/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * Windows Client * * Copyright 2009-2011 Jay Sorg * Copyright 2010-2011 Vic Lee * Copyright 2010-2011 Marc-Andre Moreau * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "wf_gdi.h" #include "wf_rail.h" #include "wf_channels.h" #include "wf_graphics.h" #include "wf_cliprdr.h" #include "wf_client.h" #include "resource.h" #define TAG CLIENT_TAG("windows") static int wf_create_console(void) { if (!AllocConsole()) return 1; freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stdout); freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stderr); WLog_INFO(TAG, "Debug console created."); return 0; } static BOOL wf_end_paint(rdpContext* context) { int i; rdpGdi* gdi; int ninvalid; RECT updateRect; HGDI_RGN cinvalid; REGION16 invalidRegion; RECTANGLE_16 invalidRect; const RECTANGLE_16* extents; wfContext* wfc = (wfContext*)context; gdi = context->gdi; ninvalid = gdi->primary->hdc->hwnd->ninvalid; cinvalid = gdi->primary->hdc->hwnd->cinvalid; if (ninvalid < 1) return TRUE; region16_init(&invalidRegion); for (i = 0; i < ninvalid; i++) { invalidRect.left = cinvalid[i].x; invalidRect.top = cinvalid[i].y; invalidRect.right = cinvalid[i].x + cinvalid[i].w; invalidRect.bottom = cinvalid[i].y + cinvalid[i].h; region16_union_rect(&invalidRegion, &invalidRegion, &invalidRect); } if (!region16_is_empty(&invalidRegion)) { extents = region16_extents(&invalidRegion); updateRect.left = extents->left; updateRect.top = extents->top; updateRect.right = extents->right; updateRect.bottom = extents->bottom; InvalidateRect(wfc->hwnd, &updateRect, FALSE); if (wfc->rail) wf_rail_invalidate_region(wfc, &invalidRegion); } region16_uninit(&invalidRegion); return TRUE; } static BOOL wf_begin_paint(rdpContext* context) { HGDI_DC hdc; if (!context || !context->gdi || !context->gdi->primary || !context->gdi->primary->hdc) return FALSE; hdc = context->gdi->primary->hdc; if (!hdc || !hdc->hwnd || !hdc->hwnd->invalid) return FALSE; hdc->hwnd->invalid->null = TRUE; hdc->hwnd->ninvalid = 0; return TRUE; } static BOOL wf_desktop_resize(rdpContext* context) { BOOL same; RECT rect; rdpSettings* settings; wfContext* wfc = (wfContext*)context; if (!context || !context->settings) return FALSE; settings = context->settings; if (wfc->primary) { same = (wfc->primary == wfc->drawing) ? TRUE : FALSE; wf_image_free(wfc->primary); wfc->primary = wf_image_new(wfc, settings->DesktopWidth, settings->DesktopHeight, context->gdi->dstFormat, NULL); } if (!gdi_resize_ex(context->gdi, settings->DesktopWidth, settings->DesktopHeight, 0, context->gdi->dstFormat, wfc->primary->pdata, NULL)) return FALSE; if (same) wfc->drawing = wfc->primary; if (wfc->fullscreen != TRUE) { if (wfc->hwnd) SetWindowPos(wfc->hwnd, HWND_TOP, -1, -1, settings->DesktopWidth + wfc->diff.x, settings->DesktopHeight + wfc->diff.y, SWP_NOMOVE); } else { wf_update_offset(wfc); GetWindowRect(wfc->hwnd, &rect); InvalidateRect(wfc->hwnd, &rect, TRUE); } return TRUE; } static BOOL wf_pre_connect(freerdp* instance) { wfContext* wfc; int desktopWidth; int desktopHeight; rdpContext* context; rdpSettings* settings; if (!instance || !instance->context || !instance->settings) return FALSE; context = instance->context; wfc = (wfContext*) instance->context; settings = instance->settings; settings->OsMajorType = OSMAJORTYPE_WINDOWS; settings->OsMinorType = OSMINORTYPE_WINDOWS_NT; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_DSTBLT_INDEX] = TRUE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_PATBLT_INDEX] = TRUE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_SCRBLT_INDEX] = TRUE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_OPAQUE_RECT_INDEX] = TRUE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_DRAWNINEGRID_INDEX] = FALSE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_MULTIDSTBLT_INDEX] = FALSE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_MULTIPATBLT_INDEX] = FALSE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_MULTISCRBLT_INDEX] = FALSE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_MULTIOPAQUERECT_INDEX] = TRUE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_MULTI_DRAWNINEGRID_INDEX] = FALSE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_LINETO_INDEX] = TRUE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_POLYLINE_INDEX] = TRUE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_MEMBLT_INDEX] = settings->BitmapCacheEnabled; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_MEM3BLT_INDEX] = settings->BitmapCacheEnabled; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_MEMBLT_V2_INDEX] = settings->BitmapCacheEnabled; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_MEM3BLT_V2_INDEX] = settings->BitmapCacheEnabled; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_SAVEBITMAP_INDEX] = FALSE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_GLYPH_INDEX_INDEX] = TRUE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_FAST_INDEX_INDEX] = TRUE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_FAST_GLYPH_INDEX] = TRUE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_POLYGON_SC_INDEX] = TRUE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_POLYGON_CB_INDEX] = TRUE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_ELLIPSE_SC_INDEX] = FALSE; settings->OrderSupport[NEG_ELLIPSE_CB_INDEX] = FALSE; wfc->fullscreen = settings->Fullscreen; wfc->floatbar_active = settings->Floatbar; if (wfc->fullscreen) wfc->fs_toggle = 1; desktopWidth = settings->DesktopWidth; desktopHeight = settings->DesktopHeight; if (wfc->percentscreen > 0) { desktopWidth = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) * wfc->percentscreen) / 100; settings->DesktopWidth = desktopWidth; desktopHeight = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) * wfc->percentscreen) / 100; settings->DesktopHeight = desktopHeight; } if (wfc->fullscreen) { if (settings->UseMultimon) { desktopWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN); desktopHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN); } else { desktopWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); desktopHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); } } /* FIXME: desktopWidth has a limitation that it should be divisible by 4, * otherwise the screen will crash when connecting to an XP desktop.*/ desktopWidth = (desktopWidth + 3) & (~3); if (desktopWidth != settings->DesktopWidth) { freerdp_set_param_uint32(settings, FreeRDP_DesktopWidth, desktopWidth); } if (desktopHeight != settings->DesktopHeight) { freerdp_set_param_uint32(settings, FreeRDP_DesktopHeight, desktopHeight); } if ((settings->DesktopWidth < 64) || (settings->DesktopHeight < 64) || (settings->DesktopWidth > 4096) || (settings->DesktopHeight > 4096)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "invalid dimensions %lu %lu", settings->DesktopWidth, settings->DesktopHeight); return FALSE; } if (!freerdp_client_load_addins(context->channels, instance->settings)) return -1; freerdp_set_param_uint32(settings, FreeRDP_KeyboardLayout, (int) GetKeyboardLayout(0) & 0x0000FFFF); PubSub_SubscribeChannelConnected(instance->context->pubSub, wf_OnChannelConnectedEventHandler); PubSub_SubscribeChannelDisconnected(instance->context->pubSub, wf_OnChannelDisconnectedEventHandler); return TRUE; } static void wf_add_system_menu(wfContext* wfc) { HMENU hMenu = GetSystemMenu(wfc->hwnd, FALSE); MENUITEMINFO item_info; ZeroMemory(&item_info, sizeof(MENUITEMINFO)); item_info.fMask = MIIM_CHECKMARKS | MIIM_FTYPE | MIIM_ID | MIIM_STRING | MIIM_DATA; item_info.