/** * WinPR: Windows Portable Runtime * Pipe Functions * * Copyright 2012 Marc-Andre Moreau * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #include "../handle/handle.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pipe.h" #include "../log.h" #define TAG WINPR_TAG("pipe") /* * Since the WinPR implementation of named pipes makes use of UNIX domain * sockets, it is not possible to bind the same name more than once (i.e., * SO_REUSEADDR does not work with UNIX domain sockets). As a result, the * first call to CreateNamedPipe with name n creates a "shared" UNIX domain * socket descriptor that gets duplicated via dup() for the first and all * subsequent calls to CreateNamedPipe with name n. * * The following array keeps track of the references to the shared socked * descriptors. If an entry's reference count is zero the base socket * descriptor gets closed and the entry is removed from the list. */ static wArrayList *g_NamedPipeServerSockets = NULL; typedef struct _NamedPipeServerSocketEntry { char *name; int serverfd; int references; } NamedPipeServerSocketEntry; static void InitWinPRPipeModule() { if (g_NamedPipeServerSockets) return; g_NamedPipeServerSockets = ArrayList_New(FALSE); } /* * Unnamed pipe */ BOOL CreatePipe(PHANDLE hReadPipe, PHANDLE hWritePipe, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpPipeAttributes, DWORD nSize) { int pipe_fd[2]; WINPR_PIPE *pReadPipe; WINPR_PIPE *pWritePipe; pipe_fd[0] = -1; pipe_fd[1] = -1; if (pipe(pipe_fd) < 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "failed to create pipe"); return FALSE; } pReadPipe = (WINPR_PIPE *) malloc(sizeof(WINPR_PIPE)); pWritePipe = (WINPR_PIPE *) malloc(sizeof(WINPR_PIPE)); if (!pReadPipe || !pWritePipe) { if (pReadPipe) free(pReadPipe); if (pWritePipe) free(pWritePipe); return FALSE; } pReadPipe->fd = pipe_fd[0]; pWritePipe->fd = pipe_fd[1]; WINPR_HANDLE_SET_TYPE(pReadPipe, HANDLE_TYPE_ANONYMOUS_PIPE); *((ULONG_PTR *) hReadPipe) = (ULONG_PTR) pReadPipe; WINPR_HANDLE_SET_TYPE(pWritePipe, HANDLE_TYPE_ANONYMOUS_PIPE); *((ULONG_PTR *) hWritePipe) = (ULONG_PTR) pWritePipe; return TRUE; } /** * Named pipe */ static void winpr_unref_named_pipe(WINPR_NAMED_PIPE *pNamedPipe) { int index; NamedPipeServerSocketEntry *baseSocket; if (!pNamedPipe) return; assert(pNamedPipe->name); assert(g_NamedPipeServerSockets); //WLog_VRB(TAG, "%s: %p (%s)", __FUNCTION__, pNamedPipe, pNamedPipe->name); ArrayList_Lock(g_NamedPipeServerSockets); for (index = 0; index < ArrayList_Count(g_NamedPipeServerSockets); index++) { baseSocket = (NamedPipeServerSocketEntry *) ArrayList_GetItem( g_NamedPipeServerSockets, index); assert(baseSocket->name); if (!strcmp(baseSocket->name, pNamedPipe->name)) { assert(baseSocket->references > 0); assert(baseSocket->serverfd != -1); if (--baseSocket->references == 0) { //WLog_DBG(TAG, "%s: removing shared server socked resource", __FUNCTION__); //WLog_DBG(TAG, "%s: closing shared serverfd %d", __FUNCTION__, baseSocket->serverfd); ArrayList_Remove(g_NamedPipeServerSockets, baseSocket); close(baseSocket->serverfd); free(baseSocket->name); free(baseSocket); } break; } } ArrayList_Unlock(g_NamedPipeServerSockets); } HANDLE CreateNamedPipeA(LPCSTR lpName, DWORD dwOpenMode, DWORD dwPipeMode, DWORD nMaxInstances, DWORD nOutBufferSize, DWORD nInBufferSize, DWORD nDefaultTimeOut, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes) { int index; HANDLE hNamedPipe = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; char *lpPipePath; struct sockaddr_un s; WINPR_NAMED_PIPE *pNamedPipe = NULL; int serverfd = -1; NamedPipeServerSocketEntry *baseSocket = NULL; if (!lpName) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; InitWinPRPipeModule(); pNamedPipe = (WINPR_NAMED_PIPE *) calloc(1, sizeof(WINPR_NAMED_PIPE)); WINPR_HANDLE_SET_TYPE(pNamedPipe, HANDLE_TYPE_NAMED_PIPE); if (!