/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * Azure Virtual Desktop Gateway / Azure Resource Manager * * Copyright 2023 Michael Saxl * Copyright 2023 David Fort * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "../settings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "arm.h" #include "wst.h" #include "websocket.h" #include "http.h" #include "../credssp_auth.h" #include "../proxy.h" #include "../rdp.h" #include "../../crypto/crypto.h" #include "../../crypto/certificate.h" #include "../../crypto/opensslcompat.h" #include "rpc_fault.h" #include "../utils.h" #include "../redirection.h" #include #include struct rdp_arm { rdpContext* context; rdpTls* tls; HttpContext* http; UINT32 gateway_retry; }; typedef struct rdp_arm rdpArm; #define TAG FREERDP_TAG("core.gateway.arm") #ifdef WITH_AAD static BOOL arm_tls_connect(rdpArm* arm, rdpTls* tls, int timeout) { WINPR_ASSERT(arm); WINPR_ASSERT(tls); int sockfd = 0; long status = 0; BIO* socketBio = NULL; BIO* bufferedBio = NULL; rdpSettings* settings = arm->context->settings; if (!settings) return FALSE; const char* peerHostname = freerdp_settings_get_string(settings, FreeRDP_GatewayHostname); if (!peerHostname) return FALSE; UINT16 peerPort = (UINT16)freerdp_settings_get_uint32(settings, FreeRDP_GatewayPort); const char* proxyUsername = NULL; const char* proxyPassword = NULL; BOOL isProxyConnection = proxy_prepare(settings, &peerHostname, &peerPort, &proxyUsername, &proxyPassword); sockfd = freerdp_tcp_connect(arm->context, peerHostname, peerPort, timeout); WLog_DBG(TAG, "connecting to %s %d", peerHostname, peerPort); if (sockfd < 0) return FALSE; socketBio = BIO_new(BIO_s_simple_socket()); if (!socketBio) { closesocket((SOCKET)sockfd); return FALSE; } BIO_set_fd(socketBio, sockfd, BIO_CLOSE); bufferedBio = BIO_new(BIO_s_buffered_socket()); if (!bufferedBio) { BIO_free_all(socketBio); return FALSE; } bufferedBio = BIO_push(bufferedBio, socketBio); if (!bufferedBio) return FALSE; status = BIO_set_nonblock(bufferedBio, TRUE); if (isProxyConnection) { if (!proxy_connect(arm->context, bufferedBio, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, freerdp_settings_get_string(settings, FreeRDP_GatewayHostname), (UINT16)freerdp_settings_get_uint32(settings, FreeRDP_GatewayPort))) { BIO_free_all(bufferedBio); return FALSE; } } if (!status) { BIO_free_all(bufferedBio); return FALSE; } tls->hostname = freerdp_settings_get_string(settings, FreeRDP_GatewayHostname); tls->port = MIN(UINT16_MAX, settings->GatewayPort); tls->isGatewayTransport = TRUE; status = freerdp_tls_connect(tls, bufferedBio); if (status < 1) { rdpContext* context = arm->context; if (status < 0) freerdp_set_last_error_if_not(context, FREERDP_ERROR_TLS_CONNECT_FAILED); else freerdp_set_last_error_if_not(context, FREERDP_ERROR_CONNECT_CANCELLED); return FALSE; } return (status >= 1); } static wStream* arm_build_http_request(rdpArm* arm, const char* method, TRANSFER_ENCODING transferEncoding, const char* content_type, size_t content_length) { wStream* s = NULL; HttpRequest* request = NULL; const char* uri = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(arm); WINPR_ASSERT(method); WINPR_ASSERT(content_type); WINPR_ASSERT(arm->context); freerdp* instance = arm->context->instance; WINPR_ASSERT(instance); uri = http_context_get_uri(arm->http); request = http_request_new(); if (!request) return NULL; if (!http_request_set_method(request, method) || !http_request_set_uri(request, uri)) goto out; if (!freerdp_settings_get_string(arm->context->settings, FreeRDP_GatewayHttpExtAuthBearer)) { char* token = NULL; if (!instance->GetAccessToken) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "No authorization token