/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * Drawing Orders * * Copyright 2011 Marc-Andre Moreau * Copyright 2016 Armin Novak * Copyright 2016 Thincast Technologies GmbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "window.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "orders.h" #include "../cache/glyph.h" #include "../cache/bitmap.h" #include "../cache/brush.h" #include "../cache/cache.h" #define TAG FREERDP_TAG("core.orders") static const char* const PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[] = { "DstBlt", "PatBlt", "ScrBlt", "", "", "", "", "DrawNineGrid", "MultiDrawNineGrid", "LineTo", "OpaqueRect", "SaveBitmap", "", "MemBlt", "Mem3Blt", "MultiDstBlt", "MultiPatBlt", "MultiScrBlt", "MultiOpaqueRect", "FastIndex", "PolygonSC", "PolygonCB", "Polyline", "", "FastGlyph", "EllipseSC", "EllipseCB", "GlyphIndex" }; static const char* const SECONDARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[] = { "Cache Bitmap", "Cache Color Table", "Cache Bitmap (Compressed)", "Cache Glyph", "Cache Bitmap V2", "Cache Bitmap V2 (Compressed)", "", "Cache Brush", "Cache Bitmap V3" }; #define SECONDARY_DRAWING_ORDER_COUNT (ARRAYSIZE(SECONDARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS)) static const char* const ALTSEC_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[] = { "Switch Surface", "Create Offscreen Bitmap", "Stream Bitmap First", "Stream Bitmap Next", "Create NineGrid Bitmap", "Draw GDI+ First", "Draw GDI+ Next", "Draw GDI+ End", "Draw GDI+ Cache First", "Draw GDI+ Cache Next", "Draw GDI+ Cache End", "Windowing", "Desktop Composition", "Frame Marker" }; #define ALTSEC_DRAWING_ORDER_COUNT (ARRAYSIZE(ALTSEC_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS)) const BYTE PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES[] = { DSTBLT_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, PATBLT_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, SCRBLT_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, 0, 0, 0, 0, DRAW_NINE_GRID_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, MULTI_DRAW_NINE_GRID_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, LINE_TO_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, OPAQUE_RECT_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, SAVE_BITMAP_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, 0, MEMBLT_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, MEM3BLT_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, MULTI_DSTBLT_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, MULTI_PATBLT_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, MULTI_SCRBLT_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, MULTI_OPAQUE_RECT_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, FAST_INDEX_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, POLYGON_SC_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, POLYGON_CB_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, POLYLINE_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, 0, FAST_GLYPH_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, ELLIPSE_SC_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, ELLIPSE_CB_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES, GLYPH_INDEX_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES }; #define PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_COUNT (ARRAYSIZE(PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES)) static const BYTE CBR2_BPP[] = { 0, 0, 0, 8, 16, 24, 32 }; static const BYTE BPP_CBR2[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static const BYTE CBR23_BPP[] = { 0, 0, 0, 8, 16, 24, 32 }; static const BYTE BPP_CBR23[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static const BYTE BMF_BPP[] = { 0, 1, 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 0 }; static const BYTE BPP_BMF[] = { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static const char* update_secondary_order_to_string(BYTE order) { if (order >= ARRAYSIZE(SECONDARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS)) return "UNKNOWN"; return SECONDARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[order]; } static INLINE BOOL update_read_coord(wStream* s, INT32* coord, BOOL delta) { INT8 lsi8; INT16 lsi16; if (delta) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_INT8(s, lsi8); *coord += lsi8; } else { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 2) return FALSE; Stream_Read_INT16(s, lsi16); *coord = lsi16; } return TRUE; } static INLINE BOOL update_write_coord(wStream* s, INT32 coord) { Stream_Write_UINT16(s, coord); return TRUE; } static INLINE BOOL update_read_color(wStream* s, UINT32* color) { BYTE byte; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 3) return FALSE; *color = 0; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); *color = (UINT32) byte; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); *color |= ((UINT32) byte << 8) & 0xFF00; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); *color |= ((UINT32) byte << 16) & 0xFF0000; return TRUE; } static INLINE BOOL update_write_color(wStream* s, UINT32 color) { BYTE byte; byte = (color & 0xFF); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); byte = ((color >> 8) & 0xFF); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); byte = ((color >> 16) & 0xFF); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); return TRUE; } static INLINE BOOL update_read_colorref(wStream* s, UINT32* color) { BYTE byte; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 4) return FALSE; *color = 0; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); *color = byte; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); *color |= ((UINT32)byte << 8); Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); *color |= ((UINT32)byte << 16); Stream_Seek_UINT8(s); return TRUE; } static INLINE BOOL update_read_color_quad(wStream* s, UINT32* color) { return update_read_colorref(s, color); } static INLINE void update_write_color_quad(wStream* s, UINT32 color) { BYTE byte; byte = (color >> 16) & 0xFF; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); byte = (color >> 8) & 0xFF; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); byte = color & 0xFF; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); } static INLINE BOOL update_read_2byte_unsigned(wStream* s, UINT32* value) { BYTE byte; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); if (byte & 0x80) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; *value = (byte & 0x7F) << 8; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); *value |= byte; } else { *value = (byte & 0x7F); } return TRUE; } static INLINE BOOL update_write_2byte_unsigned(wStream* s, UINT32 value) { BYTE byte; if (value > 0x7FFF) return FALSE; if (value >= 0x7F) { byte = ((value & 0x7F00) >> 8); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte | 0x80); byte = (value & 0xFF); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); } else { byte = (value & 0x7F); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); } return TRUE; } static INLINE BOOL update_read_2byte_signed(wStream* s, INT32* value) { BYTE byte; BOOL negative; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); negative = (byte & 0x40) ? TRUE : FALSE; *value = (byte & 0x3F); if (byte & 0x80) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); *value = (*value << 8) | byte; } if (negative) *value *= -1; return TRUE; } static INLINE BOOL update_write_2byte_signed(wStream* s, INT32 value) { BYTE byte; BOOL negative = FALSE; if (value < 0) { negative = TRUE; value *= -1; } if (value > 0x3FFF) return FALSE; if (value >= 0x3F) { byte = ((value & 0x3F00) >> 8); if (negative) byte |= 0x40; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte | 0x80); byte = (value & 0xFF); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); } else { byte = (value & 0x3F); if (negative) byte |= 0x40; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); } return TRUE; } static INLINE BOOL update_read_4byte_unsigned(wStream* s, UINT32* value) { BYTE byte; BYTE count; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); count = (byte & 0xC0) >> 6; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < count) return FALSE; switch (count) { case 0: *value = (byte & 0x3F); break; case 1: *value = (byte & 0x3F) << 8; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); *value |= byte; break; case 2: *value = (byte & 0x3F) << 16; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); *value |= (byte << 8); Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); *value |= byte; break; case 3: *value = (byte & 0x3F) << 24; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); *value |= (byte << 16); Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); *value |= (byte << 8); Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); *value |= byte; break; default: break; } return TRUE; } static INLINE BOOL update_write_4byte_unsigned(wStream* s, UINT32 value) { BYTE byte; if (value <= 0x3F) { Stream_Write_UINT8(s, value); } else if (value <= 0x3FFF) { byte = (value >> 8) & 0x3F; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte | 0x40); byte = (value & 0xFF); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); } else if (value <= 0x3FFFFF) { byte = (value >> 16) & 0x3F; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte | 0x80); byte = (value >> 8) & 0xFF; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); byte = (value & 0xFF); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); } else if (value <= 0x3FFFFFFF) { byte = (value >> 24) & 0x3F; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte | 0xC0); byte = (value >> 16) & 0xFF; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); byte = (value >> 8) & 0xFF; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); byte = (value & 0xFF); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); } else return FALSE; return TRUE; } static INLINE BOOL update_read_delta(wStream* s, INT32* value) { BYTE byte; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1"); return FALSE; } Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); if (byte & 0x40) *value = (byte | ~0x3F); else *value = (byte & 0x3F); if (byte & 0x80) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1"); return FALSE; } Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); *value = (*value << 8) | byte; } return TRUE; } #if 0 static INLINE void update_read_glyph_delta(wStream* s, UINT16* value) { BYTE byte; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); if (byte == 0x80) Stream_Read_UINT16(s, *value); else *value = (byte & 0x3F); } static INLINE void update_seek_glyph_delta(wStream* s) { BYTE byte; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); if (byte & 0x80) Stream_Seek_UINT8(s); } #endif static INLINE BOOL update_read_brush(wStream* s, rdpBrush* brush, BYTE fieldFlags) { if (fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_01) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, brush->x); } if (fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_02) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, brush->y); } if (fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_03) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, brush->style); } if (fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_04) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, brush->hatch); } if (brush->style & CACHED_BRUSH) { brush->index = brush->hatch; brush->bpp = BMF_BPP[brush->style & 0x07]; if (brush->bpp == 0) brush->bpp = 1; } if (fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_05) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 7) return FALSE; brush->data = (BYTE*) brush->p8x8; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, brush->data[7]); Stream_Read_UINT8(s, brush->data[6]); Stream_Read_UINT8(s, brush->data[5]); Stream_Read_UINT8(s, brush->data[4]); Stream_Read_UINT8(s, brush->data[3]); Stream_Read_UINT8(s, brush->data[2]); Stream_Read_UINT8(s, brush->data[1]); brush->data[0] = brush->hatch; } return TRUE; } static INLINE BOOL update_write_brush(wStream* s, rdpBrush* brush, BYTE fieldFlags) { if (fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_01) { Stream_Write_UINT8(s, brush->x); } if (fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_02) { Stream_Write_UINT8(s, brush->y); } if (fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_03) { Stream_Write_UINT8(s, brush->style); } if (brush->style & CACHED_BRUSH) { brush->hatch = brush->index; brush->bpp = BMF_BPP[brush->style & 0x07]; if (brush->bpp == 0) brush->bpp = 1; } if (fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_04) { Stream_Write_UINT8(s, brush->hatch); } if (fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_05) { brush->data = (BYTE*) brush->p8x8; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, brush->data[7]); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, brush->data[6]); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, brush->data[5]); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, brush->data[4]); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, brush->data[3]); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, brush->data[2]); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, brush->data[1]); brush->data[0] = brush->hatch; } return TRUE; } static INLINE BOOL update_read_delta_rects(wStream* s, DELTA_RECT* rectangles, UINT32 number) { UINT32 i; BYTE flags = 0; BYTE* zeroBits; UINT32 zeroBitsSize; if (number > 45) number = 45; zeroBitsSize = ((number + 1) / 2); if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < zeroBitsSize) return FALSE; Stream_GetPointer(s, zeroBits); Stream_Seek(s, zeroBitsSize); ZeroMemory(rectangles, sizeof(DELTA_RECT) * number); for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) flags = zeroBits[i / 2]; if ((~flags & 0x80) && !update_read_delta(s, &rectangles[i].left)) return