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO); item_info.wID = SYSCOMMAND_ID_SMARTSIZING; item_info.fType = MFT_STRING; item_info.dwTypeData = _wcsdup(_T("Smart sizing")); item_info.cch = (UINT) _wcslen(_T("Smart sizing")); item_info.dwItemData = (ULONG_PTR) wfc; InsertMenuItem(hMenu, 6, TRUE, &item_info); if (wfc->context.settings->SmartSizing) { CheckMenuItem(hMenu, SYSCOMMAND_ID_SMARTSIZING, MF_CHECKED); } } static BOOL wf_post_connect(freerdp* instance) { rdpGdi* gdi; DWORD dwStyle; rdpCache* cache; wfContext* wfc; rdpContext* context; WCHAR lpWindowName[512]; rdpSettings* settings; EmbedWindowEventArgs e; const UINT32 format = PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRX32; settings = instance->settings; context = instance->context; wfc = (wfContext*) instance->context; cache = instance->context->cache; wfc->primary = wf_image_new(wfc, settings->DesktopWidth, settings->DesktopHeight, format, NULL); if (!gdi_init_ex(instance, format, 0, wfc->primary->pdata, NULL)) return FALSE; gdi = instance->context->gdi; if (!settings->SoftwareGdi) { wf_gdi_register_update_callbacks(instance->update); } if (settings->WindowTitle != NULL) _snwprintf_s(lpWindowName, ARRAYSIZE(lpWindowName), _TRUNCATE, L"%S", settings->WindowTitle); else if (settings->ServerPort == 3389) _snwprintf_s(lpWindowName, ARRAYSIZE(lpWindowName), _TRUNCATE, L"FreeRDP: %S", settings->ServerHostname); else _snwprintf_s(lpWindowName, ARRAYSIZE(lpWindowName), _TRUNCATE, L"FreeRDP: %S:%u", settings->ServerHostname, settings->ServerPort); if (settings->EmbeddedWindow) settings->Decorations = FALSE; if (wfc->fullscreen) dwStyle = WS_POPUP; else if (!settings->Decorations) dwStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_BORDER; else dwStyle = WS_CAPTION | WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_SIZEBOX | WS_MAXIMIZEBOX; if (!wfc->hwnd) { wfc->hwnd = CreateWindowEx((DWORD) NULL, wfc->wndClassName, lpWindowName, dwStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, wfc->hWndParent, NULL, wfc->hInstance, NULL); SetWindowLongPtr(wfc->hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR) wfc); } wf_resize_window(wfc); wf_add_system_menu(wfc); BitBlt(wfc->primary->hdc, 0, 0, settings->DesktopWidth, settings->DesktopHeight, NULL, 0, 0, BLACKNESS); wfc->drawing = wfc->primary; EventArgsInit(&e, "wfreerdp"); e.embed = FALSE; e.handle = (void*) wfc->hwnd; PubSub_OnEmbedWindow(context->pubSub, context, &e); ShowWindow(wfc->hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL); UpdateWindow(wfc->hwnd); instance->update->BeginPaint = wf_begin_paint; instance->update->DesktopResize = wf_desktop_resize; instance->update->EndPaint = wf_end_paint; pointer_cache_register_callbacks(instance->update); wf_register_pointer(context->graphics); if (!settings->SoftwareGdi) { wf_register_graphics(context->graphics); wf_gdi_register_update_callbacks(instance->update); brush_cache_register_callbacks(instance->update); glyph_cache_register_callbacks(instance->update); bitmap_cache_register_callbacks(instance->update); offscreen_cache_register_callbacks(instance->update); palette_cache_register_callbacks(instance->update); } if (wfc->fullscreen) floatbar_window_create(wfc); return TRUE; } static BOOL wf_post_disconnect(freerdp* instance) { return TRUE; } static CREDUI_INFOA wfUiInfo = { sizeof(CREDUI_INFOA), NULL, "Enter your credentials", "Remote Desktop Security", NULL }; static BOOL wf_authenticate_raw(freerdp* instance, const char* title, char** username, char** password, char** domain) { BOOL fSave; DWORD status; DWORD dwFlags; char UserName[CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; char Password[CREDUI_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH + 1]; char User[CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; char