provided"); goto out; } if (!instance->GetAccessToken(instance, ACCESS_TOKEN_TYPE_AVD, &token, 0)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Unable to obtain access token"); goto out; } if (!freerdp_settings_set_string(arm->context->settings, FreeRDP_GatewayHttpExtAuthBearer, token)) { free(token); goto out; } free(token); } if (!http_request_set_auth_scheme(request, "Bearer") || !http_request_set_auth_param( request, freerdp_settings_get_string(arm->context->settings, FreeRDP_GatewayHttpExtAuthBearer))) goto out; if (!http_request_set_transfer_encoding(request, transferEncoding) || !http_request_set_content_length(request, content_length) || !http_request_set_content_type(request, content_type)) goto out; s = http_request_write(arm->http, request); out: http_request_free(request); if (s) Stream_SealLength(s); return s; } static BOOL arm_send_http_request(rdpArm* arm, rdpTls* tls, const char* method, const char* content_type, const char* data, size_t content_length) { int status = -1; wStream* s = arm_build_http_request(arm, method, TransferEncodingIdentity, content_type, content_length); if (!s) return FALSE; const size_t sz = Stream_Length(s); status = freerdp_tls_write_all(tls, Stream_Buffer(s), sz); Stream_Free(s, TRUE); if (status >= 0 && content_length > 0 && data) status = freerdp_tls_write_all(tls, (const BYTE*)data, content_length); return (status >= 0); } static void arm_free(rdpArm* arm) { if (!arm) return; freerdp_tls_free(arm->tls); http_context_free(arm->http); free(arm); } static rdpArm* arm_new(rdpContext* context) { WINPR_ASSERT(context); rdpArm* arm = (rdpArm*)calloc(1, sizeof(rdpArm)); if (!arm) goto fail; arm->context = context; arm->tls = freerdp_tls_new(context); if (!arm->tls) goto fail; arm->http = http_context_new(); if (!arm->http) goto fail; return arm; fail: arm_free(arm); return NULL; } static char* arm_create_request_json(rdpArm* arm) { char* lbi = NULL; char* message = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(arm); WINPR_JSON* json = WINPR_JSON_CreateObject(); if (!json) goto arm_create_cleanup; WINPR_JSON_AddStringToObject( json, "application", freerdp_settings_get_string(arm->context->settings, FreeRDP_RemoteApplicationProgram)); lbi = calloc( freerdp_settings_get_uint32(arm->context->settings, FreeRDP_LoadBalanceInfoLength) + 1, sizeof(char)); if (!lbi) goto arm_create_cleanup; const size_t len = freerdp_settings_get_uint32(arm->context->settings, FreeRDP_LoadBalanceInfoLength); memcpy(lbi, freerdp_settings_get_pointer(arm->context->settings, FreeRDP_LoadBalanceInfo), len); WINPR_JSON_AddStringToObject(json, "loadBalanceInfo", lbi); WINPR_JSON_AddNullToObject(json, "LogonToken"); WINPR_JSON_AddNullToObject(json, "gatewayLoadBalancerToken"); message = WINPR_JSON_PrintUnformatted(json); arm_create_cleanup: if (json) WINPR_JSON_Delete(json); free(lbi); return message; } /** * @brief treats the redirectedAuthBlob * * sample pbInput: * @code * 41004500530000004b44424d01000000200000006ee71b295810b3fd13799da3825d0efa3a628e8f4a6eda609ffa975408556546 * 'A\x00E\x00S\x00\x00\x00KDBM\x01\x00\x00\x00 * \x00\x00\x00n\xe7\x1b)X\x10\xb3\xfd\x13y\x9d\xa3\x82]\x0e\xfa:b\x8e\x8fJn\xda`\x9f\xfa\x97T\x08UeF' * @endcode * * @param pbInput the raw auth blob (base64 and utf16 decoded) * @param cbInput size of pbInput * @return the corresponding WINPR_CIPHER_CTX if success, NULL otherwise */ static WINPR_CIPHER_CTX* treatAuthBlob(const BYTE* pbInput, size_t cbInput) { WINPR_CIPHER_CTX* ret = NULL; char algoName[100] = { 0 }; SSIZE_T algoSz = ConvertWCharNToUtf8((const WCHAR*)pbInput, cbInput / sizeof(WCHAR), algoName, sizeof(algoName)); if (algoSz <= 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "invalid