#include "MRDPRailView.h" #define USE_RAIL_CVT @implementation MRDPRailView @synthesize mrdpRailWindow, windowIndex, activateWindow; MRDPRailView * g_mrdpRailView; struct kkey { int key_code; int flags; }; extern struct kkey g_keys[]; - (void) updateDisplay { boolean moveWindow = NO; NSRect srcRectOuter; NSRect destRectOuter; rdpGdi * gdi; if ((context == 0) || (context->gdi == 0)) return; if (context->gdi->primary->hdc->hwnd->invalid->null) return; if (context->gdi->drawing != context->gdi->primary) return; gdi = context->gdi; srcRectOuter = NSMakeRect(0, 0, self->width, self->height); destRectOuter = [[self window] frame]; // cannot be bigger than our current screen size NSRect screenSize = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]; if (destRectOuter.size.width > screenSize.size.width) { destRectOuter.size.width = screenSize.size.width; moveWindow = YES; } if (destRectOuter.size.height > screenSize.size.height) { destRectOuter.size.height = screenSize.size.height; moveWindow = YES; } if (destRectOuter.origin.x + destRectOuter.size.width > width) destRectOuter.size.width = width - destRectOuter.origin.x; [self setupBmiRep:destRectOuter.size.width :destRectOuter.size.height]; if (moveWindow) { moveWindow = NO; RAIL_WINDOW_MOVE_ORDER newWndLoc; apple_to_windowMove(&destRectOuter, &newWndLoc); newWndLoc.windowId = savedWindowId; //skipMoveWindowOnce = TRUE; //mac_send_rail_client_event(g_mrdpRailView->rdp_instance->context->channels, RDP_EVENT_TYPE_RAIL_CLIENT_WINDOW_MOVE, &newWndLoc); } destRectOuter.origin.y = height - destRectOuter.origin.y - destRectOuter.size.height; rail_convert_color_space(pixelData, (char *) gdi->primary_buffer, &destRectOuter, self->width, self->height); if (moveWindow) [self setNeedsDisplayInRect:destRectOuter]; else [self setNeedsDisplayInRect:[self frame]]; gdi->primary->hdc->hwnd->ninvalid = 0; } /** ********************************************************************* * called when our view needs to be redrawn ***********************************************************************/ - (void) drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect { [bmiRep drawInRect:dirtyRect fromRect:dirtyRect operation:NSCompositeCopy fraction:1.0 respectFlipped:NO hints:nil]; if (pixelData) { free(pixelData); pixelData = NULL; } bmiRep = nil; } /** ********************************************************************* * become first responder so we can get keyboard and mouse events ***********************************************************************/ - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; } - (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse:(NSEvent *)theEvent { return NO; } /** ********************************************************************* * called when a mouse move event occurrs * * ideally we want to be called when the mouse moves over NSView client area, * but in reality we get called any time the mouse moves anywhere on the screen; * we could use NSTrackingArea class to handle this but this class is available * on Mac OS X v10.5 and higher; since we want to be compatible with older * versions, we do this manually. * * TODO: here is how it can be done using legacy methods * http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/EventOverview/MouseTrackingEvents/MouseTrackingEvents.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/10000060i-CH11-SW1 ***********************************************************************/ - (void) mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)event { [super mouseMoved:event]; NSRect winFrame = [[self window] frame]; NSPoint loc = [event locationInWindow]; int x = (int) (winFrame.origin.x + loc.x); int y = (int) (winFrame.origin.y + loc.y); y = height - y; // send mouse motion event to RDP server rdp_instance->input->MouseEvent(rdp_instance->input, PTR_FLAGS_MOVE, x, y); } /** ********************************************************************* * called when left mouse button is pressed down ***********************************************************************/ - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *) event { [super mouseDown:event]; NSRect winFrame = [[self window] frame]; NSPoint loc = [event locationInWindow]; int x = (int) (winFrame.origin.x + loc.x); int y = (int) (winFrame.origin.y + loc.y); int yPos = (int) (winFrame.size.height - loc.y); y = height - y; if ((yPos >= 4) && (yPos <= 20)) titleBarClicked = YES; else titleBarClicked = NO; savedDragLocation.x = loc.x; savedDragLocation.y = loc.y; rdp_instance->input->MouseEvent(rdp_instance->input, PTR_FLAGS_DOWN | PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON1, x, y); } /** ********************************************************************* * called when left mouse button is released ***********************************************************************/ - (void) mouseUp:(NSEvent *) event { [super mouseUp:event]; NSRect winFrame = [[self window] frame]; NSPoint loc = [event locationInWindow]; int x = (int) (winFrame.origin.x + loc.x); int y = (int) (winFrame.origin.y + loc.y); y = height - y; rdp_instance->input->MouseEvent(rdp_instance->input, PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON1, x, y); titleBarClicked = NO; } /** ********************************************************************* * called when right mouse button is pressed down ***********************************************************************/ - (void) rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)event { [super rightMouseDown:event]; NSRect winFrame = [[self window] frame]; NSPoint loc = [event locationInWindow]; int x = (int) (winFrame.origin.x + loc.x); int y = (int) (winFrame.origin.y + loc.y); y = height - y; rdp_instance->input->MouseEvent(rdp_instance->input, PTR_FLAGS_DOWN | PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON2, x, y); } /** ********************************************************************* * called when right mouse button is released ***********************************************************************/ - (void) rightMouseUp:(NSEvent *)event { [super rightMouseUp:event]; NSRect winFrame = [[self window] frame]; NSPoint loc = [event locationInWindow]; int x = (int) (winFrame.origin.x + loc.x); int y = (int) (winFrame.origin.y + loc.y); y = height - y; rdp_instance->input->MouseEvent(rdp_instance->input, PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON2, x, y); } /** ********************************************************************* * called when middle mouse button is pressed ***********************************************************************/ - (void) otherMouseDown:(NSEvent *)event { [super otherMouseDown:event]; NSRect winFrame = [[self window] frame]; NSPoint loc = [event locationInWindow]; int x = (int) (winFrame.origin.x + loc.x); int y = (int) (winFrame.origin.y + loc.y); y = height - y; rdp_instance->input->MouseEvent(rdp_instance->input, PTR_FLAGS_DOWN | PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON3, x, y); } /** ********************************************************************* * called when middle mouse button is released ***********************************************************************/ - (void) otherMouseUp:(NSEvent *)event { [super otherMouseUp:event]; NSRect winFrame = [[self window] frame]; NSPoint loc = [event locationInWindow]; int x = (int) (winFrame.origin.x + loc.x); int y = (int) (winFrame.origin.y + loc.y); y = height - y; rdp_instance->input->MouseEvent(rdp_instance->input, PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON3, x, y); } - (void) scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)event { uint16 flags; [super scrollWheel:event]; // we get more two finger trackpad scroll events // than scrollWheel events, so we drop some if (gestureEventInProgress) { scrollWheelCount++; if (scrollWheelCount % 8 != 0) return; } if ([event scrollingDeltaY] < 0) { flags = PTR_FLAGS_WHEEL | PTR_FLAGS_WHEEL_NEGATIVE | 0x0088; } else { flags = PTR_FLAGS_WHEEL | 0x78; } rdp_instance->input->MouseEvent(rdp_instance->input, flags, 0, 0); } /** ********************************************************************* * called when mouse is moved with left button pressed * note: invocation order is: mouseDown, mouseDragged, mouseUp ***********************************************************************/ - (void) mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)event { [super mouseDragged:event]; NSRect winFrame = [[self window] frame]; NSPoint loc = [event locationInWindow]; int x = (int) loc.x; int y = (int) loc.y; if (titleBarClicked) { // window is being dragged to a new location int newX = x - savedDragLocation.x; int newY = y - savedDragLocation.y; if ((newX == 0) && (newY == 0)) return; winFrame.origin.x += newX; winFrame.origin.y += newY; [[self window] setFrame:winFrame display:YES]; return; } if (localMoveType == RAIL_WMSZ_LEFT) { // left border resize taking place int diff = (int) (loc.x - savedDragLocation.x); if (diff == 0) return; if (diff < 0) { diff = abs(diff); winFrame.origin.x -= diff; winFrame.size.width += diff; } else { winFrame.origin.x += diff; winFrame.size.width -= diff; } [[self window] setFrame:winFrame display:YES]; return; } if (localMoveType == RAIL_WMSZ_RIGHT) { // right border resize taking place int diff = (int) (loc.x - savedDragLocation.x); if (diff == 0) return; savedDragLocation.x = loc.x; savedDragLocation.y = loc.y; winFrame.size.width += diff; [[self window] setFrame:winFrame display:YES]; return; } if (localMoveType == RAIL_WMSZ_TOP) { // top border resize taking place int diff = (int) (loc.y - savedDragLocation.y); if (diff == 0) return; savedDragLocation.x = loc.x; savedDragLocation.y = loc.y; winFrame.size.height += diff; [[self window] setFrame:winFrame display:YES]; return; } if (localMoveType == RAIL_WMSZ_BOTTOM) { // bottom border resize taking place int diff = (int) (loc.y - savedDragLocation.y); if (diff == 0) return; if (diff < 0) { diff = abs(diff); winFrame.origin.y -= diff; winFrame.size.height += diff; } else { winFrame.origin.y += diff; winFrame.size.height -= diff; } [[self window] setFrame:winFrame display:YES]; return; } if (localMoveType == RAIL_WMSZ_TOPLEFT) { // top left border resize taking place int diff = (int) (loc.x - savedDragLocation.x); if (diff != 0) { if (diff < 0) { diff = abs(diff); winFrame.origin.x -= diff; winFrame.size.width += diff; } else { winFrame.origin.x += diff; winFrame.size.width -= diff; } } diff = (int) (loc.y - savedDragLocation.y); if (diff != 0) { savedDragLocation.y = loc.y; winFrame.size.height += diff; } [[self window] setFrame:winFrame display:YES]; return; } if (localMoveType == RAIL_WMSZ_TOPRIGHT) { // top right border resize taking place int diff = (int) (loc.x - savedDragLocation.x); if (diff != 0) { winFrame.size.width += diff; } diff = (int) (loc.y - savedDragLocation.y); if (diff != 0) { winFrame.size.height += diff; } savedDragLocation.x = loc.x; savedDragLocation.y = loc.y; [[self window] setFrame:winFrame display:YES]; return; } if (localMoveType == RAIL_WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT) { // bottom left border resize taking place int diff = (int) (loc.x - savedDragLocation.x); if (diff != 0) { if (diff < 0) { diff = abs(diff); winFrame.origin.x -= diff; winFrame.size.width += diff; } else { winFrame.origin.x += diff; winFrame.size.width -= diff; } } diff = (int) (loc.y - savedDragLocation.y); if (diff != 0) { if (diff < 0) { diff = abs(diff); winFrame.origin.y -= diff; winFrame.size.height += diff; } else { winFrame.origin.y += diff; winFrame.size.height -= diff; } } [[self window] setFrame:winFrame display:YES]; return; } if (localMoveType == RAIL_WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT) { // bottom right border resize taking place int diff = (int) (loc.x - savedDragLocation.x); if (diff != 0) { savedDragLocation.x = loc.x; //savedDragLocation.y = loc.y; winFrame.size.width += diff; } diff = (int) (loc.y - savedDragLocation.y); if (diff != 0) { if (diff < 0) { diff = abs(diff); winFrame.origin.y -= diff; winFrame.size.height += diff; } else { winFrame.origin.y += diff; winFrame.size.height -= diff; } } [[self window] setFrame:winFrame display:YES]; return; } x = (int) (winFrame.origin.x + loc.x); y = (int) (winFrame.origin.y + loc.y); y = height - y; // send mouse motion event to RDP server rdp_instance->input->MouseEvent(rdp_instance->input, PTR_FLAGS_MOVE, x, y); } /** ********************************************************************* * called when a key is pressed ***********************************************************************/ - (void) keyDown:(NSEvent *) event { int key; key = [event keyCode]; rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, g_keys[key].flags | KBD_FLAGS_DOWN, g_keys[key].key_code); } /** ********************************************************************* * called when a key is released ***********************************************************************/ - (void) keyUp:(NSEvent *) event { int key; key = [event keyCode]; rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, g_keys[key].flags | KBD_FLAGS_RELEASE, g_keys[key].key_code); } /** ********************************************************************* * called when shift, control, alt and meta keys are pressed/released ***********************************************************************/ - (void) flagsChanged:(NSEvent *) event { NSUInteger mf = [event modifierFlags]; // caps lock if (mf == 