Domain[CREDUI_MAX_DOMAIN_TARGET_LENGTH + 1]; fSave = FALSE; ZeroMemory(UserName, sizeof(UserName)); ZeroMemory(Password, sizeof(Password)); dwFlags = CREDUI_FLAGS_DO_NOT_PERSIST | CREDUI_FLAGS_EXCLUDE_CERTIFICATES; status = CredUIPromptForCredentialsA(&wfUiInfo, title, NULL, 0, UserName, CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH + 1, Password, CREDUI_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH + 1, &fSave, dwFlags); if (status != NO_ERROR) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "CredUIPromptForCredentials unexpected status: 0x%08lX", status); return FALSE; } ZeroMemory(User, sizeof(User)); ZeroMemory(Domain, sizeof(Domain)); status = CredUIParseUserNameA(UserName, User, sizeof(User), Domain, sizeof(Domain)); //WLog_ERR(TAG, "User: %s Domain: %s Password: %s", User, Domain, Password); *username = _strdup(User); if (!(*username)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "strdup failed", status); return FALSE; } if (strlen(Domain) > 0) *domain = _strdup(Domain); else *domain = _strdup("\0"); if (!(*domain)) { free(*username); WLog_ERR(TAG, "strdup failed", status); return FALSE; } *password = _strdup(Password); if (!(*password)) { free(*username); free(*domain); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL wf_authenticate(freerdp* instance, char** username, char** password, char** domain) { return wf_authenticate_raw(instance, instance->settings->ServerHostname, username, password, domain); } static BOOL wf_gw_authenticate(freerdp* instance, char** username, char** password, char** domain) { char tmp[MAX_PATH]; sprintf_s(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Gateway %s", instance->settings->GatewayHostname); return wf_authenticate_raw(instance, tmp, username, password, domain); } static DWORD wf_verify_certificate(freerdp* instance, const char* common_name, const char* subject, const char* issuer, const char* fingerprint, BOOL host_mismatch) { #if 0 DWORD mode; int read_size; DWORD read_count; TCHAR answer[2]; TCHAR* read_buffer; HANDLE input_handle; #endif WLog_INFO(TAG, "Certificate details:"); WLog_INFO(TAG, "\tCommonName: %s", common_name); WLog_INFO(TAG, "\tSubject: %s", subject); WLog_INFO(TAG, "\tIssuer: %s", issuer); WLog_INFO(TAG, "\tThumbprint: %s", fingerprint); WLog_INFO(TAG, "\tHostMismatch: %s", host_mismatch ? "Yes" : "No"); WLog_INFO(TAG, "The above X.509 certificate could not be verified, possibly because you do not have " "the CA certificate in your certificate store, or the certificate has expired. " "Please look at the OpenSSL documentation on how to add a private CA to the store.\n"); /* TODO: ask for user validation */ #if 0 input_handle = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); GetConsoleMode(input_handle, &mode); mode |= ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT | ENABLE_LINE_INPUT; SetConsoleMode(input_handle, mode); #endif /* return 1 to accept and store a certificate, 2 to accept * a certificate only for this session, 0 otherwise */ return 2; } static DWORD wf_verify_changed_certificate(freerdp* instance, const char* common_name, const char* subject, const char* issuer, const char* fingerprint, const char* old_subject, const char* old_issuer, const char* old_fingerprint) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "!!! Certificate has changed !!!"); WLog_ERR(TAG, "New Certificate details:"); WLog_ERR(TAG, "\tSubject: %s", subject); WLog_ERR(TAG, "\tIssuer: %s", issuer); WLog_ERR(TAG, "\tThumbprint: %s", fingerprint); WLog_ERR(TAG, "Old Certificate details:"); WLog_ERR(TAG, "\tSubject: %s", old_subject); WLog_ERR(TAG, "\tIssuer: %s", old_issuer); WLog_ERR(TAG, "\tThumbprint: %s", old_fingerprint); WLog_ERR(TAG, "The above X.509 certificate does not match the certificate used