/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * Logging in with smartcards * * Copyright 2022 David Fort * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TAG FREERDP_TAG("smartcardlogon") typedef struct { SmartcardCertInfo info; char* certPath; char* keyPath; } SmartcardCertInfoPrivate; struct sSmartCardCerts { size_t count; SmartcardCertInfoPrivate* certs; }; static BOOL getAtr(LPWSTR readerName, BYTE* atr, DWORD* atrLen) { WCHAR atrName[256]; DWORD cbLength; DWORD dwShareMode = SCARD_SHARE_SHARED; DWORD dwPreferredProtocols = SCARD_PROTOCOL_T0 | SCARD_PROTOCOL_T1; SCARDHANDLE hCardHandle; DWORD dwActiveProtocol = 0; BOOL ret = FALSE; LONG status = 0; SCARDCONTEXT scContext; status = SCardEstablishContext(SCARD_SCOPE_USER, NULL, NULL, &scContext); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS || !scContext) return FALSE; status = SCardConnectW(scContext, readerName, dwShareMode, dwPreferredProtocols, &hCardHandle, &dwActiveProtocol); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto out_connect; *atrLen = 256; status = SCardGetAttrib(hCardHandle, SCARD_ATTR_ATR_STRING, atr, atrLen); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto out_get_attrib; cbLength = 256; status = SCardListCardsW(scContext, atr, NULL, 0, atrName, &cbLength); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto out_listCards; /* WLog_DBG(TAG, "ATR name: %ld -> %S\n", cbLength, atrName); */ ret = TRUE; out_listCards: out_get_attrib: SCardDisconnect(scContext, SCARD_LEAVE_CARD); out_connect: SCardReleaseContext(scContext); return ret; } static void smartcardCertInfo_Free(SmartcardCertInfo* scCert) { const SmartcardCertInfo empty = { 0 }; if (!scCert) return; free(scCert->reader); crypto_cert_free(scCert->certificate); free(scCert->pkinitArgs); free(scCert->containerName); free(scCert->upn); free(scCert->userHint); free(scCert->domainHint); free(scCert->subject); free(scCert->issuer); *scCert = empty; } static void delete_file(char* path) { WCHAR* wpath = NULL; if (!path) return; /* Overwrite data in files before deletion */ { FILE* fp = winpr_fopen(path, "r+"); if (fp) { INT64 x, size = 0; int rs = _fseeki64(fp, 0, SEEK_END); if (rs == 0) size = _ftelli64(fp); _fseeki64(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); for (x = 0; x < size; x++) fputc(0, fp); fclose(fp); } } ConvertToUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, path, -1, &wpath, 0); DeleteFileW(wpath); free(wpath); free(path); } static void smartcardCertInfoPrivate_Free(SmartcardCertInfoPrivate* scCert) { const SmartcardCertInfoPrivate empty = { 0 }; if (!scCert) return; smartcardCertInfo_Free(&scCert->info); delete_file(scCert->keyPath); delete_file(scCert->certPath); *scCert = empty; } void smartcardCerts_Free(SmartcardCerts* scCert) { size_t x; if (!scCert) return; for (x = 0; x < scCert->count; x++) smartcardCertInfoPrivate_Free(&scCert->certs[x]); free(scCert); } static BOOL treat_sc_cert(SmartcardCertInfo* scCert) { scCert->upn = crypto_cert_get_upn(scCert->certificate->px509); if (scCert->upn) { size_t userLen; const char* atPos = strchr(scCert->upn, '@'); if (!atPos) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "invalid UPN, for key %s (no @)", scCert->containerName); return FALSE; } userLen = (size_t)(atPos - scCert->upn); scCert->userHint = malloc(userLen + 1); scCert->domainHint = strdup(atPos + 1); if (!scCert->userHint || !scCert->domainHint) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error allocating userHint or domainHint, for key %s", scCert->containerName); return FALSE; } memcpy(scCert->userHint, scCert->upn, userLen); scCert->userHint[userLen] = 0; } scCert->subject = crypto_cert_subject(scCert->certificate->px509); scCert->issuer = crypto_cert_issuer(scCert->certificate->px509); return TRUE; } static int allocating_sprintf(char** dst, const char* fmt, ...) { int rc; va_list ap; WINPR_ASSERT(dst); va_start(ap, fmt); rc = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); { char* tmp = realloc(*dst, rc + 1); if (!tmp) return -1; *dst = tmp; } va_start(ap, fmt); rc = vsnprintf(*dst, rc + 1, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return rc; } #ifndef _WIN32 static BOOL build_pkinit_args(const