(pNamedPipe->name = _strdup(lpName))) goto out; if (!(pNamedPipe->lpFileName = GetNamedPipeNameWithoutPrefixA(lpName))) goto out; if (!(pNamedPipe->lpFilePath = GetNamedPipeUnixDomainSocketFilePathA(lpName))) goto out; pNamedPipe->dwOpenMode = dwOpenMode; pNamedPipe->dwPipeMode = dwPipeMode; pNamedPipe->nMaxInstances = nMaxInstances; pNamedPipe->nOutBufferSize = nOutBufferSize; pNamedPipe->nInBufferSize = nInBufferSize; pNamedPipe->nDefaultTimeOut = nDefaultTimeOut; pNamedPipe->dwFlagsAndAttributes = dwOpenMode; pNamedPipe->clientfd = -1; pNamedPipe->ServerMode = TRUE; ArrayList_Lock(g_NamedPipeServerSockets); for (index = 0; index < ArrayList_Count(g_NamedPipeServerSockets); index++) { baseSocket = (NamedPipeServerSocketEntry *) ArrayList_GetItem( g_NamedPipeServerSockets, index); if (!strcmp(baseSocket->name, lpName)) { serverfd = baseSocket->serverfd; //WLog_DBG(TAG, "using shared socked resource for pipe %p (%s)", pNamedPipe, lpName); break; } } /* If this is the first instance of the named pipe... */ if (serverfd == -1) { /* Create the UNIX domain socket and start listening. */ if (!(lpPipePath = GetNamedPipeUnixDomainSocketBaseFilePathA())) goto out; if (!PathFileExistsA(lpPipePath)) { CreateDirectoryA(lpPipePath, 0); UnixChangeFileMode(lpPipePath, 0xFFFF); } free(lpPipePath); if (PathFileExistsA(pNamedPipe->lpFilePath)) { DeleteFileA(pNamedPipe->lpFilePath); } if ((serverfd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "CreateNamedPipeA: socket error, %s", strerror(errno)); goto out; } ZeroMemory(&s, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)); s.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy(s.sun_path, pNamedPipe->lpFilePath); if (bind(serverfd, (struct sockaddr *) &s, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)) == -1) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "CreateNamedPipeA: bind error, %s", strerror(errno)); goto out; } if (listen(serverfd, 2) == -1) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "CreateNamedPipeA: listen error, %s", strerror(errno)); goto out; } UnixChangeFileMode(pNamedPipe->lpFilePath, 0xFFFF); if (!(baseSocket = (NamedPipeServerSocketEntry *) malloc(sizeof(NamedPipeServerSocketEntry)))) goto out; if (!(baseSocket->name = _strdup(lpName))) { free(baseSocket); goto out; } baseSocket->serverfd = serverfd; baseSocket->references = 0; ArrayList_Add(g_NamedPipeServerSockets, baseSocket); //WLog_DBG(TAG, "created shared socked resource for pipe %p (%s). base serverfd = %d", pNamedPipe, lpName, serverfd); } pNamedPipe->serverfd = dup(baseSocket->serverfd); //WLog_DBG(TAG, "using serverfd %d (duplicated from %d)", pNamedPipe->serverfd, baseSocket->serverfd); pNamedPipe->pfnUnrefNamedPipe = winpr_unref_named_pipe; baseSocket->references++; if (dwOpenMode & FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED) { #if 0 int flags = fcntl(pNamedPipe->serverfd, F_GETFL); if (flags != -1) fcntl(pNamedPipe->serverfd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); #endif } hNamedPipe = (HANDLE) pNamedPipe; out: if (hNamedPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (pNamedPipe) { free((void *)pNamedPipe->name); free((void *)pNamedPipe->lpFileName); free((void *)pNamedPipe->lpFilePath); free(pNamedPipe); } if (serverfd != -1) close(serverfd); } ArrayList_Unlock(g_NamedPipeServerSockets); return hNamedPipe; } HANDLE CreateNamedPipeW(LPCWSTR lpName, DWORD dwOpenMode, DWORD dwPipeMode, DWORD nMaxInstances, DWORD nOutBufferSize, DWORD nInBufferSize, DWORD nDefaultTimeOut, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes) { return NULL; } BOOL ConnectNamedPipe(HANDLE hNamedPipe, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped) { int status; socklen_t length; struct sockaddr_un s; WINPR_NAMED_PIPE *pNamedPipe; if (!hNamedPipe) return FALSE; pNamedPipe = (WINPR_NAMED_PIPE *) hNamedPipe; if (!(pNamedPipe->dwFlagsAndAttributes & FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED)) { length = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un); ZeroMemory(&s, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)); status = accept(pNamedPipe->serverfd, (struct sockaddr *) &s, &length); if (status < 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ConnectNamedPipe: accept error"); return FALSE; } pNamedPipe->clientfd = status; pNamedPipe->ServerMode = FALSE; } else { if (!lpOverlapped) return FALSE; if (pNamedPipe->serverfd == -1) return FALSE; pNamedPipe->lpOverlapped = lpOverlapped; /* synchronous behavior */ lpOverlapped->Internal = 2; lpOverlapped->InternalHigh = (ULONG_PTR) 0; lpOverlapped->Pointer = (PVOID) NULL; SetEvent(lpOverlapped->hEvent); } return TRUE; } BOOL DisconnectNamedPipe(HANDLE hNamedPipe) { WINPR_NAMED_PIPE *pNamedPipe; pNamedPipe = (WINPR_NAMED_PIPE *) hNamedPipe; if (pNamedPipe->clientfd != -1) { close(pNamedPipe->clientfd); pNamedPipe->clientfd = -1; } return TRUE; } BOOL PeekNamedPipe(HANDLE hNamedPipe, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nBufferSize, LPDWORD lpBytesRead, LPDWORD lpTotalBytesAvail, LPDWORD lpBytesLeftThisMessage) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Not implemented"); return TRUE; } BOOL TransactNamedPipe(HANDLE hNamedPipe, LPVOID lpInBuffer, DWORD nInBufferSize, LPVOID lpOutBuffer, DWORD nOutBufferSize, LPDWORD lpBytesRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Not implemented"); return TRUE; } BOOL WaitNamedPipeA(LPCSTR lpNamedPipeName, DWORD nTimeOut) { BOOL status; DWORD nWaitTime; char *lpFilePath; DWORD dwSleepInterval; if (!lpNamedPipeName) return FALSE; lpFilePath = GetNamedPipeUnixDomainSocketFilePathA(lpNamedPipeName); if (nTimeOut == NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT) nTimeOut = 50; nWaitTime = 0; status = TRUE; dwSleepInterval = 10; while (!PathFileExistsA(lpFilePath)) { Sleep(dwSleepInterval); nWaitTime += dwSleepInterval; if (nWaitTime >= nTimeOut) { status = FALSE; break; } } free(lpFilePath); return status; } BOOL WaitNamedPipeW(LPCWSTR lpNamedPipeName, DWORD nTimeOut) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Not implemented"); return TRUE; } BOOL SetNamedPipeHandleState(HANDLE hNamedPipe, LPDWORD lpMode, LPDWORD lpMaxCollectionCount, LPDWORD lpCollectDataTimeout) { int fd; int flags; WINPR_NAMED_PIPE *pNamedPipe; pNamedPipe = (WINPR_NAMED_PIPE *) hNamedPipe; if (lpMode) { pNamedPipe->dwPipeMode = *lpMode; fd = (pNamedPipe->ServerMode) ? pNamedPipe->serverfd : pNamedPipe->clientfd; if (fd == -1) return FALSE; flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL); if (pNamedPipe->dwPipeMode & PIPE_NOWAIT) flags = (flags | O_NONBLOCK); else flags = (flags & ~(O_NONBLOCK)); fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags); } if (lpMaxCollectionCount) { } if (lpCollectDataTimeout) { } return TRUE; } BOOL ImpersonateNamedPipeClient(HANDLE hNamedPipe) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Not implemented"); return FALSE; } BOOL GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameA(HANDLE Pipe, LPCSTR ClientComputerName, ULONG ClientComputerNameLength) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Not implemented"); return FALSE; } BOOL GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameW(HANDLE Pipe, LPCWSTR ClientComputerName, ULONG ClientComputerNameLength) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Not implemented"); return FALSE; } #endif