FALSE; if ((~flags & 0x40) && !update_read_delta(s, &rectangles[i].top)) return FALSE; if (~flags & 0x20) { if (!update_read_delta(s, &rectangles[i].width)) return FALSE; } else if (i > 0) rectangles[i].width = rectangles[i - 1].width; else rectangles[i].width = 0; if (~flags & 0x10) { if (!update_read_delta(s, &rectangles[i].height)) return FALSE; } else if (i > 0) rectangles[i].height = rectangles[i - 1].height; else rectangles[i].height = 0; if (i > 0) { rectangles[i].left += rectangles[i - 1].left; rectangles[i].top += rectangles[i - 1].top; } flags <<= 4; } return TRUE; } static INLINE BOOL update_read_delta_points(wStream* s, DELTA_POINT* points, int number, INT16 x, INT16 y) { int i; BYTE flags = 0; BYTE* zeroBits; UINT32 zeroBitsSize; zeroBitsSize = ((number + 3) / 4); if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < zeroBitsSize) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < %"PRIu32"", zeroBitsSize); return FALSE; } Stream_GetPointer(s, zeroBits); Stream_Seek(s, zeroBitsSize); ZeroMemory(points, sizeof(DELTA_POINT) * number); for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { if (i % 4 == 0) flags = zeroBits[i / 4]; if ((~flags & 0x80) && !update_read_delta(s, &points[i].x)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "update_read_delta(x) failed"); return FALSE; } if ((~flags & 0x40) && !update_read_delta(s, &points[i].y)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "update_read_delta(y) failed"); return FALSE; } flags <<= 2; } return TRUE; } #define ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(NO, TARGET) \ do {\ if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & (1 << (NO-1))) \ { \ if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) {\ WLog_ERR(TAG, "error reading %s", #TARGET); \ return FALSE; \ } \ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, TARGET); \ } \ } while(0) #define ORDER_FIELD_2BYTE(NO, TARGET1, TARGET2) \ do {\ if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & (1 << (NO-1))) \ { \ if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 2) { \ WLog_ERR(TAG, "error reading %s or %s", #TARGET1, #TARGET2); \ return FALSE; \ } \ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, TARGET1); \ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, TARGET2); \ } \ } while(0) #define ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(NO, TARGET) \ do {\ if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & (1 << (NO-1))) \ { \ if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 2) { \ WLog_ERR(TAG, "error reading %s", #TARGET); \ return FALSE; \ } \ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, TARGET); \ } \ } while(0) #define ORDER_FIELD_UINT32(NO, TARGET) \ do {\ if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & (1 << (NO-1))) \ { \ if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 4) { \ WLog_ERR(TAG, "error reading %s", #TARGET); \ return FALSE; \ } \ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, TARGET); \ } \ } while(0) #define ORDER_FIELD_COORD(NO, TARGET) \ do { \ if ((orderInfo->fieldFlags & (1 << (NO-1))) && !update_read_coord(s, &TARGET, orderInfo->deltaCoordinates)) { \ WLog_ERR(TAG, "error reading %s", #TARGET); \ return FALSE; \ } \ } while(0) static INLINE BOOL ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(const ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, wStream* s, UINT32 NO, UINT32* TARGET) { if (!TARGET || !orderInfo) return FALSE; if ((orderInfo->fieldFlags & (1 << (NO - 1))) && !update_read_color(s, TARGET)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static INLINE BOOL FIELD_SKIP_BUFFER16(wStream* s, UINT32 TARGET_LEN) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 2) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, TARGET_LEN); if (!Stream_SafeSeek(s, TARGET_LEN)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error skipping %"PRIu32" bytes", TARGET_LEN); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* Primary Drawing Orders */ static BOOL update_read_dstblt_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, DSTBLT_ORDER* dstblt) { ORDER_FIELD_COORD(1, dstblt->nLeftRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, dstblt->nTopRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(3, dstblt->nWidth); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(4, dstblt->nHeight); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(5, dstblt->bRop); return TRUE; } int update_approximate_dstblt_order(ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, const DSTBLT_ORDER* dstblt) { return 32; } BOOL update_write_dstblt_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, const DSTBLT_ORDER* dstblt) { if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, update_approximate_dstblt_order(orderInfo, dstblt))) return FALSE; orderInfo->fieldFlags = 0; orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_01; update_write_coord(s, dstblt->nLeftRect); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_02; update_write_coord(s, dstblt->nTopRect); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_03; update_write_coord(s, dstblt->nWidth); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_04; update_write_coord(s, dstblt->nHeight); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_05; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, dstblt->bRop); return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_patblt_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, PATBLT_ORDER* patblt) { ORDER_FIELD_COORD(1, patblt->nLeftRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, patblt->nTopRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(3, patblt->nWidth); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(4, patblt->nHeight); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(5, patblt->bRop); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 6, &patblt->backColor); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 7, &patblt->foreColor); return update_read_brush(s, &patblt->brush, orderInfo->fieldFlags >> 7); } int update_approximate_patblt_order(ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, PATBLT_ORDER* patblt) { return 32; } BOOL update_write_patblt_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, PATBLT_ORDER* patblt) { if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, update_approximate_patblt_order(orderInfo, patblt))) return FALSE; orderInfo->fieldFlags = 0; orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_01; update_write_coord(s, patblt->nLeftRect); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_02; update_write_coord(s, patblt->nTopRect); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_03; update_write_coord(s, patblt->nWidth); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_04; update_write_coord(s, patblt->nHeight); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_05; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, patblt->bRop); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_06; update_write_color(s, patblt->backColor); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_07; update_write_color(s, patblt->foreColor); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_08; orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_09; orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_10; orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_11; orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_12; update_write_brush(s, &patblt->brush, orderInfo->fieldFlags >> 7); return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_scrblt_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, SCRBLT_ORDER* scrblt) { ORDER_FIELD_COORD(1, scrblt->nLeftRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, scrblt->nTopRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(3, scrblt->nWidth); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(4, scrblt->nHeight); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(5, scrblt->bRop); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(6, scrblt->nXSrc); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(7, scrblt->nYSrc); return TRUE; } int update_approximate_scrblt_order(ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, const SCRBLT_ORDER* scrblt) { return 32; } BOOL update_write_scrblt_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, const SCRBLT_ORDER* scrblt) { if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, update_approximate_scrblt_order(orderInfo, scrblt))) return FALSE; orderInfo->fieldFlags = 0; orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_01; update_write_coord(s, scrblt->nLeftRect); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_02; update_write_coord(s, scrblt->nTopRect); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_03; update_write_coord(s, scrblt->nWidth); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_04; update_write_coord(s, scrblt->nHeight); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_05; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, scrblt->bRop); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_06; update_write_coord(s, scrblt->nXSrc); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_07; update_write_coord(s, scrblt->nYSrc); return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_opaque_rect_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, OPAQUE_RECT_ORDER* opaque_rect) { BYTE byte; ORDER_FIELD_COORD(1, opaque_rect->nLeftRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, opaque_rect->nTopRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(3, opaque_rect->nWidth); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(4, opaque_rect->nHeight); if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_05) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); opaque_rect->color = (opaque_rect->color & 0x00FFFF00) | ((UINT32) byte); } if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_06) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); opaque_rect->color = (opaque_rect->color & 0x00FF00FF) | ((UINT32) byte << 8); } if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_07) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); opaque_rect->color = (opaque_rect->color & 0x0000FFFF) | ((UINT32) byte << 16); } return TRUE; } int update_approximate_opaque_rect_order(ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, const OPAQUE_RECT_ORDER* opaque_rect) { return 32; } BOOL update_write_opaque_rect_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, const OPAQUE_RECT_ORDER* opaque_rect) { BYTE byte; int inf = update_approximate_opaque_rect_order(orderInfo, opaque_rect); if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, inf)) return FALSE; // TODO: Color format conversion orderInfo->fieldFlags = 0; orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_01; update_write_coord(s, opaque_rect->nLeftRect); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_02; update_write_coord(s, opaque_rect->nTopRect); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_03; update_write_coord(s, opaque_rect->nWidth); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_04; update_write_coord(s, opaque_rect->nHeight); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_05; byte = opaque_rect->color & 0x000000FF; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_06; byte = (opaque_rect->color & 0x0000FF00) >> 8; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_07; byte = (opaque_rect->color & 0x00FF0000) >> 16; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_draw_nine_grid_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, DRAW_NINE_GRID_ORDER* draw_nine_grid) { ORDER_FIELD_COORD(1, draw_nine_grid->srcLeft); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, draw_nine_grid->srcTop); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(3, draw_nine_grid->srcRight); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(4, draw_nine_grid->srcBottom); ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(5, draw_nine_grid->bitmapId); return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_multi_dstblt_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, MULTI_DSTBLT_ORDER* multi_dstblt) { ORDER_FIELD_COORD(1, multi_dstblt->nLeftRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, multi_dstblt->nTopRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(3, multi_dstblt->nWidth); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(4, multi_dstblt->nHeight); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(5, multi_dstblt->bRop); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(6, multi_dstblt->numRectangles); if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_07) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 2) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, multi_dstblt->cbData); return update_read_delta_rects(s, multi_dstblt->rectangles, multi_dstblt->numRectangles); } return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_multi_patblt_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, MULTI_PATBLT_ORDER* multi_patblt) { ORDER_FIELD_COORD(1, multi_patblt->nLeftRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, multi_patblt->nTopRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(3, multi_patblt->nWidth); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(4, multi_patblt->nHeight); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(5, multi_patblt->bRop); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 6, &multi_patblt->backColor); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 7, &multi_patblt->foreColor); if (!update_read_brush(s, &multi_patblt->brush, orderInfo->fieldFlags >> 7)) return FALSE; ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(13, multi_patblt->numRectangles); if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_14) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 2) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, multi_patblt->cbData); if (!update_read_delta_rects(s, multi_patblt->rectangles, multi_patblt->numRectangles)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_multi_scrblt_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, MULTI_SCRBLT_ORDER* multi_scrblt) { ORDER_FIELD_COORD(1, multi_scrblt->nLeftRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, multi_scrblt->nTopRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(3, multi_scrblt->nWidth); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(4, multi_scrblt->nHeight); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(5, multi_scrblt->bRop); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(6, multi_scrblt->nXSrc); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(7, multi_scrblt->nYSrc); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(8, multi_scrblt->numRectangles); if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_09) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 2) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, multi_scrblt->cbData); return update_read_delta_rects(s, multi_scrblt->rectangles, multi_scrblt->numRectangles); } return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_multi_opaque_rect_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, MULTI_OPAQUE_RECT_ORDER* multi_opaque_rect) { BYTE byte; ORDER_FIELD_COORD(1, multi_opaque_rect->nLeftRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, multi_opaque_rect->nTopRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(3, multi_opaque_rect->nWidth); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(4, multi_opaque_rect->nHeight); if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_05) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); multi_opaque_rect->color = (multi_opaque_rect->color & 0x00FFFF00) | (( UINT32) byte); } if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_06) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); multi_opaque_rect->color = (multi_opaque_rect->color & 0x00FF00FF) | (( UINT32) byte << 8); } if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_07) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); multi_opaque_rect->color = (multi_opaque_rect->color & 0x0000FFFF) | ((UINT32) byte << 16); } ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(8, multi_opaque_rect->numRectangles); if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_09) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 2) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, multi_opaque_rect->cbData); return update_read_delta_rects(s, multi_opaque_rect->rectangles, multi_opaque_rect->numRectangles); } return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_multi_draw_nine_grid_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, MULTI_DRAW_NINE_GRID_ORDER* multi_draw_nine_grid) { ORDER_FIELD_COORD(1, multi_draw_nine_grid->srcLeft); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, multi_draw_nine_grid->srcTop); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(3, multi_draw_nine_grid->srcRight); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(4, multi_draw_nine_grid->srcBottom); ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(5, multi_draw_nine_grid->bitmapId); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(6, multi_draw_nine_grid->nDeltaEntries); if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_07) { FIELD_SKIP_BUFFER16(s, multi_draw_nine_grid->cbData); } return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_line_to_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, LINE_TO_ORDER* line_to) { ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(1, line_to->backMode); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, line_to->nXStart); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(3, line_to->nYStart); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(4, line_to->nXEnd); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(5, line_to->nYEnd); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 6, &line_to->backColor); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(7, line_to->bRop2); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(8, line_to->penStyle); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(9, line_to->penWidth); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 10, &line_to->penColor); return TRUE; } int update_approximate_line_to_order(ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, const LINE_TO_ORDER* line_to) { return 32; } BOOL update_write_line_to_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, const LINE_TO_ORDER* line_to) { if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, update_approximate_line_to_order(orderInfo, line_to))) return FALSE; orderInfo->fieldFlags = 0; orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_01; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, line_to->backMode); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_02; update_write_coord(s, line_to->nXStart); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_03; update_write_coord(s, line_to->nYStart); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_04; update_write_coord(s, line_to->nXEnd); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_05; update_write_coord(s, line_to->nYEnd); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_06; update_write_color(s, line_to->backColor); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_07; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, line_to->bRop2); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_08; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, line_to->penStyle); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_09; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, line_to->penWidth); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_10; update_write_color(s, line_to->penColor); return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_polyline_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, POLYLINE_ORDER* polyline) { UINT16 word; UINT32 new_num = polyline->numDeltaEntries; ORDER_FIELD_COORD(1, polyline->xStart); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, polyline->yStart); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(3, polyline->bRop2); ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(4, word); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 5, &polyline->penColor); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(6, new_num); if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_07) { DELTA_POINT* new_points; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1"); return FALSE; } Stream_Read_UINT8(s, polyline->cbData); new_points = (DELTA_POINT*) realloc(polyline->points, sizeof(DELTA_POINT) * new_num); if (!new_points) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "realloc(%"PRIu32") failed", new_num); return FALSE; } polyline->points = new_points; polyline->numDeltaEntries = new_num; return update_read_delta_points(s, polyline->points, polyline->numDeltaEntries, polyline->xStart, polyline->yStart); } return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_memblt_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, MEMBLT_ORDER* memblt) { if (!s || !orderInfo || !memblt) return FALSE; ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(1, memblt->cacheId); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, memblt->nLeftRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(3, memblt->nTopRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(4, memblt->nWidth); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(5, memblt->nHeight); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(6, memblt->bRop); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(7, memblt->nXSrc); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(8, memblt->nYSrc); ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(9, memblt->cacheIndex); memblt->colorIndex = (memblt->cacheId >> 8); memblt->cacheId = (memblt->cacheId & 0xFF); memblt->bitmap = NULL; return TRUE; } int update_approximate_memblt_order(ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, const MEMBLT_ORDER* memblt) { return 64; } BOOL update_write_memblt_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, const MEMBLT_ORDER* memblt) { UINT16 cacheId; if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, update_approximate_memblt_order(orderInfo, memblt))) return FALSE; cacheId = (memblt->cacheId & 0xFF) | ((memblt->colorIndex & 0xFF) << 8); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_01; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, cacheId); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_02; update_write_coord(s, memblt->nLeftRect); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_03; update_write_coord(s, memblt->nTopRect); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_04; update_write_coord(s, memblt->nWidth); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_05; update_write_coord(s, memblt->nHeight); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_06; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, memblt->bRop); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_07; update_write_coord(s, memblt->nXSrc); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_08; update_write_coord(s, memblt->nYSrc); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_09; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, memblt->cacheIndex); return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_mem3blt_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, MEM3BLT_ORDER* mem3blt) { ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(1, mem3blt->cacheId); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, mem3blt->nLeftRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(3, mem3blt->nTopRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(4, mem3blt->nWidth); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(5, mem3blt->nHeight); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(6, mem3blt->bRop); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(7, mem3blt->nXSrc); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(8, mem3blt->nYSrc); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 9, &mem3blt->backColor); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 10, &mem3blt->foreColor); if (!update_read_brush(s, &mem3blt->brush, orderInfo->fieldFlags >> 10)) return FALSE; ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(16, mem3blt->cacheIndex); mem3blt->colorIndex = (mem3blt->cacheId >> 8); mem3blt->cacheId = (mem3blt->cacheId & 0xFF); mem3blt->bitmap = NULL; return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_save_bitmap_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, SAVE_BITMAP_ORDER* save_bitmap) { ORDER_FIELD_UINT32(1, save_bitmap->savedBitmapPosition); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, save_bitmap->nLeftRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(3, save_bitmap->nTopRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(4, save_bitmap->nRightRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(5, save_bitmap->nBottomRect); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(6, save_bitmap->operation); return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_glyph_index_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, GLYPH_INDEX_ORDER* glyph_index) { ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(1, glyph_index->cacheId); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(2, glyph_index->flAccel); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(3, glyph_index->ulCharInc); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(4, glyph_index->fOpRedundant); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 5, &glyph_index->backColor); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 6, &glyph_index->foreColor); ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(7, glyph_index->bkLeft); ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(8, glyph_index->bkTop); ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(9, glyph_index->bkRight); ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(10, glyph_index->bkBottom); ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(11, glyph_index->opLeft); ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(12, glyph_index->opTop); ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(13, glyph_index->opRight); ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(14, glyph_index->opBottom); if (!update_read_brush(s, &glyph_index->brush, orderInfo->fieldFlags >> 14)) return FALSE; ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(20, glyph_index->x); ORDER_FIELD_UINT16(21, glyph_index->y); if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_22) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, glyph_index->cbData); if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < glyph_index->cbData) return FALSE; CopyMemory(glyph_index->data, Stream_Pointer(s), glyph_index->cbData); Stream_Seek(s, glyph_index->cbData); } return TRUE; } int update_approximate_glyph_index_order(ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, const GLYPH_INDEX_ORDER* glyph_index) { return 64; } BOOL update_write_glyph_index_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, GLYPH_INDEX_ORDER* glyph_index) { int inf = update_approximate_glyph_index_order(orderInfo, glyph_index); if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, inf)) return FALSE; orderInfo->fieldFlags = 0; orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_01; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, glyph_index->cacheId); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_02; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, glyph_index->flAccel); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_03; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, glyph_index->ulCharInc); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_04; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, glyph_index->fOpRedundant); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_05; update_write_color(s, glyph_index->backColor); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_06; update_write_color(s, glyph_index->foreColor); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_07; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, glyph_index->bkLeft); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_08; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, glyph_index->bkTop); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_09; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, glyph_index->bkRight); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_10; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, glyph_index->bkBottom); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_11; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, glyph_index->opLeft); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_12; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, glyph_index->opTop); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_13; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, glyph_index->opRight); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_14; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, glyph_index->opBottom); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_15; orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_16; orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_17; orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_18; orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_19; update_write_brush(s, &glyph_index->brush, orderInfo->fieldFlags >> 14); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_20; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, glyph_index->x); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_21; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, glyph_index->y); orderInfo->fieldFlags |= ORDER_FIELD_22; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, glyph_index->cbData); Stream_Write(s, glyph_index->data, glyph_index->cbData); return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_fast_index_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, FAST_INDEX_ORDER* fast_index) { ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(1, fast_index->cacheId); ORDER_FIELD_2BYTE(2, fast_index->ulCharInc, fast_index->flAccel); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 3, &fast_index->backColor); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 4, &fast_index->foreColor); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(5, fast_index->bkLeft); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(6, fast_index->bkTop); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(7, fast_index->bkRight); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(8, fast_index->bkBottom); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(9, fast_index->opLeft); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(10, fast_index->opTop); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(11, fast_index->opRight); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(12, fast_index->opBottom); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(13, fast_index->x); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(14, fast_index->y); if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_15) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, fast_index->cbData); if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < fast_index->cbData) return FALSE; CopyMemory(fast_index->data, Stream_Pointer(s), fast_index->cbData); Stream_Seek(s, fast_index->cbData); } return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_fast_glyph_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, FAST_GLYPH_ORDER* fastGlyph) { BYTE* phold; GLYPH_DATA_V2* glyph = &fastGlyph->glyphData; ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(1, fastGlyph->cacheId); ORDER_FIELD_2BYTE(2, fastGlyph->ulCharInc, fastGlyph->flAccel); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 3, &fastGlyph->backColor); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 4, &fastGlyph->foreColor); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(5, fastGlyph->bkLeft); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(6, fastGlyph->bkTop); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(7, fastGlyph->bkRight); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(8, fastGlyph->bkBottom); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(9, fastGlyph->opLeft); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(10, fastGlyph->opTop); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(11, fastGlyph->opRight); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(12, fastGlyph->opBottom); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(13, fastGlyph->x); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(14, fastGlyph->y); if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_15) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, fastGlyph->cbData); if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < fastGlyph->cbData) return FALSE; CopyMemory(fastGlyph->data, Stream_Pointer(s), fastGlyph->cbData); phold = Stream_Pointer(s); if (!Stream_SafeSeek(s, 1)) return FALSE; if (fastGlyph->cbData > 1) { UINT32 new_cb; /* parse optional glyph data */ glyph->cacheIndex = fastGlyph->data[0]; if (!update_read_2byte_signed(s, &glyph->x) || !update_read_2byte_signed(s, &glyph->y) || !update_read_2byte_unsigned(s, &glyph->cx) || !update_read_2byte_unsigned(s, &glyph->cy)) return FALSE; glyph->cb = ((glyph->cx + 7) / 8) * glyph->cy; glyph->cb += ((glyph->cb % 4) > 0) ? 4 - (glyph->cb % 4) : 0; new_cb = ((glyph->cx + 7) / 8) * glyph->cy; new_cb += ((new_cb % 4) > 0) ? 4 - (new_cb % 4) : 0; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < new_cb) return FALSE; if (new_cb) { BYTE* new_aj; new_aj = (BYTE*) realloc(glyph->aj, new_cb); if (!new_aj) return FALSE; glyph->aj = new_aj; glyph->cb = new_cb; Stream_Read(s, glyph->aj, glyph->cb); } } Stream_SetPointer(s, phold + fastGlyph->cbData); } return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_polygon_sc_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, POLYGON_SC_ORDER* polygon_sc) { UINT32 num = polygon_sc->numPoints; ORDER_FIELD_COORD(1, polygon_sc->xStart); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, polygon_sc->yStart); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(3, polygon_sc->bRop2); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(4, polygon_sc->fillMode); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 5, &polygon_sc->brushColor); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(6, num); if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_07) { DELTA_POINT* newpoints; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, polygon_sc->cbData); newpoints = (DELTA_POINT*) realloc(polygon_sc->points, sizeof(DELTA_POINT) * num); if (!newpoints) return FALSE; polygon_sc->points = newpoints; polygon_sc->numPoints = num; return update_read_delta_points(s, polygon_sc->points, polygon_sc->numPoints, polygon_sc->xStart, polygon_sc->yStart); } return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_polygon_cb_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, POLYGON_CB_ORDER* polygon_cb) { UINT32 num = polygon_cb->numPoints; ORDER_FIELD_COORD(1, polygon_cb->xStart); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, polygon_cb->yStart); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(3, polygon_cb->bRop2); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(4, polygon_cb->fillMode); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 5, &polygon_cb->backColor); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 6, &polygon_cb->foreColor); if (!update_read_brush(s, &polygon_cb->brush, orderInfo->fieldFlags >> 6)) return FALSE; ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(12, num); if (orderInfo->fieldFlags & ORDER_FIELD_13) { DELTA_POINT* newpoints; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, polygon_cb->cbData); newpoints = (DELTA_POINT*) realloc(polygon_cb->points, sizeof(DELTA_POINT) * num); if (!newpoints) return FALSE; polygon_cb->points = newpoints; polygon_cb->numPoints = num; if (!update_read_delta_points(s, polygon_cb->points, polygon_cb->numPoints, polygon_cb->xStart, polygon_cb->yStart)) return FALSE; } polygon_cb->backMode = (polygon_cb->bRop2 & 0x80) ? BACKMODE_TRANSPARENT : BACKMODE_OPAQUE; polygon_cb->bRop2 = (polygon_cb->bRop2 & 0x1F); return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_ellipse_sc_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, ELLIPSE_SC_ORDER* ellipse_sc) { ORDER_FIELD_COORD(1, ellipse_sc->leftRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, ellipse_sc->topRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(3, ellipse_sc->rightRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(4, ellipse_sc->bottomRect); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(5, ellipse_sc->bRop2); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(6, ellipse_sc->fillMode); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 7, &ellipse_sc->color); return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_ellipse_cb_order(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo, ELLIPSE_CB_ORDER* ellipse_cb) { ORDER_FIELD_COORD(1, ellipse_cb->leftRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(2, ellipse_cb->topRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(3, ellipse_cb->rightRect); ORDER_FIELD_COORD(4, ellipse_cb->bottomRect); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(5, ellipse_cb->bRop2); ORDER_FIELD_BYTE(6, ellipse_cb->fillMode); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 7, &ellipse_cb->backColor); ORDER_FIELD_COLOR(orderInfo, s, 8, &ellipse_cb->foreColor); return update_read_brush(s, &ellipse_cb->brush, orderInfo->fieldFlags >> 8); } /* Secondary Drawing Orders */ static CACHE_BITMAP_ORDER* update_read_cache_bitmap_order(rdpUpdate* update, wStream* s, BOOL compressed, UINT16 flags) { CACHE_BITMAP_ORDER* cache_bitmap; if (!update || !s) return NULL; cache_bitmap = calloc(1, sizeof(CACHE_BITMAP_ORDER)); if (!cache_bitmap) goto fail; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 9) goto fail; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, cache_bitmap->cacheId); /* cacheId (1 byte) */ Stream_Seek_UINT8(s); /* pad1Octet (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, cache_bitmap->bitmapWidth); /* bitmapWidth (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, cache_bitmap->bitmapHeight); /* bitmapHeight (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, cache_bitmap->bitmapBpp); /* bitmapBpp (1 byte) */ if ((cache_bitmap->bitmapBpp < 1) || (cache_bitmap->bitmapBpp > 32)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "invalid bitmap bpp %"PRIu32"", cache_bitmap->bitmapBpp); goto fail; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, cache_bitmap->bitmapLength); /* bitmapLength (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, cache_bitmap->cacheIndex); /* cacheIndex (2 bytes) */ if (compressed) { if ((flags & NO_BITMAP_COMPRESSION_HDR) == 0) { BYTE* bitmapComprHdr = (BYTE*) & (cache_bitmap->bitmapComprHdr); if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 8) goto fail; Stream_Read(s, bitmapComprHdr, 8); /* bitmapComprHdr (8 bytes) */ cache_bitmap->bitmapLength -= 8; } } if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < cache_bitmap->bitmapLength) goto fail; cache_bitmap->bitmapDataStream = malloc(cache_bitmap->bitmapLength); if (!cache_bitmap->bitmapDataStream) goto fail; Stream_Read(s, cache_bitmap->bitmapDataStream, cache_bitmap->bitmapLength); cache_bitmap->compressed = compressed; return cache_bitmap; fail: free_cache_bitmap_order(update->context, cache_bitmap); return NULL; } int update_approximate_cache_bitmap_order(const CACHE_BITMAP_ORDER* cache_bitmap, BOOL compressed, UINT16* flags) { return 64 + cache_bitmap->bitmapLength; } BOOL update_write_cache_bitmap_order(wStream* s, const CACHE_BITMAP_ORDER* cache_bitmap, BOOL compressed, UINT16* flags) { UINT32 bitmapLength = cache_bitmap->bitmapLength; int inf = update_approximate_cache_bitmap_order(cache_bitmap, compressed, flags); if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, inf)) return FALSE; *flags = NO_BITMAP_COMPRESSION_HDR; if ((*flags & NO_BITMAP_COMPRESSION_HDR) == 0) bitmapLength += 8; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, cache_bitmap->cacheId); /* cacheId (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, 0); /* pad1Octet (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, cache_bitmap->bitmapWidth); /* bitmapWidth (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, cache_bitmap->bitmapHeight); /* bitmapHeight (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, cache_bitmap->bitmapBpp); /* bitmapBpp (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, bitmapLength); /* bitmapLength (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, cache_bitmap->cacheIndex); /* cacheIndex (2 bytes) */ if (compressed) { if ((*flags & NO_BITMAP_COMPRESSION_HDR) == 0) { BYTE* bitmapComprHdr = (BYTE*) & (cache_bitmap->bitmapComprHdr); Stream_Write(s, bitmapComprHdr, 8); /* bitmapComprHdr (8 bytes) */ bitmapLength -= 8; } Stream_Write(s, cache_bitmap->bitmapDataStream, bitmapLength); } else { Stream_Write(s, cache_bitmap->bitmapDataStream, bitmapLength); } return TRUE; } static CACHE_BITMAP_V2_ORDER* update_read_cache_bitmap_v2_order(rdpUpdate* update, wStream* s, BOOL compressed, UINT16 flags) { BYTE bitsPerPixelId; CACHE_BITMAP_V2_ORDER* cache_bitmap_v2; if (!update || !s) return NULL; cache_bitmap_v2 = calloc(1, sizeof(CACHE_BITMAP_V2_ORDER)); if (!cache_bitmap_v2) goto fail; cache_bitmap_v2->cacheId = flags & 0x0003; cache_bitmap_v2->flags = (flags & 0xFF80) >> 7; bitsPerPixelId = (flags & 0x0078) >> 3; cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapBpp = CBR2_BPP[bitsPerPixelId]; if (cache_bitmap_v2->flags & CBR2_PERSISTENT_KEY_PRESENT) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 8) goto fail; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, cache_bitmap_v2->key1); /* key1 (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, cache_bitmap_v2->key2); /* key2 (4 bytes) */ } if (cache_bitmap_v2->flags & CBR2_HEIGHT_SAME_AS_WIDTH) { if (!update_read_2byte_unsigned(s, &cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapWidth)) /* bitmapWidth */ goto fail; cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapHeight = cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapWidth; } else { if (!update_read_2byte_unsigned(s, &cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapWidth) || /* bitmapWidth */ !update_read_2byte_unsigned(s, &cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapHeight)) /* bitmapHeight */ goto fail; } if (!update_read_4byte_unsigned(s, &cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapLength) || /* bitmapLength */ !update_read_2byte_unsigned(s, &cache_bitmap_v2->cacheIndex)) /* cacheIndex */ goto fail; if (cache_bitmap_v2->flags & CBR2_DO_NOT_CACHE) cache_bitmap_v2->cacheIndex = BITMAP_CACHE_WAITING_LIST_INDEX; if (compressed) { if (!