#!/bin/bash # # This script tries to pull gprof profiling information generated by aFreeRDP # from the target using adb and generating human readable profiling data from # it. # # Any arguments supplied to the script will be appended to adb. # # Requirements: # - ANDROID_SDK is set to the android SDK directory or adb is in path. # if [ -d $ANDROID_SDK ]; then ADB=$ANDROID_SDK/platform-tools/adb else ADB=`which adb` fi GCC=@CMAKE_C_COMPILER@ GPROF=${GCC/gcc/gprof} LIB=@PROJECT_BINARY_DIR@/client/Android/FreeRDPCore/jni/armeabi-v7a/libfreerdp-android.so if [ ! -f $LIB ]; then echo "Missing libfreerdp-android.so" echo "Please build the project first." exit -1 fi if [ ! -f $GPROF ]; then echo "gprof could not be found at $GPROF." echo "Please assure, that you are using a GCC based android toolchain." exit -2 fi if [ ! -f $ADB ] || [ ! -x $ADB ]; then echo "adb could not be found." echo "assure, that either ANDROID_SDK is set to the path of your android SDK" echo "or that adb is in path." exit -3 fi # Do the acutal work in a temporary directory. SRC=`mktemp -d` cd $SRC $ADB $@ pull /sdcard/gmon.out if [ ! -f gmon.out ]; then echo "Could not pull profiling information from device!" RC=-4 else echo "Pulled profiling information from device, starting conversion..." $GPROF $LIB -PprofCount -QprofCount -P__gnu_mcount_nc -Q__gnu_mcount_nc RC=0 fi rm -rf $SRC exit $RC