/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * Serial Port Device Service Virtual Channel * * Copyright 2011 O.S. Systems Software Ltda. * Copyright 2011 Eduardo Fiss Beloni * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MODEM_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_FILIO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STRTIO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include "serial_tty.h" #include "serial_constants.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct _SERIAL_DEVICE SERIAL_DEVICE; struct _SERIAL_DEVICE { DEVICE device; char* path; SERIAL_TTY* tty; HANDLE thread; HANDLE stopEvent; wQueue* queue; LIST* pending_irps; fd_set read_fds; fd_set write_fds; UINT32 nfds; struct timeval tv; UINT32 select_timeout; UINT32 timeout_id; }; static void serial_abort_single_io(SERIAL_DEVICE* serial, UINT32 file_id, UINT32 abort_io, UINT32 io_status); static void serial_check_for_events(SERIAL_DEVICE* serial); static void serial_handle_async_irp(SERIAL_DEVICE* serial, IRP* irp); static BOOL serial_check_fds(SERIAL_DEVICE* serial); static void serial_process_irp_create(SERIAL_DEVICE* serial, IRP* irp) { char* path = NULL; int status; SERIAL_TTY* tty; UINT32 PathLength; UINT32 FileId; Stream_Seek(irp->input, 28); /* DesiredAccess(4) AllocationSize(8), FileAttributes(4) */ /* SharedAccess(4) CreateDisposition(4), CreateOptions(4) */ Stream_Read_UINT32(irp->input, PathLength); status = ConvertFromUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, (WCHAR*) Stream_Pointer(irp->input), PathLength / 2, &path, 0, NULL, NULL); if (status < 1) path = (char*) calloc(1, 1); FileId = irp->devman->id_sequence++; tty = serial_tty_new(serial->path, FileId); if (tty == NULL) { irp->IoStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; FileId = 0; DEBUG_WARN("failed to create %s", path); } else { serial->tty = tty; DEBUG_SVC("%s(%d) created.", serial->path, FileId); } Stream_Write_UINT32(irp->output, FileId); Stream_Write_UINT8(irp->output, 0); free(path); irp->Complete(irp); } static void serial_process_irp_close(SERIAL_DEVICE* serial, IRP* irp) { SERIAL_TTY* tty; tty = serial->tty; if (tty == NULL) { irp->IoStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; DEBUG_WARN("tty not valid."); } else { DEBUG_SVC("%s(%d) closed.", serial->path, tty->id); serial_tty_free(tty); serial->tty = NULL; } Stream_Zero(irp->output, 5); /* Padding(5) */ irp->Complete(irp); } static void serial_process_irp_read(SERIAL_DEVICE* serial, IRP* irp) { SERIAL_TTY* tty; UINT32 Length; UINT64 Offset; BYTE* buffer = NULL; Stream_Read_UINT32(irp->input, Length); Stream_Read_UINT64(irp->input, Offset); DEBUG_SVC("length %u offset %llu", Length, Offset); tty = serial->tty; if (tty == NULL) { irp->IoStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; Length = 0; DEBUG_WARN("tty not valid."); } else { buffer = (BYTE*) malloc(Length); if (!serial_tty_read(tty, buffer, &Length)) { irp->IoStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; free(buffer); buffer = NULL; Length = 0; DEBUG_WARN("read %s(%d) failed.", serial->path, tty->id); } else { DEBUG_SVC("read %llu-%llu from %d", Offset, Offset + Length, tty->id); } } Stream_Write_UINT32(irp->output, Length); if (Length > 0) { Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(irp->output, Length); Stream_Write(irp->output, buffer, Length); } free(buffer); irp->Complete(irp); } static void serial_process_irp_write(SERIAL_DEVICE* serial, IRP* irp) { SERIAL_TTY* tty; UINT32 Length; UINT64 Offset; Stream_Read_UINT32(irp->input, Length); Stream_Read_UINT64(irp->input, Offset); Stream_Seek(irp->input, 20); /* Padding */ DEBUG_SVC("length %u offset %llu", Length, Offset); tty = serial->tty; if (tty == NULL) { irp->IoStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; Length = 0; DEBUG_WARN("tty not valid."); } else if (!serial_tty_write(tty, Stream_Pointer(irp->input), Length)) { irp->IoStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; Length = 0; DEBUG_WARN("write %s(%d) failed.", serial->path, tty->id); } else { DEBUG_SVC("write %llu-%llu to %s(%d).", Offset, Offset + Length, serial->path, tty->id); } Stream_Write_UINT32(irp->output, Length); Stream_Write_UINT8(irp->output, 0); /* Padding */ irp->Complete(irp); } static void serial_process_irp_device_control(SERIAL_DEVICE* serial, IRP* irp) { SERIAL_TTY* tty; UINT32 IoControlCode; UINT32 InputBufferLength; UINT32 OutputBufferLength; UINT32 abort_io = SERIAL_ABORT_IO_NONE; DEBUG_SVC("[in] pending size %d", list_size(serial->pending_irps)); Stream_Read_UINT32(irp->input, InputBufferLength); Stream_Read_UINT32(irp->input, OutputBufferLength); Stream_Read_UINT32(irp->input, IoControlCode); Stream_Seek(irp->input, 20); /* Padding */ tty = serial->tty; if (!tty) { irp->IoStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; OutputBufferLength = 0; DEBUG_WARN("tty not valid."); } else { irp->IoStatus = serial_tty_control(tty, IoControlCode, irp->input, irp->output, &abort_io); } if (abort_io & SERIAL_ABORT_IO_WRITE) serial_abort_single_io(serial, tty->id, SERIAL_ABORT_IO_WRITE, STATUS_CANCELLED); if (abort_io & SERIAL_ABORT_IO_READ) serial_abort_single_io(serial, tty->id, SERIAL_ABORT_IO_READ, STATUS_CANCELLED); if (irp->IoStatus == STATUS_PENDING) list_enqueue(serial->pending_irps, irp); else irp->Complete(irp); } static void serial_process_irp(SERIAL_DEVICE* serial, IRP* irp) { DEBUG_SVC("MajorFunction %u", irp->MajorFunction); switch (irp->MajorFunction) { case IRP_MJ_CREATE: serial_process_irp_create(serial, irp); break; case IRP_MJ_CLOSE: serial_process_irp_close(serial, irp); break; case IRP_MJ_READ: serial_handle_async_irp(serial, irp); //serial_process_irp_read(serial, irp); break; case IRP_MJ_WRITE: serial_handle_async_irp(serial, irp); //serial_process_irp_write(serial, irp); break; case IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL: serial_process_irp_device_control(serial, irp); break; default: DEBUG_WARN("MajorFunction 0x%X not supported", irp->MajorFunction); irp->IoStatus = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; irp->Complete(irp); break; } serial_check_for_events(serial); } static void* serial_thread_func(void* arg) { IRP* irp; DWORD status; SERIAL_DEVICE* serial = (SERIAL_DEVICE*)arg; HANDLE ev[] = {serial->stopEvent, Queue_Event(serial->queue)}; while (1) { status = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, ev, FALSE, 1); if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == status) break; serial->nfds = 1; FD_ZERO(&serial->read_fds); FD_ZERO(&serial->write_fds); serial->tv.tv_sec = 0; serial->tv.tv_usec = 0; serial->select_timeout = 0; if (status == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) { if ((irp = (IRP*) Queue_Dequeue(serial->queue))) serial_process_irp(serial, irp); continue; } serial_check_fds(serial); } return NULL; } static void serial_irp_request(DEVICE* device, IRP* irp) { SERIAL_DEVICE* serial = (SERIAL_DEVICE*) device; Queue_Enqueue(serial->queue, irp); } static void serial_free(DEVICE* device) { SERIAL_DEVICE* serial = (SERIAL_DEVICE*) device; DEBUG_SVC("freeing device"); /* Stop thread */ SetEvent(serial->stopEvent); WaitForSingleObject(serial->thread, INFINITE); serial_tty_free(serial->tty); /* Clean up resources */ Stream_Free(serial->device.data, TRUE); Queue_Free(serial->queue); list_free(serial->pending_irps); CloseHandle(serial->stopEvent); CloseHandle(serial->thread); free(serial); } static void serial_abort_single_io(SERIAL_DEVICE* serial, UINT32 file_id, UINT32 abort_io, UINT32 