algoName"); return NULL; } algoName[algoSz] = 0; if (strcmp(algoName, "AES") != 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "only AES is supported for now"); return NULL; } cbInput -= (algoSz + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (cbInput < 12) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "invalid AuthBlob size"); return NULL; } /* BCRYPT_KEY_DATA_BLOB_HEADER */ wStream staticStream = { 0 }; wStream* s = Stream_StaticConstInit(&staticStream, pbInput + (algoSz + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), cbInput); UINT32 dwMagic = 0; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, dwMagic); if (dwMagic != BCRYPT_KEY_DATA_BLOB_MAGIC) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unsupported authBlob type"); return NULL; } UINT32 dwVersion = 0; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, dwVersion); if (dwVersion != BCRYPT_KEY_DATA_BLOB_VERSION1) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unsupported authBlob version %d, expecting %d", dwVersion, BCRYPT_KEY_DATA_BLOB_VERSION1); return NULL; } UINT32 cbKeyData = 0; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, cbKeyData); cbInput -= 12; if (cbKeyData > cbInput) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "invalid authBlob size"); return NULL; } int cipherType = 0; switch (cbKeyData) { case 16: cipherType = WINPR_CIPHER_AES_128_CBC; break; case 24: cipherType = WINPR_CIPHER_AES_192_CBC; break; case 32: cipherType = WINPR_CIPHER_AES_256_CBC; break; default: WLog_ERR(TAG, "invalid authBlob cipher size"); return NULL; } ret = winpr_Cipher_New(cipherType, WINPR_ENCRYPT, Stream_Pointer(s), NULL); if (!ret) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error creating cipher"); return NULL; } if (!winpr_Cipher_SetPadding(ret, TRUE)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to enable padding on cipher"); winpr_Cipher_Free(ret); return NULL; } return ret; } static BOOL arm_stringEncodeW(const BYTE* pin, size_t cbIn, BYTE** ppOut, size_t* pcbOut) { *ppOut = NULL; *pcbOut = 0; /* encode to base64 with crlf */ char* b64encoded = crypto_base64_encode_ex(pin, cbIn, TRUE); if (!b64encoded) return FALSE; /* and then convert to Unicode */ size_t outSz = 0; *ppOut = (BYTE*)ConvertUtf8NToWCharAlloc(b64encoded, strlen(b64encoded), &outSz); free(b64encoded); if (!*ppOut) return FALSE; *pcbOut = (outSz + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); return TRUE; } static BOOL arm_encodeRedirectPasswd(rdpSettings* settings, const rdpCertificate* cert, WINPR_CIPHER_CTX* cipher) { BOOL ret = FALSE; BYTE* output = NULL; BYTE* finalOutput = NULL; /* let's prepare the encrypted password, first we do a * cipheredPass = AES(redirectedAuthBlob, toUtf16(passwd)) */ size_t wpasswdLen = 0; WCHAR* wpasswd = freerdp_settings_get_string_as_utf16(settings, FreeRDP_Password, &wpasswdLen); if (!wpasswd) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error when converting password to UTF16"); return FALSE; } size_t wpasswdBytes = (wpasswdLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); BYTE* encryptedPass = calloc(1, wpasswdBytes + 16); /* 16: block size of AES (padding) */ size_t encryptedPassLen = 0; size_t finalLen = 0; if (!encryptedPass || !winpr_Cipher_Update(cipher, wpasswd, wpasswdBytes, encryptedPass, &encryptedPassLen) || !winpr_Cipher_Final(cipher, encryptedPass + encryptedPassLen, &finalLen)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error when ciphering password"); goto out; } encryptedPassLen += finalLen; /* then encrypt(cipheredPass, publicKey(redirectedServerCert) */ size_t output_length = 0; if (!freerdp_certificate_publickey_encrypt(cert, encryptedPass, encryptedPassLen, &output, &output_length)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to