/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * MULTITRANSPORT PDUs * * Copyright 2014 Dell Software * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include "settings.h" #include "rdp.h" #include "multitransport.h" struct rdp_multitransport { rdpRdp* rdp; MultiTransportRequestCb MtRequest; MultiTransportResponseCb MtResponse; /* server-side data */ UINT32 reliableReqId; BYTE reliableCookie[RDPUDP_COOKIE_LEN]; BYTE reliableCookieHash[RDPUDP_COOKIE_HASHLEN]; }; enum { RDPTUNNEL_ACTION_CREATEREQUEST = 0x00, RDPTUNNEL_ACTION_CREATERESPONSE = 0x01, RDPTUNNEL_ACTION_DATA = 0x02 }; #define TAG FREERDP_TAG("core.multitransport") state_run_t multitransport_recv_request(rdpMultitransport* multi, wStream* s) { WINPR_ASSERT(multi); rdpSettings* settings = multi->rdp->settings; if (settings->ServerMode) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "not expecting a multi-transport request in server mode"); return STATE_RUN_FAILED; } if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLength(TAG, s, 24)) return STATE_RUN_FAILED; UINT32 requestId; UINT16 requestedProto; UINT16 reserved; const BYTE* cookie; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, requestId); /* requestId (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, requestedProto); /* requestedProtocol (2 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT16(s, reserved); /* reserved (2 bytes) */ cookie = Stream_ConstPointer(s); Stream_Seek(s, RDPUDP_COOKIE_LEN); /* securityCookie (16 bytes) */ if (reserved != 0) { /* * If the reserved filed is not 0 the request PDU seems to contain some extra data. * If the reserved value is 1, then two bytes of 0 (probably a version field) * are followed by a JSON payload (not null terminated, until the end of the packet. * There seems to be no dedicated length field) * * for now just ignore all that */ WLog_WARN(TAG, "reserved is %" PRIu16 " instead of 0, skipping %" PRIuz "bytes of unknown data", reserved, Stream_GetRemainingLength(s)); Stream_SafeSeek(s, Stream_GetRemainingLength(s)); } WINPR_ASSERT(multi->MtRequest); return multi->MtRequest(multi, requestId, requestedProto, cookie); } static BOOL multitransport_request_send(rdpMultitransport* multi, UINT32 reqId, UINT16 reqProto, const BYTE* cookie) { WINPR_ASSERT(multi); wStream* s = rdp_message_channel_pdu_init(multi->rdp); if (!s) return FALSE; if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, 24)) { Stream_Release(s); return FALSE; } Stream_Write_UINT32(s, reqId); /* requestId (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT16(s, reqProto); /* requestedProtocol (2 bytes) */ Stream_Zero(s, 2); /* reserved (2 bytes) */ Stream_Write(s, cookie, RDPUDP_COOKIE_LEN); /* securityCookie (16 bytes) */ return rdp_send_message_channel_pdu(multi->rdp, s, SEC_TRANSPORT_REQ); } state_run_t multitransport_server_request(rdpMultitransport* multi, UINT16 reqProto) { WINPR_ASSERT(multi); /* TODO: move this static variable to the listener */ static UINT32 reqId = 0; if (reqProto == INITIATE_REQUEST_PROTOCOL_UDPFECR) { multi->reliableReqId = reqId++; winpr_RAND(multi->reliableCookie, sizeof(multi->reliableCookie)); return multitransport_request_send(multi, multi->reliableReqId, reqProto, multi->reliableCookie) ? STATE_RUN_SUCCESS : STATE_RUN_FAILED; } WLog_ERR(TAG, "only reliable transport is supported"); return STATE_RUN_CONTINUE; } BOOL multitransport_client_send_response(rdpMultitransport* multi, UINT32 reqId, HRESULT hr) { WINPR_ASSERT(multi); wStream* s = rdp_message_channel_pdu_init(multi->rdp); if (!s) return FALSE; if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, 28)) { Stream_Release(s); return FALSE; } Stream_Write_UINT32(s, reqId); /* requestId (4 bytes) */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, hr); /* HResult (4 bytes) */ return rdp_send_message_channel_pdu(multi->rdp, s, SEC_TRANSPORT_RSP); } state_run_t multitransport_recv_response(rdpMultitransport* multi, wStream* s) { WINPR_ASSERT(multi && multi->rdp); WINPR_ASSERT(s); rdpSettings* settings = multi->rdp->settings; WINPR_ASSERT(settings); if (!settings->ServerMode) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "client is not expecting a multi-transport resp packet"); return STATE_RUN_FAILED; } if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLength(TAG, s, 8)) return STATE_RUN_FAILED; UINT32 requestId; HRESULT hr; Stream_Read_UINT32(s, requestId); /* requestId (4 bytes) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(s, hr); /* hrResponse (4 bytes) */ return IFCALLRESULT(STATE_RUN_SUCCESS, multi->MtResponse, multi, requestId, hr); } static state_run_t multitransport_no_udp(rdpMultitransport* multi, UINT32 reqId, UINT16 reqProto, const BYTE* cookie) { return multitransport_client_send_response(multi, reqId, E_ABORT) ? STATE_RUN_SUCCESS : STATE_RUN_FAILED; } static state_run_t multitransport_server_handle_response(rdpMultitransport* multi, UINT32 reqId, UINT32 hrResponse) { rdpRdp* rdp = multi->rdp; if (!rdp_server_transition_to_state(rdp, CONNECTION_STATE_CAPABILITIES_EXCHANGE_DEMAND_ACTIVE)) return STATE_RUN_FAILED; return STATE_RUN_CONTINUE; } rdpMultitransport* multitransport_new(rdpRdp* rdp, UINT16 protocol) { WINPR_ASSERT(rdp); rdpSettings* settings = rdp->settings; WINPR_ASSERT(settings); rdpMultitransport* multi = calloc(1, sizeof(rdpMultitransport)); if (!multi) return NULL; if (settings->ServerMode) { multi->MtResponse = multitransport_server_handle_response; } else { multi->MtRequest = multitransport_no_udp; } multi->rdp = rdp; return multi; } void multitransport_free(rdpMultitransport* multitransport) { free(multitransport); }