/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * Surface Commands * * Copyright 2011 Vic Lee * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "surface.h" static BOOL update_recv_surfcmd_surface_bits(rdpUpdate* update, STREAM* s, UINT32 *length) { int pos; SURFACE_BITS_COMMAND* cmd = &update->surface_bits_command; if(stream_get_left(s) < 20) return FALSE; stream_read_UINT16(s, cmd->destLeft); stream_read_UINT16(s, cmd->destTop); stream_read_UINT16(s, cmd->destRight); stream_read_UINT16(s, cmd->destBottom); stream_read_BYTE(s, cmd->bpp); stream_seek(s, 2); /* reserved1, reserved2 */ stream_read_BYTE(s, cmd->codecID); stream_read_UINT16(s, cmd->width); stream_read_UINT16(s, cmd->height); stream_read_UINT32(s, cmd->bitmapDataLength); if(stream_get_left(s) < cmd->bitmapDataLength) return FALSE; pos = stream_get_pos(s) + cmd->bitmapDataLength; cmd->bitmapData = stream_get_tail(s); IFCALL(update->SurfaceBits, update->context, cmd); stream_set_pos(s, pos); *length = 20 + cmd->bitmapDataLength; return TRUE; } static void update_send_frame_acknowledge(rdpRdp* rdp, UINT32 frameId) { STREAM* s; s = rdp_data_pdu_init(rdp); stream_write_UINT32(s, frameId); rdp_send_data_pdu(rdp, s, DATA_PDU_TYPE_FRAME_ACKNOWLEDGE, rdp->mcs->user_id); } static BOOL update_recv_surfcmd_frame_marker(rdpUpdate* update, STREAM* s, UINT32 *length) { SURFACE_FRAME_MARKER* marker = &update->surface_frame_marker; if(stream_get_left(s) < 6) return FALSE; stream_read_UINT16(s, marker->frameAction); stream_read_UINT32(s, marker->frameId); IFCALL(update->SurfaceFrameMarker, update->context, marker); if (update->context->rdp->settings->ReceivedCapabilities[CAPSET_TYPE_FRAME_ACKNOWLEDGE] && update->context->rdp->settings->FrameAcknowledge > 0 && marker->frameAction == SURFACECMD_FRAMEACTION_END) { update_send_frame_acknowledge(update->context->rdp, marker->frameId); } *length = 6; return TRUE; } int update_recv_surfcmds(rdpUpdate* update, UINT32 size, STREAM* s) { BYTE* mark; UINT16 cmdType; UINT32 cmdLength; while (size > 2) { stream_get_mark(s, mark); stream_read_UINT16(s, cmdType); size -= 2; switch (cmdType) { case CMDTYPE_SET_SURFACE_BITS: case CMDTYPE_STREAM_SURFACE_BITS: if (!update_recv_surfcmd_surface_bits(update, s, &cmdLength)) return -1; break; case CMDTYPE_FRAME_MARKER: if (!update_recv_surfcmd_frame_marker(update, s, &cmdLength)) return -1; break; default: DEBUG_WARN("unknown cmdType 0x%X", cmdType); return -1; } size -= cmdLength; if (update->dump_rfx) { pcap_add_record(update->pcap_rfx, mark, cmdLength + 2); pcap_flush(update->pcap_rfx); } } return 0; } void update_write_surfcmd_surface_bits_header(STREAM* s, SURFACE_BITS_COMMAND* cmd) { stream_check_size(s, SURFCMD_SURFACE_BITS_HEADER_LENGTH); stream_write_UINT16(s, CMDTYPE_STREAM_SURFACE_BITS); stream_write_UINT16(s, cmd->destLeft); stream_write_UINT16(s, cmd->destTop); stream_write_UINT16(s, cmd->destRight); stream_write_UINT16(s, cmd->destBottom); stream_write_BYTE(s, cmd->bpp); stream_write_UINT16(s, 0); /* reserved1, reserved2 */ stream_write_BYTE(s, cmd->codecID); stream_write_UINT16(s, cmd->width); stream_write_UINT16(s, cmd->height); stream_write_UINT32(s, cmd->bitmapDataLength); } void update_write_surfcmd_frame_marker(STREAM* s, UINT16 frameAction, UINT32 frameId) { stream_check_size(s, SURFCMD_FRAME_MARKER_LENGTH); stream_write_UINT16(s, CMDTYPE_FRAME_MARKER); stream_write_UINT16(s, frameAction); stream_write_UINT32(s, frameId); }