for previous connections. " "This may indicate that the certificate has been tampered with." "Please contact the administrator of the RDP server and clarify."); return 0; } static DWORD WINAPI wf_input_thread(LPVOID arg) { int status; wMessage message; wMessageQueue* queue; freerdp* instance = (freerdp*) arg; assert(NULL != instance); status = 1; queue = freerdp_get_message_queue(instance, FREERDP_INPUT_MESSAGE_QUEUE); while (MessageQueue_Wait(queue)) { while (MessageQueue_Peek(queue, &message, TRUE)) { status = freerdp_message_queue_process_message(instance, FREERDP_INPUT_MESSAGE_QUEUE, &message); if (!status) break; } if (!status) break; } ExitThread(0); return 0; } static DWORD WINAPI wf_client_thread(LPVOID lpParam) { MSG msg; int width; int height; BOOL msg_ret; int quit_msg; DWORD nCount; DWORD error; HANDLE handles[64]; wfContext* wfc; freerdp* instance; rdpContext* context; rdpChannels* channels; rdpSettings* settings; BOOL async_input; HANDLE input_thread; instance = (freerdp*) lpParam; context = instance->context; wfc = (wfContext*) instance->context; if (!freerdp_connect(instance)) goto end; channels = instance->context->channels; settings = instance->context->settings; async_input = settings->AsyncInput; if (async_input) { if (!(input_thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, wf_input_thread, instance, 0, NULL))) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to create async input thread."); goto disconnect; } } while (1) { nCount = 0; if (freerdp_focus_required(instance)) { wf_event_focus_in(wfc); wf_event_focus_in(wfc); } { DWORD tmp = freerdp_get_event_handles(context, &handles[nCount], 64 - nCount); if (tmp == 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "freerdp_get_event_handles failed"); break; } nCount += tmp; } if (MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(nCount, handles, FALSE, 1000, QS_ALLINPUT) == WAIT_FAILED) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "wfreerdp_run: WaitForMultipleObjects failed: 0x%08lX", GetLastError()); break; } { if (!freerdp_check_event_handles(context)) { if (client_auto_reconnect(instance)) continue; WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to check FreeRDP file descriptor"); break; } } if (freerdp_shall_disconnect(instance)) break; quit_msg = FALSE; while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) { msg_ret = GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0); if (instance->settings->EmbeddedWindow) { if ((msg.message == WM_SETFOCUS) && (msg.lParam == 1)) { PostMessage(wfc->hwnd, WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0); } else if ((msg.message == WM_KILLFOCUS) && (msg.lParam == 1)) { PostMessage(wfc->hwnd, WM_KILLFOCUS, 0, 0); } } if (msg.message == WM_SIZE) { width = LOWORD(msg.lParam); height = HIWORD(msg.lParam); SetWindowPos(wfc->hwnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, width, height, SWP_FRAMECHANGED); } if ((msg_ret == 0) || (msg_ret == -1)) { quit_msg = TRUE; break; } TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } if (quit_msg) break; } /* cleanup */ if (async_input) { wMessageQueue* input_queue; input_queue = freerdp_get_message_queue(instance, FREERDP_INPUT_MESSAGE_QUEUE); if (MessageQueue_PostQuit(input_queue, 0)) WaitForSingleObject(input_thread, INFINITE); } disconnect: freerdp_disconnect(instance); if (async_input) CloseHandle(input_thread); end: error = freerdp_get_last_error(instance->context); WLog_DBG(TAG, "Main thread exited with %" PRIu32, error); ExitThread(error); return error; } static DWORD WINAPI wf_keyboard_thread(LPVOID lpParam) { MSG msg; BOOL status; wfContext* wfc; HHOOK hook_handle; wfc = (wfContext*) lpParam; assert(NULL != wfc); hook_handle = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, wf_ll_kbd_proc, wfc->hInstance, 