/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * X11 Keyboard Handling * * Copyright 2011 Marc-Andre Moreau <marcandre.moreau@gmail.com> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <winpr/crt.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/keysym.h> #include <freerdp/locale/keyboard.h> #include "xf_keyboard.h" void xf_kbd_init(xfContext* xfc) { xf_kbd_clear(xfc); xfc->keyboard_layout_id = xfc->instance->settings->KeyboardLayout; xfc->keyboard_layout_id = freerdp_keyboard_init(xfc->keyboard_layout_id); xfc->instance->settings->KeyboardLayout = xfc->keyboard_layout_id; xfc->modifier_map = XGetModifierMapping(xfc->display); } void xf_kbd_clear(xfContext* xfc) { ZeroMemory(xfc->pressed_keys, 256 * sizeof(BOOL)); } void xf_kbd_set_keypress(xfContext* xfc, BYTE keycode, KeySym keysym) { if (keycode >= 8) xfc->pressed_keys[keycode] = keysym; else return; } void xf_kbd_unset_keypress(xfContext* xfc, BYTE keycode) { if (keycode >= 8) xfc->pressed_keys[keycode] = NoSymbol; else return; } void xf_kbd_release_all_keypress(xfContext* xfc) { int keycode; DWORD rdp_scancode; for (keycode = 0; keycode < ARRAYSIZE(xfc->pressed_keys); keycode++) { if (xfc->pressed_keys[keycode] != NoSymbol) { rdp_scancode = freerdp_keyboard_get_rdp_scancode_from_x11_keycode(keycode); freerdp_input_send_keyboard_event_ex(xfc->instance->input, FALSE, rdp_scancode); xfc->pressed_keys[keycode] = NoSymbol; } } } BOOL xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfContext* xfc, KeySym keysym) { KeyCode keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(xfc->display, keysym); return (xfc->pressed_keys[keycode] == keysym); } void xf_kbd_send_key(xfContext* xfc, BOOL down, BYTE keycode) { DWORD rdp_scancode; rdpInput* input; input = xfc->instance->input; rdp_scancode = freerdp_keyboard_get_rdp_scancode_from_x11_keycode(keycode); if (rdp_scancode == RDP_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown key with X keycode 0x%02x\n", keycode); } else if (rdp_scancode == RDP_SCANCODE_PAUSE && !xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_L) && !xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_R)) { /* Pause without Ctrl has to be sent as Ctrl + NumLock. */ if (down) { freerdp_input_send_keyboard_event_ex(input, TRUE, RDP_SCANCODE_LCONTROL); freerdp_input_send_keyboard_event_ex(input, TRUE, RDP_SCANCODE_NUMLOCK); freerdp_input_send_keyboard_event_ex(input, FALSE, RDP_SCANCODE_LCONTROL); freerdp_input_send_keyboard_event_ex(input, FALSE, RDP_SCANCODE_NUMLOCK); } } else { freerdp_input_send_keyboard_event_ex(input, down, rdp_scancode); if ((rdp_scancode == RDP_SCANCODE_CAPSLOCK) && (down == FALSE)) { UINT32 syncFlags; syncFlags = xf_kbd_get_toggle_keys_state(xfc); input->SynchronizeEvent(input, syncFlags); } } } int xf_kbd_read_keyboard_state(xfContext* xfc) { int dummy; Window wdummy; UINT32 state = 0; if (!xfc->remote_app) { XQueryPointer(xfc->display, xfc->window->handle, &wdummy, &wdummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &state); } else { XQueryPointer(xfc->display, DefaultRootWindow(xfc->display), &wdummy, &wdummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &state); } return state; } BOOL xf_kbd_get_key_state(xfContext* xfc, int state, int keysym) { int offset; int modifierpos, key, keysymMask = 0; KeyCode keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(xfc->display, keysym); if (keycode == NoSymbol) return FALSE; for (modifierpos = 0; modifierpos < 8; modifierpos++) { offset = xfc->modifier_map->max_keypermod * modifierpos; for (key = 0; key < xfc->modifier_map->max_keypermod; key++) { if (xfc->modifier_map->modifiermap[offset + key] == keycode) { keysymMask |= 1 << modifierpos; } } } return (state & keysymMask) ? TRUE : FALSE; } int xf_kbd_get_toggle_keys_state(xfContext* xfc) { int state; int toggle_keys_state = 0; state = xf_kbd_read_keyboard_state(xfc); if (xf_kbd_get_key_state(xfc, state, XK_Scroll_Lock)) toggle_keys_state |= KBD_SYNC_SCROLL_LOCK; if (xf_kbd_get_key_state(xfc, state, XK_Num_Lock)) toggle_keys_state |= KBD_SYNC_NUM_LOCK; if (xf_kbd_get_key_state(xfc, state, XK_Caps_Lock)) toggle_keys_state |= KBD_SYNC_CAPS_LOCK; if (xf_kbd_get_key_state(xfc, state, XK_Kana_Lock)) toggle_keys_state |= KBD_SYNC_KANA_LOCK; return toggle_keys_state; } void xf_kbd_focus_in(xfContext* xfc) { rdpInput* input; UINT32 