/** * WinPR: Windows Portable Runtime * File Functions * * Copyright 2012 Marc-Andre Moreau * Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. * Copyright 2015 Thincast Technologies GmbH * Copyright 2015 bernhard.miklautz@thincast.com * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include "../log.h" #define TAG WINPR_TAG("file") #ifndef _WIN32 #ifdef ANDROID #include #else #include #endif #include "../handle/handle.h" #include "../pipe/pipe.h" static HANDLE_CREATOR _NamedPipeClientHandleCreator; static BOOL NamedPipeClientIsHandled(HANDLE handle) { WINPR_NAMED_PIPE* pFile = (WINPR_NAMED_PIPE*) handle; if (!pFile || (pFile->Type != HANDLE_TYPE_NAMED_PIPE) || (pFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL NamedPipeClientCloseHandle(HANDLE handle) { WINPR_NAMED_PIPE* pNamedPipe = (WINPR_NAMED_PIPE*) handle; if (!NamedPipeClientIsHandled(handle)) return FALSE; if (pNamedPipe->clientfd != -1) { //WLOG_DBG(TAG, "closing clientfd %d", pNamedPipe->clientfd); close(pNamedPipe->clientfd); } if (pNamedPipe->serverfd != -1) { //WLOG_DBG(TAG, "closing serverfd %d", pNamedPipe->serverfd); close(pNamedPipe->serverfd); } if (pNamedPipe->pfnUnrefNamedPipe) pNamedPipe->pfnUnrefNamedPipe(pNamedPipe); free(pNamedPipe->lpFileName); free(pNamedPipe->lpFilePath); free(pNamedPipe->name); free(pNamedPipe); return TRUE; } static int NamedPipeClientGetFd(HANDLE handle) { WINPR_NAMED_PIPE *file = (WINPR_NAMED_PIPE *)handle; if (!NamedPipeClientIsHandled(handle)) return -1; if (file->ServerMode) return file->serverfd; else return file->clientfd; } static HANDLE_OPS ops = { NamedPipeClientIsHandled, NamedPipeClientCloseHandle, NamedPipeClientGetFd, NULL, /* CleanupHandle */ NamedPipeRead, NULL, /* FileReadEx */ NULL, /* FileReadScatter */ NamedPipeWrite, NULL, /* FileWriteEx */ NULL, /* FileWriteGather */ NULL, /* FileGetFileSize */ NULL, /* FlushFileBuffers */ NULL, /* FileSetEndOfFile */ NULL, /* FileSetFilePointer */ NULL, /* SetFilePointerEx */ NULL, /* FileLockFile */ NULL, /* FileLockFileEx */ NULL, /* FileUnlockFile */ NULL, /* FileUnlockFileEx */ NULL /* SetFileTime */ }; static HANDLE NamedPipeClientCreateFileA(LPCSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, HANDLE hTemplateFile) { char* name; int status; HANDLE hNamedPipe; struct sockaddr_un s; WINPR_NAMED_PIPE* pNamedPipe; if (dwFlagsAndAttributes & FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "WinPR %s does not support the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flag", __FUNCTION__); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (!lpFileName) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (!IsNamedPipeFileNameA(lpFileName)) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; name = GetNamedPipeNameWithoutPrefixA(lpFileName); if (!name) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; free(name); pNamedPipe = (WINPR_NAMED_PIPE*) calloc(1, sizeof(WINPR_NAMED_PIPE)); if (!pNamedPipe) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } hNamedPipe = (HANDLE) pNamedPipe; WINPR_HANDLE_SET_TYPE_AND_MODE(pNamedPipe, HANDLE_TYPE_NAMED_PIPE, WINPR_FD_READ); pNamedPipe->name = _strdup(lpFileName); if (!pNamedPipe->name) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); free(pNamedPipe); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } pNamedPipe->dwOpenMode = 0; pNamedPipe->dwPipeMode = 0; pNamedPipe->nMaxInstances = 0; pNamedPipe->nOutBufferSize = 0; pNamedPipe->nInBufferSize = 0; pNamedPipe->nDefaultTimeOut = 0; pNamedPipe->dwFlagsAndAttributes = dwFlagsAndAttributes; pNamedPipe->lpFileName = GetNamedPipeNameWithoutPrefixA(lpFileName); if (!pNamedPipe->lpFileName) { free((void *)pNamedPipe->name); free(pNamedPipe); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } pNamedPipe->lpFilePath = GetNamedPipeUnixDomainSocketFilePathA(lpFileName); if (!pNamedPipe->lpFilePath) { free((void *)pNamedPipe->lpFileName); free((void *)pNamedPipe->name); free(pNamedPipe); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } pNamedPipe->clientfd = socket(PF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0); pNamedPipe->serverfd = -1; pNamedPipe->ServerMode = FALSE; ZeroMemory(&s, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)); s.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy(s.sun_path, pNamedPipe->lpFilePath); status = connect(pNamedPipe->clientfd, (struct sockaddr*) &s, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)); pNamedPipe->ops = &ops; if (status != 0) { close(pNamedPipe->clientfd); free((char*) pNamedPipe->name); free((char*) pNamedPipe->lpFileName); free((char*) pNamedPipe->lpFilePath); free(pNamedPipe); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (dwFlagsAndAttributes & FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED) { #if 0 int flags = fcntl(pNamedPipe->clientfd, F_GETFL); if (flags != -1) fcntl(pNamedPipe->clientfd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); #endif } return hNamedPipe; } HANDLE_CREATOR *GetNamedPipeClientHandleCreator(void) { _NamedPipeClientHandleCreator.IsHandled = IsNamedPipeFileNameA; _NamedPipeClientHandleCreator.CreateFileA = NamedPipeClientCreateFileA; return &_NamedPipeClientHandleCreator; } #endif /* Extended API */ #define NAMED_PIPE_PREFIX_PATH "\\\\.\\pipe\\" BOOL IsNamedPipeFileNameA(LPCSTR lpName) { if (strncmp(lpName, NAMED_PIPE_PREFIX_PATH, sizeof(NAMED_PIPE_PREFIX_PATH) - 1) != 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } char* GetNamedPipeNameWithoutPrefixA(LPCSTR lpName) { char* lpFileName; if (!lpName) return NULL; if (!IsNamedPipeFileNameA(lpName)) return NULL; lpFileName = _strdup(&lpName[strlen(NAMED_PIPE_PREFIX_PATH)]); return lpFileName; } char* GetNamedPipeUnixDomainSocketBaseFilePathA() { char* lpTempPath; char* lpPipePath; lpTempPath = GetKnownPath(KNOWN_PATH_TEMP); if (!lpTempPath) return NULL; lpPipePath = GetCombinedPath(lpTempPath, ".pipe"); free(lpTempPath); return lpPipePath; } char* GetNamedPipeUnixDomainSocketFilePathA(LPCSTR lpName) { char* lpPipePath; char* lpFileName; char* lpFilePath; lpPipePath = GetNamedPipeUnixDomainSocketBaseFilePathA(); lpFileName = GetNamedPipeNameWithoutPrefixA(lpName); lpFilePath = GetCombinedPath(lpPipePath, (char*) lpFileName); free(lpPipePath); free(lpFileName); return lpFilePath; } int GetNamePipeFileDescriptor(HANDLE hNamedPipe) { #ifndef _WIN32 int fd; WINPR_NAMED_PIPE* pNamedPipe; pNamedPipe = (WINPR_NAMED_PIPE*) hNamedPipe; if (!pNamedPipe || pNamedPipe->Type != HANDLE_TYPE_NAMED_PIPE) return -1; fd = (pNamedPipe->ServerMode) ? pNamedPipe->serverfd : pNamedPipe->clientfd; return fd; #else return -1; #endif }