rdpSettings* settings, SmartcardCertInfo* scCert) { /* pkinit args only under windows * PKCS11:module_name=opensc-pkcs11.so */ const char* pkModule = settings->Pkcs11Module ? settings->Pkcs11Module : "opensc-pkcs11.so"; if (allocating_sprintf(&scCert->pkinitArgs, "PKCS11:module_name=%s:slotid=%" PRIu16, pkModule, (UINT16)scCert->slotId) <= 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } #endif /* _WIN32 */ static BOOL smartcard_hw_enumerateCerts(const rdpSettings* settings, LPCWSTR csp, const char* reader, const char* userFilter, SmartcardCerts** scCerts, DWORD* retCount) { BOOL ret = FALSE; LPWSTR scope = NULL; PVOID enumState = NULL; NCRYPT_PROV_HANDLE provider; NCryptKeyName* keyName = NULL; SECURITY_STATUS status; size_t count = 0; SmartcardCerts* certs = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(settings); WINPR_ASSERT(csp); WINPR_ASSERT(scCerts); WINPR_ASSERT(retCount); if (reader) { int res; size_t readerSz = strlen(reader); char* scopeStr = malloc(4 + readerSz + 1 + 1); if (!scopeStr) goto out; _snprintf(scopeStr, readerSz + 5, "\\\\.\\%s\\", reader); res = ConvertToUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, scopeStr, -1, &scope, 0); free(scopeStr); if (res <= 0) goto out; } status = NCryptOpenStorageProvider(&provider, csp, 0); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to open provider"); goto out; } while ((status = NCryptEnumKeys(provider, scope, &keyName, &enumState, NCRYPT_SILENT_FLAG)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { NCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE phKey = 0; PBYTE certBytes = NULL; DWORD cbOutput; SmartcardCertInfoPrivate* cert; count++; { SmartcardCerts* tmp = realloc(certs, sizeof(SmartcardCerts) + sizeof(SmartcardCertInfoPrivate) * (count)); if (!tmp) goto out; certs = tmp; certs->count = count; certs->certs = (SmartcardCertInfoPrivate*)(certs + 1); } cert = &certs->certs[count - 1]; ZeroMemory(cert, sizeof(*cert)); if (ConvertFromUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, keyName->pszName, -1, &cert->info.containerName, 0, NULL, NULL) <= 0) goto endofloop; status = NCryptOpenKey(provider, &phKey, keyName->pszName, keyName->dwLegacyKeySpec, keyName->dwFlags); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto endofloop; #ifndef _WIN32 status = NCryptGetProperty(phKey, NCRYPT_WINPR_SLOTID, (PBYTE)&cert->info.slotId, 4, &cbOutput, NCRYPT_SILENT_FLAG); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to retrieve slotId for key %s", cert->info.containerName); goto endofloop; } #endif /* _WIN32 */ /* ====== retrieve key's reader ====== */ status = NCryptGetProperty(phKey, NCRYPT_READER_PROPERTY, NULL, 0, &cbOutput, NCRYPT_SILENT_FLAG); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to retrieve reader's name length for key %s", cert->info.containerName); goto endofloop; } cert->info.reader = calloc(1, cbOutput + 2); if (!cert->info.reader) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to allocate reader's name for key %s", cert->info.containerName); goto endofloop; } status = NCryptGetProperty(phKey, NCRYPT_READER_PROPERTY, (PBYTE)cert->info.reader, cbOutput + 2, &cbOutput, NCRYPT_SILENT_FLAG); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to retrieve reader's name for key %s", cert->info.containerName); goto endofloop; } if (!getAtr(cert->info.reader, cert->info.atr, &cert->info.atrLength)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to retrieve card ATR for key %s", cert->info.containerName); goto endofloop; } /* ========= retrieve the certificate ===============*/ status = NCryptGetProperty(phKey, NCRYPT_CERTIFICATE_PROPERTY, NULL, 0, &cbOutput, NCRYPT_SILENT_FLAG); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { /* can happen that key don't have certificates */ goto endofloop; } certBytes = calloc(1, cbOutput); if (!certBytes) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to allocate %d certBytes for key %s", cbOutput, cert->info.containerName); goto endofloop; } status = NCryptGetProperty(phKey, NCRYPT_CERTIFICATE_PROPERTY, certBytes, cbOutput, &cbOutput, NCRYPT_SILENT_FLAG); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to retrieve certificate for key %s", cert->info.containerName); goto endofloop; } if (!winpr_Digest(WINPR_MD_SHA1, certBytes, cbOutput, cert->info.sha1Hash, sizeof(cert->info.sha1Hash))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to compute certificate sha1 for key %s", cert->info.containerName); goto endofloop; } cert->info.certificate = crypto_cert_read(certBytes, cbOutput); if (!cert->info.certificate) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to parse X509 certificate for key %s", cert->info.containerName); goto endofloop; } if (!treat_sc_cert(&cert->info)) goto endofloop; if (userFilter && cert->info.userHint && strcmp(cert->info.userHint, userFilter) != 0) { goto endofloop; } #ifndef _WIN32 if (!build_pkinit_args(settings, &cert->info)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error build pkinit args"); goto endofloop; } #endif endofloop: free(certBytes); NCryptFreeBuffer(keyName); if (phKey) NCryptFreeObject((NCRYPT_HANDLE)phKey); } *scCerts = certs; *retCount = (DWORD)count; ret = TRUE; NCryptFreeBuffer(enumState); NCryptFreeObject((NCRYPT_HANDLE)provider); out: free(scope); return ret; } static BOOL write_pem(const char* file, const char* pem) { size_t rc, size = strlen(pem) + 1; FILE* fp = winpr_fopen(file, "w"); if (!fp) return FALSE; rc = fwrite(pem, 1, size, fp); fclose(fp); return rc == size; } static char* create_temporary_file(void) { BYTE buffer[32]; char* hex; char* path; winpr_RAND(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); hex = winpr_BinToHexString(buffer, sizeof(buffer), FALSE); path = GetKnownSubPath(KNOWN_PATH_TEMP, hex); free(hex); return path; } static BOOL smartcard_sw_enumerateCerts(const rdpSettings* settings, SmartcardCerts** scCerts, DWORD* retCount) { BOOL rc = FALSE; int res; SmartcardCerts* certs = NULL; SmartcardCertInfoPrivate* cert; const size_t count = 1; char* keyPath = create_temporary_file(); char* certPath = create_temporary_file(); WINPR_ASSERT(settings); WINPR_ASSERT(scCerts); WINPR_ASSERT(retCount); certs = calloc(count, sizeof(SmartcardCertInfoPrivate) + sizeof(SmartcardCerts)); if (!certs) goto out_error; certs->count = count; cert = certs->certs = (SmartcardCertInfoPrivate*)(certs + 1); cert->info.certificate = crypto_cert_pem_read(settings->SmartcardCertificate); if (!cert->info.certificate) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to read smartcard certificate"); goto out_error; } if (!treat_sc_cert(&cert->info)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to treat smartcard certificate"); goto out_error; } if (ConvertToUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, "FreeRDP Emulator", -1, &cert->info.reader, 0) < 0) goto out_error; cert->info.containerName = strdup("Private Key 00"); if (!cert->info.containerName) goto out_error; /* compute PKINIT args FILE:, * * We need files for PKINIT to read, so write the certificate to some * temporary location and use that. */ if (!write_pem(keyPath, settings->SmartcardPrivateKey)) goto out_error; if (!write_pem(certPath, settings->SmartcardCertificate)) goto out_error; res = allocating_sprintf(&cert->info.pkinitArgs, "FILE:%s,%s", certPath, keyPath); if (res <= 0) goto out_error; cert->certPath = certPath; cert->keyPath = keyPath; rc = TRUE; *scCerts = certs; *retCount = (DWORD)certs->count; out_error: if (!rc) smartcardCerts_Free(certs); return rc; } BOOL smartcard_enumerateCerts(const rdpSettings* settings, SmartcardCerts** scCerts, DWORD* retCount) { BOOL ret; LPWSTR csp; const char* asciiCsp; WINPR_ASSERT(settings); WINPR_ASSERT(scCerts); WINPR_ASSERT(retCount); asciiCsp = settings->CspName ? settings->CspName : MS_SCARD_PROV_A; if (settings->SmartcardEmulation) return smartcard_sw_enumerateCerts(settings, scCerts, retCount); if (ConvertToUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, asciiCsp, -1, &csp, 0) <= 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error while converting CSP to WCHAR"); return FALSE; } ret = smartcard_hw_enumerateCerts(settings, csp, settings->ReaderName, settings->Username, scCerts, retCount); free(csp); return ret; } const SmartcardCertInfo* smartcard_getCertInfo(SmartcardCerts* scCerts, DWORD index) { WINPR_ASSERT(scCerts); if (index >= scCerts->count) return NULL; return &scCerts->certs[index].info; }