vic Lee * Copyright 2015 Thincast Technologies GmbH * Copyright 2015 DI (FH) Martin Haimberger * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #ifdef WITH_XFIXES #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xf_cliprdr.h" #define TAG CLIENT_TAG("x11") #define MAX_CLIPBOARD_FORMATS 255 struct xf_cliprdr_format { Atom atom; UINT32 formatId; char* formatName; }; typedef struct xf_cliprdr_format xfCliprdrFormat; struct xf_clipboard { xfContext* xfc; rdpChannels* channels; CliprdrClientContext* context; wClipboard* system; Window root_window; Atom clipboard_atom; Atom property_atom; Atom raw_transfer_atom; Atom raw_format_list_atom; int numClientFormats; xfCliprdrFormat clientFormats[20]; int numServerFormats; CLIPRDR_FORMAT* serverFormats; int numTargets; Atom targets[20]; int requestedFormatId; BYTE* data; BOOL data_raw_format; UINT32 data_format_id; const char* data_format_name; int data_length; XEvent* respond; Window owner; BOOL sync; /* INCR mechanism */ Atom incr_atom; BOOL incr_starts; BYTE* incr_data; int incr_data_length; /* XFixes extension */ int xfixes_event_base; int xfixes_error_base; BOOL xfixes_supported; }; UINT xf_cliprdr_send_client_format_list(xfClipboard* clipboard); static void xf_cliprdr_check_owner(xfClipboard* clipboard) { Window owner; xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc; if (clipboard->sync) { owner = XGetSelectionOwner(xfc->display, clipboard->clipboard_atom); if (clipboard->owner != owner) { clipboard->owner = owner; xf_cliprdr_send_client_format_list(clipboard); } } } static BOOL xf_cliprdr_is_self_owned(xfClipboard* clipboard) { xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc; return XGetSelectionOwner(xfc->display, clipboard->clipboard_atom) == xfc->drawable; } static void xf_cliprdr_set_raw_transfer_enabled(xfClipboard* clipboard, BOOL enabled) { UINT32 data = enabled; xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc; XChangeProperty(xfc->display, xfc->drawable, clipboard->raw_transfer_atom, XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace, (BYTE*) &data, 1); } static BOOL xf_cliprdr_is_raw_transfer_available(xfClipboard* clipboard) { Atom type; int format; int result = 0; unsigned long length; unsigned long bytes_left; UINT32* data = NULL; UINT32 is_enabled = 0; Window owner = None; xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc; owner = XGetSelectionOwner(xfc->display, clipboard->clipboard_atom); if (owner != None) { result = XGetWindowProperty(xfc->display, owner, clipboard->raw_transfer_atom, 0, 4, 0, XA_INTEGER, &type, &format, &length, &bytes_left, (BYTE**) &data); } if (data) { is_enabled = *data; XFree(data); } if ((owner == None) || (owner == xfc->drawable)) return FALSE; if (result != Success) return FALSE; return is_enabled ? TRUE : FALSE; } static BOOL xf_cliprdr_formats_equal(const CLIPRDR_FORMAT* server, const xfCliprdrFormat* client) { if (server->formatName && client->formatName) { /* The server may be using short format names while we store them in full form. */ return (0 == strncmp(server->formatName, client->formatName, strlen(server->formatName))); } if (!server->formatName && !client->formatName) { return (server->formatId == client->formatId); } return FALSE; } static xfCliprdrFormat* xf_cliprdr_get_client_format_by_id( xfClipboard* clipboard, UINT32 formatId) { int index; xfCliprdrFormat* format; for (index = 0; index < clipboard->numClientFormats; index++) { format = &(clipboard->clientFormats[index]); if (format->formatId == formatId) return format; } return NULL; } static xfCliprdrFormat* xf_cliprdr_get_client_format_by_atom( xfClipboard* clipboard, Atom atom) { int i; xfCliprdrFormat* format; for (i = 0; i < clipboard->numClientFormats; i++) { format = &(clipboard->clientFormats[i]); if (format->atom == atom) return format; } return NULL; } static CLIPRDR_FORMAT* xf_cliprdr_get_server_format_by_atom( xfClipboard* clipboard, Atom atom) { int i, j; xfCliprdrFormat* client_format; CLIPRDR_FORMAT* server_format; for (i = 0; i < clipboard->numClientFormats; i++) { client_format = &(clipboard->clientFormats[i]); if (client_format->atom == atom) { for (j = 0; j < clipboard->numServerFormats; j++) { server_format = &(clipboard->serverFormats[j]); if (xf_cliprdr_formats_equal(server_format, client_format)) return server_format; } } } return NULL; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT xf_cliprdr_send_data_request(xfClipboard* clipboard, UINT32 formatId) { CLIPRDR_FORMAT_DATA_REQUEST request; ZeroMemory(&request, sizeof(CLIPRDR_FORMAT_DATA_REQUEST)); request.requestedFormatId = formatId; return clipboard->context->ClientFormatDataRequest(clipboard->context, &request); } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT xf_cliprdr_send_data_response(xfClipboard* clipboard, BYTE* data, int size) { CLIPRDR_FORMAT_DATA_RESPONSE response; ZeroMemory(&response, sizeof(CLIPRDR_FORMAT_DATA_RESPONSE)); response.msgFlags = (data) ? CB_RESPONSE_OK : CB_RESPONSE_FAIL; response.dataLen = size; response.requestedFormatData = data; return clipboard->context->ClientFormatDataResponse(clipboard->context, &response); } static wStream* xf_cliprdr_serialize_server_format_list(xfClipboard* clipboard) { UINT32 i; UINT32 formatCount; wStream* s = NULL; /* Typical MS Word format list is about 80 bytes long. */ if (!(s = Stream_New(NULL, 128))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "failed to allocate serialized format list"); goto error; } /* If present, the last format is always synthetic CF_RAW. Do not include it. */ formatCount = (clipboard->numServerFormats > 0) ? clipboard->numServerFormats - 1 : 0; Stream_Write_UINT32(s, formatCount); for (i = 0; i < formatCount; i++) { CLIPRDR_FORMAT* format = &clipboard->serverFormats[i]; size_t name_length = format->formatName ? strlen(format->formatName) : 0; if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, sizeof(UINT32) + name_length + 1)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "failed to expand serialized format list"); goto error; } Stream_Write_UINT32(s, format->formatId); Stream_Write(s, format->formatName, name_length); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, '\0'); } Stream_SealLength(s); return s; error: Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return NULL; } static CLIPRDR_FORMAT* xf_cliprdr_parse_server_format_list(BYTE* data, size_t length, UINT32* numFormats) { UINT32 i; wStream* s = NULL; CLIPRDR_FORMAT* formats = NULL; if (!(s = Stream_New(data, length))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "failed to allocate stream for parsing serialized format list"); goto error; } if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < sizeof(UINT32)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "too short serialized format list"); goto error; } Stream_Read_UINT32(s, *numFormats); if (*numFormats > MAX_CLIPBOARD_FORMATS) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unexpectedly large number of formats: %"PRIu32"", *numFormats); goto error; } if (!(formats = (CLIPRDR_FORMAT*) calloc(*numFormats, sizeof(CLIPRDR_FORMAT)))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "failed to allocate format list"); goto error; } for (i = 0; i < *numFormats; i++) { const char* formatName = NULL; size_t formatNameLength = 0; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < sizeof(UINT32)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unexpected end of serialized format list"); goto error; } Stream_Read_UINT32(s, formats[i].formatId); formatName = (const char*) Stream_Pointer(s); formatNameLength = strnlen(formatName, Stream_GetRemainingLength(s)); if (formatNameLength == Stream_GetRemainingLength(s)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "missing terminating null byte, %"PRIuz" bytes left to read", formatNameLength); goto error; } formats[i].formatName = strndup(formatName, formatNameLength); Stream_Seek(s, formatNameLength + 1); } Stream_Free(s, FALSE); return formats; error: Stream_Free(s, FALSE); free(formats); *numFormats = 0; return NULL; } static void xf_cliprdr_free_formats(CLIPRDR_FORMAT* formats, UINT32 numFormats) { UINT32 i; for (i = 0; i < numFormats; i++) { free(formats[i].formatName); } free(formats); } static CLIPRDR_FORMAT* xf_cliprdr_get_raw_server_formats(xfClipboard* clipboard, UINT32* numFormats) { Atom type = None; int format = 0; unsigned long length = 0; unsigned long remaining; BYTE* data = NULL; CLIPRDR_FORMAT* formats = NULL; xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc; *numFormats = 0; XGetWindowProperty(xfc->display, clipboard->owner, clipboard->raw_format_list_atom, 0, 4096, False, clipboard->raw_format_list_atom, &type, &format, &length, &remaining, &data); if (data && length > 0 && format == 8 && type == clipboard->raw_format_list_atom) { formats = xf_cliprdr_parse_server_format_list(data, length, numFormats); } else { WLog_ERR(TAG, "failed to retrieve raw format list: data=%p, length=%lu, format=%d, type=%lu (expected=%lu)", (void*) data, length, format, (unsigned long) type, (unsigned long) clipboard->raw_format_list_atom); } if (data) XFree(data); return formats; } static CLIPRDR_FORMAT* xf_cliprdr_get_formats_from_targets( xfClipboard* clipboard, UINT32* numFormats) { int i; Atom atom; BYTE* data = NULL; int format_property; unsigned long length; unsigned long bytes_left; xfCliprdrFormat* format = NULL; CLIPRDR_FORMAT* formats = NULL; xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc; *numFormats = 0; XGetWindowProperty(xfc->display, xfc->drawable, clipboard->property_atom, 0, 200, 0, XA_ATOM, &atom, &format_property, &length, &bytes_left, &data); if (length > 0) { if (!data) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "XGetWindowProperty set length = %lu but data is NULL", length); goto out; } if (!(formats = (CLIPRDR_FORMAT*) calloc(length, sizeof(CLIPRDR_FORMAT)))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "failed to allocate %lu CLIPRDR_FORMAT structs", length); goto out; } } for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { atom = ((Atom*) data)[i]; format = xf_cliprdr_get_client_format_by_atom(clipboard, atom); if (format) { formats[*numFormats].formatId = format->formatId; formats[*numFormats].formatName = _strdup(format->formatName); *numFormats += 1; } } out: if (data) XFree(data); return formats; } static CLIPRDR_FORMAT* xf_cliprdr_get_client_formats(xfClipboard* clipboard, UINT32* numFormats) { CLIPRDR_FORMAT* formats = NULL; *numFormats = 0; if (xf_cliprdr_is_raw_transfer_available(clipboard)) { formats = xf_cliprdr_get_raw_server_formats(clipboard, numFormats); } if (*numFormats == 0) { xf_cliprdr_free_formats(formats, *numFormats); formats = xf_cliprdr_get_formats_from_targets(clipboard, numFormats); } return formats; } static void xf_cliprdr_provide_server_format_list(xfClipboard* clipboard) { wStream* formats = NULL; xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc; formats = xf_cliprdr_serialize_server_format_list(clipboard); if (formats) { XChangeProperty(xfc->display, xfc->drawable, clipboard->raw_format_list_atom, clipboard->raw_format_list_atom, 8, PropModeReplace, Stream_Buffer(formats), Stream_Length(formats)); } else { XDeleteProperty(xfc->display, xfc->drawable, clipboard->raw_format_list_atom); } Stream_Free(formats, TRUE); } static void xf_cliprdr_get_requested_targets(xfClipboard* clipboard) { UINT32 numFormats = 0; CLIPRDR_FORMAT* formats = NULL; CLIPRDR_FORMAT_LIST formatList; formats = xf_cliprdr_get_client_formats(clipboard, &numFormats); ZeroMemory(&formatList, sizeof(CLIPRDR_FORMAT_LIST)); formatList.msgFlags = CB_RESPONSE_OK; formatList.numFormats = numFormats; formatList.formats = formats; clipboard->context->ClientFormatList(clipboard->context, &formatList); xf_cliprdr_free_formats(formats, numFormats); } static void xf_cliprdr_process_requested_data(xfClipboard* clipboard, BOOL hasData, BYTE* data, int size) { BOOL bSuccess; UINT32 SrcSize; UINT32 DstSize; UINT32 srcFormatId; UINT32 dstFormatId; BYTE* pDstData = NULL; xfCliprdrFormat* format; if (clipboard->incr_starts && hasData) return; format = xf_cliprdr_get_client_format_by_id(clipboard, clipboard->requestedFormatId); if (!hasData || !data || !format) { xf_cliprdr_send_data_response(clipboard, NULL, 0); return; } srcFormatId = 0; switch (format->formatId) { case CF_RAW: srcFormatId = CF_RAW; break; case CF_TEXT: case CF_OEMTEXT: case CF_UNICODETEXT: size = strlen((char*) data) + 1; srcFormatId = ClipboardGetFormatId(clipboard->system, "UTF8_STRING"); break; case CF_DIB: srcFormatId = ClipboardGetFormatId(clipboard->system, "image/bmp"); break; case CB_FORMAT_HTML: size = strlen((char*) data) + 1; srcFormatId = ClipboardGetFormatId(clipboard->system, "text/html"); break; } SrcSize = (UINT32) size; bSuccess = ClipboardSetData(clipboard->system, srcFormatId, data, SrcSize); if (format->formatName) dstFormatId = ClipboardGetFormatId(clipboard->system, format->formatName); else dstFormatId = format->formatId; if (bSuccess) { DstSize = 0; pDstData = (BYTE*) ClipboardGetData(clipboard->system, dstFormatId, &DstSize); } if (!pDstData) { xf_cliprdr_send_data_response(clipboard, NULL, 0); return; } xf_cliprdr_send_data_response(clipboard, pDstData, (int) DstSize); free(pDstData); } static