encrypt with the server's public key"); goto out; } size_t finalOutputLen = 0; if (!arm_stringEncodeW(output, output_length, &finalOutput, &finalOutputLen)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to base64+utf16 final blob"); goto out; } if (!freerdp_settings_set_pointer_len(settings, FreeRDP_RedirectionPassword, finalOutput, finalOutputLen)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to set the redirection password in settings"); goto out; } settings->RdstlsSecurity = TRUE; settings->AadSecurity = FALSE; settings->NlaSecurity = FALSE; settings->RdpSecurity = FALSE; settings->TlsSecurity = FALSE; settings->RedirectionFlags = LB_PASSWORD_IS_PK_ENCRYPTED; ret = TRUE; out: free(finalOutput); free(output); free(encryptedPass); free(wpasswd); return ret; } /** extract that stupidly over-encoded field that is the equivalent of * base64.b64decode( base64.b64decode(input).decode('utf-16') ) * in python */ static BOOL arm_pick_base64Utf16Field(const WINPR_JSON* json, const char* name, BYTE** poutput, size_t* plen) { *poutput = NULL; *plen = 0; WINPR_JSON* node = WINPR_JSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(json, name); if (!node || !WINPR_JSON_IsString(node)) return TRUE; const char* nodeValue = WINPR_JSON_GetStringValue(node); if (!nodeValue) return TRUE; BYTE* output1 = NULL; size_t len1 = 0; crypto_base64_decode(nodeValue, strlen(nodeValue), &output1, &len1); if (!output1 || !len1) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error when first unbase64 for %s", name); free(output1); return FALSE; } size_t len2 = 0; char* output2 = ConvertWCharNToUtf8Alloc((WCHAR*)output1, len1 / sizeof(WCHAR), &len2); free(output1); if (!output2 || !len2) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error when decode('utf-16') for %s", name); free(output2); return FALSE; } BYTE* output = NULL; crypto_base64_decode(output2, len2, &output, plen); free(output2); if (!output || !*plen) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error when second unbase64 for %s", name); free(output); return FALSE; } *poutput = output; return TRUE; } /** * treats the Azure network meta data that will typically look like: * * {'interface': [ * {'ipv4': { * 'ipAddress': [ * {'privateIpAddress': 'X.X.X.X', * 'publicIpAddress': 'X.X.X.X'} * ], * 'subnet': [ * {'address': 'X.X.X.X', 'prefix': '24'} * ] * }, * 'ipv6': {'ipAddress': []}, * 'macAddress': 'YYYYYYY'} * ] * } * */ static size_t arm_parse_ipvx_count(WINPR_JSON* ipvX) { WINPR_ASSERT(ipvX); WINPR_JSON* ipAddress = WINPR_JSON_GetObjectItem(ipvX, "ipAddress"); if (!ipAddress || !WINPR_JSON_IsArray(ipAddress)) return 0; return WINPR_JSON_GetArraySize(ipAddress); } static BOOL arm_parse_ipv6(rdpSettings* settings, WINPR_JSON* ipv6, size_t* pAddressIdx) { WINPR_ASSERT(settings); WINPR_ASSERT(ipv6); WINPR_ASSERT(pAddressIdx); if (!freerdp_settings_get_bool(settings, FreeRDP_IPv6Enabled)) return TRUE; WINPR_JSON* ipAddress = WINPR_JSON_GetObjectItem(ipv6, "ipAddress"); if (!ipAddress || !WINPR_JSON_IsArray(ipAddress)) return TRUE; const size_t naddresses = WINPR_JSON_GetArraySize(ipAddress); for (size_t j = 0; j < naddresses; j++) { WINPR_JSON* adressN = WINPR_JSON_GetArrayItem(ipAddress, j); if (!adressN || !WINPR_JSON_IsString(adressN)) continue; const char* addr = WINPR_JSON_GetStringValue(adressN); if (utils_str_is_empty(addr)) continue; if (!freerdp_settings_set_pointer_array(settings, FreeRDP_TargetNetAddresses, (*pAddressIdx)++, addr)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL arm_parse_ipv4(rdpSettings* settings, WINPR_JSON* ipv4, size_t* pAddressIdx) { WINPR_ASSERT(settings); WINPR_ASSERT(ipv4); WINPR_ASSERT(pAddressIdx); WINPR_JSON* ipAddress = WINPR_JSON_GetObjectItem(ipv4, "ipAddress"); if (!ipAddress || !WINPR_JSON_IsArray(ipAddress)) return TRUE; const size_t naddresses = WINPR_JSON_GetArraySize(ipAddress); for (size_t j = 0; j < naddresses; j++) { WINPR_JSON* adressN = WINPR_JSON_GetArrayItem(ipAddress, j); if (!adressN) continue; WINPR_JSON* publicIpNode = WINPR_JSON_GetObjectItem(adressN, "publicIpAddress"); if (publicIpNode && WINPR_JSON_IsString(publicIpNode)) { const char* publicIp = WINPR_JSON_GetStringValue(publicIpNode); if (!utils_str_is_empty(publicIp)) { if (!freerdp_settings_set_pointer_array(settings, FreeRDP_TargetNetAddresses, (*pAddressIdx)++, publicIp)) return FALSE; } } WINPR_JSON* privateIpNode = WINPR_JSON_GetObjectItem(adressN, "privateIpAddress"); if (privateIpNode && WINPR_JSON_IsString(privateIpNode)) { const char* privateIp = WINPR_JSON_GetStringValue(privateIpNode); if (!utils_str_is_empty(privateIp)) { if (!freerdp_settings_set_pointer_array(settings, FreeRDP_TargetNetAddresses, (*pAddressIdx)++, privateIp)) return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } static BOOL arm_treat_azureInstanceNetworkMetadata(const char* metadata, rdpSettings* settings) { BOOL ret = FALSE; WINPR_ASSERT(settings); if (!freerdp_target_net_adresses_reset(settings, 0)) return FALSE; WINPR_JSON* json = WINPR_JSON_Parse(metadata); if (!json) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "invalid azureInstanceNetworkMetadata"); return FALSE; } WINPR_JSON* iface = WINPR_JSON_GetObjectItem(json, "interface"); if (!iface) { ret = TRUE; goto out; } if (!WINPR_JSON_IsArray(iface)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "expecting interface to be an Array"); goto out; } size_t interfaceSz = WINPR_JSON_GetArraySize(iface); if (interfaceSz == 0) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "no addresses in azure instance metadata"); ret = TRUE; goto out; } size_t count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < interfaceSz; i++) { WINPR_JSON* interN = WINPR_JSON_GetArrayItem(iface, i); if (!interN) continue; WINPR_JSON* ipv6 = WINPR_JSON_GetObjectItem(interN, "ipv6"); if (ipv6) count += arm_parse_ipvx_count(ipv6); WINPR_JSON* ipv4 = WINPR_JSON_GetObjectItem(interN, "ipv4"); if (ipv4) count += arm_parse_ipvx_count(ipv4); } if (!freerdp_target_net_adresses_reset(settings, count)) return FALSE; size_t addressIdx = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < interfaceSz; i++) { WINPR_JSON* interN = WINPR_JSON_GetArrayItem(iface, i); if (!interN) continue; WINPR_JSON* ipv6 = WINPR_JSON_GetObjectItem(interN, "ipv6"); if (ipv6) { if (!arm_parse_ipv6(settings, ipv6, &addressIdx)) goto out; } WINPR_JSON* ipv4 = WINPR_JSON_GetObjectItem(interN, "ipv4"); if (ipv4) { if (!arm_parse_ipv4(settings, ipv4, &addressIdx)) goto out; } } if (!freerdp_settings_set_uint32(settings, FreeRDP_TargetNetAddressCount, addressIdx)) goto out; ret = freerdp_settings_get_uint32(settings, FreeRDP_TargetNetAddressCount) > 0; out: WINPR_JSON_Delete(json); return ret; } static BOOL arm_fill_rdstls(rdpArm* arm, rdpSettings* settings, const WINPR_JSON* json) { BOOL ret = TRUE; BYTE* cert = NULL; BYTE* authBlob = NULL; rdpCertificate* redirectedServerCert = NULL; do { /* redirectedAuthGuid */ WINPR_JSON* redirectedAuthGuidNode = WINPR_JSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(json, "redirectedAuthGuid"); if (!redirectedAuthGuidNode || !WINPR_JSON_IsString(redirectedAuthGuidNode)) break; const char* redirectedAuthGuid = WINPR_JSON_GetStringValue(redirectedAuthGuidNode); if (!redirectedAuthGuid) break; WCHAR wGUID[72] = { 0 }; /* A GUID string is between 32 and 68 characters as string, depending