/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * Device Redirection Virtual Channel * * Copyright 2010-2011 Vic Lee * Copyright 2010-2012 Marc-Andre Moreau * Copyright 2015 Thincast Technologies GmbH * Copyright 2015 DI (FH) Martin Haimberger * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #else #include #include #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include "rdpdr_capabilities.h" #include "devman.h" #include "irp.h" #include "rdpdr_main.h" typedef struct _DEVICE_DRIVE_EXT DEVICE_DRIVE_EXT; struct _DEVICE_DRIVE_EXT { DEVICE device; char* path; }; /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpdr_send_device_list_announce_request(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr, BOOL userLoggedOn); /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpdr_send_device_list_remove_request(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr, UINT32 count, UINT32 ids[]) { UINT32 i; wStream* s; s = Stream_New(NULL, 256); if (!s) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Stream_New failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } Stream_Write_UINT16(s, RDPDR_CTYP_CORE); Stream_Write_UINT16(s, PAKID_CORE_DEVICELIST_REMOVE); Stream_Write_UINT32(s, count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) Stream_Write_UINT32(s, ids[i]); Stream_SealLength(s); return rdpdr_send(rdpdr, s); } #ifdef _WIN32 LRESULT CALLBACK hotplug_proc(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { rdpdrPlugin *rdpdr; PDEV_BROADCAST_HDR lpdb = (PDEV_BROADCAST_HDR)lParam; UINT error; rdpdr = (rdpdrPlugin *)GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA); switch(Msg) { case WM_DEVICECHANGE: switch (wParam) { case DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL: if (lpdb -> dbch_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME) { PDEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME lpdbv = (PDEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME)lpdb; DWORD unitmask = lpdbv->dbcv_unitmask; int i; char drive_path[4] = { 'c', ':', '/', '\0'}; for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { if (unitmask & 0x01) { RDPDR_DRIVE* drive; drive_path[0] = 'A' + i; drive = (RDPDR_DRIVE*) malloc(sizeof(RDPDR_DRIVE)); ZeroMemory(drive, sizeof(RDPDR_DRIVE)); drive->Type = RDPDR_DTYP_FILESYSTEM; drive->Path = _strdup(drive_path); drive_path[1] = '\0'; drive->Name = _strdup(drive_path); devman_load_device_service(rdpdr->devman, (RDPDR_DEVICE *)drive, rdpdr->rdpcontext); rdpdr_send_device_list_announce_request(rdpdr, TRUE); } unitmask = unitmask >> 1; } } break; case DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE: if (lpdb -> dbch_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME) { PDEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME lpdbv = (PDEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME)lpdb; DWORD unitmask = lpdbv->dbcv_unitmask; int i, j, count; char drive_name_upper, drive_name_lower; ULONG_PTR *keys; DEVICE_DRIVE_EXT *device_ext; UINT32 ids[1]; for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { if (unitmask & 0x01) { drive_name_upper = 'A' + i; drive_name_lower = 'a' + i; count = ListDictionary_GetKeys(rdpdr->devman->devices, &keys); for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { device_ext = (DEVICE_DRIVE_EXT *)ListDictionary_GetItemValue(rdpdr->devman->devices, (void *)keys[j]); if (device_ext->path[0] == drive_name_upper || device_ext->path[0] == drive_name_lower) { devman_unregister_device(rdpdr->devman, (void *)keys[j]); ids[0] = keys[j]; if ((error = rdpdr_send_device_list_remove_request(rdpdr, 1, ids))) { // dont end on error, just report ? WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_send_device_list_remove_request failed with error %lu!", error); } break; } } } unitmask = unitmask >> 1; } } break; default: break; } break; default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); } static void* drive_hotplug_thread_func(void* arg) { rdpdrPlugin *rdpdr; WNDCLASSEX wnd_cls; HWND hwnd; MSG msg; BOOL bRet; DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE NotificationFilter; HDEVNOTIFY hDevNotify; rdpdr = (rdpdrPlugin *)arg; /* init windows class */ wnd_cls.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wnd_cls.