BOOL xf_cliprdr_get_requested_data(xfClipboard* clipboard, Atom target) { Atom type; BYTE* data = NULL; BOOL has_data = FALSE; int format_property; unsigned long dummy; unsigned long length; unsigned long bytes_left; xfCliprdrFormat* format; xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc; format = xf_cliprdr_get_client_format_by_id(clipboard, clipboard->requestedFormatId); if (!format || (format->atom != target)) { xf_cliprdr_send_data_response(clipboard, NULL, 0); return FALSE; } XGetWindowProperty(xfc->display, xfc->drawable, clipboard->property_atom, 0, 0, 0, target, &type, &format_property, &length, &bytes_left, &data); if (data) { XFree(data); data = NULL; } if (bytes_left <= 0 && !clipboard->incr_starts) { } else if (type == clipboard->incr_atom) { clipboard->incr_starts = TRUE; if (clipboard->incr_data) { free(clipboard->incr_data); clipboard->incr_data = NULL; } clipboard->incr_data_length = 0; has_data = TRUE; /* data will be followed in PropertyNotify event */ } else { if (bytes_left <= 0) { /* INCR finish */ data = clipboard->incr_data; clipboard->incr_data = NULL; bytes_left = clipboard->incr_data_length; clipboard->incr_data_length = 0; clipboard->incr_starts = 0; has_data = TRUE; } else if (XGetWindowProperty(xfc->display, xfc->drawable, clipboard->property_atom, 0, bytes_left, 0, target, &type, &format_property, &length, &dummy, &data) == Success) { if (clipboard->incr_starts) { BYTE* new_data; bytes_left = length * format_property / 8; new_data = (BYTE*) realloc(clipboard->incr_data, clipboard->incr_data_length + bytes_left); if (!new_data) return FALSE; clipboard->incr_data = new_data; CopyMemory(clipboard->incr_data + clipboard->incr_data_length, data, bytes_left); clipboard->incr_data_length += bytes_left; XFree(data); data = NULL; } has_data = TRUE; } else { } } XDeleteProperty(xfc->display, xfc->drawable, clipboard->property_atom); xf_cliprdr_process_requested_data(clipboard, has_data, data, (int) bytes_left); if (data) XFree(data); return TRUE; } static void xf_cliprdr_append_target(xfClipboard* clipboard, Atom target) { int i; if (clipboard->numTargets >= ARRAYSIZE(clipboard->targets)) return; for (i = 0; i < clipboard->numTargets; i++) { if (clipboard->targets[i] == target) return; } clipboard->targets[clipboard->numTargets++] = target; } static void xf_cliprdr_provide_targets(xfClipboard* clipboard, XEvent* respond) { xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc; if (respond->xselection.property != None) { XChangeProperty(xfc->display, respond->xselection.requestor, respond->xselection.property, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (BYTE*) clipboard->targets, clipboard->numTargets); } } static void xf_cliprdr_provide_data(xfClipboard* clipboard, XEvent* respond, BYTE* data, UINT32 size) { xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc; if (respond->xselection.property != None) { XChangeProperty(xfc->display, respond->xselection.requestor, respond->xselection.property, respond->xselection.target, 8, PropModeReplace, data, size); } } static BOOL xf_cliprdr_process_selection_notify(xfClipboard* clipboard, XEvent* xevent) { if (xevent->xselection.target == clipboard->targets[1]) { if (xevent->xselection.property == None) { xf_cliprdr_send_client_format_list(clipboard); } else { xf_cliprdr_get_requested_targets(clipboard); } return TRUE; } else { return xf_cliprdr_get_requested_data(clipboard, xevent->xselection.target); } } static BOOL xf_cliprdr_process_selection_request(xfClipboard* clipboard, XEvent* xevent) { int fmt; Atom type; UINT32 formatId; const char* formatName; XEvent* respond; BYTE* data = NULL; BOOL delayRespond; BOOL rawTransfer; unsigned long length; unsigned long bytes_left; CLIPRDR_FORMAT* format; xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc; if (xevent->xselectionrequest.owner != xfc->drawable) return FALSE; delayRespond = FALSE; if (!