/* * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * RDP Licensing * * Copyright 2011-2013 Marc-Andre Moreau * Copyright 2014 Norbert Federa * Copyright 2018 David Fort * Copyright 2022,2023 Armin Novak * Copyright 2022,2023 Thincast Technologies GmbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "settings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "license.h" #include "../crypto/crypto.h" #include "../crypto/certificate.h" #define TAG FREERDP_TAG("core.license") #if 0 #define LICENSE_NULL_CLIENT_RANDOM 1 #define LICENSE_NULL_PREMASTER_SECRET 1 #endif #define PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_VERSION 0x0100 /** @brief Licensing Packet Types */ enum LicenseRequestType { LICENSE_REQUEST = 0x01, PLATFORM_CHALLENGE = 0x02, NEW_LICENSE = 0x03, UPGRADE_LICENSE = 0x04, LICENSE_INFO = 0x12, NEW_LICENSE_REQUEST = 0x13, PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE = 0x15, ERROR_ALERT = 0xFF }; #define LICENSE_PKT_CS_MASK \ (LICENSE_INFO | NEW_LICENSE_REQUEST | PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE | ERROR_ALERT) #define LICENSE_PKT_SC_MASK \ (LICENSE_REQUEST | PLATFORM_CHALLENGE | NEW_LICENSE | UPGRADE_LICENSE | ERROR_ALERT) #define LICENSE_PKT_MASK (LICENSE_PKT_CS_MASK | LICENSE_PKT_SC_MASK) #define LICENSE_PREAMBLE_LENGTH 4 /* Cryptographic Lengths */ #define SERVER_RANDOM_LENGTH 32 #define MASTER_SECRET_LENGTH 48 #define PREMASTER_SECRET_LENGTH 48 #define SESSION_KEY_BLOB_LENGTH 48 #define MAC_SALT_KEY_LENGTH 16 #define LICENSING_ENCRYPTION_KEY_LENGTH 16 #define HWID_PLATFORM_ID_LENGTH 4 #define HWID_UNIQUE_DATA_LENGTH 16 #define HWID_LENGTH 20 #define LICENSING_PADDING_SIZE 8 /* Preamble Flags */ #define PREAMBLE_VERSION_2_0 0x02 #define PREAMBLE_VERSION_3_0 0x03 #define LicenseProtocolVersionMask 0x0F #define EXTENDED_ERROR_MSG_SUPPORTED 0x80 /** @brief binary Blob Types */ enum { BB_ANY_BLOB = 0x0000, BB_DATA_BLOB = 0x0001, BB_RANDOM_BLOB = 0x0002, BB_CERTIFICATE_BLOB = 0x0003, BB_ERROR_BLOB = 0x0004, BB_ENCRYPTED_DATA_BLOB = 0x0009, BB_KEY_EXCHG_ALG_BLOB = 0x000D, BB_SCOPE_BLOB = 0x000E, BB_CLIENT_USER_NAME_BLOB = 0x000F, BB_CLIENT_MACHINE_NAME_BLOB = 0x0010 }; /* License Key Exchange Algorithms */ #define KEY_EXCHANGE_ALG_RSA 0x00000001 /** @brief license Error Codes */ enum { ERR_INVALID_SERVER_CERTIFICATE = 0x00000001, ERR_NO_LICENSE = 0x00000002, ERR_INVALID_MAC = 0x00000003, ERR_INVALID_SCOPE = 0x00000004, ERR_NO_LICENSE_SERVER = 0x00000006, STATUS_VALID_CLIENT = 0x00000007, ERR_INVALID_CLIENT = 0x00000008, ERR_INVALID_PRODUCT_ID = 0x0000000B, ERR_INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 0x0000000C }; /** @brief state Transition Codes */ enum { ST_TOTAL_ABORT = 0x00000001, ST_NO_TRANSITION = 0x00000002, ST_RESET_PHASE_TO_START = 0x00000003, ST_RESEND_LAST_MESSAGE = 0x00000004 }; /** @brief Platform Challenge Types */ enum { WIN32_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_TYPE = 0x0100, WIN16_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_TYPE = 0x0200, WINCE_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_TYPE = 0x0300, OTHER_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_TYPE = 0xFF00 }; /** @brief License Detail Levels */ enum { LICENSE_DETAIL_SIMPLE = 0x0001, LICENSE_DETAIL_MODERATE = 0x0002, LICENSE_DETAIL_DETAIL = 0x0003 }; /* * PlatformId: * * The most significant byte of the PlatformId field contains the operating system version of the * client. The second most significant byte of the PlatformId field identifies the ISV that provided * the client image. The remaining two bytes in the PlatformId field are used by the ISV to identify * the build number of the operating system. * * 0x04010000: * * CLIENT_OS_ID_WINNT_POST_52 (0x04000000) * CLIENT_IMAGE_ID_MICROSOFT (0x00010000) */ enum { CLIENT_OS_ID_WINNT_351 = 0x01000000, CLIENT_OS_ID_WINNT_40 = 0x02000000, CLIENT_OS_ID_WINNT_50 = 0x03000000, CLIENT_OS_ID_WINNT_POST_52 = 0x04000000, CLIENT_IMAGE_ID_MICROSOFT = 0x00010000, CLIENT_IMAGE_ID_CITRIX = 0x00020000, }; struct rdp_license { LICENSE_STATE state; LICENSE_TYPE type; rdpRdp* rdp; rdpCertificate* certificate; BYTE HardwareId[HWID_LENGTH]; BYTE ClientRandom[CLIENT_RANDOM_LENGTH]; BYTE ServerRandom[SERVER_RANDOM_LENGTH]; BYTE MasterSecret[MASTER_SECRET_LENGTH]; BYTE PremasterSecret[PREMASTER_SECRET_LENGTH]; BYTE SessionKeyBlob[SESSION_KEY_BLOB_LENGTH]; BYTE MacSaltKey[MAC_SALT_KEY_LENGTH]; BYTE LicensingEncryptionKey[LICENSING_ENCRYPTION_KEY_LENGTH]; LICENSE_PRODUCT_INFO* ProductInfo; LICENSE_BLOB* ErrorInfo; LICENSE_BLOB* LicenseInfo; /* Client -> Server */ LICENSE_BLOB* KeyExchangeList; LICENSE_BLOB* ServerCertificate; LICENSE_BLOB* ClientUserName; LICENSE_BLOB* ClientMachineName; LICENSE_BLOB* PlatformChallenge; LICENSE_BLOB* EncryptedPremasterSecret; LICENSE_BLOB* EncryptedPlatformChallenge; LICENSE_BLOB* EncryptedPlatformChallengeResponse; LICENSE_BLOB* EncryptedHardwareId; LICENSE_BLOB* EncryptedLicenseInfo; BYTE MACData[LICENSING_ENCRYPTION_KEY_LENGTH]; SCOPE_LIST* ScopeList; UINT32 PacketHeaderLength; UINT32 PreferredKeyExchangeAlg; UINT32 PlatformId; UINT16 ClientType; UINT16 LicenseDetailLevel; BOOL update; }; static BOOL license_send_error_alert(rdpLicense* license, UINT32 dwErrorCode, UINT32 dwStateTransition, const LICENSE_BLOB* info); static BOOL license_set_state(rdpLicense* license, LICENSE_STATE state); static const char* license_get_state_string(LICENSE_STATE state); static const char* license_preferred_key_exchange_alg_string(UINT32 alg, char* buffer, size_t size) { const char* name = NULL; switch (alg) { case KEY_EXCHANGE_ALG_RSA: name = "KEY_EXCHANGE_ALG_RSA"; break; default: name = "KEY_EXCHANGE_ALG_UNKNOWN"; break; } _snprintf(buffer, size, "%s [0x%08" PRIx32 "]", name, alg); return buffer; } static const char* license_request_type_string(UINT32 type) { switch (type) { case LICENSE_REQUEST: return "LICENSE_REQUEST"; case PLATFORM_CHALLENGE: return "PLATFORM_CHALLENGE"; case NEW_LICENSE: return "NEW_LICENSE"; case UPGRADE_LICENSE: return "UPGRADE_LICENSE"; case LICENSE_INFO: return "LICENSE_INFO"; case NEW_LICENSE_REQUEST: return "NEW_LICENSE_REQUEST"; case PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE: return "PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE"; case ERROR_ALERT: return "ERROR_ALERT"; default: return "LICENSE_REQUEST_TYPE_UNKNOWN"; } } static const char* licencse_blob_type_string(UINT16 type) { switch (type) { case BB_ANY_BLOB: return "BB_ANY_BLOB"; case BB_DATA_BLOB: return "BB_DATA_BLOB"; case BB_RANDOM_BLOB: return "BB_RANDOM_BLOB"; case BB_CERTIFICATE_BLOB: return "BB_CERTIFICATE_BLOB"; case BB_ERROR_BLOB: return "BB_ERROR_BLOB"; case BB_ENCRYPTED_DATA_BLOB: return "BB_ENCRYPTED_DATA_BLOB"; case BB_KEY_EXCHG_ALG_BLOB: return "BB_KEY_EXCHG_ALG_BLOB"; case BB_SCOPE_BLOB: return "BB_SCOPE_BLOB"; case BB_CLIENT_USER_NAME_BLOB: return "BB_CLIENT_USER_NAME_BLOB"; case BB_CLIENT_MACHINE_NAME_BLOB: return "BB_CLIENT_MACHINE_NAME_BLOB"; default: return "BB_UNKNOWN"; } } static wStream* license_send_stream_init(rdpLicense* license); static void license_generate_randoms(rdpLicense* license); static BOOL license_generate_keys(rdpLicense* license); static BOOL license_generate_hwid(rdpLicense* license); static BOOL license_encrypt_premaster_secret(rdpLicense* license); static LICENSE_PRODUCT_INFO* license_new_product_info(void); static void license_free_product_info(LICENSE_PRODUCT_INFO* productInfo); static BOOL license_read_product_info(wStream* s, LICENSE_PRODUCT_INFO* productInfo); static LICENSE_BLOB* license_new_binary_blob(UINT16 type); static void license_free_binary_blob(LICENSE_BLOB* blob); static BOOL license_read_binary_blob_data(LICENSE_BLOB* blob, UINT16 type, const void* data, size_t length); static BOOL license_read_binary_blob(wStream* s, LICENSE_BLOB* blob); static BOOL license_write_binary_blob(wStream* s, const LICENSE_BLOB* blob); static SCOPE_LIST* license_new_scope_list(void); static BOOL license_scope_list_resize(SCOPE_LIST* scopeList, UINT32 count); static void license_free_scope_list(SCOPE_LIST* scopeList); static BOOL license_read_scope_list(wStream* s, SCOPE_LIST* scopeList); static BOOL license_write_scope_list(wStream* s, const SCOPE_LIST* scopeList); static BOOL license_read_license_request_packet(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s); static BOOL license_write_license_request_packet(const rdpLicense* license, wStream* s); static BOOL license_read_platform_challenge_packet(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s); static BOOL license_send_platform_challenge_packet(rdpLicense* license); static BOOL license_read_new_or_upgrade_license_packet(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s); static BOOL license_read_error_alert_packet(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s); static BOOL license_write_new_license_request_packet(const rdpLicense* license, wStream* s); static BOOL license_read_new_license_request_packet(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s); static BOOL license_answer_license_request(rdpLicense* license); static BOOL license_send_platform_challenge_response(rdpLicense* license); static BOOL license_read_platform_challenge_response(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s); static BOOL license_read_client_platform_challenge_response(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s); static BOOL license_write_client_platform_challenge_response(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s); static BOOL license_read_server_upgrade_license(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s); static BOOL license_write_server_upgrade_license(const rdpLicense* license, wStream* s); static BOOL license_send_license_info(rdpLicense* license, const LICENSE_BLOB* calBlob, const BYTE* signature, size_t signature_length); static BOOL license_read_license_info(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s); static state_run_t license_client_recv(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s); static state_run_t license_server_recv(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s); #define PLATFORMID (CLIENT_OS_ID_WINNT_POST_52 | CLIENT_IMAGE_ID_MICROSOFT) #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_LICENSE static const char* const error_codes[] = { "ERR_UNKNOWN", "ERR_INVALID_SERVER_CERTIFICATE", "ERR_NO_LICENSE", "ERR_INVALID_MAC", "ERR_INVALID_SCOPE", "ERR_UNKNOWN", "ERR_NO_LICENSE_SERVER", "STATUS_VALID_CLIENT", "ERR_INVALID_CLIENT", "ERR_UNKNOWN", "ERR_UNKNOWN", "ERR_INVALID_PRODUCT_ID", "ERR_INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH" }; static const char* const state_transitions[] = { "ST_UNKNOWN", "ST_TOTAL_ABORT", "ST_NO_TRANSITION", "ST_RESET_PHASE_TO_START", "ST_RESEND_LAST_MESSAGE" }; static void license_print_product_info(const LICENSE_PRODUCT_INFO* productInfo) { char* CompanyName = NULL; char* ProductId = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(productInfo); WINPR_ASSERT(productInfo->pbCompanyName); WINPR_ASSERT(productInfo->pbProductId); CompanyName = ConvertWCharNToUtf8Alloc((const WCHAR*)productInfo->pbCompanyName, productInfo->cbCompanyName / sizeof(WCHAR), NULL); ProductId = ConvertWCharNToUtf8Alloc((const WCHAR*)productInfo->pbProductId, productInfo->cbProductId / sizeof(WCHAR), NULL); WLog_INFO(TAG, "ProductInfo:"); WLog_INFO(TAG, "\tdwVersion: 0x%08" PRIX32 "", productInfo->dwVersion); WLog_INFO(TAG, "\tCompanyName: %s", CompanyName); WLog_INFO(TAG, "\tProductId: %s", ProductId); free(CompanyName); free(ProductId); } static void license_print_scope_list(const SCOPE_LIST* scopeList) { WINPR_ASSERT(scopeList); WLog_INFO(TAG, "ScopeList (%" PRIu32 "):", scopeList->count); for (UINT32 index = 0; index < scopeList->count; index++) { const LICENSE_BLOB* scope = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(scopeList->array); scope = scopeList->array[index]; WINPR_ASSERT(scope); WLog_INFO(TAG, "\t%s", (const char*)scope->data); } } #endif static const char licenseStore[] = "licenses"; static BOOL license_ensure_state(rdpLicense* license, LICENSE_STATE state, UINT32 msg) { const LICENSE_STATE cstate = license_get_state(license); WINPR_ASSERT(license); if (cstate != state) { const char* scstate = license_get_state_string(cstate); const char* sstate = license_get_state_string(state); const char* where = license_request_type_string(msg); WLog_WARN(TAG, "Received [%s], but found invalid licensing state %s, expected %s", where, scstate, sstate); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } state_run_t license_recv(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); WINPR_ASSERT(license->rdp); WINPR_ASSERT(license->rdp->settings); if (freerdp_settings_get_bool(license->rdp->settings, FreeRDP_ServerMode)) return license_server_recv(license, s); else return license_client_recv(license, s); } static BOOL license_check_stream_length(wStream* s, SSIZE_T expect, const char* where) { const size_t remain = Stream_GetRemainingLength(s); WINPR_ASSERT(where); if (expect < 0) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "invalid %s, expected value %" PRIdz " invalid", where, expect); return FALSE; } if (remain < (size_t)expect) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "short %s, expected %" PRIdz " bytes, got %" PRIuz, where, expect, remain); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL license_check_stream_capacity(wStream* s, size_t expect, const char* where) { WINPR_ASSERT(where); if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredCapacityEx(TAG, WLOG_WARN, s, expect, 1, "%s(%s:%" PRIuz ") %s", __func__, __FILE__, (size_t)__LINE__, where)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static BOOL computeCalHash(const char* hostname, char* hashStr, size_t len) { WINPR_DIGEST_CTX* sha1 = NULL; BOOL ret = FALSE; BYTE hash[20] = { 0 }; WINPR_ASSERT(hostname); WINPR_ASSERT(hashStr); if (len < 2 * sizeof(hash) + 1) return FALSE; if (!(sha1 = winpr_Digest_New())) goto out; if (!winpr_Digest_Init(sha1, WINPR_MD_SHA1)) goto out; if (!winpr_Digest_Update(sha1, (const BYTE*)hostname, strlen(hostname))) goto out; if (!winpr_Digest_Final(sha1, hash, sizeof(hash))) goto out; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(hash); i++, hashStr += 2) sprintf_s(hashStr, 3, "%.2x", hash[i]); ret = TRUE; out: if (!ret) WLog_ERR(TAG, "failed to generate SHA1 of hostname '%s'", hostname); winpr_Digest_Free(sha1); return ret; } static BOOL saveCal(const rdpSettings* settings, const BYTE* data, size_t length, const char* hostname) { char hash[41] = { 0 }; FILE* fp = NULL; char* licenseStorePath = NULL; char filename[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; char filenameNew[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; char* filepath = NULL; char* filepathNew = NULL; size_t written = 0; BOOL ret = FALSE; const char* path = freerdp_settings_get_string(settings, FreeRDP_ConfigPath); WINPR_ASSERT(path); WINPR_ASSERT(data || (length == 0)); WINPR_ASSERT(hostname); if (!winpr_PathFileExists(path)) { if (!winpr_PathMakePath(path, 0)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error creating directory '%s'", path); goto out; } WLog_INFO(TAG, "creating directory %s", path); } if (!(licenseStorePath = GetCombinedPath(path, licenseStore))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to get license store path from '%s' + '%s'", path, licenseStore); goto out; } if (!winpr_PathFileExists(licenseStorePath)) { if (!winpr_PathMakePath(licenseStorePath, 0)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error creating directory '%s'", licenseStorePath); goto out; } WLog_INFO(TAG, "creating directory %s", licenseStorePath); } if (!computeCalHash(hostname, hash, sizeof(hash))) goto out; sprintf_s(filename, sizeof(filename) - 1, "%s.cal", hash); sprintf_s(filenameNew, sizeof(filenameNew) - 1, "%s.cal.new", hash); if (!(filepath = GetCombinedPath(licenseStorePath, filename))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to get license file path from '%s' + '%s'", path, filename); goto out; } if (!(filepathNew = GetCombinedPath(licenseStorePath, filenameNew))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to get license new file path from '%s' + '%s'", path, filenameNew); goto out; } fp = winpr_fopen(filepathNew, "wb"); if (!fp) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to open license file '%s'", filepathNew); goto out; } written = fwrite(data, length, 1, fp); fclose(fp); if (written != 1) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to write to license file '%s'", filepathNew); winpr_DeleteFile(filepathNew); goto out; } ret = winpr_MoveFileEx(filepathNew, filepath, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING); if (!ret) WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to move license file '%s' to '%s'", filepathNew, filepath); out: free(filepathNew); free(filepath); free(licenseStorePath); return ret; } static BYTE* loadCalFile(const rdpSettings* settings, const char* hostname, size_t* dataLen) { char* licenseStorePath = NULL; char* calPath = NULL; char calFilename[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; char hash[41] = { 0 }; INT64 length = 0; size_t status = 0; FILE* fp = NULL; BYTE* ret = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(settings); WINPR_ASSERT(hostname); WINPR_ASSERT(dataLen); if (!computeCalHash(hostname, hash, sizeof(hash))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "loadCalFile: unable to compute hostname hash"); return NULL; } sprintf_s(calFilename, sizeof(calFilename) - 1, "%s.cal", hash); if (!(licenseStorePath = GetCombinedPath( freerdp_settings_get_string(settings, FreeRDP_ConfigPath), licenseStore))) return NULL; if (!(calPath = GetCombinedPath(licenseStorePath, calFilename))) goto error_path; fp = winpr_fopen(calPath, "rb"); if (!fp) goto error_open; _fseeki64(fp, 0, SEEK_END); length = _ftelli64(fp); _fseeki64(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); if (length < 0) goto error_malloc; ret = (BYTE*)malloc((size_t)length); if (!ret) goto error_malloc; status = fread(ret, (size_t)length, 1, fp); if (status == 0) goto error_read; *dataLen = (size_t)length; fclose(fp); free(calPath); free(licenseStorePath); return ret; error_read: free(ret); error_malloc: fclose(fp); error_open: free(calPath); error_path: free(licenseStorePath); return NULL; } /** * Read a licensing preamble. * msdn{cc240480} * @param s stream * @param bMsgType license message type * @param flags message flags * @param wMsgSize message size * @return if the operation completed successfully */ static BOOL license_read_preamble(wStream* s, BYTE* bMsgType, BYTE* flags, UINT16* wMsgSize) { WINPR_ASSERT(bMsgType); WINPR_ASSERT(flags); WINPR_ASSERT(wMsgSize); /* preamble (4 bytes) */ if (!license_check_stream_length(s, 4, "license preamble")) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT8(s, *bMsgType); /* bMsgType (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT8(s, *flags); /* flags (1 byte) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, *wMsgSize); /* wMsgSize (2 bytes) */ return license_check_stream_length(s, *wMsgSize - 4ll, "license preamble::wMsgSize"); } /** * Write a licensing preamble. * msdn{cc240480} * @param s stream * @param bMsgType license message type * @param flags message flags * @param wMsgSize message size * @return if the operation completed successfully */ static BOOL license_write_preamble(wStream* s, BYTE bMsgType, BYTE flags, UINT16 wMsgSize) { if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, 4)) return FALSE; /* preamble (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, bMsgType); /* bMsgType (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT8(s, flags); /* flags (1 byte) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, wMsgSize); /* wMsgSize (2 bytes) */ return TRUE; } /** * @brief Initialize a license packet stream. * * @param license license module * * @return stream or NULL */ wStream* license_send_stream_init(rdpLicense* license) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); WINPR_ASSERT(license->rdp); const BOOL do_crypt = license->rdp->do_crypt; license->rdp->sec_flags = SEC_LICENSE_PKT; /* * Encryption of licensing packets is optional even if the rdp security * layer is used. If the peer has not indicated that it is capable of * processing encrypted licensing packets (rdp->do_crypt_license) we turn * off encryption (via rdp->do_crypt) before initializing the rdp stream * and reenable it afterwards. */ if (do_crypt) { license->rdp->sec_flags |= SEC_LICENSE_ENCRYPT_CS; license->rdp->do_crypt = license->rdp->do_crypt_license; } wStream* s = rdp_send_stream_init(license->rdp); if (!s) return NULL; license->rdp->do_crypt = do_crypt; license->PacketHeaderLength = (UINT16)Stream_GetPosition(s); if (!Stream_SafeSeek(s, LICENSE_PREAMBLE_LENGTH)) goto fail; return s; fail: Stream_Release(s); return NULL; } /** * Send an RDP licensing packet. * msdn{cc240479} * @param license license module * @param s stream */ static BOOL license_send(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s, BYTE type) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); WINPR_ASSERT(license->rdp); rdpRdp* rdp = license->rdp; WINPR_ASSERT(rdp->settings); DEBUG_LICENSE("Sending %s Packet", license_request_type_string(type)); const size_t length = Stream_GetPosition(s); WINPR_ASSERT(length >= license->PacketHeaderLength); WINPR_ASSERT(length <= UINT16_MAX + license->PacketHeaderLength); const UINT16 wMsgSize = (UINT16)(length - license->PacketHeaderLength); Stream_SetPosition(s, license->PacketHeaderLength); BYTE flags = PREAMBLE_VERSION_3_0; /** * Using EXTENDED_ERROR_MSG_SUPPORTED here would cause mstsc to crash when * running in server mode! This flag seems to be incorrectly documented. */ if (!rdp->settings->ServerMode) flags |= EXTENDED_ERROR_MSG_SUPPORTED; if (!license_write_preamble(s, type, flags, wMsgSize)) return FALSE; #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_LICENSE WLog_DBG(TAG, "Sending %s Packet, length %" PRIu16 "", license_request_type_string(type), wMsgSize); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, Stream_PointerAs(s, char) - LICENSE_PREAMBLE_LENGTH, wMsgSize); #endif Stream_SetPosition(s, length); const BOOL ret = rdp_send(rdp, s, MCS_GLOBAL_CHANNEL_ID); rdp->sec_flags = 0; return ret; } BOOL license_read_server_upgrade_license(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); if (!license_read_binary_blob(s, license->EncryptedLicenseInfo)) return FALSE; if (!license_check_stream_length(s, sizeof(license->MACData), "SERVER_UPGRADE_LICENSE::MACData")) return FALSE; Stream_Read(s, license->MACData, sizeof(license->MACData)); return TRUE; } BOOL license_write_server_upgrade_license(const rdpLicense* license, wStream* s) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); if (!license_write_binary_blob(s, license->EncryptedLicenseInfo)) return FALSE; if (!license_check_stream_capacity(s, sizeof(license->MACData), "SERVER_UPGRADE_LICENSE::MACData")) return FALSE; Stream_Write(s, license->MACData, sizeof(license->MACData)); return TRUE; } static BOOL license_server_send_new_or_upgrade_license(rdpLicense* license, BOOL upgrade) { wStream* s = license_send_stream_init(license); const BYTE type = upgrade ? UPGRADE_LICENSE : NEW_LICENSE; if (!s) return FALSE; if (!license_write_server_upgrade_license(license, s)) goto fail; return license_send(license, s, type); fail: Stream_Release(s); return FALSE; } /** * Receive an RDP licensing packet. * msdn{cc240479} * @param license license module * @param s stream * @return if the operation completed successfully */ state_run_t license_client_recv(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s) { BYTE flags = 0; BYTE bMsgType = 0; UINT16 wMsgSize = 0; const size_t length = Stream_GetRemainingLength(s); WINPR_ASSERT(license); if (!license_read_preamble(s, &bMsgType, &flags, &wMsgSize)) /* preamble (4 bytes) */ return STATE_RUN_FAILED; DEBUG_LICENSE("Receiving %s Packet", license_request_type_string(bMsgType)); switch (bMsgType) { case LICENSE_REQUEST: /* Client does not require configuration, so skip this state */ if (license_get_state(license) == LICENSE_STATE_INITIAL) license_set_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_CONFIGURED); if (!license_ensure_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_CONFIGURED, bMsgType)) return STATE_RUN_FAILED; if (!license_read_license_request_packet(license, s)) return STATE_RUN_FAILED; if (!license_answer_license_request(license)) return STATE_RUN_FAILED; license_set_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_NEW_REQUEST); break; case PLATFORM_CHALLENGE: if (!license_ensure_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_NEW_REQUEST, bMsgType)) return STATE_RUN_FAILED; if (!license_read_platform_challenge_packet(license, s)) return STATE_RUN_FAILED; if (!license_send_platform_challenge_response(license)) return STATE_RUN_FAILED; license_set_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE); break; case NEW_LICENSE: case UPGRADE_LICENSE: if (!license_ensure_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE, bMsgType)) return STATE_RUN_FAILED; if (!license_read_new_or_upgrade_license_packet(license, s)) return STATE_RUN_FAILED; break; case ERROR_ALERT: if (!license_read_error_alert_packet(license, s)) return STATE_RUN_FAILED; break; default: WLog_ERR(TAG, "invalid bMsgType:%" PRIu8 "", bMsgType); return STATE_RUN_FAILED; } if (!tpkt_ensure_stream_consumed(s, length)) return STATE_RUN_FAILED; return STATE_RUN_SUCCESS; } state_run_t license_server_recv(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s) { state_run_t rc = STATE_RUN_FAILED; BYTE flags = 0; BYTE bMsgType = 0; UINT16 wMsgSize = 0; const size_t length = Stream_GetRemainingLength(s); WINPR_ASSERT(license); if (!license_read_preamble(s, &bMsgType, &flags, &wMsgSize)) /* preamble (4 bytes) */ goto fail; DEBUG_LICENSE("Receiving %s Packet", license_request_type_string(bMsgType)); switch (bMsgType) { case NEW_LICENSE_REQUEST: if (!license_ensure_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_REQUEST, bMsgType)) goto fail; if (!license_read_new_license_request_packet(license, s)) goto fail; // TODO: Validate if client is allowed if (!license_send_error_alert(license, ERR_INVALID_MAC, ST_TOTAL_ABORT, license->ErrorInfo)) goto fail; if (!license_send_platform_challenge_packet(license)) goto fail; license->update = FALSE; if (!license_set_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE)) goto fail; break; case LICENSE_INFO: if (!license_ensure_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_REQUEST, bMsgType)) goto fail; if (!license_read_license_info(license, s)) goto fail; // TODO: Validate license info if (!license_send_platform_challenge_packet(license)) goto fail; if (!license_set_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE)) goto fail; license->update = TRUE; break; case PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE: if (!license_ensure_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE, bMsgType)) goto fail; if (!license_read_client_platform_challenge_response(license, s)) goto fail; // TODO: validate challenge response if (FALSE) { if (license_send_error_alert(license, ERR_INVALID_CLIENT, ST_TOTAL_ABORT, license->ErrorInfo)) goto fail; } else { if (!license_server_send_new_or_upgrade_license(license, license->update)) goto fail; license->type = LICENSE_TYPE_ISSUED; license_set_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_COMPLETED); rc = STATE_RUN_CONTINUE; /* License issued, switch state */ } break; case ERROR_ALERT: if (!license_read_error_alert_packet(license, s)) goto fail; break; default: WLog_ERR(TAG, "invalid bMsgType:%" PRIu8 "", bMsgType); goto fail; } if (!tpkt_ensure_stream_consumed(s, length)) goto fail; if (!state_run_success(rc)) rc = STATE_RUN_SUCCESS; fail: if (state_run_failed(rc)) { if (flags & EXTENDED_ERROR_MSG_SUPPORTED) license_send_error_alert(license, ERR_INVALID_CLIENT, ST_TOTAL_ABORT, NULL); license_set_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_ABORTED); } return rc; } void license_generate_randoms(rdpLicense* license) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); #ifdef LICENSE_NULL_CLIENT_RANDOM ZeroMemory(license->ClientRandom, sizeof(license->ClientRandom)); /* ClientRandom */ #else winpr_RAND(license->ClientRandom, sizeof(license->ClientRandom)); /* ClientRandom */ #endif winpr_RAND(license->ServerRandom, sizeof(license->ServerRandom)); /* ServerRandom */ #ifdef LICENSE_NULL_PREMASTER_SECRET ZeroMemory(license->PremasterSecret, sizeof(license->PremasterSecret)); /* PremasterSecret */ #else winpr_RAND(license->PremasterSecret, sizeof(license->PremasterSecret)); /* PremasterSecret */ #endif } /** * Generate License Cryptographic Keys. * @param license license module */ static BOOL license_generate_keys(rdpLicense* license) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); if ( /* MasterSecret */ !security_master_secret(license->PremasterSecret, sizeof(license->PremasterSecret), license->ClientRandom, sizeof(license->ClientRandom), license->ServerRandom, sizeof(license->ServerRandom), license->MasterSecret, sizeof(license->MasterSecret)) || /* SessionKeyBlob */ !security_session_key_blob(license->MasterSecret, sizeof(license->MasterSecret), license->ClientRandom, sizeof(license->ClientRandom), license->ServerRandom, sizeof(license->ServerRandom), license->SessionKeyBlob, sizeof(license->SessionKeyBlob))) { return FALSE; } security_mac_salt_key(license->SessionKeyBlob, sizeof(license->SessionKeyBlob), license->ClientRandom, sizeof(license->ClientRandom), license->ServerRandom, sizeof(license->ServerRandom), license->MacSaltKey, sizeof(license->MacSaltKey)); /* MacSaltKey */ const BOOL ret = security_licensing_encryption_key( license->SessionKeyBlob, sizeof(license->SessionKeyBlob), license->ClientRandom, sizeof(license->ClientRandom), license->ServerRandom, sizeof(license->ServerRandom), license->LicensingEncryptionKey, sizeof(license->LicensingEncryptionKey)); /* LicensingEncryptionKey */ #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_LICENSE WLog_DBG(TAG, "ClientRandom:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, license->ClientRandom, sizeof(license->ClientRandom)); WLog_DBG(TAG, "ServerRandom:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, license->ServerRandom, sizeof(license->ServerRandom)); WLog_DBG(TAG, "PremasterSecret:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, license->PremasterSecret, sizeof(license->PremasterSecret)); WLog_DBG(TAG, "MasterSecret:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, license->MasterSecret, sizeof(license->MasterSecret)); WLog_DBG(TAG, "SessionKeyBlob:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, license->SessionKeyBlob, sizeof(license->SessionKeyBlob)); WLog_DBG(TAG, "MacSaltKey:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, license->MacSaltKey, sizeof(license->MacSaltKey)); WLog_DBG(TAG, "LicensingEncryptionKey:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, license->LicensingEncryptionKey, sizeof(license->LicensingEncryptionKey)); #endif return ret; } /** * Generate Unique Hardware Identifier (CLIENT_HARDWARE_ID). * @param license license module */ BOOL license_generate_hwid(rdpLicense* license) { const BYTE* hashTarget = NULL; size_t targetLen = 0; BYTE macAddress[6] = { 0 }; WINPR_ASSERT(license); WINPR_ASSERT(license->rdp); WINPR_ASSERT(license->rdp->settings); ZeroMemory(license->HardwareId, sizeof(license->HardwareId)); if (license->rdp->settings->OldLicenseBehaviour) { hashTarget = macAddress; targetLen = sizeof(macAddress); } else { wStream buffer = { 0 }; const char* hostname = license->rdp->settings->ClientHostname; wStream* s = Stream_StaticInit(&buffer, license->HardwareId, 4); Stream_Write_UINT32(s, license->PlatformId); Stream_Free(s, TRUE); hashTarget = (const BYTE*)hostname; targetLen = strlen(hostname); } /* Allow FIPS override for use of MD5 here, really this does not have to be MD5 as we are just * taking a MD5 hash of the 6 bytes of 0's(macAddress) */ /* and filling in the Data1-Data4 fields of the CLIENT_HARDWARE_ID structure(from MS-RDPELE * section This is for RDP licensing packets */ /* which will already be encrypted under FIPS, so the use of MD5 here is not for sensitive data * protection. */ return winpr_Digest_Allow_FIPS(WINPR_MD_MD5, hashTarget, targetLen, &license->HardwareId[HWID_PLATFORM_ID_LENGTH], WINPR_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH); } static BOOL license_get_server_rsa_public_key(rdpLicense* license) { rdpSettings* settings = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(license); WINPR_ASSERT(license->certificate); WINPR_ASSERT(license->rdp); settings = license->rdp->settings; WINPR_ASSERT(settings); if (license->ServerCertificate->length < 1) { if (!freerdp_certificate_read_server_cert(license->certificate, settings->ServerCertificate, settings->ServerCertificateLength)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL license_encrypt_premaster_secret(rdpLicense* license) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); WINPR_ASSERT(license->certificate); if (!license_get_server_rsa_public_key(license)) return FALSE; WINPR_ASSERT(license->EncryptedPremasterSecret); const rdpCertInfo* info = freerdp_certificate_get_info(license->certificate); if (!info) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "info=%p, license->certificate=%p", info, license->certificate); return FALSE; } #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_LICENSE WLog_DBG(TAG, "Modulus (%" PRIu32 " bits):", info->ModulusLength * 8); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, info->Modulus, info->ModulusLength); WLog_DBG(TAG, "Exponent:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, info->exponent, sizeof(info->exponent)); #endif BYTE* EncryptedPremasterSecret = (BYTE*)calloc(1, info->ModulusLength); if (!EncryptedPremasterSecret) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "EncryptedPremasterSecret=%p, info->ModulusLength=%" PRIu32, EncryptedPremasterSecret, info->ModulusLength); return FALSE; } license->EncryptedPremasterSecret->type = BB_RANDOM_BLOB; license->EncryptedPremasterSecret->length = sizeof(license->PremasterSecret); #ifndef LICENSE_NULL_PREMASTER_SECRET { const SSIZE_T length = crypto_rsa_public_encrypt(license->PremasterSecret, sizeof(license->PremasterSecret), info, EncryptedPremasterSecret, info->ModulusLength); if ((length < 0) || (length > UINT16_MAX)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "RSA public encrypt length=%" PRIdz " < 0 || > %" PRIu16, length, UINT16_MAX); return FALSE; } license->EncryptedPremasterSecret->length = (UINT16)length; } #endif license->EncryptedPremasterSecret->data = EncryptedPremasterSecret; return TRUE; } static BOOL license_rc4_with_licenseKey(const rdpLicense* license, const BYTE* input, size_t len, LICENSE_BLOB* target) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); WINPR_ASSERT(input || (len == 0)); WINPR_ASSERT(target); WINPR_ASSERT(len <= UINT16_MAX); WINPR_RC4_CTX* rc4 = winpr_RC4_New_Allow_FIPS(license->LicensingEncryptionKey, sizeof(license->LicensingEncryptionKey)); if (!rc4) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to allocate RC4"); return FALSE; } BYTE* buffer = (BYTE*)realloc(target->data, len); if (!buffer) goto error_buffer; target->data = buffer; target->length = (UINT16)len; if (!winpr_RC4_Update(rc4, len, input, buffer)) goto error_buffer; winpr_RC4_Free(rc4); return TRUE; error_buffer: WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to create/update RC4: len=%" PRIuz ", buffer=%p", len, buffer); winpr_RC4_Free(rc4); return FALSE; } /** * Encrypt the input using the license key and MAC the input for a signature * * @param license rdpLicense to get keys and salt from * @param input the input data to encrypt and MAC * @param len size of input * @param target a target LICENSE_BLOB where the encrypted input will be stored * @param mac the signature buffer (16 bytes) * @return if the operation completed successfully */ static BOOL license_encrypt_and_MAC(rdpLicense* license, const BYTE* input, size_t len, LICENSE_BLOB* target, BYTE* mac, size_t mac_length) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); return license_rc4_with_licenseKey(license, input, len, target) && security_mac_data(license->MacSaltKey, sizeof(license->MacSaltKey), input, len, mac, mac_length); } /** * Decrypt the input using the license key and check the MAC * * @param license rdpLicense to get keys and salt from * @param input the input data to decrypt and MAC * @param len size of input * @param target a target LICENSE_BLOB where the decrypted input will be stored * @param packetMac the signature buffer (16 bytes) * * @return if the operation completed successfully */ static BOOL license_decrypt_and_check_MAC(rdpLicense* license, const BYTE* input, size_t len, LICENSE_BLOB* target, const BYTE* packetMac) { BYTE macData[sizeof(license->MACData)] = { 0 }; WINPR_ASSERT(license); WINPR_ASSERT(target); if (freerdp_settings_get_bool(license->rdp->settings, FreeRDP_TransportDumpReplay)) { WLog_DBG(TAG, "TransportDumpReplay active, skipping..."); return TRUE; } if (!license_rc4_with_licenseKey(license, input, len, target)) return FALSE; if (!security_mac_data(license->MacSaltKey, sizeof(license->MacSaltKey), target->data, len, macData, sizeof(macData))) return FALSE; if (memcmp(packetMac, macData, sizeof(macData)) != 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "packetMac != expectedMac"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Read Product Information (PRODUCT_INFO). * msdn{cc241915} * @param s stream * @param productInfo product information */ BOOL license_read_product_info(wStream* s, LICENSE_PRODUCT_INFO* productInfo) { WINPR_ASSERT(productInfo); if (!license_check_stream_length(s, 8, "license product info::cbCompanyName")) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, productInfo->dwVersion); /* dwVersion (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, productInfo->cbCompanyName); /* cbCompanyName (4 bytes) */ /* Name must be >0, but there is no upper limit defined, use UINT32_MAX */ if ((productInfo->cbCompanyName < 2) || (productInfo->cbCompanyName % 2 != 0)) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "license product info invalid cbCompanyName %" PRIu32, productInfo->cbCompanyName); return FALSE; } if (!license_check_stream_length(s, productInfo->cbCompanyName, "license product info::CompanyName")) return FALSE; productInfo->pbProductId = NULL; productInfo->pbCompanyName = (BYTE*)malloc(productInfo->cbCompanyName); if (!productInfo->pbCompanyName) goto out_fail; Stream_Read(s, productInfo->pbCompanyName, productInfo->cbCompanyName); if (!license_check_stream_length(s, 4, "license product info::cbProductId")) goto out_fail; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, productInfo->cbProductId); /* cbProductId (4 bytes) */ if ((productInfo->cbProductId < 2) || (productInfo->cbProductId % 2 != 0)) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "license product info invalid cbProductId %" PRIu32, productInfo->cbProductId); goto out_fail; } if (!license_check_stream_length(s, productInfo->cbProductId, "license product info::ProductId")) goto out_fail; productInfo->pbProductId = (BYTE*)malloc(productInfo->cbProductId); if (!productInfo->pbProductId) goto out_fail; Stream_Read(s, productInfo->pbProductId, productInfo->cbProductId); return TRUE; out_fail: free(productInfo->pbCompanyName); free(productInfo->pbProductId); productInfo->pbCompanyName = NULL; productInfo->pbProductId = NULL; return FALSE; } static BOOL license_write_product_info(wStream* s, const LICENSE_PRODUCT_INFO* productInfo) { WINPR_ASSERT(productInfo); if (!license_check_stream_capacity(s, 8, "license product info::cbCompanyName")) return FALSE; Stream_Write_UINT32(s, productInfo->dwVersion); /* dwVersion (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, productInfo->cbCompanyName); /* cbCompanyName (4 bytes) */ /* Name must be >0, but there is no upper limit defined, use UINT32_MAX */ if ((productInfo->cbCompanyName < 2) || (productInfo->cbCompanyName % 2 != 0) || !productInfo->pbCompanyName) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "license product info invalid cbCompanyName %" PRIu32, productInfo->cbCompanyName); return FALSE; } if (!license_check_stream_capacity(s, productInfo->cbCompanyName, "license product info::CompanyName")) return FALSE; Stream_Write(s, productInfo->pbCompanyName, productInfo->cbCompanyName); if (!license_check_stream_capacity(s, 4, "license product info::cbProductId")) return FALSE; Stream_Write_UINT32(s, productInfo->cbProductId); /* cbProductId (4 bytes) */ if ((productInfo->cbProductId < 2) || (productInfo->cbProductId % 2 != 0) || !productInfo->pbProductId) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "license product info invalid cbProductId %" PRIu32, productInfo->cbProductId); return FALSE; } if (!license_check_stream_capacity(s, productInfo->cbProductId, "license product info::ProductId")) return FALSE; Stream_Write(s, productInfo->pbProductId, productInfo->cbProductId); return TRUE; } /** * Allocate New Product Information (LICENSE_PRODUCT_INFO). * msdn{cc241915} * @return new product information */ LICENSE_PRODUCT_INFO* license_new_product_info(void) { LICENSE_PRODUCT_INFO* productInfo = (LICENSE_PRODUCT_INFO*)calloc(1, sizeof(LICENSE_PRODUCT_INFO)); if (!productInfo) return NULL; return productInfo; } /** * Free Product Information (LICENSE_PRODUCT_INFO). * msdn{cc241915} * @param productInfo product information */ void license_free_product_info(LICENSE_PRODUCT_INFO* productInfo) { if (productInfo) { free(productInfo->pbCompanyName); free(productInfo->pbProductId); free(productInfo); } } BOOL license_read_binary_blob_data(LICENSE_BLOB* blob, UINT16 wBlobType, const void* data, size_t length) { WINPR_ASSERT(blob); WINPR_ASSERT(length <= UINT16_MAX); WINPR_ASSERT(data || (length == 0)); blob->length = (UINT16)length; free(blob->data); blob->data = NULL; if ((blob->type != wBlobType) && (blob->type != BB_ANY_BLOB)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "license binary blob::type expected %s, got %s", licencse_blob_type_string(wBlobType), licencse_blob_type_string(blob->type)); } /* * Server can choose to not send data by setting length to 0. * If so, it may not bother to set the type, so shortcut the warning */ if ((blob->type != BB_ANY_BLOB) && (blob->length == 0)) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "license binary blob::type %s, length=0, skipping.", licencse_blob_type_string(blob->type)); return TRUE; } blob->type = wBlobType; blob->data = (BYTE*)malloc(blob->length); if (!blob->data) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "license binary blob::length=%" PRIu16 ", blob::data=%p", blob->length, blob->data); return FALSE; } memcpy(blob->data, data, blob->length); /* blobData */ return TRUE; } /** * Read License Binary Blob (LICENSE_BINARY_BLOB). * msdn{cc240481} * @param s stream * @param blob license binary blob */ BOOL license_read_binary_blob(wStream* s, LICENSE_BLOB* blob) { UINT16 wBlobType = 0; UINT16 length = 0; WINPR_ASSERT(blob); if (!license_check_stream_length(s, 4, "license binary blob::type")) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, wBlobType); /* wBlobType (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, length); /* wBlobLen (2 bytes) */ if (!license_check_stream_length(s, length, "license binary blob::length")) return FALSE; if (!license_read_binary_blob_data(blob, wBlobType, Stream_Pointer(s), length)) return FALSE; return Stream_SafeSeek(s, length); } /** * Write License Binary Blob (LICENSE_BINARY_BLOB). * msdn{cc240481} * @param s stream * @param blob license binary blob */ BOOL license_write_binary_blob(wStream* s, const LICENSE_BLOB* blob) { WINPR_ASSERT(blob); if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, blob->length + 4)) return FALSE; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, blob->type); /* wBlobType (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, blob->length); /* wBlobLen (2 bytes) */ if (blob->length > 0) Stream_Write(s, blob->data, blob->length); /* blobData */ return TRUE; } static BOOL license_write_encrypted_premaster_secret_blob(wStream* s, const LICENSE_BLOB* blob, UINT32 ModulusLength) { const UINT32 length = ModulusLength + 8; WINPR_ASSERT(blob); WINPR_ASSERT(length <= UINT16_MAX); if (blob->length > ModulusLength) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "invalid blob"); return FALSE; } if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, length + 4)) return FALSE; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, blob->type); /* wBlobType (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, (UINT16)length); /* wBlobLen (2 bytes) */ if (blob->length > 0) Stream_Write(s, blob->data, blob->length); /* blobData */ Stream_Zero(s, length - blob->length); return TRUE; } static BOOL license_read_encrypted_premaster_secret_blob(wStream* s, LICENSE_BLOB* blob, UINT32* ModulusLength) { if (!license_read_binary_blob(s, blob)) return FALSE; WINPR_ASSERT(ModulusLength); *ModulusLength = blob->length; return TRUE; } /** * Allocate New License Binary Blob (LICENSE_BINARY_BLOB). * msdn{cc240481} * @return new license binary blob */ LICENSE_BLOB* license_new_binary_blob(UINT16 type) { LICENSE_BLOB* blob = (LICENSE_BLOB*)calloc(1, sizeof(LICENSE_BLOB)); if (blob) blob->type = type; return blob; } /** * Free License Binary Blob (LICENSE_BINARY_BLOB). * msdn{cc240481} * @param blob license binary blob */ void license_free_binary_blob(LICENSE_BLOB* blob) { if (blob) { free(blob->data); free(blob); } } /** * Read License Scope List (SCOPE_LIST). * msdn{cc241916} * @param s stream * @param scopeList scope list */ BOOL license_read_scope_list(wStream* s, SCOPE_LIST* scopeList) { UINT32 scopeCount = 0; WINPR_ASSERT(scopeList); if (!license_check_stream_length(s, 4, "license scope list")) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, scopeCount); /* ScopeCount (4 bytes) */ if (!license_check_stream_length(s, scopeCount * 4ull, "license scope list::count")) return FALSE; if (!license_scope_list_resize(scopeList, scopeCount)) return FALSE; /* ScopeArray */ for (UINT32 i = 0; i < scopeCount; i++) { if (!license_read_binary_blob(s, scopeList->array[i])) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL license_write_scope_list(wStream* s, const SCOPE_LIST* scopeList) { WINPR_ASSERT(scopeList); if (!license_check_stream_capacity(s, 4, "license scope list")) return FALSE; Stream_Write_UINT32(s, scopeList->count); /* ScopeCount (4 bytes) */ if (!license_check_stream_capacity(s, scopeList->count * 4ull, "license scope list::count")) return FALSE; /* ScopeArray */ WINPR_ASSERT(scopeList->array || (scopeList->count == 0)); for (UINT32 i = 0; i < scopeList->count; i++) { const LICENSE_BLOB* element = scopeList->array[i]; if (!license_write_binary_blob(s, element)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Allocate New License Scope List (SCOPE_LIST). * msdn{cc241916} * @return new scope list */ SCOPE_LIST* license_new_scope_list(void) { SCOPE_LIST* list = calloc(1, sizeof(SCOPE_LIST)); return list; } BOOL license_scope_list_resize(SCOPE_LIST* scopeList, UINT32 count) { WINPR_ASSERT(scopeList); WINPR_ASSERT(scopeList->array || (scopeList->count == 0)); for (UINT32 x = count; x < scopeList->count; x++) { license_free_binary_blob(scopeList->array[x]); scopeList->array[x] = NULL; } if (count > 0) { LICENSE_BLOB** tmp = realloc(scopeList->array, count * sizeof(LICENSE_BLOB*)); if (!tmp) return FALSE; scopeList->array = tmp; } else { free(scopeList->array); scopeList->array = NULL; } for (UINT32 x = scopeList->count; x < count; x++) { LICENSE_BLOB* blob = license_new_binary_blob(BB_SCOPE_BLOB); if (!blob) { scopeList->count = x; return FALSE; } scopeList->array[x] = blob; } scopeList->count = count; return TRUE; } /** * Free License Scope List (SCOPE_LIST). * msdn{cc241916} * @param scopeList scope list */ void license_free_scope_list(SCOPE_LIST* scopeList) { if (!scopeList) return; license_scope_list_resize(scopeList, 0); free(scopeList); } BOOL license_send_license_info(rdpLicense* license, const LICENSE_BLOB* calBlob, const BYTE* signature, size_t signature_length) { wStream* s = license_send_stream_init(license); WINPR_ASSERT(calBlob); WINPR_ASSERT(signature); WINPR_ASSERT(license->certificate); const rdpCertInfo* info = freerdp_certificate_get_info(license->certificate); if (!s) return FALSE; if (!license_check_stream_capacity(s, 8 + sizeof(license->ClientRandom), "license info::ClientRandom")) return FALSE; Stream_Write_UINT32(s, license->PreferredKeyExchangeAlg); /* PreferredKeyExchangeAlg (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, license->PlatformId); /* PlatformId (4 bytes) */ /* ClientRandom (32 bytes) */ Stream_Write(s, license->ClientRandom, sizeof(license->ClientRandom)); /* Licensing Binary Blob with EncryptedPreMasterSecret: */ if (!license_write_encrypted_premaster_secret_blob(s, license->EncryptedPremasterSecret, info->ModulusLength)) goto error; /* Licensing Binary Blob with LicenseInfo: */ if (!license_write_binary_blob(s, calBlob)) goto error; /* Licensing Binary Blob with EncryptedHWID */ if (!license_write_binary_blob(s, license->EncryptedHardwareId)) goto error; /* MACData */ if (!license_check_stream_capacity(s, signature_length, "license info::MACData")) goto error; Stream_Write(s, signature, signature_length); return license_send(license, s, LICENSE_INFO); error: Stream_Release(s); return FALSE; } static BOOL license_check_preferred_alg(rdpLicense* license, UINT32 PreferredKeyExchangeAlg, const char* where) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); WINPR_ASSERT(where); if (license->PreferredKeyExchangeAlg != PreferredKeyExchangeAlg) { char buffer1[64] = { 0 }; char buffer2[64] = { 0 }; WLog_WARN(TAG, "%s::PreferredKeyExchangeAlg, expected %s, got %s", where, license_preferred_key_exchange_alg_string(license->PreferredKeyExchangeAlg, buffer1, sizeof(buffer1)), license_preferred_key_exchange_alg_string(PreferredKeyExchangeAlg, buffer2, sizeof(buffer2))); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL license_read_license_info(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s) { BOOL rc = FALSE; UINT32 PreferredKeyExchangeAlg = 0; WINPR_ASSERT(license); WINPR_ASSERT(license->certificate); const rdpCertInfo* info = freerdp_certificate_get_info(license->certificate); if (!info) goto error; /* ClientRandom (32 bytes) */ if (!license_check_stream_length(s, 8 + sizeof(license->ClientRandom), "license info")) goto error; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, PreferredKeyExchangeAlg); /* PreferredKeyExchangeAlg (4 bytes) */ if (!license_check_preferred_alg(license, PreferredKeyExchangeAlg, "license info")) goto error; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, license->PlatformId); /* PlatformId (4 bytes) */ /* ClientRandom (32 bytes) */ Stream_Read(s, license->ClientRandom, sizeof(license->ClientRandom)); /* Licensing Binary Blob with EncryptedPreMasterSecret: */ UINT32 ModulusLength = 0; if (!license_read_encrypted_premaster_secret_blob(s, license->EncryptedPremasterSecret, &ModulusLength)) goto error; if (ModulusLength != info->ModulusLength) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "EncryptedPremasterSecret,::ModulusLength[%" PRIu32 "] != rdpCertInfo::ModulusLength[%" PRIu32 "]", ModulusLength, info->ModulusLength); goto error; } /* Licensing Binary Blob with LicenseInfo: */ if (!license_read_binary_blob(s, license->LicenseInfo)) goto error; /* Licensing Binary Blob with EncryptedHWID */ if (!license_read_binary_blob(s, license->EncryptedHardwareId)) goto error; /* MACData */ if (!license_check_stream_length(s, sizeof(license->MACData), "license info::MACData")) goto error; Stream_Read(s, license->MACData, sizeof(license->MACData)); rc = TRUE; error: return rc; } /** * Read a LICENSE_REQUEST packet. * msdn{cc241914} * @param license license module * @param s stream */ BOOL license_read_license_request_packet(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); /* ServerRandom (32 bytes) */ if (!license_check_stream_length(s, sizeof(license->ServerRandom), "license request")) return FALSE; Stream_Read(s, license->ServerRandom, sizeof(license->ServerRandom)); /* ProductInfo */ if (!license_read_product_info(s, license->ProductInfo)) return FALSE; /* KeyExchangeList */ if (!license_read_binary_blob(s, license->KeyExchangeList)) return FALSE; /* ServerCertificate */ if (!license_read_binary_blob(s, license->ServerCertificate)) return FALSE; /* ScopeList */ if (!license_read_scope_list(s, license->ScopeList)) return FALSE; /* Parse Server Certificate */ if (!freerdp_certificate_read_server_cert(license->certificate, license->ServerCertificate->data, license->ServerCertificate->length)) return FALSE; if (!license_generate_keys(license) || !license_generate_hwid(license) || !license_encrypt_premaster_secret(license)) return FALSE; #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_LICENSE WLog_DBG(TAG, "ServerRandom:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, license->ServerRandom, sizeof(license->ServerRandom)); license_print_product_info(license->ProductInfo); license_print_scope_list(license->ScopeList); #endif return TRUE; } BOOL license_write_license_request_packet(const rdpLicense* license, wStream* s) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); /* ServerRandom (32 bytes) */ if (!license_check_stream_capacity(s, sizeof(license->ServerRandom), "license request")) return FALSE; Stream_Write(s, license->ServerRandom, sizeof(license->ServerRandom)); /* ProductInfo */ if (!license_write_product_info(s, license->ProductInfo)) return FALSE; /* KeyExchangeList */ if (!license_write_binary_blob(s, license->KeyExchangeList)) return FALSE; /* ServerCertificate */ if (!license_write_binary_blob(s, license->ServerCertificate)) return FALSE; /* ScopeList */ if (!license_write_scope_list(s, license->ScopeList)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static BOOL license_send_license_request_packet(rdpLicense* license) { wStream* s = license_send_stream_init(license); if (!s) return FALSE; if (!license_write_license_request_packet(license, s)) goto fail; return license_send(license, s, LICENSE_REQUEST); fail: Stream_Release(s); return FALSE; } /* * Read a PLATFORM_CHALLENGE packet. * msdn{cc241921} * @param license license module * @param s stream */ BOOL license_read_platform_challenge_packet(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s) { BYTE macData[LICENSING_ENCRYPTION_KEY_LENGTH] = { 0 }; UINT32 ConnectFlags = 0; WINPR_ASSERT(license); DEBUG_LICENSE("Receiving Platform Challenge Packet"); if (!license_check_stream_length(s, 4, "license platform challenge")) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, ConnectFlags); /* ConnectFlags, Reserved (4 bytes) */ /* EncryptedPlatformChallenge */ license->EncryptedPlatformChallenge->type = BB_ANY_BLOB; if (!license_read_binary_blob(s, license->EncryptedPlatformChallenge)) return FALSE; license->EncryptedPlatformChallenge->type = BB_ENCRYPTED_DATA_BLOB; /* MACData (16 bytes) */ if (!license_check_stream_length(s, sizeof(macData), "license platform challenge::MAC")) return FALSE; Stream_Read(s, macData, sizeof(macData)); if (!license_decrypt_and_check_MAC(license, license->EncryptedPlatformChallenge->data, license->EncryptedPlatformChallenge->length, license->PlatformChallenge, macData)) return FALSE; #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_LICENSE WLog_DBG(TAG, "ConnectFlags: 0x%08" PRIX32 "", ConnectFlags); WLog_DBG(TAG, "EncryptedPlatformChallenge:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, license->EncryptedPlatformChallenge->data, license->EncryptedPlatformChallenge->length); WLog_DBG(TAG, "PlatformChallenge:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, license->PlatformChallenge->data, license->PlatformChallenge->length); WLog_DBG(TAG, "MacData:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, macData, sizeof(macData)); #endif return TRUE; } BOOL license_send_error_alert(rdpLicense* license, UINT32 dwErrorCode, UINT32 dwStateTransition, const LICENSE_BLOB* info) { wStream* s = license_send_stream_init(license); if (!s) goto fail; if (!license_check_stream_capacity(s, 8, "license error alert")) goto fail; Stream_Write_UINT32(s, dwErrorCode); Stream_Write_UINT32(s, dwStateTransition); if (info) { if (!license_write_binary_blob(s, info)) goto fail; } return license_send(license, s, ERROR_ALERT); fail: Stream_Release(s); return FALSE; } BOOL license_send_platform_challenge_packet(rdpLicense* license) { wStream* s = license_send_stream_init(license); if (!s) goto fail; DEBUG_LICENSE("Receiving Platform Challenge Packet"); if (!license_check_stream_capacity(s, 4, "license platform challenge")) goto fail; Stream_Zero(s, 4); /* ConnectFlags, Reserved (4 bytes) */ /* EncryptedPlatformChallenge */ if (!license_write_binary_blob(s, license->EncryptedPlatformChallenge)) goto fail; /* MACData (16 bytes) */ if (!license_check_stream_length(s, sizeof(license->MACData), "license platform challenge::MAC")) goto fail; Stream_Write(s, license->MACData, sizeof(license->MACData)); return license_send(license, s, PLATFORM_CHALLENGE); fail: Stream_Release(s); return FALSE; } static BOOL license_read_encrypted_blob(const rdpLicense* license, wStream* s, LICENSE_BLOB* target) { UINT16 wBlobType = 0; UINT16 wBlobLen = 0; WINPR_ASSERT(license); WINPR_ASSERT(target); if (!license_check_stream_length(s, 4, "license encrypted blob")) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, wBlobType); if (wBlobType != BB_ENCRYPTED_DATA_BLOB) { WLog_WARN( TAG, "expecting BB_ENCRYPTED_DATA_BLOB blob, probably a windows 2003 server, continuing..."); } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, wBlobLen); BYTE* encryptedData = Stream_Pointer(s); if (!Stream_SafeSeek(s, wBlobLen)) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "short license encrypted blob::length, expected %" PRIu16 " bytes, got %" PRIuz, wBlobLen, Stream_GetRemainingLength(s)); return FALSE; } return license_rc4_with_licenseKey(license, encryptedData, wBlobLen, target); } /** * Read a NEW_LICENSE packet. * msdn{cc241926} * @param license license module * @param s stream */ BOOL license_read_new_or_upgrade_license_packet(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s) { UINT32 os_major = 0; UINT32 os_minor = 0; UINT32 cbScope = 0; UINT32 cbCompanyName = 0; UINT32 cbProductId = 0; UINT32 cbLicenseInfo = 0; wStream sbuffer = { 0 }; wStream* licenseStream = NULL; BOOL ret = FALSE; BYTE computedMac[16] = { 0 }; const BYTE* readMac = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(license); DEBUG_LICENSE("Receiving Server New/Upgrade License Packet"); LICENSE_BLOB* calBlob = license_new_binary_blob(BB_DATA_BLOB); if (!calBlob) return FALSE; /* EncryptedLicenseInfo */ if (!license_read_encrypted_blob(license, s, calBlob)) goto fail; /* compute MAC and check it */ readMac = Stream_Pointer(s); if (!Stream_SafeSeek(s, sizeof(computedMac))) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "short license new/upgrade, expected 16 bytes, got %" PRIuz, Stream_GetRemainingLength(s)); goto fail; } if (!security_mac_data(license->MacSaltKey, sizeof(license->MacSaltKey), calBlob->data, calBlob->length, computedMac, sizeof(computedMac))) goto fail; if (memcmp(computedMac, readMac, sizeof(computedMac)) != 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "new or upgrade license MAC mismatch"); goto fail; } licenseStream = Stream_StaticConstInit(&sbuffer, calBlob->data, calBlob->length); if (!licenseStream) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "license::blob::data=%p, license::blob::length=%" PRIu16, calBlob->data, calBlob->length); goto fail; } if (!license_check_stream_length(licenseStream, 8, "license new/upgrade::blob::version")) goto fail; Stream_Read_UINT16(licenseStream, os_minor); Stream_Read_UINT16(licenseStream, os_major); WLog_DBG(TAG, "Version: %" PRIu16 ".%" PRIu16, os_major, os_minor); /* Scope */ Stream_Read_UINT32(licenseStream, cbScope); if (!license_check_stream_length(licenseStream, cbScope, "license new/upgrade::blob::scope")) goto fail; #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_LICENSE WLog_DBG(TAG, "Scope:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, Stream_Pointer(licenseStream), cbScope); #endif Stream_Seek(licenseStream, cbScope); /* CompanyName */ if (!license_check_stream_length(licenseStream, 4, "license new/upgrade::blob::cbCompanyName")) goto fail; Stream_Read_UINT32(licenseStream, cbCompanyName); if (!license_check_stream_length(licenseStream, cbCompanyName, "license new/upgrade::blob::CompanyName")) goto fail; #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_LICENSE WLog_DBG(TAG, "Company name:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, Stream_Pointer(licenseStream), cbCompanyName); #endif Stream_Seek(licenseStream, cbCompanyName); /* productId */ if (!license_check_stream_length(licenseStream, 4, "license new/upgrade::blob::cbProductId")) goto fail; Stream_Read_UINT32(licenseStream, cbProductId); if (!license_check_stream_length(licenseStream, cbProductId, "license new/upgrade::blob::ProductId")) goto fail; #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_LICENSE WLog_DBG(TAG, "Product id:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, Stream_Pointer(licenseStream), cbProductId); #endif Stream_Seek(licenseStream, cbProductId); /* licenseInfo */ if (!license_check_stream_length(licenseStream, 4, "license new/upgrade::blob::cbLicenseInfo")) goto fail; Stream_Read_UINT32(licenseStream, cbLicenseInfo); if (!license_check_stream_length(licenseStream, cbLicenseInfo, "license new/upgrade::blob::LicenseInfo")) goto fail; license->type = LICENSE_TYPE_ISSUED; ret = license_set_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_COMPLETED); if (!license->rdp->settings->OldLicenseBehaviour) ret = saveCal(license->rdp->settings, Stream_Pointer(licenseStream), cbLicenseInfo, license->rdp->settings->ClientHostname); fail: license_free_binary_blob(calBlob); return ret; } /** * Read an ERROR_ALERT packet. * msdn{cc240482} * @param license license module * @param s stream */ BOOL license_read_error_alert_packet(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s) { UINT32 dwErrorCode = 0; UINT32 dwStateTransition = 0; WINPR_ASSERT(license); WINPR_ASSERT(license->rdp); if (!license_check_stream_length(s, 8ul, "error alert")) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, dwErrorCode); /* dwErrorCode (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, dwStateTransition); /* dwStateTransition (4 bytes) */ if (!license_read_binary_blob(s, license->ErrorInfo)) /* bbErrorInfo */ return FALSE; #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_LICENSE WLog_DBG(TAG, "dwErrorCode: %s, dwStateTransition: %s", error_codes[dwErrorCode], state_transitions[dwStateTransition]); #endif if (dwErrorCode == STATUS_VALID_CLIENT) { license->type = LICENSE_TYPE_NONE; return license_set_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_COMPLETED); } switch (dwStateTransition) { case ST_TOTAL_ABORT: license_set_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_ABORTED); break; case ST_NO_TRANSITION: license_set_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_COMPLETED); break; case ST_RESET_PHASE_TO_START: license_set_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_CONFIGURED); break; case ST_RESEND_LAST_MESSAGE: break; default: break; } return TRUE; } /** * Write a NEW_LICENSE_REQUEST packet. * msdn{cc241918} * @param license license module * @param s stream */ BOOL license_write_new_license_request_packet(const rdpLicense* license, wStream* s) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); const rdpCertInfo* info = freerdp_certificate_get_info(license->certificate); if (!info) return FALSE; if (!license_check_stream_capacity(s, 8 + sizeof(license->ClientRandom), "License Request")) return FALSE; Stream_Write_UINT32(s, license->PreferredKeyExchangeAlg); /* PreferredKeyExchangeAlg (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, license->PlatformId); /* PlatformId (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write(s, license->ClientRandom, sizeof(license->ClientRandom)); /* ClientRandom (32 bytes) */ if (/* EncryptedPremasterSecret */ !license_write_encrypted_premaster_secret_blob(s, license->EncryptedPremasterSecret, info->ModulusLength) || /* ClientUserName */ !license_write_binary_blob(s, license->ClientUserName) || /* ClientMachineName */ !license_write_binary_blob(s, license->ClientMachineName)) { return FALSE; } #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_LICENSE WLog_DBG(TAG, "PreferredKeyExchangeAlg: 0x%08" PRIX32 "", license->PreferredKeyExchangeAlg); WLog_DBG(TAG, "ClientRandom:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, license->ClientRandom, sizeof(license->ClientRandom)); WLog_DBG(TAG, "EncryptedPremasterSecret"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, license->EncryptedPremasterSecret->data, license->EncryptedPremasterSecret->length); WLog_DBG(TAG, "ClientUserName (%" PRIu16 "): %s", license->ClientUserName->length, (char*)license->ClientUserName->data); WLog_DBG(TAG, "ClientMachineName (%" PRIu16 "): %s", license->ClientMachineName->length, (char*)license->ClientMachineName->data); #endif return TRUE; } BOOL license_read_new_license_request_packet(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s) { UINT32 PreferredKeyExchangeAlg = 0; WINPR_ASSERT(license); if (!license_check_stream_length(s, 8ull + sizeof(license->ClientRandom), "new license request")) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, PreferredKeyExchangeAlg); /* PreferredKeyExchangeAlg (4 bytes) */ if (!license_check_preferred_alg(license, PreferredKeyExchangeAlg, "new license request")) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, license->PlatformId); /* PlatformId (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read(s, license->ClientRandom, sizeof(license->ClientRandom)); /* ClientRandom (32 bytes) */ /* EncryptedPremasterSecret */ UINT32 ModulusLength = 0; if (!license_read_encrypted_premaster_secret_blob(s, license->EncryptedPremasterSecret, &ModulusLength)) return FALSE; const rdpCertInfo* info = freerdp_certificate_get_info(license->certificate); if (!info) WLog_WARN(TAG, "Missing license certificate, skipping ModulusLength checks"); else if (ModulusLength != info->ModulusLength) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "EncryptedPremasterSecret expected to be %" PRIu32 " bytes, but read %" PRIu32 " bytes", info->ModulusLength, ModulusLength); return FALSE; } /* ClientUserName */ if (!license_read_binary_blob(s, license->ClientUserName)) return FALSE; /* ClientMachineName */ if (!license_read_binary_blob(s, license->ClientMachineName)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /** * Send a NEW_LICENSE_REQUEST packet. * msdn{cc241918} * @param license license module */ BOOL license_answer_license_request(rdpLicense* license) { wStream* s = NULL; BYTE* license_data = NULL; size_t license_size = 0; BOOL status = 0; char* username = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(license); WINPR_ASSERT(license->rdp); WINPR_ASSERT(license->rdp->settings); if (!license->rdp->settings->OldLicenseBehaviour) license_data = loadCalFile(license->rdp->settings, license->rdp->settings->ClientHostname, &license_size); if (license_data) { LICENSE_BLOB* calBlob = NULL; BYTE signature[LICENSING_ENCRYPTION_KEY_LENGTH] = { 0 }; DEBUG_LICENSE("Sending Saved License Packet"); WINPR_ASSERT(license->EncryptedHardwareId); license->EncryptedHardwareId->type = BB_ENCRYPTED_DATA_BLOB; if (!license_encrypt_and_MAC(license, license->HardwareId, sizeof(license->HardwareId), license->EncryptedHardwareId, signature, sizeof(signature))) { free(license_data); return FALSE; } calBlob = license_new_binary_blob(BB_DATA_BLOB); if (!calBlob) { free(license_data); return FALSE; } calBlob->data = license_data; WINPR_ASSERT(license_size <= UINT16_MAX); calBlob->length = (UINT16)license_size; status = license_send_license_info(license, calBlob, signature, sizeof(signature)); license_free_binary_blob(calBlob); return status; } DEBUG_LICENSE("Sending New License Packet"); s = license_send_stream_init(license); if (!s) return FALSE; if (license->rdp->settings->Username != NULL) username = license->rdp->settings->Username; else username = "username"; { WINPR_ASSERT(license->ClientUserName); const size_t len = strlen(username) + 1; WINPR_ASSERT(len <= UINT16_MAX); license->ClientUserName->data = (BYTE*)username; license->ClientUserName->length = (UINT16)len; } { WINPR_ASSERT(license->ClientMachineName); const size_t len = strlen(license->rdp->settings->ClientHostname) + 1; WINPR_ASSERT(len <= UINT16_MAX); license->ClientMachineName->data = (BYTE*)license->rdp->settings->ClientHostname; license->ClientMachineName->length = (UINT16)len; } status = license_write_new_license_request_packet(license, s); WINPR_ASSERT(license->ClientUserName); license->ClientUserName->data = NULL; license->ClientUserName->length = 0; WINPR_ASSERT(license->ClientMachineName); license->ClientMachineName->data = NULL; license->ClientMachineName->length = 0; if (!status) { Stream_Release(s); return FALSE; } return license_send(license, s, NEW_LICENSE_REQUEST); } /** * Send Client Challenge Response Packet. * msdn{cc241922} * @param license license module */ BOOL license_send_platform_challenge_response(rdpLicense* license) { wStream* s = license_send_stream_init(license); wStream* challengeRespData = NULL; BYTE* buffer = NULL; BOOL status = 0; WINPR_ASSERT(license); WINPR_ASSERT(license->PlatformChallenge); WINPR_ASSERT(license->MacSaltKey); WINPR_ASSERT(license->EncryptedPlatformChallenge); WINPR_ASSERT(license->EncryptedHardwareId); DEBUG_LICENSE("Sending Platform Challenge Response Packet"); license->EncryptedPlatformChallenge->type = BB_DATA_BLOB; /* prepare the PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_DATA */ challengeRespData = Stream_New(NULL, 8 + license->PlatformChallenge->length); if (!challengeRespData) return FALSE; Stream_Write_UINT16(challengeRespData, PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_VERSION); /* wVersion */ Stream_Write_UINT16(challengeRespData, license->ClientType); /* wClientType */ Stream_Write_UINT16(challengeRespData, license->LicenseDetailLevel); /* wLicenseDetailLevel */ Stream_Write_UINT16(challengeRespData, license->PlatformChallenge->length); /* cbChallenge */ Stream_Write(challengeRespData, license->PlatformChallenge->data, license->PlatformChallenge->length); /* pbChallenge */ Stream_SealLength(challengeRespData); /* compute MAC of PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_DATA + HWID */ const size_t length = Stream_Length(challengeRespData) + sizeof(license->HardwareId); buffer = (BYTE*)malloc(length); if (!buffer) { Stream_Free(challengeRespData, TRUE); return FALSE; } CopyMemory(buffer, Stream_Buffer(challengeRespData), Stream_Length(challengeRespData)); CopyMemory(&buffer[Stream_Length(challengeRespData)], license->HardwareId, sizeof(license->HardwareId)); status = security_mac_data(license->MacSaltKey, sizeof(license->MacSaltKey), buffer, length, license->MACData, sizeof(license->MACData)); free(buffer); if (!status) { Stream_Free(challengeRespData, TRUE); return FALSE; } license->EncryptedHardwareId->type = BB_ENCRYPTED_DATA_BLOB; if (!license_rc4_with_licenseKey(license, license->HardwareId, sizeof(license->HardwareId), license->EncryptedHardwareId)) { Stream_Free(challengeRespData, TRUE); return FALSE; } status = license_rc4_with_licenseKey(license, Stream_Buffer(challengeRespData), Stream_Length(challengeRespData), license->EncryptedPlatformChallengeResponse); Stream_Free(challengeRespData, TRUE); if (!status) return FALSE; #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_LICENSE WLog_DBG(TAG, "LicensingEncryptionKey:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, license->LicensingEncryptionKey, 16); WLog_DBG(TAG, "HardwareId:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, license->HardwareId, sizeof(license->HardwareId)); WLog_DBG(TAG, "EncryptedHardwareId:"); winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, license->EncryptedHardwareId->data, license->EncryptedHardwareId->length); #endif if (license_write_client_platform_challenge_response(license, s)) return license_send(license, s, PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE); Stream_Release(s); return FALSE; } BOOL license_read_platform_challenge_response(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s) { UINT16 wVersion = 0; UINT16 cbChallenge = 0; const BYTE* pbChallenge = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(license); WINPR_ASSERT(license->PlatformChallenge); WINPR_ASSERT(license->MacSaltKey); WINPR_ASSERT(license->EncryptedPlatformChallenge); WINPR_ASSERT(license->EncryptedHardwareId); DEBUG_LICENSE("Receiving Platform Challenge Response Packet"); if (!license_check_stream_length(s, 8, "PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_DATA")) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, wVersion); if (wVersion != PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_VERSION) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "Invalid PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_DATA::wVersion 0x%04" PRIx16 ", expected 0x04" PRIx16, wVersion, PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_VERSION); return FALSE; } Stream_Read_UINT16(s, license->ClientType); Stream_Read_UINT16(s, license->LicenseDetailLevel); Stream_Read_UINT16(s, cbChallenge); if (!license_check_stream_length(s, cbChallenge, "PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_DATA::pbChallenge")) return FALSE; pbChallenge = Stream_Pointer(s); if (!license_read_binary_blob_data(license->EncryptedPlatformChallengeResponse, BB_DATA_BLOB, pbChallenge, cbChallenge)) return FALSE; return Stream_SafeSeek(s, cbChallenge); } BOOL license_write_client_platform_challenge_response(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); if (!license_write_binary_blob(s, license->EncryptedPlatformChallengeResponse)) return FALSE; if (!license_write_binary_blob(s, license->EncryptedHardwareId)) return FALSE; if (!license_check_stream_capacity(s, sizeof(license->MACData), "CLIENT_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE::MACData")) return FALSE; Stream_Write(s, license->MACData, sizeof(license->MACData)); return TRUE; } BOOL license_read_client_platform_challenge_response(rdpLicense* license, wStream* s) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); if (!license_read_binary_blob(s, license->EncryptedPlatformChallengeResponse)) return FALSE; if (!license_read_binary_blob(s, license->EncryptedHardwareId)) return FALSE; if (!license_check_stream_length(s, sizeof(license->MACData), "CLIENT_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE::MACData")) return FALSE; Stream_Read(s, license->MACData, sizeof(license->MACData)); return TRUE; } /** * Send Server License Error - Valid Client Packet. * msdn{cc241922} * * @param rdp A pointer to the context to use * * @return \b TRUE for success, \b FALSE otherwise */ BOOL license_send_valid_client_error_packet(rdpRdp* rdp) { WINPR_ASSERT(rdp); rdpLicense* license = rdp->license; WINPR_ASSERT(license); license->state = LICENSE_STATE_COMPLETED; license->type = LICENSE_TYPE_NONE; return license_send_error_alert(license, STATUS_VALID_CLIENT, ST_NO_TRANSITION, license->ErrorInfo); } /** * Instantiate new license module. * @param rdp RDP module * @return new license module */ rdpLicense* license_new(rdpRdp* rdp) { rdpLicense* license = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(rdp); license = (rdpLicense*)calloc(1, sizeof(rdpLicense)); if (!license) return NULL; license->PlatformId = PLATFORMID; license->ClientType = OTHER_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_TYPE; license->LicenseDetailLevel = LICENSE_DETAIL_DETAIL; license->PreferredKeyExchangeAlg = KEY_EXCHANGE_ALG_RSA; license->rdp = rdp; license_set_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_INITIAL); if (!(license->certificate = freerdp_certificate_new())) goto out_error; if (!(license->ProductInfo = license_new_product_info())) goto out_error; if (!(license->ErrorInfo = license_new_binary_blob(BB_ERROR_BLOB))) goto out_error; if (!(license->LicenseInfo = license_new_binary_blob(BB_DATA_BLOB))) goto out_error; if (!(license->KeyExchangeList = license_new_binary_blob(BB_KEY_EXCHG_ALG_BLOB))) goto out_error; if (!(license->ServerCertificate = license_new_binary_blob(BB_CERTIFICATE_BLOB))) goto out_error; if (!(license->ClientUserName = license_new_binary_blob(BB_CLIENT_USER_NAME_BLOB))) goto out_error; if (!(license->ClientMachineName = license_new_binary_blob(BB_CLIENT_MACHINE_NAME_BLOB))) goto out_error; if (!(license->PlatformChallenge = license_new_binary_blob(BB_ANY_BLOB))) goto out_error; if (!(license->EncryptedPlatformChallenge = license_new_binary_blob(BB_ANY_BLOB))) goto out_error; if (!(license->EncryptedPlatformChallengeResponse = license_new_binary_blob(BB_ENCRYPTED_DATA_BLOB))) goto out_error; if (!(license->EncryptedPremasterSecret = license_new_binary_blob(BB_ANY_BLOB))) goto out_error; if (!(license->EncryptedHardwareId = license_new_binary_blob(BB_ENCRYPTED_DATA_BLOB))) goto out_error; if (!(license->EncryptedLicenseInfo = license_new_binary_blob(BB_ENCRYPTED_DATA_BLOB))) goto out_error; if (!(license->ScopeList = license_new_scope_list())) goto out_error; license_generate_randoms(license); return license; out_error: WINPR_PRAGMA_DIAG_PUSH WINPR_PRAGMA_DIAG_IGNORED_MISMATCHED_DEALLOC license_free(license); WINPR_PRAGMA_DIAG_POP return NULL; } /** * Free license module. * @param license license module to be freed */ void license_free(rdpLicense* license) { if (license) { freerdp_certificate_free(license->certificate); license_free_product_info(license->ProductInfo); license_free_binary_blob(license->ErrorInfo); license_free_binary_blob(license->LicenseInfo); license_free_binary_blob(license->KeyExchangeList); license_free_binary_blob(license->ServerCertificate); license_free_binary_blob(license->ClientUserName); license_free_binary_blob(license->ClientMachineName); license_free_binary_blob(license->PlatformChallenge); license_free_binary_blob(license->EncryptedPlatformChallenge); license_free_binary_blob(license->EncryptedPlatformChallengeResponse); license_free_binary_blob(license->EncryptedPremasterSecret); license_free_binary_blob(license->EncryptedHardwareId); license_free_binary_blob(license->EncryptedLicenseInfo); license_free_scope_list(license->ScopeList); free(license); } } LICENSE_STATE license_get_state(const rdpLicense* license) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); return license->state; } LICENSE_TYPE license_get_type(const rdpLicense* license) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); return license->type; } BOOL license_set_state(rdpLicense* license, LICENSE_STATE state) { WINPR_ASSERT(license); license->state = state; switch (state) { case LICENSE_STATE_COMPLETED: break; case LICENSE_STATE_ABORTED: default: license->type = LICENSE_TYPE_INVALID; break; } return TRUE; } const char* license_get_state_string(LICENSE_STATE state) { switch (state) { case LICENSE_STATE_INITIAL: return "LICENSE_STATE_INITIAL"; case LICENSE_STATE_CONFIGURED: return "LICENSE_STATE_CONFIGURED"; case LICENSE_STATE_REQUEST: return "LICENSE_STATE_REQUEST"; case LICENSE_STATE_NEW_REQUEST: return "LICENSE_STATE_NEW_REQUEST"; case LICENSE_STATE_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE: return "LICENSE_STATE_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE"; case LICENSE_STATE_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE: return "LICENSE_STATE_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE"; case LICENSE_STATE_COMPLETED: return "LICENSE_STATE_COMPLETED"; case LICENSE_STATE_ABORTED: return "LICENSE_STATE_ABORTED"; default: return "LICENSE_STATE_UNKNOWN"; } } BOOL license_server_send_request(rdpLicense* license) { if (!license_ensure_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_CONFIGURED, LICENSE_REQUEST)) return FALSE; if (!license_send_license_request_packet(license)) return FALSE; return license_set_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_REQUEST); } static BOOL license_set_string(const char* what, const char* value, WCHAR** dst, UINT32* dstLen) { WINPR_ASSERT(what); WINPR_ASSERT(value); WINPR_ASSERT(dst); WINPR_ASSERT(dstLen); size_t len = 0; *dst = (BYTE*)ConvertUtf8ToWCharAlloc(value, &len); if (!*dst || (len > UINT32_MAX / sizeof(WCHAR))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "license->ProductInfo: %s == %p || %" PRIu32 " > UINT32_MAX", what, *dst, len); return FALSE; } *dstLen = (UINT32)(len * sizeof(WCHAR)); return TRUE; } BOOL license_server_configure(rdpLicense* license) { wStream* s = NULL; UINT32 algs[] = { KEY_EXCHANGE_ALG_RSA }; WINPR_ASSERT(license); WINPR_ASSERT(license->rdp); const rdpSettings* settings = license->rdp->settings; const char* CompanyName = freerdp_settings_get_string(settings, FreeRDP_ServerLicenseCompanyName); const char* ProductName = freerdp_settings_get_string(settings, FreeRDP_ServerLicenseProductName); const UINT32 ProductVersion = freerdp_settings_get_uint32(settings, FreeRDP_ServerLicenseProductVersion); const UINT32 issuerCount = freerdp_settings_get_uint32(settings, FreeRDP_ServerLicenseProductIssuersCount); const char* const* issuers = (const char* const*)freerdp_settings_get_pointer( settings, FreeRDP_ServerLicenseProductIssuers); WINPR_ASSERT(CompanyName); WINPR_ASSERT(ProductName); WINPR_ASSERT(ProductVersion > 0); WINPR_ASSERT(issuers || (issuerCount == 0)); if (!license_ensure_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_INITIAL, LICENSE_REQUEST)) return FALSE; license->ProductInfo->dwVersion = ProductVersion; if (!license_set_string("pbCompanyName", CompanyName, &license->ProductInfo->pbCompanyName, &license->ProductInfo->cbCompanyName)) return FALSE; if (!license_set_string("pbProductId", ProductName, &license->ProductInfo->pbProductId, &license->ProductInfo->cbProductId)) return FALSE; if (!license_read_binary_blob_data(license->KeyExchangeList, BB_KEY_EXCHG_ALG_BLOB, algs, sizeof(algs))) return FALSE; if (!freerdp_certificate_read_server_cert(license->certificate, settings->ServerCertificate, settings->ServerCertificateLength)) return FALSE; s = Stream_New(NULL, 1024); if (!s) return FALSE; else { BOOL r = FALSE; SSIZE_T res = freerdp_certificate_write_server_cert(license->certificate, CERT_CHAIN_VERSION_2, s); if (res >= 0) r = license_read_binary_blob_data(license->ServerCertificate, BB_CERTIFICATE_BLOB, Stream_Buffer(s), Stream_GetPosition(s)); Stream_Free(s, TRUE); if (!r) return FALSE; } if (!license_scope_list_resize(license->ScopeList, issuerCount)) return FALSE; for (size_t x = 0; x < issuerCount; x++) { LICENSE_BLOB* blob = license->ScopeList->array[x]; const char* name = issuers[x]; const size_t length = strnlen(name, UINT16_MAX) + 1; if ((length == 0) || (length > UINT16_MAX)) { WLog_WARN(TAG, "%s: Invalid issuer at position %" PRIuz ": length 0 < %" PRIuz " <= %" PRIu16 " ['%s']", x, length, UINT16_MAX, name); return FALSE; } if (!license_read_binary_blob_data(blob, BB_SCOPE_BLOB, name, length)) return FALSE; } return license_set_state(license, LICENSE_STATE_CONFIGURED); } rdpLicense* license_get(rdpContext* context) { WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(context->rdp); return context->rdp->license; }