/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * H.264 Bitmap Compression * * Copyright 2014 Mike McDonald * Copyright 2017 David Fort * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "h264.h" #define TAG FREERDP_TAG("codec") static BOOL avc444_ensure_buffer(H264_CONTEXT* h264, DWORD nDstHeight); BOOL avc420_ensure_buffer(H264_CONTEXT* h264, UINT32 stride, UINT32 width, UINT32 height) { size_t x; BOOL isNull = FALSE; UINT32 pheight = height; if (!h264) return FALSE; if (stride == 0) stride = width; if (stride % 16 != 0) stride += 16 - stride % 16; if (pheight % 16 != 0) pheight += 16 - pheight % 16; for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) { if (!h264->pYUVData[x] || !h264->pOldYUVData[x]) isNull = TRUE; } if (isNull || (width != h264->width) || (height != h264->height) || (stride != h264->iStride[0])) { h264->iStride[0] = stride; h264->iStride[1] = (stride + 1) / 2; h264->iStride[2] = (stride + 1) / 2; h264->width = width; h264->height = height; for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) { BYTE* tmp1 = winpr_aligned_recalloc(h264->pYUVData[x], h264->iStride[x], pheight, 16); BYTE* tmp2 = winpr_aligned_recalloc(h264->pOldYUVData[x], h264->iStride[x], pheight, 16); if (tmp1) h264->pYUVData[x] = tmp1; if (tmp2) h264->pOldYUVData[x] = tmp2; if (!tmp1 || !tmp2) return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } INT32 avc420_decompress(H264_CONTEXT* h264, const BYTE* pSrcData, UINT32 SrcSize, BYTE* pDstData, DWORD DstFormat, UINT32 nDstStep, UINT32 nDstWidth, UINT32 nDstHeight, const RECTANGLE_16* regionRects, UINT32 numRegionRects) { int status; const BYTE* pYUVData[3]; if (!h264 || h264->Compressor) return -1001; status = h264->subsystem->Decompress(h264, pSrcData, SrcSize); if (status == 0) return 1; if (status < 0) return status; pYUVData[0] = h264->pYUVData[0]; pYUVData[1] = h264->pYUVData[1]; pYUVData[2] = h264->pYUVData[2]; if (!yuv420_context_decode(h264->yuv, pYUVData, h264->iStride, h264->height, DstFormat, pDstData, nDstStep, regionRects, numRegionRects)) return -1002; return 1; } static BOOL allocate_h264_metablock(UINT32 QP, RECTANGLE_16* rectangles, RDPGFX_H264_METABLOCK* meta, size_t count) { size_t x; /* [MS-RDPEGFX] RDPGFX_AVC420_QUANT_QUALITY */ if (!meta || (QP > UINT8_MAX)) return FALSE; meta->regionRects = rectangles; if (count == 0) return TRUE; if (count > UINT32_MAX) return FALSE; meta->quantQualityVals = calloc(count, sizeof(RDPGFX_H264_QUANT_QUALITY)); if (!meta->quantQualityVals || !meta->regionRects) return FALSE; meta->numRegionRects = (UINT32)count; for (x = 0; x < count; x++) { RDPGFX_H264_QUANT_QUALITY* cur = &meta->quantQualityVals[x]; cur->qp = (UINT8)QP; /* qpVal bit 6 and 7 are flags, so mask them out here. * qualityVal is [0-100] so 100 - qpVal [0-64] is always in range */ cur->qualityVal = 100 - (QP & 0x3F); } return TRUE; } static INLINE BOOL diff_tile(const RECTANGLE_16* regionRect, BYTE* pYUVData[3], BYTE* pOldYUVData[3], UINT32 const iStride[3]) { size_t size, y; if (!regionRect || !pYUVData || !pOldYUVData || !iStride) return FALSE; size = regionRect->right - regionRect->left; if (regionRect->right > iStride[0]) return FALSE; if (regionRect->right / 2 > iStride[1]) return FALSE; if (regionRect->right / 2 > iStride[2]) return FALSE; for (y = regionRect->top; y < regionRect->bottom; y++) { const BYTE* cur0 = &pYUVData[0][y * iStride[0]]; const BYTE* cur1 = &pYUVData[1][y * iStride[1]]; const BYTE* cur2 = &pYUVData[2][y * iStride[2]]; const BYTE* old0 = &pOldYUVData[0][y * iStride[0]]; const BYTE* old1 = &pOldYUVData[1][y * iStride[1]]; const BYTE* old2 = &pOldYUVData[2][y * iStride[2]]; if (memcmp(&cur0[regionRect->left], &old0[regionRect->left], size) != 0) return TRUE; if (memcmp(&cur1[regionRect->left / 2], &old1[regionRect->left / 2], size / 2) != 0) return TRUE; if (memcmp(&cur2[regionRect->left / 2], &old2[regionRect->left / 2], size / 2) != 0) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static BOOL detect_changes(BOOL firstFrameDone, const UINT32 QP, const RECTANGLE_16* regionRect, BYTE* pYUVData[3], BYTE* pOldYUVData[3], UINT32 const iStride[3], RDPGFX_H264_METABLOCK* meta) { size_t count = 0, wc, hc; RECTANGLE_16* rectangles; if (!regionRect || !pYUVData || !pOldYUVData || !iStride || !meta) return FALSE; wc = (regionRect->right - regionRect->left) / 64 + 1; hc = (regionRect->bottom - regionRect->top) / 64 + 1; rectangles = calloc(wc * hc, sizeof(RECTANGLE_16)); if (!rectangles) return FALSE; if (!firstFrameDone) { rectangles[0] = *regionRect; count = 1; } else { size_t x, y; for (y = regionRect->top; y < regionRect->bottom; y += 64) { for (x = regionRect->left; x < regionRect->right; x += 64) { RECTANGLE_16 rect; rect.left = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, regionRect->left + x); rect.top = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, regionRect->top + y); rect.right = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, MIN(regionRect->left + x + 64, regionRect->right)); rect.bottom = (UINT16)MIN(UINT16_MAX, MIN(regionRect->top + y + 64, regionRect->bottom)); if (diff_tile(&rect, pYUVData, pOldYUVData, iStride)) rectangles[count++] = rect; } } } if (!allocate_h264_metablock(QP, rectangles, meta, count)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } INT32 avc420_compress(H264_CONTEXT* h264, const BYTE* pSrcData, DWORD SrcFormat, UINT32 nSrcStep, UINT32 nSrcWidth, UINT32 nSrcHeight, const RECTANGLE_16* regionRect, BYTE** ppDstData, UINT32* pDstSize, RDPGFX_H264_METABLOCK* meta) { size_t x; INT32 rc = -1; BYTE* pYUVData[3] = { 0 }; const BYTE* pcYUVData[3] = { 0 }; BYTE* pOldYUVData[3] = { 0 }; if (!h264 || !regionRect || !meta || !h264->Compressor) return -1; if (!h264->subsystem->Compress) return -1; if (!avc420_ensure_buffer(h264, nSrcStep, nSrcWidth, nSrcHeight)) return -1; if (h264->encodingBuffer) { for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) { pYUVData[x] = h264->pYUVData[x]; pOldYUVData[x] = h264->pOldYUVData[x]; } } else { for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) { pYUVData[x] = h264->pOldYUVData[x]; pOldYUVData[x] = h264->pYUVData[x]; } } h264->encodingBuffer = !h264->encodingBuffer; if (!yuv420_context_encode(h264->yuv, pSrcData, nSrcStep, SrcFormat, h264->iStride, pYUVData, regionRect, 1)) goto fail; if (!detect_changes(h264->firstLumaFrameDone, h264->QP, regionRect, pYUVData, pOldYUVData, h264->iStride, meta)) goto fail; if (meta->numRegionRects == 0) { rc = 0; goto fail; } for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) pcYUVData[x] = pYUVData[x]; rc = h264->subsystem->Compress(h264, pcYUVData, h264->iStride, ppDstData, pDstSize); if (rc >= 0) h264->firstLumaFrameDone = TRUE; fail: if (rc < 0) free_h264_metablock(meta); return rc; } INT32 avc444_compress(H264_CONTEXT* h264, const BYTE* pSrcData, DWORD SrcFormat, UINT32 nSrcStep, UINT32 nSrcWidth, UINT32 nSrcHeight, BYTE