(respond = (XEvent*) calloc(1, sizeof(XEvent)))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "failed to allocate XEvent data"); return FALSE; } respond->xselection.property = None; respond->xselection.type = SelectionNotify; respond->xselection.display = xevent->xselectionrequest.display; respond->xselection.requestor = xevent->xselectionrequest.requestor; respond->xselection.selection = xevent->xselectionrequest.selection; respond->xselection.target = xevent->xselectionrequest.target; respond->xselection.time = xevent->xselectionrequest.time; if (xevent->xselectionrequest.target == clipboard->targets[0]) /* TIMESTAMP */ { /* TODO */ } else if (xevent->xselectionrequest.target == clipboard->targets[1]) /* TARGETS */ { /* Someone else requests our available formats */ respond->xselection.property = xevent->xselectionrequest.property; xf_cliprdr_provide_targets(clipboard, respond); } else { format = xf_cliprdr_get_server_format_by_atom(clipboard, xevent->xselectionrequest.target); if (format && (xevent->xselectionrequest.requestor != xfc->drawable)) { formatId = format->formatId; formatName = format->formatName; rawTransfer = FALSE; if (formatId == CF_RAW) { if (XGetWindowProperty(xfc->display, xevent->xselectionrequest.requestor, clipboard->property_atom, 0, 4, 0, XA_INTEGER, &type, &fmt, &length, &bytes_left, &data) != Success) { } if (data) { rawTransfer = TRUE; CopyMemory(&formatId, data, 4); XFree(data); } } if ((clipboard->data != 0) && (formatId == clipboard->data_format_id) && (formatName == clipboard->data_format_name)) { /* Cached clipboard data available. Send it now */ respond->xselection.property = xevent->xselectionrequest.property; xf_cliprdr_provide_data(clipboard, respond, clipboard->data, clipboard->data_length); } else if (clipboard->respond) { /* duplicate request */ } else { /** * Send clipboard data request to the server. * Response will be postponed after receiving the data */ if (clipboard->data) { free(clipboard->data); clipboard->data = NULL; } respond->xselection.property = xevent->xselectionrequest.property; clipboard->respond = respond; clipboard->data_format_id = formatId; clipboard->data_format_name = formatName; clipboard->data_raw_format = rawTransfer; delayRespond = TRUE; xf_cliprdr_send_data_request(clipboard, formatId); } } } if (!delayRespond) { XSendEvent(xfc->display, xevent->xselectionrequest.requestor, 0, 0, respond); XFlush(xfc->display); free(respond); } return TRUE; } static BOOL xf_cliprdr_process_selection_clear(xfClipboard* clipboard, XEvent* xevent) { xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc; if (xf_cliprdr_is_self_owned(clipboard)) return FALSE; XDeleteProperty(xfc->display, clipboard->root_window, clipboard->property_atom); return TRUE; } static BOOL xf_cliprdr_process_property_notify(xfClipboard* clipboard, XEvent* xevent) { xfCliprdrFormat* format; xfContext* xfc = NULL; if (!clipboard) return TRUE; xfc = clipboard->xfc; if (xevent->xproperty.atom != clipboard->property_atom) return FALSE; /* Not cliprdr-related */ if (xevent->xproperty.window == clipboard->root_window) { xf_cliprdr_send_client_format_list(clipboard); } else if ((xevent->xproperty.window == xfc->drawable) && (xevent->xproperty.state == PropertyNewValue) && clipboard->incr_starts) { format = xf_cliprdr_get_client_format_by_id(clipboard, clipboard->requestedFormatId); if (format) xf_cliprdr_get_requested_data(clipboard, format->atom); } return TRUE; } void xf_cliprdr_handle_xevent(xfContext* xfc, XEvent* event) { xfClipboard* clipboard; if (!xfc || !event) return; clipboard = xfc->clipboard; if (!clipboard) return; #ifdef WITH_XFIXES if (clipboard->xfixes_supported && event->type == XFixesSelectionNotify + clipboard->xfixes_event_base) { XFixesSelectionNotifyEvent* se = (XFixesSelectionNotifyEvent*) event; if (se->subtype == XFixesSetSelectionOwnerNotify) { if (se->selection != clipboard->clipboard_atom) return; if (XGetSelectionOwner(xfc->display, se->selection) == xfc->drawable) return; clipboard->owner = None; xf_cliprdr_check_owner(clipboard); } return; } #endif switch (event->type) { case SelectionNotify: xf_cliprdr_process_selection_notify(clipboard, event); break; case SelectionRequest: xf_cliprdr_process_selection_request(clipboard, event); break; case SelectionClear: xf_cliprdr_process_selection_clear(clipboard, event); break; case PropertyNotify: xf_cliprdr_process_property_notify(clipboard, event); break; case FocusIn: if (!clipboard->xfixes_supported) { xf_cliprdr_check_owner(clipboard); } break; } } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ UINT xf_cliprdr_send_client_capabilities(xfClipboard* clipboard) { CLIPRDR_CAPABILITIES capabilities; CLIPRDR_GENERAL_CAPABILITY_SET generalCapabilitySet; capabilities.cCapabilitiesSets = 1; capabilities.capabilitySets = (CLIPRDR_CAPABILITY_SET*) & (generalCapabilitySet); generalCapabilitySet.capabilitySetType = CB_CAPSTYPE_GENERAL; generalCapabilitySet.capabilitySetLength = 12; generalCapabilitySet.version = CB_CAPS_VERSION_2; generalCapabilitySet.generalFlags = CB_USE_LONG_FORMAT_NAMES; return clipboard->context->ClientCapabilities(clipboard->context, &capabilities); } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ UINT xf_cliprdr_send_client_format_list(xfClipboard* clipboard) { UINT32 i, numFormats; CLIPRDR_FORMAT* formats = NULL; CLIPRDR_FORMAT_LIST formatList; xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc; UINT ret; ZeroMemory(&formatList, sizeof(CLIPRDR_FORMAT_LIST)); numFormats = clipboard->numClientFormats; if (numFormats) { if (!