io_status) { UINT32 major; IRP* irp = NULL; SERIAL_TTY* tty; DEBUG_SVC("[in] pending size %d", list_size(serial->pending_irps)); tty = serial->tty; if(!tty) { DEBUG_WARN("tty = %p", tty); return; } switch (abort_io) { case SERIAL_ABORT_IO_NONE: major = 0; break; case SERIAL_ABORT_IO_READ: major = IRP_MJ_READ; break; case SERIAL_ABORT_IO_WRITE: major = IRP_MJ_WRITE; break; default: DEBUG_SVC("unexpected abort_io code %d", abort_io); return; } irp = (IRP*) list_peek(serial->pending_irps); while (irp) { if (irp->FileId != file_id || irp->MajorFunction != major) { irp = (IRP*) list_next(serial->pending_irps, irp); continue; } /* Process a SINGLE FileId and MajorFunction */ list_remove(serial->pending_irps, irp); irp->IoStatus = io_status; Stream_Write_UINT32(irp->output, 0); irp->Complete(irp); break; } DEBUG_SVC("[out] pending size %d", list_size(serial->pending_irps)); } static void serial_check_for_events(SERIAL_DEVICE* serial) { IRP* irp = NULL; IRP* prev; UINT32 result = 0; SERIAL_TTY* tty; tty = serial->tty; if(!tty) { DEBUG_WARN("tty = %p", tty); return; } DEBUG_SVC("[in] pending size %d", list_size(serial->pending_irps)); irp = (IRP*) list_peek(serial->pending_irps); while (irp) { prev = NULL; if (irp->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL) { if (serial_tty_get_event(tty, &result)) { DEBUG_SVC("got event result %u", result); irp->IoStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; Stream_Write_UINT32(irp->output, result); irp->Complete(irp); prev = irp; irp = (IRP*) list_next(serial->pending_irps, irp); list_remove(serial->pending_irps, prev); } } if (!prev) irp = (IRP*) list_next(serial->pending_irps, irp); } DEBUG_SVC("[out] pending size %d", list_size(serial->pending_irps)); } void serial_get_timeouts(SERIAL_DEVICE* serial, IRP* irp, UINT32* timeout, UINT32* interval_timeout) { SERIAL_TTY* tty; UINT32 Length; UINT32 pos; pos = Stream_GetPosition(irp->input); Stream_Read_UINT32(irp->input, Length); Stream_SetPosition(irp->input, pos); DEBUG_SVC("length read %u", Length); tty = serial->tty; if(!tty) { DEBUG_WARN("tty = %p", tty); return; } *timeout = (tty->read_total_timeout_multiplier * Length) + tty->read_total_timeout_constant; *interval_timeout = tty->read_interval_timeout; DEBUG_SVC("timeouts %u %u", *timeout, *interval_timeout); } static void serial_handle_async_irp(SERIAL_DEVICE* serial, IRP* irp) { UINT32 timeout = 0; UINT32 itv_timeout = 0; SERIAL_TTY* tty; tty = serial->tty; if(!tty) { DEBUG_WARN("tty = %p", tty); return; } switch (irp->MajorFunction) { case IRP_MJ_WRITE: DEBUG_SVC("handling IRP_MJ_WRITE"); break; case IRP_MJ_READ: DEBUG_SVC("handling IRP_MJ_READ"); serial_get_timeouts(serial, irp, &timeout, &itv_timeout); /* Check if io request timeout is smaller than current (but not 0). */ if (timeout && ((serial->select_timeout == 0) || (timeout < serial->select_timeout))) { serial->select_timeout = timeout; serial->tv.tv_sec = serial->select_timeout / 1000; serial->tv.tv_usec = (serial->select_timeout % 1000) * 1000; serial->timeout_id = tty->id; } if (itv_timeout && ((serial->select_timeout == 0) || (itv_timeout < serial->select_timeout))) { serial->select_timeout = itv_timeout; serial->tv.tv_sec = serial->select_timeout / 1000; serial->tv.tv_usec = (serial->select_timeout % 1000) * 1000; serial->timeout_id = tty->id; } DEBUG_SVC("select_timeout %u, tv_sec %lu tv_usec %lu, timeout_id %u", serial->select_timeout, serial->tv.tv_sec, serial->tv.tv_usec, serial->timeout_id); break; default: DEBUG_SVC("no need to handle %d", irp->MajorFunction); return; } irp->IoStatus = STATUS_PENDING; list_enqueue(serial->pending_irps, irp); } static void __serial_check_fds(SERIAL_DEVICE* serial) { IRP* irp; IRP* prev; SERIAL_TTY* tty; UINT32 result = 0; BOOL irp_completed = FALSE; ZeroMemory(&serial->tv, sizeof(struct timeval)); tty = serial->tty; if(!tty) { DEBUG_WARN("tty = %p", tty); return; } /* scan every pending */ irp = list_peek(serial->pending_irps); while (irp) { DEBUG_SVC("MajorFunction %u", irp->MajorFunction); switch (irp->MajorFunction) { case IRP_MJ_READ: if (FD_ISSET(tty->fd, &serial->read_fds)) { irp->IoStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; serial_process_irp_read(serial, irp); irp_completed = TRUE; } break; case IRP_MJ_WRITE: if (FD_ISSET(tty->fd, &serial->write_fds)) { irp->IoStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; serial_process_irp_write(serial, irp); irp_completed = TRUE; } break; case IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL: if (serial_tty_get_event(tty, &result)) { DEBUG_SVC("got event result %u", result); irp->IoStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; Stream_Write_UINT32(irp->output, result); irp->Complete(irp); irp_completed = TRUE; } break; default: DEBUG_SVC("no request found"); break; } prev = irp; irp = (IRP*) list_next(serial->pending_irps, irp); if (irp_completed || (prev->IoStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS)) list_remove(serial->pending_irps, prev); } } static void serial_set_fds(SERIAL_DEVICE* serial) { IRP* irp; fd_set* fds; SERIAL_TTY* tty; DEBUG_SVC("[in] pending size %d", list_size(serial->pending_irps)); tty = serial->tty; if(!tty) { DEBUG_WARN("tty = %p", tty); return; } irp = (IRP*) list_peek(serial->pending_irps); while (irp) { fds = NULL; switch (irp->MajorFunction) { case IRP_MJ_WRITE: fds = &serial->write_fds; break; case IRP_MJ_READ: fds = &serial->read_fds; break; } if (fds && (tty->fd >= 0)) { FD_SET(tty->fd, fds); serial->nfds = MAX(serial->nfds, tty->fd); } irp = (IRP*) list_next(serial->pending_irps, irp); } } static BOOL serial_check_fds(SERIAL_DEVICE* serial) { if (list_size(serial->pending_irps) == 0) return 1; serial_set_fds(serial); DEBUG_SVC("waiting %lu %lu", serial->tv.tv_sec, serial->tv.tv_usec); switch (select(serial->nfds + 1, &serial->read_fds, &serial->write_fds, NULL, &serial->tv)) { case -1: DEBUG_SVC("select has returned -1 with error: %s", strerror(errno)); return 0; case 0: if (serial->select_timeout) { __serial_check_fds(serial); serial_abort_single_io(serial, serial->timeout_id, SERIAL_ABORT_IO_NONE, STATUS_TIMEOUT); serial_abort_single_io(serial, serial->timeout_id, SERIAL_ABORT_IO_READ, STATUS_TIMEOUT); serial_abort_single_io(serial, serial->timeout_id, SERIAL_ABORT_IO_WRITE, STATUS_TIMEOUT); } DEBUG_SVC("select has timed out"); return 0; default: break; } __serial_check_fds(serial); return 1; } #ifdef STATIC_CHANNELS #define DeviceServiceEntry serial_DeviceServiceEntry #endif int DeviceServiceEntry(PDEVICE_SERVICE_ENTRY_POINTS pEntryPoints) { int i, len; char* name; char* path; RDPDR_SERIAL* device; SERIAL_DEVICE* serial; device = (RDPDR_SERIAL*) pEntryPoints->device; name = device->Name; path = device->Path; if ((name && name[0]) && (path && path[0])) { serial = (SERIAL_DEVICE*) malloc(sizeof(SERIAL_DEVICE)); ZeroMemory(serial, sizeof(SERIAL_DEVICE)); serial->device.type = RDPDR_DTYP_SERIAL; serial->device.name = name; serial->device.IRPRequest = serial_irp_request; serial->device.Free = serial_free; len = strlen(name); serial->device.data = Stream_New(NULL, len + 1); for (i = 0; i <= len; i++) Stream_Write_UINT8(serial->device.data, name[i] < 0 ? '_' : name[i]); serial->path = path; serial->queue = Queue_New(TRUE, -1, -1); serial->pending_irps = list_new(); serial->stopEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); pEntryPoints->RegisterDevice(pEntryPoints->devman, (DEVICE*) serial); serial->thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) serial_thread_func, (void*) serial, 0, NULL); } return 0; }