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wnd_cls.lpfnWndProc = hotplug_proc; wnd_cls.cbClsExtra = 0; wnd_cls.cbWndExtra = 0; wnd_cls.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); wnd_cls.hCursor = NULL; wnd_cls.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); wnd_cls.lpszMenuName = NULL; wnd_cls.lpszClassName = L"DRIVE_HOTPLUG"; wnd_cls.hInstance = NULL; wnd_cls.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); RegisterClassEx(&wnd_cls); /* create window */ hwnd = CreateWindowEx(0, L"DRIVE_HOTPLUG", NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)rdpdr); rdpdr->hotplug_wnd = hwnd; /* register device interface to hwnd */ NotificationFilter.dbch_size = sizeof(DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE); NotificationFilter.dbch_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE; hDevNotify = RegisterDeviceNotification(hwnd, &NotificationFilter, DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE); /* message loop */ while ((bRet = GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0)) != 0) { if (bRet == -1) { break; } else { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } UnregisterDeviceNotification(hDevNotify); return NULL; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT drive_hotplug_thread_terminate(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr) { UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; if (rdpdr->hotplug_wnd && !PostMessage(rdpdr->hotplug_wnd, WM_QUIT, 0, 0)) { error = GetLastError(); WLog_ERR(TAG, "PostMessage failed with error %lu", error); } return error; } #else #define MAX_USB_DEVICES 100 typedef struct _hotplug_dev { char* path; BOOL to_add; } hotplug_dev; static char* next_line(FILE* fd, size_t* len) { size_t newsiz; int c; char* newbuf; char* lrbuf; int lrsiz; *len = 0; lrsiz = 0; lrbuf = NULL; newbuf = NULL; for (;;) { c = fgetc(fd); if (ferror(fd)) return NULL; if (c == EOF) { if (*len == 0) return NULL; else { lrbuf[(*len)] = '\0'; return lrbuf; } } else { if (*len == lrsiz) { newsiz = lrsiz + 4096; newbuf = realloc(lrbuf, newsiz); if (newbuf == NULL) return NULL; lrbuf = newbuf; lrsiz = newsiz; } lrbuf[(*len)] = c; if (c == '\n') { lrbuf[(*len)] = '\0'; return lrbuf; } (*len)++; } } } static char* get_word(char* str, unsigned int* offset) { char* p; char* tmp; char* word; int wlen; if (*offset >= strlen(str)) return NULL; p = str + *offset; tmp = p; while (*tmp != ' ' && *tmp != '\0') tmp++; wlen = tmp - p; *offset += wlen; /* in case there are more than one space between words */ while (*(str + *offset) == ' ') (*offset)++; word = malloc(wlen + 1); if (word != NULL) { CopyMemory(word, p, wlen); word[wlen] = '\0'; } return word; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT handle_hotplug(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr) { FILE *f; size_t len; char *line; char *word; unsigned int wlen; hotplug_dev dev_array[MAX_USB_DEVICES]; int i, j; int size = 0; int count; DEVICE_DRIVE_EXT *device_ext; ULONG_PTR *keys; UINT32 ids[1]; UINT error = 0; memset(dev_array, 0, sizeof(dev_array)); f = fopen("/proc/mounts", "r"); if (f == NULL) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "fopen failed!"); return ERROR_OPEN_FAILED; } while ((line = next_line(f, &len))) { wlen = 0; while ((word = get_word(line, &wlen))) { /* copy hotpluged device mount point to the dev_array */ if (strstr(word, "/mnt/") != NULL || strstr(word, "/media/") != NULL) { dev_array[size].path = word; dev_array[size++].to_add = TRUE; } } free(line); } fclose(f); /* delete removed devices */ count = ListDictionary_GetKeys(rdpdr->devman->devices, &keys); for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { BOOL dev_found = FALSE; device_ext = (DEVICE_DRIVE_EXT *)ListDictionary_GetItemValue(rdpdr->devman->devices, (void *)keys[j]); if (!device_ext) continue; /* not plugable device */ if (strstr(device_ext->path, "/mnt/") == NULL && strstr(device_ext->path, "/media/") == NULL) continue; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (strstr(device_ext->path, dev_array[i].path) != NULL) { dev_found = TRUE; dev_array[i].to_add = FALSE; break; } } if (!dev_found) { devman_unregister_device(rdpdr->devman, (void *)keys[j]); ids[0] = keys[j]; if ((error = rdpdr_send_device_list_remove_request(rdpdr, 