syncFlags; int dummy, mouseX, mouseY; Window wdummy; UINT32 state = 0; if (xfc->display && xfc->window) { input = xfc->instance->input; syncFlags = xf_kbd_get_toggle_keys_state(xfc); XQueryPointer(xfc->display, xfc->window->handle, &wdummy, &wdummy, &mouseX, &mouseY, &dummy, &dummy, &state); input->FocusInEvent(input, syncFlags, mouseX, mouseY); } } BOOL xf_kbd_handle_special_keys(xfContext* xfc, KeySym keysym) { if (keysym == XK_Return) { if ((xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Alt_L) || xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Alt_R)) && (xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_L) || xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_R))) { /* Ctrl-Alt-Enter: toggle full screen */ xf_toggle_fullscreen(xfc); return TRUE; } } if (keysym == XK_period) { if ((xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Alt_L) || xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Alt_R)) && (xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_L) || xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_R))) { //Zoom in (scale larger) double s = xfc->settings->ScalingFactor; s += 0.1; if (s > 2.0) s = 2.0; xfc->settings->ScalingFactor = s; xfc->currentWidth = xfc->originalWidth * s; xfc->currentHeight = xfc->originalHeight * s; xf_transform_window(xfc); { ResizeWindowEventArgs e; EventArgsInit(&e, "xfreerdp"); e.width = (int) xfc->originalWidth * xfc->settings->ScalingFactor; e.height = (int) xfc->originalHeight * xfc->settings->ScalingFactor; PubSub_OnResizeWindow(((rdpContext*) xfc)->pubSub, xfc, &e); } xf_draw_screen_scaled(xfc, 0, 0, 0, 0, FALSE); return TRUE; } } if (keysym == XK_comma) { if ((xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Alt_L) || xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Alt_R)) && (xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_L) || xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_R))) { //Zoom out (scale smaller) double s = xfc->settings->ScalingFactor; s -= 0.1; if (s < 0.5) s = 0.5; xfc->settings->ScalingFactor = s; xfc->currentWidth = xfc->originalWidth * s; xfc->currentHeight = xfc->originalHeight * s; xf_transform_window(xfc); { ResizeWindowEventArgs e; EventArgsInit(&e, "xfreerdp"); e.width = (int) xfc->originalWidth * xfc->settings->ScalingFactor; e.height = (int) xfc->originalHeight * xfc->settings->ScalingFactor; PubSub_OnResizeWindow(((rdpContext*) xfc)->pubSub, xfc, &e); } xf_draw_screen_scaled(xfc, 0, 0, 0, 0, FALSE); return TRUE; } } if (keysym == XK_KP_4) { if ((xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Alt_L) || xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Alt_R)) && (xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_L) || xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_R))) { { PanningChangeEventArgs e; EventArgsInit(&e, "xfreerdp"); e.XPan = -5; e.YPan = 0; PubSub_OnPanningChange(((rdpContext*) xfc)->pubSub, xfc, &e); } return TRUE; } } if (keysym == XK_KP_6) { if ((xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Alt_L) || xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Alt_R)) && (xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_L) || xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_R))) { { PanningChangeEventArgs e; EventArgsInit(&e, "xfreerdp"); e.XPan = 5; e.YPan = 0; PubSub_OnPanningChange(((rdpContext*) xfc)->pubSub, xfc, &e); } return TRUE; } } if (keysym == XK_KP_8) { if ((xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Alt_L) || xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Alt_R)) && (xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_L) || xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_R))) { { PanningChangeEventArgs e; EventArgsInit(&e, "xfreerdp"); e.XPan = 0; e.YPan = -5; PubSub_OnPanningChange(((rdpContext*) xfc)->pubSub, xfc, &e); } return TRUE; } } if (keysym == XK_KP_2) { if ((xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Alt_L) || xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Alt_R)) && (xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_L) || xf_kbd_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_R))) { { PanningChangeEventArgs e; EventArgsInit(&e, "xfreerdp"); e.XPan = 0; e.YPan = 5; PubSub_OnPanningChange(((rdpContext*) xfc)->pubSub, xfc, &e); } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }