/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Client * FreeRDP Test UI * * Copyright 2010 Marc-Andre Moreau * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "connection.h" #include #include #include rdpRdp* rdp; freerdp* instance; rdpSettings* settings; #define PARAM_EQUALS(_param) (strcmp(_param, argv[*i]) == 0) #define CHECK_VALUE_PRESENT(_msg) do { \ *i = *i + 1; \ if (*i == argc) \ { printf(_msg "\n"); return False; } \ } while(0) #define STRING_COPY(_str) do { \ settings->_str = xmalloc(strlen(argv[*i]) + 1); \ memcpy(settings->_str, argv[*i], strlen(argv[*i])); \ settings->_str[strlen(argv[*i])] = '\0'; \ } while(0) boolean freerdp_process_params(int argc, char* argv[], rdpSettings* settings, int* i) { char* p; if (argc < *i + 1) { if (*i == 1) printf("no parameters specified.\n"); return False; } while (*i < argc) { if (PARAM_EQUALS("-a")) { CHECK_VALUE_PRESENT("missing server depth"); settings->color_depth = atoi(argv[*i]); } else if (strcmp("-u", argv[*i]) == 0) { CHECK_VALUE_PRESENT("missing username"); STRING_COPY(username); } else if (PARAM_EQUALS("-p")) { CHECK_VALUE_PRESENT("missing password"); STRING_COPY(password); } else if (PARAM_EQUALS("-d")) { CHECK_VALUE_PRESENT("missing domain"); STRING_COPY(domain); } else if (PARAM_EQUALS("-g")) { CHECK_VALUE_PRESENT("missing screen dimensions"); settings->width = strtol(argv[*i], &p, 10); if (*p == 'x') settings->height = strtol(p + 1, &p, 10); if ((settings->width < 16) || (settings->height < 16) || (settings->width > 4096) || (settings->height > 4096)) { printf("invalid screen dimensions\n"); return False; } } else if (PARAM_EQUALS("-n")) { CHECK_VALUE_PRESENT("missing hostname"); STRING_COPY(hostname); } else if (PARAM_EQUALS("-o")) { settings->console_audio = True; } else if (PARAM_EQUALS("-0")) { settings->console_session = True; } else if (PARAM_EQUALS("-z")) { settings->compression = True; } else if (PARAM_EQUALS("--sec")) { CHECK_VALUE_PRESENT("missing protocol security"); if (PARAM_EQUALS("rdp")) /* Standard RDP */ { settings->rdp_security = 1; settings->tls_security = 0; settings->nla_security = 0; } else if (PARAM_EQUALS("tls")) /* TLS */ { settings->rdp_security = 0; settings->tls_security = 1; settings->nla_security = 0; } else if (PARAM_EQUALS("nla")) /* NLA */ { settings->rdp_security = 0; settings->tls_security = 0; settings->nla_security = 1; } else { printf("unknown protocol security\n"); return False; } } else if (PARAM_EQUALS("-h") || PARAM_EQUALS("--help")) { printf("help\n"); return False; } else if (argv[*i][0] != '-') { if (argv[*i][0] == '[' && (p = strchr(argv[*i], ']')) && (p[1] == 0 || (p[1] == ':' && !strchr(p + 2, ':')))) { /* Either "[...]" or "[...]:..." with at most one : after the brackets */ settings->hostname = (char*) xmalloc(strlen(argv[*i]) + 1); strncpy(settings->hostname, argv[*i] + 1, strlen(argv[*i] + 1)); if ((p = strchr((const char*)settings->hostname, ']'))) { *p = 0; if (p[1] == ':') settings->port = (uint16) atoi(p + 2); } } else { /* Port number is cut off and used if exactly one : in the string */ settings->hostname = (char*) xmalloc(strlen(argv[*i]) + 1); strncpy(settings->hostname, argv[*i], strlen(argv[*i])); settings->hostname[strlen(argv[*i])] = '\0'; if ((p = strchr(settings->hostname, ':')) && !strchr(p + 1, ':')) { *p = 0; settings->port = (uint16) atoi(p + 1); } } /* * server hostname is the last argument for the current session. * arguments followed will be parsed for the next session. */ *i = *i + 1; return True; } *i = *i + 1; } return True; } int bitmap_update(rdpUpdate* update, BITMAP_UPDATE* bitmap) { printf("received bitmap update from core\n"); return 0; } void register_update_callbacks(rdpUpdate* update) { update->Bitmap = bitmap_update; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int index = 1; instance = freerdp_new(); register_update_callbacks(instance->update); settings = instance->settings; rdp = (rdpRdp*) instance->rdp; if (freerdp_process_params(argc, argv, settings, &index) != True) { printf("failed to process parameters.\n"); return 0; } printf("hostname:%s username:%s password:%s\n", settings->hostname, settings->username, settings->password); rdp_client_connect(rdp); freerdp_free(instance); return 0; }