libwinpr-clipboard: add more synthetic clipboard formats

This commit is contained in:
Marc-André Moreau 2014-10-17 19:14:54 -04:00
parent 0e4659403f
commit e8312e2dac
1 changed files with 197 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -223,7 +223,41 @@ static void* clipboard_synthesize_utf8_string(wClipboard* clipboard, UINT32 form
static void* clipboard_synthesize_cf_dib(wClipboard* clipboard, UINT32 formatId, const void* data, UINT32* pSize)
/* TODO */
UINT32 SrcSize;
UINT32 DstSize;
BYTE* pDstData;
SrcSize = *pSize;
if (formatId == CF_DIBV5)
else if (formatId == ClipboardGetFormatId(clipboard, "image/bmp"))
if (SrcSize < (sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)))
return NULL;
pFileHeader = (BITMAPFILEHEADER*) data;
if (pFileHeader->bfType != 0x4D42)
return NULL;
DstSize = SrcSize - sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER);
pDstData = (BYTE*) malloc(DstSize);
if (!pDstData)
return NULL;
data = (void*) &((BYTE*) data)[sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)];
CopyMemory(pDstData, data, DstSize);
*pSize = DstSize;
return pDstData;
return NULL;
@ -236,7 +270,14 @@ static void* clipboard_synthesize_cf_dib(wClipboard* clipboard, UINT32 formatId,
static void* clipboard_synthesize_cf_dibv5(wClipboard* clipboard, UINT32 formatId, const void* data, UINT32* pSize)
/* TODO */
if (formatId == CF_DIB)
else if (formatId == ClipboardGetFormatId(clipboard, "image/bmp"))
return NULL;
@ -249,7 +290,46 @@ static void* clipboard_synthesize_cf_dibv5(wClipboard* clipboard, UINT32 formatI
static void* clipboard_synthesize_image_bmp(wClipboard* clipboard, UINT32 formatId, const void* data, UINT32* pSize)
/* TODO */
UINT32 SrcSize;
UINT32 DstSize;
BYTE* pDstData;
SrcSize = *pSize;
if (formatId == CF_DIB)
BYTE* pDst;
pInfoHeader = (BITMAPINFOHEADER*) data;
if ((pInfoHeader->biBitCount < 1) || (pInfoHeader->biBitCount > 32))
return NULL;
DstSize = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + SrcSize;
pDstData = (BYTE*) malloc(DstSize);
if (!pDstData)
return NULL;
pFileHeader = (BITMAPFILEHEADER*) pDstData;
pFileHeader->bfType = 0x4D42;
pFileHeader->bfSize = DstSize;
pFileHeader->bfReserved1 = 0;
pFileHeader->bfReserved2 = 0;
pFileHeader->bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
pDst = &pDstData[sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)];
CopyMemory(pDst, data, SrcSize);
*pSize = DstSize;
return pDstData;
else if (formatId == CF_DIBV5)
return NULL;
@ -262,9 +342,83 @@ static void* clipboard_synthesize_image_bmp(wClipboard* clipboard, UINT32 format
static void* clipboard_synthesize_html_format(wClipboard* clipboard, UINT32 formatId, const void* data, UINT32* pSize)
/* TODO */
char* pSrcData = NULL;
char* pDstData = NULL;
int SrcSize = (int) *pSize;
return NULL;
if (formatId == ClipboardGetFormatId(clipboard, "text/html"))
char* body;
BYTE bom[2];
char num[11];
if (SrcSize > 2)
CopyMemory(bom, data, 2);
if ((bom[0] == 0xFE) && (bom[1] == 0xFF))
ByteSwapUnicode((WCHAR*) data, SrcSize / 2);
if ((bom[0] == 0xFF) && (bom[1] == 0xFE))
ConvertFromUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, (WCHAR*) (data + 2),
(SrcSize - 2) / 2, &pSrcData, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!pSrcData)
pSrcData = (char*) calloc(1, SrcSize + 1);
CopyMemory(pSrcData, data, SrcSize);
pDstData = (char*) calloc(1, SrcSize + 200);
body = strstr(pSrcData, "<body");
if (!body)
body = strstr(pSrcData, "<BODY");
/* StartHTML */
sprintf_s(num, sizeof(num), "%010lu", strlen(pDstData));
CopyMemory(&pDstData[23], num, 10);
if (!body)
strcat(pDstData, "<HTML><BODY>");
strcat(pDstData, "<!--StartFragment-->");
/* StartFragment */
sprintf_s(num, sizeof(num), "%010lu", strlen(pDstData));
CopyMemory(&pDstData[69], num, 10);
strcat(pDstData, pSrcData);
/* EndFragment */
sprintf_s(num, sizeof(num), "%010lu", strlen(pDstData));
CopyMemory(&pDstData[93], num, 10);
strcat(pDstData, "<!--EndFragment-->");
if (!body)
strcat(pDstData, "</BODY></HTML>");
/* EndHTML */
sprintf_s(num, sizeof(num), "%010lu", strlen(pDstData));
CopyMemory(&pDstData[43], num, 10);
*pSize = (UINT32) strlen(pDstData) + 1;
return pDstData;
@ -275,9 +429,44 @@ static void* clipboard_synthesize_html_format(wClipboard* clipboard, UINT32 form
static void* clipboard_synthesize_text_html(wClipboard* clipboard, UINT32 formatId, const void* data, UINT32* pSize)
/* TODO */
int beg;
int end;
char* str;
char* begStr;
char* endStr;
int SrcSize;
int DstSize = -1;
BYTE* pDstData = NULL;
return NULL;
if (formatId == ClipboardGetFormatId(clipboard, "HTML Format"))
str = (char*) data;
SrcSize = (int) *pSize;
begStr = strstr(str, "StartHTML:");
endStr = strstr(str, "EndHTML:");
if (!begStr || !endStr)
return NULL;
beg = atoi(&begStr[10]);
end = atoi(&endStr[8]);
if ((beg > SrcSize) || (end > SrcSize) || (beg >= end))
return NULL;
DstSize = end - beg;
pDstData = (BYTE*) malloc(SrcSize - beg + 1);
if (!pDstData)
return NULL;
CopyMemory(pDstData, &str[beg], DstSize);
DstSize = ConvertLineEndingToLF((char*) pDstData, DstSize);
*pSize = (UINT32) DstSize;
return (void*) pDstData;
BOOL ClipboardInitSynthesizers(wClipboard* clipboard)
@ -442,7 +631,7 @@ BOOL ClipboardInitSynthesizers(wClipboard* clipboard)
if (formatId)
if (formatId && 0)
ClipboardRegisterSynthesizer(clipboard, CF_DIBV5, CF_DIB,