0x10100) { printf("TODO: caps lock is on\n"); kdcapslock = 1; } if (kdcapslock && (mf == 0x100)) { kdcapslock = 0; printf("TODO: caps lock is off\n"); } // left shift if ((kdlshift == 0) && ((mf & 2) != 0)) { // left shift went down rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, KBD_FLAGS_DOWN, 0x2a); kdlshift = 1; } if ((kdlshift != 0) && ((mf & 2) == 0)) { // left shift went up rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, KBD_FLAGS_RELEASE, 0x2a); kdlshift = 0; } // right shift if ((kdrshift == 0) && ((mf & 4) != 0)) { // right shift went down rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, KBD_FLAGS_DOWN, 0x36); kdrshift = 1; } if ((kdrshift != 0) && ((mf & 4) == 0)) { // right shift went up rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, KBD_FLAGS_RELEASE, 0x36); kdrshift = 0; } // left ctrl if ((kdlctrl == 0) && ((mf & 1) != 0)) { // left ctrl went down rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, KBD_FLAGS_DOWN, 0x1d); kdlctrl = 1; } if ((kdlctrl != 0) && ((mf & 1) == 0)) { // left ctrl went up rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, KBD_FLAGS_RELEASE, 0x1d); kdlctrl = 0; } // right ctrl if ((kdrctrl == 0) && ((mf & 0x2000) != 0)) { // right ctrl went down rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, 1 | KBD_FLAGS_DOWN, 0x1d); kdrctrl = 1; } if ((kdrctrl != 0) && ((mf & 0x2000) == 0)) { // right ctrl went up rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, 1 | KBD_FLAGS_RELEASE, 0x1d); kdrctrl = 0; } // left alt if ((kdlalt == 0) && ((mf & 0x20) != 0)) { // left alt went down rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, KBD_FLAGS_DOWN, 0x38); kdlalt = 1; } if ((kdlalt != 0) && ((mf & 0x20) == 0)) { // left alt went up rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, KBD_FLAGS_RELEASE, 0x38); kdlalt = 0; } // right alt if ((kdralt == 0) && ((mf & 0x40) != 0)) { // right alt went down rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, 1 | KBD_FLAGS_DOWN, 0x38); kdralt = 1; } if ((kdralt != 0) && ((mf & 0x40) == 0)) { // right alt went up rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, 1 | KBD_FLAGS_RELEASE, 0x38); kdralt = 0; } // left meta if ((kdlmeta == 0) && ((mf & 0x08) != 0)) { // left meta went down rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, 1 | KBD_FLAGS_DOWN, 0x5b); kdlmeta = 1; } if ((kdlmeta != 0) && ((mf & 0x08) == 0)) { // left meta went up rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, 1 | KBD_FLAGS_RELEASE, 0x5b); kdlmeta = 0; } // right meta if ((kdrmeta == 0) && ((mf & 0x10) != 0)) { // right meta went down rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, 1 | KBD_FLAGS_DOWN, 0x5c); kdrmeta = 1; } if ((kdrmeta != 0) && ((mf & 0x10) == 0)) { // right meta went up rdp_instance->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_instance->input, 1 | KBD_FLAGS_RELEASE, 0x5c); kdrmeta = 0; } } - (void) setRdpInstance:(freerdp *) instance width:(int) w andHeight:(int) h windowID:(int) windowID { rdp_instance = instance; context = instance->context; width = w; height = h; savedWindowId = windowID; NSRect tr = NSMakeRect(0, 0, [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].size.width, [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].size.height); NSTrackingArea * trackingArea = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect:tr options:NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited | NSTrackingMouseMoved | NSTrackingCursorUpdate | NSTrackingEnabledDuringMouseDrag | NSTrackingActiveAlways owner:self userInfo:nil]; [self addTrackingArea:trackingArea]; g_mrdpRailView = self; [self becomeFirstResponder]; [self setAcceptsTouchEvents:YES]; // we want to be notified when window resizes.... [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(windowDidResize:) name:NSWindowDidResizeNotification object:nil]; // ...moves [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(windowDidMove:) name:NSWindowDidMoveNotification object:nil]; // ...and becomes the key window [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(windowDidBecomeKey:) name:NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification object:nil]; } - (void) setupBmiRep:(int) frameWidth :(int) frameHeight { struct rgba_data { char red; char green; char blue; char alpha; }; if (pixelData) free(pixelData); pixelData = (char *) malloc(frameWidth * frameHeight * sizeof(struct rgba_data)); bmiRep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithBitmapDataPlanes:(unsigned char **) &pixelData pixelsWide:frameWidth pixelsHigh:frameHeight bitsPerSample:8 samplesPerPixel:sizeof(struct rgba_data) hasAlpha:YES isPlanar:NO colorSpaceName:NSDeviceRGBColorSpace bitmapFormat:0 bytesPerRow:frameWidth * sizeof(struct rgba_data) bitsPerPixel:0]; } - (void) beginGestureWithEvent:(NSEvent *)event { gestureEventInProgress = YES; } - (void) endGestureWithEvent:(NSEvent *)event { gestureEventInProgress = NO; } /** * called when a bordered window changes size */ - (void) windowDidResize:(NSNotification *) notification { // if we are not the source of this notification, just return if ([notification object] != [self mrdpRailWindow]) return; // let RDP server know that window has moved RAIL_WINDOW_MOVE_ORDER windowMove; NSRect r = [[self window] frame]; int diffInHeight = [[self window] frame].size.height - [self frame].size.height; r.size.height -= diffInHeight; apple_to_windowMove(&r, &windowMove); windowMove.windowId = self->savedWindowId; mac_send_rail_client_event(self->context->channels, RDP_EVENT_TYPE_RAIL_CLIENT_WINDOW_MOVE, &windowMove); } /** * called when user moves a bordered window */ - (void) windowDidMove:(NSNotification *) notification { // if we are not the source of this notification, just return if ([notification object] != [self mrdpRailWindow]) return; // let RDP server know that window has moved RAIL_WINDOW_MOVE_ORDER windowMove; NSRect r = [[self window] frame]; int diffInHeight = [[self window] frame].size.height - [self frame].size.height; r.size.height -= diffInHeight; apple_to_windowMove(&r, &windowMove); windowMove.windowId = self->savedWindowId; mac_send_rail_client_event(self->context->channels, RDP_EVENT_TYPE_RAIL_CLIENT_WINDOW_MOVE, &windowMove); } /** * called when a NSWindow becomes the key window */ - (void) windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification *) notification { // if we are not the source of this notification, just return if ([notification object] != [self mrdpRailWindow]) return; if (![self activateWindow]) return; [[self window] setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES]; //if ([self activateWindow]) mac_rail_send_activate(savedWindowId); set_current_window(windowIndex); } - (void) releaseResources { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; } void rail_cvt_from_rect(char *dest, char *src, NSRect destRect, int destWidth, int destHeight, NSRect srcRect) { } /** ********************************************************************* * color space conversion used specifically in RAIL ***********************************************************************/ void rail_convert_color_space(char *destBuf, char * srcBuf, NSRect * destRect, int width, int height) { int i; int j; int numRows; int srcX; int srcY; int destX; int destY; int pixelsPerRow; int pixel; int pixel1; int pixel2; int * src32; int * dest32; int destWidth = destRect->size.width; int destHeight = destRect->size.height; if ((!destBuf) || (!srcBuf)) { return; } numRows = (destRect->origin.y + destHeight > height) ? height - destRect->origin.y : destHeight; pixelsPerRow = destWidth; srcX = destRect->origin.x; srcY = destRect->origin.y; destX = 0; destY = 0; for (i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { src32 = (int *) (srcBuf + ((srcY + i) * width + srcX) * 4); dest32 = (int *) (destBuf + ((destY + i) * destWidth + destX) * 4); for (j = 0; j < pixelsPerRow; j++) { pixel = *src32; pixel1 = (pixel & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; pixel2 = (pixel & 0x000000ff) << 16; pixel = (pixel & 0xff00ff00) | pixel1 | pixel2; *dest32 = pixel; src32++; dest32++; } } destRect->origin.y = destHeight - destRect->origin.y - destRect->size.height; return; } /** * let RDP server know that window has moved */ void rail_MoveWindow(rdpRail * rail, rdpWindow * window) { if (g_mrdpRailView->isMoveSizeInProgress) { return; } if (g_mrdpRailView->skipMoveWindowOnce) { g_mrdpRailView->skipMoveWindowOnce = NO; return; } // this rect is based on Windows co-ordinates... NSRect r; r.origin.x = window->windowOffsetX; r.origin.y = window->windowOffsetY; r.size.width = window->windowWidth; r.size.height = window->windowHeight; windows_to_apple_cords(&r); [[g_mrdpRailView window] setFrame:r display:YES]; } void mac_rail_send_activate(int window_id) { RAIL_ACTIVATE_ORDER activate; activate.windowId = window_id; activate.enabled = 1; mac_send_rail_client_event(g_mrdpRailView->context->channels, RDP_EVENT_TYPE_RAIL_CLIENT_ACTIVATE, &activate); } @end