version, const RECTANGLE_16* region, BYTE* op, BYTE** ppDstData, UINT32* pDstSize, BYTE** ppAuxDstData, UINT32* pAuxDstSize, RDPGFX_H264_METABLOCK* meta, RDPGFX_H264_METABLOCK* auxMeta) { int rc = -1; BYTE* coded; UINT32 codedSize; BYTE** pYUV444Data; BYTE** pOldYUV444Data; BYTE** pYUVData; BYTE** pOldYUVData; if (!h264 || !h264->Compressor) return -1; if (!h264->subsystem->Compress) return -1; if (!avc420_ensure_buffer(h264, nSrcStep, nSrcWidth, nSrcHeight)) return -1; if (!avc444_ensure_buffer(h264, nSrcHeight)) return -1; if (h264->encodingBuffer) { pYUV444Data = h264->pOldYUV444Data; pOldYUV444Data = h264->pYUV444Data; pYUVData = h264->pOldYUVData; pOldYUVData = h264->pYUVData; } else { pYUV444Data = h264->pYUV444Data; pOldYUV444Data = h264->pOldYUV444Data; pYUVData = h264->pYUVData; pOldYUVData = h264->pOldYUVData; } h264->encodingBuffer = !h264->encodingBuffer; if (!yuv444_context_encode(h264->yuv, version, pSrcData, nSrcStep, SrcFormat, h264->iStride, pYUV444Data, pYUVData, region, 1)) goto fail; if (!detect_changes(h264->firstLumaFrameDone, h264->QP, region, pYUV444Data, pOldYUV444Data, h264->iStride, meta)) goto fail; if (!detect_changes(h264->firstChromaFrameDone, h264->QP, region, pYUVData, pOldYUVData, h264->iStride, auxMeta)) goto fail; /* [MS-RDPEGFX] RFX_AVC444_BITMAP_STREAM * LC: * 0 ... Luma & Chroma * 1 ... Luma * 2 ... Chroma */ if ((meta->numRegionRects > 0) && (auxMeta->numRegionRects > 0)) *op = 0; else if (meta->numRegionRects > 0) *op = 1; else if (auxMeta->numRegionRects > 0) *op = 2; else { WLog_INFO(TAG, "no changes detected for luma or chroma frame"); rc = 0; goto fail; } if ((*op == 0) || (*op == 1)) { const BYTE* pcYUV444Data[3] = { pYUV444Data[0], pYUV444Data[1], pYUV444Data[2] }; if (h264->subsystem->Compress(h264, pcYUV444Data, h264->iStride, &coded, &codedSize) < 0) goto fail; h264->firstLumaFrameDone = TRUE; memcpy(h264->lumaData, coded, codedSize); *ppDstData = h264->lumaData; *pDstSize = codedSize; } if ((*op == 0) || (*op == 2)) { const BYTE* pcYUVData[3] = { pYUVData[0], pYUVData[1], pYUVData[2] }; if (h264->subsystem->Compress(h264, pcYUVData, h264->iStride, &coded, &codedSize) < 0) goto fail; h264->firstChromaFrameDone = TRUE; *ppAuxDstData = coded; *pAuxDstSize = codedSize; } rc = 1; fail: if (rc < 0) { free_h264_metablock(meta); free_h264_metablock(auxMeta); } return rc; } static BOOL avc444_ensure_buffer(H264_CONTEXT* h264, DWORD nDstHeight) { UINT32 x; const UINT32* piMainStride = h264->iStride; UINT32* piDstSize = h264->iYUV444Size; UINT32* piDstStride = h264->iYUV444Stride; BYTE** ppYUVDstData = h264->pYUV444Data; BYTE** ppOldYUVDstData = h264->pOldYUV444Data; const UINT32 pad = nDstHeight % 16; UINT32 padDstHeight = nDstHeight; /* Need alignment to 16x16 blocks */ if (pad != 0) padDstHeight += 16 - pad; if ((piMainStride[0] != piDstStride[0]) || (piDstSize[0] != piMainStride[0] * padDstHeight)) { for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) { BYTE* tmp1; BYTE* tmp2; piDstStride[x] = piMainStride[0]; piDstSize[x] = piDstStride[x] * padDstHeight; tmp1 = winpr_aligned_recalloc(ppYUVDstData[x], piDstSize[x], 1, 16); if (tmp1) ppYUVDstData[x] = tmp1; tmp2 = winpr_aligned_recalloc(ppOldYUVDstData[x], piDstSize[x], 1, 16); if (tmp2) ppOldYUVDstData[x] = tmp2; if (!tmp1 || !tmp2) goto fail; } { BYTE* tmp = winpr_aligned_recalloc(h264->lumaData, piDstSize[0], 4, 16); if (!tmp) goto fail; h264->lumaData = tmp; } } for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) { if (!ppOldYUVDstData[x] || !ppYUVDstData[x] || (piDstSize[x] == 0) || (piDstStride[x] == 0)) { WLog_Print(h264->log, WLOG_ERROR, "YUV buffer not initialized! check your decoder settings"); goto fail; } } if (!h264->lumaData) goto fail; return TRUE; fail: return FALSE; } static BOOL avc444_process_rects(H264_CONTEXT* h264, const BYTE* pSrcData, UINT32 SrcSize, BYTE* pDstData, UINT32 DstFormat, UINT32 nDstStep, UINT32 nDstWidth, UINT32 nDstHeight, const RECTANGLE_16* rects, UINT32 nrRects, avc444_frame_type type) { const BYTE* pYUVData[3]; BYTE* pYUVDstData[3]; UINT32* piDstStride = h264->iYUV444Stride; BYTE** ppYUVDstData = h264->pYUV444Data; const UINT32* piStride = h264->iStride; if (h264->subsystem->Decompress(h264, pSrcData, SrcSize) < 0) return FALSE; pYUVData[0] = h264->pYUVData[0]; pYUVData[1] = h264->pYUVData[1]; pYUVData[2] = h264->pYUVData[2]; if (!avc444_ensure_buffer(h264, nDstHeight)) return FALSE; pYUVDstData[0] = ppYUVDstData[0]; pYUVDstData[1] = ppYUVDstData[1]; pYUVDstData[2] = ppYUVDstData[2]; if (!yuv444_context_decode(h264->yuv, (BYTE)type, pYUVData, piStride, h264->height, pYUVDstData, piDstStride, DstFormat, pDstData, nDstStep, rects, nrRects)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } #if defined(AVC444_FRAME_STAT) static UINT64 op1 = 0; static double op1sum = 0; static UINT64 op2 = 0; static double op2sum = 0; static UINT64 op3 = 0; static double op3sum = 0; static double avg(UINT64* count, double old, double size) { double tmp = size + *count * old; (*count)++; tmp = tmp / *count; return tmp; } #endif INT32 avc444_decompress(H264_CONTEXT* h264, BYTE op, const RECTANGLE_16* regionRects, UINT32 numRegionRects, const BYTE* pSrcData, UINT32 SrcSize, const RECTANGLE_16* auxRegionRects, UINT32 numAuxRegionRect, const BYTE* pAuxSrcData, UINT32 AuxSrcSize, BYTE* pDstData, DWORD DstFormat, UINT32 nDstStep, UINT32 nDstWidth, UINT32 nDstHeight, UINT32 codecId) { INT32 status = -1; avc444_frame_type chroma = (codecId == RDPGFX_CODECID_AVC444) ? AVC444_CHROMAv1 : AVC444_CHROMAv2; if (!h264 || !regionRects || !pSrcData || !pDstData || h264->Compressor) return -1001; switch (op) { case 0: /* YUV420 in stream 1 * Chroma420 in stream 2 */ if (!avc444_process_rects(h264, pSrcData, SrcSize, pDstData, DstFormat, nDstStep, nDstWidth, nDstHeight, regionRects, numRegionRects, AVC444_LUMA)) status = -1; else if (!avc444_process_rects(h264, pAuxSrcData, AuxSrcSize, pDstData, DstFormat, nDstStep, nDstWidth, nDstHeight, auxRegionRects, numAuxRegionRect, chroma)) status = -1; else status = 0; break; case 2: /* Chroma420 in stream 1 */ if (!avc444_process_rects(h264, pSrcData, SrcSize, pDstData, DstFormat, nDstStep, nDstWidth, nDstHeight, regionRects, numRegionRects, chroma)) status = -1; else status = 0; break; case 1: /* YUV420 in stream 1 */ if (!avc444_process_rects(h264, pSrcData, SrcSize, pDstData, DstFormat, nDstStep, nDstWidth, nDstHeight, regionRects, numRegionRects, AVC444_LUMA)) status = -1; else status = 0; break; default: /* WTF? */ break; } #if defined(AVC444_FRAME_STAT) switch (op) { case 0: op1sum = avg(&op1, op1sum, SrcSize + AuxSrcSize); break; case 1: op2sum = avg(&op2, op2sum, SrcSize); break; case 2: op3sum = avg(&op3, op3sum, SrcSize); break; default: break; } WLog_Print(h264->log, WLOG_INFO, "luma=%" PRIu64 " [avg=%lf] chroma=%" PRIu64 " [avg=%lf] combined=%" PRIu64 " [avg=%lf]", op1, op1sum, op2, op2sum, op3, op3sum); #endif