1, ids))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_send_device_list_remove_request failed with error %lu!", error); goto cleanup; } } } /* add new devices */ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { RDPDR_DRIVE* drive; if (dev_array[i].to_add) { char* name; drive = (RDPDR_DRIVE*) calloc(1, sizeof(RDPDR_DRIVE)); if (!drive) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "calloc failed!"); error = CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } drive->Type = RDPDR_DTYP_FILESYSTEM; drive->Path = dev_array[i].path; dev_array[i].path = NULL; name = strrchr(drive->Path, '/') + 1; drive->Name = _strdup(name); if (!drive->Name) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "_strdup failed!"); free(drive->Path); free(drive); error = CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } if ((error = devman_load_device_service(rdpdr->devman, (RDPDR_DEVICE *)drive, rdpdr->rdpcontext))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "devman_load_device_service failed!"); free(drive->Path); free(drive->Name); free(drive); error = CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } } } cleanup: for (i = 0; i < size; i++) free (dev_array[size].path); return error ? error : rdpdr_send_device_list_announce_request(rdpdr, TRUE); } static void* drive_hotplug_thread_func(void* arg) { rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr; int mfd; fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; int rv; UINT error; DWORD status; rdpdr = (rdpdrPlugin*) arg; if (!(rdpdr->stopEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "CreateEvent failed!"); error = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto out; } mfd = open("/proc/mounts", O_RDONLY, 0); if (mfd < 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ERROR: Unable to open /proc/mounts."); error = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto out; } FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(mfd, &rfds); tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; if ((error = handle_hotplug(rdpdr))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "handle_hotplug failed with error %lu!", error); goto out; } while ((rv = select(mfd+1, NULL, NULL, &rfds, &tv)) >= 0) { status = WaitForSingleObject(rdpdr->stopEvent, 0); if (status == WAIT_FAILED) { error = GetLastError(); WLog_ERR(TAG, "WaitForSingleObject failed with error %lu!", error); goto out; } if (status == WAIT_OBJECT_0) break; if (FD_ISSET(mfd, &rfds)) { /* file /proc/mounts changed, handle this */ if ((error = handle_hotplug(rdpdr))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "handle_hotplug failed with error %lu!", error); goto out; } } FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(mfd, &rfds); tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; } out: if (error && rdpdr->rdpcontext) setChannelError(rdpdr->rdpcontext, error, "drive_hotplug_thread_func reported an error"); ExitThread((DWORD)error); return NULL; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT drive_hotplug_thread_terminate(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr) { UINT error; if (rdpdr->hotplugThread) { if (rdpdr->stopEvent) SetEvent(rdpdr->stopEvent); if (WaitForSingleObject(rdpdr->hotplugThread, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED) { error = GetLastError(); WLog_ERR(TAG, "WaitForSingleObject failed with error %lu!", error); return error; } rdpdr->hotplugThread = NULL; } return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } #endif /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpdr_process_connect(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr) { UINT32 index; RDPDR_DEVICE* device; rdpSettings* settings; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; rdpdr->devman = devman_new(rdpdr); if (!rdpdr->devman) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "devman_new failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } settings = (rdpSettings*) rdpdr->channelEntryPoints.pExtendedData; if (settings->ClientHostname) strncpy(rdpdr->computerName, settings->ClientHostname, sizeof(rdpdr->computerName) - 1); else strncpy(rdpdr->computerName, settings->ComputerName, sizeof(rdpdr->computerName) - 1); for (index = 0; index < settings->DeviceCount; index++) { device = settings->DeviceArray[index]; if (device->Name && (strcmp(device->Name, "*") == 0)) { if (!