(cache_bitmap_v2->flags & CBR2_NO_BITMAP_COMPRESSION_HDR)) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 8) goto fail; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, cache_bitmap_v2->cbCompFirstRowSize); /* cbCompFirstRowSize (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, cache_bitmap_v2->cbCompMainBodySize); /* cbCompMainBodySize (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, cache_bitmap_v2->cbScanWidth); /* cbScanWidth (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, cache_bitmap_v2->cbUncompressedSize); /* cbUncompressedSize (2 bytes) */ cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapLength = cache_bitmap_v2->cbCompMainBodySize; } } if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapLength) goto fail; cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapDataStream = malloc(cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapLength); if (!cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapDataStream) goto fail; Stream_Read(s, cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapDataStream, cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapLength); cache_bitmap_v2->compressed = compressed; return cache_bitmap_v2; fail: free_cache_bitmap_v2_order(update->context, cache_bitmap_v2); return NULL; } int update_approximate_cache_bitmap_v2_order(CACHE_BITMAP_V2_ORDER* cache_bitmap_v2, BOOL compressed, UINT16* flags) { return 64 + cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapLength; } BOOL update_write_cache_bitmap_v2_order(wStream* s, CACHE_BITMAP_V2_ORDER* cache_bitmap_v2, BOOL compressed, UINT16* flags) { BYTE bitsPerPixelId; if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, update_approximate_cache_bitmap_v2_order(cache_bitmap_v2, compressed, flags))) return FALSE; bitsPerPixelId = BPP_CBR2[cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapBpp]; *flags = (cache_bitmap_v2->cacheId & 0x0003) | (bitsPerPixelId << 3) | ((cache_bitmap_v2->flags << 7) & 0xFF80); if (cache_bitmap_v2->flags & CBR2_PERSISTENT_KEY_PRESENT) { Stream_Write_UINT32(s, cache_bitmap_v2->key1); /* key1 (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, cache_bitmap_v2->key2); /* key2 (4 bytes) */ } if (cache_bitmap_v2->flags & CBR2_HEIGHT_SAME_AS_WIDTH) { if (!update_write_2byte_unsigned(s, cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapWidth)) /* bitmapWidth */ return FALSE; } else { if (!update_write_2byte_unsigned(s, cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapWidth) || /* bitmapWidth */ !update_write_2byte_unsigned(s, cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapHeight)) /* bitmapHeight */ return FALSE; } if (cache_bitmap_v2->flags & CBR2_DO_NOT_CACHE) cache_bitmap_v2->cacheIndex = BITMAP_CACHE_WAITING_LIST_INDEX; if (!update_write_4byte_unsigned(s, cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapLength) || /* bitmapLength */ !update_write_2byte_unsigned(s, cache_bitmap_v2->cacheIndex)) /* cacheIndex */ return FALSE; if (compressed) { if (!(cache_bitmap_v2->flags & CBR2_NO_BITMAP_COMPRESSION_HDR)) { Stream_Write_UINT16(s, cache_bitmap_v2->cbCompFirstRowSize); /* cbCompFirstRowSize (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, cache_bitmap_v2->cbCompMainBodySize); /* cbCompMainBodySize (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, cache_bitmap_v2->cbScanWidth); /* cbScanWidth (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, cache_bitmap_v2->cbUncompressedSize); /* cbUncompressedSize (2 bytes) */ cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapLength = cache_bitmap_v2->cbCompMainBodySize; } if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapLength)) return FALSE; Stream_Write(s, cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapDataStream, cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapLength); } else { if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapLength)) return FALSE; Stream_Write(s, cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapDataStream, cache_bitmap_v2->bitmapLength); } cache_bitmap_v2->compressed = compressed; return TRUE; } static CACHE_BITMAP_V3_ORDER* update_read_cache_bitmap_v3_order(rdpUpdate* update, wStream* s, UINT16 flags) { BYTE bitsPerPixelId; BITMAP_DATA_EX* bitmapData; UINT32 new_len; BYTE* new_data; CACHE_BITMAP_V3_ORDER* cache_bitmap_v3; if (!update || !s) return NULL; cache_bitmap_v3 = calloc(1, sizeof(CACHE_BITMAP_V3_ORDER)); if (!cache_bitmap_v3) goto fail; cache_bitmap_v3->cacheId = flags & 0x00000003; cache_bitmap_v3->flags = (flags & 0x0000FF80) >> 7; bitsPerPixelId = (flags & 0x00000078) >> 3; cache_bitmap_v3->bpp = CBR23_BPP[bitsPerPixelId]; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 21) goto fail; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, cache_bitmap_v3->cacheIndex); /* cacheIndex (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, cache_bitmap_v3->key1); /* key1 (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, cache_bitmap_v3->key2); /* key2 (4 bytes) */ bitmapData = &cache_bitmap_v3->bitmapData; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, bitmapData->bpp); if ((bitmapData->bpp < 1) || (bitmapData->bpp > 32)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "invalid bpp value %"PRIu32"", bitmapData->bpp); goto fail; } Stream_Seek_UINT8(s); /* reserved1 (1 byte) */ Stream_Seek_UINT8(s); /* reserved2 (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, bitmapData->codecID); /* codecID (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, bitmapData->width); /* width (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, bitmapData->height); /* height (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, new_len); /* length (4 bytes) */ if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < new_len) goto fail; new_data = (BYTE*) realloc(bitmapData->data, new_len); if (!new_data) goto fail; bitmapData->data = new_data; bitmapData->length = new_len; Stream_Read(s, bitmapData->data, bitmapData->length); return cache_bitmap_v3; fail: free_cache_bitmap_v3_order(update->context, cache_bitmap_v3); return NULL; } int update_approximate_cache_bitmap_v3_order(CACHE_BITMAP_V3_ORDER* cache_bitmap_v3, UINT16* flags) { BITMAP_DATA_EX* bitmapData = &cache_bitmap_v3->bitmapData; return 64 + bitmapData->length; } BOOL update_write_cache_bitmap_v3_order(wStream* s, CACHE_BITMAP_V3_ORDER* cache_bitmap_v3, UINT16* flags) { BYTE bitsPerPixelId; BITMAP_DATA_EX* bitmapData; if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, update_approximate_cache_bitmap_v3_order(cache_bitmap_v3, flags))) return FALSE; bitmapData = &cache_bitmap_v3->bitmapData; bitsPerPixelId = BPP_CBR23[cache_bitmap_v3->bpp]; *flags = (cache_bitmap_v3->cacheId & 0x00000003) | ((cache_bitmap_v3->flags << 7) & 0x0000FF80) | ((bitsPerPixelId << 3) & 0x00000078); Stream_Write_UINT16(s, cache_bitmap_v3->cacheIndex); /* cacheIndex (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, cache_bitmap_v3->key1); /* key1 (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, cache_bitmap_v3->key2); /* key2 (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, bitmapData->bpp); Stream_Write_UINT8(s, 0); /* reserved1 (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, 0); /* reserved2 (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, bitmapData->codecID); /* codecID (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, bitmapData->width); /* width (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, bitmapData->height); /* height (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, bitmapData->length); /* length (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write(s, bitmapData->data, bitmapData->length); return TRUE; } static CACHE_COLOR_TABLE_ORDER* update_read_cache_color_table_order(rdpUpdate* update, wStream* s, UINT16 flags) { int i; UINT32* colorTable; CACHE_COLOR_TABLE_ORDER* cache_color_table = calloc(1, sizeof(CACHE_COLOR_TABLE_ORDER)); if (!cache_color_table) goto fail; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 3) goto fail; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, cache_color_table->cacheIndex); /* cacheIndex (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, cache_color_table->numberColors); /* numberColors (2 bytes) */ if (cache_color_table->numberColors != 256) { /* This field MUST be set to 256 */ goto fail; } if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < cache_color_table->numberColors * 4) goto fail; colorTable = (UINT32*) &cache_color_table->colorTable; for (i = 0; i < (int) cache_color_table->numberColors; i++) update_read_color_quad(s, &colorTable[i]); return cache_color_table; fail: free_cache_color_table_order(update->context, cache_color_table); return NULL; } int update_approximate_cache_color_table_order( const CACHE_COLOR_TABLE_ORDER* cache_color_table, UINT16* flags) { return 16 + (256 * 4); } BOOL update_write_cache_color_table_order(wStream* s, const CACHE_COLOR_TABLE_ORDER* cache_color_table, UINT16* flags) { int i, inf; UINT32* colorTable; if (cache_color_table->numberColors != 256) return FALSE; inf = update_approximate_cache_color_table_order(cache_color_table, flags); if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, inf)) return FALSE; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, cache_color_table->cacheIndex); /* cacheIndex (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, cache_color_table->numberColors); /* numberColors (2 bytes) */ colorTable = (UINT32*) &cache_color_table->colorTable; for (i = 0; i < (int) cache_color_table->numberColors; i++) { update_write_color_quad(s, colorTable[i]); } return TRUE; } static CACHE_GLYPH_ORDER* update_read_cache_glyph_order(rdpUpdate* update, wStream* s, UINT16 flags) { UINT32 i; CACHE_GLYPH_ORDER* cache_glyph_order = calloc(1, sizeof(CACHE_GLYPH_ORDER)); if (!cache_glyph_order || !update || !s) goto fail; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 2) goto fail; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, cache_glyph_order->cacheId); /* cacheId (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, cache_glyph_order->cGlyphs); /* cGlyphs (1 byte) */ for (i = 0; i < cache_glyph_order->cGlyphs; i++) { GLYPH_DATA* glyph = &cache_glyph_order->glyphData[i]; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 10) goto fail; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, glyph->cacheIndex); Stream_Read_INT16(s, glyph->x); Stream_Read_INT16(s, glyph->y); Stream_Read_UINT16(s, glyph->cx); Stream_Read_UINT16(s, glyph->cy); glyph->cb = ((glyph->cx + 7) / 8) * glyph->cy; glyph->cb += ((glyph->cb % 4) > 0) ? 4 - (glyph->cb % 4) : 0; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < glyph->cb) goto fail; glyph->aj = (BYTE*) malloc(glyph->cb); if (!glyph->aj) goto fail; Stream_Read(s, glyph->aj, glyph->cb); } if ((flags & CG_GLYPH_UNICODE_PRESENT) && (cache_glyph_order->cGlyphs > 0)) { cache_glyph_order->unicodeCharacters = calloc(cache_glyph_order->cGlyphs, sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!cache_glyph_order->unicodeCharacters) goto fail; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < sizeof(WCHAR) * cache_glyph_order->cGlyphs) goto fail; Stream_Read_UTF16_String(s, cache_glyph_order->unicodeCharacters, cache_glyph_order->cGlyphs); } return cache_glyph_order; fail: free_cache_glyph_order(update->context, cache_glyph_order); return NULL; } int update_approximate_cache_glyph_order( const CACHE_GLYPH_ORDER* cache_glyph, UINT16* flags) { return 2 + cache_glyph->cGlyphs * 32; } BOOL update_write_cache_glyph_order(wStream* s, const CACHE_GLYPH_ORDER* cache_glyph, UINT16* flags) { int i, inf; INT16 lsi16; const GLYPH_DATA* glyph; inf = update_approximate_cache_glyph_order(cache_glyph, flags); if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, inf)) return FALSE; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, cache_glyph->cacheId); /* cacheId (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, cache_glyph->cGlyphs); /* cGlyphs (1 byte) */ for (i = 0; i < (int) cache_glyph->cGlyphs; i++) { UINT32 cb; glyph = &cache_glyph->glyphData[i]; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, glyph->cacheIndex); /* cacheIndex (2 bytes) */ lsi16 = glyph->x; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, lsi16); /* x (2 bytes) */ lsi16 = glyph->y; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, lsi16); /* y (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, glyph->cx); /* cx (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, glyph->cy); /* cy (2 bytes) */ cb = ((glyph->cx + 7) / 8) * glyph->cy; cb += ((cb % 4) > 0) ? 