return status; } #define MAX_SUBSYSTEMS 10 static INIT_ONCE subsystems_once = INIT_ONCE_STATIC_INIT; static const H264_CONTEXT_SUBSYSTEM* subSystems[MAX_SUBSYSTEMS] = { 0 }; static BOOL CALLBACK h264_register_subsystems(PINIT_ONCE once, PVOID param, PVOID* context) { int i = 0; #ifdef WITH_MEDIACODEC { subSystems[i] = &g_Subsystem_mediacodec; i++; } #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(WITH_MEDIA_FOUNDATION) { subSystems[i] = &g_Subsystem_MF; i++; } #endif #ifdef WITH_OPENH264 { subSystems[i] = &g_Subsystem_OpenH264; i++; } #endif #ifdef WITH_VIDEO_FFMPEG { subSystems[i] = &g_Subsystem_libavcodec; i++; } #endif return i > 0; } static BOOL h264_context_init(H264_CONTEXT* h264) { int i; if (!h264) return FALSE; h264->log = WLog_Get(TAG); if (!h264->log) return FALSE; h264->subsystem = NULL; InitOnceExecuteOnce(&subsystems_once, h264_register_subsystems, NULL, NULL); for (i = 0; i < MAX_SUBSYSTEMS; i++) { const H264_CONTEXT_SUBSYSTEM* subsystem = subSystems[i]; if (!subsystem || !subsystem->Init) break; if (subsystem->Init(h264)) { h264->subsystem = subsystem; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } BOOL h264_context_reset(H264_CONTEXT* h264, UINT32 width, UINT32 height) { if (!h264) return FALSE; h264->width = width; h264->height = height; return yuv_context_reset(h264->yuv, width, height); } H264_CONTEXT* h264_context_new(BOOL Compressor) { H264_CONTEXT* h264 = (H264_CONTEXT*)calloc(1, sizeof(H264_CONTEXT)); if (!h264) return NULL; h264->Compressor = Compressor; if (Compressor) { /* Default compressor settings, may be changed by caller */ h264->BitRate = 1000000; h264->FrameRate = 30; } if (!h264_context_init(h264)) goto fail; h264->yuv = yuv_context_new(Compressor, 0); if (!h264->yuv) goto fail; return h264; fail: h264_context_free(h264); return NULL; } void h264_context_free(H264_CONTEXT* h264) { if (h264) { size_t x; if (h264->subsystem) h264->subsystem->Uninit(h264); for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) { if (h264->Compressor) { winpr_aligned_free(h264->pYUVData[x]); winpr_aligned_free(h264->pOldYUVData[x]); } winpr_aligned_free(h264->pYUV444Data[x]); winpr_aligned_free(h264->pOldYUV444Data[x]); } winpr_aligned_free(h264->lumaData); yuv_context_free(h264->yuv); free(h264); } } void free_h264_metablock(RDPGFX_H264_METABLOCK* meta) { RDPGFX_H264_METABLOCK m = { 0 }; if (!meta) return; free(meta->quantQualityVals); free(meta->regionRects); *meta = m; } BOOL h264_context_set_option(H264_CONTEXT* h264, H264_CONTEXT_OPTION option, UINT32 value) { WINPR_ASSERT(h264); switch (option) { case H264_CONTEXT_OPTION_BITRATE: h264->BitRate = value; return TRUE; case H264_CONTEXT_OPTION_FRAMERATE: h264->FrameRate = value; return TRUE; case H264_CONTEXT_OPTION_RATECONTROL: h264->RateControlMode = value; return TRUE; case H264_CONTEXT_OPTION_QP: h264->QP = value; return TRUE; default: WLog_Print(h264->log, WLOG_WARN, "Unknown H264_CONTEXT_OPTION[0x%08" PRIx32 "]", option); return FALSE; } } UINT32 h264_context_get_option(H264_CONTEXT* h264, H264_CONTEXT_OPTION option) { WINPR_ASSERT(h264); switch (option) { case H264_CONTEXT_OPTION_BITRATE: return h264->BitRate; case H264_CONTEXT_OPTION_FRAMERATE: return h264->FrameRate; case H264_CONTEXT_OPTION_RATECONTROL: return h264->RateControlMode; case H264_CONTEXT_OPTION_QP: return h264->QP; default: WLog_Print(h264->log, WLOG_WARN, "Unknown H264_CONTEXT_OPTION[0x%08" PRIx32 "]", option); return 0; } }