(rdpdr->hotplugThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) drive_hotplug_thread_func, rdpdr, 0, NULL))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "CreateThread failed!"); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } continue; } if ((error = devman_load_device_service(rdpdr->devman, device, rdpdr->rdpcontext))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "devman_load_device_service failed with error %lu!", error); return error; } } return error; } static void rdpdr_process_server_announce_request(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr, wStream* s) { Stream_Read_UINT16(s, rdpdr->versionMajor); Stream_Read_UINT16(s, rdpdr->versionMinor); Stream_Read_UINT32(s, rdpdr->clientID); rdpdr->sequenceId++; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpdr_send_client_announce_reply(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr) { wStream* s; s = Stream_New(NULL, 12); if (!s) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Stream_New failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } Stream_Write_UINT16(s, RDPDR_CTYP_CORE); /* Component (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, PAKID_CORE_CLIENTID_CONFIRM); /* PacketId (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, rdpdr->versionMajor); Stream_Write_UINT16(s, rdpdr->versionMinor); Stream_Write_UINT32(s, (UINT32) rdpdr->clientID); return rdpdr_send(rdpdr, s); } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpdr_send_client_name_request(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr) { wStream* s; WCHAR* computerNameW = NULL; size_t computerNameLenW; if (!rdpdr->computerName[0]) gethostname(rdpdr->computerName, sizeof(rdpdr->computerName) - 1); computerNameLenW = ConvertToUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, rdpdr->computerName, -1, &computerNameW, 0) * 2; s = Stream_New(NULL, 16 + computerNameLenW + 2); if (!s) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Stream_New failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } Stream_Write_UINT16(s, RDPDR_CTYP_CORE); /* Component (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, PAKID_CORE_CLIENT_NAME); /* PacketId (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, 1); /* unicodeFlag, 0 for ASCII and 1 for Unicode */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, 0); /* codePage, must be set to zero */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, computerNameLenW + 2); /* computerNameLen, including null terminator */ Stream_Write(s, computerNameW, computerNameLenW); Stream_Write_UINT16(s, 0); /* null terminator */ free(computerNameW); return rdpdr_send(rdpdr, s); } static void rdpdr_process_server_clientid_confirm(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr, wStream* s) { UINT16 versionMajor; UINT16 versionMinor; UINT32 clientID; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, versionMajor); Stream_Read_UINT16(s, versionMinor); Stream_Read_UINT32(s, clientID); if (versionMajor != rdpdr->versionMajor || versionMinor != rdpdr->versionMinor) { rdpdr->versionMajor = versionMajor; rdpdr->versionMinor = versionMinor; } if (clientID != rdpdr->clientID) { rdpdr->clientID = clientID; } } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpdr_send_device_list_announce_request(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr, BOOL userLoggedOn) { int i; BYTE c; int pos; int index; wStream* s; UINT32 count; int data_len; int count_pos; DEVICE* device; int keyCount; ULONG_PTR* pKeys; s = Stream_New(NULL, 256); if (!s) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Stream_New failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } Stream_Write_UINT16(s, RDPDR_CTYP_CORE); /* Component (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, PAKID_CORE_DEVICELIST_ANNOUNCE); /* PacketId (2 bytes) */ count_pos = (int) Stream_GetPosition(s); count = 0; Stream_Seek_UINT32(s); /* deviceCount */ pKeys = NULL; keyCount = ListDictionary_GetKeys(rdpdr->devman->devices, &pKeys); for (index = 0; index < keyCount; index++) { device = (DEVICE*) ListDictionary_GetItemValue(rdpdr->devman->devices, (void*) pKeys[index]); /** * 1. versionMinor 0x0005 doesn't send PAKID_CORE_USER_LOGGEDON * so all devices should be sent regardless of user_loggedon * 2. smartcard devices should be always sent * 3. other devices are sent only after user_loggedon */ if ((rdpdr->versionMinor == 0x0005) || (device->type == RDPDR_DTYP_SMARTCARD) || userLoggedOn) { data_len = (int) (device->data == NULL ? 