Dropped some warning that were caused by the DEBUG_CAPABILTIES define.
Also adjusted some lines that were quite ugly after the automatic truncation
to 80 characters.
FreeRDP calculates default request size in server mode based upon
the desktop resolution. In practice, however, I've found clients (namely
MS Lync 2013) which would show only a black screen when the value is
greater than 0x3EFFFF.
This change allows to override the default in such special cases by
assigning a different value to server->settings->MultifragMaxRequestSize
after the shadow server structure is initialized in shadow_server_new().
- fixed invalid, missing or additional arguments
- removed all type casts from arguments
- added missing (void*) typecasts for %p arguments
- use inttypes defines where appropriate
Most of the capabilities are sent by both the client and the server. But for some
the specs specify that they are only supposed to be only send by the server or the client.
This patch ensures this. Without this patch a malicious client can change server settings
and a malicious server can modify client settings.
Horizontal mouse wheel input capabilities are now checked
and if available mouse buttons 6 and 7 are mapped to the
horizontal wheel for the X11 client.
refreshRectSupport and suppressOutputSupport of the General
Capability Set (MS-RDPBCGR are server-only flags
that indicate whether the Refresh Rect or Suppress Output
PDUs are supported by the server.
Therefore in rdp_read_general_capability_set() we must only
change the respective settings if we are not in server mode.
Commit 0357a38e3129b67093c7c055c7eaa242ce293673 has added some code
without any effect.
That commit added code to rdp_read_capability_sets() to check if
CAPSET_TYPE_MULTI_FRAGMENT_UPDATE was not received which caused
settings->MultifragMaxRequestSize to be set to 0.
- this was done in the wrong place because we do these kind
of checks in rdp_recv_confirm_active() by consulting the
variable settings->ReceivedCapabilities[]
- the code had no effect at all because MultifragMaxRequestSize gets
set to FASTPATH_FRAGMENT_SAFE_SIZE in rdp_recv_confirm_active()
if the CAPSET_TYPE_MULTI_FRAGMENT_UPDATE was not received.
[MS-RDPBCGR] Section 5.3 describes the encryption level and method values for
standard RDP security.
Looking at the current usage of these values in the FreeRDP code gives me
reason to believe that there is a certain lack of understanding of how these
values should be handled.
The encryption level is only configured on the server side in the "Encryption
Level" setting found in the Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration RDP-Tcp
properties dialog and this value is never transferred from the client to the
server over the wire.
The possible options are "None", "Low", "Client Compatible", "High" and
"FIPS Compliant". The client receices this value in the Server Security Data
block (TS_UD_SC_SEC1), probably only for informational purposes and maybe to
give the client the possibility to verify if the server's decision for the
encryption method confirms to the server's encryption level.
The possible encryption methods are "NONE", "40BIT", "56BIT", "128BIT" and
"FIPS" and the RDP client advertises the ones it supports to the server in the
Client Security Data block (TS_UD_CS_SEC).
The server's configured encryption level value restricts the possible final
encryption method.
Something that I was not able to find in the documentation is the priority
level of the individual encryption methods based on which the server makes its
final method decision if there are several options.
My analysis with Windows Servers reveiled that the order is 128, 56, 40, FIPS.
The server only chooses FIPS if the level is "FIPS Comliant" or if it is the
only method advertised by the client.
Bottom line:
* FreeRDP's client side does not need to set settings->EncryptionLevel
(which was done quite frequently).
* FreeRDP's server side does not have to set the supported encryption methods
list in settings->EncryptionMethods
Changes in this commit:
Removed unnecessary/confusing changes of EncryptionLevel/Methods settings
Refactor settings->DisableEncryption
* This value actually means "Advanced RDP Encryption (NLA/TLS) is NOT used"
* The old name caused lots of confusion among developers
* Renamed it to "UseRdpSecurityLayer" (the compare logic stays untouched)
Any client's setting of settings->EncryptionMethods were annihilated
* All clients "want" to set all supported methods
* Some clients forgot 56bit because 56bit was not supported at the time the
code was written
* settings->EncryptionMethods was overwritten anyways in nego_connect()
* Removed all client side settings of settings->EncryptionMethods
The default is "None" (0)
* Changed nego_connect() to advertise all supported methods if
settings->EncryptionMethods is 0 (None)
* Added a commandline option /encryption-methods:comma separated list of the
values "40", "56", "128", "FIPS". E.g. /encryption-methods:56,128
* Print warning if server chooses non-advertised method
Verify received level and method in client's gcc_read_server_security_data
* Only accept valid/known encryption methods
* Verify encryption level/method combinations according to MS-RDPBCGR 5.3.2
Server implementations can now set settings->EncryptionLevel
* The default for settings->EncryptionLevel is 0 (None)
* nego_send_negotiation_response() changes it to ClientCompatible in that case
* default to ClientCompatible if the server implementation set an invalid level
Fix server's gcc_write_server_security_data
* Verify server encryption level value set by server implementations
* Choose rdp encryption method based on level and supported client methods
* Moved FIPS to the lowest priority (only used if other methods are possible)
Updated sample server
* Support RDP Security (RdpKeyFile was not set)
* Added commented sample code for setting the security level
* According to MS-RDPBCGR the pointerCacheSize is optional
and its absence or a zero value indicates missing client support for
the New Pointer Update.
* Added and fixed some comments regarding the meaning of the KBDFLAGS_DOWN
keyboard flag and how it is currently used in the code.
"Fixed" the slow path keyboard input to generate the same keyboard flags
as the corresponding fast path code.
* Some arbitrary value was used for the ConnectPDULength in the GCC
Conference Create Response. According to MS-RDPBCGR 4.1.4 this value must
be ignored by the client so we encode a zero value instead.
* make sure fast-path packages are not fragmented if no
multifragment support was announced
* handle special server side case where the multifragment size
received from the client is smaller than one maximum fast-path
PDU size