/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * Device Redirection Virtual Channel Extension * * Copyright 2013 Marc-Andre Moreau * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "rdpdr_main.h" static UINT32 g_ClientId = 0; static int rdpdr_server_send_announce_request(RdpdrServerContext* context) { wStream* s; BOOL status; RDPDR_HEADER header; printf("RdpdrServerSendAnnounceRequest\n"); header.Component = RDPDR_CTYP_CORE; header.PacketId = PAKID_CORE_SERVER_ANNOUNCE; s = Stream_New(NULL, RDPDR_HEADER_LENGTH + 8); Stream_Write_UINT16(s, header.Component); /* Component (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, header.PacketId); /* PacketId (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, context->priv->VersionMajor); /* VersionMajor (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, context->priv->VersionMinor); /* VersionMinor (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, context->priv->ClientId); /* ClientId (4 bytes) */ Stream_SealLength(s); status = WTSVirtualChannelWrite(context->priv->ChannelHandle, (PCHAR) Stream_Buffer(s), Stream_Length(s), NULL); Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_receive_announce_response(RdpdrServerContext* context, wStream* s, RDPDR_HEADER* header) { UINT32 ClientId; UINT16 VersionMajor; UINT16 VersionMinor; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, VersionMajor); /* VersionMajor (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, VersionMinor); /* VersionMinor (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, ClientId); /* ClientId (4 bytes) */ printf("Client Announce Response: VersionMajor: 0x%04X VersionMinor: 0x%04X ClientId: 0x%04X\n", VersionMajor, VersionMinor, ClientId); context->priv->ClientId = ClientId; return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_receive_client_name_request(RdpdrServerContext* context, wStream* s, RDPDR_HEADER* header) { UINT32 UnicodeFlag; UINT32 ComputerNameLen; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, UnicodeFlag); /* UnicodeFlag (4 bytes) */ Stream_Seek_UINT32(s); /* CodePage (4 bytes), MUST be set to zero */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, ComputerNameLen); /* ComputerNameLen (4 bytes) */ /** * Caution: ComputerNameLen is given *bytes*, * not in characters, including the NULL terminator! */ if (context->priv->ClientComputerName) { free(context->priv->ClientComputerName); context->priv->ClientComputerName = NULL; } if (UnicodeFlag) { ConvertFromUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, (WCHAR*) Stream_Pointer(s), -1, &(context->priv->ClientComputerName), 0, NULL, NULL); } else { context->priv->ClientComputerName = _strdup((char*) Stream_Pointer(s)); } Stream_Seek(s, ComputerNameLen); printf("ClientComputerName: %s\n", context->priv->ClientComputerName); return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_read_capability_set_header(wStream* s, RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER* header) { Stream_Read_UINT16(s, header->CapabilityType); /* CapabilityType (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, header->CapabilityLength); /* CapabilityLength (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, header->Version); /* Version (4 bytes) */ return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_write_capability_set_header(wStream* s, RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER* header) { Stream_Write_UINT16(s, header->CapabilityType); /* CapabilityType (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, header->CapabilityLength); /* CapabilityLength (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, header->Version); /* Version (4 bytes) */ return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_read_general_capability_set(RdpdrServerContext* context, wStream* s, RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER* header) { UINT32 ioCode1; UINT32 extraFlags1; UINT32 extendedPdu; UINT16 VersionMajor; UINT16 VersionMinor; UINT32 SpecialTypeDeviceCap; Stream_Seek_UINT32(s); /* osType (4 bytes), ignored on receipt */ Stream_Seek_UINT32(s); /* osVersion (4 bytes), unused and must be set to zero */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, VersionMajor); /* protocolMajorVersion (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, VersionMinor); /* protocolMinorVersion (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, ioCode1); /* ioCode1 (4 bytes) */ Stream_Seek_UINT32(s); /* ioCode2 (4 bytes), must be set to zero, reserved for future use */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, extendedPdu); /* extendedPdu (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, extraFlags1); /* extraFlags1 (4 bytes) */ Stream_Seek_UINT32(s); /* extraFlags2 (4 bytes), must be set to zero, reserved for future use */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, SpecialTypeDeviceCap); /* SpecialTypeDeviceCap (4 bytes) */ context->priv->UserLoggedOnPdu = (extendedPdu & RDPDR_USER_LOGGEDON_PDU) ? TRUE : FALSE; return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_write_general_capability_set(RdpdrServerContext* context, wStream* s) { UINT32 ioCode1; UINT32 extendedPdu; UINT32 extraFlags1; UINT32 SpecialTypeDeviceCap; RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER header; header.CapabilityType = CAP_GENERAL_TYPE; header.CapabilityLength = RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER_LENGTH + 36; header.Version = GENERAL_CAPABILITY_VERSION_02; ioCode1 = 0; ioCode1 |= RDPDR_IRP_MJ_CREATE; /* always set */ ioCode1 |= RDPDR_IRP_MJ_CLEANUP; /* always set */ ioCode1 |= RDPDR_IRP_MJ_CLOSE; /* always set */ ioCode1 |= RDPDR_IRP_MJ_READ; /* always set */ ioCode1 |= RDPDR_IRP_MJ_WRITE; /* always set */ ioCode1 |= RDPDR_IRP_MJ_FLUSH_BUFFERS; /* always set */ ioCode1 |= RDPDR_IRP_MJ_SHUTDOWN; /* always set */ ioCode1 |= RDPDR_IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL; /* always set */ ioCode1 |= RDPDR_IRP_MJ_QUERY_VOLUME_INFORMATION; /* always set */ ioCode1 |= RDPDR_IRP_MJ_SET_VOLUME_INFORMATION; /* always set */ ioCode1 |= RDPDR_IRP_MJ_QUERY_INFORMATION; /* always set */ ioCode1 |= RDPDR_IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION; /* always set */ ioCode1 |= RDPDR_IRP_MJ_DIRECTORY_CONTROL; /* always set */ ioCode1 |= RDPDR_IRP_MJ_LOCK_CONTROL; /* always set */ ioCode1 |= RDPDR_IRP_MJ_QUERY_SECURITY; /* optional */ ioCode1 |= RDPDR_IRP_MJ_SET_SECURITY; /* optional */ extendedPdu = 0; extendedPdu |= RDPDR_CLIENT_DISPLAY_NAME_PDU; /* always set */ extendedPdu |= RDPDR_DEVICE_REMOVE_PDUS; /* optional */ if (context->priv->UserLoggedOnPdu) extendedPdu |= RDPDR_USER_LOGGEDON_PDU; /* optional */ extraFlags1 = 0; extraFlags1 |= ENABLE_ASYNCIO; /* optional */ SpecialTypeDeviceCap = 0; Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, header.CapabilityLength); rdpdr_server_write_capability_set_header(s, &header); Stream_Write_UINT32(s, 0); /* osType (4 bytes), ignored on receipt */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, 0); /* osVersion (4 bytes), unused and must be set to zero */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, context->priv->VersionMajor); /* protocolMajorVersion (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, context->priv->VersionMinor); /* protocolMinorVersion (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, ioCode1); /* ioCode1 (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, 0); /* ioCode2 (4 bytes), must be set to zero, reserved for future use */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, extendedPdu); /* extendedPdu (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, extraFlags1); /* extraFlags1 (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, 0); /* extraFlags2 (4 bytes), must be set to zero, reserved for future use */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, SpecialTypeDeviceCap); /* SpecialTypeDeviceCap (4 bytes) */ return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_read_printer_capability_set(RdpdrServerContext* context, wStream* s, RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER* header) { return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_write_printer_capability_set(RdpdrServerContext* context, wStream* s) { RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER header; header.CapabilityType = CAP_PRINTER_TYPE; header.CapabilityLength = RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER_LENGTH; header.Version = PRINT_CAPABILITY_VERSION_01; Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, header.CapabilityLength); rdpdr_server_write_capability_set_header(s, &header); return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_read_port_capability_set(RdpdrServerContext* context, wStream* s, RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER* header) { return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_write_port_capability_set(RdpdrServerContext* context, wStream* s) { RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER header; header.CapabilityType = CAP_PORT_TYPE; header.CapabilityLength = RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER_LENGTH; header.Version = PORT_CAPABILITY_VERSION_01; Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, header.CapabilityLength); rdpdr_server_write_capability_set_header(s, &header); return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_read_drive_capability_set(RdpdrServerContext* context, wStream* s, RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER* header) { return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_write_drive_capability_set(RdpdrServerContext* context, wStream* s) { RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER header; header.CapabilityType = CAP_DRIVE_TYPE; header.CapabilityLength = RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER_LENGTH; header.Version = DRIVE_CAPABILITY_VERSION_02; Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, header.CapabilityLength); rdpdr_server_write_capability_set_header(s, &header); return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_read_smartcard_capability_set(RdpdrServerContext* context, wStream* s, RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER* header) { return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_write_smartcard_capability_set(RdpdrServerContext* context, wStream* s) { RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER header; header.CapabilityType = CAP_SMARTCARD_TYPE; header.CapabilityLength = RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER_LENGTH; header.Version = SMARTCARD_CAPABILITY_VERSION_01; Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, header.CapabilityLength); rdpdr_server_write_capability_set_header(s, &header); return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_send_core_capability_request(RdpdrServerContext* context) { wStream* s; BOOL status; RDPDR_HEADER header; UINT16 numCapabilities; printf("RdpdrServerSendCoreCapabilityRequest\n"); header.Component = RDPDR_CTYP_CORE; header.PacketId = PAKID_CORE_SERVER_CAPABILITY; numCapabilities = 5; s = Stream_New(NULL, RDPDR_HEADER_LENGTH + 512); Stream_Write_UINT16(s, header.Component); /* Component (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, header.PacketId); /* PacketId (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, numCapabilities); /* numCapabilities (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, 0); /* Padding (2 bytes) */ rdpdr_server_write_general_capability_set(context, s); rdpdr_server_write_printer_capability_set(context, s); rdpdr_server_write_port_capability_set(context, s); rdpdr_server_write_drive_capability_set(context, s); rdpdr_server_write_smartcard_capability_set(context, s); Stream_SealLength(s); status = WTSVirtualChannelWrite(context->priv->ChannelHandle, (PCHAR) Stream_Buffer(s), Stream_Length(s), NULL); Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_receive_core_capability_response(RdpdrServerContext* context, wStream* s, RDPDR_HEADER* header) { int i; UINT16 numCapabilities; RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER capabilityHeader; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, numCapabilities); /* numCapabilities (2 bytes) */ Stream_Seek_UINT16(s); /* Padding (2 bytes) */ for (i = 0; i < numCapabilities; i++) { rdpdr_server_read_capability_set_header(s, &capabilityHeader); switch (capabilityHeader.CapabilityType) { case CAP_GENERAL_TYPE: rdpdr_server_read_general_capability_set(context, s, &capabilityHeader); break; case CAP_PRINTER_TYPE: rdpdr_server_read_printer_capability_set(context, s, &capabilityHeader); break; case CAP_PORT_TYPE: rdpdr_server_read_port_capability_set(context, s, &capabilityHeader); break; case CAP_DRIVE_TYPE: rdpdr_server_read_drive_capability_set(context, s, &capabilityHeader); break; case CAP_SMARTCARD_TYPE: rdpdr_server_read_smartcard_capability_set(context, s, &capabilityHeader); break; default: printf("Unknown capabilityType %d\n", capabilityHeader.CapabilityType); Stream_Seek(s, capabilityHeader.CapabilityLength - RDPDR_CAPABILITY_HEADER_LENGTH); break; } } return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_send_client_id_confirm(RdpdrServerContext* context) { wStream* s; BOOL status; RDPDR_HEADER header; printf("RdpdrServerSendClientIdConfirm\n"); header.Component = RDPDR_CTYP_CORE; header.PacketId = PAKID_CORE_CLIENTID_CONFIRM; s = Stream_New(NULL, RDPDR_HEADER_LENGTH + 8); Stream_Write_UINT16(s, header.Component); /* Component (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, header.PacketId); /* PacketId (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, context->priv->VersionMajor); /* VersionMajor (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, context->priv->VersionMinor); /* VersionMinor (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, context->priv->ClientId); /* ClientId (4 bytes) */ Stream_SealLength(s); status = WTSVirtualChannelWrite(context->priv->ChannelHandle, (PCHAR) Stream_Buffer(s), Stream_Length(s), NULL); Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_receive_device_list_announce_request(RdpdrServerContext* context, wStream* s, RDPDR_HEADER* header) { int i; UINT32 DeviceCount; UINT32 DeviceType; UINT32 DeviceId; char PreferredDosName[9]; UINT32 DeviceDataLength; PreferredDosName[8] = 0; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, DeviceCount); /* DeviceCount (4 bytes) */ printf("%s: DeviceCount: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, DeviceCount); for (i = 0; i < DeviceCount; i++) { Stream_Read_UINT32(s, DeviceType); /* DeviceType (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, DeviceId); /* DeviceId (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read(s, PreferredDosName, 8); /* PreferredDosName (8 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, DeviceDataLength); /* DeviceDataLength (4 bytes) */ printf("Device %d Name: %s Id: 0x%04X DataLength: %d\n", i, PreferredDosName, DeviceId, DeviceDataLength); switch (DeviceId) { case RDPDR_DTYP_FILESYSTEM: break; case RDPDR_DTYP_PRINT: break; case RDPDR_DTYP_SERIAL: break; case RDPDR_DTYP_PARALLEL: break; case RDPDR_DTYP_SMARTCARD: break; default: break; } Stream_Seek(s, DeviceDataLength); } return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_send_user_logged_on(RdpdrServerContext* context) { wStream* s; BOOL status; RDPDR_HEADER header; printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__); header.Component = RDPDR_CTYP_CORE; header.PacketId = PAKID_CORE_USER_LOGGEDON; s = Stream_New(NULL, RDPDR_HEADER_LENGTH); Stream_Write_UINT16(s, header.Component); /* Component (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, header.PacketId); /* PacketId (2 bytes) */ Stream_SealLength(s); status = WTSVirtualChannelWrite(context->priv->ChannelHandle, (PCHAR) Stream_Buffer(s), Stream_Length(s), NULL); Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_receive_pdu(RdpdrServerContext* context, wStream* s, RDPDR_HEADER* header) { printf("RdpdrServerReceivePdu: Component: 0x%04X PacketId: 0x%04X\n", header->Component, header->PacketId); winpr_HexDump(Stream_Buffer(s), Stream_Length(s)); if (header->Component == RDPDR_CTYP_CORE) { switch (header->PacketId) { case PAKID_CORE_CLIENTID_CONFIRM: rdpdr_server_receive_announce_response(context, s, header); break; case