0 : Stream_GetPosition(device->data)); if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, 20 + data_len)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } Stream_Write_UINT32(s, device->type); /* deviceType */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, device->id); /* deviceID */ strncpy((char*) Stream_Pointer(s), device->name, 8); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Stream_Peek_UINT8(s, c); if (c > 0x7F) Stream_Write_UINT8(s, '_'); else Stream_Seek_UINT8(s); } Stream_Write_UINT32(s, data_len); if (data_len > 0) Stream_Write(s, Stream_Buffer(device->data), data_len); count++; WLog_INFO(TAG, "registered device #%d: %s (type=%d id=%d)", count, device->name, device->type, device->id); } } free(pKeys); pos = (int) Stream_GetPosition(s); Stream_SetPosition(s, count_pos); Stream_Write_UINT32(s, count); Stream_SetPosition(s, pos); Stream_SealLength(s); return rdpdr_send(rdpdr, s); } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpdr_process_irp(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr, wStream* s) { IRP* irp; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; irp = irp_new(rdpdr->devman, s); if (!irp) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "irp_new failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } IFCALLRET(irp->device->IRPRequest, error, irp->device, irp); if (error) WLog_ERR(TAG, "device->IRPRequest failed with error %lu", error); return error; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpdr_process_init(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr) { int index; int keyCount; DEVICE* device; ULONG_PTR* pKeys; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; pKeys = NULL; keyCount = ListDictionary_GetKeys(rdpdr->devman->devices, &pKeys); for (index = 0; index < keyCount; index++) { device = (DEVICE*) ListDictionary_GetItemValue(rdpdr->devman->devices, (void*) pKeys[index]); IFCALLRET(device->Init, error, device); if (error != CHANNEL_RC_OK) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Init failed!"); free(pKeys); return error; } } free(pKeys); return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpdr_process_receive(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr, wStream* s) { UINT16 component; UINT16 packetId; UINT32 deviceId; UINT32 status; UINT error; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, component); /* Component (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, packetId); /* PacketId (2 bytes) */ if (component == RDPDR_CTYP_CORE) { switch (packetId) { case PAKID_CORE_SERVER_ANNOUNCE: rdpdr_process_server_announce_request(rdpdr, s); if ((error = rdpdr_send_client_announce_reply(rdpdr))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_send_client_announce_reply failed with error %lu", error); return error; } if ((error = rdpdr_send_client_name_request(rdpdr))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_send_client_name_request failed with error %lu", error); return error; } if ((error = rdpdr_process_init(rdpdr))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_process_init failed with error %lu", error); return error; } break; case PAKID_CORE_SERVER_CAPABILITY: rdpdr_process_capability_request(rdpdr, s); if ((error = rdpdr_send_capability_response(rdpdr))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_send_capability_response failed with error %lu", error); return error; } break; case PAKID_CORE_CLIENTID_CONFIRM: rdpdr_process_server_clientid_confirm(rdpdr, s); if ((error = rdpdr_send_device_list_announce_request(rdpdr, FALSE))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_send_device_list_announce_request failed with error %lu", error); return error; } break; case PAKID_CORE_USER_LOGGEDON: if ((error = rdpdr_send_device_list_announce_request(rdpdr, TRUE))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_send_device_list_announce_request failed with error %lu", error); return error; } break; case PAKID_CORE_DEVICE_REPLY: /* connect