on representation. Add a few extra bytes for braces et al */ const SSIZE_T wGUID_len = ConvertUtf8ToWChar(redirectedAuthGuid, wGUID, ARRAYSIZE(wGUID)); if (wGUID_len < 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to allocate space for redirectedAuthGuid"); ret = FALSE; goto endOfFunction; } BOOL status = freerdp_settings_set_pointer_len(settings, FreeRDP_RedirectionGuid, wGUID, (wGUID_len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!status) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to set RedirectionGuid"); ret = FALSE; goto endOfFunction; } /* redirectedServerCert */ size_t certLen = 0; if (!arm_pick_base64Utf16Field(json, "redirectedServerCert", &cert, &certLen)) break; if (!rdp_redirection_read_target_cert(&redirectedServerCert, cert, certLen)) break; /* redirectedAuthBlob */ size_t authBlobLen = 0; if (!arm_pick_base64Utf16Field(json, "redirectedAuthBlob", &authBlob, &authBlobLen)) break; WINPR_CIPHER_CTX* cipher = treatAuthBlob(authBlob, authBlobLen); if (!cipher) break; const BOOL rerp = arm_encodeRedirectPasswd(settings, redirectedServerCert, cipher); winpr_Cipher_Free(cipher); if (!rerp) break; ret = TRUE; } while (FALSE); free(cert); freerdp_certificate_free(redirectedServerCert); free(authBlob); endOfFunction: return ret; } static BOOL arm_fill_gateway_parameters(rdpArm* arm, const char* message, size_t len) { WINPR_ASSERT(arm); WINPR_ASSERT(arm->context); WINPR_ASSERT(message); WINPR_JSON* json = WINPR_JSON_ParseWithLength(message, len); BOOL status = FALSE; if (!json) return FALSE; rdpSettings* settings = arm->context->settings; WINPR_JSON* gwurl = WINPR_JSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(json, "gatewayLocation"); const char* gwurlstr = WINPR_JSON_GetStringValue(gwurl); if (gwurlstr != NULL) { WLog_DBG(TAG, "extracted target url %s", gwurlstr); if (!freerdp_settings_set_string(settings, FreeRDP_GatewayUrl, gwurlstr)) status = FALSE; else status = TRUE; } WINPR_JSON* serverNameNode = WINPR_JSON_GetObjectItem(json, "redirectedServerName"); if (serverNameNode) { const char* serverName = WINPR_JSON_GetStringValue(serverNameNode); if (serverName) status = freerdp_settings_set_string(settings, FreeRDP_ServerHostname, serverName); } WINPR_JSON* azureMeta = WINPR_JSON_GetObjectItem(json, "azureInstanceNetworkMetadata"); if (azureMeta && WINPR_JSON_IsString(azureMeta)) { if (!arm_treat_azureInstanceNetworkMetadata(WINPR_JSON_GetStringValue(azureMeta), settings)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error when treating azureInstanceNetworkMetadata"); } } if (freerdp_settings_get_string(settings, FreeRDP_Password)) { /* note: we retrieve some more fields for RDSTLS only if we have a password provided by the * user, otherwise these are useless: we will not be able to do RDSTLS */ status = arm_fill_rdstls(arm, settings, json); } WINPR_JSON_Delete(json); return status; } static BOOL arm_handle_request_ok(rdpArm* arm, const HttpResponse* response) { const size_t len = http_response_get_body_length(response); const char* msg = (const char*)http_response_get_body(response); if (strnlen(msg, len + 1) > len) return FALSE; WLog_DBG(TAG, "Got HTTP Response data: %s", msg); return arm_fill_gateway_parameters(arm, msg, len); } static BOOL arm_handle_bad_request(rdpArm* arm, const HttpResponse* response, BOOL* retry) { WINPR_ASSERT(response); WINPR_ASSERT(retry); *retry = FALSE; BOOL rc = FALSE; const size_t len = http_response_get_body_length(response); const char* msg = (const char*)http_response_get_body(response); if (strnlen(msg, len + 1) > len) return FALSE; WLog_DBG(TAG, "Got HTTP Response data: %s", msg); WINPR_JSON* json = WINPR_JSON_ParseWithLength(msg, len); if (json == NULL) { const char* error_ptr = WINPR_JSON_GetErrorPtr(); if (error_ptr != NULL) WLog_ERR(TAG, "NullPoException: %s", error_ptr); return FALSE; } WINPR_JSON* gateway_code_obj = WINPR_JSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(json, "Code"); const char* gw_code_str = WINPR_JSON_GetStringValue(gateway_code_obj); if (gw_code_str == NULL) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Response has no \"Code\" property"); http_response_log_error_status(WLog_Get(TAG), WLOG_ERROR, response); goto fail; } if (strcmp(gw_code_str, "E_PROXY_ORCHESTRATION_LB_SESSIONHOST_DEALLOCATED") == 0) { *retry = TRUE; WINPR_JSON* message = WINPR_JSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(json, "Message"); const char* msgstr = WINPR_JSON_GetStringValue(message); if (!msgstr) WLog_WARN(TAG, "Starting your VM. It may take up to 5 minutes"); else WLog_WARN(TAG, "%s", msgstr); } else { http_response_log_error_status(WLog_Get(TAG), WLOG_ERROR, response); goto fail; } rc = TRUE; fail: WINPR_JSON_Delete(json); return rc; } static BOOL arm_handle_request(rdpArm* arm, BOOL* retry, DWORD timeout) { WINPR_ASSERT(retry); *retry = FALSE; char* message = NULL; BOOL rc = FALSE; HttpResponse* response = NULL; long StatusCode = 0; if (!http_context_set_uri(arm->http, "/api/arm/v2/connections/") || !http_context_set_accept(arm->http, "application/json") || !http_context_set_cache_control(arm->http, "no-cache") || !http_context_set_pragma(arm->http, "no-cache") || !http_context_set_connection(arm->http, "Keep-Alive") || !http_context_set_user_agent(arm->http, FREERDP_USER_AGENT) || !http_context_set_x_ms_user_agent(arm->http, FREERDP_USER_AGENT) || !http_context_set_host(arm->http, freerdp_settings_get_string(arm->context->settings, FreeRDP_GatewayHostname))) goto arm_error; if (!arm_tls_connect(arm, arm->tls, timeout)) goto arm_error; message = arm_create_request_json(arm); if (!message) goto arm_error; if (!arm_send_http_request(arm, arm->tls, "POST", "application/json", message, strlen(message))) goto arm_error; response = http_response_recv(arm->tls, TRUE); if (!response) goto arm_error; StatusCode = http_response_get_status_code(response); if (StatusCode == HTTP_STATUS_OK) { if (!arm_handle_request_ok(arm, response)) goto arm_error; } else if (StatusCode == HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST) { if (!arm_handle_bad_request(arm, response, retry)) goto arm_error; } else { http_response_log_error_status(WLog_Get(TAG), WLOG_ERROR, response); goto arm_error; } rc = TRUE; arm_error: http_response_free(response); free(message); return rc; } #endif BOOL arm_resolve_endpoint(rdpContext* context, DWORD timeout) { #ifndef WITH_AAD WLog_ERR(TAG, "arm gateway support not compiled in"); return FALSE; #else if (!context) return FALSE; if (!context->settings) return FALSE; if ((freerdp_settings_get_uint32(context->settings, FreeRDP_LoadBalanceInfoLength) == 0) || (freerdp_settings_get_string(context->settings, FreeRDP_RemoteApplicationProgram) == NULL)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "loadBalanceInfo and RemoteApplicationProgram needed"); return FALSE; } rdpArm* arm = arm_new(context); if (!arm) return FALSE; BOOL retry = FALSE; BOOL rc = FALSE; do { if (retry && rc) { freerdp* instance = context->instance; WINPR_ASSERT(instance); const SSIZE_T delay = IFCALLRESULT(-1, instance->RetryDialog, instance, "arm-transport", arm->gateway_retry, arm); arm->gateway_retry++; if (delay <= 0) break; /* error or no retry desired, abort loop */ else { WLog_DBG(TAG, "Delay for %" PRIdz "ms before next attempt", delay); Sleep(delay); } } rc = arm_handle_request(arm, &retry, timeout); } while (retry && rc); arm_free(arm); return rc; #endif }