(formats = (CLIPRDR_FORMAT*) calloc(numFormats, sizeof(CLIPRDR_FORMAT)))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "failed to allocate %"PRIu32" CLIPRDR_FORMAT structs", numFormats); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } } for (i = 0; i < numFormats; i++) { formats[i].formatId = clipboard->clientFormats[i].formatId; formats[i].formatName = clipboard->clientFormats[i].formatName; } formatList.msgFlags = CB_RESPONSE_OK; formatList.numFormats = numFormats; formatList.formats = formats; ret = clipboard->context->ClientFormatList(clipboard->context, &formatList); free(formats); if (clipboard->owner && clipboard->owner != xfc->drawable) { /* Request the owner for TARGETS, and wait for SelectionNotify event */ XConvertSelection(xfc->display, clipboard->clipboard_atom, clipboard->targets[1], clipboard->property_atom, xfc->drawable, CurrentTime); } return ret; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ UINT xf_cliprdr_send_client_format_list_response(xfClipboard* clipboard, BOOL status) { CLIPRDR_FORMAT_LIST_RESPONSE formatListResponse; formatListResponse.msgType = CB_FORMAT_LIST_RESPONSE; formatListResponse.msgFlags = status ? CB_RESPONSE_OK : CB_RESPONSE_FAIL; formatListResponse.dataLen = 0; return clipboard->context->ClientFormatListResponse(clipboard->context, &formatListResponse); } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT xf_cliprdr_monitor_ready(CliprdrClientContext* context, CLIPRDR_MONITOR_READY* monitorReady) { xfClipboard* clipboard = (xfClipboard*) context->custom; UINT ret; if ((ret = xf_cliprdr_send_client_capabilities(clipboard)) != CHANNEL_RC_OK) return ret; if ((ret = xf_cliprdr_send_client_format_list(clipboard)) != CHANNEL_RC_OK) return ret; clipboard->sync = TRUE; return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT xf_cliprdr_server_capabilities(CliprdrClientContext* context, CLIPRDR_CAPABILITIES* capabilities) { //xfClipboard* clipboard = (xfClipboard*) context->custom; return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT xf_cliprdr_server_format_list(CliprdrClientContext* context, CLIPRDR_FORMAT_LIST* formatList) { int i, j; CLIPRDR_FORMAT* format; xfClipboard* clipboard = (xfClipboard*) context->custom; xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc; UINT ret; if (clipboard->data) { free(clipboard->data); clipboard->data = NULL; } clipboard->data_format_id = -1; clipboard->data_format_name = NULL; if (clipboard->serverFormats) { for (i = 0; i < clipboard->numServerFormats; i++) free(clipboard->serverFormats[i].formatName); free(clipboard->serverFormats); clipboard->serverFormats = NULL; clipboard->numServerFormats = 0; } clipboard->numServerFormats = formatList->numFormats + 1; /* +1 for CF_RAW */ if (!(clipboard->serverFormats = (CLIPRDR_FORMAT*) calloc( clipboard->numServerFormats, sizeof(CLIPRDR_FORMAT)))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "failed to allocate %d CLIPRDR_FORMAT structs", clipboard->numServerFormats); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } for (i = 0; i < formatList->numFormats; i++) { format = &formatList->formats[i]; clipboard->serverFormats[i].formatId = format->formatId; if (format->formatName) { clipboard->serverFormats[i].formatName = _strdup(format->formatName); if (!clipboard->serverFormats[i].formatName) { for (--i; i >= 0; --i) free(clipboard->serverFormats[i].formatName); clipboard->numServerFormats = 0; free(clipboard->serverFormats); clipboard->serverFormats = NULL; return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } } } /* CF_RAW is always implicitly supported by the server */ format = &clipboard->serverFormats[formatList->numFormats]; format->formatId = CF_RAW; format->formatName = NULL; xf_cliprdr_provide_server_format_list(clipboard); clipboard->numTargets = 2; for (i = 0; i < formatList->numFormats; i++) { format = &formatList->formats[i]; for (j = 0; j < clipboard->numClientFormats; j++) { if (xf_cliprdr_formats_equal(format, &clipboard->clientFormats[j])) { xf_cliprdr_append_target(clipboard, clipboard->clientFormats[j].atom); } } } ret = xf_cliprdr_send_client_format_list_response(clipboard, TRUE); XSetSelectionOwner(xfc->display, clipboard->clipboard_atom, xfc->drawable, CurrentTime); XFlush(xfc->display); return ret; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT xf_cliprdr_server_format_list_response(CliprdrClientContext* context, CLIPRDR_FORMAT_LIST_RESPONSE* formatListResponse) { //xfClipboard* clipboard = (xfClipboard*) context->custom; return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT xf_cliprdr_server_format_data_request(CliprdrClientContext* context, CLIPRDR_FORMAT_DATA_REQUEST* formatDataRequest) { BOOL rawTransfer; xfCliprdrFormat* format = NULL; UINT32 formatId = formatDataRequest->requestedFormatId; xfClipboard* clipboard = (xfClipboard*) context->custom; xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc; rawTransfer = xf_cliprdr_is_raw_transfer_available(clipboard); if (rawTransfer) { format = xf_cliprdr_get_client_format_by_id(clipboard, CF_RAW); XChangeProperty(xfc->display, xfc->drawable, clipboard->property_atom, XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace, (BYTE*) &formatId, 1); } else format = xf_cliprdr_get_client_format_by_id(clipboard, formatId); if (!format) return xf_cliprdr_send_data_response(clipboard, NULL, 0); clipboard->requestedFormatId = rawTransfer ? CF_RAW : formatId; XConvertSelection(xfc->display, clipboard->clipboard_atom, format->atom, clipboard->property_atom, xfc->drawable, CurrentTime); XFlush(xfc->display); /* After this point, we expect a SelectionNotify event from the clipboard owner. */ return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT xf_cliprdr_server_format_data_response(CliprdrClientContext* context, CLIPRDR_FORMAT_DATA_RESPONSE* formatDataResponse) { BOOL bSuccess; BYTE* pDstData; UINT32 DstSize; UINT32 SrcSize; UINT32 srcFormatId; UINT32 dstFormatId; BOOL nullTerminated = FALSE; UINT32 size = formatDataResponse->dataLen; BYTE* data = formatDataResponse->requestedFormatData; xfClipboard* clipboard = (xfClipboard*) context->custom; xfContext* xfc = clipboard->xfc; if (!clipboard->respond) return CHANNEL_RC_OK; if (clipboard->data) { free(clipboard->data); clipboard->data = NULL; } pDstData = NULL; DstSize = 0; srcFormatId = 0; dstFormatId = 0; if (clipboard->data_raw_format) { srcFormatId = CF_RAW; dstFormatId = CF_RAW; } else if (clipboard->data_format_name) { if (strcmp(clipboard->data_format_name, "HTML Format") == 0) { srcFormatId = ClipboardGetFormatId(clipboard->system, "HTML Format"); dstFormatId = ClipboardGetFormatId(clipboard->system, "text/html"); nullTerminated = TRUE; } } else { switch (clipboard->data_format_id) { case CF_TEXT: srcFormatId = CF_TEXT; dstFormatId = ClipboardGetFormatId(clipboard->system, "UTF8_STRING"); nullTerminated = TRUE; break; case CF_OEMTEXT: srcFormatId = CF_OEMTEXT; dstFormatId = ClipboardGetFormatId(clipboard->system, "UTF8_STRING"); nullTerminated = TRUE; break; case CF_UNICODETEXT: srcFormatId = CF_UNICODETEXT; dstFormatId = ClipboardGetFormatId(clipboard->system, "UTF8_STRING"); nullTerminated = TRUE; break; case CF_DIB: srcFormatId = CF_DIB; dstFormatId = ClipboardGetFormatId(clipboard->system, "image/bmp"); break; } } SrcSize = (UINT32) size; bSuccess = ClipboardSetData(clipboard->system, srcFormatId, data, SrcSize); if (bSuccess) { DstSize = 0; pDstData = (BYTE*) ClipboardGetData(clipboard->system, dstFormatId, &DstSize); if (nullTerminated) { while (DstSize > 0 && pDstData[DstSize - 1] == '\0') DstSize--; } } clipboard->data = pDstData; clipboard->data_length = DstSize; xf_cliprdr_provide_data(clipboard, clipboard->respond, pDstData, DstSize); XSendEvent(xfc->display, clipboard->respond->xselection.requestor, 0, 0, clipboard->respond); XFlush(xfc->display); free(clipboard->respond); clipboard->respond = NULL; return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } xfClipboard* xf_clipboard_new(xfContext* xfc) { int n; rdpChannels* channels; xfClipboard* clipboard; if (!