to a specific resource */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, deviceId); Stream_Read_UINT32(s, status); break; case PAKID_CORE_DEVICE_IOREQUEST: if ((error = rdpdr_process_irp(rdpdr, s))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_process_irp failed with error %lu", error); return error; } s = NULL; break; default: WLog_ERR(TAG, "RDPDR_CTYP_CORE unknown PacketId: 0x%04X", packetId); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; break; } } else if (component == RDPDR_CTYP_PRN) { switch (packetId) { case PAKID_PRN_CACHE_DATA: { UINT32 eventID; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, eventID); WLog_ERR(TAG, "Ignoring unhandled message PAKID_PRN_CACHE_DATA (EventID: 0x%04X)", eventID); } break; case PAKID_PRN_USING_XPS: WLog_ERR(TAG, "Ignoring unhandled message PAKID_PRN_USING_XPS"); break; default: WLog_ERR(TAG, "Unknown printing component packetID: 0x%04X", packetId); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } } else { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Unknown message: Component: 0x%04X PacketId: 0x%04X", component, packetId); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /****************************************************************************************/ static wListDictionary* g_InitHandles = NULL; static wListDictionary* g_OpenHandles = NULL; /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ UINT rdpdr_add_init_handle_data(void* pInitHandle, void* pUserData) { if (!g_InitHandles) { g_InitHandles = ListDictionary_New(TRUE); } if (!g_InitHandles) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ListDictionary_New failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } if (!ListDictionary_Add(g_InitHandles, pInitHandle, pUserData)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ListDictionary_Add failed!"); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } void* rdpdr_get_init_handle_data(void* pInitHandle) { void* pUserData = NULL; pUserData = ListDictionary_GetItemValue(g_InitHandles, pInitHandle); return pUserData; } void rdpdr_remove_init_handle_data(void* pInitHandle) { ListDictionary_Remove(g_InitHandles, pInitHandle); if (ListDictionary_Count(g_InitHandles) < 1) { ListDictionary_Free(g_InitHandles); g_InitHandles = NULL; } } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ UINT rdpdr_add_open_handle_data(DWORD openHandle, void* pUserData) { void* pOpenHandle = (void*) (size_t) openHandle; if (!g_OpenHandles) { g_OpenHandles = ListDictionary_New(TRUE); } if (!g_OpenHandles) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ListDictionary_New failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } if (!ListDictionary_Add(g_OpenHandles, pOpenHandle, pUserData)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "ListDictionary_Add failed!"); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } void* rdpdr_get_open_handle_data(DWORD openHandle) { void* pUserData = NULL; void* pOpenHandle = (void*) (size_t) openHandle; pUserData = ListDictionary_GetItemValue(g_OpenHandles, pOpenHandle); return pUserData; } void rdpdr_remove_open_handle_data(DWORD openHandle) { void* pOpenHandle = (void*) (size_t) openHandle; ListDictionary_Remove(g_OpenHandles, pOpenHandle); if (ListDictionary_Count(g_OpenHandles) < 1) { ListDictionary_Free(g_OpenHandles); g_OpenHandles = NULL; } } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ UINT rdpdr_send(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr, wStream* s) { UINT status; rdpdrPlugin* plugin = (rdpdrPlugin*) rdpdr; if (!plugin) { status = CHANNEL_RC_BAD_INIT_HANDLE; } else { status = plugin->channelEntryPoints.pVirtualChannelWrite(plugin->OpenHandle, Stream_Buffer(s), (UINT32) Stream_GetPosition(s), s); } if (status != CHANNEL_RC_OK) { Stream_Free(s, TRUE); WLog_ERR(TAG, "VirtualChannelWrite failed with %s [%08X]", WTSErrorToString(status), status); } return status; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpdr_virtual_channel_event_data_received(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr, void* pData, UINT32 dataLength, UINT32 totalLength, UINT32 dataFlags) { wStream* data_in; if ((dataFlags & CHANNEL_FLAG_SUSPEND) || (dataFlags & CHANNEL_FLAG_RESUME)) { /* * According to MS-RDPBCGR, "All virtual channel traffic