PAKID_CORE_CLIENT_NAME: rdpdr_server_receive_client_name_request(context, s, header); rdpdr_server_send_core_capability_request(context); break; case PAKID_CORE_CLIENT_CAPABILITY: rdpdr_server_receive_core_capability_response(context, s, header); rdpdr_server_send_client_id_confirm(context); if (context->priv->UserLoggedOnPdu) rdpdr_server_send_user_logged_on(context); break; case PAKID_CORE_DEVICELIST_ANNOUNCE: rdpdr_server_receive_device_list_announce_request(context, s, header); break; case PAKID_CORE_DEVICE_REPLY: break; case PAKID_CORE_DEVICE_IOREQUEST: break; case PAKID_CORE_DEVICE_IOCOMPLETION: break; case PAKID_CORE_DEVICELIST_REMOVE: break; default: break; } } else if (header->Component == RDPDR_CTYP_PRN) { switch (header->PacketId) { case PAKID_PRN_CACHE_DATA: break; case PAKID_PRN_USING_XPS: break; default: break; } } else { printf("Unknown RDPDR_HEADER.Component: 0x%04X\n", header->Component); return -1; } return 0; } static void* rdpdr_server_thread(void* arg) { wStream* s; DWORD status; DWORD nCount; void* buffer; int position; HANDLE events[8]; RDPDR_HEADER header; HANDLE ChannelEvent; DWORD BytesReturned; RdpdrServerContext* context; context = (RdpdrServerContext*) arg; buffer = NULL; BytesReturned = 0; ChannelEvent = NULL; s = Stream_New(NULL, 4096); if (WTSVirtualChannelQuery(context->priv->ChannelHandle, WTSVirtualEventHandle, &buffer, &BytesReturned) == TRUE) { if (BytesReturned == sizeof(HANDLE)) CopyMemory(&ChannelEvent, buffer, sizeof(HANDLE)); WTSFreeMemory(buffer); } nCount = 0; events[nCount++] = ChannelEvent; events[nCount++] = context->priv->StopEvent; rdpdr_server_send_announce_request(context); while (1) { BytesReturned = 0; status = WaitForMultipleObjects(nCount, events, FALSE, INFINITE); if (WaitForSingleObject(context->priv->StopEvent, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { break; } if (WTSVirtualChannelRead(context->priv->ChannelHandle, 0, (PCHAR) Stream_Pointer(s), Stream_Capacity(s) - Stream_GetPosition(s), &BytesReturned)) { if (BytesReturned) Stream_Seek(s, BytesReturned); } else { Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, BytesReturned); } if (Stream_GetPosition(s) >= RDPDR_HEADER_LENGTH) { position = Stream_GetPosition(s); Stream_SetPosition(s, 0); Stream_Read_UINT16(s, header.Component); /* Component (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, header.PacketId); /* PacketId (2 bytes) */ Stream_SetPosition(s, position); Stream_SealLength(s); Stream_SetPosition(s, RDPDR_HEADER_LENGTH); rdpdr_server_receive_pdu(context, s, &header); Stream_SetPosition(s, 0); } } Stream_Free(s, TRUE); return NULL; } static int rdpdr_server_start(RdpdrServerContext* context) { context->priv->ChannelHandle = WTSVirtualChannelOpenEx(context->vcm, "rdpdr", 0); if (!context->priv->ChannelHandle) return -1; context->priv->StopEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); context->priv->Thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) rdpdr_server_thread, (void*) context, 0, NULL); return 0; } static int rdpdr_server_stop(RdpdrServerContext* context) { SetEvent(context->priv->StopEvent); WaitForSingleObject(context->priv->Thread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(context->priv->Thread); return 0; } RdpdrServerContext* rdpdr_server_context_new(WTSVirtualChannelManager* vcm) { RdpdrServerContext* context; context = (RdpdrServerContext*) malloc(sizeof(RdpdrServerContext)); if (context) { ZeroMemory(context, sizeof(RdpdrServerContext)); context->vcm = vcm; context->Start = rdpdr_server_start; context->Stop = rdpdr_server_stop; context->priv = (RdpdrServerPrivate*) malloc(sizeof(RdpdrServerPrivate)); if (context->priv) { ZeroMemory(context->priv, sizeof(RdpdrServerPrivate)); context->priv->VersionMajor = RDPDR_VERSION_MAJOR; context->priv->VersionMinor = RDPDR_VERSION_MINOR_RDP6X; context->priv->ClientId = g_ClientId++; context->priv->UserLoggedOnPdu = TRUE; } } return context; } void rdpdr_server_context_free(RdpdrServerContext* context) { if (context) { if (context->priv) { free(context->priv); } free(context); } }