/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * Video Redirection Virtual Channel * * Copyright 2010-2011 Vic Lee * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tsmf_types.h" #include "tsmf_constants.h" #include "tsmf_ifman.h" #include "tsmf_media.h" #include "tsmf_main.h" typedef struct _TSMF_LISTENER_CALLBACK TSMF_LISTENER_CALLBACK; typedef struct _TSMF_CHANNEL_CALLBACK TSMF_CHANNEL_CALLBACK; typedef struct _TSMF_PLUGIN TSMF_PLUGIN; struct _TSMF_LISTENER_CALLBACK { IWTSListenerCallback iface; IWTSPlugin *plugin; IWTSVirtualChannelManager *channel_mgr; }; struct _TSMF_CHANNEL_CALLBACK { IWTSVirtualChannelCallback iface; IWTSPlugin *plugin; IWTSVirtualChannelManager *channel_mgr; IWTSVirtualChannel *channel; BYTE presentation_id[GUID_SIZE]; UINT32 stream_id; }; struct _TSMF_PLUGIN { IWTSPlugin iface; TSMF_LISTENER_CALLBACK *listener_callback; const char *decoder_name; const char *audio_name; const char *audio_device; }; void tsmf_playback_ack(IWTSVirtualChannelCallback *pChannelCallback, UINT32 message_id, UINT64 duration, UINT32 data_size) { wStream *s; int status = -1; TSMF_CHANNEL_CALLBACK *callback = (TSMF_CHANNEL_CALLBACK *) pChannelCallback; s = Stream_New(NULL, 32); Stream_Write_UINT32(s, TSMF_INTERFACE_CLIENT_NOTIFICATIONS | STREAM_ID_PROXY); Stream_Write_UINT32(s, message_id); Stream_Write_UINT32(s, PLAYBACK_ACK); /* FunctionId */ Stream_Write_UINT32(s, callback->stream_id); /* StreamId */ Stream_Write_UINT64(s, duration); /* DataDuration */ Stream_Write_UINT64(s, data_size); /* cbData */ DEBUG_TSMF("response size %d", (int) Stream_GetPosition(s)); if(!callback || !callback->channel || !callback->channel->Write) DEBUG_WARN("callback=%p, channel=%p, write=%p", callback, callback->channel, callback->channel->Write); else status = callback->channel->Write(callback->channel, Stream_GetPosition(s), Stream_Buffer(s), NULL); if(status) { DEBUG_WARN("response error %d", status); } Stream_Free(s, TRUE); } BOOL tsmf_push_event(IWTSVirtualChannelCallback *pChannelCallback, wMessage *event) { int status; TSMF_CHANNEL_CALLBACK *callback = (TSMF_CHANNEL_CALLBACK *) pChannelCallback; status = callback->channel_mgr->PushEvent(callback->channel_mgr, event); if(status) { DEBUG_WARN("response error %d", status); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static int tsmf_on_data_received(IWTSVirtualChannelCallback* pChannelCallback, wStream *data) { int length; wStream *input; wStream *output; int status = -1; TSMF_IFMAN ifman; UINT32 MessageId; UINT32 FunctionId; UINT32 InterfaceId; TSMF_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback = (TSMF_CHANNEL_CALLBACK*) pChannelCallback; UINT32 cbSize = Stream_GetRemainingLength(data); /* 2.2.1 Shared Message Header (SHARED_MSG_HEADER) */ if(cbSize < 12) { DEBUG_WARN("invalid size. cbSize=%d", cbSize); return 1; } input = data; output = Stream_New(NULL, 256); Stream_Seek(output, 8); Stream_Read_UINT32(input, InterfaceId); Stream_Read_UINT32(input, MessageId); Stream_Read_UINT32(input, FunctionId); DEBUG_TSMF("cbSize=%d InterfaceId=0x%X MessageId=0x%X FunctionId=0x%X", cbSize, InterfaceId, MessageId, FunctionId); memset(&ifman, 0, sizeof(TSMF_IFMAN)); ifman.channel_callback = pChannelCallback; ifman.decoder_name = ((TSMF_PLUGIN *) callback->plugin)->decoder_name; ifman.audio_name = ((TSMF_PLUGIN *) callback->plugin)->audio_name; ifman.audio_device = ((TSMF_PLUGIN *) callback->plugin)->audio_device; memcpy(ifman.presentation_id, callback->presentation_id, GUID_SIZE); ifman.stream_id = callback->stream_id; ifman.message_id = MessageId; ifman.input = input; ifman.input_size = cbSize - 12; ifman.output = output; ifman.output_pending = FALSE; ifman.output_interface_id = InterfaceId; switch(InterfaceId) { case TSMF_INTERFACE_CAPABILITIES | STREAM_ID_NONE: switch(FunctionId) { case RIM_EXCHANGE_CAPABILITY_REQUEST: status = tsmf_ifman_rim_exchange_capability_request(&ifman); break; default: break; } break; case TSMF_INTERFACE_DEFAULT | STREAM_ID_PROXY: switch(FunctionId) { case SET_CHANNEL_PARAMS: memcpy(callback->presentation_id, Stream_Pointer(input), GUID_SIZE); Stream_Seek(input, GUID_SIZE); Stream_Read_UINT32(input, callback->stream_id); DEBUG_TSMF("SET_CHANNEL_PARAMS StreamId=%d", callback->stream_id); ifman.output_pending = TRUE; status = 0; break; case EXCHANGE_CAPABILITIES_REQ: status = tsmf_ifman_exchange_capability_request(&ifman); break; case CHECK_FORMAT_SUPPORT_REQ: status = tsmf_ifman_check_format_support_request(&ifman); break; case ON_NEW_PRESENTATION: status = tsmf_ifman_on_new_presentation(&ifman); break; case ADD_STREAM: status = tsmf_ifman_add_stream(&ifman); break; case SET_TOPOLOGY_REQ: status = tsmf_ifman_set_topology_request(&ifman); break; case REMOVE_STREAM: status = tsmf_ifman_remove_stream(&ifman); break; case SET_SOURCE_VIDEO_RECT: status = tsmf_ifman_set_source_video_rect(&ifman); break; case SHUTDOWN_PRESENTATION_REQ: status = tsmf_ifman_shutdown_presentation(&ifman); break; case ON_STREAM_VOLUME: status = tsmf_ifman_on_stream_volume(&ifman); break; case ON_CHANNEL_VOLUME: status = tsmf_ifman_on_channel_volume(&ifman); break; case SET_VIDEO_WINDOW: status = tsmf_ifman_set_video_window(&ifman); break; case UPDATE_GEOMETRY_INFO: status = tsmf_ifman_update_geometry_info(&ifman); break; case SET_ALLOCATOR: status = tsmf_ifman_set_allocator(&ifman); break; case NOTIFY_PREROLL: status = tsmf_ifman_notify_preroll(&ifman); break; case ON_SAMPLE: status = tsmf_ifman_on_sample(&ifman); break; case ON_FLUSH: status = tsmf_ifman_on_flush(&ifman); break; case ON_END_OF_STREAM: status = tsmf_ifman_on_end_of_stream(&ifman); break; case ON_PLAYBACK_STARTED: status = tsmf_ifman_on_playback_started(&ifman); break; case ON_PLAYBACK_PAUSED: status = tsmf_ifman_on_playback_paused(&ifman); break; case ON_PLAYBACK_RESTARTED: status = tsmf_ifman_on_playback_restarted(&ifman); break; case ON_PLAYBACK_STOPPED: status = tsmf_ifman_on_playback_stopped(&ifman); break; case ON_PLAYBACK_RATE_CHANGED: status = tsmf_ifman_on_playback_rate_changed(&ifman); break; default: break; } break; default: break; } input = NULL; ifman.input = NULL; if(status == -1) { switch(FunctionId) { case RIMCALL_RELEASE: /* [MS-RDPEXPS] Interface Release (IFACE_RELEASE) This message does not require a reply. */ status = 0; ifman.output_pending = 1; break; case RIMCALL_QUERYINTERFACE: /* [MS-RDPEXPS] Query Interface Response (QI_RSP) This message is not supported in this channel. */ status = 0; break; } if(status == -1) { DEBUG_WARN("InterfaceId 0x%X FunctionId 0x%X not processed.", InterfaceId, FunctionId); /* When a request is not implemented we return empty response indicating error */ } status = 0; } if(status == 0 && !ifman.output_pending) { /* Response packet does not have FunctionId */ length = Stream_GetPosition(output); Stream_SetPosition(output, 0); Stream_Write_UINT32(output, ifman.output_interface_id); Stream_Write_UINT32(output, MessageId); DEBUG_TSMF("response size %d", length); status = callback->channel->Write(callback->channel, length, Stream_Buffer(output), NULL); if(status) { DEBUG_WARN("response error %d", status); } } Stream_Free(output, TRUE); return status; } static int tsmf_on_close(IWTSVirtualChannelCallback *pChannelCallback) { TSMF_STREAM *stream; TSMF_PRESENTATION *presentation; TSMF_CHANNEL_CALLBACK *callback = (TSMF_CHANNEL_CALLBACK *) pChannelCallback; DEBUG_TSMF(""); if(callback->stream_id) { presentation = tsmf_presentation_find_by_id(callback->presentation_id); if(presentation) { stream = tsmf_stream_find_by_id(presentation, callback->stream_id); if(stream) tsmf_stream_free(stream); } } free(pChannelCallback); return 0; } static int tsmf_on_new_channel_connection(IWTSListenerCallback *pListenerCallback, IWTSVirtualChannel *pChannel, BYTE *Data, int *pbAccept, IWTSVirtualChannelCallback **ppCallback) { TSMF_CHANNEL_CALLBACK *callback; TSMF_LISTENER_CALLBACK *listener_callback = (TSMF_LISTENER_CALLBACK *) pListenerCallback; DEBUG_TSMF(""); callback = (TSMF_CHANNEL_CALLBACK *) malloc(sizeof(TSMF_CHANNEL_CALLBACK)); ZeroMemory(callback, sizeof(TSMF_CHANNEL_CALLBACK)); callback->iface.OnDataReceived = tsmf_on_data_received; callback->iface.OnClose = tsmf_on_close; callback->iface.OnOpen = NULL; callback->plugin = listener_callback->plugin; callback->channel_mgr = listener_callback->channel_mgr; callback->channel = pChannel; *ppCallback = (IWTSVirtualChannelCallback *) callback; return 0; } static int tsmf_plugin_initialize(IWTSPlugin *pPlugin, IWTSVirtualChannelManager *pChannelMgr) { TSMF_PLUGIN *tsmf = (TSMF_PLUGIN *) pPlugin; DEBUG_TSMF(""); tsmf->listener_callback = (TSMF_LISTENER_CALLBACK *) malloc(sizeof(TSMF_LISTENER_CALLBACK)); ZeroMemory(tsmf->listener_callback, sizeof(TSMF_LISTENER_CALLBACK)); tsmf->listener_callback->iface.OnNewChannelConnection = tsmf_on_new_channel_connection; tsmf->listener_callback->plugin = pPlugin; tsmf->listener_callback->channel_mgr = pChannelMgr; return pChannelMgr->CreateListener(pChannelMgr, "TSMF", 0, (IWTSListenerCallback *) tsmf->listener_callback, NULL); } static int tsmf_plugin_terminated(IWTSPlugin *pPlugin) { TSMF_PLUGIN *tsmf = (TSMF_PLUGIN *) pPlugin; DEBUG_TSMF(""); if(tsmf->listener_callback) free(tsmf->listener_callback); free(tsmf); return 0; } COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENT_A tsmf_args[] = { { "audio", COMMAND_LINE_VALUE_REQUIRED, "", NULL, NULL, -1, NULL, "audio subsystem" }, { "audio-dev", COMMAND_LINE_VALUE_REQUIRED, "", NULL, NULL, -1, NULL, "audio device name" }, { "decoder", COMMAND_LINE_VALUE_REQUIRED, "", NULL, NULL, -1, NULL, "decoder subsystem" }, { NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, NULL, NULL } }; static void tsmf_process_addin_args(IWTSPlugin *pPlugin, ADDIN_ARGV *args) { int status; DWORD flags; COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENT_A *arg; TSMF_PLUGIN *tsmf = (TSMF_PLUGIN *) pPlugin; flags = COMMAND_LINE_SIGIL_NONE | COMMAND_LINE_SEPARATOR_COLON; status = CommandLineParseArgumentsA(args->argc, (const char **) args->argv, tsmf_args, flags, tsmf, NULL, NULL); arg = tsmf_args; do { if(!(arg->Flags & COMMAND_LINE_VALUE_PRESENT)) continue; CommandLineSwitchStart(arg) CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "audio") { tsmf->audio_name = _strdup(arg->Value); } CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "audio-dev") { tsmf->audio_device = _strdup(arg->Value); } CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "decoder") { tsmf->decoder_name = _strdup(arg->Value); } CommandLineSwitchDefault(arg) { } CommandLineSwitchEnd(arg) } while((arg = CommandLineFindNextArgumentA(arg)) != NULL); } #ifdef STATIC_CHANNELS #define DVCPluginEntry tsmf_DVCPluginEntry #endif int DVCPluginEntry(IDRDYNVC_ENTRY_POINTS *pEntryPoints) { int status = 0; TSMF_PLUGIN *tsmf; tsmf = (TSMF_PLUGIN *) pEntryPoints->GetPlugin(pEntryPoints, "tsmf"); if(tsmf == NULL) { tsmf = (TSMF_PLUGIN *) malloc(sizeof(TSMF_PLUGIN)); ZeroMemory(tsmf, sizeof(TSMF_PLUGIN)); tsmf->iface.Initialize = tsmf_plugin_initialize; tsmf->iface.Connected = NULL; tsmf->iface.Disconnected = NULL; tsmf->iface.Terminated = tsmf_plugin_terminated; status = pEntryPoints->RegisterPlugin(pEntryPoints, "tsmf", (IWTSPlugin *) tsmf); tsmf_media_init(); } if(status == 0) { tsmf_process_addin_args((IWTSPlugin *) tsmf, pEntryPoints->GetPluginData(pEntryPoints)); } return status; }