MUST be suspended. * This flag is only valid in server-to-client virtual channel traffic. It MUST be * ignored in client-to-server data." Thus it would be best practice to cease data * transmission. However, simply returning here avoids a crash. */ return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } if (dataFlags & CHANNEL_FLAG_FIRST) { if (rdpdr->data_in != NULL) Stream_Free(rdpdr->data_in, TRUE); rdpdr->data_in = Stream_New(NULL, totalLength); if (!rdpdr->data_in) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Stream_New failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } } data_in = rdpdr->data_in; if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(data_in, (int) dataLength)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } Stream_Write(data_in, pData, dataLength); if (dataFlags & CHANNEL_FLAG_LAST) { if (Stream_Capacity(data_in) != Stream_GetPosition(data_in)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_virtual_channel_event_data_received: read error"); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } rdpdr->data_in = NULL; Stream_SealLength(data_in); Stream_SetPosition(data_in, 0); if (!MessageQueue_Post(rdpdr->queue, NULL, 0, (void*) data_in, NULL)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "MessageQueue_Post failed!"); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } static VOID VCAPITYPE rdpdr_virtual_channel_open_event(DWORD openHandle, UINT event, LPVOID pData, UINT32 dataLength, UINT32 totalLength, UINT32 dataFlags) { rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; rdpdr = (rdpdrPlugin*) rdpdr_get_open_handle_data(openHandle); if (!rdpdr) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_virtual_channel_open_event: error no match"); return; } switch (event) { case CHANNEL_EVENT_DATA_RECEIVED: if ((error = rdpdr_virtual_channel_event_data_received(rdpdr, pData, dataLength, totalLength, dataFlags))) WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_virtual_channel_event_data_received failed with error %lu!", error ); break; case CHANNEL_EVENT_WRITE_COMPLETE: Stream_Free((wStream*) pData, TRUE); break; case CHANNEL_EVENT_USER: break; } if (error && rdpdr->rdpcontext) setChannelError(rdpdr->rdpcontext, error, "rdpdr_virtual_channel_open_event reported an error"); return; } static void* rdpdr_virtual_channel_client_thread(void* arg) { wStream* data; wMessage message; rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr = (rdpdrPlugin*) arg; UINT error; if ((error = rdpdr_process_connect(rdpdr))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_process_connect failed with error %lu!", error); if (rdpdr->rdpcontext) setChannelError(rdpdr->rdpcontext, error, "rdpdr_virtual_channel_client_thread reported an error"); ExitThread((DWORD) error); return NULL; } while (1) { if (!MessageQueue_Wait(rdpdr->queue)) break; if (MessageQueue_Peek(rdpdr->queue, &message, TRUE)) { if (message.id == WMQ_QUIT) break; if (message.id == 0) { data = (wStream*) message.wParam; if ((error = rdpdr_process_receive(rdpdr, data))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_process_receive failed with error %lu!", error); if (rdpdr->rdpcontext) setChannelError(rdpdr->rdpcontext, error, "rdpdr_virtual_channel_client_thread reported an error"); ExitThread((DWORD) error); return NULL; } } } } ExitThread(0); return NULL; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpdr_virtual_channel_event_connected(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr, LPVOID pData, UINT32 dataLength) { UINT32 status; UINT error; status = rdpdr->channelEntryPoints.pVirtualChannelOpen(rdpdr->InitHandle, &rdpdr->OpenHandle, rdpdr->channelDef.name, rdpdr_virtual_channel_open_event); if (status != CHANNEL_RC_OK) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "pVirtualChannelOpen failed with %s [%08X]", WTSErrorToString(status), status); return status; } if ((error = rdpdr_add_open_handle_data(rdpdr->OpenHandle, rdpdr))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_add_open_handle_data failed with error %lu!", error); return error; } rdpdr->queue = MessageQueue_New(NULL); if (!rdpdr->queue) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "MessageQueue_New failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } if (!