disk:<name>:* will share all windows drives
disk:<name>:% will share the home directory of the user
In addition c+\xxx in the pathname will be replaced by c:\xxx to avoid conflicts with option separators
Currently not working are rename and setting of read only attribute and file times.
In addition it also adds the ability to staticly link plugins into the binary, so you get one big exe and need no dlls. I have only tested this on windows (only disk plugin so far).
I use the following options for cmake for static binary:
cmake -DWITH_MONOLITHIC_BUILD=ON -DMSVC_RUNTIME=static -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DWITH_RDPDR=ON -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=\opensslpath\inc32 -DOPENSSL_LIBRARIES="\opensslpath\out32.dbg\ssleay32.lib;d:\path\out32.dbg\libeay32.lib" -G "Visual Studio 9 2008" .
Important notice: Openssl need to be compiled with the same static runtime. Currently missing is a switch to link different openssl libraries for debug and release builds.