0); if (hook_handle) { while ((status = GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) != 0) { if (status == -1) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "keyboard thread error getting message"); break; } else { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } UnhookWindowsHookEx(hook_handle); } else { WLog_ERR(TAG, "failed to install keyboard hook"); } WLog_DBG(TAG, "Keyboard thread exited."); ExitThread(0); return (DWORD) NULL; } static rdpSettings* freerdp_client_get_settings(wfContext* wfc) { return wfc->context.settings; } static int freerdp_client_focus_in(wfContext* wfc) { PostThreadMessage(wfc->mainThreadId, WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 1); return 0; } static int freerdp_client_focus_out(wfContext* wfc) { PostThreadMessage(wfc->mainThreadId, WM_KILLFOCUS, 0, 1); return 0; } static int freerdp_client_set_window_size(wfContext* wfc, int width, int height) { WLog_DBG(TAG, "freerdp_client_set_window_size %d, %d", width, height); if ((width != wfc->client_width) || (height != wfc->client_height)) { PostThreadMessage(wfc->mainThreadId, WM_SIZE, SIZE_RESTORED, ((UINT) height << 16) | (UINT) width); } return 0; } void wf_size_scrollbars(wfContext* wfc, UINT32 client_width, UINT32 client_height) { if (wfc->disablewindowtracking) return; // prevent infinite message loop wfc->disablewindowtracking = TRUE; if (wfc->context.settings->SmartSizing) { wfc->xCurrentScroll = 0; wfc->yCurrentScroll = 0; if (wfc->xScrollVisible || wfc->yScrollVisible) { if (ShowScrollBar(wfc->hwnd, SB_BOTH, FALSE)) { wfc->xScrollVisible = FALSE; wfc->yScrollVisible = FALSE; } } } else { SCROLLINFO si; BOOL horiz = wfc->xScrollVisible; BOOL vert = wfc->yScrollVisible;; if (!horiz && client_width < wfc->context.settings->DesktopWidth) { horiz = TRUE; } else if (horiz && client_width >= wfc->context.settings->DesktopWidth/* - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL)*/) { horiz = FALSE; } if (!vert && client_height < wfc->context.settings->DesktopHeight) { vert = TRUE; } else if (vert && client_height >= wfc->context.settings->DesktopHeight/* - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL)*/) { vert = FALSE; } if (horiz == vert && (horiz != wfc->xScrollVisible && vert != wfc->yScrollVisible)) { if (ShowScrollBar(wfc->hwnd, SB_BOTH, horiz)) { wfc->xScrollVisible = horiz; wfc->yScrollVisible = vert; } } if (horiz != wfc->xScrollVisible) { if (ShowScrollBar(wfc->hwnd, SB_HORZ, horiz)) { wfc->xScrollVisible = horiz; } } if (vert != wfc->yScrollVisible) { if (ShowScrollBar(wfc->hwnd, SB_VERT, vert)) { wfc->yScrollVisible = vert; } } if (horiz) { // The horizontal scrolling range is defined by // (bitmap_width) - (client_width). The current horizontal // scroll value remains within the horizontal scrolling range. wfc->xMaxScroll = MAX(wfc->context.settings->DesktopWidth - client_width, 0); wfc->xCurrentScroll = MIN(wfc->xCurrentScroll, wfc->xMaxScroll); si.cbSize = sizeof(si); si.fMask = SIF_RANGE | SIF_PAGE | SIF_POS; si.nMin = wfc->xMinScroll; si.nMax = wfc->context.settings->DesktopWidth; si.nPage = client_width; si.nPos = wfc->xCurrentScroll; SetScrollInfo(wfc->hwnd, SB_HORZ, &si, TRUE); } if (vert) { // The vertical scrolling range is defined by // (bitmap_height) - (client_height). The current vertical // scroll value remains within the vertical scrolling range. wfc->yMaxScroll = MAX(wfc->context.settings->DesktopHeight - client_height, 0); wfc->yCurrentScroll = MIN(wfc->yCurrentScroll, wfc->yMaxScroll); si.cbSize = sizeof(si); si.fMask = SIF_RANGE | SIF_PAGE | SIF_POS; si.nMin = wfc->yMinScroll; si.nMax = wfc->context.settings->DesktopHeight; si.nPage = client_height; si.nPos = wfc->yCurrentScroll; SetScrollInfo(wfc->hwnd, SB_VERT, &si, TRUE); } } wfc->disablewindowtracking = FALSE; wf_update_canvas_diff(wfc); } static BOOL wfreerdp_client_global_init(void) { WSADATA wsaData; if (!getenv("HOME")) { char home[MAX_PATH * 2] = "HOME="; strcat(home, getenv("HOMEDRIVE")); strcat(home, getenv("HOMEPATH")); _putenv(home); } WSAStartup(0x101, &wsaData); #if defined(WITH_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG) wf_create_console(); #endif freerdp_register_addin_provider(freerdp_channels_load_static_addin_entry, 0); return TRUE; } static void wfreerdp_client_global_uninit(void) { WSACleanup(); } static BOOL wfreerdp_client_new(freerdp* instance, rdpContext* context) { if (!(wfreerdp_client_global_init())) return FALSE; instance->PreConnect = wf_pre_connect; instance->PostConnect = wf_post_connect; instance->PostDisconnect = wf_post_disconnect; instance->Authenticate = wf_authenticate; instance->GatewayAuthenticate = wf_gw_authenticate; instance->VerifyCertificate = wf_verify_certificate; instance->VerifyChangedCertificate = wf_verify_changed_certificate; return TRUE; } static void wfreerdp_client_free(freerdp* instance, rdpContext* context) { if (!context) return; } static int wfreerdp_client_start(rdpContext* context) { HWND hWndParent; HINSTANCE hInstance; wfContext* wfc = (wfContext*) context; freerdp* instance = context->instance; hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); hWndParent = (HWND) instance->settings->ParentWindowId; instance->settings->EmbeddedWindow = (hWndParent) ? TRUE : FALSE; wfc->hWndParent = hWndParent; wfc->hInstance = hInstance; wfc->cursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wfc->icon = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON1)); wfc->wndClassName = _tcsdup(_T("FreeRDP")); wfc->wndClass.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wfc->wndClass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wfc->wndClass.lpfnWndProc = wf_event_proc; wfc->wndClass.cbClsExtra = 0; wfc->wndClass.cbWndExtra = 0; wfc->wndClass.hCursor = wfc->cursor; wfc->wndClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); wfc->wndClass.lpszMenuName = NULL; wfc->wndClass.lpszClassName = wfc->wndClassName; wfc->wndClass.hInstance = hInstance; wfc->wndClass.hIcon = wfc->icon; wfc->wndClass.hIconSm = wfc->icon; RegisterClassEx(&(wfc->wndClass)); wfc->keyboardThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, wf_keyboard_thread, (void*) wfc, 0, &wfc->keyboardThreadId); if (!wfc->keyboardThread) return -1; wfc->thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, wf_client_thread, (void*) instance, 0, &wfc->mainThreadId); if (!wfc->thread) return -1; return 0; } static int wfreerdp_client_stop(rdpContext* context) { wfContext* wfc = (wfContext*) context; if (wfc->thread) { PostThreadMessage(wfc->mainThreadId, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); WaitForSingleObject(wfc->thread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(wfc->thread); wfc->thread = NULL; wfc->mainThreadId = 0; } if (wfc->keyboardThread) { PostThreadMessage(wfc->keyboardThreadId, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); WaitForSingleObject(wfc->keyboardThread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(wfc->keyboardThread); wfc->keyboardThread = NULL; wfc->keyboardThreadId = 0; } return 0; } int RdpClientEntry(RDP_CLIENT_ENTRY_POINTS* pEntryPoints) { pEntryPoints->Version = 1; pEntryPoints->Size = sizeof(RDP_CLIENT_ENTRY_POINTS_V1); pEntryPoints->GlobalInit = wfreerdp_client_global_init; pEntryPoints->GlobalUninit = wfreerdp_client_global_uninit; pEntryPoints->ContextSize = sizeof(wfContext); pEntryPoints->ClientNew = wfreerdp_client_new; pEntryPoints->ClientFree = wfreerdp_client_free; pEntryPoints->ClientStart = wfreerdp_client_start; pEntryPoints->ClientStop = wfreerdp_client_stop; return 0; }