(rdpdr->thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) rdpdr_virtual_channel_client_thread, (void*) rdpdr, 0, NULL))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "CreateThread failed!"); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT rdpdr_virtual_channel_event_disconnected(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr) { UINT error; if (MessageQueue_PostQuit(rdpdr->queue, 0) && (WaitForSingleObject(rdpdr->thread, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED)) { error = GetLastError(); WLog_ERR(TAG, "WaitForSingleObject failed with error %lu!", error); return error; } MessageQueue_Free(rdpdr->queue); CloseHandle(rdpdr->thread); rdpdr->queue = NULL; rdpdr->thread = NULL; if ((error = drive_hotplug_thread_terminate(rdpdr))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "drive_hotplug_thread_terminate failed with error %lu!", error); return error; } error = rdpdr->channelEntryPoints.pVirtualChannelClose(rdpdr->OpenHandle); if (CHANNEL_RC_OK != error) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "pVirtualChannelClose failed with %s [%08X]", WTSErrorToString(error), error); } if (rdpdr->data_in) { Stream_Free(rdpdr->data_in, TRUE); rdpdr->data_in = NULL; } if (rdpdr->devman) { devman_free(rdpdr->devman); rdpdr->devman = NULL; } rdpdr_remove_open_handle_data(rdpdr->OpenHandle); return error; } static void rdpdr_virtual_channel_event_terminated(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr) { rdpdr_remove_init_handle_data(rdpdr->InitHandle); free(rdpdr); } static VOID VCAPITYPE rdpdr_virtual_channel_init_event(LPVOID pInitHandle, UINT event, LPVOID pData, UINT dataLength) { rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr; UINT error = CHANNEL_RC_OK; rdpdr = (rdpdrPlugin*) rdpdr_get_init_handle_data(pInitHandle); if (!rdpdr) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error no match"); return; } switch (event) { case CHANNEL_EVENT_INITIALIZED: break; case CHANNEL_EVENT_CONNECTED: if ((error = rdpdr_virtual_channel_event_connected(rdpdr, pData, dataLength))) WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_virtual_channel_event_connected failed with error %lu!", error); break; case CHANNEL_EVENT_DISCONNECTED: if ((error = rdpdr_virtual_channel_event_disconnected(rdpdr))) WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_virtual_channel_event_disconnected failed with error %lu!", error); break; case CHANNEL_EVENT_TERMINATED: rdpdr_virtual_channel_event_terminated(rdpdr); break; default: WLog_ERR(TAG, "unknown event %d!", event); error = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; break; } if (error && rdpdr->rdpcontext) setChannelError(rdpdr->rdpcontext, error, "rdpdr_virtual_channel_init_event reported an error"); return; } /* rdpdr is always built-in */ #define VirtualChannelEntry rdpdr_VirtualChannelEntry BOOL VCAPITYPE VirtualChannelEntry(PCHANNEL_ENTRY_POINTS pEntryPoints) { UINT rc; rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr; CHANNEL_ENTRY_POINTS_FREERDP* pEntryPointsEx; rdpdr = (rdpdrPlugin*) calloc(1, sizeof(rdpdrPlugin)); if (!rdpdr) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "calloc failed!"); return FALSE; } rdpdr->channelDef.options = CHANNEL_OPTION_INITIALIZED | CHANNEL_OPTION_ENCRYPT_RDP | CHANNEL_OPTION_COMPRESS_RDP; strcpy(rdpdr->channelDef.name, "rdpdr"); rdpdr->sequenceId = 0; pEntryPointsEx = (CHANNEL_ENTRY_POINTS_FREERDP*) pEntryPoints; if ((pEntryPointsEx->cbSize >= sizeof(CHANNEL_ENTRY_POINTS_FREERDP)) && (pEntryPointsEx->MagicNumber == FREERDP_CHANNEL_MAGIC_NUMBER)) { rdpdr->rdpcontext = pEntryPointsEx->context; } CopyMemory(&(rdpdr->channelEntryPoints), pEntryPoints, sizeof(CHANNEL_ENTRY_POINTS_FREERDP)); rc = rdpdr->channelEntryPoints.pVirtualChannelInit(&rdpdr->InitHandle, &rdpdr->channelDef, 1, VIRTUAL_CHANNEL_VERSION_WIN2000, rdpdr_virtual_channel_init_event); if (CHANNEL_RC_OK != rc) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "pVirtualChannelInit failed with %s [%08X]", WTSErrorToString(rc), rc); free(rdpdr); return FALSE; } if ((rc = rdpdr_add_init_handle_data(rdpdr->InitHandle, (void*) rdpdr))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "rdpdr_add_init_handle_data failed with error %lu!", rc); free(rdpdr); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }