message("PRELOADING cache") set (CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE ON CACHE BOOL "preload") set (WITH_MANPAGES ON CACHE BOOL "man pages") set (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug" CACHE STRING "build type") set (WITH_CUPS OFF CACHE BOOL "CUPS printing") set (WITH_KRB5 ON CACHE BOOL "Kerberos support") set (WITH_ALSA OFF CACHE BOOL "alsa audio") set (WITH_FFMPEG OFF CACHE BOOL "ffmepg support") set (WITH_XV OFF CACHE BOOL "xvideo support") set (BUILD_TESTING ON CACHE BOOL "build testing") set (WITH_XSHM OFF CACHE BOOL "build with xshm support") set (WITH_SERVER ON CACHE BOOL "build with server") set (WITH_SAMPLE ON CACHE BOOL "build with sample") set (WITH_SANITIZE_ADDRESS ON) set (WITH_FREERDP_DEPRECATED_COMMANDLINE ON CACHE BOOL "Enable deprecated command line options")