# This option allows deactivating FreeRDP supplied platform defauts to replace these with # user supplied values. # # Compilation will fail without a replacement defining the symbols, but that can be # done by supplying a TOOLCHAIN_FILE defining these. option(USE_PLATFORM_DEFAULT "Use this configuration file for platform defaults. Supply -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=." ON) if (USE_PLATFORM_DEFAULT) # default defines or other required preferences per platform if((CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "WindowsStore") AND (CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION MATCHES "10.0")) set(UWP 1 CACHE BOOL "platform default") add_definitions("-D_UWP") set(CMAKE_WINDOWS_VERSION "WIN10" CACHE STRING "platform default") endif() if("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "Linux") # Linux already does define _POSIX_C_SOURCE by default, nothing to do add_definitions("-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64") set(WINPR_TIMEZONE_FILE "/etc/timezone") endif() if("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "FreeBSD") set(BSD TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "platform default") set(FREEBSD TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "platform default") # we want POSIX 2008. FreeBSD 14 does only support 2001 fully, but the subset we require from 2008 # is implemented, so ignore _POSIX_VERSION from unistd.h add_definitions("-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L") # TODO: FreeBSD allows mixing POSIX and BSD API calls if we do not set # _POSIX_C_SOURCE but lack a macro to reenable the BSD calls... add_definitions("-D__BSD_VISIBLE") # There are some symbols only visible for XOpen standard add_definitions("-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700") add_definitions("-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64") set(WINPR_TIMEZONE_FILE "/var/db/zoneinfo") endif() if("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "SunOS") # TODO: Does somebody still use this? please show yourself and # tell us if this still works. add_definitions("-D_POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS") list(APPEND CMAKE_STANDARD_LIBRARIES rt) set(CMAKE_STANDARD_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_STANDARD_LIBRARIES} CACHE STRING "platform default") set(WITH_SUN true CACHE BOOL "platform default") endif() if("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "Darwin") # we want POSIX 2008. MacOS does only support 2001 fully, but the subset we require from 2008 # is implemented, so ignore _POSIX_VERSION from unistd.h add_definitions("-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L") # as _POSIX_C_SOURCE sets a fully POSIX confirmant environment reenable # MacOS API visibility by defining the following feature test macro add_definitions("-D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE") endif() if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "kFreeBSD") set(BSD TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "platform default") set(KFREEBSD TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "platform default") add_definitions(-DKFREEBSD) add_definitions("-D_GNU_SOURCE") endif() if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "OpenBSD") set(BSD TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "platform default") set(OPENBSD TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "platform default") endif() if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "DragonFly") set(BSD TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "platform default") set(FREEBSD TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "platform default") # we want POSIX 2008. FreeBSD 14 does only support 2001 fully, but the subset we require from 2008 # is implemented, so ignore _POSIX_VERSION from unistd.h add_definitions("-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L") # TODO: FreeBSD allows mixing POSIX and BSD API calls if we do not set # _POSIX_C_SOURCE but lack a macro to reenable the BSD calls... add_definitions("-D__BSD_VISIBLE") # There are some symbols only visible for XOpen standard add_definitions("-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700") add_definitions("-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64") set(WINPR_TIMEZONE_FILE "/var/db/zoneinfo") endif() if(BSD) if(IS_DIRECTORY /usr/local/include) include_directories(/usr/local/include) link_directories(/usr/local/lib) endif() if(OPENBSD) if(IS_DIRECTORY /usr/X11R6/include) include_directories(/usr/X11R6/include) endif() endif() endif() # define a fallback for systems that do not support a timezone file or we did not yet test. # since most of these are BSD try a sensible default if (NOT WINPR_TIMEZONE_FILE) set(WINPR_TIMEZONE_FILE "/var/db/zoneinfo") endif() add_definitions("-DWINPR_TIMEZONE_FILE=\"${WINPR_TIMEZONE_FILE}\"") if(FREEBSD) find_path(EPOLLSHIM_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES sys/epoll.h sys/timerfd.h HINTS /usr/local/include/libepoll-shim) find_library(EPOLLSHIM_LIBS NAMES epoll-shim libepoll-shim HINTS /usr/local/lib) endif() endif()