#!/usr/bin/perl # FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation # XKB database conversion script # Copyright 2009 Marc-Andre Moreau # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Description: # Script to export XKB configuration files to keycode -> virtual key code keymaps that are # easy to use in FreeRDP. This makes keymap maintenance easier to make as all bugs can # simply be reported to the XKB Configuration Database project, and then this script can # be used to export newer (and fixed) version of the XKB Configuration Database. use Cwd; my %sym2virt = ( "AE00" => "VK_TILDE", "AE01" => "VK_KEY_1", "AE02" => "VK_KEY_2", "AE03" => "VK_KEY_3", "AE04" => "VK_KEY_4", "AE05" => "VK_KEY_5", "AE06" => "VK_KEY_6", "AE07" => "VK_KEY_7", "AE08" => "VK_KEY_8", "AE09" => "VK_KEY_9", "AE10" => "VK_KEY_0", "AE11" => "VK_OEM_MINUS", "AE12" => "VK_OEM_PLUS", "AD01" => "VK_KEY_Q", "AD02" => "VK_KEY_W", "AD03" => "VK_KEY_E", "AD04" => "VK_KEY_R", "AD05" => "VK_KEY_T", "AD06" => "VK_KEY_Y", "AD07" => "VK_KEY_U", "AD08" => "VK_KEY_I", "AD09" => "VK_KEY_O", "AD10" => "VK_KEY_P", "AD11" => "VK_OEM_4", "AD12" => "VK_OEM_6", "AC01" => "VK_KEY_A", "AC02" => "VK_KEY_S", "AC03" => "VK_KEY_D", "AC04" => "VK_KEY_F", "AC05" => "VK_KEY_G", "AC06" => "VK_KEY_H", "AC07" => "VK_KEY_J", "AC08" => "VK_KEY_K", "AC09" => "VK_KEY_L", "AC10" => "VK_OEM_1", "AC11" => "VK_OEM_7", "AC12" => "VK_OEM_5", "AB00" => "VK_LSHIFT", "AB01" => "VK_KEY_Z", "AB02" => "VK_KEY_X", "AB03" => "VK_KEY_C", "AB04" => "VK_KEY_V", "AB05" => "VK_KEY_B", "AB06" => "VK_KEY_N", "AB07" => "VK_KEY_M", "AB08" => "VK_OEM_COMMA", "AB09" => "VK_OEM_PERIOD", "AB10" => "VK_OEM_2", "AB11" => "VK_ABNT_C1", "FK01" => "VK_F1", "FK02" => "VK_F2", "FK03" => "VK_F3", "FK04" => "VK_F4", "FK05" => "VK_F5", "FK06" => "VK_F6", "FK07" => "VK_F7", "FK08" => "VK_F8", "FK09" => "VK_F9", "FK10" => "VK_F10", "FK11" => "VK_F11", "FK12" => "VK_F12", "FK13" => "VK_F13", "FK14" => "VK_F14", "FK15" => "VK_F15", "FK16" => "VK_F16", "FK17" => "VK_F17", "FK18" => "VK_F18", "FK19" => "VK_F19", "FK20" => "VK_F20", "FK21" => "VK_F21", "FK22" => "VK_F22", "FK23" => "VK_F23", "FK24" => "VK_F24", "KP0" => "VK_NUMPAD0", "KP1" => "VK_NUMPAD1", "KP2" => "VK_NUMPAD2", "KP3" => "VK_NUMPAD3", "KP4" => "VK_NUMPAD4", "KP5" => "VK_NUMPAD5", "KP6" => "VK_NUMPAD6", "KP7" => "VK_NUMPAD7", "KP8" => "VK_NUMPAD8", "KP9" => "VK_NUMPAD9", "KPDV" => "VK_DIVIDE", "KPMU" => "VK_MULTIPLY", "KPSU" => "VK_SUBTRACT", "KPAD" => "VK_ADD", "KPDL" => "VK_DECIMAL", "KPEN" => "VK_RETURN", "RTRN" => "VK_RETURN", "SPCE" => "VK_SPACE", "BKSP" => "VK_BACK", "BKSL" => "VK_OEM_5", "LSGT" => "VK_OEM_102", "ESC" => "VK_ESCAPE", "TLDE" => "VK_OEM_3", "CAPS" => "VK_CAPITAL", "TAB" => "VK_TAB", "LFSH" => "VK_LSHIFT", "RTSH" => "VK_RSHIFT", "LCTL" => "VK_LCONTROL", "RCTL" => "VK_RCONTROL", "LWIN" => "VK_LWIN", "RWIN" => "VK_RWIN", "LALT" => "VK_LMENU", "RALT" => "VK_RMENU", "COMP" => "VK_APPS", "MENU" => "VK_APPS", "UP" => "VK_UP", "DOWN" => "VK_DOWN", "LEFT" => "VK_LEFT", "RGHT" => "VK_RIGHT", "INS" => "VK_INSERT", "DELE" => "VK_DELETE", "PGUP" => "VK_PRIOR", "PGDN" => "VK_NEXT", "HOME" => "VK_HOME", "END" => "VK_END", "PAUS" => "VK_PAUSE", "NMLK" => "VK_NUMLOCK", "SCLK" => "VK_SCROLL", # This