4 - (cb % 4) : 0; Stream_Write(s, glyph->aj, cb); } if (*flags & CG_GLYPH_UNICODE_PRESENT) { Stream_Zero(s, cache_glyph->cGlyphs * 2); } return TRUE; } static CACHE_GLYPH_V2_ORDER* update_read_cache_glyph_v2_order(rdpUpdate* update, wStream* s, UINT16 flags) { UINT32 i; CACHE_GLYPH_V2_ORDER* cache_glyph_v2 = calloc(1, sizeof(CACHE_GLYPH_V2_ORDER)); if (!cache_glyph_v2) goto fail; cache_glyph_v2->cacheId = (flags & 0x000F); cache_glyph_v2->flags = (flags & 0x00F0) >> 4; cache_glyph_v2->cGlyphs = (flags & 0xFF00) >> 8; for (i = 0; i < cache_glyph_v2->cGlyphs; i++) { GLYPH_DATA_V2* glyph = &cache_glyph_v2->glyphData[i]; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) goto fail; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, glyph->cacheIndex); if (!update_read_2byte_signed(s, &glyph->x) || !update_read_2byte_signed(s, &glyph->y) || !update_read_2byte_unsigned(s, &glyph->cx) || !update_read_2byte_unsigned(s, &glyph->cy)) { goto fail; } glyph->cb = ((glyph->cx + 7) / 8) * glyph->cy; glyph->cb += ((glyph->cb % 4) > 0) ? 4 - (glyph->cb % 4) : 0; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < glyph->cb) goto fail; glyph->aj = (BYTE*) malloc(glyph->cb); if (!glyph->aj) goto fail; Stream_Read(s, glyph->aj, glyph->cb); } if ((flags & CG_GLYPH_UNICODE_PRESENT) && (cache_glyph_v2->cGlyphs > 0)) { cache_glyph_v2->unicodeCharacters = calloc(cache_glyph_v2->cGlyphs, sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!cache_glyph_v2->unicodeCharacters) goto fail; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < sizeof(WCHAR) * cache_glyph_v2->cGlyphs) goto fail; Stream_Read_UTF16_String(s, cache_glyph_v2->unicodeCharacters, cache_glyph_v2->cGlyphs); } return cache_glyph_v2; fail: free_cache_glyph_v2_order(update->context, cache_glyph_v2); return NULL; } int update_approximate_cache_glyph_v2_order( const CACHE_GLYPH_V2_ORDER* cache_glyph_v2, UINT16* flags) { return 8 + cache_glyph_v2->cGlyphs * 32; } BOOL update_write_cache_glyph_v2_order(wStream* s, const CACHE_GLYPH_V2_ORDER* cache_glyph_v2, UINT16* flags) { UINT32 i, inf; inf = update_approximate_cache_glyph_v2_order(cache_glyph_v2, flags); if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, inf)) return FALSE; *flags = (cache_glyph_v2->cacheId & 0x000F) | ((cache_glyph_v2->flags & 0x000F) << 4) | ((cache_glyph_v2->cGlyphs & 0x00FF) << 8); for (i = 0; i < cache_glyph_v2->cGlyphs; i++) { UINT32 cb; const GLYPH_DATA_V2* glyph = &cache_glyph_v2->glyphData[i]; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, glyph->cacheIndex); if (!update_write_2byte_signed(s, glyph->x) || !update_write_2byte_signed(s, glyph->y) || !update_write_2byte_unsigned(s, glyph->cx) || !update_write_2byte_unsigned(s, glyph->cy)) { return FALSE; } cb = ((glyph->cx + 7) / 8) * glyph->cy; cb += ((cb % 4) > 0) ? 4 - (cb % 4) : 0; Stream_Write(s, glyph->aj, cb); } if (*flags & CG_GLYPH_UNICODE_PRESENT) { Stream_Zero(s, cache_glyph_v2->cGlyphs * 2); } return TRUE; } static BOOL update_decompress_brush(wStream* s, BYTE* output, BYTE bpp) { int index; int x, y, k; BYTE byte = 0; BYTE* palette; int bytesPerPixel; palette = Stream_Pointer(s) + 16; bytesPerPixel = ((bpp + 1) / 8); if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 16) // 64 / 4 return FALSE; for (y = 7; y >= 0; y--) { for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) { if ((x % 4) == 0) Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); index = ((byte >> ((3 - (x % 4)) * 2)) & 0x03); for (k = 0; k < bytesPerPixel; k++) { output[((y * 8 + x) * bytesPerPixel) + k] = palette[(index * bytesPerPixel) + k]; } } } return TRUE; } static BOOL update_compress_brush(wStream* s, const BYTE* input, BYTE bpp) { return FALSE; } static CACHE_BRUSH_ORDER* update_read_cache_brush_order(rdpUpdate* update, wStream* s, UINT16 flags) { int i; BYTE iBitmapFormat; BOOL compressed = FALSE; CACHE_BRUSH_ORDER* cache_brush = calloc(1, sizeof(CACHE_BRUSH_ORDER)); if (!cache_brush) goto fail; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 6) goto fail; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, cache_brush->index); /* cacheEntry (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, iBitmapFormat); /* iBitmapFormat (1 byte) */ cache_brush->bpp = BMF_BPP[iBitmapFormat]; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, cache_brush->cx); /* cx (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, cache_brush->cy); /* cy (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, cache_brush->style); /* style (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, cache_brush->length); /* iBytes (1 byte) */ if ((cache_brush->cx == 8) && (cache_brush->cy == 8)) { if (cache_brush->bpp == 1) { if (cache_brush->length != 8) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "incompatible 1bpp brush of length:%"PRIu32"", cache_brush->length); goto fail; } /* rows are encoded in reverse order */ if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 8) goto fail; for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { Stream_Read_UINT8(s, cache_brush->data[i]); } } else { if ((iBitmapFormat == BMF_8BPP) && (cache_brush->length == 20)) compressed = TRUE; else if ((iBitmapFormat == BMF_16BPP) && (cache_brush->length == 24)) compressed = TRUE; else if ((iBitmapFormat == BMF_32BPP) && (cache_brush->length == 32)) compressed = TRUE; if (compressed != FALSE) { /* compressed brush */ if (!update_decompress_brush(s, cache_brush->data, cache_brush->bpp)) goto fail; } else { /* uncompressed brush */ UINT32 scanline = (cache_brush->bpp / 8) * 8; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < scanline * 8) goto fail; for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { Stream_Read(s, &cache_brush->data[i * scanline], scanline); } } } } return cache_brush; fail: free_cache_brush_order(update->context, cache_brush); return NULL; } int update_approximate_cache_brush_order( const CACHE_BRUSH_ORDER* cache_brush, UINT16* flags) { return 64; } BOOL update_write_cache_brush_order(wStream* s, const CACHE_BRUSH_ORDER* cache_brush, UINT16* flags) { int i; BYTE iBitmapFormat; BOOL compressed = FALSE; if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, update_approximate_cache_brush_order(cache_brush, flags))) return FALSE; iBitmapFormat = BPP_BMF[cache_brush->bpp]; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, cache_brush->index); /* cacheEntry (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, iBitmapFormat); /* iBitmapFormat (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, cache_brush->cx); /* cx (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, cache_brush->cy); /* cy (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, cache_brush->style); /* style (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, cache_brush->length); /* iBytes (1 byte) */ if ((cache_brush->cx == 8) && (cache_brush->cy == 8)) { if (cache_brush->bpp == 1) { if (cache_brush->length != 8) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "incompatible 1bpp brush of length:%"PRIu32"", cache_brush->length); return FALSE; } for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { Stream_Write_UINT8(s, cache_brush->data[i]); } } else { if ((iBitmapFormat == BMF_8BPP) && (cache_brush->length == 20)) compressed = TRUE; else if ((iBitmapFormat == BMF_16BPP) && (cache_brush->length == 24)) compressed = TRUE; else if ((iBitmapFormat == BMF_32BPP) && (cache_brush->length == 32)) compressed = TRUE; if (compressed != FALSE) { /* compressed brush */ if (!update_compress_brush(s, cache_brush->data, cache_brush->bpp)) return FALSE; } else { /* uncompressed brush */ int scanline = (cache_brush->bpp / 8) * 8; for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { Stream_Write(s, &cache_brush->data[i * scanline], scanline); } } } } return TRUE; } /* Alternate Secondary Drawing Orders */ static BOOL update_read_create_offscreen_bitmap_order(wStream* s, CREATE_OFFSCREEN_BITMAP_ORDER* create_offscreen_bitmap) { UINT16 flags; BOOL deleteListPresent; OFFSCREEN_DELETE_LIST* deleteList; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 6) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, flags); /* flags (2 bytes) */ create_offscreen_bitmap->id = flags & 0x7FFF; deleteListPresent = (flags & 0x8000) ? TRUE : FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, create_offscreen_bitmap->cx); /* cx (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, create_offscreen_bitmap->cy); /* cy (2 bytes) */ deleteList = &(create_offscreen_bitmap->deleteList); if (deleteListPresent) { int i; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 2) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, deleteList->cIndices); if (deleteList->cIndices > deleteList->sIndices) { UINT16* new_indices; new_indices = (UINT16*)realloc(deleteList->indices, deleteList->cIndices * 2); if (!new_indices) return FALSE; deleteList->sIndices = deleteList->cIndices; deleteList->indices = new_indices; } if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 2 * deleteList->cIndices) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < (int) deleteList->cIndices; i++) { Stream_Read_UINT16(s, deleteList->indices[i]); } } else { deleteList->cIndices = 0; } return TRUE; } int update_approximate_create_offscreen_bitmap_order( const CREATE_OFFSCREEN_BITMAP_ORDER* create_offscreen_bitmap) { const OFFSCREEN_DELETE_LIST* deleteList = & (create_offscreen_bitmap->deleteList); return 32 + deleteList->cIndices * 2; } BOOL update_write_create_offscreen_bitmap_order( wStream* s, const CREATE_OFFSCREEN_BITMAP_ORDER* create_offscreen_bitmap) { UINT16 flags; BOOL deleteListPresent; const OFFSCREEN_DELETE_LIST* deleteList; if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, update_approximate_create_offscreen_bitmap_order(create_offscreen_bitmap))) return FALSE; deleteList = &(create_offscreen_bitmap->deleteList); flags = create_offscreen_bitmap->id & 0x7FFF; deleteListPresent = (deleteList->cIndices > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; if (deleteListPresent) flags |= 0x8000; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, flags); /* flags (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, create_offscreen_bitmap->cx); /* cx (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, create_offscreen_bitmap->cy); /* cy (2 bytes) */ if (deleteListPresent) { int i; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, deleteList->cIndices); for (i = 0; i < (int) deleteList->cIndices; i++) { Stream_Write_UINT16(s, deleteList->indices[i]); } } return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_switch_surface_order(wStream* s, SWITCH_SURFACE_ORDER* switch_surface) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 2) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, switch_surface->bitmapId); /* bitmapId (2 bytes) */ return TRUE; } int update_approximate_switch_surface_order( const SWITCH_SURFACE_ORDER* switch_surface) { return 2; } BOOL update_write_switch_surface_order( wStream* s, const SWITCH_SURFACE_ORDER* switch_surface) { int inf = update_approximate_switch_surface_order(switch_surface); if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, inf)) return FALSE; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, switch_surface->bitmapId); /* bitmapId (2 bytes) */ return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_create_nine_grid_bitmap_order( wStream* s, CREATE_NINE_GRID_BITMAP_ORDER* create_nine_grid_bitmap) { NINE_GRID_BITMAP_INFO* nineGridInfo; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 19) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, create_nine_grid_bitmap->bitmapBpp); /* bitmapBpp (1 byte) */ if ((create_nine_grid_bitmap->bitmapBpp < 1) || (create_nine_grid_bitmap->bitmapBpp > 32)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "invalid bpp value %"PRIu32"", create_nine_grid_bitmap->bitmapBpp); return FALSE; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, create_nine_grid_bitmap->bitmapId); /* bitmapId (2 bytes) */ nineGridInfo = &(create_nine_grid_bitmap->nineGridInfo); Stream_Read_UINT32(s, nineGridInfo->flFlags); /* flFlags (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, nineGridInfo->ulLeftWidth); /* ulLeftWidth (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, nineGridInfo->ulRightWidth); /* ulRightWidth (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, nineGridInfo->ulTopHeight); /* ulTopHeight (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, nineGridInfo->ulBottomHeight); /* ulBottomHeight (2 bytes) */ update_read_colorref(s, &nineGridInfo->crTransparent); /* crTransparent (4 bytes) */ return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_frame_marker_order(wStream* s, FRAME_MARKER_ORDER* frame_marker) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 4) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, frame_marker->action); /* action (4 bytes) */ return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_stream_bitmap_first_order( wStream* s, STREAM_BITMAP_FIRST_ORDER* stream_bitmap_first) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 10) // 8 + 2 at least return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, stream_bitmap_first->bitmapFlags); /* bitmapFlags (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, stream_bitmap_first->bitmapBpp); /* bitmapBpp (1 byte) */ if ((stream_bitmap_first->bitmapBpp < 1) || (stream_bitmap_first->bitmapBpp > 32)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "invalid bpp value %"PRIu32"", stream_bitmap_first->bitmapBpp); return FALSE; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, stream_bitmap_first->bitmapType); /* bitmapType (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, stream_bitmap_first->bitmapWidth); /* bitmapWidth (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, stream_bitmap_first->bitmapHeight); /* bitmapHeigth (2 bytes) */ if (stream_bitmap_first->bitmapFlags & STREAM_BITMAP_V2) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 4) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, stream_bitmap_first->bitmapSize); /* bitmapSize (4 bytes) */ } else { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 2) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, stream_bitmap_first->bitmapSize); /* bitmapSize (2 bytes) */ } FIELD_SKIP_BUFFER16(s, stream_bitmap_first->bitmapBlockSize); /* bitmapBlockSize(2 bytes) + bitmapBlock */ return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_stream_bitmap_next_order( wStream* s, STREAM_BITMAP_NEXT_ORDER* stream_bitmap_next) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 5) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, stream_bitmap_next->bitmapFlags); /* bitmapFlags (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, stream_bitmap_next->bitmapType); /* bitmapType (2 bytes) */ FIELD_SKIP_BUFFER16(s, stream_bitmap_next->bitmapBlockSize); /* bitmapBlockSize(2 bytes) + bitmapBlock */ return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_draw_gdiplus_first_order( wStream* s, DRAW_GDIPLUS_FIRST_ORDER* draw_gdiplus_first) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 11) return FALSE; Stream_Seek_UINT8(s); /* pad1Octet (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, draw_gdiplus_first->cbSize); /* cbSize (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, draw_gdiplus_first->cbTotalSize); /* cbTotalSize (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, draw_gdiplus_first->cbTotalEmfSize); /* cbTotalEmfSize (4 bytes) */ return Stream_SafeSeek(s, draw_gdiplus_first->cbSize); /* emfRecords */ } static BOOL update_read_draw_gdiplus_next_order( wStream* s, DRAW_GDIPLUS_NEXT_ORDER* draw_gdiplus_next) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 3) return FALSE; Stream_Seek_UINT8(s); /* pad1Octet (1 byte) */ FIELD_SKIP_BUFFER16(s, draw_gdiplus_next->cbSize); /* cbSize(2 bytes) + emfRecords */ return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_draw_gdiplus_end_order( wStream* s, DRAW_GDIPLUS_END_ORDER* draw_gdiplus_end) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 11) return FALSE; Stream_Seek_UINT8(s); /* pad1Octet (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, draw_gdiplus_end->cbSize); /* cbSize (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, draw_gdiplus_end->cbTotalSize); /* cbTotalSize (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, draw_gdiplus_end->cbTotalEmfSize); /* cbTotalEmfSize (4 bytes) */ return Stream_SafeSeek(s, draw_gdiplus_end->cbSize); /* emfRecords */ } static BOOL update_read_draw_gdiplus_cache_first_order( wStream* s, DRAW_GDIPLUS_CACHE_FIRST_ORDER* draw_gdiplus_cache_first) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 11) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, draw_gdiplus_cache_first->flags); /* flags (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, draw_gdiplus_cache_first->cacheType); /* cacheType (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, draw_gdiplus_cache_first->cacheIndex); /* cacheIndex (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, draw_gdiplus_cache_first->cbSize); /* cbSize (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, draw_gdiplus_cache_first->cbTotalSize); /* cbTotalSize (4 bytes) */ return Stream_SafeSeek(s, draw_gdiplus_cache_first->cbSize); /* emfRecords */ } static BOOL update_read_draw_gdiplus_cache_next_order( wStream* s, DRAW_GDIPLUS_CACHE_NEXT_ORDER* draw_gdiplus_cache_next) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 7) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, draw_gdiplus_cache_next->flags); /* flags (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, draw_gdiplus_cache_next->cacheType); /* cacheType (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, draw_gdiplus_cache_next->cacheIndex); /* cacheIndex (2 bytes) */ FIELD_SKIP_BUFFER16(s, draw_gdiplus_cache_next->cbSize); /* cbSize(2 bytes) + emfRecords */ return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_draw_gdiplus_cache_end_order( wStream* s, DRAW_GDIPLUS_CACHE_END_ORDER* draw_gdiplus_cache_end) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 11) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, draw_gdiplus_cache_end->flags); /* flags (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, draw_gdiplus_cache_end->cacheType); /* cacheType (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, draw_gdiplus_cache_end->cacheIndex); /* cacheIndex (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, draw_gdiplus_cache_end->cbSize); /* cbSize (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, draw_gdiplus_cache_end->cbTotalSize); /* cbTotalSize (4 bytes) */ return Stream_SafeSeek(s, draw_gdiplus_cache_end->cbSize); /* emfRecords */ } static BOOL update_read_field_flags(wStream* s, UINT32* fieldFlags, BYTE flags, BYTE fieldBytes) { int i; BYTE byte; if (flags & ORDER_ZERO_FIELD_BYTE_BIT0) fieldBytes--; if (flags & ORDER_ZERO_FIELD_BYTE_BIT1) { if (fieldBytes > 1) fieldBytes -= 2; else fieldBytes = 0; } if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < fieldBytes) return FALSE; *fieldFlags = 0; for (i = 0; i < fieldBytes; i++) { Stream_Read_UINT8(s, byte); *fieldFlags |= byte << (i * 8); } return TRUE; } BOOL update_write_field_flags(wStream* s, UINT32 fieldFlags, BYTE flags, BYTE fieldBytes) { BYTE byte; if (fieldBytes == 1) { byte = fieldFlags & 0xFF; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); } else if (fieldBytes == 2) { byte = fieldFlags & 0xFF; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); byte = (fieldFlags >> 8) & 0xFF; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); } else if (fieldBytes == 3) { byte = fieldFlags & 0xFF; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); byte = (fieldFlags >> 8) & 0xFF; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); byte = (fieldFlags >> 16) & 0xFF; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, byte); } else { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL update_read_bounds(wStream* s, rdpBounds* bounds) { BYTE flags; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, flags); /* field flags */ if (flags & BOUND_LEFT) { if (!update_read_coord(s, &bounds->left, FALSE)) return FALSE; } else if (flags & BOUND_DELTA_LEFT) { if (!update_read_coord(s, &bounds->left, TRUE)) return FALSE; } if (flags & BOUND_TOP) { if (!update_read_coord(s, &bounds->top, FALSE)) return FALSE; } else if (flags & BOUND_DELTA_TOP) { if (!update_read_coord(s, &bounds->top, TRUE)) return FALSE; } if (flags & BOUND_RIGHT) { if (!update_read_coord(s, &bounds->right, FALSE)) return FALSE; } else if (flags & BOUND_DELTA_RIGHT) { if (!update_read_coord(s, &bounds->right, TRUE)) return FALSE; } if (flags & BOUND_BOTTOM) { if (!update_read_coord(s, &bounds->bottom, FALSE)) return FALSE; } else if (flags & BOUND_DELTA_BOTTOM) { if (!update_read_coord(s, &bounds->bottom, TRUE)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL update_write_bounds(wStream* s, ORDER_INFO* orderInfo) { if (!(orderInfo->controlFlags & ORDER_BOUNDS)) return TRUE; if (orderInfo->controlFlags & ORDER_ZERO_BOUNDS_DELTAS) return TRUE; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, orderInfo->boundsFlags); /* field flags */ if (orderInfo->boundsFlags & BOUND_LEFT) { if (!update_write_coord(s, orderInfo->bounds.left)) return FALSE; } else if (orderInfo->boundsFlags & BOUND_DELTA_LEFT) { } if (orderInfo->boundsFlags & BOUND_TOP) { if (!update_write_coord(s, orderInfo->bounds.top)) return FALSE; } else if (orderInfo->boundsFlags & BOUND_DELTA_TOP) { } if (orderInfo->boundsFlags & BOUND_RIGHT) { if (!update_write_coord(s, orderInfo->bounds.right)) return FALSE; } else if (orderInfo->boundsFlags & BOUND_DELTA_RIGHT) { } if (orderInfo->boundsFlags & BOUND_BOTTOM) { if (!update_write_coord(s, orderInfo->bounds.bottom)) return FALSE; } else if (orderInfo->boundsFlags & BOUND_DELTA_BOTTOM) { } return TRUE; } static BOOL update_recv_primary_order(rdpUpdate* update, wStream* s, BYTE flags) { ORDER_INFO* orderInfo; rdpContext* context = update->context; rdpPrimaryUpdate* primary = update->primary; orderInfo = &(primary->order_info); if (flags & ORDER_TYPE_CHANGE) Stream_Read_UINT8(s, orderInfo->orderType); /* orderType (1 byte) */ if (orderInfo->orderType >= PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_COUNT) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Invalid Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32")", orderInfo->orderType); return FALSE; } if (!update_read_field_flags(s, &(orderInfo->fieldFlags), flags, PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_FIELD_BYTES[orderInfo->orderType])) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "update_read_field_flags() failed"); return FALSE; } if (flags & ORDER_BOUNDS) { if (!(flags & ORDER_ZERO_BOUNDS_DELTAS)) { if (!update_read_bounds(s, &orderInfo->bounds)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "update_read_bounds() failed"); return FALSE; } } IFCALL(update->SetBounds, context, &orderInfo->bounds); } orderInfo->deltaCoordinates = (flags & ORDER_DELTA_COORDINATES) ? TRUE : FALSE; switch (orderInfo->orderType) { case ORDER_TYPE_DSTBLT: if (!update_read_dstblt_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->dstblt))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_DSTBLT - update_read_dstblt_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32") rop=%s [0x%08"PRIx32"]", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType, gdi_rop3_code_string(primary->dstblt.bRop), gdi_rop3_code(primary->dstblt.bRop)); IFCALL(primary->DstBlt, context, &primary->dstblt); break; case ORDER_TYPE_PATBLT: if (!update_read_patblt_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->patblt))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_PATBLT - update_read_patblt_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32") rop=%s [0x%08"PRIx32"]", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType, gdi_rop3_code_string(primary->patblt.bRop), gdi_rop3_code(primary->patblt.bRop)); IFCALL(primary->PatBlt, context, &primary->patblt); break; case ORDER_TYPE_SCRBLT: if (!update_read_scrblt_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->scrblt))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_SCRBLT - update_read_scrblt_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32") rop=%s [0x%08"PRIx32"]", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType, gdi_rop3_code_string(primary->scrblt.bRop), gdi_rop3_code(primary->scrblt.bRop)); IFCALL(primary->ScrBlt, context, &primary->scrblt); break; case ORDER_TYPE_OPAQUE_RECT: if (!update_read_opaque_rect_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->opaque_rect))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_OPAQUE_RECT - update_read_opaque_rect_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32")", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType); IFCALL(primary->OpaqueRect, context, &primary->opaque_rect); break; case ORDER_TYPE_DRAW_NINE_GRID: if (!update_read_draw_nine_grid_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->draw_nine_grid))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_DRAW_NINE_GRID - update_read_draw_nine_grid_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32")", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType); IFCALL(primary->DrawNineGrid, context, &primary->draw_nine_grid); break; case ORDER_TYPE_MULTI_DSTBLT: if (!update_read_multi_dstblt_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->multi_dstblt))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_MULTI_DSTBLT - update_read_multi_dstblt_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32") rop=%s [0x%08"PRIx32"]", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType, gdi_rop3_code_string(primary->multi_dstblt.bRop), gdi_rop3_code(primary->multi_dstblt.bRop)); IFCALL(primary->MultiDstBlt, context, &primary->multi_dstblt); break; case ORDER_TYPE_MULTI_PATBLT: if (!update_read_multi_patblt_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->multi_patblt))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_MULTI_PATBLT - update_read_multi_patblt_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32") rop=%s [0x%08"PRIx32"]", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType, gdi_rop3_code_string(primary->multi_patblt.bRop), gdi_rop3_code(primary->multi_patblt.bRop)); IFCALL(primary->MultiPatBlt, context, &primary->multi_patblt); break; case ORDER_TYPE_MULTI_SCRBLT: if (!update_read_multi_scrblt_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->multi_scrblt))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_MULTI_SCRBLT - update_read_multi_scrblt_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32") rop=%s [0x%08"PRIx32"]", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType, gdi_rop3_code_string(primary->multi_scrblt.bRop), gdi_rop3_code(primary->multi_scrblt.bRop)); IFCALL(primary->MultiScrBlt, context, &primary->multi_scrblt); break; case ORDER_TYPE_MULTI_OPAQUE_RECT: if (!update_read_multi_opaque_rect_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->multi_opaque_rect))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_MULTI_OPAQUE_RECT - update_read_multi_opaque_rect_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32")", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType); IFCALL(primary->MultiOpaqueRect, context, &primary->multi_opaque_rect); break; case ORDER_TYPE_MULTI_DRAW_NINE_GRID: if (!update_read_multi_draw_nine_grid_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->multi_draw_nine_grid))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_MULTI_DRAW_NINE_GRID - update_read_multi_draw_nine_grid_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32")", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType); IFCALL(primary->MultiDrawNineGrid, context, &primary->multi_draw_nine_grid); break; case ORDER_TYPE_LINE_TO: if (!update_read_line_to_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->line_to))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_LINE_TO - update_read_line_to_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32")", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType); IFCALL(primary->LineTo, context, &primary->line_to); break; case ORDER_TYPE_POLYLINE: if (!update_read_polyline_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->polyline))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_POLYLINE - update_read_polyline_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32")", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType); IFCALL(primary->Polyline, context, &primary->polyline); break; case ORDER_TYPE_MEMBLT: if (!update_read_memblt_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->memblt))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_MEMBLT - update_read_memblt_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32") rop=%s [0x%08"PRIx32"]", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType, gdi_rop3_code_string(primary->memblt.bRop), gdi_rop3_code(primary->memblt.bRop)); IFCALL(primary->MemBlt, context, &primary->memblt); break; case ORDER_TYPE_MEM3BLT: if (!update_read_mem3blt_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->mem3blt))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_MEM3BLT - update_read_mem3blt_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32") rop=%s [0x%08"PRIx32"]", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType, gdi_rop3_code_string(primary->mem3blt.bRop), gdi_rop3_code(primary->mem3blt.bRop)); IFCALL(primary->Mem3Blt, context, &primary->mem3blt); break; case ORDER_TYPE_SAVE_BITMAP: if (!update_read_save_bitmap_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->save_bitmap))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_SAVE_BITMAP - update_read_save_bitmap_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32")", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType); IFCALL(primary->SaveBitmap, context, &primary->save_bitmap); break; case ORDER_TYPE_GLYPH_INDEX: if (!update_read_glyph_index_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->glyph_index))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_GLYPH_INDEX - update_read_glyph_index_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32")", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType); IFCALL(primary->GlyphIndex, context, &primary->glyph_index); break; case ORDER_TYPE_FAST_INDEX: if (!update_read_fast_index_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->fast_index))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_FAST_INDEX - update_read_fast_index_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32")", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType); IFCALL(primary->FastIndex, context, &primary->fast_index); break; case ORDER_TYPE_FAST_GLYPH: if (!update_read_fast_glyph_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->fast_glyph))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_FAST_GLYPH - update_read_fast_glyph_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32")", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType); IFCALL(primary->FastGlyph, context, &primary->fast_glyph); break; case ORDER_TYPE_POLYGON_SC: if (!update_read_polygon_sc_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->polygon_sc))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_POLYGON_SC - update_read_polygon_sc_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32")", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType); IFCALL(primary->PolygonSC, context, &primary->polygon_sc); break; case ORDER_TYPE_POLYGON_CB: if (!update_read_polygon_cb_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->polygon_cb))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_POLYGON_CB - update_read_polygon_cb_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32")", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType); IFCALL(primary->PolygonCB, context, &primary->polygon_cb); break; case ORDER_TYPE_ELLIPSE_SC: if (!update_read_ellipse_sc_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->ellipse_sc))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_ELLIPSE_SC - update_read_ellipse_sc_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32")", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType); IFCALL(primary->EllipseSC, context, &primary->ellipse_sc); break; case ORDER_TYPE_ELLIPSE_CB: if (!update_read_ellipse_cb_order(s, orderInfo, &(primary->ellipse_cb))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_ELLIPSE_CB - update_read_ellipse_cb_order() failed"); return FALSE; } WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Primary Drawing Order (0x%08"PRIX32")", PRIMARY_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderInfo->orderType], orderInfo->orderType); IFCALL(primary->EllipseCB, context, &primary->ellipse_cb); break; default: break; } if (flags & ORDER_BOUNDS) { IFCALL(update->SetBounds, context, NULL); } return TRUE; } static BOOL update_recv_secondary_order(rdpUpdate* update, wStream* s, BYTE flags) { BOOL rc = FALSE; BYTE* next; BYTE orderType; UINT16 extraFlags; UINT16 orderLength; rdpContext* context = update->context; rdpSecondaryUpdate* secondary = update->secondary; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 5) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 5"); return FALSE; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, orderLength); /* orderLength (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, extraFlags); /* extraFlags (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, orderType); /* orderType (1 byte) */ next = Stream_Pointer(s) + ((INT16) orderLength) + 7; WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Secondary Drawing Order (0x%02"PRIX8")", update_secondary_order_to_string(orderType), orderType); switch (orderType) { case ORDER_TYPE_BITMAP_UNCOMPRESSED: case ORDER_TYPE_CACHE_BITMAP_COMPRESSED: { const BOOL compressed = (orderType == ORDER_TYPE_CACHE_BITMAP_COMPRESSED); CACHE_BITMAP_ORDER* order = update_read_cache_bitmap_order(update, s, compressed, extraFlags); if (order) { rc = IFCALLRESULT(FALSE, secondary->CacheBitmap, context, order); free_cache_bitmap_order(context, order); } } break; case ORDER_TYPE_BITMAP_UNCOMPRESSED_V2: case ORDER_TYPE_BITMAP_COMPRESSED_V2: { const BOOL compressed = (orderType == ORDER_TYPE_BITMAP_COMPRESSED_V2); CACHE_BITMAP_V2_ORDER* order = update_read_cache_bitmap_v2_order(update, s, compressed, extraFlags); if (order) { rc = IFCALLRESULT(FALSE, secondary->CacheBitmapV2, context, order); free_cache_bitmap_v2_order(context, order); } } break; case ORDER_TYPE_BITMAP_COMPRESSED_V3: { CACHE_BITMAP_V3_ORDER* order = update_read_cache_bitmap_v3_order(update, s, extraFlags); if (order) { rc = IFCALLRESULT(FALSE, secondary->CacheBitmapV3, context, order); free_cache_bitmap_v3_order(context, order); } } break; case ORDER_TYPE_CACHE_COLOR_TABLE: { CACHE_COLOR_TABLE_ORDER* order = update_read_cache_color_table_order(update, s, extraFlags); if (order) { rc = IFCALLRESULT(FALSE, secondary->CacheColorTable, context, order); free_cache_color_table_order(context, order); } } break; case ORDER_TYPE_CACHE_GLYPH: if (secondary->glyph_v2) { CACHE_GLYPH_V2_ORDER* order = update_read_cache_glyph_v2_order(update, s, extraFlags); if (order) { rc = IFCALLRESULT(FALSE, secondary->CacheGlyphV2, context, order); free_cache_glyph_v2_order(context, order); } } else { CACHE_GLYPH_ORDER* order = update_read_cache_glyph_order(update, s, extraFlags); if (order) { rc = IFCALLRESULT(FALSE, secondary->CacheGlyph, context, order); free_cache_glyph_order(context, order); } } break; case ORDER_TYPE_CACHE_BRUSH: { CACHE_BRUSH_ORDER* order = update_read_cache_brush_order(update, s, extraFlags); if (order) { rc = IFCALLRESULT(FALSE, secondary->CacheBrush, context, order); free_cache_brush_order(context, order); } } break; default: break; } if (!rc) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "SECONDARY ORDER %s [%"PRIx16"] failed", update_secondary_order_to_string(orderType), orderType); } Stream_SetPointer(s, next); return rc; } static BOOL update_recv_altsec_order(rdpUpdate* update, wStream* s, BYTE flags) { BYTE orderType; rdpContext* context = update->context; rdpAltSecUpdate* altsec = update->altsec; orderType = flags >>= 2; /* orderType is in higher 6 bits of flags field */ if (orderType < ALTSEC_DRAWING_ORDER_COUNT) WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "%s Alternate Secondary Drawing Order (0x%02"PRIX8")", ALTSEC_DRAWING_ORDER_STRINGS[orderType], orderType); else WLog_Print(update->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "Unknown Alternate Secondary Drawing Order: 0x%02"PRIX8"", orderType); switch (orderType) { case ORDER_TYPE_CREATE_OFFSCREEN_BITMAP: if (!update_read_create_offscreen_bitmap_order(s, &(altsec->create_offscreen_bitmap))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_CREATE_OFFSCREEN_BITMAP - update_read_create_offscreen_bitmap_order() failed"); return FALSE; } IFCALL(altsec->CreateOffscreenBitmap, context, &(altsec->create_offscreen_bitmap)); break; case ORDER_TYPE_SWITCH_SURFACE: if (!update_read_switch_surface_order(s, &(altsec->switch_surface))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_SWITCH_SURFACE - update_read_switch_surface_order() failed"); return FALSE; } IFCALL(altsec->SwitchSurface, context, &(altsec->switch_surface)); break; case ORDER_TYPE_CREATE_NINE_GRID_BITMAP: if (!update_read_create_nine_grid_bitmap_order(s, &(altsec->create_nine_grid_bitmap))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_CREATE_NINE_GRID_BITMAP - update_read_create_nine_grid_bitmap_order() failed"); return FALSE; } IFCALL(altsec->CreateNineGridBitmap, context, &(altsec->create_nine_grid_bitmap)); break; case ORDER_TYPE_FRAME_MARKER: if (!update_read_frame_marker_order(s, &(altsec->frame_marker))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_FRAME_MARKER - update_read_frame_marker_order() failed"); return FALSE; } IFCALL(altsec->FrameMarker, context, &(altsec->frame_marker)); break; case ORDER_TYPE_STREAM_BITMAP_FIRST: if (!update_read_stream_bitmap_first_order(s, &(altsec->stream_bitmap_first))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_STREAM_BITMAP_FIRST - update_read_stream_bitmap_first_order() failed"); return FALSE; } IFCALL(altsec->StreamBitmapFirst, context, &(altsec->stream_bitmap_first)); break; case ORDER_TYPE_STREAM_BITMAP_NEXT: if (!update_read_stream_bitmap_next_order(s, &(altsec->stream_bitmap_next))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_STREAM_BITMAP_NEXT - update_read_stream_bitmap_next_order() failed"); return FALSE; } IFCALL(altsec->StreamBitmapNext, context, &(altsec->stream_bitmap_next)); break; case ORDER_TYPE_GDIPLUS_FIRST: if (!update_read_draw_gdiplus_first_order(s, &(altsec->draw_gdiplus_first))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_GDIPLUS_FIRST - update_read_draw_gdiplus_first_order() failed"); return FALSE; } IFCALL(altsec->DrawGdiPlusFirst, context, &(altsec->draw_gdiplus_first)); break; case ORDER_TYPE_GDIPLUS_NEXT: if (!update_read_draw_gdiplus_next_order(s, &(altsec->draw_gdiplus_next))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_GDIPLUS_NEXT - update_read_draw_gdiplus_next_order() failed"); return FALSE; } IFCALL(altsec->DrawGdiPlusNext, context, &(altsec->draw_gdiplus_next)); break; case ORDER_TYPE_GDIPLUS_END: if (!update_read_draw_gdiplus_end_order(s, &(altsec->draw_gdiplus_end))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_GDIPLUS_END - update_read_draw_gdiplus_end_order() failed"); return FALSE; } IFCALL(altsec->DrawGdiPlusEnd, context, &(altsec->draw_gdiplus_end)); break; case ORDER_TYPE_GDIPLUS_CACHE_FIRST: if (!update_read_draw_gdiplus_cache_first_order(s, &(altsec->draw_gdiplus_cache_first))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_GDIPLUS_CACHE_FIRST - update_read_draw_gdiplus_cache_first_order() failed"); return FALSE; } IFCALL(altsec->DrawGdiPlusCacheFirst, context, &(altsec->draw_gdiplus_cache_first)); break; case ORDER_TYPE_GDIPLUS_CACHE_NEXT: if (!update_read_draw_gdiplus_cache_next_order(s, &(altsec->draw_gdiplus_cache_next))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_GDIPLUS_CACHE_NEXT - update_read_draw_gdiplus_cache_next_order() failed"); return FALSE; } IFCALL(altsec->DrawGdiPlusCacheNext, context, &(altsec->draw_gdiplus_cache_next)); break; case ORDER_TYPE_GDIPLUS_CACHE_END: if (!update_read_draw_gdiplus_cache_end_order(s, &(altsec->draw_gdiplus_cache_end))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ORDER_TYPE_GDIPLUS_CACHE_END - update_read_draw_gdiplus_cache_end_order() failed"); return FALSE; } IFCALL(altsec->DrawGdiPlusCacheEnd, context, &(altsec->draw_gdiplus_cache_end)); break; case ORDER_TYPE_WINDOW: return update_recv_altsec_window_order(update, s); case ORDER_TYPE_COMPDESK_FIRST: break; default: break; } return TRUE; } BOOL update_recv_order(rdpUpdate* update, wStream* s) { BYTE controlFlags; if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 1"); return FALSE; } Stream_Read_UINT8(s, controlFlags); /* controlFlags (1 byte) */ if (!(controlFlags & ORDER_STANDARD)) return update_recv_altsec_order(update, s, controlFlags); else if (controlFlags & ORDER_SECONDARY) return update_recv_secondary_order(update, s, controlFlags); else return update_recv_primary_order(update, s, controlFlags); return TRUE; }