(clipboard = (xfClipboard*) calloc(1, sizeof(xfClipboard)))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "failed to allocate xfClipboard data"); return NULL; } xfc->clipboard = clipboard; clipboard->xfc = xfc; channels = ((rdpContext*) xfc)->channels; clipboard->channels = channels; clipboard->system = ClipboardCreate(); clipboard->requestedFormatId = -1; clipboard->root_window = DefaultRootWindow(xfc->display); clipboard->clipboard_atom = XInternAtom(xfc->display, "CLIPBOARD", FALSE); if (clipboard->clipboard_atom == None) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to get CLIPBOARD atom"); free(clipboard); return NULL; } clipboard->property_atom = XInternAtom(xfc->display, "_FREERDP_CLIPRDR", FALSE); clipboard->raw_transfer_atom = XInternAtom(xfc->display, "_FREERDP_CLIPRDR_RAW", FALSE); clipboard->raw_format_list_atom = XInternAtom(xfc->display, "_FREERDP_CLIPRDR_FORMATS", FALSE); xf_cliprdr_set_raw_transfer_enabled(clipboard, TRUE); XSelectInput(xfc->display, clipboard->root_window, PropertyChangeMask); #ifdef WITH_XFIXES if (XFixesQueryExtension(xfc->display, &clipboard->xfixes_event_base, &clipboard->xfixes_error_base)) { int xfmajor, xfminor; if (XFixesQueryVersion(xfc->display, &xfmajor, &xfminor)) { XFixesSelectSelectionInput(xfc->display, clipboard->root_window, clipboard->clipboard_atom, XFixesSetSelectionOwnerNotifyMask); clipboard->xfixes_supported = TRUE; } else { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Error querying X Fixes extension version"); } } else { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Error loading X Fixes extension"); } #else WLog_ERR(TAG, "Warning: Using clipboard redirection without XFIXES extension is strongly discouraged!"); #endif n = 0; clipboard->clientFormats[n].atom = XInternAtom(xfc->display, "_FREERDP_RAW", False); clipboard->clientFormats[n].formatId = CF_RAW; n++; clipboard->clientFormats[n].atom = XInternAtom(xfc->display, "UTF8_STRING", False); clipboard->clientFormats[n].formatId = CF_UNICODETEXT; n++; clipboard->clientFormats[n].atom = XA_STRING; clipboard->clientFormats[n].formatId = CF_TEXT; n++; clipboard->clientFormats[n].atom = XInternAtom(xfc->display, "image/png", False); clipboard->clientFormats[n].formatId = CB_FORMAT_PNG; n++; clipboard->clientFormats[n].atom = XInternAtom(xfc->display, "image/jpeg", False); clipboard->clientFormats[n].formatId = CB_FORMAT_JPEG; n++; clipboard->clientFormats[n].atom = XInternAtom(xfc->display, "image/gif", False); clipboard->clientFormats[n].formatId = CB_FORMAT_GIF; n++; clipboard->clientFormats[n].atom = XInternAtom(xfc->display, "image/bmp", False); clipboard->clientFormats[n].formatId = CF_DIB; n++; clipboard->clientFormats[n].atom = XInternAtom(xfc->display, "text/html", False); clipboard->clientFormats[n].formatId = CB_FORMAT_HTML; clipboard->clientFormats[n].formatName = _strdup("HTML Format"); if (!clipboard->clientFormats[n].formatName) { ClipboardDestroy(clipboard->system); free(clipboard); return NULL; } n++; clipboard->numClientFormats = n; clipboard->targets[0] = XInternAtom(xfc->display, "TIMESTAMP", FALSE); clipboard->targets[1] = XInternAtom(xfc->display, "TARGETS", FALSE); clipboard->numTargets = 2; clipboard->incr_atom = XInternAtom(xfc->display, "INCR", FALSE); return clipboard; } void xf_clipboard_free(xfClipboard* clipboard) { int i; if (!clipboard) return; if (clipboard->serverFormats) { for (i = 0; i < clipboard->numServerFormats; i++) free(clipboard->serverFormats[i].formatName); free(clipboard->serverFormats); clipboard->serverFormats = NULL; } if (clipboard->numClientFormats) { for (i = 0; i < clipboard->numClientFormats; i++) free(clipboard->clientFormats[i].formatName); } ClipboardDestroy(clipboard->system); free(clipboard->data); free(clipboard->respond); free(clipboard->incr_data); free(clipboard); } void xf_cliprdr_init(xfContext* xfc, CliprdrClientContext* cliprdr) { xfc->cliprdr = cliprdr; xfc->clipboard->context = cliprdr; cliprdr->custom = (void*) xfc->clipboard; cliprdr->MonitorReady = xf_cliprdr_monitor_ready; cliprdr->ServerCapabilities = xf_cliprdr_server_capabilities; cliprdr->ServerFormatList = xf_cliprdr_server_format_list; cliprdr->ServerFormatListResponse = xf_cliprdr_server_format_list_response; cliprdr->ServerFormatDataRequest = xf_cliprdr_server_format_data_request; cliprdr->ServerFormatDataResponse = xf_cliprdr_server_format_data_response; } void xf_cliprdr_uninit(xfContext* xfc, CliprdrClientContext* cliprdr) { xfc->cliprdr = NULL; cliprdr->custom = NULL; if (xfc->clipboard) xfc->clipboard->context = NULL; }