page helps understanding the keys that follow: # http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs140/projects/pintos/specs/kbd/scancodes-7.html "KANJ" => "VK_KANJI", "HANJ" => "VK_HANJA", "MUHE" => "VK_NONCONVERT", "HIRA" => "VK_KANA", "PRSC" => "VK_SNAPSHOT", "KPF1" => "VK_NUMLOCK", "KPF2" => "VK_DIVIDE", "KPF3" => "VK_MULTIPLY", "KPF4" => "VK_SUBTRACT", "KPCO" => "VK_ADD", "HELP" => "VK_HELP", "SELE" => "VK_SELECT", # We can ignore LDM (Lock Down Modifier) # What are LCMP/RCMP? # DO, FIND? ); my $inDir; my $outDir; if(@ARGV < 1) { $inDir = getcwd() . "/"; $outDir = $inDir; } elsif(@ARGV == 1) { $inDir = $ARGV[0]; $outDir = getcwd() . "/"; } elsif(@ARGV == 2) { $inDir = $ARGV[0]; $outDir = $ARGV[1]; } else { print "Error: Too many arguments\n" . "Usage:\n" . "perl xkb.pl \n" . "perl xkb.pl \n\n" . "In Linux, the XKB directory usually is /usr/share/X11/xkb/\n" . "The latest version of XKB can always be downloaded at:\n" . "http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/XKeyboardConfig\n"; exit 0; } open("SPEC", $inDir . "xkeyboard-config.spec"); $xkbVersion = ""; while($line = ) { if($line =~ m/Version:\s+(.\..)/) { $xkbVersion = "version $1"; } } # Create directory if it does not exists if(not -e $outDir) { mkdir $outDir or die("Error: Can't create directory $outDir\n"); } open("KCD", $inDir . "keycodes/keycodes.dir") or die("Error: Can't open $inDir" . "keycodes/keycodes.dir\n"); $previousFile = ""; while($line = ) { if($line =~ m/........ -------- (.+)\((.+)\)/) { if($1 ne $previousFile) { push(@keymapFiles, $1); $previousFile = $1; } } } close("KCD"); foreach $keymapFile (@keymapFiles) { print "File $keymapFile:\n"; @directories = split(/\//, $keymapFile); splice(@directories, @directories - 1, 1); if(@directories > 0) { $directory = $outDir; for($i = 0; $i < @directories; $i++) { $directory .= $directories[$i] . "/"; if(not -e $directory) { mkdir $directory or die("Can't create directory $directory\n"); } } } open("IN", $inDir . "keycodes/" . $keymapFile); open("OUT", ">" . "$outDir" . $keymapFile); print OUT "# This file was generated with xkb.pl\n"; print OUT "# and is based on the X Keyboard Configuration Database $xkbVersion\n"; print OUT "# Please use xkb.pl to re-export newer versions of XKB\n"; print OUT "\n\n"; while($line = ) { if($line =~ m/xkb_keycodes \"(\w+)\"/) { print "Exporting \"$1\"\n"; print OUT "keyboard \"$1\""; while($line = ) { if($line =~ m/include\W+\"(.+)\"/) { print OUT "\n: extends \"$1\""; last; } else { last; } } print OUT "\n{\n"; while($line = ) { if($line =~ m/<(\w{1,4})>\W+=\W+(\w+);/) { if($sym2virt{$1} ne undef) { $vkcode = $sym2virt{$1}; print OUT "\t$vkcode"; if(length($vkcode) < 8) { print OUT "\t"; } print OUT "\t<$2>\n"; } else { # If undef, then this symbolic key code is # missing from the sym2virt hash table # print "\t$1\t$2\n"; } } elsif($line =~ m/};/) { print OUT "};\n\n"; last; } } } } close("IN"); close("OUT"); }